path: root/test/Bindings/OCaml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Bindings/OCaml')
14 files changed, 2345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/analysis.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/analysis.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e935ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/analysis.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/analysis.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.analysis -linkpkg %T/analysis.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.analysis -linkpkg %T/analysis.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_analysis
+(* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of
+ individual tests low. *)
+let context = global_context ()
+let test x = if not x then exit 1 else ()
+let bomb msg =
+ prerr_endline msg;
+ exit 2
+let _ =
+ let fty = function_type (void_type context) [| |] in
+ let m = create_module context "valid_m" in
+ let fn = define_function "valid_fn" fty m in
+ let at_entry = builder_at_end context (entry_block fn) in
+ ignore (build_ret_void at_entry);
+ (* Test that valid constructs verify. *)
+ begin match verify_module m with
+ Some msg -> bomb "valid module failed verification!"
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ if not (verify_function fn) then bomb "valid function failed verification!";
+ (* Test that invalid constructs do not verify.
+ A basic block can contain only one terminator instruction. *)
+ ignore (build_ret_void at_entry);
+ begin match verify_module m with
+ Some msg -> ()
+ | None -> bomb "invalid module passed verification!"
+ end;
+ if verify_function fn then bomb "invalid function passed verification!";
+ dispose_module m
+ (* Don't bother to test assert_valid_{module,function}. *)
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitreader.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitreader.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57cfd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitreader.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/bitreader.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/bitreader.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/bitreader.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: llvm-dis < %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of
+ individual tests low. *)
+let context = Llvm.global_context ()
+let test x = if not x then exit 1 else ()
+let _ =
+ let fn = Sys.argv.(1) in
+ let m = Llvm.create_module context "ocaml_test_module" in
+ test (Llvm_bitwriter.write_bitcode_file m fn);
+ Llvm.dispose_module m;
+ (* parse_bitcode *)
+ begin
+ let mb = Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file fn in
+ begin try
+ let m = Llvm_bitreader.parse_bitcode context mb in
+ Llvm.dispose_module m
+ with x ->
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose mb;
+ raise x
+ end
+ end;
+ (* MemoryBuffer.of_file *)
+ test begin try
+ let mb = Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file (fn ^ ".bogus") in
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose mb;
+ false
+ with Llvm.IoError _ ->
+ true
+ end;
+ (* get_module *)
+ begin
+ let mb = Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file fn in
+ let m = begin try
+ Llvm_bitreader.get_module context mb
+ with x ->
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose mb;
+ raise x
+ end in
+ Llvm.dispose_module m
+ end;
+ (* corrupt the bitcode *)
+ let fn = fn ^ ".txt" in
+ begin let oc = open_out fn in
+ output_string oc "not a bitcode file\n";
+ close_out oc
+ end;
+ (* test get_module exceptions *)
+ test begin
+ try
+ let mb = Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file fn in
+ let m = begin try
+ Llvm_bitreader.get_module context mb
+ with x ->
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose mb;
+ raise x
+ end in
+ Llvm.dispose_module m;
+ false
+ with Llvm_bitreader.Error _ ->
+ true
+ end
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitwriter.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitwriter.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c803f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/bitwriter.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/bitwriter.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -w -3 -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/bitwriter.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -w -3 -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/bitwriter.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: llvm-dis < %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of
+ individual tests low. *)
+let context = Llvm.global_context ()
+let test x = if not x then exit 1 else ()
+let read_file name =
+ let ic = open_in_bin name in
+ let len = in_channel_length ic in
+ let buf = String.create len in
+ test ((input ic buf 0 len) = len);
+ close_in ic;
+ buf
+let temp_bitcode ?unbuffered m =
+ let temp_name, temp_oc = Filename.open_temp_file ~mode:[Open_binary] "" "" in
+ test (Llvm_bitwriter.output_bitcode ?unbuffered temp_oc m);
+ flush temp_oc;
+ let temp_buf = read_file temp_name in
+ close_out temp_oc;
+ temp_buf
+let _ =
+ let m = Llvm.create_module context "ocaml_test_module" in
+ test (Llvm_bitwriter.write_bitcode_file m Sys.argv.(1));
+ let file_buf = read_file Sys.argv.(1) in
+ test (file_buf = temp_bitcode m);
+ test (file_buf = temp_bitcode ~unbuffered:false m);
+ test (file_buf = temp_bitcode ~unbuffered:true m);
+ test (file_buf = Llvm.MemoryBuffer.as_string (Llvm_bitwriter.write_bitcode_to_memory_buffer m))
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/core.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/core.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c08351e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/core.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1507 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/core.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.analysis -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/core.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.analysis -package llvm.bitwriter -linkpkg %T/core.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: llvm-dis < %t.bc > %t.ll
+ * RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.ll
+ * Do a second pass for things that shouldn't be anywhere.
+ * RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-NOWHERE %s < %t.ll
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_bitwriter
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let exit_status = ref 0
+let suite_name = ref ""
+let group_name = ref ""
+let case_num = ref 0
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let context = global_context ()
+let i1_type = Llvm.i1_type context
+let i8_type = Llvm.i8_type context
+let i16_type = Llvm.i16_type context
+let i32_type = Llvm.i32_type context
+let i64_type = Llvm.i64_type context
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+let float_type = Llvm.float_type context
+let double_type = Llvm.double_type context
+let fp128_type = Llvm.fp128_type context
+let group name =
+ group_name := !suite_name ^ "/" ^ name;
+ case_num := 0;
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (" " ^ name ^ "...")
+let insist cond =
+ incr case_num;
+ if not cond then
+ exit_status := 10;
+ match print_checkpoints, cond with
+ | false, true -> ()
+ | false, false ->
+ prerr_endline ("FAILED: " ^ !suite_name ^ "/" ^ !group_name ^ " #" ^ (string_of_int !case_num))
+ | true, true ->
+ prerr_endline (" " ^ (string_of_int !case_num))
+ | true, false ->
+ prerr_endline (" " ^ (string_of_int !case_num) ^ " FAIL")
+let suite name f =
+ suite_name := name;
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+(*===-- Conversion --------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_conversion () =
+ insist ("i32" = (string_of_lltype i32_type));
+ let c = const_int i32_type 42 in
+ insist ("i32 42" = (string_of_llvalue c))
+(*===-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target () =
+ begin group "triple";
+ let trip = "i686-apple-darwin8" in
+ set_target_triple trip m;
+ insist (trip = target_triple m)
+ end;
+ begin group "layout";
+ let layout = "e" in
+ set_data_layout layout m;
+ insist (layout = data_layout m)
+ end
+ (* CHECK: target datalayout = "e"
+ * CHECK: target triple = "i686-apple-darwin8"
+ *)
+(*===-- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_constants () =
+ (* CHECK: const_int{{.*}}i32{{.*}}-1
+ *)
+ group "int";
+ let c = const_int i32_type (-1) in
+ ignore (define_global "const_int" c m);
+ insist (i32_type = type_of c);
+ insist (is_constant c);
+ insist (Some (-1L) = int64_of_const c);
+ (* CHECK: const_sext_int{{.*}}i64{{.*}}-1
+ *)
+ group "sext int";
+ let c = const_int i64_type (-1) in
+ ignore (define_global "const_sext_int" c m);
+ insist (i64_type = type_of c);
+ insist (Some (-1L) = int64_of_const c);
+ (* CHECK: const_zext_int64{{.*}}i64{{.*}}4294967295
+ *)
+ group "zext int64";
+ let c = const_of_int64 i64_type (Int64.of_string "4294967295") false in
+ ignore (define_global "const_zext_int64" c m);
+ insist (i64_type = type_of c);
+ insist (Some 4294967295L = int64_of_const c);
+ (* CHECK: const_int_string{{.*}}i32{{.*}}-1
+ *)
+ group "int string";
+ let c = const_int_of_string i32_type "-1" 10 in
+ ignore (define_global "const_int_string" c m);
