path: root/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/GraphAuxiliary.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/GraphAuxiliary.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 679 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/GraphAuxiliary.cpp b/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/GraphAuxiliary.cpp
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index 4ca1c5b..0000000
--- a/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/ProfilePaths/GraphAuxiliary.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-//===- GraphAuxiliary.cpp - Auxiliary functions on graph ------------------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
-// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// auxiliary function associated with graph: they all operate on graph, and help
-// in inserting instrumentation for trace generation
-#include "llvm/Pass.h"
-#include "llvm/Module.h"
-#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "Graph.h"
-//using std::list;
-using std::map;
-using std::vector;
-using std::cerr;
-namespace llvm {
-//check if 2 edges are equal (same endpoints and same weight)
-static bool edgesEqual(Edge ed1, Edge ed2){
- return ((ed1==ed2) && ed1.getWeight()==ed2.getWeight());
-//Get the vector of edges that are to be instrumented in the graph
-static void getChords(vector<Edge > &chords, Graph &g, Graph st){
- //make sure the spanning tree is directional
- //iterate over ALL the edges of the graph
- vector<Node *> allNodes=g.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=g.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!=NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge f(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight, NLI->randId);
- if(!(st.hasEdgeAndWt(f)))//addnl
- chords.push_back(f);
- }
- }
-//Given a tree t, and a "directed graph" g
-//replace the edges in the tree t with edges that exist in graph
-//The tree is formed from "undirectional" copy of graph
-//So whatever edges the tree has, the undirectional graph
-//would have too. This function corrects some of the directions in
-//the tree so that now, all edge directions in the tree match
-//the edge directions of corresponding edges in the directed graph
-static void removeTreeEdges(Graph &g, Graph& t){
- vector<Node* > allNodes=t.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList nl=t.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=nl.begin(), NLE=nl.end(); NLI!=NLE;++NLI){
- Edge ed(NLI->element, *NI, NLI->weight);
- if(!g.hasEdgeAndWt(ed)) t.removeEdge(ed);//tree has only one edge
- //between any pair of vertices, so no need to delete by edge wt
- }
- }
-//Assign a value to all the edges in the graph
-//such that if we traverse along any path from root to exit, and
-//add up the edge values, we get a path number that uniquely
-//refers to the path we travelled
-int valueAssignmentToEdges(Graph& g, map<Node *, int> nodePriority,
- vector<Edge> &be){
- vector<Node *> revtop=g.reverseTopologicalSort();
- map<Node *,int > NumPaths;
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator RI=revtop.begin(), RE=revtop.end();
- RI!=RE; ++RI){
- if(g.isLeaf(*RI))
- NumPaths[*RI]=1;
- else{
- NumPaths[*RI]=0;
- // Modified Graph::nodeList &nlist=g.getNodeList(*RI);
- Graph::nodeList &nlist=g.getSortedNodeList(*RI, be);
- //sort nodelist by increasing order of numpaths
- int sz=nlist.size();
- for(int i=0;i<sz-1; i++){
- int min=i;
- for(int j=i+1; j<sz; j++){
- BasicBlock *bb1 = nlist[j].element->getElement();
- BasicBlock *bb2 = nlist[min].element->getElement();
- if(bb1 == bb2) continue;
- if(*RI == g.getRoot()){
- assert(nodePriority[nlist[min].element]!=
- nodePriority[nlist[j].element]
- && "priorities can't be same!");
- if(nodePriority[nlist[j].element] <
- nodePriority[nlist[min].element])
- min = j;
- }
- else{
- TerminatorInst *tti = (*RI)->getElement()->getTerminator();
- BranchInst *ti = cast<BranchInst>(tti);
- assert(ti && "not a branch");
- assert(ti->getNumSuccessors()==2 && "less successors!");
- BasicBlock *tB = ti->getSuccessor(0);
- BasicBlock *fB = ti->getSuccessor(1);
- if(tB == bb1 || fB == bb2)
- min = j;
- }
- }
- graphListElement tempEl=nlist[min];
- nlist[min]=nlist[i];
- nlist[i]=tempEl;
- }
- //sorted now!
