path: root/include/llvm
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/llvm')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1064 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/Passes.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/Passes.h
index ae11713..0b4e96f 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/Passes.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Analysis/Passes.h
@@ -95,64 +95,6 @@ namespace llvm {
- // createProfileLoaderPass - This pass loads information from a profile dump
- // file.
- //
- ModulePass *createProfileLoaderPass();
- extern char &ProfileLoaderPassID;
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createProfileMetadataLoaderPass - This pass loads information from a
- // profile dump file and sets branch weight metadata.
- //
- ModulePass *createProfileMetadataLoaderPass();
- extern char &ProfileMetadataLoaderPassID;
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createNoProfileInfoPass - This pass implements the default "no profile".
- //
- ImmutablePass *createNoProfileInfoPass();
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createProfileEstimatorPass - This pass estimates profiling information
- // instead of loading it from a previous run.
- //
- FunctionPass *createProfileEstimatorPass();
- extern char &ProfileEstimatorPassID;
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createProfileVerifierPass - This pass verifies profiling information.
- //
- FunctionPass *createProfileVerifierPass();
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createPathProfileLoaderPass - This pass loads information from a path
- // profile dump file.
- //
- ModulePass *createPathProfileLoaderPass();
- extern char &PathProfileLoaderPassID;
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createNoPathProfileInfoPass - This pass implements the default
- // "no path profile".
- //
- ImmutablePass *createNoPathProfileInfoPass();
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
- // createPathProfileVerifierPass - This pass verifies path profiling
- // information.
- //
- ModulePass *createPathProfileVerifierPass();
- //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- //
// createDSAAPass - This pass implements simple context sensitive alias
// analysis.
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 400a37d..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-//===- PathNumbering.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// Ball-Larus path numbers uniquely identify paths through a directed acyclic
-// graph (DAG) [Ball96]. For a CFG backedges are removed and replaced by phony
-// edges to obtain a DAG, and thus the unique path numbers [Ball96].
-// The purpose of this analysis is to enumerate the edges in a CFG in order
-// to obtain paths from path numbers in a convenient manner. As described in
-// [Ball96] edges can be enumerated such that given a path number by following
-// the CFG and updating the path number, the path is obtained.
-// [Ball96]
-// T. Ball and J. R. Larus. "Efficient Path Profiling."
-// International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages 46-57, 1996.
-// http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=243857
-#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
-#include "llvm/Pass.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
-#include <map>
-#include <stack>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-class BallLarusNode;
-class BallLarusEdge;
-class BallLarusDag;
-// typedefs for storage/ interators of various DAG components
-typedef std::vector<BallLarusNode*> BLNodeVector;
-typedef std::vector<BallLarusNode*>::iterator BLNodeIterator;
-typedef std::vector<BallLarusEdge*> BLEdgeVector;
-typedef std::vector<BallLarusEdge*>::iterator BLEdgeIterator;
-typedef std::map<BasicBlock*, BallLarusNode*> BLBlockNodeMap;
-typedef std::stack<BallLarusNode*> BLNodeStack;
-// Represents a basic block with information necessary for the BallLarus
-// algorithms.
-class BallLarusNode {
- enum NodeColor { WHITE, GRAY, BLACK };
- // Constructor: Initializes a new Node for the given BasicBlock
- BallLarusNode(BasicBlock* BB) :
- _basicBlock(BB), _numberPaths(0), _color(WHITE) {
- static unsigned nextUID = 0;
- _uid = nextUID++;
- }
- // Returns the basic block for the BallLarusNode
- BasicBlock* getBlock();
- // Get/set the number of paths to the exit starting at the node.
- unsigned getNumberPaths();
- void setNumberPaths(unsigned numberPaths);
- // Get/set the NodeColor used in graph algorithms.
- NodeColor getColor();
- void setColor(NodeColor color);
- // Iterator information for predecessor edges. Includes phony and
- // backedges.
- BLEdgeIterator predBegin();
- BLEdgeIterator predEnd();
- unsigned getNumberPredEdges();
- // Iterator information for successor edges. Includes phony and
- // backedges.
- BLEdgeIterator succBegin();
- BLEdgeIterator succEnd();
- unsigned getNumberSuccEdges();
- // Add an edge to the predecessor list.