+ insist (i32_type = type_of c);
+ insist (None = (string_of_const c));
+ insist (None = float_of_const c);
+ insist (Some (-1L) = int64_of_const c);
+ (* CHECK: const_int64{{.*}}i64{{.*}}9223372036854775807
+ *)
+ group "max int64";
+ let c = const_of_int64 i64_type 9223372036854775807L true in
+ ignore (define_global "const_int64" c m) ;
+ insist (i64_type = type_of c);
+ insist (Some 9223372036854775807L = int64_of_const c);
+ if Sys.word_size = 64; then begin
+ group "long int";
+ let c = const_int i64_type (1 lsl 61) in
+ insist (c = const_of_int64 i64_type (Int64.of_int (1 lsl 61)) false)
+ end;
+ (* CHECK: @const_string = global {{.*}}c"cruel\00world"
+ *)
+ group "string";
+ let c = const_string context "cruel\000world" in
+ ignore (define_global "const_string" c m);
+ insist ((array_type i8_type 11) = type_of c);
+ insist ((Some "cruel\000world") = (string_of_const c));
+ (* CHECK: const_stringz{{.*}}"hi\00again\00"
+ *)
+ group "stringz";
+ let c = const_stringz context "hi\000again" in
+ ignore (define_global "const_stringz" c m);
+ insist ((array_type i8_type 9) = type_of c);
+ (* CHECK: const_single{{.*}}2.75
+ * CHECK: const_double{{.*}}3.1459
+ * CHECK: const_double_string{{.*}}2
+ * CHECK: const_fake_fp128{{.*}}0xL00000000000000004000000000000000
+ * CHECK: const_fp128_string{{.*}}0xLF3CB1CCF26FBC178452FB4EC7F91973F
+ *)
+ begin group "real";
+ let cs = const_float float_type 2.75 in
+ ignore (define_global "const_single" cs m);
+ insist (float_type = type_of cs);
+ insist (float_of_const cs = Some 2.75);
+ let cd = const_float double_type 3.1459 in
+ ignore (define_global "const_double" cd m);
+ insist (double_type = type_of cd);
+ insist (float_of_const cd = Some 3.1459);
+ let cd = const_float_of_string double_type "2" in
+ ignore (define_global "const_double_string" cd m);
+ insist (double_type = type_of cd);
+ insist (float_of_const cd = Some 2.);
+ let cd = const_float fp128_type 2. in
+ ignore (define_global "const_fake_fp128" cd m);
+ insist (fp128_type = type_of cd);
+ insist (float_of_const cd = Some 2.);
+ let cd = const_float_of_string fp128_type "1e400" in
+ ignore (define_global "const_fp128_string" cd m);
+ insist (fp128_type = type_of cd);
+ insist (float_of_const cd = None);
+ end;
+ let one = const_int i16_type 1 in
+ let two = const_int i16_type 2 in
+ let three = const_int i32_type 3 in
+ let four = const_int i32_type 4 in
+ (* CHECK: const_array{{.*}}[i32 3, i32 4]
+ *)
+ group "array";
+ let c = const_array i32_type [| three; four |] in
+ ignore (define_global "const_array" c m);
+ insist ((array_type i32_type 2) = (type_of c));
+ insist (three = (const_element c 0));
+ insist (four = (const_element c 1));
+ (* CHECK: const_vector{{.*}}<i16 1, i16 2{{.*}}>
+ *)
+ group "vector";
+ let c = const_vector [| one; two; one; two;
+ one; two; one; two |] in
+ ignore (define_global "const_vector" c m);
+ insist ((vector_type i16_type 8) = (type_of c));
+ (* CHECK: const_structure{{.*.}}i16 1, i16 2, i32 3, i32 4
+ *)
+ group "structure";
+ let c = const_struct context [| one; two; three; four |] in
+ ignore (define_global "const_structure" c m);
+ insist ((struct_type context [| i16_type; i16_type; i32_type; i32_type |])
+ = (type_of c));
+ (* CHECK: const_null{{.*}}zeroinit
+ *)
+ group "null";
+ let c = const_null (packed_struct_type context [| i1_type; i8_type; i64_type;
+ double_type |]) in
+ ignore (define_global "const_null" c m);
+ (* CHECK: const_all_ones{{.*}}-1
+ *)
+ group "all ones";
+ let c = const_all_ones i64_type in
+ ignore (define_global "const_all_ones" c m);
+ group "pointer null"; begin
+ (* CHECK: const_pointer_null = global i64* null
+ *)
+ let c = const_pointer_null (pointer_type i64_type) in
+ ignore (define_global "const_pointer_null" c m);
+ end;
+ (* CHECK: const_undef{{.*}}undef
+ *)
+ group "undef";
+ let c = undef i1_type in
+ ignore (define_global "const_undef" c m);
+ insist (i1_type = type_of c);
+ insist (is_undef c);
+ group "constant arithmetic";
+ (* CHECK: @const_neg = global i64 sub
+ * CHECK: @const_nsw_neg = global i64 sub nsw
+ * CHECK: @const_nuw_neg = global i64 sub nuw
+ * CHECK: @const_fneg = global double fsub
+ * CHECK: @const_not = global i64 xor
+ * CHECK: @const_add = global i64 add
+ * CHECK: @const_nsw_add = global i64 add nsw
+ * CHECK: @const_nuw_add = global i64 add nuw
+ * CHECK: @const_fadd = global double fadd
+ * CHECK: @const_sub = global i64 sub
+ * CHECK: @const_nsw_sub = global i64 sub nsw
+ * CHECK: @const_nuw_sub = global i64 sub nuw
+ * CHECK: @const_fsub = global double fsub
+ * CHECK: @const_mul = global i64 mul
+ * CHECK: @const_nsw_mul = global i64 mul nsw
+ * CHECK: @const_nuw_mul = global i64 mul nuw
+ * CHECK: @const_fmul = global double fmul
+ * CHECK: @const_udiv = global i64 udiv
+ * CHECK: @const_sdiv = global i64 sdiv
+ * CHECK: @const_exact_sdiv = global i64 sdiv exact
+ * CHECK: @const_fdiv = global double fdiv
+ * CHECK: @const_urem = global i64 urem
+ * CHECK: @const_srem = global i64 srem
+ * CHECK: @const_frem = global double frem
+ * CHECK: @const_and = global i64 and
+ * CHECK: @const_or = global i64 or
+ * CHECK: @const_xor = global i64 xor
+ * CHECK: @const_icmp = global i1 icmp sle
+ * CHECK: @const_fcmp = global i1 fcmp ole
+ *)
+ let void_ptr = pointer_type i8_type in
+ let five = const_int i64_type 5 in
+ let ffive = const_uitofp five double_type in
+ let foldbomb_gv = define_global "FoldBomb" (const_null i8_type) m in
+ let foldbomb = const_ptrtoint foldbomb_gv i64_type in
+ let ffoldbomb = const_uitofp foldbomb double_type in
+ ignore (define_global "const_neg" (const_neg foldbomb) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nsw_neg" (const_nsw_neg foldbomb) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nuw_neg" (const_nuw_neg foldbomb) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fneg" (const_fneg ffoldbomb) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_not" (const_not foldbomb) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_add" (const_add foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nsw_add" (const_nsw_add foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nuw_add" (const_nuw_add foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fadd" (const_fadd ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_sub" (const_sub foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nsw_sub" (const_nsw_sub foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nuw_sub" (const_nuw_sub foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fsub" (const_fsub ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_mul" (const_mul foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nsw_mul" (const_nsw_mul foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_nuw_mul" (const_nuw_mul foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fmul" (const_fmul ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_udiv" (const_udiv foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_sdiv" (const_sdiv foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_exact_sdiv" (const_exact_sdiv foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fdiv" (const_fdiv ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_urem" (const_urem foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_srem" (const_srem foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_frem" (const_frem ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_and" (const_and foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_or" (const_or foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_xor" (const_xor foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_icmp" (const_icmp Icmp.Sle foldbomb five) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fcmp" (const_fcmp Fcmp.Ole ffoldbomb ffive) m);
+ group "constant casts";
+ (* CHECK: const_trunc{{.*}}trunc
+ * CHECK: const_sext{{.*}}sext
+ * CHECK: const_zext{{.*}}zext
+ * CHECK: const_fptrunc{{.*}}fptrunc
+ * CHECK: const_fpext{{.*}}fpext
+ * CHECK: const_uitofp{{.*}}uitofp
+ * CHECK: const_sitofp{{.*}}sitofp
+ * CHECK: const_fptoui{{.*}}fptoui
+ * CHECK: const_fptosi{{.*}}fptosi
+ * CHECK: const_ptrtoint{{.*}}ptrtoint
+ * CHECK: const_inttoptr{{.*}}inttoptr
+ * CHECK: const_bitcast{{.*}}bitcast
+ * CHECK: const_intcast{{.*}}zext
+ *)
+ let i128_type = integer_type context 128 in
+ ignore (define_global "const_trunc" (const_trunc (const_add foldbomb five)
+ i8_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_sext" (const_sext foldbomb i128_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_zext" (const_zext foldbomb i128_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fptrunc" (const_fptrunc ffoldbomb float_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fpext" (const_fpext ffoldbomb fp128_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_uitofp" (const_uitofp foldbomb double_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_sitofp" (const_sitofp foldbomb double_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fptoui" (const_fptoui ffoldbomb i32_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_fptosi" (const_fptosi ffoldbomb i32_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_ptrtoint" (const_ptrtoint
+ (const_gep (const_null (pointer_type i8_type))
+ [| const_int i32_type 1 |])
+ i32_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_inttoptr" (const_inttoptr (const_add foldbomb five)