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator GLI=nlist.begin(), GLE=nlist.end();
- GLI!=GLE; ++GLI){
- GLI->weight=NumPaths[*RI];
- NumPaths[*RI]+=NumPaths[GLI->element];
- }
- }
- }
- return NumPaths[g.getRoot()];
-//This is a helper function to get the edge increments
-//This is used in conjunction with inc_DFS
-//to get the edge increments
-//Edge increment implies assigning a value to all the edges in the graph
-//such that if we traverse along any path from root to exit, and
-//add up the edge values, we get a path number that uniquely
-//refers to the path we travelled
-//inc_Dir tells whether 2 edges are in same, or in different directions
-//if same direction, return 1, else -1
-static int inc_Dir(Edge e, Edge f){
- if(e.isNull())
- return 1;
- //check that the edges must have at least one common endpoint
- assert(*(e.getFirst())==*(f.getFirst()) ||
- *(e.getFirst())==*(f.getSecond()) ||
- *(e.getSecond())==*(f.getFirst()) ||
- *(e.getSecond())==*(f.getSecond()));
- if(*(e.getFirst())==*(f.getSecond()) ||
- *(e.getSecond())==*(f.getFirst()))
- return 1;
- return -1;
-//used for getting edge increments (read comments above in inc_Dir)
-//inc_DFS is a modification of DFS
-static void inc_DFS(Graph& g,Graph& t,map<Edge, int, EdgeCompare2>& Increment,
- int events, Node *v, Edge e){
- vector<Node *> allNodes=t.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=t.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!= NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge f(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight, NLI->randId);
- if(!edgesEqual(f,e) && *v==*(f.getSecond())){
- int dir_count=inc_Dir(e,f);
- int wt=1*f.getWeight();
- inc_DFS(g,t, Increment, dir_count*events+wt, f.getFirst(), f);
- }
- }
- }
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=t.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!=NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge f(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight, NLI->randId);
- if(!edgesEqual(f,e) && *v==*(f.getFirst())){
- int dir_count=inc_Dir(e,f);
- int wt=f.getWeight();
- inc_DFS(g,t, Increment, dir_count*events+wt,
- f.getSecond(), f);
- }
- }
- }
- allNodes=g.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=g.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!=NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge f(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight, NLI->randId);
- if(!(t.hasEdgeAndWt(f)) && (*v==*(f.getSecond()) ||
- *v==*(f.getFirst()))){
- int dir_count=inc_Dir(e,f);
- Increment[f]+=dir_count*events;
- }
- }
- }
-//Now we select a subset of all edges
-//and assign them some values such that
-//if we consider just this subset, it still represents
-//the path sum along any path in the graph
-static map<Edge, int, EdgeCompare2> getEdgeIncrements(Graph& g, Graph& t,
- vector<Edge> &be){
- //get all edges in g-t
- map<Edge, int, EdgeCompare2> Increment;
- vector<Node *> allNodes=g.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=g.getSortedNodeList(*NI, be);
- //modified g.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!=NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge ed(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight,NLI->randId);
- if(!(t.hasEdgeAndWt(ed))){
- Increment[ed]=0;;
- }
- }
- }
- Edge *ed=new Edge();
- inc_DFS(g,t,Increment, 0, g.getRoot(), *ed);
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator NI=allNodes.begin(), NE=allNodes.end(); NI!=NE;
- ++NI){
- Graph::nodeList node_list=g.getSortedNodeList(*NI, be);
- //modified g.getNodeList(*NI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NLI=node_list.begin(), NLE=node_list.end();
- NLI!=NLE; ++NLI){
- Edge ed(*NI, NLI->element,NLI->weight, NLI->randId);
- if(!(t.hasEdgeAndWt(ed))){
- int wt=ed.getWeight();
- Increment[ed]+=wt;
- }
- }
- }
- return Increment;
-//push it up: TODO
-const graphListElement *findNodeInList(const Graph::nodeList &NL,
- Node *N);
-graphListElement *findNodeInList(Graph::nodeList &NL, Node *N);
-//end TODO
-//Based on edgeIncrements (above), now obtain
-//the kind of code to be inserted along an edge
-//The idea here is to minimize the computation
-//by inserting only the needed code
-static void getCodeInsertions(Graph &g, map<Edge, getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2> &instr,
- vector<Edge > &chords,
