path: root/include/llvm/ADT/alist.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/ADT/alist.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 296 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/ADT/alist.h b/include/llvm/ADT/alist.h
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index 1af3e4a..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/ADT/alist.h
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-//==- llvm/ADT/alist.h - Linked lists with hooks -----------------*- C++ -*-==//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines the alist class template, and related infrastructure.
-#include "llvm/ADT/alist_node.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-namespace llvm {
-/// alist_iterator - An iterator class for alist.
-template<class T, class LargestT = T, class ValueT = T,
- class NodeIterT = ilist_iterator<alist_node<T, LargestT> > >
-class alist_iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<ValueT, ptrdiff_t> {
- typedef bidirectional_iterator<ValueT, ptrdiff_t> super;
- typedef alist_node<T, LargestT> NodeTy;
- /// NodeIter - The underlying iplist iterator that is being wrapped.
- NodeIterT NodeIter;
- typedef size_t size_type;
- // FIX for MSVC++. This should be reviewed more.
- // typedef typename super::pointer pointer;
- typedef ValueT* pointer;
- typedef typename super::reference reference;
- alist_iterator(NodeIterT NI) : NodeIter(NI) {}
- alist_iterator(pointer EP) : NodeIter(NodeTy::getNode(EP)) {}
- alist_iterator() : NodeIter() {}
- // This is templated so that we can allow constructing a const iterator from
- // a nonconst iterator...
- template<class V, class W, class X, class Y>
- alist_iterator(const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &RHS)
- : NodeIter(RHS.getNodeIterUnchecked()) {}
- // This is templated so that we can allow assigning to a const iterator from
- // a nonconst iterator...
- template<class V, class W, class X, class Y>
- const alist_iterator &operator=(const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &RHS) {
- NodeIter = RHS.getNodeIterUnchecked();
- return *this;
- }
- operator pointer() const { return NodeIter->getElement((T*)0); }
- reference operator*() const { return *NodeIter->getElement((T*)0); }
- pointer operator->() const { return &operator*(); }
- bool operator==(const alist_iterator &RHS) const {
- return NodeIter == RHS.NodeIter;
- }
- bool operator!=(const alist_iterator &RHS) const {
- return NodeIter != RHS.NodeIter;
- }
- alist_iterator &operator--() {
- --NodeIter;
- return *this;
- }
- alist_iterator &operator++() {
- ++NodeIter;
- return *this;
- }
- alist_iterator operator--(int) {
- alist_iterator tmp = *this;
- --*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- alist_iterator operator++(int) {
- alist_iterator tmp = *this;
- ++*this;
- return tmp;
- }
- NodeIterT getNodeIterUnchecked() const { return NodeIter; }
-// do not implement. this is to catch errors when people try to use
-// them as random access iterators
-template<class T, class LargestT, class ValueT, class NodeIterT>
-void operator-(int, alist_iterator<T, LargestT, ValueT, NodeIterT>);
-template<class T, class LargestT, class ValueT, class NodeIterT>
-void operator-(alist_iterator<T, LargestT, ValueT, NodeIterT>,int);
-template<class T, class LargestT, class ValueT, class NodeIterT>
-void operator+(int, alist_iterator<T, LargestT, ValueT, NodeIterT>);
-template<class T, class LargestT, class ValueT, class NodeIterT>
-void operator+(alist_iterator<T, LargestT, ValueT, NodeIterT>,int);
-// operator!=/operator== - Allow mixed comparisons without dereferencing
-// the iterator, which could very likely be pointing to end().
-template<class T, class V, class W, class X, class Y>
-bool operator!=(T* LHS, const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &RHS) {
- return LHS != RHS.getNodeIterUnchecked().getNodePtrUnchecked()
- ->getElement((T*)0);
-template<class T, class V, class W, class X, class Y>
-bool operator==(T* LHS, const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &RHS) {
- return LHS == RHS.getNodeIterUnchecked().getNodePtrUnchecked()
- ->getElement((T*)0);
-// Allow alist_iterators to convert into pointers to a node automatically when
-// used by the dyn_cast, cast, isa mechanisms...
-template<class From> struct simplify_type;
-template<class V, class W, class X, class Y>
-struct simplify_type<alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> > {
- typedef alist_node<V, W> NodeTy;
- typedef NodeTy* SimpleType;
- static SimpleType
- getSimplifiedValue(const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &Node) {
- return &*Node;
- }
-template<class V, class W, class X, class Y>
-struct simplify_type<const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> > {
- typedef alist_node<V, W> NodeTy;
- typedef NodeTy* SimpleType;
- static SimpleType
- getSimplifiedValue(const alist_iterator<V, W, X, Y> &Node) {
- return &*Node;
- }
-/// Template traits for alist. By specializing this template class, you
-/// can register custom actions to be run when a node is added to or removed
-/// from an alist. A common use of this is to update parent pointers.
