path: root/tools/llvmc2/doc/LLVMC-Enhancements.rst
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diff --git a/tools/llvmc2/doc/LLVMC-Enhancements.rst b/tools/llvmc2/doc/LLVMC-Enhancements.rst
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+A complete rewrite of the LLVMC compiler driver is proposed, aimed at
+making it more configurable and useful.
+As it stands, current version of LLVMC does not meet its stated goals
+of configurability and extensibility and is therefore not used
+much. The need for enhancements in LLVMC is also reflected in [1]_. The
+proposed rewrite will fix the aforementioned deficiences and provide
+an extensible, future-proof solution.
+A compiler driver's job is essentially to find a way how to transform
+a set of input files into a set of targets, depending on the
+user-provided options. Since several ways of transformation can exist
+potentially, it's natural to use a directed graph to represent all of
+them. In this graph, nodes are tools (for example, ``gcc -S`` is a tool
+that generates assembly from C language files) and edges between them
+mean that the output of one tool can be given as input to another (as
+in ``gcc -S -o - file.c | as``). We'll call this graph the compilation
+The proposed design revolves around the compilation graph and the
+following core abstractions:
+- Target - An (intermediate) compilation target.
+- Action - A shell command template that represents basic compilation
+ transformation(example: ``gcc -S $INPUT_FILE -o $OUTPUT_FILE``).
+- Tool - Encapsulates information about a concrete tool used in the
+ compilation process, produces Actions. Operation depends on
+ command-line options provided by the user.
+- GraphBuilder - Constructs the compilation graph, operation depends
+ on command-line options.
+- GraphTraverser - Traverses the compilation graph and constructs a
+ sequence of Actions needed to build the target file, operation
+ depends on command-line options.
+A high-level view of the compilation process:
+ 1. Configuration libraries (see below) are loaded in and the
+ compilation graph is constructed from the tool descriptions.
+ 2. Information about possible options is gathered from (the nodes of)
+ the compilation graph.
+ 3. Options are parsed based on data gathered in step 2.
+ 4. A sequence of Actions needed to build the target is constructed
+ using the compilation graph and provided options.
+ 5. The resulting action sequence is executed.
+To make this design extensible, TableGen [2]_ will be used for
+automatic generation of the Tool classes. Users wanting to customize
+LLVMC will need to write a configuration library consisting of a set
+of TableGen descriptions of compilation tools plus a number of hooks
+that influence compilation graph construction and traversal. LLVMC
+will have the ability to load user configuration libraries at runtime;
+in fact, its own basic functionality will be implemented as a
+configuration library.
+TableGen specification example
+This small example specifies a Tool that converts C source to object
+files. Note that it is only a mock-up of inteded functionality, not a
+final specification::
+ def GCC : Tool<
+ GCCProperties, // Properties of this tool
+ GCCOptions // Options description for this tool
+ >;
+ def GCCProperties : ToolProperties<[
+ ToolName<"GCC">,
+ InputLanguageName<"C">,
+ OutputLanguageName<"Object-Code">
+ InputFileExtension<"c">,
+ OutputFileExtension<"o">,
+ CommandFormat<"gcc -c $OPTIONS $FILES">
+ ]>;
+ def GCCOptions : ToolOptions<[
+ Option<
+ "-Wall", // Option name
+ [None], // Allowed values
+ [AddOption<"-Wall">]>, // Action
+ Option<
+ "-Wextra", // Option name
+ [None], // Allowed values
+ [AddOption<"-Wextra">]>, // Action
+ Option<
+ "-W", // Option name
+ [None], // Allowed values
+ [AddOption<"-W">]>, // Action
+ Option<
+ "-D", // Option name
+ [AnyString], // Allowed values
+ [AddOptionWithArgument<"-D",GetOptionArgument<"-D">>]
+ // Action:
+ // If the driver was given option "-D<argument>", add
+ // option "-D" with the same argument to the invocation string of
+ // this tool.
