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2 files changed, 37 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfoImpl.cpp b/lib/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfoImpl.cpp
index ea0cfe2..1cd42ca 100644
--- a/lib/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfoImpl.cpp
+++ b/lib/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfoImpl.cpp
@@ -362,6 +362,15 @@ isReallyTriviallyReMaterializableGeneric(const MachineInstr *MI,
const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *TM.getInstrInfo();
const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *TM.getRegisterInfo();
+ // A sub-register definition can only be rematerialized if the instruction
+ // doesn't read the other parts of the register. Otherwise it is really a
+ // read-modify-write operation on the full virtual register which cannot be
+ // moved safely.
+ unsigned Reg = MI->getOperand(0).getReg();
+ if (TargetRegisterInfo::isVirtualRegister(Reg) &&
+ MI->getOperand(0).getSubReg() && MI->readsVirtualRegister(Reg))
+ return false;
// A load from a fixed stack slot can be rematerialized. This may be
// redundant with subsequent checks, but it's target-independent,
// simple, and a common case.
diff --git a/test/CodeGen/ARM/subreg-remat.ll b/test/CodeGen/ARM/subreg-remat.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf45c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/CodeGen/ARM/subreg-remat.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -relocation-model=pic -disable-fp-elim -mcpu=cortex-a8 -pre-RA-sched=source | FileCheck %s
+target triple = "thumbv7-apple-ios"
+; <rdar://problem/10032939>
+; The vector %v2 is built like this:
+; %vreg6:ssub_1<def> = VMOVSR %vreg0<kill>, pred:14, pred:%noreg, %vreg6<imp-def>; DPR_VFP2:%vreg6 GPR:%vreg0
+; %vreg6:ssub_0<def> = VLDRS <cp#0>, 0, pred:14, pred:%noreg; mem:LD4[ConstantPool] DPR_VFP2:%vreg6
+; When %vreg6 spills, the VLDRS constant pool load cannot be rematerialized
+; since it implicitly reads the ssub_1 sub-register.
+; CHECK: f1
+; CHECK: vmov s1, r0
+; CHECK: vldr.32 s0, LCPI
+; The vector must be spilled:
+; CHECK: vstr.64 d0,
+; CHECK: asm clobber d0
+; And reloaded after the asm:
+; CHECK: vldr.64 [[D16:d[0-9]+]],
+; CHECK: vstr.64 [[D16]], [r1]
+define void @f1(float %x, <2 x float>* %p) {
+ %v1 = insertelement <2 x float> undef, float %x, i32 1
+ %v2 = insertelement <2 x float> %v1, float 0x400921FB60000000, i32 0
+ %y = call double asm sideeffect "asm clobber $0", "=w,0,~{d1},~{d2},~{d3},~{d4},~{d5},~{d6},~{d7},~{d8},~{d9},~{d10},~{d11},~{d12},~{d13},~{d14},~{d15},~{d16},~{d17},~{d18},~{d19},~{d20},~{d21},~{d22},~{d23},~{d24},~{d25},~{d26},~{d27},~{d28},~{d29},~{d30},~{d31}"(<2 x float> %v2) nounwind
+ store <2 x float> %v2, <2 x float>* %p, align 8
+ ret void