path: root/include/llvm/CodeGen/PBQP/HeuristicSolver.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 618 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/PBQP/HeuristicSolver.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/PBQP/HeuristicSolver.h
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-//===-- HeuristicSolver.h - Heuristic PBQP Solver --------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// Heuristic PBQP solver. This solver is able to perform optimal reductions for
-// nodes of degree 0, 1 or 2. For nodes of degree >2 a plugable heuristic is
-// used to select a node for reduction.
-#include "Graph.h"
-#include "Solution.h"
-#include <limits>
-#include <vector>
-namespace PBQP {
- /// \brief Heuristic PBQP solver implementation.
- ///
- /// This class should usually be created (and destroyed) indirectly via a call
- /// to HeuristicSolver<HImpl>::solve(Graph&).
- /// See the comments for HeuristicSolver.
- ///
- /// HeuristicSolverImpl provides the R0, R1 and R2 reduction rules,
- /// backpropagation phase, and maintains the internal copy of the graph on
- /// which the reduction is carried out (the original being kept to facilitate
- /// backpropagation).
- template <typename HImpl>
- class HeuristicSolverImpl {
- private:
- typedef typename HImpl::NodeData HeuristicNodeData;
- typedef typename HImpl::EdgeData HeuristicEdgeData;
- typedef std::list<Graph::EdgeId> SolverEdges;
- public:
- /// \brief Iterator type for edges in the solver graph.
- typedef SolverEdges::iterator SolverEdgeItr;
- private:
- class NodeData {
- public:
- NodeData() : solverDegree(0) {}
- HeuristicNodeData& getHeuristicData() { return hData; }
- SolverEdgeItr addSolverEdge(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- ++solverDegree;
- return solverEdges.insert(solverEdges.end(), eId);
- }
- void removeSolverEdge(SolverEdgeItr seItr) {
- --solverDegree;
- solverEdges.erase(seItr);
- }
- SolverEdgeItr solverEdgesBegin() { return solverEdges.begin(); }
- SolverEdgeItr solverEdgesEnd() { return solverEdges.end(); }
- unsigned getSolverDegree() const { return solverDegree; }
- void clearSolverEdges() {
- solverDegree = 0;
- solverEdges.clear();
- }
- private:
- HeuristicNodeData hData;
- unsigned solverDegree;
- SolverEdges solverEdges;
- };
- class EdgeData {
- public:
- HeuristicEdgeData& getHeuristicData() { return hData; }
- void setN1SolverEdgeItr(SolverEdgeItr n1SolverEdgeItr) {
- this->n1SolverEdgeItr = n1SolverEdgeItr;
- }
- SolverEdgeItr getN1SolverEdgeItr() { return n1SolverEdgeItr; }
- void setN2SolverEdgeItr(SolverEdgeItr n2SolverEdgeItr){
- this->n2SolverEdgeItr = n2SolverEdgeItr;
- }
- SolverEdgeItr getN2SolverEdgeItr() { return n2SolverEdgeItr; }
- private:
- HeuristicEdgeData hData;
- SolverEdgeItr n1SolverEdgeItr, n2SolverEdgeItr;
- };
- Graph &g;
- HImpl h;
- Solution s;
- std::vector<Graph::NodeId> stack;
- typedef std::list<NodeData> NodeDataList;
- NodeDataList nodeDataList;
- typedef std::list<EdgeData> EdgeDataList;
- EdgeDataList edgeDataList;
- public:
- /// \brief Construct a heuristic solver implementation to solve the given
- /// graph.
- /// @param g The graph representing the problem instance to be solved.
- HeuristicSolverImpl(Graph &g) : g(g), h(*this) {}
- /// \brief Get the graph being solved by this solver.
- /// @return The graph representing the problem instance being solved by this
- /// solver.
- Graph& getGraph() { return g; }
- /// \brief Get the heuristic data attached to the given node.
- /// @param nId Node id.
- /// @return The heuristic data attached to the given node.
- HeuristicNodeData& getHeuristicNodeData(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- return getSolverNodeData(nId).getHeuristicData();
- }
- /// \brief Get the heuristic data attached to the given edge.
- /// @param eId Edge id.
