path: root/test/Transforms/InstCombine
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Transforms/InstCombine')
30 files changed, 1894 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2010-03-03-ExtElim.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2010-03-03-ExtElim.ll
index b1384ec..e0def99 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2010-03-03-ExtElim.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2010-03-03-ExtElim.ll
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ define i1 @PR6486() nounwind {
define i1 @PR16462_1() nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @PR16462_1(
ret i1 icmp sgt (i32 sext (i16 trunc (i32 select (i1 icmp eq (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i32]* @a, i32 0, i32 0), i32* @d), i32 0, i32 1) to i16) to i32), i32 65535)
-; CHECK: ret i1 icmp sgt (i32 sext (i16 trunc (i32 select (i1 icmp eq (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i32]* @a, i32 0, i32 0), i32* @d), i32 0, i32 1) to i16) to i32), i32 65535)
+; CHECK: ret i1 false
define i1 @PR16462_2() nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @PR16462_2(
ret i1 icmp sgt (i32 sext (i16 trunc (i32 select (i1 icmp eq (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i32]* @a, i32 0, i32 0), i32* @d), i32 0, i32 1) to i16) to i32), i32 42)
-; CHECK: ret i1 icmp sgt (i16 trunc (i32 select (i1 icmp eq (i32* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i32]* @a, i32 0, i32 0), i32* @d), i32 0, i32 1) to i16), i16 42)
+; CHECK: ret i1 false
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2012-07-30-addrsp-bitcast.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2012-07-30-addrsp-bitcast.ll
index 4d185bf..ac9c555 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2012-07-30-addrsp-bitcast.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/2012-07-30-addrsp-bitcast.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
; CHECK: addrspacecast
-@base = internal addrspace(3) unnamed_addr global [16 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16
+@base = internal unnamed_addr addrspace(3) global [16 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16
declare void @foo(i32*)
define void @test() nounwind {
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/AddOverFlow.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/AddOverFlow.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f3d429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/AddOverFlow.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
+target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+; CHECK-LABEL: @oppositesign
+; CHECK: add nsw i16 %a, %b
+define i16 @oppositesign(i16 %x, i16 %y) {
+; %a is negative, %b is positive
+ %a = or i16 %x, 32768
+ %b = and i16 %y, 32767
+ %c = add i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %c
+define i16 @zero_sign_bit(i16 %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @zero_sign_bit(
+; CHECK-NEXT: and
+; CHECK-NEXT: add nuw
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %1 = and i16 %a, 32767
+ %2 = add i16 %1, 512
+ ret i16 %2
+define i16 @zero_sign_bit2(i16 %a, i16 %b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @zero_sign_bit2(
+; CHECK-NEXT: and
+; CHECK-NEXT: and
+; CHECK-NEXT: add nuw
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %1 = and i16 %a, 32767
+ %2 = and i16 %b, 32767
+ %3 = add i16 %1, %2
+ ret i16 %3
+declare i16 @bounded(i16 %input);
+declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...);
+!0 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 32768} ; [0, 32767]
+!1 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 32769} ; [0, 32768]
+define i16 @add_bounded_values(i16 %a, i16 %b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @add_bounded_values(
+ %c = call i16 @bounded(i16 %a), !range !0
+ %d = invoke i16 @bounded(i16 %b) to label %cont unwind label %lpad, !range !0
+; %c and %d are in [0, 32767]. Therefore, %c + %d doesn't unsigned overflow.
+ %e = add i16 %c, %d
+; CHECK: add nuw i16 %c, %d
+ ret i16 %e
+ %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
+ filter [0 x i8*] zeroinitializer
+ ret i16 42
+define i16 @add_bounded_values_2(i16 %a, i16 %b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @add_bounded_values_2(
+ %c = call i16 @bounded(i16 %a), !range !1
+ %d = invoke i16 @bounded(i16 %b) to label %cont unwind label %lpad, !range !1
+; Similar to add_bounded_values, but %c and %d are in [0, 32768]. Therefore,
+; %c + %d may unsigned overflow and we cannot add NUW.
+ %e = add i16 %c, %d
+; CHECK: add i16 %c, %d
+ ret i16 %e
+ %0 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
+ filter [0 x i8*] zeroinitializer
+ ret i16 42
+; CHECK-LABEL: @ripple_nsw1
+; CHECK: add nsw i16 %a, %b
+define i16 @ripple_nsw1(i16 %x, i16 %y) {
+; %a has at most one bit set
+ %a = and i16 %y, 1
+; %b has a 0 bit other than the sign bit
+ %b = and i16 %x, 49151
+ %c = add i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %c
+; Like the previous test, but flip %a and %b
+; CHECK-LABEL: @ripple_nsw2
+; CHECK: add nsw i16 %b, %a
+define i16 @ripple_nsw2(i16 %x, i16 %y) {
+ %a = and i16 %y, 1
+ %b = and i16 %x, 49151
+ %c = add i16 %b, %a
+ ret i16 %c
+; CHECK-LABEL: @ripple_no_nsw1
+; CHECK: add i32 %a, %x
+define i32 @ripple_no_nsw1(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+; We know nothing about %x
+ %a = and i32 %y, 1
+ %b = add i32 %a, %x
+ ret i32 %b
+; CHECK-LABEL: @ripple_no_nsw2
+; CHECK: add nuw i16 %a, %b
+define i16 @ripple_no_nsw2(i16 %x, i16 %y) {
+; %a has at most one bit set
+ %a = and i16 %y, 1
+; %b has a 0 bit, but it is the sign bit
+ %b = and i16 %x, 32767
+ %c = add i16 %a, %b
+ ret i16 %c
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/abs_abs.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/abs_abs.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de10fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/abs_abs.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @abs_abs_x01(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x01(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x02(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x02(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x03(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x03(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x04(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x04(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x05(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x05(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x06(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x06(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x07(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x07(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x08(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x08(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x09(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x09(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x10(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x10(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x11(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x11(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x12(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x12(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x13(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x13(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x14(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x14(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x15(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x15(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_abs_x16(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_abs_x16(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x01(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x01(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x02(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x02(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x03(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x03(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x04(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x04(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x05(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x05(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x06(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x06(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x07(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x07(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x08(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x08(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x09(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x09(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x10(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x10(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x11(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x11(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x12(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x12(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x13(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x13(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x14(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x14(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x15(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x15(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_nabs_x16(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_nabs_x16(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x01(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x01(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x02(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x02(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x03(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x03(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x04(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x04(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x05(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x05(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x06(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x06(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x07(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x07(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x08(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x08(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x09(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x09(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x10(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x10(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x11(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x11(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x12(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x12(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x13(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x13(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x14(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x14(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x15(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x15(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @abs_nabs_x16(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @abs_nabs_x16(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x01(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x01(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x02(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x02(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x03(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x03(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x04(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, -1
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x04(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x05(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x05(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x06(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x06(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x07(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x07(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x08(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp sgt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub9 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %sub9, i32 %cond
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x08(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x09(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x09(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x10(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x10(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x11(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x11(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x12(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 0
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x12(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x13(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x13(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x14(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %sub
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x14(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp sgt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[NEG]], i32 %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x15(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x15(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+define i32 @nabs_abs_x16(i32 %x) {
+ %cmp = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+ %cond = select i1 %cmp, i32 %sub, i32 %x
+ %cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %cond, 1
+ %sub16 = sub nsw i32 0, %cond
+ %cond18 = select i1 %cmp1, i32 %cond, i32 %sub16
+ ret i32 %cond18
+; CHECK-LABEL: @nabs_abs_x16(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp slt i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[NEG:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub nsw i32 0, %x
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 %x, i32 [[NEG]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-shrink.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-shrink.ll
index 3edb392..67a990f 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-shrink.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-shrink.ll
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | grep "add nsw i32"
-; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | grep sext | count 1
-; Should only have one sext and the add should be i32 instead of i64.
