path: root/include/llvm/MC/MCAnalysis/MCModule.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm/MC/MCAnalysis/MCModule.h')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/MC/MCAnalysis/MCModule.h b/include/llvm/MC/MCAnalysis/MCModule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf7e2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/MC/MCAnalysis/MCModule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+//===-- MCModule.h - MCModule class -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file contains the declaration of the MCModule class, which is used to
+// represent a complete, disassembled object file or executable.
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+namespace llvm {
+class MCAtom;
+class MCBasicBlock;
+class MCDataAtom;
+class MCFunction;
+class MCObjectDisassembler;
+class MCTextAtom;
+/// \brief A completely disassembled object file or executable.
+/// It comprises a list of MCAtom's, each representing a contiguous range of
+/// either instructions or data.
+/// An MCModule is created using MCObjectDisassembler::buildModule.
+class MCModule {
+ /// \name Atom tracking
+ /// @{
+ /// \brief Atoms in this module, sorted by begin address.
+ /// FIXME: This doesn't handle overlapping atoms (which happen when a basic
+ /// block starts in the middle of an instruction of another basic block.)
+ typedef std::vector<MCAtom*> AtomListTy;
+ AtomListTy Atoms;
+ // For access to map/remap.
+ friend class MCAtom;
+ /// \brief Remap \p Atom to the given range, and update its Begin/End fields.
+ /// \param Atom An atom belonging to this module.
+ /// An atom should always use this method to update its bounds, because this
+ /// enables the owning MCModule to keep track of its atoms.
+ void remap(MCAtom *Atom, uint64_t NewBegin, uint64_t NewEnd);
+ /// \brief Insert an atom in the module, using its Begin and End addresses.
+ void map(MCAtom *NewAtom);
+ /// @}
+ /// \name Basic block tracking
+ /// @{
+ typedef std::vector<MCBasicBlock*> BBsByAtomTy;
+ BBsByAtomTy BBsByAtom;
+ // For access to basic block > atom tracking.
+ friend class MCBasicBlock;
+ friend class MCTextAtom;
+ /// \brief Keep track of \p BBBackedByAtom as being backed by \p Atom.
+ /// This is used to update succs/preds when \p Atom is split.
+ void trackBBForAtom(const MCTextAtom *Atom, MCBasicBlock *BBBackedByAtom);
+ void splitBasicBlocksForAtom(const MCTextAtom *TA, const MCTextAtom *NewTA);
+ /// @}
+ /// \name Function tracking
+ /// @{
+ typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MCFunction>> FunctionListTy;
+ FunctionListTy Functions;
+ /// @}
+ /// The address of the entrypoint function.
+ uint64_t Entrypoint;
+ MCModule (const MCModule &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ MCModule& operator=(const MCModule &) LLVM_DELETED_FUNCTION;
+ // MCObjectDisassembler creates MCModules.
+ friend class MCObjectDisassembler;
+ MCModule();
+ ~MCModule();
+ /// \name Create a new MCAtom covering the specified offset range.
+ /// @{
+ MCTextAtom *createTextAtom(uint64_t Begin, uint64_t End);
+ MCDataAtom *createDataAtom(uint64_t Begin, uint64_t End);
+ /// @}
+ /// \name Access to the owned atom list, ordered by begin address.
+ /// @{
+ const MCAtom *findAtomContaining(uint64_t Addr) const;
+ MCAtom *findAtomContaining(uint64_t Addr);
+ const MCAtom *findFirstAtomAfter(uint64_t Addr) const;
+ MCAtom *findFirstAtomAfter(uint64_t Addr);
+ typedef AtomListTy::const_iterator const_atom_iterator;
+ typedef AtomListTy:: iterator atom_iterator;
+ const_atom_iterator atom_begin() const { return Atoms.begin(); }
+ atom_iterator atom_begin() { return Atoms.begin(); }
+ const_atom_iterator atom_end() const { return Atoms.end(); }
+ atom_iterator atom_end() { return Atoms.end(); }
+ /// @}
+ /// \brief Create a new MCFunction.
+ MCFunction *createFunction(StringRef Name);
+ /// \name Access to the owned function list.
+ /// @{
+ typedef FunctionListTy::const_iterator const_func_iterator;
+ typedef FunctionListTy:: iterator func_iterator;
+ const_func_iterator func_begin() const { return Functions.begin(); }
+ func_iterator func_begin() { return Functions.begin(); }
+ const_func_iterator func_end() const { return Functions.end(); }
+ func_iterator func_end() { return Functions.end(); }
+ /// @}
+ /// \brief Get the address of the entrypoint function, or 0 if there is none.
+ uint64_t getEntrypoint() const { return Entrypoint; }