path: root/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli b/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
index f5f5b53..e5e90c3 100644
--- a/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
+++ b/bindings/ocaml/llvm/llvm.mli
@@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ module Visibility : sig
| Protected
+(** The DLL storage class of a global value, accessed with {!dll_storage_class} and
+ {!set_dll_storage_class}. See [llvm::GlobalValue::DLLStorageClassTypes]. *)
+module DLLStorageClass : sig
+ type t =
+ | Default
+ | DLLImport
+ | DLLExport
(** The following calling convention values may be accessed with
{!function_call_conv} and {!set_function_call_conv}. Calling
conventions are open-ended. *)
@@ -157,16 +166,16 @@ end
See the [llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate] enumeration. *)
module Icmp : sig
type t =
- | Eq (* Equal *)
- | Ne (* Not equal *)
- | Ugt (* Unsigned greater than *)
- | Uge (* Unsigned greater or equal *)
- | Ult (* Unsigned less than *)
- | Ule (* Unsigned less or equal *)
- | Sgt (* Signed greater than *)
- | Sge (* Signed greater or equal *)
- | Slt (* Signed less than *)
- | Sle (* Signed less or equal *)
+ | Eq (** Equal *)
+ | Ne (** Not equal *)
+ | Ugt (** Unsigned greater than *)
+ | Uge (** Unsigned greater or equal *)
+ | Ult (** Unsigned less than *)
+ | Ule (** Unsigned less or equal *)
+ | Sgt (** Signed greater than *)
+ | Sge (** Signed greater or equal *)
+ | Slt (** Signed less than *)
+ | Sle (** Signed less or equal *)
(** The predicate for a floating-point comparison ([fcmp]) instruction.
@@ -175,38 +184,38 @@ end
See the [llvm::FCmpInst::Predicate] enumeration. *)
module Fcmp : sig
type t =
- | False (* Always false *)
- | Oeq (* Ordered and equal *)
- | Ogt (* Ordered and greater than *)
- | Oge (* Ordered and greater or equal *)
- | Olt (* Ordered and less than *)
- | Ole (* Ordered and less or equal *)
- | One (* Ordered and not equal *)
- | Ord (* Ordered (no operand is NaN) *)
- | Uno (* Unordered (one operand at least is NaN) *)
- | Ueq (* Unordered and equal *)
- | Ugt (* Unordered and greater than *)
- | Uge (* Unordered and greater or equal *)
- | Ult (* Unordered and less than *)
- | Ule (* Unordered and less or equal *)
- | Une (* Unordered and not equal *)
- | True (* Always true *)
+ | False (** Always false *)
+ | Oeq (** Ordered and equal *)
+ | Ogt (** Ordered and greater than *)
+ | Oge (** Ordered and greater or equal *)
+ | Olt (** Ordered and less than *)
+ | Ole (** Ordered and less or equal *)
+ | One (** Ordered and not equal *)
+ | Ord (** Ordered (no operand is NaN) *)
+ | Uno (** Unordered (one operand at least is NaN) *)
+ | Ueq (** Unordered and equal *)
+ | Ugt (** Unordered and greater than *)
+ | Uge (** Unordered and greater or equal *)
+ | Ult (** Unordered and less than *)
+ | Ule (** Unordered and less or equal *)
+ | Une (** Unordered and not equal *)
+ | True (** Always true *)
(** The opcodes for LLVM instructions and constant expressions. *)
module Opcode : sig
type t =
- | Invalid (* not an instruction *)
- (* Terminator Instructions *)
- | Ret
+ | Invalid (** Not an instruction *)
+ | Ret (** Terminator Instructions *)
| Br
| Switch
| IndirectBr
| Invoke
| Invalid2
| Unreachable
- (* Standard Binary Operators *)
- | Add
+ | Add (** Standard Binary Operators *)
| FAdd
| Sub
| FSub
@@ -218,20 +227,20 @@ module Opcode : sig
| URem
| SRem
| FRem
- (* Logical Operators *)
- | Shl
+ | Shl (** Logical Operators *)
| LShr
| AShr
| And
| Or
| Xor
- (* Memory Operators *)
- | Alloca
+ | Alloca (** Memory Operators *)
| Load
| Store
| GetElementPtr
- (* Cast Operators *)
- | Trunc
+ | Trunc (** Cast Operators *)
| ZExt
| SExt
@@ -243,8 +252,8 @@ module Opcode : sig
| PtrToInt
| IntToPtr
| BitCast
- (* Other Operators *)
- | ICmp
+ | ICmp (** Other Operators *)
| FCmp
| Call
@@ -291,7 +300,7 @@ module AtomicOrdering : sig
| NotAtomic
| Unordered
| Monotonic
- | Invalid (* removed due to API changes *)
+ | Invalid (** removed due to API changes *)
| Acquire
| Release
| AcqiureRelease
@@ -381,6 +390,14 @@ val install_fatal_error_handler : (string -> unit) -> unit
(** [reset_fatal_error_handler ()] resets LLVM's fatal error handler. *)
val reset_fatal_error_handler : unit -> unit
+(** [parse_command_line_options ?overview args] parses [args] using
+ the LLVM command line parser. Note that the only stable thing about this
+ function is its signature; you cannot rely on any particular set of command
+ line arguments being interpreted the same way across LLVM versions.