- void addPredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
- // Remove an edge from the predecessor list.
- void removePredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
- // Add an edge to the successor list.
- void addSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
- // Remove an edge from the successor list.
- void removeSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
- // Returns the name of the BasicBlock being represented. If BasicBlock
- // is null then returns "<null>". If BasicBlock has no name, then
- // "<unnamed>" is returned. Intended for use with debug output.
- std::string getName();
- // The corresponding underlying BB.
- BasicBlock* _basicBlock;
- // Holds the predecessor edges of this node.
- BLEdgeVector _predEdges;
- // Holds the successor edges of this node.
- BLEdgeVector _succEdges;
- // The number of paths from the node to the exit.
- unsigned _numberPaths;
- // 'Color' used by graph algorithms to mark the node.
- NodeColor _color;
- // Unique ID to ensure naming difference with dotgraphs
- unsigned _uid;
- // Removes an edge from an edgeVector. Used by removePredEdge and
- // removeSuccEdge.
- void removeEdge(BLEdgeVector& v, BallLarusEdge* e);
-// Represents an edge in the Dag. For an edge, v -> w, v is the source, and
-// w is the target.
-class BallLarusEdge {
- // Constructor: Initializes an BallLarusEdge with a source and target.
- BallLarusEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
- unsigned duplicateNumber)
- : _source(source), _target(target), _weight(0), _edgeType(NORMAL),
- _realEdge(NULL), _duplicateNumber(duplicateNumber) {}
- // Returns the source/ target node of this edge.
- BallLarusNode* getSource() const;
- BallLarusNode* getTarget() const;
- // Sets the type of the edge.
- EdgeType getType() const;
- // Gets the type of the edge.
- void setType(EdgeType type);
- // Returns the weight of this edge. Used to decode path numbers to
- // sequences of basic blocks.
- unsigned getWeight();
- // Sets the weight of the edge. Used during path numbering.
- void setWeight(unsigned weight);
- // Gets/sets the phony edge originating at the root.
- BallLarusEdge* getPhonyRoot();
- void setPhonyRoot(BallLarusEdge* phonyRoot);
- // Gets/sets the phony edge terminating at the exit.
- BallLarusEdge* getPhonyExit();
- void setPhonyExit(BallLarusEdge* phonyExit);
- // Gets/sets the associated real edge if this is a phony edge.
- BallLarusEdge* getRealEdge();
- void setRealEdge(BallLarusEdge* realEdge);
- // Returns the duplicate number of the edge.
- unsigned getDuplicateNumber();
- // Source node for this edge.
- BallLarusNode* _source;
- // Target node for this edge.
- BallLarusNode* _target;
- // Edge weight cooresponding to path number increments before removing
- // increments along a spanning tree. The sum over the edge weights gives
- // the path number.
- unsigned _weight;
- // Type to represent for what this edge is intended
- EdgeType _edgeType;
- // For backedges and split-edges, the phony edge which is linked to the
- // root node of the DAG. This contains a path number initialization.
- BallLarusEdge* _phonyRoot;
- // For backedges and split-edges, the phony edge which is linked to the
- // exit node of the DAG. This contains a path counter increment, and
- // potentially a path number increment.
- BallLarusEdge* _phonyExit;
- // If this is a phony edge, _realEdge is a link to the back or split
- // edge. Otherwise, this is null.
- BallLarusEdge* _realEdge;
- // An ID to differentiate between those edges which have the same source
- // and destination blocks.
- unsigned _duplicateNumber;
-// Represents the Ball Larus DAG for a given Function. Can calculate
-// various properties required for instrumentation or analysis. E.g. the
-// edge weights that determine the path number.
-class BallLarusDag {
- // Initializes a BallLarusDag from the CFG of a given function. Must
- // call init() after creation, since some initialization requires
- // virtual functions.
- BallLarusDag(Function &F)
- : _root(NULL), _exit(NULL), _function(F) {}
- // Initialization that requires virtual functions which are not fully
- // functional in the constructor.
- void init();
- // Frees all memory associated with the DAG.
- virtual ~BallLarusDag();
- // Calculate the path numbers by assigning edge increments as prescribed
- // in Ball-Larus path profiling.