- /// @return The heuristic data attached to the given node.
- HeuristicEdgeData& getHeuristicEdgeData(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- return getSolverEdgeData(eId).getHeuristicData();
- }
- /// \brief Begin iterator for the set of edges adjacent to the given node in
- /// the solver graph.
- /// @param nId Node id.
- /// @return Begin iterator for the set of edges adjacent to the given node
- /// in the solver graph.
- SolverEdgeItr solverEdgesBegin(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- return getSolverNodeData(nId).solverEdgesBegin();
- }
- /// \brief End iterator for the set of edges adjacent to the given node in
- /// the solver graph.
- /// @param nId Node id.
- /// @return End iterator for the set of edges adjacent to the given node in
- /// the solver graph.
- SolverEdgeItr solverEdgesEnd(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- return getSolverNodeData(nId).solverEdgesEnd();
- }
- /// \brief Remove a node from the solver graph.
- /// @param eId Edge id for edge to be removed.
- ///
- /// Does <i>not</i> notify the heuristic of the removal. That should be
- /// done manually if necessary.
- void removeSolverEdge(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- EdgeData &eData = getSolverEdgeData(eId);
- NodeData &n1Data = getSolverNodeData(g.getEdgeNode1(eId)),
- &n2Data = getSolverNodeData(g.getEdgeNode2(eId));
- n1Data.removeSolverEdge(eData.getN1SolverEdgeItr());
- n2Data.removeSolverEdge(eData.getN2SolverEdgeItr());
- }
- /// \brief Compute a solution to the PBQP problem instance with which this
- /// heuristic solver was constructed.
- /// @return A solution to the PBQP problem.
- ///
- /// Performs the full PBQP heuristic solver algorithm, including setup,
- /// calls to the heuristic (which will call back to the reduction rules in
- /// this class), and cleanup.
- Solution computeSolution() {
- setup();
- h.setup();
- h.reduce();
- backpropagate();
- h.cleanup();
- cleanup();
- return s;
- }
- /// \brief Add to the end of the stack.
- /// @param nId Node id to add to the reduction stack.
- void pushToStack(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- getSolverNodeData(nId).clearSolverEdges();
- stack.push_back(nId);
- }
- /// \brief Returns the solver degree of the given node.
- /// @param nId Node id for which degree is requested.
- /// @return Node degree in the <i>solver</i> graph (not the original graph).
- unsigned getSolverDegree(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- return getSolverNodeData(nId).getSolverDegree();
- }
- /// \brief Set the solution of the given node.
- /// @param nId Node id to set solution for.
- /// @param selection Selection for node.
- void setSolution(const Graph::NodeId &nId, unsigned selection) {
- s.setSelection(nId, selection);
- for (Graph::AdjEdgeItr aeItr = g.adjEdgesBegin(nId),
- aeEnd = g.adjEdgesEnd(nId);
- aeItr != aeEnd; ++aeItr) {
- Graph::EdgeId eId(*aeItr);
- Graph::NodeId anId(g.getEdgeOtherNode(eId, nId));
- getSolverNodeData(anId).addSolverEdge(eId);
- }
- }
- /// \brief Apply rule R0.
- /// @param nId Node id for node to apply R0 to.
- ///
- /// Node will be automatically pushed to the solver stack.
- void applyR0(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- assert(getSolverNodeData(nId).getSolverDegree() == 0 &&
- "R0 applied to node with degree != 0.");
- // Nothing to do. Just push the node onto the reduction stack.
- pushToStack(nId);
- s.recordR0();
- }
- /// \brief Apply rule R1.
- /// @param xnId Node id for node to apply R1 to.
- ///
- /// Node will be automatically pushed to the solver stack.
- void applyR1(Graph::NodeId xnId) {
- NodeData &nd = getSolverNodeData(xnId);
- assert(nd.getSolverDegree() == 1 &&
- "R1 applied to node with degree != 1.");
- Graph::EdgeId eId = *nd.solverEdgesBegin();
- const Matrix &eCosts = g.getEdgeCosts(eId);
- const Vector &xCosts = g.getNodeCosts(xnId);
- // Duplicate a little to avoid transposing matrices.