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
+; CHECK-LABEL: define i64 @test
define i64 @test1(i32 %A) {
+; CHECK: %[[ADD:.*]] = add nsw i32 %B, %C
+; CHECK: %F = sext i32 %[[ADD]] to i64
+; CHECK: ret i64 %F
%B = ashr i32 %A, 7 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%C = ashr i32 %A, 9 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%D = sext i32 %B to i64 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-sitofp.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-sitofp.ll
index 40edf71..3b5485e 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-sitofp.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add-sitofp.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | grep "add nsw i32"
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | grep "add nuw nsw i32"
define double @x(i32 %a, i32 %b) nounwind {
%m = lshr i32 %a, 24
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add2.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add2.ll
index 67d560e..d7eac4b 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add2.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/add2.ll
@@ -76,3 +76,240 @@ define <2 x i64> @test8(<2 x i64> %A) {
; CHECK-NEXT: %add = sub <2 x i64> <i64 1, i64 2>, %A
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i64> %add
+define i16 @test9(i16 %a) {
+ %b = mul i16 %a, 2
+ %c = mul i16 %a, 32767
+ %d = add i16 %b, %c
+ ret i16 %d
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test9(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %d = mul i16 %a, -32767
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %d
+; y + (~((x >> 3) & 0x55555555) + 1) -> y - ((x >> 3) & 0x55555555)
+define i32 @test10(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %shr = ashr i32 %x, 3
+ %shr.not = or i32 %shr, -1431655766
+ %neg = xor i32 %shr.not, 1431655765
+ %add = add i32 %y, 1
+ %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test10(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = ashr i32 %x, 3
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 [[SHR]], 1431655765
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; y + (~(x & 0x55555555) + 1) -> y - (x & 0x55555555)
+define i32 @test11(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655766
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655765
+ %add = add i32 %y, 1
+ %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test11(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655765
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; (y + 1) + ~(x & 0x55555555) -> y - (x & 0x55555555)
+define i32 @test12(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %add = add nsw i32 %y, 1
+ %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655766
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655765
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test12(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655765
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; y + (~(x & 0x55555556) + 1) -> y - (x & 0x55555556)
+define i32 @test13(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655767
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655766
+ %add = add i32 %y, 1
+ %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test13(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655766
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; (y + 1) + ~(x & 0x55555556) -> y - (x & 0x55555556)
+define i32 @test14(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %add = add nsw i32 %y, 1
+ %x.not = or i32 %x, -1431655767
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, 1431655766
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test14(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, 1431655766
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; y + (~(x | 0x55555556) + 1) -> y - (x | 0x55555556)
+define i32 @test15(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %x.not = and i32 %x, -1431655767
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, -1431655767
+ %add = add i32 %y, 1
+ %add1 = add i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test15(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 1431655766
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; (y + 1) + ~(x | 0x55555556) -> y - (x | 0x555555556)
+define i32 @test16(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %add = add nsw i32 %y, 1
+ %x.not = and i32 %x, -1431655767
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, -1431655767
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test16(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 1431655766
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; y + (~(x | 0x55555555) + 1) -> y - (x | 0x55555555)
+define i32 @test17(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %x.not = and i32 %x, -1431655766
+ %add2 = xor i32 %x.not, -1431655765
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add2, %y
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test17(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 1431655765
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+; (y + 1) + ~(x | 0x55555555) -> y - (x | 0x55555555)
+define i32 @test18(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %add = add nsw i32 %y, 1
+ %x.not = and i32 %x, -1431655766
+ %neg = xor i32 %x.not, -1431655766
+ %add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %neg
+ ret i32 %add1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test18(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 1431655765
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SUB:%[a-z0-9]+]] = sub i32 %y, [[AND]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SUB]]
+define i16 @add_nsw_mul_nsw(i16 %x) {
+ %add1 = add nsw i16 %x, %x
+ %add2 = add nsw i16 %add1, %x
+ ret i16 %add2
+; CHECK-LABEL: @add_nsw_mul_nsw(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 3
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2
+define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_1(i16 %x) {
+ %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %x, 8
+ %add2 = add nsw i16 %x, %mul1
+ ret i16 %add2
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_1(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 9
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2
+define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_2(i16 %x) {
+ %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %x, 8
+ %add2 = add nsw i16 %mul1, %x
+ ret i16 %add2
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_2(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add2 = mul nsw i16 %x, 9
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add2
+define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_3(i16 %a) {
+ %mul1 = mul i16 %a, 2
+ %mul2 = mul i16 %a, 3
+ %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2
+ ret i16 %add
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_3(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul i16 %a, 5
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add
+define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_4(i16 %a) {
+ %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %a, 2
+ %mul2 = mul nsw i16 %a, 7
+ %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2
+ ret i16 %add
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_4(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i16 %a, 9
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add
+define i16 @mul_add_to_mul_5(i16 %a) {
+ %mul1 = mul nsw i16 %a, 3
+ %mul2 = mul nsw i16 %a, 7
+ %add = add nsw i16 %mul1, %mul2
+ ret i16 %add
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_5(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i16 %a, 10
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 %add
+define i32 @mul_add_to_mul_6(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+ %mul1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %y
+ %mul2 = mul nsw i32 %mul1, 5
+ %add = add nsw i32 %mul1, %mul2
+ ret i32 %add
+; CHECK-LABEL: @mul_add_to_mul_6(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %mul1 = mul nsw i32 %x, %y
+; CHECK-NEXT: %add = mul nsw i32 %mul1, 6
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %add
+; This test and the next test verify that when a range metadata is attached to
+; llvm.cttz, ValueTracking correctly intersects the range specified by the
+; metadata and the range implied by the intrinsic.