+ void_ptr) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_bitcast" (const_bitcast ffoldbomb i64_type) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_intcast"
+ (const_intcast foldbomb i128_type ~is_signed:false) m);
+ group "misc constants";
+ (* CHECK: const_size_of{{.*}}getelementptr{{.*}}null
+ * CHECK: const_gep{{.*}}getelementptr
+ * CHECK: const_select{{.*}}select
+ * CHECK: const_extractelement{{.*}}extractelement
+ * CHECK: const_insertelement{{.*}}insertelement
+ * CHECK: const_shufflevector = global <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 1, i32 1, i32 0>
+ *)
+ ignore (define_global "const_size_of" (size_of (pointer_type i8_type)) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_gep" (const_gep foldbomb_gv [| five |]) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_select" (const_select
+ (const_icmp Icmp.Sle foldbomb five)
+ (const_int i8_type (-1))
+ (const_int i8_type 0)) m);
+ let zero = const_int i32_type 0 in
+ let one = const_int i32_type 1 in
+ ignore (define_global "const_extractelement" (const_extractelement
+ (const_vector [| zero; one; zero; one |])
+ (const_trunc foldbomb i32_type)) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_insertelement" (const_insertelement
+ (const_vector [| zero; one; zero; one |])
+ zero (const_trunc foldbomb i32_type)) m);
+ ignore (define_global "const_shufflevector" (const_shufflevector
+ (const_vector [| zero; one |])
+ (const_vector [| one; zero |])
+ (const_vector [| const_int i32_type 0; const_int i32_type 1;
+ const_int i32_type 2; const_int i32_type 3 |])) m);
+ group "asm"; begin
+ let ft = function_type void_type [| i32_type; i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ ignore (const_inline_asm
+ ft
+ ""
+ "{cx},{ax},{di},~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags},~{edi},~{ecx}"
+ true
+ false)
+ end;
+ group "recursive struct"; begin
+ let nsty = named_struct_type context "rec" in
+ let pty = pointer_type nsty in
+ struct_set_body nsty [| i32_type; pty |] false;
+ let elts = [| const_int i32_type 4; const_pointer_null pty |] in
+ let grec_init = const_named_struct nsty elts in
+ ignore (define_global "grec" grec_init m);
+ ignore (string_of_lltype nsty);
+ end
+(*===-- Global Values -----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_global_values () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ let zero32 = const_null i32_type in
+ (* CHECK: GVal01
+ *)
+ group "naming";
+ let g = define_global "TEMPORARY" zero32 m in
+ insist ("TEMPORARY" = value_name g);
+ set_value_name "GVal01" g;
+ insist ("GVal01" = value_name g);
+ (* CHECK: GVal02{{.*}}linkonce
+ *)
+ group "linkage";
+ let g = define_global "GVal02" zero32 m ++
+ set_linkage Linkage.Link_once in
+ insist (Linkage.Link_once = linkage g);
+ (* CHECK: GVal03{{.*}}Hanalei
+ *)
+ group "section";
+ let g = define_global "GVal03" zero32 m ++
+ set_section "Hanalei" in
+ insist ("Hanalei" = section g);
+ (* CHECK: GVal04{{.*}}hidden
+ *)
+ group "visibility";
+ let g = define_global "GVal04" zero32 m ++
+ set_visibility Visibility.Hidden in
+ insist (Visibility.Hidden = visibility g);
+ (* CHECK: GVal05{{.*}}align 128
+ *)
+ group "alignment";
+ let g = define_global "GVal05" zero32 m ++
+ set_alignment 128 in
+ insist (128 = alignment g);
+ (* CHECK: GVal06{{.*}}dllexport
+ *)
+ group "dll_storage_class";
+ let g = define_global "GVal06" zero32 m ++
+ set_dll_storage_class DLLStorageClass.DLLExport in
+ insist (DLLStorageClass.DLLExport = dll_storage_class g)
+(*===-- Global Variables --------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_global_variables () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ let forty_two32 = const_int i32_type 42 in
+ group "declarations"; begin
+ (* CHECK: @GVar01 = external global i32
+ * CHECK: @QGVar01 = external addrspace(3) global i32
+ *)
+ insist (None == lookup_global "GVar01" m);
+ let g = declare_global i32_type "GVar01" m in
+ insist (is_declaration g);
+ insist (pointer_type float_type ==
+ type_of (declare_global float_type "GVar01" m));
+ insist (g == declare_global i32_type "GVar01" m);
+ insist (match lookup_global "GVar01" m with Some x -> x = g
+ | None -> false);
+ insist (None == lookup_global "QGVar01" m);
+ let g = declare_qualified_global i32_type "QGVar01" 3 m in
+ insist (is_declaration g);
+ insist (qualified_pointer_type float_type 3 ==
+ type_of (declare_qualified_global float_type "QGVar01" 3 m));
+ insist (g == declare_qualified_global i32_type "QGVar01" 3 m);
+ insist (match lookup_global "QGVar01" m with Some x -> x = g
+ | None -> false);
+ end;
+ group "definitions"; begin
+ (* CHECK: @GVar02 = global i32 42
+ * CHECK: @GVar03 = global i32 42
+ * CHECK: @QGVar02 = addrspace(3) global i32 42
+ * CHECK: @QGVar03 = addrspace(3) global i32 42
+ *)
+ let g = define_global "GVar02" forty_two32 m in
+ let g2 = declare_global i32_type "GVar03" m ++
+ set_initializer forty_two32 in
+ insist (not (is_declaration g));
+ insist (not (is_declaration g2));
+ insist ((global_initializer g) == (global_initializer g2));
+ let g = define_qualified_global "QGVar02" forty_two32 3 m in
+ let g2 = declare_qualified_global i32_type "QGVar03" 3 m ++
+ set_initializer forty_two32 in
+ insist (not (is_declaration g));
+ insist (not (is_declaration g2));
+ insist ((global_initializer g) == (global_initializer g2));
+ end;
+ (* CHECK: GVar04{{.*}}thread_local
+ *)
+ group "threadlocal";
+ let g = define_global "GVar04" forty_two32 m ++
+ set_thread_local true in
+ insist (is_thread_local g);
+ (* CHECK: GVar05{{.*}}thread_local(initialexec)
+ *)
+ group "threadlocal_mode";
+ let g = define_global "GVar05" forty_two32 m ++
+ set_thread_local_mode ThreadLocalMode.InitialExec in
+ insist ((thread_local_mode g) = ThreadLocalMode.InitialExec);
+ (* CHECK: GVar06{{.*}}externally_initialized
+ *)
+ group "externally_initialized";
+ let g = define_global "GVar06" forty_two32 m ++
+ set_externally_initialized true in
+ insist (is_externally_initialized g);
+ *)
+ group "delete";
+ let g = define_global "GVar07" forty_two32 m in
+ delete_global g;
+ (* CHECK: ConstGlobalVar{{.*}}constant
+ *)
+ group "constant";
+ let g = define_global "ConstGlobalVar" forty_two32 m in
+ insist (not (is_global_constant g));
+ set_global_constant true g;
+ insist (is_global_constant g);
+ begin group "iteration";
+ let m = create_module context "temp" in
+ insist (At_end m = global_begin m);
+ insist (At_start m = global_end m);
+ let g1 = declare_global i32_type "One" m in
+ let g2 = declare_global i32_type "Two" m in
+ insist (Before g1 = global_begin m);
+ insist (Before g2 = global_succ g1);
+ insist (At_end m = global_succ g2);
+ insist (After g2 = global_end m);
+ insist (After g1 = global_pred g2);
+ insist (At_start m = global_pred g1);
+ let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
+ insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_globals lf "" m);
+ let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_globals rf m "");
+ dispose_module m
+ end
+(* String globals built below are emitted here.
+ * CHECK: build_global_string{{.*}}stringval
+ *)
+(*===-- Uses --------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_uses () =
+ let ty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ let fn = define_function "use_function" ty m in
+ let b = builder_at_end context (entry_block fn) in
+ let p1 = param fn 0 in
+ let p2 = param fn 1 in
+ let v1 = build_add p1 p2 "v1" b in
+ let v2 = build_add p1 v1 "v2" b in
+ let _ = build_add v1 v2 "v3" b in
+ let lf s u = value_name (user u) ^ "->" ^ s in
+ insist ("v2->v3->" = fold_left_uses lf "" v1);
+ let rf u s = value_name (user u) ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("v3<-v2<-" = fold_right_uses rf v1 "");
+ let lf s u = value_name (used_value u) ^ "->" ^ s in
+ insist ("v1->v1->" = fold_left_uses lf "" v1);
+ let rf u s = value_name (used_value u) ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("v1<-v1<-" = fold_right_uses rf v1 "");
+ ignore (build_unreachable b)
+(*===-- Users -------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_users () =
+ let ty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ let fn = define_function "user_function" ty m in
+ let b = builder_at_end context (entry_block fn) in
+ let p1 = param fn 0 in
+ let p2 = param fn 1 in
+ let a3 = build_alloca i32_type "user_alloca" b in
+ let p3 = build_load a3 "user_load" b in
+ let i = build_add p1 p2 "sum" b in
+ insist ((num_operands i) = 2);
+ insist ((operand i 0) = p1);
+ insist ((operand i 1) = p2);
+ set_operand i 1 p3;
+ insist ((operand i 1) != p2);
+ insist ((operand i 1) = p3);
+ ignore (build_unreachable b)
+(*===-- Aliases -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_aliases () =
+ (* CHECK: @alias = alias i32* @aliasee
+ *)
+ let forty_two32 = const_int i32_type 42 in
+ let v = define_global "aliasee" forty_two32 m in
+ ignore (add_alias m (pointer_type i32_type) v "alias")
+(*===-- Functions ---------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_functions () =
+ let ty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i64_type |] in
+ let ty2 = function_type i8_type [| i8_type; i64_type |] in
+ (* CHECK: declare i32 @Fn1(i32, i64)
+ *)
+ begin group "declare";
+ insist (None = lookup_function "Fn1" m);
+ let fn = declare_function "Fn1" ty m in
+ insist (pointer_type ty = type_of fn);