- void calculatePathNumbers();
- // Returns the number of paths for the DAG.
- unsigned getNumberOfPaths();
- // Returns the root (i.e. entry) node for the DAG.
- BallLarusNode* getRoot();
- // Returns the exit node for the DAG.
- BallLarusNode* getExit();
- // Returns the function for the DAG.
- Function& getFunction();
- // Clears the node colors.
- void clearColors(BallLarusNode::NodeColor color);
- // All nodes in the DAG.
- BLNodeVector _nodes;
- // All edges in the DAG.
- BLEdgeVector _edges;
- // All backedges in the DAG.
- BLEdgeVector _backEdges;
- // Allows subclasses to determine which type of Node is created.
- // Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusNode if
- // necessary. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free on each pointer
- // created.
- virtual BallLarusNode* createNode(BasicBlock* BB);
- // Allows subclasses to determine which type of Edge is created.
- // Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusEdge if
- // necessary. Parameters source and target will have been created by
- // createNode and can be cast to the subclass of BallLarusNode*
- // returned by createNode. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free
- // on each pointer created.
- virtual BallLarusEdge* createEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode*
- target, unsigned duplicateNumber);
- // Proxy to node's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
- BallLarusNode* addNode(BasicBlock* BB);
- // Proxy to edge's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
- BallLarusEdge* addEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
- unsigned duplicateNumber);
- // The root (i.e. entry) node for this DAG.
- BallLarusNode* _root;
- // The exit node for this DAG.
- BallLarusNode* _exit;
- // The function represented by this DAG.
- Function& _function;
- // Processes one node and its imediate edges for building the DAG.
- void buildNode(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, std::stack<BallLarusNode*>& dfsStack);
- // Process an edge in the CFG for DAG building.
- void buildEdge(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, std::stack<BallLarusNode*>& dfsStack,
- BallLarusNode* currentNode, BasicBlock* succBB,
- unsigned duplicateNumber);
- // The weight on each edge is the increment required along any path that
- // contains that edge.
- void calculatePathNumbersFrom(BallLarusNode* node);
- // Adds a backedge with its phony edges. Updates the DAG state.
- void addBackedge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
- unsigned duplicateCount);
-} // end namespace llvm
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/PathProfileInfo.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/PathProfileInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fce16e..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/PathProfileInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-//===- PathProfileInfo.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file outlines the interface used by optimizers to load path profiles.
-#include "llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h"
-#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
-namespace llvm {
-class ProfilePath;
-class ProfilePathEdge;
-class PathProfileInfo;
-typedef std::vector<ProfilePathEdge> ProfilePathEdgeVector;
-typedef std::vector<ProfilePathEdge>::iterator ProfilePathEdgeIterator;
-typedef std::vector<BasicBlock*> ProfilePathBlockVector;
-typedef std::vector<BasicBlock*>::iterator ProfilePathBlockIterator;
-typedef std::map<unsigned int,ProfilePath*> ProfilePathMap;
-typedef std::map<unsigned int,ProfilePath*>::iterator ProfilePathIterator;
-typedef std::map<Function*,unsigned int> FunctionPathCountMap;
-typedef std::map<Function*,ProfilePathMap> FunctionPathMap;
-typedef std::map<Function*,ProfilePathMap>::iterator FunctionPathIterator;
-class ProfilePathEdge {
- ProfilePathEdge(BasicBlock* source, BasicBlock* target,
- unsigned duplicateNumber);
- inline unsigned getDuplicateNumber() { return _duplicateNumber; }
- inline BasicBlock* getSource() { return _source; }
- inline BasicBlock* getTarget() { return _target; }
- BasicBlock* _source;
- BasicBlock* _target;
- unsigned _duplicateNumber;
-class ProfilePath {
- ProfilePath(unsigned int number, unsigned int count,
- double countStdDev, PathProfileInfo* ppi);
- double getFrequency() const;
- inline unsigned int getNumber() const { return _number; }
- inline unsigned int getCount() const { return _count; }
- inline double getCountStdDev() const { return _countStdDev; }
- ProfilePathEdgeVector* getPathEdges() const;
- ProfilePathBlockVector* getPathBlocks() const;
- BasicBlock* getFirstBlockInPath() const;
- unsigned int _number;
- unsigned int _count;
- double _countStdDev;
- // double pointer back to the profiling info
- PathProfileInfo* _ppi;
-// TODO: overload [] operator for getting path
-// Add: getFunctionCallCount()
-class PathProfileInfo {
- public:
- PathProfileInfo();
- ~PathProfileInfo();
- void setCurrentFunction(Function* F);
- Function* getCurrentFunction() const;
- BasicBlock* getCurrentFunctionEntry();
- ProfilePath* getPath(unsigned int number);
- unsigned int getPotentialPathCount();
- ProfilePathIterator pathBegin();
- ProfilePathIterator pathEnd();
- unsigned int pathsRun();
- static char ID; // Pass identification
- std::string argList;
- FunctionPathMap _functionPaths;
- FunctionPathCountMap _functionPathCounts;
- BallLarusDag* _currentDag;
- Function* _currentFunction;
- friend class ProfilePath;
-} // end namespace llvm
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataLoader.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataLoader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 90097f7..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataLoader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-//===- ProfileDataLoader.h - Load & convert profile info ----*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// The ProfileDataLoader class is used to load profiling data from a dump file.