+ >
+ ]>;
+Example of generated code
+The specification above compiles to the following code (again, it's a
+ class GCC : public Tool {
+ public:
+ GCC() { //... }
+ // Properties
+ static const char* ToolName = "GCC";
+ static const char* InputLanguageName = "C";
+ static const char* OutputLanguageName = "Object-Code";
+ static const char* InputFileExtension = "c";
+ static const char* OutputFileExtension = "o";
+ static const char* CommandFormat = "gcc -c $OPTIONS $FILES";
+ // Options
+ OptionsDescription SupportedOptions() {
+ OptionsDescription supportedOptions;
+ supportedOptions.Add(Option("-Wall"));
+ supportedOptions.Add(Option("-Wextra"));
+ supportedOptions.Add(Option("-W"));
+ supportedOptions.Add(Option("-D", AllowedArgs::ANY_STRING));
+ return supportedOptions;
+ }
+ Action GenerateAction(Options providedOptions) {
+ Action generatedAction(CommandFormat); Option curOpt;
+ curOpt = providedOptions.Get("-D");
+ if (curOpt) {
+ assert(curOpt.HasArgument());
+ generatedAction.AddOption(Option("-D", curOpt.GetArgument()));
+ }
+ curOpt = providedOptions.Get("-Wall");
+ if (curOpt)
+ generatedAction.AddOption(Option("-Wall"));
+ curOpt = providedOptions.Get("-Wextra");
+ if (curOpt)
+ generatedAction.AddOption(Option("-Wall"));
+ curOpt = providedOptions.Get("-W");
+ if (curOpt)
+ generatedAction.AddOption(Option("-Wall")); }
+ return generatedAction;
+ }
+ };
+ // defined somewhere...
+ class Action { public: void AddOption(const Option& opt) {...}
+ int Run(const Filenames& fnms) {...}
+ }
+Option handling
+Since one of the main tasks of the compiler driver is to correctly
+handle user-provided options, it is important to define this process
+in exact way. The intent of the proposed scheme is to function as a
+drop-in replacement for GCC.
+Option syntax
+Option syntax is specified by the following formal grammar::
+ <command-line> ::= <option>*
+ <option> ::= <positional-option> | <named-option>
+ <named-option> ::= -[-]<option-name>[<delimeter><option-argument>]
+ <delimeter> ::= ',' | '=' | ' '
+ <positional-option> ::= <string>
+ <option-name> ::= <string>
+ <option-argument> ::= <string>
+This roughly corresponds to the GCC option syntax. Note that grouping
+of short options(as in ``ls -la``) is forbidden.
+ llvmc -O3 -Wa,-foo,-bar -pedantic -std=c++0x a.c b.c c.c
+Option arguments can also have special forms: for example, an argument
+can be a comma-separated list (like in -Wa,-foo,-bar). In such cases,
+it's up to the option handler to parse the argument.
+Option semantics
+According to their meaning, options are classified into following
+- Global options - Options that influence compilation graph
+ construction/traversal. Example: -E (stop after preprocessing).
+- Local options - Options that influence one or several Actions in
+ the generated action sequence. Example: -O3 (turn on optimization).
+- Prefix options - Options that influence meaning of the following
+ command-line arguments. Example: -x language (specify language for
+ the input files explicitly). Prefix options can be local or global.
+- Built-in options - Options that are hard-coded into
+ driver. Examples: --help, -o file/-pipe (redirect output). Can be
+ local or global.
+Since the compiler driver, as a single point of access to the LLVM
+tool set, is a very often used tool, it would be desirable to make its name
+as short and easy to type as possible. Some possible names are 'llcc' or
+'lcc', by analogy with gcc.
+1. Should global-options-influencing hooks be written by hand or
+ auto-generated from TableGen specifications?
+2. More?
+.. [1] LLVM Bug#686
+ http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=686
+.. [2] TableGen Fundamentals
+ http://llvm.org/docs/TableGenFundamentals.html