path: root/cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake b/cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
index e8c42fc..b24c129 100644
--- a/cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
+++ b/cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake
@@ -152,29 +152,39 @@ function(llvm_map_components_to_libnames out_libs)
set(${out_libs} ${expanded_components} PARENT_SCOPE)
+# Perform a post-order traversal of the dependency graph.
+# This duplicates the algorithm used by llvm-config, originally
+# in tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp, function ComputeLibsForComponents.
+function(expand_topologically name required_libs visited_libs)
+ list(FIND visited_libs ${name} found)
+ if( found LESS 0 )
+ list(APPEND visited_libs ${name})
+ set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ get_property(lib_deps GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_${name})
+ foreach( lib_dep ${lib_deps} )
+ expand_topologically(${lib_dep} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}")
+ set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endforeach()
+ list(APPEND required_libs ${name})
+ set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endif()
# Expand dependencies while topologically sorting the list of libraries:
function(llvm_expand_dependencies out_libs)
set(expanded_components ${ARGN})
- list(LENGTH expanded_components lst_size)
- set(cursor 0)
- set(processed)
- while( cursor LESS lst_size )
- list(GET expanded_components ${cursor} lib)
- get_property(lib_deps GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_${lib})
- list(APPEND expanded_components ${lib_deps})
- # Remove duplicates at the front:
- list(REVERSE expanded_components)
- list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES expanded_components)
- list(REVERSE expanded_components)
- list(APPEND processed ${lib})
- # Find the maximum index that doesn't have to be re-processed:
- while(NOT "${expanded_components}" MATCHES "^${processed}.*" )
- list(REMOVE_AT processed -1)
- endwhile()
- list(LENGTH processed cursor)
- list(LENGTH expanded_components lst_size)
- endwhile( cursor LESS lst_size )
- set(${out_libs} ${expanded_components} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ set(required_libs)
+ set(visited_libs)
+ foreach( lib ${expanded_components} )
+ expand_topologically(${lib} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}")
+ endforeach()
+ list(REVERSE required_libs)
+ set(${out_libs} ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE)
function(explicit_map_components_to_libraries out_libs)