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1 files changed, 41 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ExtendingLLVM.html b/docs/ExtendingLLVM.html
index 810b5a7..775a431 100644
--- a/docs/ExtendingLLVM.html
+++ b/docs/ExtendingLLVM.html
@@ -215,7 +215,47 @@ installations.</span> Only add new types if it is absolutely necessary.</p>
<div class="doc_text">
+ add enum for the type</li>
+ add ID number for the new type; add a forward declaration of the type also</li>
+ add new class to represent new class in the hierarchy; add forward
+ declaration to the TypeMap value type</li>
+ add support for derived type to:
+ std::string getTypeDescription(const Type &Ty,
+ std::vector<const Type *> &TypeStack)
+ bool TypesEqual(const Type* Ty, const Type *Ty2,
+ std::map<const Type *, const Type *> & EqTypes)
+ add necessary member functions for type, and factory
+ methods</li>
+ add ability to parse in the type from text assembly</li>
+ modify void BytecodeWriter::outputType(const Type *T) to
+ serialize your type</li>
+ modify const Type *BytecodeReader::ParseType() to
+ read your data type</li>
+ modify void calcTypeName(const Type *Ty,
+ std::vector<const Type *> &TypeStack,
+ std::map<const Type *,std::string> &TypeNames,
+ std::string & Result)
+ to output the new derived type