+ See the function [llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions()]. *)
+val parse_command_line_options : ?overview:string -> string array -> unit
(** {6 Contexts} *)
(** [create_context ()] creates a context for storing the "global" state in
@@ -414,6 +431,9 @@ val create_module : llcontext -> string -> llmodule
[llvm::Module::~Module]. *)
val dispose_module : llmodule -> unit
+(** [clone_module m] returns an exact copy of module [m]. *)
+val clone_module : llmodule -> llmodule
(** [target_triple m] is the target specifier for the module [m], something like
[i686-apple-darwin8]. See the method [llvm::Module::getTargetTriple]. *)
val target_triple: llmodule -> string
@@ -651,7 +671,7 @@ val x86_mmx_type : llcontext -> lltype
val type_by_name : llmodule -> string -> lltype option
-(* {6 Values} *)
+(** {6 Values} *)
(** [type_of v] returns the type of the value [v].
See the method [llvm::Value::getType]. *)
@@ -682,7 +702,7 @@ val string_of_llvalue : llvalue -> string
val replace_all_uses_with : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit
-(* {6 Uses} *)
+(** {6 Uses} *)
(** [use_begin v] returns the first position in the use list for the value [v].
[use_begin] and [use_succ] can e used to iterate over the use list in order.
@@ -714,12 +734,17 @@ val fold_left_uses : ('a -> lluse -> 'a) -> 'a -> llvalue -> 'a
val fold_right_uses : (lluse -> 'a -> 'a) -> llvalue -> 'a -> 'a
-(* {6 Users} *)
+(** {6 Users} *)
(** [operand v i] returns the operand at index [i] for the value [v]. See the
method [llvm::User::getOperand]. *)
val operand : llvalue -> int -> llvalue
+(** [operand_use v i] returns the use of the operand at index [i] for the value [v]. See the
+ method [llvm::User::getOperandUse]. *)
+val operand_use : llvalue -> int -> lluse
(** [set_operand v i o] sets the operand of the value [v] at the index [i] to
the value [o].
See the method [llvm::User::setOperand]. *)
@@ -837,15 +862,19 @@ val const_int_of_string : lltype -> string -> int -> llvalue
value [n]. See the method [llvm::ConstantFP::get]. *)
val const_float : lltype -> float -> llvalue
+(** [float_of_const c] returns the float value of the [c] constant float.
+ None is returned if this is not an float constant.
+ See the method [llvm::ConstantFP::getDoubleValue].*)
+val float_of_const : llvalue -> float option
(** [const_float_of_string ty s] returns the floating point constant of type
[ty] and value [n]. See the method [llvm::ConstantFP::get]. *)
val const_float_of_string : lltype -> string -> llvalue
(** {7 Operations on composite constants} *)
(** [const_string c s] returns the constant [i8] array with the values of the
- characters in the string [s] in the context [c]. The array is not
+ characters in the string [s] in the context [c]. The array is not
null-terminated (but see {!const_stringz}). This value can in turn be used
as the initializer for a global variable. See the method
[llvm::ConstantArray::get]. *)
@@ -887,6 +916,14 @@ val const_packed_struct : llcontext -> llvalue array -> llvalue
values [elts]. See the method [llvm::ConstantVector::get]. *)
val const_vector : llvalue array -> llvalue
+(** [string_of_const c] returns [Some str] if [c] is a string constant,
+ or [None] if this is not a string constant. *)
+val string_of_const : llvalue -> string option
+(** [const_element c] returns a constant for a specified index's element.
+ See the method ConstantDataSequential::getElementAsConstant. *)
+val const_element : llvalue -> int -> llvalue
(** {7 Constant expressions} *)
@@ -1234,6 +1271,14 @@ val visibility : llvalue -> Visibility.t
[v]. See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setVisibility]. *)
val set_visibility : Visibility.t -> llvalue -> unit
+(** [dll_storage_class g] returns the DLL storage class of the global value [g].
+ See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getDLLStorageClass]. *)
+val dll_storage_class : llvalue -> DLLStorageClass.t
+(** [set_dll_storage_class v g] sets the DLL storage class of the global value [g] to
+ [v]. See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::setDLLStorageClass]. *)
+val set_dll_storage_class : DLLStorageClass.t -> llvalue -> unit
(** [alignment g] returns the required alignment of the global value [g].