-// The ProfileDataT<FType, BType> class is used to store the mapping of this
-// data to control flow edges.
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace llvm {
-class ModulePass;
-class Function;
-class BasicBlock;
-// Helper for dumping edges to dbgs().
-raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, std::pair<const BasicBlock *,
- const BasicBlock *> E);
-/// \brief The ProfileDataT<FType, BType> class is used to store the mapping of
-/// profiling data to control flow edges.
-/// An edge is defined by its source and sink basic blocks.
-template<class FType, class BType>
-class ProfileDataT {
- // The profiling information defines an Edge by its source and sink basic
- // blocks.
- typedef std::pair<const BType*, const BType*> Edge;
- typedef DenseMap<Edge, unsigned> EdgeWeights;
- /// \brief Count the number of times a transition between two blocks is
- /// executed.
- ///
- /// As a special case, we also hold an edge from the null BasicBlock to the
- /// entry block to indicate how many times the function was entered.
- DenseMap<const FType*, EdgeWeights> EdgeInformation;
- /// getFunction() - Returns the Function for an Edge.
- static const FType *getFunction(Edge e) {
- // e.first may be NULL
- assert(((!e.first) || (e.first->getParent() == e.second->getParent()))
- && "A ProfileData::Edge can not be between two functions");
- assert(e.second && "A ProfileData::Edge must have a real sink");
- return e.second->getParent();
- }
- /// getEdge() - Creates an Edge between two BasicBlocks.
- static Edge getEdge(const BType *Src, const BType *Dest) {
- return Edge(Src, Dest);
- }
- /// getEdgeWeight - Return the number of times that a given edge was
- /// executed.
- unsigned getEdgeWeight(Edge e) const {
- const FType *f = getFunction(e);
- assert((EdgeInformation.find(f) != EdgeInformation.end())
- && "No profiling information for function");
- EdgeWeights weights = EdgeInformation.find(f)->second;
- assert((weights.find(e) != weights.end())
- && "No profiling information for edge");
- return weights.find(e)->second;
- }
- /// addEdgeWeight - Add 'weight' to the already stored execution count for
- /// this edge.
- void addEdgeWeight(Edge e, unsigned weight) {
- EdgeInformation[getFunction(e)][e] += weight;
- }
-typedef ProfileDataT<Function, BasicBlock> ProfileData;
-//typedef ProfileDataT<MachineFunction, MachineBasicBlock> MachineProfileData;
-/// The ProfileDataLoader class is used to load raw profiling data from the
-/// dump file.
-class ProfileDataLoader {
- /// The name of the file where the raw profiling data is stored.
- const std::string &Filename;
- /// A vector of the command line arguments used when the target program was
- /// run to generate profiling data. One entry per program run.
- SmallVector<std::string, 1> CommandLines;
- /// The raw values for how many times each edge was traversed, values from
- /// multiple program runs are accumulated.
- SmallVector<unsigned, 32> EdgeCounts;
- /// ProfileDataLoader ctor - Read the specified profiling data file, exiting
- /// the program if the file is invalid or broken.
