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diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h
index d694aa6..6c9d5d7 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/TargetTransformInfo.h
@@ -68,6 +68,74 @@ public:
/// This class is intended to be subclassed by real implementations.
virtual ~TargetTransformInfo() = 0;
+ /// \name Generic Target Information
+ /// @{
+ /// \brief Underlying constants for 'cost' values in this interface.
+ ///
+ /// Many APIs in this interface return a cost. This enum defines the
+ /// fundamental values that should be used to interpret (and produce) those
+ /// costs. The costs are returned as an unsigned rather than a member of this
+ /// enumeration because it is expected that the cost of one IR instruction
+ /// may have a multiplicative factor to it or otherwise won't fit dircetly
+ /// into the enum. Moreover, it is common to sum or average costs which works
+ /// better as simple integral values. Thus this enum only provides constants.
+ ///
+ /// Note that these costs should usually reflect the intersection of code-size
+ /// cost and execution cost. A free instruction is typically one that folds
+ /// into another instruction. For example, reg-to-reg moves can often be
+ /// skipped by renaming the registers in the CPU, but they still are encoded
+ /// and thus wouldn't be considered 'free' here.
+ enum TargetCostConstants {
+ TCC_Free = 0, ///< Expected to fold away in lowering.
+ TCC_Basic = 1, ///< The cost of a typical 'add' instruction.
+ TCC_Expensive = 4, ///< The cost of a 'div' instruction on x86.
+ };
+ /// \brief Estimate the cost of a specific operation when lowered.
+ ///
+ /// Note that this is designed to work on an arbitrary synthetic opcode, and
+ /// thus work for hypothetical queries before an instruction has even been
+ /// formed. However, this does *not* work for GEPs, and must not be called
+ /// for a GEP instruction. Instead, use the dedicated getGEPCost interface as
+ /// analyzing a GEP's cost required more information.
+ ///
+ /// Typically only the result type is required, and the operand type can be
+ /// omitted. However, if the opcode is one of the cast instructions, the
+ /// operand type is required.
+ ///
+ /// The returned cost is defined in terms of \c TargetCostConstants, see its
+ /// comments for a detailed explanation of the cost values.
+ virtual unsigned getOperationCost(unsigned Opcode, Type *Ty,
+ Type *OpTy = 0) const;
+ /// \brief Estimate the cost of a GEP operation when lowered.
+ ///
+ /// The contract for this function is the same as \c getOperationCost except
+ /// that it supports an interface that provides extra information specific to
+ /// the GEP operation.
+ virtual unsigned getGEPCost(const Value *Ptr,
+ ArrayRef<const Value *> Operands) const;
+ /// \brief Estimate the cost of a given IR user when lowered.
+ ///
+ /// This can estimate the cost of either a ConstantExpr or Instruction when
+ /// lowered. It has two primary advantages over the \c getOperationCost and
+ /// \c getGEPCost above, and one significant disadvantage: it can only be
+ /// used when the IR construct has already been formed.
+ ///
+ /// The advantages are that it can inspect the SSA use graph to reason more
+ /// accurately about the cost. For example, all-constant-GEPs can often be
+ /// folded into a load or other instruction, but if they are used in some
+ /// other context they may not be folded. This routine can distinguish such
+ /// cases.
+ ///
+ /// The returned cost is defined in terms of \c TargetCostConstants, see its
+ /// comments for a detailed explanation of the cost values.
+ virtual unsigned getUserCost(const User *U) const;
+ /// @}
/// \name Scalar Target Information
/// @{