path: root/test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll
index d958470..63a02bb 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/double-float-shrink-1.ll
@@ -1,349 +1,366 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -enable-double-float-shrink -S | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
-define float @acos_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: acos_test
+; Check for and against shrinkage when using the
+; unsafe-fp-math function attribute on a math lib
+; function. This optimization may be overridden by
+; the -enable-double-float-shrink option.
+; PR17850: http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=17850
+define float @acos_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @acos(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: acos_test
; CHECK: call float @acosf(float %f)
-define double @acos_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: acos_test2
+define double @acos_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @acos(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: acos_test2
; CHECK: call double @acos(double %conv)
-define float @acosh_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: acosh_test
+define float @acosh_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @acosh(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: acosh_test
; CHECK: call float @acoshf(float %f)
-define double @acosh_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: acosh_test2
+define double @acosh_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @acosh(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: acosh_test2
; CHECK: call double @acosh(double %conv)
-define float @asin_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: asin_test
+define float @asin_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @asin(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: asin_test
; CHECK: call float @asinf(float %f)
-define double @asin_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: asin_test2
+define double @asin_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @asin(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: asin_test2
; CHECK: call double @asin(double %conv)
-define float @asinh_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: asinh_test
+define float @asinh_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @asinh(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: asinh_test
; CHECK: call float @asinhf(float %f)
-define double @asinh_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: asinh_test2
+define double @asinh_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @asinh(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: asinh_test2
; CHECK: call double @asinh(double %conv)
-define float @atan_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: atan_test
+define float @atan_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @atan(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: atan_test
; CHECK: call float @atanf(float %f)
-define double @atan_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: atan_test2
+define double @atan_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @atan(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: atan_test2
; CHECK: call double @atan(double %conv)
-define float @atanh_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: atanh_test
+define float @atanh_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @atanh(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: atanh_test
; CHECK: call float @atanhf(float %f)
-define double @atanh_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: atanh_test2
+define double @atanh_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @atanh(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: atanh_test2
; CHECK: call double @atanh(double %conv)
-define float @cbrt_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: cbrt_test
+define float @cbrt_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @cbrt(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: cbrt_test
; CHECK: call float @cbrtf(float %f)
-define double @cbrt_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: cbrt_test2
+define double @cbrt_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @cbrt(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: cbrt_test2
; CHECK: call double @cbrt(double %conv)
-define float @exp_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: exp_test
+define float @exp_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @exp(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: exp_test
; CHECK: call float @expf(float %f)
-define double @exp_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: exp_test2
+define double @exp_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @exp(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: exp_test2
; CHECK: call double @exp(double %conv)
-define float @expm1_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: expm1_test
+define float @expm1_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @expm1(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: expm1_test
; CHECK: call float @expm1f(float %f)
-define double @expm1_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: expm1_test2
+define double @expm1_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @expm1(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: expm1_test2
; CHECK: call double @expm1(double %conv)
-define float @exp10_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: exp10_test
+define float @exp10_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @exp10(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
-; FIXME: Re-enable this when Linux allows transforming this again, or when we
-; can use builtin attributes to test the transform regardless of OS.