- ProfileDataLoader(const char *ToolName, const std::string &Filename);
- /// A special value used to represent the weight of an edge which has not
- /// been counted yet.
- static const unsigned Uncounted;
- /// getNumExecutions - Return the number of times the target program was run
- /// to generate this profiling data.
- unsigned getNumExecutions() const { return CommandLines.size(); }
- /// getExecution - Return the command line parameters used to generate the
- /// i'th set of profiling data.
- const std::string &getExecution(unsigned i) const { return CommandLines[i]; }
- const std::string &getFileName() const { return Filename; }
- /// getRawEdgeCounts - Return the raw profiling data, this is just a list of
- /// numbers with no mappings to edges.
- ArrayRef<unsigned> getRawEdgeCounts() const { return EdgeCounts; }
-/// createProfileMetadataLoaderPass - This function returns a Pass that loads
-/// the profiling information for the module from the specified filename.
-ModulePass *createProfileMetadataLoaderPass(const std::string &Filename);
-} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataTypes.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataTypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1be15e0..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataTypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- ProfileDataTypes.h - Profiling info shared constants --------------===*\
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-|* This file defines constants shared by the various different profiling
-|* runtime libraries and the LLVM C++ profile metadata loader. It must be a
-|* C header because, at present, the profiling runtimes are written in C.
-/* Included by libprofile. */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/* TODO: Strip out unused entries once ProfileInfo etc has been removed. */
-enum ProfilingType {
- ArgumentInfo = 1, /* The command line argument block */
- FunctionInfo = 2, /* Function profiling information */
- BlockInfo = 3, /* Block profiling information */
- EdgeInfo = 4, /* Edge profiling information */
- PathInfo = 5, /* Path profiling information */
- BBTraceInfo = 6, /* Basic block trace information */
- OptEdgeInfo = 7 /* Edge profiling information, optimal version */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfo.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d17fa1..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-//===- llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfo.h - Profile Info Interface -----*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines the generic ProfileInfo interface, which is used as the
-// common interface used by all clients of profiling information, and
-// implemented either by making static guestimations, or by actually reading in
-// profiling information gathered by running the program.
-// Note that to be useful, all profile-based optimizations should preserve
-// ProfileInfo, which requires that they notify it when changes to the CFG are
-// made. (This is not implemented yet.)
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <cassert>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <string>
-namespace llvm {
- class Pass;
- class raw_ostream;
- class BasicBlock;
- class Function;
- class MachineBasicBlock;
- class MachineFunction;
- // Helper for dumping edges to dbgs().
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, std::pair<const BasicBlock *, const BasicBlock *> E);
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, std::pair<const MachineBasicBlock *, const MachineBasicBlock *> E);
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, const BasicBlock *BB);
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, const MachineBasicBlock *MBB);
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, const Function *F);
- raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &O, const MachineFunction *MF);
- /// ProfileInfo Class - This class holds and maintains profiling
- /// information for some unit of code.
- template<class FType, class BType>
- class ProfileInfoT {
- public:
- // Types for handling profiling information.
- typedef std::pair<const BType*, const BType*> Edge;
- typedef std::pair<Edge, double> EdgeWeight;
- typedef std::map<Edge, double> EdgeWeights;
- typedef std::map<const BType*, double> BlockCounts;
- typedef std::map<const BType*, const BType*> Path;
- protected:
- // EdgeInformation - Count the number of times a transition between two
- // blocks is executed. As a special case, we also hold an edge from the
- // null BasicBlock to the entry block to indicate how many times the
- // function was entered.
- std::map<const FType*, EdgeWeights> EdgeInformation;
- // BlockInformation - Count the number of times a block is executed.
- std::map<const FType*, BlockCounts> BlockInformation;
- // FunctionInformation - Count the number of times a function is executed.
- std::map<const FType*, double> FunctionInformation;
- ProfileInfoT<MachineFunction, MachineBasicBlock> *MachineProfile;
- public:
- static char ID; // Class identification, replacement for typeinfo
- ProfileInfoT();
- ~ProfileInfoT(); // We want to be subclassed
- // MissingValue - The value that is returned for execution counts in case
- // no value is available.
- static const double MissingValue;
- // getFunction() - Returns the Function for an Edge, checking for validity.