See the method [llvm::GlobalValue::getAlignment]. *)
val alignment : llvalue -> int
@@ -1687,6 +1732,15 @@ val instr_opcode : llvalue -> Opcode.t
instruction [i]. *)
val icmp_predicate : llvalue -> Icmp.t option
+(** [fcmp_predicate i] returns the [fcmp.t] corresponding to an [fcmp]
+ instruction [i]. *)
+val fcmp_predicate : llvalue -> Fcmp.t option
+(** [inst_clone i] returns a copy of instruction [i],
+ The instruction has no parent, and no name.
+ See the method [llvm::Instruction::clone]. *)
+val instr_clone : llvalue -> llvalue
(** {7 Operations on call sites} *)
@@ -1741,6 +1795,52 @@ val is_volatile : llvalue -> bool
[llvm::StoreInst::setVolatile]. *)
val set_volatile : bool -> llvalue -> unit
+(** {7 Operations on terminators} *)
+(** [is_terminator v] returns true if the instruction [v] is a terminator. *)
+val is_terminator : llvalue -> bool
+(** [successor v i] returns the successor at index [i] for the value [v].
+ See the method [llvm::TerminatorInst::getSuccessor]. *)
+val successor : llvalue -> int -> llbasicblock
+(** [set_successor v i o] sets the successor of the value [v] at the index [i] to
+ the value [o].
+ See the method [llvm::TerminatorInst::setSuccessor]. *)
+val set_successor : llvalue -> int -> llbasicblock -> unit
+(** [num_successors v] returns the number of successors for the value [v].
+ See the method [llvm::TerminatorInst::getNumSuccessors]. *)
+val num_successors : llvalue -> int
+(** [successors v] returns the successors of [v]. *)
+val successors : llvalue -> llbasicblock array
+(** [iter_successors f v] applies function f to each successor [v] in order. Tail recursive. *)
+val iter_successors : (llbasicblock -> unit) -> llvalue -> unit
+(** [fold_successors f v init] is [f (... (f init vN) ...) v1] where [v1,...,vN] are the successors of [v]. Tail recursive. *)
+val fold_successors : (llbasicblock -> 'a -> 'a) -> llvalue -> 'a -> 'a
+(** {7 Operations on branches} *)
+(** [is_conditional v] returns true if the branch instruction [v] is conditional.
+ See the method [llvm::BranchInst::isConditional]. *)
+val is_conditional : llvalue -> bool
+(** [condition v] return the condition of the branch instruction [v].
+ See the method [llvm::BranchInst::getCondition]. *)
+val condition : llvalue -> llvalue
+(** [set_condition v c] sets the condition of the branch instruction [v] to the value [c].
+ See the method [llvm::BranchInst::setCondition]. *)
+val set_condition : llvalue -> llvalue -> unit
+(** [get_branch c] returns a description of the branch instruction [c]. *)
+val get_branch : llvalue ->
+ [ `Conditional of llvalue * llbasicblock * llbasicblock
+ | `Unconditional of llbasicblock ]
+ option
(** {7 Operations on phi nodes} *)
@@ -2402,7 +2502,7 @@ module MemoryBuffer : sig
path [p]. If the file could not be read, then [IoError msg] is
raised. *)
val of_file : string -> llmemorybuffer
(** [of_stdin ()] is the memory buffer containing the contents of standard input.
If standard input is empty, then [IoError msg] is raised. *)
val of_stdin : unit -> llmemorybuffer
@@ -2413,7 +2513,7 @@ module MemoryBuffer : sig
(** [as_string mb] is the string containing the contents of memory buffer [mb]. *)
val as_string : llmemorybuffer -> string
(** Disposes of a memory buffer. *)
val dispose : llmemorybuffer -> unit
@@ -2425,13 +2525,13 @@ module PassManager : sig
(** *)
type 'a t
type any = [ `Module | `Function ]
(** [PassManager.create ()] constructs a new whole-module pass pipeline. This
type of pipeline is suitable for link-time optimization and whole-module
See the constructor of [llvm::PassManager]. *)
val create : unit -> [ `Module ] t
(** [PassManager.create_function m] constructs a new function-by-function
pass pipeline over the module [m]. It does not take ownership of [m].
This type of pipeline is suitable for code generation and JIT compilation
@@ -2450,19 +2550,19 @@ module PassManager : sig
the module, [false] otherwise.
See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::doInitialization] method. *)
val initialize : [ `Function ] t -> bool
(** [run_function f fpm] executes all of the function passes scheduled in the
function pass manager [fpm] over the function [f]. Returns [true] if any
of the passes modified [f], [false] otherwise.
See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::run] method. *)
val run_function : llvalue -> [ `Function ] t -> bool
(** [finalize fpm] finalizes all of the function passes scheduled in in the
function pass manager [fpm]. Returns [true] if any of the passes
modified the module, [false] otherwise.
See the [llvm::FunctionPassManager::doFinalization] method. *)
val finalize : [ `Function ] t -> bool
(** Frees the memory of a pass pipeline. For function pipelines, does not free
the module.
See the destructor of [llvm::BasePassManager]. *)