+; In this test, the range specified by the metadata is more strict. Therefore,
+; ValueTracking uses that range.
+define i16 @add_cttz(i16 %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @add_cttz(
+ ; llvm.cttz.i16(..., /*is_zero_undefined=*/true) implies the value returned
+ ; is in [0, 16). The range metadata indicates the value returned is in [0, 8).
+ ; Intersecting these ranges, we know the value returned is in [0, 8).
+ ; Therefore, InstCombine will transform
+ ; add %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 1000 ; decimal -8
+ ; to
+ ; or %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 1000
+ %cttz = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %a, i1 true), !range !0
+ %b = add i16 %cttz, -8
+; CHECK: or i16 %cttz, -8
+ ret i16 %b
+declare i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16, i1)
+!0 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 8}
+; Similar to @add_cttz, but in this test, the range implied by the
+; intrinsic is more strict. Therefore, ValueTracking uses that range.
+define i16 @add_cttz_2(i16 %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @add_cttz_2(
+ ; llvm.cttz.i16(..., /*is_zero_undefined=*/true) implies the value returned
+ ; is in [0, 16). The range metadata indicates the value returned is in
+ ; [0, 32). Intersecting these ranges, we know the value returned is in
+ ; [0, 16). Therefore, InstCombine will transform
+ ; add %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 0000 ; decimal -16
+ ; to
+ ; or %cttz, 1111 1111 1111 0000
+ %cttz = call i16 @llvm.cttz.i16(i16 %a, i1 true), !range !1
+ %b = add i16 %cttz, -16
+; CHECK: or i16 %cttz, -16
+ ret i16 %b
+!1 = metadata !{i16 0, i16 32}
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/addrspacecast.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/addrspacecast.ll
index d908b55..c168436 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/addrspacecast.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/addrspacecast.ll
@@ -28,13 +28,91 @@ define <4 x i32*> @combine_redundant_addrspacecast_vector(<4 x i32 addrspace(1)*
define float* @combine_redundant_addrspacecast_types(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_redundant_addrspacecast_types(
-; CHECK: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float*
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(1)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast float addrspace(1)* %1 to float*
%y = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i32 addrspace(3)*
%z = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(3)* %y to float*
ret float* %z
+define <4 x float*> @combine_redundant_addrspacecast_types_vector(<4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_redundant_addrspacecast_types_vector(
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast <4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x to <4 x float addrspace(1)*>
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast <4 x float addrspace(1)*> %1 to <4 x float*>
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = addrspacecast <4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x to <4 x i32 addrspace(3)*>
+ %z = addrspacecast <4 x i32 addrspace(3)*> %y to <4 x float*>
+ ret <4 x float*> %z
+define float addrspace(2)* @combine_addrspacecast_bitcast_1(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_addrspacecast_bitcast_1(
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(1)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast float addrspace(1)* %1 to float addrspace(2)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i32 addrspace(2)*
+ %z = bitcast i32 addrspace(2)* %y to float addrspace(2)*
+ ret float addrspace(2)* %z
+define i32 addrspace(2)* @combine_addrspacecast_bitcast_2(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_addrspacecast_bitcast_2(
+; CHECK: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i32 addrspace(2)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(2)*
+ %z = bitcast float addrspace(2)* %y to i32 addrspace(2)*
+ ret i32 addrspace(2)* %z
+define i32 addrspace(2)* @combine_bitcast_addrspacecast_1(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_bitcast_addrspacecast_1(
+; CHECK: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i32 addrspace(2)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i8 addrspace(1)*
+ %z = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(1)* %y to i32 addrspace(2)*
+ ret i32 addrspace(2)* %z
+define float addrspace(2)* @combine_bitcast_addrspacecast_2(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_bitcast_addrspacecast_2(
+; CHECK: bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(1)*
+; CHECK: addrspacecast float addrspace(1)* %1 to float addrspace(2)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to i8 addrspace(1)*
+ %z = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(1)* %y to float addrspace(2)*
+ ret float addrspace(2)* %z
+define float addrspace(2)* @combine_addrspacecast_types(i32 addrspace(1)* %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_addrspacecast_types(
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(1)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast float addrspace(1)* %1 to float addrspace(2)*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %x to float addrspace(2)*
+ ret float addrspace(2)* %y
+define <4 x float addrspace(2)*> @combine_addrspacecast_types_vector(<4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @combine_addrspacecast_types_vector(
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast <4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x to <4 x float addrspace(1)*>
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast <4 x float addrspace(1)*> %1 to <4 x float addrspace(2)*>
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret
+ %y = addrspacecast <4 x i32 addrspace(1)*> %x to <4 x float addrspace(2)*>
+ ret <4 x float addrspace(2)*> %y
+define i32 @canonicalize_addrspacecast([16 x i32] addrspace(1)* %arr) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @canonicalize_addrspacecast(
+; CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds [16 x i32] addrspace(1)* %arr, i32 0, i32 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %{{[a-zA-Z0-9]+}} to i32*
+; CHECK-NEXT: load i32*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32
+ %p = addrspacecast [16 x i32] addrspace(1)* %arr to i32*
+ %v = load i32* %p
+ ret i32 %v
@const_array = addrspace(2) constant [60 x i8] [i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22,
i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22,
i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22, i8 2, i8 9, i8 4, i8 22,
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/align-2d-gep.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/align-2d-gep.ll
index 5bca46d..f6a8776 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/align-2d-gep.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/align-2d-gep.ll