- if (xnId == g.getEdgeNode1(eId)) {
- Graph::NodeId ynId = g.getEdgeNode2(eId);
- Vector &yCosts = g.getNodeCosts(ynId);
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < yCosts.getLength(); ++j) {
- PBQPNum min = eCosts[0][j] + xCosts[0];
- for (unsigned i = 1; i < xCosts.getLength(); ++i) {
- PBQPNum c = eCosts[i][j] + xCosts[i];
- if (c < min)
- min = c;
- }
- yCosts[j] += min;
- }
- h.handleRemoveEdge(eId, ynId);
- } else {
- Graph::NodeId ynId = g.getEdgeNode1(eId);
- Vector &yCosts = g.getNodeCosts(ynId);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < yCosts.getLength(); ++i) {
- PBQPNum min = eCosts[i][0] + xCosts[0];
- for (unsigned j = 1; j < xCosts.getLength(); ++j) {
- PBQPNum c = eCosts[i][j] + xCosts[j];
- if (c < min)
- min = c;
- }
- yCosts[i] += min;
- }
- h.handleRemoveEdge(eId, ynId);
- }
- removeSolverEdge(eId);
- assert(nd.getSolverDegree() == 0 &&
- "Degree 1 with edge removed should be 0.");
- pushToStack(xnId);
- s.recordR1();
- }
- /// \brief Apply rule R2.
- /// @param xnId Node id for node to apply R2 to.
- ///
- /// Node will be automatically pushed to the solver stack.
- void applyR2(Graph::NodeId xnId) {
- assert(getSolverNodeData(xnId).getSolverDegree() == 2 &&
- "R2 applied to node with degree != 2.");
- NodeData &nd = getSolverNodeData(xnId);
- const Vector &xCosts = g.getNodeCosts(xnId);
- SolverEdgeItr aeItr = nd.solverEdgesBegin();
- Graph::EdgeId yxeId = *aeItr,
- zxeId = *(++aeItr);
- Graph::NodeId ynId = g.getEdgeOtherNode(yxeId, xnId),
- znId = g.getEdgeOtherNode(zxeId, xnId);
- bool flipEdge1 = (g.getEdgeNode1(yxeId) == xnId),
- flipEdge2 = (g.getEdgeNode1(zxeId) == xnId);
- const Matrix *yxeCosts = flipEdge1 ?
- new Matrix(g.getEdgeCosts(yxeId).transpose()) :
- &g.getEdgeCosts(yxeId);
- const Matrix *zxeCosts = flipEdge2 ?
- new Matrix(g.getEdgeCosts(zxeId).transpose()) :
- &g.getEdgeCosts(zxeId);
- unsigned xLen = xCosts.getLength(),
- yLen = yxeCosts->getRows(),
- zLen = zxeCosts->getRows();
- Matrix delta(yLen, zLen);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < yLen; ++i) {
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < zLen; ++j) {
- PBQPNum min = (*yxeCosts)[i][0] + (*zxeCosts)[j][0] + xCosts[0];
- for (unsigned k = 1; k < xLen; ++k) {
- PBQPNum c = (*yxeCosts)[i][k] + (*zxeCosts)[j][k] + xCosts[k];
- if (c < min) {
- min = c;
- }
- }
- delta[i][j] = min;
- }
- }
- if (flipEdge1)
- delete yxeCosts;
- if (flipEdge2)
- delete zxeCosts;
- Graph::EdgeId yzeId = g.findEdge(ynId, znId);
- bool addedEdge = false;
- if (yzeId == g.invalidEdgeId()) {
- yzeId = g.addEdge(ynId, znId, delta);
- addedEdge = true;
- } else {
- Matrix &yzeCosts = g.getEdgeCosts(yzeId);
- h.preUpdateEdgeCosts(yzeId);
- if (ynId == g.getEdgeNode1(yzeId)) {
- yzeCosts += delta;
- } else {
- yzeCosts += delta.transpose();
- }
- }
- bool nullCostEdge = tryNormaliseEdgeMatrix(yzeId);
- if (!addedEdge) {
- // If we modified the edge costs let the heuristic know.