- static const FType* getFunction(Edge e) {
- if (e.first)
- return e.first->getParent();
- if (e.second)
- return e.second->getParent();
- llvm_unreachable("Invalid ProfileInfo::Edge");
- }
- // getEdge() - Creates an Edge from two BasicBlocks.
- static Edge getEdge(const BType *Src, const BType *Dest) {
- return std::make_pair(Src, Dest);
- }
- //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- /// Profile Information Queries
- ///
- double getExecutionCount(const FType *F);
- double getExecutionCount(const BType *BB);
- void setExecutionCount(const BType *BB, double w);
- void addExecutionCount(const BType *BB, double w);
- double getEdgeWeight(Edge e) const {
- typename std::map<const FType*, EdgeWeights>::const_iterator J =
- EdgeInformation.find(getFunction(e));
- if (J == EdgeInformation.end()) return MissingValue;
- typename EdgeWeights::const_iterator I = J->second.find(e);
- if (I == J->second.end()) return MissingValue;
- return I->second;
- }
- void setEdgeWeight(Edge e, double w) {
- DEBUG_WITH_TYPE("profile-info",
- dbgs() << "Creating Edge " << e
- << " (weight: " << format("%.20g",w) << ")\n");
- EdgeInformation[getFunction(e)][e] = w;
- }
- void addEdgeWeight(Edge e, double w);
- EdgeWeights &getEdgeWeights (const FType *F) {
- return EdgeInformation[F];
- }
- //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- /// Analysis Update Methods
- ///
- void removeBlock(const BType *BB);
- void removeEdge(Edge e);
- void replaceEdge(const Edge &, const Edge &);
- enum GetPathMode {
- GetPathToExit = 1,
- GetPathToValue = 2,
- GetPathToDest = 4,
- GetPathWithNewEdges = 8
- };
- const BType *GetPath(const BType *Src, const BType *Dest,
- Path &P, unsigned Mode);
- void divertFlow(const Edge &, const Edge &);
- void splitEdge(const BType *FirstBB, const BType *SecondBB,
- const BType *NewBB, bool MergeIdenticalEdges = false);
- void splitBlock(const BType *Old, const BType* New);
- void splitBlock(const BType *BB, const BType* NewBB,
- BType *const *Preds, unsigned NumPreds);
- void replaceAllUses(const BType *RmBB, const BType *DestBB);
- void transfer(const FType *Old, const FType *New);
- void repair(const FType *F);
- void dump(FType *F = 0, bool real = true) {
- dbgs() << "**** This is ProfileInfo " << this << " speaking:\n";
- if (!real) {
- typename std::set<const FType*> Functions;
- dbgs() << "Functions: \n";
- if (F) {
- dbgs() << F << "@" << format("%p", F) << ": " << format("%.20g",getExecutionCount(F)) << "\n";
- Functions.insert(F);
- } else {
- for (typename std::map<const FType*, double>::iterator fi = FunctionInformation.begin(),
- fe = FunctionInformation.end(); fi != fe; ++fi) {
- dbgs() << fi->first << "@" << format("%p",fi->first) << ": " << format("%.20g",fi->second) << "\n";
- Functions.insert(fi->first);
- }
- }
- for (typename std::set<const FType*>::iterator FI = Functions.begin(), FE = Functions.end();
- FI != FE; ++FI) {
- const FType *F = *FI;
- typename std::map<const FType*, BlockCounts>::iterator bwi = BlockInformation.find(F);
- dbgs() << "BasicBlocks for Function " << F << ":\n";
- for (typename BlockCounts::const_iterator bi = bwi->second.begin(), be = bwi->second.end(); bi != be; ++bi) {
- dbgs() << bi->first << "@" << format("%p", bi->first) << ": " << format("%.20g",bi->second) << "\n";
- }
- }
- for (typename std::set<const FType*>::iterator FI = Functions.begin(), FE = Functions.end();
- FI != FE; ++FI) {
- typename std::map<const FType*, EdgeWeights>::iterator ei = EdgeInformation.find(*FI);
- dbgs() << "Edges for Function " << ei->first << ":\n";
- for (typename EdgeWeights::iterator ewi = ei->second.begin(), ewe = ei->second.end();
- ewi != ewe; ++ewi) {
- dbgs() << ewi->first << ": " << format("%.20g",ewi->second) << "\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- assert(F && "No function given, this is not supported!");
- dbgs() << "Functions: \n";
- dbgs() << F << "@" << format("%p", F) << ": " << format("%.20g",getExecutionCount(F)) << "\n";
- dbgs() << "BasicBlocks for Function " << F << ":\n";
- for (typename FType::const_iterator BI = F->begin(), BE = F->end();
- BI != BE; ++BI) {
- const BType *BB = &(*BI);