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ bb1:
store <2 x double><double 0.0, double 0.0>, <2 x double>* %r, align 8
%indvar.next = add i64 %j, 2
- %exitcond = icmp eq i64 %indvar.next, 557
+ %exitcond = icmp eq i64 %indvar.next, 556
br i1 %exitcond, label %bb11, label %bb1
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/bitcast-alias-function.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/bitcast-alias-function.ll
index 284960b..a6b56f9 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/bitcast-alias-function.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/bitcast-alias-function.ll
@@ -6,46 +6,46 @@ target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v16:16
; Cases that should be bitcast
; Test cast between scalars with same bit sizes
-@alias_i32_to_f32 = alias float (float), i32 (i32)* @func_i32
+@alias_i32_to_f32 = alias bitcast (i32 (i32)* @func_i32 to float (float)*)
; Test cast between vectors with same number of elements and bit sizes
-@alias_v2i32_to_v2f32 = alias <2 x float> (<2 x float>), <2 x i32> (<2 x i32>)* @func_v2i32
+@alias_v2i32_to_v2f32 = alias bitcast (<2 x i32> (<2 x i32>)* @func_v2i32 to <2 x float> (<2 x float>)*)
; Test cast from vector to scalar with same number of bits
-@alias_v2f32_to_i64 = alias <2 x float> (<2 x float>), i64 (i64)* @func_i64
+@alias_v2f32_to_i64 = alias bitcast (i64 (i64)* @func_i64 to <2 x float> (<2 x float>)*)
; Test cast from scalar to vector with same number of bits
-@alias_i64_to_v2f32 = alias i64 (i64), <2 x float> (<2 x float>)* @func_v2f32
+@alias_i64_to_v2f32 = alias bitcast (<2 x float> (<2 x float>)* @func_v2f32 to i64 (i64)*)
; Test cast between vectors of pointers
-@alias_v2i32p_to_v2i64p = alias <2 x i64*> (<2 x i64*>), <2 x i32*> (<2 x i32*>)* @func_v2i32p
+@alias_v2i32p_to_v2i64p = alias bitcast (<2 x i32*> (<2 x i32*>)* @func_v2i32p to <2 x i64*> (<2 x i64*>)*)
; Cases that should be invalid and unchanged
; Test cast between scalars with different bit sizes
-@alias_i64_to_f32 = alias float (float), i64 (i64)* @func_i64
+@alias_i64_to_f32 = alias bitcast (i64 (i64)* @func_i64 to float (float)*)
; Test cast between vectors with different bit sizes but the
; same number of elements
-@alias_v2i64_to_v2f32 = alias <2 x float> (<2 x float>), <2 x i64> (<2 x i64>)* @func_v2i64
+@alias_v2i64_to_v2f32 = alias bitcast (<2 x i64> (<2 x i64>)* @func_v2i64 to <2 x float> (<2 x float>)*)
; Test cast between vectors with same number of bits and different
; numbers of elements
-@alias_v2i32_to_v4f32 = alias <4 x float> (<4 x float>), <2 x i32> (<2 x i32>)* @func_v2i32
+@alias_v2i32_to_v4f32 = alias bitcast (<2 x i32> (<2 x i32>)* @func_v2i32 to <4 x float> (<4 x float>)*)
; Test cast between scalar and vector with different number of bits
-@alias_i64_to_v4f32 = alias i64 (i64), <4 x float> (<4 x float>)* @func_v4f32
+@alias_i64_to_v4f32 = alias bitcast (<4 x float> (<4 x float>)* @func_v4f32 to i64 (i64)*)
; Test cast between vector and scalar with different number of bits
-@alias_v4f32_to_i64 = alias <4 x float> (<4 x float>), i64 (i64)* @func_i64
+@alias_v4f32_to_i64 = alias bitcast (i64 (i64)* @func_i64 to <4 x float> (<4 x float>)*)
; Test cast from scalar to vector of pointers with same number of bits
; We don't know the pointer size at this point, so this can't be done
-@alias_i64_to_v2i32p = alias i64 (i64), <2 x i32*> (<2 x i32*>)* @func_v2i32p
+@alias_i64_to_v2i32p = alias bitcast (<2 x i32*> (<2 x i32*>)* @func_v2i32p to i64 (i64)*)
; Test cast between vector of pointers and scalar with different number of bits
-@alias_v4i32p_to_i64 = alias <4 x i32*> (<4 x i32*>), i64 (i64)* @func_i64
+@alias_v4i32p_to_i64 = alias bitcast (i64 (i64)* @func_i64 to <4 x i32*> (<4 x i32*>)*)
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast.ll
index 4fab92f..0cbfbb0 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/cast.ll
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ define zeroext i64 @test43(i8 zeroext %on_off) nounwind readonly {
ret i64 %C ;; Should be (add (zext i8 -> i64), -1)
; CHECK-LABEL: @test43(
; CHECK-NEXT: %A = zext i8 %on_off to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT: %B = add i64 %A, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %B = add nsw i64 %A, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 %B
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/constant-fold-address-space-pointer.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/constant-fold-address-space-pointer.ll
index 9f21d54..7fac78a 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/constant-fold-address-space-pointer.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/constant-fold-address-space-pointer.ll
@@ -230,3 +230,13 @@ define i32 @constant_through_array_as_ptrs() {
%b = load i32 addrspace(1)* %a, align 4
ret i32 %b
+@shared_mem = external addrspace(3) global [0 x i8]
+define float @canonicalize_addrspacecast(i32 %i) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @canonicalize_addrspacecast
+; CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr inbounds float* addrspacecast (float addrspace(3)* bitcast ([0 x i8] addrspace(3)* @shared_mem to float addrspace(3)*) to float*), i32 %i
+ %p = getelementptr inbounds float* addrspacecast ([0 x i8] addrspace(3)* @shared_mem to float*), i32 %i
+ %v = load float* %p
+ ret float %v
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/descale-zero.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/descale-zero.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7990fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/descale-zero.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
+target datalayout = "e-m:o-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+target triple = "x86_64-apple-macosx10.10.0"
+define internal i8* @descale_zero() {
+; CHECK: load i16** inttoptr (i64 48 to i16**), align 16
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast i16*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8*
+ %i16_ptr = load i16** inttoptr (i64 48 to i16**), align 16
+ %num = load i64* inttoptr (i64 64 to i64*), align 64
+ %num_times_2 = shl i64 %num, 1
+ %num_times_2_plus_4 = add i64 %num_times_2, 4
+ %i8_ptr = bitcast i16* %i16_ptr to i8*
+ %i8_ptr_num_times_2_plus_4 = getelementptr i8* %i8_ptr, i64 %num_times_2_plus_4
+ %num_times_neg2 = mul i64 %num, -2
+ %num_times_neg2_minus_4 = add i64 %num_times_neg2, -4
+ %addr = getelementptr i8* %i8_ptr_num_times_2_plus_4, i64 %num_times_neg2_minus_4
+ ret i8* %addr
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/distribute.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/distribute.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6360f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/distribute.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
+define i32 @factorize(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @factorize(
+; (X | 1) & (X | 2) -> X | (1 & 2) -> X
+ %l = or i32 %x, 1
+ %r = or i32 %x, 2
+ %z = and i32 %l, %r