- h.postUpdateEdgeCosts(yzeId);
- }
- if (nullCostEdge) {
- // If this edge ended up null remove it.
- if (!addedEdge) {
- // We didn't just add it, so we need to notify the heuristic
- // and remove it from the solver.
- h.handleRemoveEdge(yzeId, ynId);
- h.handleRemoveEdge(yzeId, znId);
- removeSolverEdge(yzeId);
- }
- g.removeEdge(yzeId);
- } else if (addedEdge) {
- // If the edge was added, and non-null, finish setting it up, add it to
- // the solver & notify heuristic.
- edgeDataList.push_back(EdgeData());
- g.setEdgeData(yzeId, &edgeDataList.back());
- addSolverEdge(yzeId);
- h.handleAddEdge(yzeId);
- }
- h.handleRemoveEdge(yxeId, ynId);
- removeSolverEdge(yxeId);
- h.handleRemoveEdge(zxeId, znId);
- removeSolverEdge(zxeId);
- pushToStack(xnId);
- s.recordR2();
- }
- /// \brief Record an application of the RN rule.
- ///
- /// For use by the HeuristicBase.
- void recordRN() { s.recordRN(); }
- private:
- NodeData& getSolverNodeData(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- return *static_cast<NodeData*>(g.getNodeData(nId));
- }
- EdgeData& getSolverEdgeData(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- return *static_cast<EdgeData*>(g.getEdgeData(eId));
- }
- void addSolverEdge(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- EdgeData &eData = getSolverEdgeData(eId);
- NodeData &n1Data = getSolverNodeData(g.getEdgeNode1(eId)),
- &n2Data = getSolverNodeData(g.getEdgeNode2(eId));
- eData.setN1SolverEdgeItr(n1Data.addSolverEdge(eId));
- eData.setN2SolverEdgeItr(n2Data.addSolverEdge(eId));
- }
- void setup() {
- if (h.solverRunSimplify()) {
- simplify();
- }
- // Create node data objects.
- for (Graph::NodeItr nItr = g.nodesBegin(), nEnd = g.nodesEnd();
- nItr != nEnd; ++nItr) {
- nodeDataList.push_back(NodeData());
- g.setNodeData(*nItr, &nodeDataList.back());
- }
- // Create edge data objects.
- for (Graph::EdgeItr eItr = g.edgesBegin(), eEnd = g.edgesEnd();
- eItr != eEnd; ++eItr) {
- edgeDataList.push_back(EdgeData());
- g.setEdgeData(*eItr, &edgeDataList.back());
- addSolverEdge(*eItr);
- }
- }
- void simplify() {
- disconnectTrivialNodes();
- eliminateIndependentEdges();
- }
- // Eliminate trivial nodes.
- void disconnectTrivialNodes() {
- unsigned numDisconnected = 0;
- for (Graph::NodeItr nItr = g.nodesBegin(), nEnd = g.nodesEnd();
- nItr != nEnd; ++nItr) {
- Graph::NodeId nId = *nItr;
- if (g.getNodeCosts(nId).getLength() == 1) {
- std::vector<Graph::EdgeId> edgesToRemove;
- for (Graph::AdjEdgeItr aeItr = g.adjEdgesBegin(nId),
- aeEnd = g.adjEdgesEnd(nId);
- aeItr != aeEnd; ++aeItr) {
- Graph::EdgeId eId = *aeItr;
- if (g.getEdgeNode1(eId) == nId) {
- Graph::NodeId otherNodeId = g.getEdgeNode2(eId);
- g.getNodeCosts(otherNodeId) +=
- g.getEdgeCosts(eId).getRowAsVector(0);
- }
- else {
- Graph::NodeId otherNodeId = g.getEdgeNode1(eId);
- g.getNodeCosts(otherNodeId) +=
- g.getEdgeCosts(eId).getColAsVector(0);
- }
- edgesToRemove.push_back(eId);
- }
- if (!edgesToRemove.empty())
- ++numDisconnected;
- while (!edgesToRemove.empty()) {
- g.removeEdge(edgesToRemove.back());
- edgesToRemove.pop_back();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void eliminateIndependentEdges() {
- std::vector<Graph::EdgeId> edgesToProcess;