- dbgs() << BB << "@" << format("%p", BB) << ": " << format("%.20g",getExecutionCount(BB)) << "\n";
- }
- }
- dbgs() << "**** ProfileInfo " << this << ", over and out.\n";
- }
- bool CalculateMissingEdge(const BType *BB, Edge &removed, bool assumeEmptyExit = false);
- bool EstimateMissingEdges(const BType *BB);
- ProfileInfoT<MachineFunction, MachineBasicBlock> *MI() {
- if (MachineProfile == 0)
- MachineProfile = new ProfileInfoT<MachineFunction, MachineBasicBlock>();
- return MachineProfile;
- }
- bool hasMI() const {
- return (MachineProfile != 0);
- }
- };
- typedef ProfileInfoT<Function, BasicBlock> ProfileInfo;
- typedef ProfileInfoT<MachineFunction, MachineBasicBlock> MachineProfileInfo;
- /// createProfileLoaderPass - This function returns a Pass that loads the
- /// profiling information for the module from the specified filename, making
- /// it available to the optimizers.
- Pass *createProfileLoaderPass(const std::string &Filename);
-} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoLoader.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoLoader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f49f3..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoLoader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-//===- ProfileInfoLoader.h - Load & convert profile information -*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// The ProfileInfoLoader class is used to load and represent profiling
-// information read in from the dump file. If conversions between formats are
-// needed, it can also do this.
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-namespace llvm {
-class Module;
-class Function;
-class BasicBlock;
-class ProfileInfoLoader {
- const std::string &Filename;
- std::vector<std::string> CommandLines;
- std::vector<unsigned> FunctionCounts;
- std::vector<unsigned> BlockCounts;
- std::vector<unsigned> EdgeCounts;
- std::vector<unsigned> OptimalEdgeCounts;
- std::vector<unsigned> BBTrace;
- // ProfileInfoLoader ctor - Read the specified profiling data file, exiting
- // the program if the file is invalid or broken.
- ProfileInfoLoader(const char *ToolName, const std::string &Filename);
- static const unsigned Uncounted;
- unsigned getNumExecutions() const { return CommandLines.size(); }
- const std::string &getExecution(unsigned i) const { return CommandLines[i]; }
- const std::string &getFileName() const { return Filename; }
- // getRawFunctionCounts - This method is used by consumers of function
- // counting information.
- //
- const std::vector<unsigned> &getRawFunctionCounts() const {
- return FunctionCounts;
- }
- // getRawBlockCounts - This method is used by consumers of block counting
- // information.
- //
- const std::vector<unsigned> &getRawBlockCounts() const {
- return BlockCounts;
- }
- // getEdgeCounts - This method is used by consumers of edge counting
- // information.
- //
- const std::vector<unsigned> &getRawEdgeCounts() const {
- return EdgeCounts;
- }
- // getEdgeOptimalCounts - This method is used by consumers of optimal edge
- // counting information.
- //
- const std::vector<unsigned> &getRawOptimalEdgeCounts() const {
- return OptimalEdgeCounts;
- }
-} // End llvm namespace
diff --git a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h b/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 45aab5b..0000000
--- a/include/llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*===-- ProfileInfoTypes.h - Profiling info shared constants --------------===*\
-|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-|* This file defines constants shared by the various different profiling
-|* runtime libraries and the LLVM C++ profile info loader. It must be a
-|* C header because, at present, the profiling runtimes are written in C.
-/* Included by libprofile. */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/* IDs to distinguish between those path counters stored in hashses vs arrays */
-enum ProfilingStorageType {
- ProfilingArray = 1,
- ProfilingHash = 2
-#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileDataTypes.h"
- * The header for tables that map path numbers to path counters.