+ ret i32 %z
+; CHECK: ret i32 %x
+define i32 @factorize2(i32 %x) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @factorize2(
+; 3*X - 2*X -> X
+ %l = mul i32 3, %x
+ %r = mul i32 2, %x
+ %z = sub i32 %l, %r
+ ret i32 %z
+; CHECK: ret i32 %x
+define i32 @factorize3(i32 %x, i32 %a, i32 %b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @factorize3(
+; (X | (A|B)) & (X | B) -> X | ((A|B) & B) -> X | B
+ %aORb = or i32 %a, %b
+ %l = or i32 %x, %aORb
+ %r = or i32 %x, %b
+ %z = and i32 %l, %r
+ ret i32 %z
+; CHECK: %z = or i32 %b, %x
+; CHECK: ret i32 %z
+define i32 @factorize4(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @factorize4(
+; ((Y << 1) * X) - (X * Y) -> (X * (Y * 2 - Y)) -> (X * Y)
+ %sh = shl i32 %y, 1
+ %ml = mul i32 %sh, %x
+ %mr = mul i32 %x, %y
+ %s = sub i32 %ml, %mr
+ ret i32 %s
+; CHECK: %s = mul i32 %y, %x
+; CHECK: ret i32 %s
+define i32 @factorize5(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @factorize5(
+; ((Y * 2) * X) - (X * Y) -> (X * Y)
+ %sh = mul i32 %y, 2
+ %ml = mul i32 %sh, %x
+ %mr = mul i32 %x, %y
+ %s = sub i32 %ml, %mr
+ ret i32 %s
+; CHECK: %s = mul i32 %y, %x
+; CHECK: ret i32 %s
+define i32 @expand(i32 %x) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @expand(
+; ((X & 1) | 2) & 1 -> ((X & 1) & 1) | (2 & 1) -> (X & 1) | 0 -> X & 1
+ %a = and i32 %x, 1
+ %b = or i32 %a, 2
+ %c = and i32 %b, 1
+ ret i32 %c
+; CHECK: %a = and i32 %x, 1
+; CHECK: ret i32 %a
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/ffs-1.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/ffs-1.ll
index 1dec11d..c8763dc 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/ffs-1.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/ffs-1.ll
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ define i32 @test_simplify13(i32 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_simplify13(
%ret = call i32 @ffs(i32 %x)
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nuw nsw i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i32 %x, 0
; CHECK-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[INC]], i32 0
ret i32 %ret
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ define i32 @test_simplify14(i32 %x) {
; CHECK-LINUX-LABEL: @test_simplify14(
%ret = call i32 @ffsl(i32 %x)
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nuw nsw i32 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i32 %x, 0
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[INC]], i32 0
ret i32 %ret
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ define i32 @test_simplify15(i64 %x) {
; CHECK-LINUX-LABEL: @test_simplify15(
%ret = call i32 @ffsll(i64 %x)
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CTTZ:%[a-z0-9]+]] = call i64 @llvm.cttz.i64(i64 %x, i1 false)
-; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add i64 [[CTTZ]], 1
+; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[INC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[CTTZ]], 1
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[TRUNC:%[a-z0-9]+]] = trunc i64 [[INC]] to i32
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ne i64 %x, 0
; CHECK-LINUX-NEXT: [[RET:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 [[TRUNC]], i32 0
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/gepphigep.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/gepphigep.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aab609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/gepphigep.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+; RUN: opt -instcombine -S < %s | FileCheck %s
+%struct1 = type { %struct2*, i32, i32, i32 }
+%struct2 = type { i32, i32 }
+define i32 @test1(%struct1* %dm, i1 %tmp4, i64 %tmp9, i64 %tmp19) {
+ %tmp = getelementptr inbounds %struct1* %dm, i64 0, i32 0
+ %tmp1 = load %struct2** %tmp, align 8
+ br i1 %tmp4, label %bb1, label %bb2
+ %tmp10 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp9
+ %tmp11 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp10, i64 0, i32 0
+ store i32 0, i32* %tmp11, align 4
+ br label %bb3
+ %tmp20 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp19
+ %tmp21 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp20, i64 0, i32 0
+ store i32 0, i32* %tmp21, align 4
+ br label %bb3
+ %phi = phi %struct2* [ %tmp10, %bb1 ], [ %tmp20, %bb2 ]
+ %tmp24 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %phi, i64 0, i32 1
+ %tmp25 = load i32* %tmp24, align 4
+ ret i32 %tmp25
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test1(
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp9, i32 0
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp19, i32 0
+; CHECK: %[[PHI:[0-9A-Za-z]+]] = phi i64 [ %tmp9, %bb1 ], [ %tmp19, %bb2 ]
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %[[PHI]], i32 1
+define i32 @test2(%struct1* %dm, i1 %tmp4, i64 %tmp9, i64 %tmp19) {
+ %tmp = getelementptr inbounds %struct1* %dm, i64 0, i32 0
+ %tmp1 = load %struct2** %tmp, align 8
+ %tmp10 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp9
+ %tmp11 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp10, i64 0, i32 0
+ store i32 0, i32* %tmp11, align 4
+ %tmp20 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp19
+ %tmp21 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp20, i64 0, i32 0
+ store i32 0, i32* %tmp21, align 4
+ %tmp24 = getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp10, i64 0, i32 1
+ %tmp25 = load i32* %tmp24, align 4
+ ret i32 %tmp25
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test2(
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp9, i32 0
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp19, i32 0
+; CHECK: getelementptr inbounds %struct2* %tmp1, i64 %tmp9, i32 1
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
index ef0cb29..3240c6d 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/getelementptr.ll
@@ -732,7 +732,8 @@ define i64 @test_gep_bitcast_array_same_size_element([100 x double]* %arr, i64 %
define i64 @test_gep_bitcast_array_same_size_element_addrspacecast([100 x double]* %arr, i64 %N) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test_gep_bitcast_array_same_size_element_addrspacecast(
; CHECK: getelementptr [100 x double]* %arr, i64 0, i64 %V
-; CHECK-NEXT: %t = addrspacecast double*
+; CHECK-NEXT: bitcast double*
+; CHECK-NEXT: %t = addrspacecast i64*
; CHECK: load i64 addrspace(3)* %t
%cast = addrspacecast [100 x double]* %arr to i64 addrspace(3)*
%V = mul i64 %N, 8
@@ -802,10 +803,22 @@ define i16 @test41([3 x i32] addrspace(1)* %array) {
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i16 8
-define i32 addrspace(1)* @ascast_0_gep([128 x i32]* %p) nounwind {
+define i32 addrspace(1)* @ascast_0_gep(i32* %p) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @ascast_0_gep(
; CHECK-NOT: getelementptr
; CHECK: ret
+ %gep = getelementptr i32* %p, i32 0
+ %x = addrspacecast i32* %gep to i32 addrspace(1)*
+ ret i32 addrspace(1)* %x
+; Do not merge the GEP and the addrspacecast, because it would undo the
+; addrspacecast canonicalization.