- map<Edge,int, EdgeCompare2> &edIncrements){
- //Register initialization code
- vector<Node *> ws;
- ws.push_back(g.getRoot());
- while(ws.size()>0){
- Node *v=ws.back();
- ws.pop_back();
- //for each edge v->w
- Graph::nodeList succs=g.getNodeList(v);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator nl=succs.begin(), ne=succs.end();
- nl!=ne; ++nl){
- int edgeWt=nl->weight;
- Node *w=nl->element;
- //if chords has v->w
- Edge ed(v,w, edgeWt, nl->randId);
- bool hasEdge=false;
- for(vector<Edge>::iterator CI=chords.begin(), CE=chords.end();
- CI!=CE && !hasEdge;++CI){
- if(*CI==ed && CI->getWeight()==edgeWt){//modf
- hasEdge=true;
- }
- }
- if(hasEdge){//so its a chord edge
- getEdgeCode *edCd=new getEdgeCode();
- edCd->setCond(1);
- edCd->setInc(edIncrements[ed]);
- instr[ed]=edCd;
- }
- else if(g.getNumberOfIncomingEdges(w)==1){
- ws.push_back(w);
- }
- else{
- getEdgeCode *edCd=new getEdgeCode();
- edCd->setCond(2);
- edCd->setInc(0);
- instr[ed]=edCd;
- }
- }
- }
- /////Memory increment code
- ws.push_back(g.getExit());
- while(!ws.empty()) {
- Node *w=ws.back();
- ws.pop_back();
- ///////
- //vector<Node *> lt;
- vector<Node *> lllt=g.getAllNodes();
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator EII=lllt.begin(); EII!=lllt.end() ;++EII){
- Node *lnode=*EII;
- Graph::nodeList &nl = g.getNodeList(lnode);
- //graphListElement *N = findNodeInList(nl, w);
- for(Graph::nodeList::const_iterator N = nl.begin(),
- NNEN = nl.end(); N!= NNEN; ++N){
- if (*N->element == *w){
- Node *v=lnode;
- //if chords has v->w
- Edge ed(v,w, N->weight, N->randId);
- getEdgeCode *edCd=new getEdgeCode();
- bool hasEdge=false;
- for(vector<Edge>::iterator CI=chords.begin(), CE=chords.end(); CI!=CE;
- ++CI){
- if(*CI==ed && CI->getWeight()==N->weight){
- hasEdge=true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(hasEdge){
- //char str[100];
- if(instr[ed]!=NULL && instr[ed]->getCond()==1){
- instr[ed]->setCond(4);
- }
- else{
- edCd->setCond(5);
- edCd->setInc(edIncrements[ed]);
- instr[ed]=edCd;
- }
- }
- else if(g.getNumberOfOutgoingEdges(v)==1)
- ws.push_back(v);
- else{
- edCd->setCond(6);
- instr[ed]=edCd;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ///// Register increment code
- for(vector<Edge>::iterator CI=chords.begin(), CE=chords.end(); CI!=CE; ++CI){
- getEdgeCode *edCd=new getEdgeCode();
- if(instr[*CI]==NULL){
- edCd->setCond(3);
- edCd->setInc(edIncrements[*CI]);
- instr[*CI]=edCd;
- }
- }
-//Add dummy edges corresponding to the back edges
-//If a->b is a backedge
-//then incoming dummy edge is root->b
-//and outgoing dummy edge is a->exit
-void addDummyEdges(vector<Edge > &stDummy,
- vector<Edge > &exDummy,
- Graph &g, vector<Edge> &be){
- for(vector<Edge >::iterator VI=be.begin(), VE=be.end(); VI!=VE; ++VI){
- Edge ed=*VI;
- Node *first=ed.getFirst();
- Node *second=ed.getSecond();
- g.removeEdge(ed);
- if(!(*second==*(g.getRoot()))){
- Edge *st=new Edge(g.getRoot(), second, ed.getWeight(), ed.getRandId());
- stDummy.push_back(*st);
- g.addEdgeForce(*st);
- }
- if(!(*first==*(g.getExit()))){
- Edge *ex=new Edge(first, g.getExit(), ed.getWeight(), ed.getRandId());
- exDummy.push_back(*ex);
- g.addEdgeForce(*ex);
- }
- }
-//print a given edge in the form BB1Label->BB2Label
-void printEdge(Edge ed){
- cerr<<((ed.getFirst())->getElement())
- ->getName()<<"->"<<((ed.getSecond())
- ->getElement())->getName()<<
- ":"<<ed.getWeight()<<" rndId::"<<ed.getRandId()<<"\n";
-//Move the incoming dummy edge code and outgoing dummy
-//edge code over to the corresponding back edge
-static void moveDummyCode(vector<Edge> &stDummy,
- vector<Edge> &exDummy,
- vector<Edge> &be,
- map<Edge, getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2> &insertions,
- Graph &g){
- typedef vector<Edge >::iterator vec_iter;
- map<Edge,getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2> temp;
- //iterate over edges with code
- std::vector<Edge> toErase;
- for(map<Edge,getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2>::iterator MI=insertions.begin(),
- ME=insertions.end(); MI!=ME; ++MI){
- Edge ed=MI->first;
- getEdgeCode *edCd=MI->second;
- ///---new code
- //iterate over be, and check if its starts and end vertices hv code
- for(vector<Edge>::iterator BEI=be.begin(), BEE=be.end(); BEI!=BEE; ++BEI){
- if(ed.getRandId()==BEI->getRandId()){
- if(temp[*BEI]==0)
- temp[*BEI]=new getEdgeCode();
- //so ed is either in st, or ex!