- unsigned numEliminated = 0;
- for (Graph::EdgeItr eItr = g.edgesBegin(), eEnd = g.edgesEnd();
- eItr != eEnd; ++eItr) {
- edgesToProcess.push_back(*eItr);
- }
- while (!edgesToProcess.empty()) {
- if (tryToEliminateEdge(edgesToProcess.back()))
- ++numEliminated;
- edgesToProcess.pop_back();
- }
- }
- bool tryToEliminateEdge(Graph::EdgeId eId) {
- if (tryNormaliseEdgeMatrix(eId)) {
- g.removeEdge(eId);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool tryNormaliseEdgeMatrix(Graph::EdgeId &eId) {
- const PBQPNum infinity = std::numeric_limits<PBQPNum>::infinity();
- Matrix &edgeCosts = g.getEdgeCosts(eId);
- Vector &uCosts = g.getNodeCosts(g.getEdgeNode1(eId)),
- &vCosts = g.getNodeCosts(g.getEdgeNode2(eId));
- for (unsigned r = 0; r < edgeCosts.getRows(); ++r) {
- PBQPNum rowMin = infinity;
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < edgeCosts.getCols(); ++c) {
- if (vCosts[c] != infinity && edgeCosts[r][c] < rowMin)
- rowMin = edgeCosts[r][c];
- }
- uCosts[r] += rowMin;
- if (rowMin != infinity) {
- edgeCosts.subFromRow(r, rowMin);
- }
- else {
- edgeCosts.setRow(r, 0);
- }
- }
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < edgeCosts.getCols(); ++c) {
- PBQPNum colMin = infinity;
- for (unsigned r = 0; r < edgeCosts.getRows(); ++r) {
- if (uCosts[r] != infinity && edgeCosts[r][c] < colMin)
- colMin = edgeCosts[r][c];
- }
- vCosts[c] += colMin;
- if (colMin != infinity) {
- edgeCosts.subFromCol(c, colMin);
- }
- else {
- edgeCosts.setCol(c, 0);
- }
- }
- return edgeCosts.isZero();
- }
- void backpropagate() {
- while (!stack.empty()) {
- computeSolution(stack.back());
- stack.pop_back();
- }
- }
- void computeSolution(Graph::NodeId nId) {
- NodeData &nodeData = getSolverNodeData(nId);
- Vector v(g.getNodeCosts(nId));
- // Solve based on existing solved edges.
- for (SolverEdgeItr solvedEdgeItr = nodeData.solverEdgesBegin(),
- solvedEdgeEnd = nodeData.solverEdgesEnd();
- solvedEdgeItr != solvedEdgeEnd; ++solvedEdgeItr) {
- Graph::EdgeId eId(*solvedEdgeItr);
- Matrix &edgeCosts = g.getEdgeCosts(eId);
- if (nId == g.getEdgeNode1(eId)) {
- Graph::NodeId adjNode(g.getEdgeNode2(eId));
- unsigned adjSolution = s.getSelection(adjNode);
- v += edgeCosts.getColAsVector(adjSolution);
- }
- else {
- Graph::NodeId adjNode(g.getEdgeNode1(eId));
- unsigned adjSolution = s.getSelection(adjNode);
- v += edgeCosts.getRowAsVector(adjSolution);
- }
- }
- setSolution(nId, v.minIndex());
- }
- void cleanup() {
- h.cleanup();
- nodeDataList.clear();
- edgeDataList.clear();
- }
- };
- /// \brief PBQP heuristic solver class.
- ///
- /// Given a PBQP Graph g representing a PBQP problem, you can find a solution
- /// by calling
- /// <tt>Solution s = HeuristicSolver<H>::solve(g);</tt>
- ///
- /// The choice of heuristic for the H parameter will affect both the solver
- /// speed and solution quality. The heuristic should be chosen based on the
- /// nature of the problem being solved.
- /// Currently the only solver included with LLVM is the Briggs heuristic for
- /// register allocation.
- template <typename HImpl>
- class HeuristicSolver {
- public:
- static Solution solve(Graph &g) {
- HeuristicSolverImpl<HImpl> hs(g);
- return hs.computeSolution();
- }
- };