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned fnNumber; /* function number for these counters */
- unsigned numEntries; /* number of entries stored */
-} PathProfileHeader;
- * Describes an entry in a tagged table for path counters.
- */
-typedef struct {
- unsigned pathNumber;
- unsigned pathCounter;
-} PathProfileTableEntry;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h b/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
index 1b50bb2..bb82d94 100644
--- a/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
+++ b/include/llvm/InitializePasses.h
@@ -113,9 +113,7 @@ void initializeDominanceFrontierPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDominatorTreePass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeEarlyIfConverterPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeEdgeBundlesPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeEdgeProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeExpandPostRAPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializePathProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeGCOVProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeAddressSanitizerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeAddressSanitizerModulePass(PassRegistry&);
@@ -155,8 +153,6 @@ void initializeLiveRegMatrixPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLiveStacksPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLiveVariablesPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoaderPassPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeProfileMetadataLoaderPassPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializePathProfileLoaderPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLocalStackSlotPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoopDeletionPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoopExtractorPass(PassRegistry&);
@@ -195,14 +191,11 @@ void initializeMetaRenamerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeMergeFunctionsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeNoAAPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeNoProfileInfoPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeNoPathProfileInfoPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeObjCARCAPElimPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeObjCARCExpandPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeObjCARCContractPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeObjCARCOptPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeOptimalEdgeProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeOptimizePHIsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePartiallyInlineLibCallsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePEIPass(PassRegistry&);
@@ -220,11 +213,6 @@ void initializePrintFunctionPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePrintModulePassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePrintBasicBlockPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeProcessImplicitDefsPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeProfileEstimatorPassPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeProfileInfoAnalysisGroup(PassRegistry&);
-void initializePathProfileInfoAnalysisGroup(PassRegistry&);
-void initializePathProfileVerifierPass(PassRegistry&);
-void initializeProfileVerifierPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePromotePassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePruneEHPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeReassociatePass(PassRegistry&);
diff --git a/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h b/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
index 0639ed1..d97e54c 100644
--- a/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
+++ b/include/llvm/LinkAllPasses.h
@@ -74,9 +74,6 @@ namespace {
(void) llvm::createDomPrinterPass();
(void) llvm::createDomOnlyViewerPass();
(void) llvm::createDomViewerPass();
- (void) llvm::createEdgeProfilerPass();
- (void) llvm::createOptimalEdgeProfilerPass();
- (void) llvm::createPathProfilerPass();
(void) llvm::createGCOVProfilerPass();
(void) llvm::createFunctionInliningPass();
(void) llvm::createAlwaysInlinerPass();
@@ -102,18 +99,11 @@ namespace {
(void) llvm::createLowerInvokePass();
(void) llvm::createLowerSwitchPass();
(void) llvm::createNoAAPass();
- (void) llvm::createNoProfileInfoPass();
(void) llvm::createObjCARCAliasAnalysisPass();
(void) llvm::createObjCARCAPElimPass();
(void) llvm::createObjCARCExpandPass();
(void) llvm::createObjCARCContractPass();
(void) llvm::createObjCARCOptPass();
- (void) llvm::createProfileEstimatorPass();
- (void) llvm::createProfileVerifierPass();
- (void) llvm::createPathProfileVerifierPass();
- (void) llvm::createProfileLoaderPass();
- (void) llvm::createProfileMetadataLoaderPass();
- (void) llvm::createPathProfileLoaderPass();
(void) llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass();
(void) llvm::createDemoteRegisterToMemoryPass();
(void) llvm::createPruneEHPass();
diff --git a/include/llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h b/include/llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h
index a5cac00..8a1b34e 100644
--- a/include/llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h
+++ b/include/llvm/Transforms/Instrumentation.h
@@ -35,15 +35,6 @@ namespace llvm {
class ModulePass;
class FunctionPass;
-// Insert edge profiling instrumentation
-ModulePass *createEdgeProfilerPass();
-// Insert optimal edge profiling instrumentation
-ModulePass *createOptimalEdgeProfilerPass();
-// Insert path profiling instrumentation
-ModulePass *createPathProfilerPass();
// Insert GCOV profiling instrumentation
struct GCOVOptions {
static GCOVOptions getDefault();