path: root/docs/CommandGuide/lit.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-lit - LLVM Integrated Tester
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-B<lit> [I<options>] [I<tests>]
-B<lit> is a portable tool for executing LLVM and Clang style test suites,
-summarizing their results, and providing indication of failures. B<lit> is
-designed to be a lightweight testing tool with as simple a user interface as
-B<lit> should be run with one or more I<tests> to run specified on the command
-line. Tests can be either individual test files or directories to search for
-tests (see L<"TEST DISCOVERY">).
-Each specified test will be executed (potentially in parallel) and once all
-tests have been run B<lit> will print summary information on the number of tests
-which passed or failed (see L<"TEST STATUS RESULTS">). The B<lit> program will
-execute with a non-zero exit code if any tests fail.
-By default B<lit> will use a succinct progress display and will only print
-summary information for test failures. See L<"OUTPUT OPTIONS"> for options
-controlling the B<lit> progress display and output.
-B<lit> also includes a number of options for controlling how tests are exected
-(specific features may depend on the particular test format). See L<"EXECUTION
-OPTIONS"> for more information.
-Finally, B<lit> also supports additional options for only running a subset of
-the options specified on the command line, see L<"SELECTION OPTIONS"> for
-more information.
-Users interested in the B<lit> architecture or designing a B<lit> testing
-implementation should see L<"LIT ARCHITECTURE">
-=item B<-h>, B<--help>
-Show the B<lit> help message.
-=item B<-j> I<N>, B<--threads>=I<N>
-Run I<N> tests in parallel. By default, this is automatically chosen to match
-the number of detected available CPUs.
-=item B<--config-prefix>=I<NAME>
-Search for I<NAME.cfg> and I<NAME.site.cfg> when searching for test suites,
-instead of I<lit.cfg> and I<lit.site.cfg>.
-=item B<--param> I<NAME>, B<--param> I<NAME>=I<VALUE>
-Add a user defined parameter I<NAME> with the given I<VALUE> (or the empty
-string if not given). The meaning and use of these parameters is test suite
-=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
-Suppress any output except for test failures.
-=item B<-s>, B<--succinct>
-Show less output, for example don't show information on tests that pass.
-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
-Show more information on test failures, for example the entire test output
-instead of just the test result.
-=item B<--no-progress-bar>
-Do not use curses based progress bar.
-=item B<--path>=I<PATH>
-Specify an addition I<PATH> to use when searching for executables in tests.
-=item B<--vg>
-Run individual tests under valgrind (using the memcheck tool). The
-I<--error-exitcode> argument for valgrind is used so that valgrind failures will
-cause the program to exit with a non-zero status.
-=item B<--vg-arg>=I<ARG>
-When I<--vg> is used, specify an additional argument to pass to valgrind itself.
-=item B<--time-tests>
-Track the wall time individual tests take to execute and includes the results in
-the summary output. This is useful for determining which tests in a test suite
-take the most time to execute. Note that this option is most useful with I<-j
-=item B<--max-tests>=I<N>
-Run at most I<N> tests and then terminate.
-=item B<--max-time>=I<N>
-Spend at most I<N> seconds (approximately) running tests and then terminate.
-=item B<--shuffle>
-Run the tests in a random order.
-=item B<--debug>
-Run B<lit> in debug mode, for debugging configuration issues and B<lit> itself.
-=item B<--show-suites>
-List the discovered test suites as part of the standard output.
-=item B<--no-tcl-as-sh>
-Run Tcl scripts internally (instead of converting to shell scripts).
-=item B<--repeat>=I<N>
-Run each test I<N> times. Currently this is primarily useful for timing tests,
-other results are not collated in any reasonable fashion.
-B<lit> will exit with an exit code of 1 if there are any FAIL or XPASS
-results. Otherwise, it will exit with the status 0. Other exit codes used for
-non-test related failures (for example a user error or an internal program
-The inputs passed to B<lit> can be either individual tests, or entire
-directories or hierarchies of tests to run. When B<lit> starts up, the first
-thing it does is convert the inputs into a complete list of tests to run as part
-of I<test discovery>.
-In the B<lit> model, every test must exist inside some I<test suite>. B<lit>
-resolves the inputs specified on the command line to test suites by searching
-upwards from the input path until it finds a I<lit.cfg> or I<lit.site.cfg>
-file. These files serve as both a marker of test suites and as configuration
-files which B<lit> loads in order to understand how to find and run the tests
-inside the test suite.
-Once B<lit> has mapped the inputs into test suites it traverses the list of
-inputs adding tests for individual files and recursively searching for tests in
-This behavior makes it easy to specify a subset of tests to run, while still
-allowing the test suite configuration to control exactly how tests are
-interpreted. In addition, B<lit> always identifies tests by the test suite they
-are in, and their relative path inside the test suite. For appropriately
-configured projects, this allows B<lit> to provide convenient and flexible
-support for out-of-tree builds.
-Each test ultimately produces one of the following six results:
-=item B<PASS>
-The test succeeded.