+ insist (is_declaration fn);
+ insist (0 = Array.length (basic_blocks fn));
+ insist (pointer_type ty2 == type_of (declare_function "Fn1" ty2 m));
+ insist (fn == declare_function "Fn1" ty m);
+ insist (None <> lookup_function "Fn1" m);
+ insist (match lookup_function "Fn1" m with Some x -> x = fn
+ | None -> false);
+ insist (m == global_parent fn)
+ end;
+ *)
+ group "delete";
+ let fn = declare_function "Fn2" ty m in
+ delete_function fn;
+ (* CHECK: define{{.*}}Fn3
+ *)
+ group "define";
+ let fn = define_function "Fn3" ty m in
+ insist (not (is_declaration fn));
+ insist (1 = Array.length (basic_blocks fn));
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ (* CHECK: define{{.*}}Fn4{{.*}}Param1{{.*}}Param2
+ *)
+ group "params";
+ let fn = define_function "Fn4" ty m in
+ let params = params fn in
+ insist (2 = Array.length params);
+ insist (params.(0) = param fn 0);
+ insist (params.(1) = param fn 1);
+ insist (i32_type = type_of params.(0));
+ insist (i64_type = type_of params.(1));
+ set_value_name "Param1" params.(0);
+ set_value_name "Param2" params.(1);
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ (* CHECK: fastcc{{.*}}Fn5
+ *)
+ group "callconv";
+ let fn = define_function "Fn5" ty m in
+ insist (CallConv.c = function_call_conv fn);
+ set_function_call_conv CallConv.fast fn;
+ insist (CallConv.fast = function_call_conv fn);
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ begin group "gc";
+ (* CHECK: Fn6{{.*}}gc{{.*}}shadowstack
+ *)
+ let fn = define_function "Fn6" ty m in
+ insist (None = gc fn);
+ set_gc (Some "ocaml") fn;
+ insist (Some "ocaml" = gc fn);
+ set_gc None fn;
+ insist (None = gc fn);
+ set_gc (Some "shadowstack") fn;
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ end;
+ begin group "iteration";
+ let m = create_module context "temp" in
+ insist (At_end m = function_begin m);
+ insist (At_start m = function_end m);
+ let f1 = define_function "One" ty m in
+ let f2 = define_function "Two" ty m in
+ insist (Before f1 = function_begin m);
+ insist (Before f2 = function_succ f1);
+ insist (At_end m = function_succ f2);
+ insist (After f2 = function_end m);
+ insist (After f1 = function_pred f2);
+ insist (At_start m = function_pred f1);
+ let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
+ insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_functions lf "" m);
+ let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_functions rf m "");
+ dispose_module m
+ end
+(*===-- Params ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_params () =
+ begin group "iteration";
+ let m = create_module context "temp" in
+ let vf = define_function "void" (function_type void_type [| |]) m in
+ insist (At_end vf = param_begin vf);
+ insist (At_start vf = param_end vf);
+ let ty = function_type void_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ let f = define_function "f" ty m in
+ let p1 = param f 0 in
+ let p2 = param f 1 in
+ set_value_name "One" p1;
+ set_value_name "Two" p2;
+ add_param_attr p1 Attribute.Sext;
+ add_param_attr p2 Attribute.Noalias;
+ remove_param_attr p2 Attribute.Noalias;
+ add_function_attr f Attribute.Nounwind;
+ add_function_attr f Attribute.Noreturn;
+ remove_function_attr f Attribute.Noreturn;
+ insist (Before p1 = param_begin f);
+ insist (Before p2 = param_succ p1);
+ insist (At_end f = param_succ p2);
+ insist (After p2 = param_end f);
+ insist (After p1 = param_pred p2);
+ insist (At_start f = param_pred p1);
+ let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
+ insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_params lf "" f);
+ let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_params rf f "");
+ dispose_module m
+ end
+(*===-- Basic Blocks ------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_basic_blocks () =
+ let ty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ (* CHECK: Bb1
+ *)
+ group "entry";
+ let fn = declare_function "X" ty m in
+ let bb = append_block context "Bb1" fn in
+ insist (bb = entry_block fn);
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb));
+ *)
+ group "delete";
+ let fn = declare_function "X2" ty m in
+ let bb = append_block context "Bb2" fn in
+ delete_block bb;
+ group "insert";
+ let fn = declare_function "X3" ty m in
+ let bbb = append_block context "b" fn in
+ let bba = insert_block context "a" bbb in
+ insist ([| bba; bbb |] = basic_blocks fn);
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bba));
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bbb));
+ (* CHECK: Bb3
+ *)
+ group "name/value";
+ let fn = define_function "X4" ty m in
+ let bb = entry_block fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb));
+ let bbv = value_of_block bb in
+ set_value_name "Bb3" bbv;
+ insist ("Bb3" = value_name bbv);
+ group "casts";
+ let fn = define_function "X5" ty m in
+ let bb = entry_block fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb));
+ insist (bb = block_of_value (value_of_block bb));
+ insist (value_is_block (value_of_block bb));
+ insist (not (value_is_block (const_null i32_type)));
+ begin group "iteration";
+ let m = create_module context "temp" in
+ let f = declare_function "Temp" (function_type i32_type [| |]) m in
+ insist (At_end f = block_begin f);
+ insist (At_start f = block_end f);
+ let b1 = append_block context "One" f in
+ let b2 = append_block context "Two" f in
+ insist (Before b1 = block_begin f);
+ insist (Before b2 = block_succ b1);
+ insist (At_end f = block_succ b2);
+ insist (After b2 = block_end f);
+ insist (After b1 = block_pred b2);
+ insist (At_start f = block_pred b1);
+ let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name (value_of_block x) in
+ insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_blocks lf "" f);
+ let rf x s = value_name (value_of_block x) ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_blocks rf f "");
+ dispose_module m
+ end
+(*===-- Instructions ------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_instructions () =
+ begin group "iteration";
+ let m = create_module context "temp" in
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ let f = define_function "f" fty m in
+ let bb = entry_block f in
+ let b = builder_at context (At_end bb) in
+ insist (At_end bb = instr_begin bb);
+ insist (At_start bb = instr_end bb);
+ let i1 = build_add (param f 0) (param f 1) "One" b in
+ let i2 = build_sub (param f 0) (param f 1) "Two" b in
+ insist (Before i1 = instr_begin bb);
+ insist (Before i2 = instr_succ i1);
+ insist (At_end bb = instr_succ i2);
+ insist (After i2 = instr_end bb);
+ insist (After i1 = instr_pred i2);
+ insist (At_start bb = instr_pred i1);
+ let lf s x = s ^ "->" ^ value_name x in
+ insist ("->One->Two" = fold_left_instrs lf "" bb);
+ let rf x s = value_name x ^ "<-" ^ s in
+ insist ("One<-Two<-" = fold_right_instrs rf bb "");
+ dispose_module m
+ end;
+ group "clone instr";
+ begin
+ (* CHECK: %clone = add i32 %0, 2
+ *)
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| i32_type |] in
+ let fn = define_function "BuilderParent" fty m in
+ let bb = entry_block fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb in
+ let p = param fn 0 in
+ let sum = build_add p p "sum" b in
+ let y = const_int i32_type 2 in
+ let clone = instr_clone sum in
+ set_operand clone 0 p;
+ set_operand clone 1 y;
+ insert_into_builder clone "clone" b;
+ ignore (build_ret_void b)
+ end
+(*===-- Builder -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_builder () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ begin group "parent";
+ insist (try
+ ignore (insertion_block (builder context));
+ false
+ with Not_found ->
+ true);
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| i32_type |] in
+ let fn = define_function "BuilderParent" fty m in
+ let bb = entry_block fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb in
+ let p = param fn 0 in
+ let sum = build_add p p "sum" b in
+ ignore (build_ret_void b);
+ insist (fn = block_parent bb);
+ insist (fn = param_parent p);
+ insist (bb = instr_parent sum);
+ insist (bb = insertion_block b)
+ end;
+ group "ret void";
+ begin
+ (* CHECK: ret void
+ *)
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ let fn = declare_function "X6" fty m in
+ let b = builder_at_end context (append_block context "Bb01" fn) in
+ ignore (build_ret_void b)
+ end;
+ group "ret aggregate";
+ begin
+ (* CHECK: ret { i8, i64 } { i8 4, i64 5 }
+ *)
+ let sty = struct_type context [| i8_type; i64_type |] in
+ let fty = function_type sty [| |] in
+ let fn = declare_function "XA6" fty m in
+ let b = builder_at_end context (append_block context "Bb01" fn) in
+ let agg = [| const_int i8_type 4; const_int i64_type 5 |] in
+ ignore (build_aggregate_ret agg b)
+ end;
+ (* The rest of the tests will use one big function. *)
+ let fty = function_type i32_type [| i32_type; i32_type |] in
+ let fn = define_function "X7" fty m in
+ let atentry = builder_at_end context (entry_block fn) in
+ let p1 = param fn 0 ++ set_value_name "P1" in
+ let p2 = param fn 1 ++ set_value_name "P2" in
+ let f1 = build_uitofp p1 float_type "F1" atentry in
+ let f2 = build_uitofp p2 float_type "F2" atentry in
+ let bb00 = append_block context "Bb00" fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb00));
+ group "function attribute";
+ begin
+ ignore (add_function_attr fn Attribute.UWTable);
+ (* CHECK: X7{{.*}}#0
+ * #0 is uwtable, defined at EOF.