-template<class T, class LargestT = T>
-class alist_traits {
- typedef alist_iterator<T, LargestT> iterator;
- void addNodeToList(T *) {}
- void removeNodeFromList(T *) {}
- void transferNodesFromList(alist_traits &, iterator, iterator) {}
- void deleteNode(T *E) { delete alist_node<T, LargestT>::getNode(E); }
-/// alist - This class is an ilist-style container that automatically
-/// adds the next/prev pointers. It is designed to work in cooperation
-/// with <llvm/Support/Recycler.h>.
-template<class T, class LargestT = T>
-class alist {
- typedef alist_node<T, LargestT> NodeTy;
- typedef typename ilist<NodeTy>::size_type size_type;
- /// NodeListTraits - ilist traits for NodeList.
- ///
- struct NodeListTraits : ilist_traits<alist_node<T, LargestT> > {
- alist_traits<T, LargestT> UserTraits;
- void addNodeToList(NodeTy *N) {
- UserTraits.addNodeToList(N->getElement((T*)0));
- }
- void removeNodeFromList(NodeTy *N) {
- UserTraits.removeNodeFromList(N->getElement((T*)0));
- }
- void transferNodesFromList(iplist<NodeTy, NodeListTraits> &L2,
- ilist_iterator<NodeTy> first,
- ilist_iterator<NodeTy> last) {
- UserTraits.transferNodesFromList(L2.UserTraits,
- iterator(first),
- iterator(last));
- }
- };
- /// NodeList - Doubly-linked list of nodes that have constructed
- /// contents and may be in active use.
- ///
- iplist<NodeTy, NodeListTraits> NodeList;
- ~alist() { clear(); }
- typedef alist_iterator<T, LargestT, T, ilist_iterator<NodeTy> >
- iterator;
- typedef alist_iterator<T, LargestT, const T, ilist_iterator<const NodeTy> >
- const_iterator;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
- iterator begin() { return iterator(NodeList.begin()); }
- iterator end() { return iterator(NodeList.end()); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(NodeList.begin()); }
- const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(NodeList.end()); }
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(NodeList.rbegin()); }
- reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(NodeList.rend()); }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(NodeList.rbegin());
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
- return const_reverse_iterator(NodeList.rend());
- }
- typedef T& reference;
- typedef const T& const_reference;
- reference front() { return *NodeList.front().getElement((T*)0); }
- reference back() { return *NodeList.back().getElement((T*)0); }
- const_reference front() const { return *NodeList.front().getElement((T*)0); }
- const_reference back() const { return *NodeList.back().getElement((T*)0); }
- bool empty() const { return NodeList.empty(); }
- size_type size() const { return NodeList.size(); }
- void push_front(T *E) {
- NodeTy *N = alist_node<T, LargestT>::getNode(E);
- assert(N->getPrev() == 0);
- assert(N->getNext() == 0);
- NodeList.push_front(N);
- }
- void push_back(T *E) {
- NodeTy *N = alist_node<T, LargestT>::getNode(E);
- assert(N->getPrev() == 0);
- assert(N->getNext() == 0);
- NodeList.push_back(N);
- }
- iterator insert(iterator I, T *E) {
- NodeTy *N = alist_node<T, LargestT>::getNode(E);
- assert(N->getPrev() == 0);
- assert(N->getNext() == 0);
- return iterator(NodeList.insert(I.getNodeIterUnchecked(), N));
- }
- void splice(iterator where, alist &Other) {
- NodeList.splice(where.getNodeIterUnchecked(), Other.NodeList);
- }
- void splice(iterator where, alist &Other, iterator From) {
- NodeList.splice(where.getNodeIterUnchecked(), Other.NodeList,
- From.getNodeIterUnchecked());
- }
- void splice(iterator where, alist &Other, iterator From,
- iterator To) {
- NodeList.splice(where.getNodeIterUnchecked(), Other.NodeList,
- From.getNodeIterUnchecked(), To.getNodeIterUnchecked());
- }
- void pop_front() {
- erase(NodeList.begin());
- }
- void pop_back() {
- erase(prior(NodeList.end()));
- }
- iterator erase(iterator I) {
- iterator Next = next(I);
- NodeTy *N = NodeList.remove(I.getNodeIterUnchecked());
- NodeList.UserTraits.deleteNode(N->getElement((T*)0));
- return Next;
- }
- iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last) {
- while (first != last)
- first = erase(first);
- return last;
- }
- T *remove(T *E) {
- NodeTy *N = alist_node<T, LargestT>::getNode(E);
- return NodeList.remove(N)->getElement((T*)0);
- }
- void clear() {
- while (!empty()) pop_front();
- }
- alist_traits<T, LargestT> &getTraits() {
- return NodeList.UserTraits;
- }