- if(ed.getFirst()==g.getRoot()){
- //so its in stDummy
- temp[*BEI]->setCdIn(edCd);
- toErase.push_back(ed);
- }
- else if(ed.getSecond()==g.getExit()){
- //so its in exDummy
- toErase.push_back(ed);
- temp[*BEI]->setCdOut(edCd);
- }
- else{
- assert(false && "Not found in either start or end! Rand failed?");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for(vector<Edge >::iterator vmi=toErase.begin(), vme=toErase.end(); vmi!=vme;
- ++vmi){
- insertions.erase(*vmi);
- g.removeEdgeWithWt(*vmi);
- }
- for(map<Edge,getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2>::iterator MI=temp.begin(),
- ME=temp.end(); MI!=ME; ++MI){
- insertions[MI->first]=MI->second;
- }
- cerr<<"size of deletions: "<<toErase.size()<<"\n";
- cerr<<"SIZE OF INSERTIONS AFTER DEL "<<insertions.size()<<"\n";
-//Do graph processing: to determine minimal edge increments,
-//appropriate code insertions etc and insert the code at
-//appropriate locations
-void processGraph(Graph &g,
- Instruction *rInst,
- Value *countInst,
- vector<Edge >& be,
- vector<Edge >& stDummy,
- vector<Edge >& exDummy,
- int numPaths, int MethNo,
- Value *threshold){
- //Given a graph: with exit->root edge, do the following in seq:
- //1. get back edges
- //2. insert dummy edges and remove back edges
- //3. get edge assignments
- //4. Get Max spanning tree of graph:
- // -Make graph g2=g undirectional
- // -Get Max spanning tree t
- // -Make t undirectional
- // -remove edges from t not in graph g
- //5. Get edge increments
- //6. Get code insertions
- //7. move code on dummy edges over to the back edges
- //This is used as maximum "weight" for
- //priority queue
- //This would hold all
- //right as long as number of paths in the graph
- //is less than this
- const int Infinity=99999999;
- //step 1-3 are already done on the graph when this function is called
- DEBUG(printGraph(g));
- //step 4: Get Max spanning tree of graph
- //now insert exit to root edge
- //if its there earlier, remove it!