+ *)
+ insist ([Attribute.UWTable] = function_attr fn);
+ end;
+ group "casts"; begin
+ let void_ptr = pointer_type i8_type in
+ (* CHECK-DAG: %build_trunc = trunc i32 %P1 to i8
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_trunc2 = trunc i32 %P1 to i8
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_trunc3 = trunc i32 %P1 to i8
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_zext = zext i8 %build_trunc to i32
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_zext2 = zext i8 %build_trunc to i32
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_sext = sext i32 %build_zext to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_sext2 = sext i32 %build_zext to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_sext3 = sext i32 %build_zext to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_uitofp = uitofp i64 %build_sext to float
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_sitofp = sitofp i32 %build_zext to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fptoui = fptoui float %build_uitofp to i32
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fptosi = fptosi double %build_sitofp to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fptrunc = fptrunc double %build_sitofp to float
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fptrunc2 = fptrunc double %build_sitofp to float
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fpext = fpext float %build_fptrunc to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_fpext2 = fpext float %build_fptrunc to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_inttoptr = inttoptr i32 %P1 to i8*
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_ptrtoint = ptrtoint i8* %build_inttoptr to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_ptrtoint2 = ptrtoint i8* %build_inttoptr to i64
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_bitcast = bitcast i64 %build_ptrtoint to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_bitcast2 = bitcast i64 %build_ptrtoint to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_bitcast3 = bitcast i64 %build_ptrtoint to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_bitcast4 = bitcast i64 %build_ptrtoint to double
+ * CHECK-DAG: %build_pointercast = bitcast i8* %build_inttoptr to i16*
+ *)
+ let inst28 = build_trunc p1 i8_type "build_trunc" atentry in
+ let inst29 = build_zext inst28 i32_type "build_zext" atentry in
+ let inst30 = build_sext inst29 i64_type "build_sext" atentry in
+ let inst31 = build_uitofp inst30 float_type "build_uitofp" atentry in
+ let inst32 = build_sitofp inst29 double_type "build_sitofp" atentry in
+ ignore(build_fptoui inst31 i32_type "build_fptoui" atentry);
+ ignore(build_fptosi inst32 i64_type "build_fptosi" atentry);
+ let inst35 = build_fptrunc inst32 float_type "build_fptrunc" atentry in
+ ignore(build_fpext inst35 double_type "build_fpext" atentry);
+ let inst37 = build_inttoptr p1 void_ptr "build_inttoptr" atentry in
+ let inst38 = build_ptrtoint inst37 i64_type "build_ptrtoint" atentry in
+ ignore(build_bitcast inst38 double_type "build_bitcast" atentry);
+ ignore(build_zext_or_bitcast inst38 double_type "build_bitcast2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_sext_or_bitcast inst38 double_type "build_bitcast3" atentry);
+ ignore(build_trunc_or_bitcast inst38 double_type "build_bitcast4" atentry);
+ ignore(build_pointercast inst37 (pointer_type i16_type) "build_pointercast" atentry);
+ ignore(build_zext_or_bitcast inst28 i32_type "build_zext2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_sext_or_bitcast inst29 i64_type "build_sext2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_trunc_or_bitcast p1 i8_type "build_trunc2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_pointercast inst37 i64_type "build_ptrtoint2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_intcast inst29 i64_type "build_sext3" atentry);
+ ignore(build_intcast p1 i8_type "build_trunc3" atentry);
+ ignore(build_fpcast inst35 double_type "build_fpext2" atentry);
+ ignore(build_fpcast inst32 float_type "build_fptrunc2" atentry);
+ end;
+ group "comparisons"; begin
+ (* CHECK: %build_icmp_ne = icmp ne i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_icmp_sle = icmp sle i32 %P2, %P1
+ * CHECK: %build_fcmp_false = fcmp false float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_fcmp_true = fcmp true float %F2, %F1
+ * CHECK: %build_is_null{{.*}}= icmp eq{{.*}}%X0,{{.*}}null
+ * CHECK: %build_is_not_null = icmp ne i8* %X1, null
+ * CHECK: %build_ptrdiff
+ *)
+ let c = build_icmp Icmp.Ne p1 p2 "build_icmp_ne" atentry in
+ insist (Some Icmp.Ne = icmp_predicate c);
+ insist (None = fcmp_predicate c);
+ let c = build_icmp Icmp.Sle p2 p1 "build_icmp_sle" atentry in
+ insist (Some Icmp.Sle = icmp_predicate c);
+ insist (None = fcmp_predicate c);
+ let c = build_fcmp Fcmp.False f1 f2 "build_fcmp_false" atentry in
+ (* insist (Some Fcmp.False = fcmp_predicate c); *)
+ insist (None = icmp_predicate c);
+ let c = build_fcmp Fcmp.True f2 f1 "build_fcmp_true" atentry in
+ (* insist (Some Fcmp.True = fcmp_predicate c); *)
+ insist (None = icmp_predicate c);
+ let g0 = declare_global (pointer_type i8_type) "g0" m in
+ let g1 = declare_global (pointer_type i8_type) "g1" m in
+ let p0 = build_load g0 "X0" atentry in
+ let p1 = build_load g1 "X1" atentry in
+ ignore (build_is_null p0 "build_is_null" atentry);
+ ignore (build_is_not_null p1 "build_is_not_null" atentry);
+ ignore (build_ptrdiff p1 p0 "build_ptrdiff" atentry);
+ end;
+ group "miscellaneous"; begin
+ (* CHECK: %build_call = tail call cc63 i32 @{{.*}}(i32 signext %P2, i32 %P1)
+ * CHECK: %build_select = select i1 %build_icmp, i32 %P1, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_va_arg = va_arg i8** null, i32
+ * CHECK: %build_extractelement = extractelement <4 x i32> %Vec1, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_insertelement = insertelement <4 x i32> %Vec1, i32 %P1, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_shufflevector = shufflevector <4 x i32> %Vec1, <4 x i32> %Vec2, <4 x i32> <i32 1, i32 1, i32 0, i32 0>
+ * CHECK: %build_insertvalue0 = insertvalue{{.*}}%bl, i32 1, 0
+ * CHECK: %build_extractvalue = extractvalue{{.*}}%build_insertvalue1, 1
+ *)
+ let ci = build_call fn [| p2; p1 |] "build_call" atentry in
+ insist (CallConv.c = instruction_call_conv ci);
+ set_instruction_call_conv 63 ci;
+ insist (63 = instruction_call_conv ci);
+ insist (not (is_tail_call ci));
+ set_tail_call true ci;
+ insist (is_tail_call ci);
+ add_instruction_param_attr ci 1 Attribute.Sext;
+ add_instruction_param_attr ci 2 Attribute.Noalias;
+ remove_instruction_param_attr ci 2 Attribute.Noalias;
+ let inst46 = build_icmp Icmp.Eq p1 p2 "build_icmp" atentry in
+ ignore (build_select inst46 p1 p2 "build_select" atentry);
+ ignore (build_va_arg
+ (const_null (pointer_type (pointer_type i8_type)))
+ i32_type "build_va_arg" atentry);
+ (* Set up some vector vregs. *)
+ let one = const_int i32_type 1 in
+ let zero = const_int i32_type 0 in
+ let t1 = const_vector [| one; zero; one; zero |] in
+ let t2 = const_vector [| zero; one; zero; one |] in
+ let t3 = const_vector [| one; one; zero; zero |] in
+ let vec1 = build_insertelement t1 p1 p2 "Vec1" atentry in
+ let vec2 = build_insertelement t2 p1 p2 "Vec2" atentry in
+ let sty = struct_type context [| i32_type; i8_type |] in
+ ignore (build_extractelement vec1 p2 "build_extractelement" atentry);
+ ignore (build_insertelement vec1 p1 p2 "build_insertelement" atentry);
+ ignore (build_shufflevector vec1 vec2 t3 "build_shufflevector" atentry);
+ let p = build_alloca sty "ba" atentry in
+ let agg = build_load p "bl" atentry in
+ let agg0 = build_insertvalue agg (const_int i32_type 1) 0
+ "build_insertvalue0" atentry in
+ let agg1 = build_insertvalue agg0 (const_int i8_type 2) 1
+ "build_insertvalue1" atentry in
+ ignore (build_extractvalue agg1 1 "build_extractvalue" atentry)
+ end;
+ group "metadata"; begin
+ (* CHECK: %metadata = add i32 %P1, %P2, !test !1
+ * !1 is metadata emitted at EOF.
+ *)
+ let i = build_add p1 p2 "metadata" atentry in
+ insist ((has_metadata i) = false);
+ let m1 = const_int i32_type 1 in
+ let m2 = mdstring context "metadata test" in
+ let md = mdnode context [| m1; m2 |] in
+ let kind = mdkind_id context "test" in
+ set_metadata i kind md;
+ insist ((has_metadata i) = true);
+ insist ((metadata i kind) = Some md);
+ clear_metadata i kind;
+ insist ((has_metadata i) = false);
+ insist ((metadata i kind) = None);
+ set_metadata i kind md
+ end;
+ group "named metadata"; begin
+ (* !llvm.module.flags is emitted at EOF. *)
+ let n1 = const_int i32_type 1 in
+ let n2 = mdstring context "Debug Info Version" in
+ let n3 = const_int i32_type 2 in
+ let md = mdnode context [| n1; n2; n3 |] in
+ add_named_metadata_operand m "llvm.module.flags" md;
+ insist ((get_named_metadata m "llvm.module.flags") = [| md |])
+ end;
+ group "dbg"; begin
+ (* CHECK: %dbg = add i32 %P1, %P2, !dbg !2
+ * !2 is metadata emitted at EOF.