-; DISABLED-CHECK: call float @exp10f(float %f)
+; CHECK-LABEL: exp10_test
; CHECK: call double @exp10(double %conv)
-define double @exp10_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: exp10_test2
+define double @exp10_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @exp10(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: exp10_test2
; CHECK: call double @exp10(double %conv)
-define float @log_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log_test
+define float @log_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: log_test
; CHECK: call float @logf(float %f)
-define double @log_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log_test2
+define double @log_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: log_test2
; CHECK: call double @log(double %conv)
-define float @log10_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log10_test
+define float @log10_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log10(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: log10_test
; CHECK: call float @log10f(float %f)
-define double @log10_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log10_test2
+define double @log10_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log10(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: log10_test2
; CHECK: call double @log10(double %conv)
-define float @log1p_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log1p_test
+define float @log1p_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log1p(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: log1p_test
; CHECK: call float @log1pf(float %f)
-define double @log1p_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log1p_test2
+define double @log1p_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log1p(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: log1p_test2
; CHECK: call double @log1p(double %conv)
-define float @log2_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log2_test
+define float @log2_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log2(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: log2_test
; CHECK: call float @log2f(float %f)
-define double @log2_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: log2_test2
+define double @log2_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @log2(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: log2_test2
; CHECK: call double @log2(double %conv)
-define float @logb_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: logb_test
+define float @logb_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @logb(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: logb_test
; CHECK: call float @logbf(float %f)
-define double @logb_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: logb_test2
+define double @logb_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @logb(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: logb_test2
; CHECK: call double @logb(double %conv)
-define float @sin_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: sin_test
+define float @sin_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @sin(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: sin_test
; CHECK: call float @sinf(float %f)
-define double @sin_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: sin_test2
+define double @sin_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @sin(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: sin_test2
; CHECK: call double @sin(double %conv)
-define float @sqrt_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: sqrt_test
+define float @sqrt_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @sqrt(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: sqrt_test
; CHECK: call float @sqrtf(float %f)
-define float @sqrt_int_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: sqrt_int_test
+define double @sqrt_test2(float %f) {
+ %conv = fpext float %f to double
+ %call = call double @sqrt(double %conv)
+ ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: sqrt_test2
+; CHECK: call double @sqrt(double %conv)
+define float @sqrt_int_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: sqrt_int_test
; CHECK: call float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float %f)
-define double @sqrt_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: sqrt_test2
+define double @sqrt_int_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
- %call = call double @sqrt(double %conv)
+ %call = call double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %conv)
ret double %call
-; CHECK: call double @sqrt(double %conv)
+; CHECK-LABEL: sqrt_int_test2
+; CHECK: call double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double %conv)
-define float @tan_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: tan_test
+define float @tan_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @tan(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: tan_test
; CHECK: call float @tanf(float %f)
-define double @tan_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: tan_test2
+define double @tan_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @tan(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: tan_test2
; CHECK: call double @tan(double %conv)
-define float @tanh_test(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: tanh_test
+define float @tanh_test(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @tanh(double %conv)
%conv1 = fptrunc double %call to float
ret float %conv1
+; CHECK-LABEL: tanh_test
; CHECK: call float @tanhf(float %f)
-define double @tanh_test2(float %f) nounwind readnone {
-; CHECK: tanh_test2
+define double @tanh_test2(float %f) {
%conv = fpext float %f to double
%call = call double @tanh(double %conv)
ret double %call
+; CHECK-LABEL: tanh_test2
; CHECK: call double @tanh(double %conv)
-declare double @tanh(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @tan(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @sqrt(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @sin(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @log2(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @log1p(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @log10(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @log(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @logb(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @exp10(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @expm1(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @exp(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @cbrt(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @atanh(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @atan(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @acos(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @acosh(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @asin(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @asinh(double) nounwind readnone
-declare double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double) nounwind readnone
+declare double @tanh(double) #1
+declare double @tan(double) #1
+; sqrt is a special case: the shrinking optimization
+; is valid even without unsafe-fp-math.
+declare double @sqrt(double)
+declare double @llvm.sqrt.f64(double)
+declare double @sin(double) #1
+declare double @log2(double) #1
+declare double @log1p(double) #1
+declare double @log10(double) #1
+declare double @log(double) #1
+declare double @logb(double) #1
+declare double @exp10(double) #1
+declare double @expm1(double) #1
+declare double @exp(double) #1
+declare double @cbrt(double) #1
+declare double @atanh(double) #1
+declare double @atan(double) #1
+declare double @acos(double) #1
+declare double @acosh(double) #1
+declare double @asin(double) #1
+declare double @asinh(double) #1
+attributes #1 = { "unsafe-fp-math"="true" }