+define i32 addrspace(1)* @ascast_0_0_gep([128 x i32]* %p) nounwind {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @ascast_0_0_gep(
+; CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr [128 x i32]
+; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast i32*
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 addrspace(1)*
%gep = getelementptr [128 x i32]* %p, i32 0, i32 0
%x = addrspacecast i32* %gep to i32 addrspace(1)*
ret i32 addrspace(1)* %x
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp.ll
index f45897c..26e144f 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/icmp.ll
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
-target datalayout =
+target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-p1:16:16:16-p2:32:32:32-p3:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64"
define i32 @test1(i32 %X) {
@@ -166,6 +165,14 @@ define i1 @test17(i32 %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-NEXT: %cmp = icmp ne i32 %x, 3
+define i1 @test17a(i32 %x) nounwind {
+ %shl = shl i32 1, %x
+ %and = and i32 %shl, 7
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ ret i1 %cmp
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test17a(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %cmp = icmp ugt i32 %x, 2
define i1 @test18(i32 %x) nounwind {
%sh = lshr i32 8, %x
@@ -194,6 +201,15 @@ define i1 @test20(i32 %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-NEXT: %cmp = icmp eq i32 %x, 3
+define i1 @test20a(i32 %x) nounwind {
+ %shl = shl i32 1, %x
+ %and = and i32 %shl, 7
+ %cmp = icmp ne i32 %and, 0
+ ret i1 %cmp
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test20a(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %cmp = icmp ult i32 %x, 3
define i1 @test21(i8 %x, i8 %y) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test21(
; CHECK-NOT: or i8
@@ -657,6 +673,49 @@ define i1 @test60_as1(i8 addrspace(1)* %foo, i64 %i, i64 %j) {
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
+; Same as test60, but look through an addrspacecast instead of a
+; bitcast. This uses the same sized addrspace.
+define i1 @test60_addrspacecast(i8* %foo, i64 %i, i64 %j) {
+ %bit = addrspacecast i8* %foo to i32 addrspace(3)*
+ %gep1 = getelementptr inbounds i32 addrspace(3)* %bit, i64 %i
+ %gep2 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %foo, i64 %j
+ %cast1 = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(3)* %gep1 to i8*
+ %cmp = icmp ult i8* %cast1, %gep2
+ ret i1 %cmp
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test60_addrspacecast(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %gep1.idx = shl nuw i64 %i, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT: icmp slt i64 %gep1.idx, %j
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
+define i1 @test60_addrspacecast_smaller(i8* %foo, i16 %i, i64 %j) {
+ %bit = addrspacecast i8* %foo to i32 addrspace(1)*
+ %gep1 = getelementptr inbounds i32 addrspace(1)* %bit, i16 %i
+ %gep2 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %foo, i64 %j
+ %cast1 = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(1)* %gep1 to i8*
+ %cmp = icmp ult i8* %cast1, %gep2
+ ret i1 %cmp
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test60_addrspacecast_smaller(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %gep1.idx = shl nuw i16 %i, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT: trunc i64 %j to i16
+; CHECK-NEXT: icmp sgt i16 %1, %gep1.idx
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
+define i1 @test60_addrspacecast_larger(i8 addrspace(1)* %foo, i32 %i, i16 %j) {
+ %bit = addrspacecast i8 addrspace(1)* %foo to i32 addrspace(2)*
+ %gep1 = getelementptr inbounds i32 addrspace(2)* %bit, i32 %i
+ %gep2 = getelementptr inbounds i8 addrspace(1)* %foo, i16 %j
+ %cast1 = addrspacecast i32 addrspace(2)* %gep1 to i8 addrspace(1)*
+ %cmp = icmp ult i8 addrspace(1)* %cast1, %gep2
+ ret i1 %cmp
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test60_addrspacecast_larger(
+; CHECK-NEXT: %gep1.idx = shl nuw i32 %i, 2
+; CHECK-NEXT: trunc i32 %gep1.idx to i16
+; CHECK-NEXT: icmp slt i16 %1, %j
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i1
define i1 @test61(i8* %foo, i64 %i, i64 %j) {
%bit = bitcast i8* %foo to i32*
%gep1 = getelementptr i32* %bit, i64 %i
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/intrinsics.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/intrinsics.ll
index 91c4470..9b58d93 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/intrinsics.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/intrinsics.ll
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%overflow.result = type {i8, i1}
declare %overflow.result @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i8(i8, i8)
+declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32)
declare %overflow.result @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i8(i8, i8)
declare double @llvm.powi.f64(double, i32) nounwind readonly
declare i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32, i1) nounwind readnone
@@ -89,6 +90,18 @@ define i8 @uaddtest7(i8 %A, i8 %B) {
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8 %z
+; PR20194
+define { i32, i1 } @saddtest1(i8 %a, i8 %b) {
+ %A = sext i8 %a to i32
+ %B = sext i8 %b to i32
+ %x = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32(i32 %A, i32 %B)
+ ret { i32, i1 } %x
+; CHECK-LABEL: @saddtest1
+; CHECK: %x = add nsw i32 %A, %B
+; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = insertvalue { i32, i1 } { i32 undef, i1 false }, i32 %x, 0
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret { i32, i1 } %1
define i8 @umultest1(i8 %A, i1* %overflowPtr) {
%x = call %overflow.result @llvm.umul.with.overflow.i8(i8 0, i8 %A)
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
index b5a0ab8..3bc1d36 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/memcpy-from-global.ll
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ define void @test2_addrspacecast() {
; %A alloca is deleted
; This doesn't exactly match what test2 does, because folding the type
; cast into the alloca doesn't work for the addrspacecast yet.