+ *)
+ insist ((current_debug_location atentry) = None);
+ let m_line = const_int i32_type 2 in
+ let m_col = const_int i32_type 3 in
+ let m_scope = mdnode context [| |] in
+ let m_inlined = mdnode context [| |] in
+ let md = mdnode context [| m_line; m_col; m_scope; m_inlined |] in
+ set_current_debug_location atentry md;
+ insist ((current_debug_location atentry) = Some md);
+ let i = build_add p1 p2 "dbg" atentry in
+ insist ((has_metadata i) = true);
+ clear_current_debug_location atentry
+ end;
+ group "ret"; begin
+ (* CHECK: ret{{.*}}P1
+ *)
+ let ret = build_ret p1 atentry in
+ position_before ret atentry
+ end;
+ (* see test/Feature/exception.ll *)
+ let bblpad = append_block context "Bblpad" fn in
+ let rt = struct_type context [| pointer_type i8_type; i32_type |] in
+ let ft = var_arg_function_type i32_type [||] in
+ let personality = declare_function "__gxx_personality_v0" ft m in
+ let ztic = declare_global (pointer_type i8_type) "_ZTIc" m in
+ let ztid = declare_global (pointer_type i8_type) "_ZTId" m in
+ let ztipkc = declare_global (pointer_type i8_type) "_ZTIPKc" m in
+ begin
+ set_global_constant true ztic;
+ set_global_constant true ztid;
+ set_global_constant true ztipkc;
+ let lp = build_landingpad rt personality 0 "lpad"
+ (builder_at_end context bblpad) in begin
+ set_cleanup lp true;
+ add_clause lp ztic;
+ insist((pointer_type (pointer_type i8_type)) = type_of ztid);
+ let ety = pointer_type (pointer_type i8_type) in
+ add_clause lp (const_array ety [| ztipkc; ztid |]);
+ ignore (build_resume lp (builder_at_end context bblpad));
+ end;
+ (* CHECK: landingpad{{.*}}personality{{.*}}__gxx_personality_v0
+ * CHECK: cleanup
+ * CHECK: catch{{.*}}i8**{{.*}}@_ZTIc
+ * CHECK: filter{{.*}}@_ZTIPKc{{.*}}@_ZTId
+ * CHECK: resume
+ * *)
+ end;
+ group "br"; begin
+ (* CHECK: br{{.*}}Bb02
+ *)
+ let bb02 = append_block context "Bb02" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb02 in
+ let br = build_br bb02 b in
+ insist (successors br = [| bb02 |]) ;
+ insist (is_conditional br = false) ;
+ insist (get_branch br = Some (`Unconditional bb02)) ;
+ end;
+ group "cond_br"; begin
+ (* CHECK: br{{.*}}build_br{{.*}}Bb03{{.*}}Bb00
+ *)
+ let bb03 = append_block context "Bb03" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb03 in
+ let cond = build_trunc p1 i1_type "build_br" b in
+ let br = build_cond_br cond bb03 bb00 b in
+ insist (num_successors br = 2) ;
+ insist (successor br 0 = bb03) ;
+ insist (successor br 1 = bb00) ;
+ insist (is_conditional br = true) ;
+ insist (get_branch br = Some (`Conditional (cond, bb03, bb00))) ;
+ end;
+ group "switch"; begin
+ (* CHECK: switch{{.*}}P1{{.*}}SwiBlock3
+ * CHECK: 2,{{.*}}SwiBlock2
+ *)
+ let bb1 = append_block context "SwiBlock1" fn in
+ let bb2 = append_block context "SwiBlock2" fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb2));
+ let bb3 = append_block context "SwiBlock3" fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb3));
+ let si = build_switch p1 bb3 1 (builder_at_end context bb1) in begin
+ ignore (add_case si (const_int i32_type 2) bb2);
+ insist (switch_default_dest si = bb3);
+ end;
+ insist (num_successors si = 2) ;
+ insist (get_branch si = None) ;
+ end;
+ group "malloc/free"; begin
+ (* CHECK: call{{.*}}@malloc(i32 ptrtoint
+ * CHECK: call{{.*}}@free(i8*
+ * CHECK: call{{.*}}@malloc(i32 %
+ *)
+ let bb1 = append_block context "MallocBlock1" fn in
+ let m1 = (build_malloc (pointer_type i32_type) "m1"
+ (builder_at_end context bb1)) in
+ ignore (build_free m1 (builder_at_end context bb1));
+ ignore (build_array_malloc i32_type p1 "m2" (builder_at_end context bb1));
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb1));
+ end;
+ group "indirectbr"; begin
+ (* CHECK: indirectbr i8* blockaddress(@X7, %IBRBlock2), [label %IBRBlock2, label %IBRBlock3]
+ *)
+ let bb1 = append_block context "IBRBlock1" fn in
+ let bb2 = append_block context "IBRBlock2" fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb2));
+ let bb3 = append_block context "IBRBlock3" fn in
+ ignore (build_unreachable (builder_at_end context bb3));
+ let addr = block_address fn bb2 in
+ let ibr = build_indirect_br addr 2 (builder_at_end context bb1) in
+ ignore (add_destination ibr bb2);
+ ignore (add_destination ibr bb3)
+ end;
+ group "invoke"; begin
+ (* CHECK: build_invoke{{.*}}invoke{{.*}}P1{{.*}}P2
+ * CHECK: to{{.*}}Bb04{{.*}}unwind{{.*}}Bblpad
+ *)
+ let bb04 = append_block context "Bb04" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb04 in
+ ignore (build_invoke fn [| p1; p2 |] bb04 bblpad "build_invoke" b)
+ end;
+ group "unreachable"; begin
+ (* CHECK: unreachable
+ *)
+ let bb06 = append_block context "Bb06" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb06 in
+ ignore (build_unreachable b)
+ end;
+ group "arithmetic"; begin
+ let bb07 = append_block context "Bb07" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb07 in
+ (* CHECK: %build_add = add i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nsw_add = add nsw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nuw_add = add nuw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_fadd = fadd float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_sub = sub i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nsw_sub = sub nsw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nuw_sub = sub nuw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_fsub = fsub float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_mul = mul i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nsw_mul = mul nsw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_nuw_mul = mul nuw i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_fmul = fmul float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_udiv = udiv i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_sdiv = sdiv i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_exact_sdiv = sdiv exact i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_fdiv = fdiv float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_urem = urem i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_srem = srem i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_frem = frem float %F1, %F2
+ * CHECK: %build_shl = shl i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_lshl = lshr i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_ashl = ashr i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_and = and i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_or = or i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_xor = xor i32 %P1, %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_neg = sub i32 0, %P1
+ * CHECK: %build_nsw_neg = sub nsw i32 0, %P1
+ * CHECK: %build_nuw_neg = sub nuw i32 0, %P1
+ * CHECK: %build_fneg = fsub float {{.*}}0{{.*}}, %F1
+ * CHECK: %build_not = xor i32 %P1, -1
+ *)
+ ignore (build_add p1 p2 "build_add" b);
+ ignore (build_nsw_add p1 p2 "build_nsw_add" b);
+ ignore (build_nuw_add p1 p2 "build_nuw_add" b);
+ ignore (build_fadd f1 f2 "build_fadd" b);
+ ignore (build_sub p1 p2 "build_sub" b);
+ ignore (build_nsw_sub p1 p2 "build_nsw_sub" b);
+ ignore (build_nuw_sub p1 p2 "build_nuw_sub" b);
+ ignore (build_fsub f1 f2 "build_fsub" b);
+ ignore (build_mul p1 p2 "build_mul" b);
+ ignore (build_nsw_mul p1 p2 "build_nsw_mul" b);
+ ignore (build_nuw_mul p1 p2 "build_nuw_mul" b);
+ ignore (build_fmul f1 f2 "build_fmul" b);
+ ignore (build_udiv p1 p2 "build_udiv" b);
+ ignore (build_sdiv p1 p2 "build_sdiv" b);
+ ignore (build_exact_sdiv p1 p2 "build_exact_sdiv" b);
+ ignore (build_fdiv f1 f2 "build_fdiv" b);
+ ignore (build_urem p1 p2 "build_urem" b);
+ ignore (build_srem p1 p2 "build_srem" b);
+ ignore (build_frem f1 f2 "build_frem" b);
+ ignore (build_shl p1 p2 "build_shl" b);
+ ignore (build_lshr p1 p2 "build_lshl" b);
+ ignore (build_ashr p1 p2 "build_ashl" b);
+ ignore (build_and p1 p2 "build_and" b);
+ ignore (build_or p1 p2 "build_or" b);
+ ignore (build_xor p1 p2 "build_xor" b);
+ ignore (build_neg p1 "build_neg" b);
+ ignore (build_nsw_neg p1 "build_nsw_neg" b);
+ ignore (build_nuw_neg p1 "build_nuw_neg" b);
+ ignore (build_fneg f1 "build_fneg" b);
+ ignore (build_not p1 "build_not" b);
+ ignore (build_unreachable b)
+ end;
+ group "memory"; begin
+ let bb08 = append_block context "Bb08" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb08 in
+ (* CHECK: %build_alloca = alloca i32
+ * CHECK: %build_array_alloca = alloca i32, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_load = load volatile i32* %build_array_alloca, align 4
+ * CHECK: store volatile i32 %P2, i32* %build_alloca, align 4
+ * CHECK: %build_gep = getelementptr i32* %build_array_alloca, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_in_bounds_gep = getelementptr inbounds i32* %build_array_alloca, i32 %P2
+ * CHECK: %build_struct_gep = getelementptr inbounds{{.*}}%build_alloca2, i32 0, i32 1
+ * CHECK: %build_atomicrmw = atomicrmw xchg i8* %p, i8 42 seq_cst
+ *)
+ let alloca = build_alloca i32_type "build_alloca" b in
+ let array_alloca = build_array_alloca i32_type p2 "build_array_alloca" b in
+ let load = build_load array_alloca "build_load" b in
+ ignore(set_alignment 4 load);
+ ignore(set_volatile true load);
+ insist(true = is_volatile load);
+ insist(4 = alignment load);
+ let store = build_store p2 alloca b in
+ ignore(set_volatile true store);
+ ignore(set_alignment 4 store);
+ insist(true = is_volatile store);
+ insist(4 = alignment store);
+ ignore(build_gep array_alloca [| p2 |] "build_gep" b);
+ ignore(build_in_bounds_gep array_alloca [| p2 |] "build_in_bounds_gep" b);
+ let sty = struct_type context [| i32_type; i8_type |] in
+ let alloca2 = build_alloca sty "build_alloca2" b in
+ ignore(build_struct_gep alloca2 1 "build_struct_gep" b);
+ let p = build_alloca i8_type "p" b in
+ ignore(build_atomicrmw AtomicRMWBinOp.Xchg p (const_int i8_type 42)
+ AtomicOrdering.SequentiallyConsistent false "build_atomicrmw"
+ b);
+ ignore(build_unreachable b)
+ end;
+ group "string"; begin
+ let bb09 = append_block context "Bb09" fn in
+ let b = builder_at_end context bb09 in
+ let p = build_alloca (pointer_type i8_type) "p" b in
+ (* build_global_string is emitted above.