-=item B<XFAIL>
-The test failed, but that is expected. This is used for test formats which allow
-specifying that a test does not currently work, but wish to leave it in the test
-=item B<XPASS>
-The test succeeded, but it was expected to fail. This is used for tests which
-were specified as expected to fail, but are now succeeding (generally because
-the feautre they test was broken and has been fixed).
-=item B<FAIL>
-The test failed.
-The test result could not be determined. For example, this occurs when the test
-could not be run, the test itself is invalid, or the test was interrupted.
-The test is not supported in this environment. This is used by test formats
-which can report unsupported tests.
-Depending on the test format tests may produce additional information about
-their status (generally only for failures). See the L<Output|"LIT OUTPUT">
-section for more information.
-This section describes the B<lit> testing architecture for users interested in
-creating a new B<lit> testing implementation, or extending an existing one.
-B<lit> proper is primarily an infrastructure for discovering and running
-arbitrary tests, and to expose a single convenient interface to these
-tests. B<lit> itself doesn't know how to run tests, rather this logic is
-defined by I<test suites>.
-As described in L<"TEST DISCOVERY">, tests are always located inside a I<test
-suite>. Test suites serve to define the format of the tests they contain, the
-logic for finding those tests, and any additional information to run the tests.
-B<lit> identifies test suites as directories containing I<lit.cfg> or
-I<lit.site.cfg> files (see also B<--config-prefix>. Test suites are initially
-discovered by recursively searching up the directory hierarchy for all the input
-files passed on the command line. You can use B<--show-suites> to display the
-discovered test suites at startup.
-Once a test suite is discovered, its config file is loaded. Config files
-themselves are just Python modules which will be executed. When the config file
-is executed, two important global variables are predefined:
-=item B<lit>
-The global B<lit> configuration object (a I<LitConfig> instance), which defines
-the builtin test formats, global configuration parameters, and other helper
-routines for implementing test configurations.
-=item B<config>
-This is the config object (a I<TestingConfig> instance) for the test suite,
-which the config file is expected to populate. The following variables are also
-available on the I<config> object, some of which must be set by the config and
-others are optional or predefined:
-B<name> I<[required]> The name of the test suite, for use in reports and
-B<test_format> I<[required]> The test format object which will be used to
-discover and run tests in the test suite. Generally this will be a builtin test
-format available from the I<lit.formats> module.
-B<test_src_root> The filesystem path to the test suite root. For out-of-dir
-builds this is the directory that will be scanned for tests.
-B<test_exec_root> For out-of-dir builds, the path to the test suite root inside
-the object directory. This is where tests will be run and temporary output files
-B<environment> A dictionary representing the environment to use when executing
-tests in the suite.
-B<suffixes> For B<lit> test formats which scan directories for tests, this
-variable as a list of suffixes to identify test files. Used by: I<ShTest>,
-B<substitutions> For B<lit> test formats which substitute variables into a test
-script, the list of substitutions to perform. Used by: I<ShTest>, I<TclTest>.
-B<unsupported> Mark an unsupported directory, all tests within it will be
-reported as unsupported. Used by: I<ShTest>, I<TclTest>.
-B<parent> The parent configuration, this is the config object for the directory
-containing the test suite, or None.
-B<on_clone> The config is actually cloned for every subdirectory inside a test
-suite, to allow local configuration on a per-directory basis. The I<on_clone>
-variable can be set to a Python function which will be called whenever a
-configuration is cloned (for a subdirectory). The function should takes three
-arguments: (1) the parent configuration, (2) the new configuration (which the
-I<on_clone> function will generally modify), and (3) the test path to the new
-directory being scanned.
-Once test suites are located, B<lit> recursively traverses the source directory
-(following I<test_src_root>) looking for tests. When B<lit> enters a
-sub-directory, it first checks to see if a nest test suite is defined in that
-directory. If so, it loads that test suite recursively, otherwise it
-instantiates a local test config for the directory (see L<"LOCAL CONFIGURATION
-Tests are identified by the test suite they are contained within, and the
-relative path inside that suite. Note that the relative path may not refer to an
-actual file on disk; some test formats (such as I<GoogleTest>) define "virtual
-tests" which have a path that contains both the path to the actual test file and
-a subpath to identify the virtual test.
-When B<lit> loads a subdirectory in a test suite, it instantiates a local test
-configuration by cloning the configuration for the parent direction -- the root
-of this configuration chain will always be a test suite. Once the test
-configuration is cloned B<lit> checks for a I<lit.local.cfg> file in the
-subdirectory. If present, this file will be loaded and can be used to specialize
-the configuration for each individual directory. This facility can be used to
-define subdirectories of optional tests, or to change other configuration
-parameters -- for example, to change the test format, or the suffixes which
-identify test files.
-The B<lit> distribution contains several example implementations of test suites
-in the I<ExampleTests> directory.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Written by Daniel Dunbar and maintained by the LLVM Team (L<http://llvm.org>).