-; CHECK-NEXT: alloca %T
+; CHECK-NEXT: alloca [124 x i8]
+; CHECK-NEXT: getelementptr
; CHECK-NEXT: addrspacecast
; use @G instead of %A
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/overflow-mul.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/overflow-mul.ll
index 04019ae..cbb2f5f 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/overflow-mul.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/overflow-mul.ll
@@ -162,3 +162,14 @@ entry:
ret i32 %retval
+define <4 x i32> @pr20113(<4 x i16> %a, <4 x i16> %b) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @pr20113
+; CHECK-NOT: mul.with.overflow
+; CHECK: ret
+ %vmovl.i.i726 = zext <4 x i16> %a to <4 x i32>
+ %vmovl.i.i712 = zext <4 x i16> %b to <4 x i32>
+ %mul.i703 = mul <4 x i32> %vmovl.i.i712, %vmovl.i.i726
+ %tmp = icmp sge <4 x i32> %mul.i703, zeroinitializer
+ %vcgez.i = sext <4 x i1> %tmp to <4 x i32>
+ ret <4 x i32> %vcgez.i
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20059.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20059.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef3159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20059.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -instcombine < %s | FileCheck %s
+; In PR20059 ( http://llvm.org/pr20059 ), shufflevector operations are reordered/removed
+; for an srem operation. This is not a valid optimization because it may cause a trap
+; on div-by-zero.
+; CHECK-LABEL: @do_not_reorder
+; CHECK: %splat1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %p1, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
+; CHECK-NEXT: %splat2 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %p2, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
+; CHECK-NEXT: %retval = srem <4 x i32> %splat1, %splat2
+define <4 x i32> @do_not_reorder(<4 x i32> %p1, <4 x i32> %p2) {
+ %splat1 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %p1, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
+ %splat2 = shufflevector <4 x i32> %p2, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> zeroinitializer
+ %retval = srem <4 x i32> %splat1, %splat2
+ ret <4 x i32> %retval
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20079.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20079.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce9c4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/pr20079.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -instcombine < %s | FileCheck %s
+@b = internal global [1 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 4
+@c = internal global i32 0, align 4
+; CHECK-LABEL: @fn1
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 0
+define i32 @fn1(i32 %a) {
+ ret i32 0
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/r600-intrinsics.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/r600-intrinsics.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1db6b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/r600-intrinsics.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+; RUN: opt -instcombine -S < %s | FileCheck %s
+declare float @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f32(float) nounwind readnone
+declare double @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f64(double) nounwind readnone
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_1
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret float 1.000000e+00
+define float @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_1() nounwind {
+ %val = call float @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f32(float 1.0) nounwind readnone
+ ret float %val
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_1
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret double 1.000000e+00
+define double @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_1() nounwind {
+ %val = call double @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f64(double 1.0) nounwind readnone
+ ret double %val
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_half
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret float 2.000000e+00
+define float @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_half() nounwind {
+ %val = call float @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f32(float 0.5) nounwind readnone
+ ret float %val
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_half
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret double 2.000000e+00
+define double @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_half() nounwind {
+ %val = call double @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f64(double 0.5) nounwind readnone
+ ret double %val
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_43
+; CHECK-NEXT: call float @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f32(float 4.300000e+01)
+define float @test_constant_fold_rcp_f32_43() nounwind {
+ %val = call float @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f32(float 4.300000e+01) nounwind readnone
+ ret float %val
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_43
+; CHECK-NEXT: call double @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f64(double 4.300000e+01)
+define double @test_constant_fold_rcp_f64_43() nounwind {
+ %val = call double @llvm.AMDGPU.rcp.f64(double 4.300000e+01) nounwind readnone
+ ret double %val
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/rem.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/rem.ll
index 9f07702..0595a67 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/rem.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/rem.ll
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ define i64 @test14(i64 %x, i32 %y) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test14(
; CHECK-NEXT: [[SHL:%.*]] = shl i32 1, %y
; CHECK-NEXT: [[ZEXT:%.*]] = zext i32 [[SHL]] to i64
-; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add i64 [[ZEXT]], -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[ADD:%.*]] = add nsw i64 [[ZEXT]], -1
; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%.*]] = and i64 [[ADD]], %x
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i64 [[AND]]
%shl = shl i32 1, %y
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select.ll
index 2213be1..d625f3b 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/select.ll
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ define i32 @test15i(i32 %X) {
; CHECK-NEXT: %t1 = shl i32 %X, 8
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %t1, 512
; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = xor i32 %1, 512
-; CHECK-NEXT: %3 = add i32 %2, 577
+; CHECK-NEXT: %3 = add nuw nsw i32 %2, 577
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %3
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ define i32 @test15j(i32 %X) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test15j(
; CHECK-NEXT: %t1 = shl i32 %X, 8
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %t1, 512
-; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = add i32 %1, 577
+; CHECK-NEXT: %2 = add nuw nsw i32 %1, 577
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %2
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ define i32 @test35(i32 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test35(
; CHECK: ashr i32 %x, 31
; CHECK: and i32 {{.*}}, 40
-; CHECK: add i32 {{.*}}, 60
+; CHECK: add nuw nsw i32 {{.*}}, 60
; CHECK: ret
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ define i32 @test36(i32 %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test36(
; CHECK: ashr i32 %x, 31
; CHECK: and i32 {{.*}}, -40
-; CHECK: add i32 {{.*}}, 100
+; CHECK: add nsw i32 {{.*}}, 100
; CHECK: ret