+ * CHECK: store{{.*}}build_global_string1{{.*}}p
+ * *)
+ ignore (build_global_string "stringval" "build_global_string" b);
+ let g = build_global_stringptr "stringval" "build_global_string1" b in
+ ignore (build_store g p b);
+ ignore(build_unreachable b);
+ end;
+ group "phi"; begin
+ (* CHECK: PhiNode{{.*}}P1{{.*}}PhiBlock1{{.*}}P2{{.*}}PhiBlock2
+ *)
+ let b1 = append_block context "PhiBlock1" fn in
+ let b2 = append_block context "PhiBlock2" fn in
+ let jb = append_block context "PhiJoinBlock" fn in
+ ignore (build_br jb (builder_at_end context b1));
+ ignore (build_br jb (builder_at_end context b2));
+ let at_jb = builder_at_end context jb in
+ let phi = build_phi [(p1, b1)] "PhiNode" at_jb in
+ insist ([(p1, b1)] = incoming phi);
+ add_incoming (p2, b2) phi;
+ insist ([(p1, b1); (p2, b2)] = incoming phi);
+ ignore (build_unreachable at_jb);
+ end
+(* End-of-file checks for things like metdata and attributes.
+ * CHECK: attributes #0 = {{.*}}uwtable{{.*}}
+ * CHECK: !llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
+ * CHECK: !0 = metadata !{i32 1, metadata !"Debug Info Version", i32 2}
+ * CHECK: !1 = metadata !{i32 1, metadata !"metadata test"}
+ * CHECK: !2 = metadata !{i32 2, i32 3, metadata !3, metadata !3}
+ *)
+(*===-- Pass Managers -----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_pass_manager () =
+ let (++) x f = ignore (f x); x in
+ begin group "module pass manager";
+ ignore (PassManager.create ()
+ ++ PassManager.run_module m
+ ++ PassManager.dispose)
+ end;
+ begin group "function pass manager";
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ let fn = define_function "FunctionPassManager" fty m in
+ ignore (build_ret_void (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ ignore (PassManager.create_function m
+ ++ PassManager.initialize
+ ++ PassManager.run_function fn
+ ++ PassManager.finalize
+ ++ PassManager.dispose)
+ end
+(*===-- Memory Buffer -----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_memory_buffer () =
+ group "memory buffer";
+ let buf = MemoryBuffer.of_string "foobar" in
+ insist ((MemoryBuffer.as_string buf) = "foobar")
+(*===-- Writer ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_writer () =
+ group "valid";
+ insist (match Llvm_analysis.verify_module m with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some msg -> prerr_string msg; false);
+ group "writer";
+ insist (write_bitcode_file m filename);
+ dispose_module m
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "conversion" test_conversion;
+ suite "target" test_target;
+ suite "constants" test_constants;
+ suite "global values" test_global_values;
+ suite "global variables" test_global_variables;
+ suite "uses" test_uses;
+ suite "users" test_users;
+ suite "aliases" test_aliases;
+ suite "functions" test_functions;
+ suite "params" test_params;
+ suite "basic blocks" test_basic_blocks;
+ suite "instructions" test_instructions;
+ suite "builder" test_builder;
+ suite "pass manager" test_pass_manager;
+ suite "memory buffer" test_memory_buffer;
+ suite "writer" test_writer; (* Keep this last; it disposes m. *)
+ exit !exit_status
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/executionengine.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/executionengine.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893f988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/executionengine.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/executionengine.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.executionengine -linkpkg %T/executionengine.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.executionengine -linkpkg %T/executionengine.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * REQUIRES: native, object-emission
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_executionengine
+open Llvm_target
+(* Note that this takes a moment to link, so it's best to keep the number of
+ individual tests low. *)
+let context = global_context ()
+let i8_type = Llvm.i8_type context
+let i32_type = Llvm.i32_type context
+let i64_type = Llvm.i64_type context
+let double_type = Llvm.double_type context
+let () =
+ assert (Llvm_executionengine.initialize ())
+let bomb msg =
+ prerr_endline msg;
+ exit 2
+let define_getglobal m pg =
+ let fn = define_function "getglobal" (function_type i32_type [||]) m in
+ let b = builder_at_end (global_context ()) (entry_block fn) in
+ let g = build_call pg [||] "" b in
+ ignore (build_ret g b);
+ fn
+let define_plus m =
+ let fn = define_function "plus" (function_type i32_type [| i32_type;
+ i32_type |]) m in
+ let b = builder_at_end (global_context ()) (entry_block fn) in
+ let add = build_add (param fn 0) (param fn 1) "sum" b in
+ ignore (build_ret add b);
+ fn
+let test_executionengine () =
+ let open Ctypes in
+ (* create *)
+ let m = create_module (global_context ()) "test_module" in
+ let ee = create m in
+ (* add plus *)
+ let plus = define_plus m in
+ (* add module *)
+ let m2 = create_module (global_context ()) "test_module2" in
+ add_module m2 ee;
+ (* add global mapping *)
+ (* BROKEN: see PR20656 *)
+ (* let g = declare_function "g" (function_type i32_type [||]) m2 in
+ let cg = coerce (Foreign.funptr (void @-> returning int32_t)) (ptr void)
+ (fun () -> 42l) in
+ add_global_mapping g cg ee;
+ (* check g *)
+ let cg' = get_pointer_to_global g (ptr void) ee in
+ if 0 <> ptr_compare cg cg' then bomb "int pointers to g differ";
+ (* add getglobal *)
+ let getglobal = define_getglobal m2 g in*)
+ (* run_static_ctors *)
+ run_static_ctors ee;
+ (* call plus *)
+ let cplusty = Foreign.funptr (int32_t @-> int32_t @-> returning int32_t) in
+ let cplus = get_pointer_to_global plus cplusty ee in
+ if 4l <> cplus 2l 2l then bomb "plus didn't work";
+ (* call getglobal *)
+ (* let cgetglobalty = Foreign.funptr (void @-> returning int32_t) in
+ let cgetglobal = get_pointer_to_global getglobal cgetglobalty ee in
+ if 42l <> cgetglobal () then bomb "getglobal didn't work"; *)
+ (* remove_module *)
+ remove_module m2 ee;
+ dispose_module m2;
+ (* run_static_dtors *)
+ run_static_dtors ee;
+ (* Show that the data layout binding links and runs.*)
+ let dl = data_layout ee in
+ (* Demonstrate that a garbage pointer wasn't returned. *)
+ let ty = DataLayout.intptr_type context dl in
+ if ty != i32_type && ty != i64_type then bomb "target_data did not work";
+ (* dispose *)
+ dispose ee
+let () =
+ test_executionengine ();
+ Gc.compact ()
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/ext_exc.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/ext_exc.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b44803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/ext_exc.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/ext_exc.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -linkpkg %T/ext_exc.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.bitreader -linkpkg %T/ext_exc.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+let context = Llvm.global_context ()
+(* this used to crash, we must not use 'external' in .mli files, but 'val' if we
+ * want the let _ bindings executed, see http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=4166 *)
+let _ =
+ try
+ ignore (Llvm_bitreader.get_module context (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_stdin ()))
+ with
+ Llvm_bitreader.Error _ -> ();;
+let _ =
+ try
+ ignore (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file "/path/to/nonexistent/file")
+ with
+ Llvm.IoError _ -> ();;
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/ipo.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/ipo.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc728b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/ipo.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/ipo_opts.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.ipo -linkpkg %T/ipo_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.ipo -linkpkg %T/ipo_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_ipo
+open Llvm_target
+let context = global_context ()
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+let i8_type = Llvm.i8_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+(*===-- Transforms --------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_transforms () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ let fty = function_type i8_type [| |] in
+ let fn = define_function "fn" fty m in
+ let fn2 = define_function "fn2" fty m in begin
+ ignore (build_ret (const_int i8_type 4) (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ let b = builder_at_end context (entry_block fn2) in
+ ignore (build_ret (build_call fn [| |] "" b) b);
+ end;
+ ignore (PassManager.create ()
+ ++ add_argument_promotion
+ ++ add_constant_merge
+ ++ add_dead_arg_elimination
+ ++ add_function_attrs
+ ++ add_function_inlining
+ ++ add_always_inliner
+ ++ add_global_dce
+ ++ add_global_optimizer
+ ++ add_ipc_propagation
+ ++ add_prune_eh
+ ++ add_ipsccp
+ ++ add_internalize ~all_but_main:true
+ ++ add_strip_dead_prototypes
+ ++ add_strip_symbols
+ ++ PassManager.run_module m
+ ++ PassManager.dispose)
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "transforms" test_transforms;
+ dispose_module m
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/irreader.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/irreader.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1771e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/irreader.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/irreader.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.irreader -linkpkg %T/irreader.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.irreader -linkpkg %T/irreader.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_irreader
+let context = global_context ()
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+let _ =
+ Printexc.record_backtrace true
+let insist cond =
+ if not cond then failwith "insist"
+(*===-- IR Reader ---------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_irreader () =
+ begin
+ let buf = MemoryBuffer.of_string "@foo = global i32 42" in
+ let m = parse_ir context buf in
+ match lookup_global "foo" m with
+ | Some foo ->
+ insist ((global_initializer foo) = (const_int (i32_type context) 42))
+ | None ->
+ failwith "global"
+ end;
+ begin
+ let buf = MemoryBuffer.of_string "@foo = global garble" in
+ try
+ ignore (parse_ir context buf);
+ failwith "parsed"
+ with Llvm_irreader.Error _ ->
+ ()
+ end
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "irreader" test_irreader
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/linker.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/linker.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00064b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/linker.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/linker.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.linker -linkpkg %T/linker.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.linker -linkpkg %T/linker.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_linker