- //assign it weight Infinity
- //so that this edge IS ALWAYS IN spanning tree
- //Note than edges in spanning tree do not get
- //instrumented: and we do not want the
- //edge exit->root to get instrumented
- //as it MAY BE a dummy edge
- Edge ed(g.getExit(),g.getRoot(),Infinity);
- g.addEdge(ed,Infinity);
- Graph g2=g;
- //make g2 undirectional: this gives a better
- //maximal spanning tree
- g2.makeUnDirectional();
- DEBUG(printGraph(g2));
- Graph *t=g2.getMaxSpanningTree();
- std::cerr<<"Original maxspanning tree\n";
- printGraph(*t);
- //now edges of tree t have weights reversed
- //(negative) because the algorithm used
- //to find max spanning tree is
- //actually for finding min spanning tree
- //so get back the original weights
- t->reverseWts();
- //Ordinarily, the graph is directional
- //lets converts the graph into an
- //undirectional graph
- //This is done by adding an edge
- //v->u for all existing edges u->v
- t->makeUnDirectional();
- //Given a tree t, and a "directed graph" g
- //replace the edges in the tree t with edges that exist in graph
- //The tree is formed from "undirectional" copy of graph
- //So whatever edges the tree has, the undirectional graph
- //would have too. This function corrects some of the directions in
- //the tree so that now, all edge directions in the tree match
- //the edge directions of corresponding edges in the directed graph
- removeTreeEdges(g, *t);
- cerr<<"Final Spanning tree---------\n";
- printGraph(*t);
- cerr<<"-------end spanning tree\n";
- //now remove the exit->root node
- //and re-add it with weight 0
- //since infinite weight is kinda confusing
- g.removeEdge(ed);
- Edge edNew(g.getExit(), g.getRoot(),0);
- g.addEdge(edNew,0);
- if(t->hasEdge(ed)){
- t->removeEdge(ed);
- t->addEdge(edNew,0);
- }
- DEBUG(printGraph(g);
- printGraph(*t));
- //step 5: Get edge increments
- //Now we select a subset of all edges
- //and assign them some values such that
- //if we consider just this subset, it still represents
- //the path sum along any path in the graph
- map<Edge, int, EdgeCompare2> increment=getEdgeIncrements(g,*t, be);
- //print edge increments for debugging
- std::cerr<<"Edge Increments------\n";
- for(map<Edge, int, EdgeCompare2>::iterator MMI=increment.begin(), MME=increment.end(); MMI != MME; ++MMI){
- printEdge(MMI->first);
- std::cerr<<"Increment for above:"<<MMI->second<<"\n";
- }
- std::cerr<<"-------end of edge increments\n";
- //step 6: Get code insertions
- //Based on edgeIncrements (above), now obtain
- //the kind of code to be inserted along an edge
- //The idea here is to minimize the computation
- //by inserting only the needed code
- vector<Edge> chords;
- getChords(chords, g, *t);
- map<Edge, getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2> codeInsertions;
- getCodeInsertions(g, codeInsertions, chords,increment);
- //print edges with code for debugging
- cerr<<"Code inserted in following---------------\n";
- for(map<Edge, getEdgeCode *, EdgeCompare2>::iterator cd_i=codeInsertions.begin(),
- cd_e=codeInsertions.end(); cd_i!=cd_e; ++cd_i){
- printEdge(cd_i->first);
- cerr<<cd_i->second->getCond()<<":"<<cd_i->second->getInc()<<"\n";
- }
- cerr<<"-----end insertions\n";
- //step 7: move code on dummy edges over to the back edges
- //Move the incoming dummy edge code and outgoing dummy
- //edge code over to the corresponding back edge
- moveDummyCode(stDummy, exDummy, be, codeInsertions, g);
- //debugging info
- cerr<<"After moving dummy code\n";
- for(map<Edge, getEdgeCode *,EdgeCompare2>::iterator cd_i=codeInsertions.begin(),
- cd_e=codeInsertions.end(); cd_i != cd_e; ++cd_i){
- printEdge(cd_i->first);
- cerr<<cd_i->second->getCond()<<":"
- <<cd_i->second->getInc()<<"\n";
- }
- cerr<<"Dummy end------------\n";
- //see what it looks like...
- //now insert code along edges which have codes on them
- for(map<Edge, getEdgeCode *,EdgeCompare2>::iterator MI=codeInsertions.begin(),
- ME=codeInsertions.end(); MI!=ME; ++MI){
- Edge ed=MI->first;
- insertBB(ed, MI->second, rInst, countInst, numPaths, MethNo, threshold);
- }
-//print the graph (for debugging)
-void printGraph(Graph &g){
- vector<Node *> lt=g.getAllNodes();
- cerr<<"Graph---------------------\n";
- for(vector<Node *>::iterator LI=lt.begin();
- LI!=lt.end(); ++LI){
- cerr<<((*LI)->getElement())->getName()<<"->";
- Graph::nodeList nl=g.getNodeList(*LI);
- for(Graph::nodeList::iterator NI=nl.begin();
- NI!=nl.end(); ++NI){
- cerr<<":"<<"("<<(NI->element->getElement())
- ->getName()<<":"<<NI->element->getWeight()<<","<<NI->weight<<","
- <<NI->randId<<")";
- }
- cerr<<"\n";
- }
- cerr<<"--------------------Graph\n";
-} // End llvm namespace