@@ -996,6 +996,111 @@ define <2 x i32> @select_icmp_eq_and_1_0_or_vector_of_2s(i32 %x, <2 x i32> %y) {
ret <2 x i32> %select
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_or_8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[OR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[OR]]
+define i32 @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_or_8(i32 %x) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %or = or i32 %x, 8
+ %or.x = select i1 %cmp, i32 %or, i32 %x
+ ret i32 %or.x
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_and_8_ne_0_xor_8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, -9
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[AND]]
+define i32 @select_icmp_and_8_ne_0_xor_8(i32 %x) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %xor = xor i32 %x, 8
+ %x.xor = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %xor
+ ret i32 %x.xor
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_xor_8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[OR:%[a-z0-9]+]] = or i32 %x, 8
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[OR]]
+define i32 @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_xor_8(i32 %x) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %xor = xor i32 %x, 8
+ %xor.x = select i1 %cmp, i32 %xor, i32 %x
+ ret i32 %xor.x
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_and_8_ne_0_and_not_8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[AND:%[a-z0-9]+]] = and i32 %x, -9
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[AND]]
+define i32 @select_icmp_and_8_ne_0_and_not_8(i32 %x) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %and1 = and i32 %x, -9
+ %x.and1 = select i1 %cmp, i32 %x, i32 %and1
+ ret i32 %x.and1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_and_not_8(
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %x
+define i32 @select_icmp_and_8_eq_0_and_not_8(i32 %x) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %and1 = and i32 %x, -9
+ %and1.x = select i1 %cmp, i32 %and1, i32 %x
+ ret i32 %and1.x
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_x_and_8_eq_0_y_xor_8(
+; CHECK: select i1 %cmp, i64 %y, i64 %xor
+define i64 @select_icmp_x_and_8_eq_0_y_xor_8(i32 %x, i64 %y) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %xor = xor i64 %y, 8
+ %y.xor = select i1 %cmp, i64 %y, i64 %xor
+ ret i64 %y.xor
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_x_and_8_eq_0_y_and_not_8(
+; CHECK: select i1 %cmp, i64 %y, i64 %and1
+define i64 @select_icmp_x_and_8_eq_0_y_and_not_8(i32 %x, i64 %y) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %and1 = and i64 %y, -9
+ %y.and1 = select i1 %cmp, i64 %y, i64 %and1
+ ret i64 %y.and1
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_xor_8(
+; CHECK: select i1 %cmp, i64 %xor, i64 %y
+define i64 @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_xor_8(i32 %x, i64 %y) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %xor = xor i64 %y, 8
+ %xor.y = select i1 %cmp, i64 %xor, i64 %y
+ ret i64 %xor.y
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_and_not_8(
+; CHECK: select i1 %cmp, i64 %and1, i64 %y
+define i64 @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_and_not_8(i32 %x, i64 %y) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %and1 = and i64 %y, -9
+ %and1.y = select i1 %cmp, i64 %and1, i64 %y
+ ret i64 %and1.y
+; CHECK-LABEL: @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_or_8(
+; CHECK: xor i64 %1, 8
+; CHECK: or i64 %2, %y
+define i64 @select_icmp_x_and_8_ne_0_y_or_8(i32 %x, i64 %y) {
+ %and = and i32 %x, 8
+ %cmp = icmp eq i32 %and, 0
+ %or = or i64 %y, 8
+ %or.y = select i1 %cmp, i64 %or, i64 %y
+ ret i64 %or.y
define i32 @test65(i64 %x) {
%1 = and i64 %x, 16
%2 = icmp ne i64 %1, 0
@@ -1130,4 +1235,4 @@ define i32 @test75(i32 %x) {
; CHECK-NEXT: [[CMP:%[a-z0-9]+]] = icmp ult i32 %x, 68
; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%[a-z0-9]+]] = select i1 [[CMP]], i32 68, i32 %x
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEL]]
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
index b8dfe22..f04afcc 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sext.ll
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ define i32 @test13(i32 %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test13(
; CHECK-NEXT: %and = lshr i32 %x, 3
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i32 %and, 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add i32 %1, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add nsw i32 %1, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %sext
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ define i32 @test14(i16 %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: @test14(
; CHECK-NEXT: %and = lshr i16 %x, 4
; CHECK-NEXT: %1 = and i16 %and, 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add i16 %1, -1
+; CHECK-NEXT: %sext = add nsw i16 %1, -1
; CHECK-NEXT: %ext = sext i16 %sext to i32
; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %ext
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub.ll
index 41d803c8..67b7c49 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/sub.ll
@@ -444,3 +444,23 @@ define <2 x i64> @test36(<2 x i64> %A) {
; CHECK-NEXT: %sub = mul <2 x i64> %A, <i64 7, i64 15>
; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i64> %sub
+define <2 x i32> @test37(<2 x i32> %A) {
+ %div = sdiv <2 x i32> %A, <i32 -2147483648, i32 -2147483648>
+ %sub = sub nsw <2 x i32> zeroinitializer, %div
+ ret <2 x i32> %sub
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test37(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp eq <2 x i32> %A, <i32 -2147483648, i32 -2147483648>
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEXT:%.*]] = sext <2 x i1> [[ICMP]] to <2 x i32>
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret <2 x i32> [[SEXT]]
+define i32 @test38(i32 %A) {
+ %div = sdiv i32 %A, -2147483648
+ %sub = sub nsw i32 0, %div
+ ret i32 %sub
+; CHECK-LABEL: @test38(
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[ICMP:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 %A, -2147483648
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[SEXT:%.*]] = sext i1 [[ICMP]] to i32
+; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 [[SEXT]]
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
index fc0f8bd..eb4e9d6 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/vec_shuffle.ll
@@ -405,3 +405,12 @@ define i32 @pr19737(<4 x i32> %in0) {
%rv = extractelement <4 x i32> %and.i, i32 0
ret i32 %rv
+define <4 x i32> @pr20114(<4 x i32> %__mask) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: @pr20114
+; CHECK: shufflevector
+; CHECK: and
+ %mask01.i = shufflevector <4 x i32> %__mask, <4 x i32> undef, <4 x i32> <i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 1>
+ %masked_new.i.i.i = and <4 x i32> bitcast (<2 x i64> <i64 ptrtoint (<4 x i32> (<4 x i32>)* @pr20114 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (<4 x i32> (<4 x i32>)* @pr20114 to i64)> to <4 x i32>), %mask01.i
+ ret <4 x i32> %masked_new.i.i.i
diff --git a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/zext-bool-add-sub.ll b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/zext-bool-add-sub.ll
index d7f338b..6fa4d70 100644
--- a/test/Transforms/InstCombine/zext-bool-add-sub.ll
+++ b/test/Transforms/InstCombine/zext-bool-add-sub.ll
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ entry:
; CHECK: [[TMP1:%.*]] = sext i1 %y to i32
; CHECK: [[TMP2:%.*]] = select i1 %x, i32 2, i32 1
-; CHECK-NEXT: add i32 [[TMP2]], [[TMP1]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: add nsw i32 [[TMP2]], [[TMP1]]
%conv = zext i1 %x to i32
%conv3 = zext i1 %y to i32
%conv3.neg = sub i32 0, %conv3