+let context = global_context ()
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Linker -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_linker () =
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ let make_module name =
+ let m = create_module context name in
+ let fn = define_function ("fn_" ^ name) fty m in
+ ignore (build_ret_void (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ m
+ in
+ let m1 = make_module "one"
+ and m2 = make_module "two" in
+ link_modules m1 m2 Mode.PreserveSource;
+ dispose_module m1;
+ dispose_module m2;
+ let m1 = make_module "one"
+ and m2 = make_module "two" in
+ link_modules m1 m2 Mode.DestroySource;
+ dispose_module m1;
+ let m1 = make_module "one"
+ and m2 = make_module "one" in
+ try
+ link_modules m1 m2 Mode.PreserveSource;
+ failwith "must raise"
+ with Error _ ->
+ dispose_module m1;
+ dispose_module m2
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "linker" test_linker
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/lit.local.cfg b/test/Bindings/OCaml/lit.local.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bca5d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/lit.local.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+config.suffixes = ['.ml']
+if not 'ocaml' in config.root.llvm_bindings:
+ config.unsupported = True
+if config.root.have_ocaml_ounit != '1':
+ config.unsupported = True
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/passmgr_builder.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/passmgr_builder.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd9d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/passmgr_builder.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/passmgr_builder.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.passmgr_builder -linkpkg %T/passmgr_builder.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.passmgr_builder -linkpkg %T/passmgr_builder.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_passmgr_builder
+let context = global_context ()
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+(*===-- Pass Manager Builder ----------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_pmbuilder () =
+ let (++) x f = ignore (f x); x in
+ let module_passmgr = PassManager.create () in
+ let func_passmgr = PassManager.create_function m in
+ let lto_passmgr = PassManager.create () in
+ ignore (Llvm_passmgr_builder.create ()
+ ++ set_opt_level 3
+ ++ set_size_level 1
+ ++ set_disable_unit_at_a_time false
+ ++ set_disable_unroll_loops false
+ ++ use_inliner_with_threshold 10
+ ++ populate_function_pass_manager func_passmgr
+ ++ populate_module_pass_manager module_passmgr
+ ++ populate_lto_pass_manager lto_passmgr
+ ~internalize:false ~run_inliner:false);
+ Gc.compact ();
+ PassManager.dispose module_passmgr;
+ PassManager.dispose func_passmgr;
+ PassManager.dispose lto_passmgr
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "pass manager builder" test_pmbuilder;
+ dispose_module m
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/scalar_opts.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/scalar_opts.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3017fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/scalar_opts.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/scalar_opts.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.scalar_opts -linkpkg %T/scalar_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.scalar_opts -linkpkg %T/scalar_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_scalar_opts
+open Llvm_target
+let context = global_context ()
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+(*===-- Transforms --------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_transforms () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ let fn = define_function "fn" fty m in
+ ignore (build_ret_void (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ ignore (PassManager.create_function m
+ ++ add_aggressive_dce
+ ++ add_alignment_from_assumptions
+ ++ add_cfg_simplification
+ ++ add_dead_store_elimination
+ ++ add_scalarizer
+ ++ add_merged_load_store_motion
+ ++ add_gvn
+ ++ add_ind_var_simplification
+ ++ add_instruction_combination
+ ++ add_jump_threading
+ ++ add_licm
+ ++ add_loop_deletion
+ ++ add_loop_idiom
+ ++ add_loop_rotation
+ ++ add_loop_reroll
+ ++ add_loop_unroll
+ ++ add_loop_unswitch
+ ++ add_memcpy_opt
+ ++ add_partially_inline_lib_calls
+ ++ add_lower_switch
+ ++ add_memory_to_register_promotion
+ ++ add_reassociation
+ ++ add_sccp
+ ++ add_scalar_repl_aggregation
+ ++ add_scalar_repl_aggregation_ssa
+ ++ add_scalar_repl_aggregation_with_threshold 4
+ ++ add_lib_call_simplification
+ ++ add_tail_call_elimination
+ ++ add_constant_propagation
+ ++ add_memory_to_register_demotion
+ ++ add_verifier
+ ++ add_correlated_value_propagation
+ ++ add_early_cse
+ ++ add_lower_expect_intrinsic
+ ++ add_type_based_alias_analysis
+ ++ add_scoped_no_alias_alias_analysis
+ ++ add_basic_alias_analysis
+ ++ PassManager.initialize
+ ++ PassManager.run_function fn
+ ++ PassManager.finalize
+ ++ PassManager.dispose)
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "transforms" test_transforms;
+ dispose_module m
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41faefa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/target.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/target.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.target -package llvm.all_backends -linkpkg %T/target.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.target -package llvm.all_backends -linkpkg %T/target.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_target
+let () = Llvm_all_backends.initialize ()
+let context = global_context ()
+let i32_type = Llvm.i32_type context
+let i64_type = Llvm.i64_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let _ =
+ Printexc.record_backtrace true
+let assert_equal a b =
+ if a <> b then failwith "assert_equal"
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+let target = Target.by_triple (Target.default_triple ())
+let machine = TargetMachine.create (Target.default_triple ()) target
+(*===-- Data Layout -------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target_data () =
+ let module DL = DataLayout in
+ let layout = "e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-n32-S32" in
+ let dl = DL.of_string layout in
+ let sty = struct_type context [| i32_type; i64_type |] in
+ assert_equal (DL.as_string dl) layout;
+ assert_equal (DL.byte_order dl) Endian.Little;
+ assert_equal (DL.pointer_size dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.intptr_type context dl) i32_type;
+ assert_equal (DL.qualified_pointer_size 0 dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.qualified_intptr_type context 0 dl) i32_type;
+ assert_equal (DL.size_in_bits sty dl) (Int64.of_int 96);
+ assert_equal (DL.store_size sty dl) (Int64.of_int 12);
+ assert_equal (DL.abi_size sty dl) (Int64.of_int 12);
+ assert_equal (DL.stack_align sty dl) 4;
+ assert_equal (DL.preferred_align sty dl) 8;
+ assert_equal (DL.preferred_align_of_global (declare_global sty "g" m) dl) 8;
+ assert_equal (DL.element_at_offset sty (Int64.of_int 1) dl) 0;
+ assert_equal (DL.offset_of_element sty 1 dl) (Int64.of_int 4);
+ let pm = PassManager.create () in
+ ignore (DL.add_to_pass_manager pm dl)
+(*===-- Target ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target () =
+ let module T = Target in
+ ignore (T.succ target);
+ ignore (T.name target);
+ ignore (T.description target);
+ ignore (T.has_jit target);
+ ignore (T.has_target_machine target);
+ ignore (T.has_asm_backend target)
+(*===-- Target Machine ----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_target_machine () =
+ let module TM = TargetMachine in
+ assert_equal (TM.target machine) target;
+ assert_equal (TM.triple machine) (Target.default_triple ());
+ assert_equal (TM.cpu machine) "";
+ assert_equal (TM.features machine) "";
+ ignore (TM.data_layout machine);
+ TM.set_verbose_asm true machine;
+ let pm = PassManager.create () in
+ TM.add_analysis_passes pm machine
+(*===-- Code Emission -----------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_code_emission () =
+ TargetMachine.emit_to_file m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile filename machine;
+ try
+ TargetMachine.emit_to_file m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile
+ "/nonexistent/file" machine;
+ failwith "must raise"
+ with Llvm_target.Error _ ->
+ ();
+ let buf = TargetMachine.emit_to_memory_buffer m CodeGenFileType.ObjectFile
+ machine in
+ Llvm.MemoryBuffer.dispose buf
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ test_target_data ();
+ test_target ();
+ test_target_machine ();
+ test_code_emission ();
+ dispose_module m
diff --git a/test/Bindings/OCaml/vectorize.ml b/test/Bindings/OCaml/vectorize.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5b03b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Bindings/OCaml/vectorize.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(* RUN: cp %s %T/vectorize_opts.ml
+ * RUN: %ocamlc -g -warn-error A -package llvm.vectorize -linkpkg %T/vectorize_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * RUN: %ocamlopt -g -warn-error A -package llvm.vectorize -linkpkg %T/vectorize_opts.ml -o %t
+ * RUN: %t %t.bc
+ * XFAIL: vg_leak
+ *)
+(* Note: It takes several seconds for ocamlopt to link an executable with
+ libLLVMCore.a, so it's better to write a big test than a bunch of
+ little ones. *)
+open Llvm
+open Llvm_vectorize
+open Llvm_target
+let context = global_context ()
+let void_type = Llvm.void_type context
+(* Tiny unit test framework - really just to help find which line is busted *)
+let print_checkpoints = false
+let suite name f =
+ if print_checkpoints then
+ prerr_endline (name ^ ":");
+ f ()
+(*===-- Fixture -----------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let filename = Sys.argv.(1)
+let m = create_module context filename
+(*===-- Transforms --------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let test_transforms () =
+ let (++) x f = f x; x in
+ let fty = function_type void_type [| |] in
+ let fn = define_function "fn" fty m in
+ ignore (build_ret_void (builder_at_end context (entry_block fn)));
+ ignore (PassManager.create ()
+ ++ add_bb_vectorize
+ ++ add_loop_vectorize
+ ++ add_slp_vectorize
+ ++ PassManager.run_module m
+ ++ PassManager.dispose)
+(*===-- Driver ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
+let _ =
+ suite "transforms" test_transforms;
+ dispose_module m