path: root/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c
diff options
authorDaniel Borca <>2004-02-07 10:54:36 +0000
committerDaniel Borca <>2004-02-07 10:54:36 +0000
commitd039b43e3074d14193944408ef211a9abf10608b (patch)
treee2f29f73426a37a6ce8d8dcd19e6b52ad8f9e8fb /src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c
parent07d6a983595b7ee52c8448fc579d952ce36472b8 (diff)
added NUL driver for DMesa
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c b/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c
index c17560d..f8450b1 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/glide/fxwgl.c
@@ -572,12 +572,12 @@ wglUseFontBitmaps_FX(HDC fontDevice, DWORD firstChar, DWORD numChars,
bitDevice = CreateCompatibleDC(fontDevice);
- // Swap fore and back colors so the bitmap has the right polarity
+ /* Swap fore and back colors so the bitmap has the right polarity */
tempColor = GetBkColor(bitDevice);
SetBkColor(bitDevice, GetTextColor(bitDevice));
SetTextColor(bitDevice, tempColor);
- // Place chars based on base line
+ /* Place chars based on base line */
SetTextAlign(bitDevice, TA_BASELINE);
for (i = 0; i < (int)numChars; i++) {
@@ -588,34 +588,34 @@ wglUseFontBitmaps_FX(HDC fontDevice, DWORD firstChar, DWORD numChars,
HGDIOBJ origBmap;
unsigned char *bmap;
- curChar = (char)(i + firstChar); // [koolsmoky] explicit cast
+ curChar = (char)(i + firstChar); /* [koolsmoky] explicit cast */
- // Find how high/wide this character is
+ /* Find how high/wide this character is */
GetTextExtentPoint32(bitDevice, &curChar, 1, &size);
- // Create the output bitmap
+ /* Create the output bitmap */
charWidth =;
charHeight =;
- bmapWidth = ((charWidth + 31) / 32) * 32; // Round up to the next multiple of 32 bits
+ bmapWidth = ((charWidth + 31) / 32) * 32; /* Round up to the next multiple of 32 bits */
bmapHeight = charHeight;
bitObject = CreateCompatibleBitmap(bitDevice, bmapWidth, bmapHeight);
- //VERIFY(bitObject);
+ /*VERIFY(bitObject);*/
- // Assign the output bitmap to the device
+ /* Assign the output bitmap to the device */
origBmap = SelectObject(bitDevice, bitObject);
PatBlt(bitDevice, 0, 0, bmapWidth, bmapHeight, BLACKNESS);
- // Use our source font on the device
+ /* Use our source font on the device */
SelectObject(bitDevice, GetCurrentObject(fontDevice, OBJ_FONT));
- // Draw the character
+ /* Draw the character */
TextOut(bitDevice, 0, metric.tmAscent, &curChar, 1);
- // Unselect our bmap object
+ /* Unselect our bmap object */
SelectObject(bitDevice, origBmap);
- // Convert the display dependant representation to a 1 bit deep DIB
+ /* Convert the display dependant representation to a 1 bit deep DIB */
numBytes = (bmapWidth * bmapHeight) / 8;
bmap = MALLOC(numBytes);
dibInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = bmapWidth;
@@ -623,21 +623,21 @@ wglUseFontBitmaps_FX(HDC fontDevice, DWORD firstChar, DWORD numChars,
res = GetDIBits(bitDevice, bitObject, 0, bmapHeight, bmap,
- // Create the GL object
+ /* Create the GL object */
glNewList(i + listBase, GL_COMPILE);
glBitmap(bmapWidth, bmapHeight, 0.0, metric.tmDescent,
charWidth, 0.0, bmap);
- // CheckGL();
+ /* CheckGL(); */
- // Destroy the bmap object
+ /* Destroy the bmap object */
- // Deallocate the bitmap data
+ /* Deallocate the bitmap data */
- // Destroy the DC
+ /* Destroy the DC */
@@ -695,87 +695,95 @@ GLAPI int GLAPIENTRY
wglChoosePixelFormat(HDC hdc, const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR * ppfd)
int i, best = -1, qt_valid_pix;
#if 0
FILE *pix_file;
pix_file = fopen("pix_log.txt", "a");
if (pix_file) {
fprintf(pix_file, "wglChoosePixelFormat\n");
- fprintf(pix_file, "nSize = %d\n",ppfd->nSize);
- fprintf(pix_file, "nVersion = %d\n",ppfd->nVersion);
- fprintf(pix_file, "dwFlags = %d\n",ppfd->dwFlags);
- fprintf(pix_file, "iPixelType = %d\n",ppfd->iPixelType);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cColorBits = %d\n",ppfd->cColorBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cRedBits = %d\n",ppfd->cRedBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cRedShift = %d\n",ppfd->cRedShift);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cGreenBits = %d\n",ppfd->cGreenBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cGreenShift = %d\n",ppfd->cGreenShift);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cBlueBits = %d\n",ppfd->cBlueBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cBlueShift = %d\n",ppfd->cBlueShift);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAlphaBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAlphaBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAlphaShift = %d\n",ppfd->cAlphaShift);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAccumBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumRedBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAccumRedBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumGreenBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAccumGreenBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumBlueBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAccumBlueBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumAlphaBits = %d\n",ppfd->cAccumAlphaBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cDepthBits = %d\n",ppfd->cDepthBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cStencilBits = %d\n",ppfd->cStencilBits);
- fprintf(pix_file, "cAuxBuffers = %d\n",ppfd->cAuxBuffers);
- fprintf(pix_file, "iLayerType = %d\n",ppfd->iLayerType);
- fprintf(pix_file, "bReserved = %d\n",ppfd->bReserved);
- fprintf(pix_file, "dwLayerMask = %d\n",ppfd->dwLayerMask);
- fprintf(pix_file, "dwVisibleMask = %d\n",ppfd->dwVisibleMask);
- fprintf(pix_file, "dwDamageMask = %d\n",ppfd->dwDamageMask);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "nSize = %d\n",pfd.nSize);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "nVersion = %d\n",pfd.nVersion);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "dwFlags = %d\n",pfd.dwFlags);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "iPixelType = %d\n",pfd.iPixelType);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cColorBits = %d\n",pfd.cColorBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cRedBits = %d\n",pfd.cRedBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cRedShift = %d\n",pfd.cRedShift);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cGreenBits = %d\n",pfd.cGreenBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cGreenShift = %d\n",pfd.cGreenShift);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cBlueBits = %d\n",pfd.cBlueBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cBlueShift = %d\n",pfd.cBlueShift);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAlphaBits = %d\n",pfd.cAlphaBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAlphaShift = %d\n",pfd.cAlphaShift);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumBits = %d\n",pfd.cAccumBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumRedBits = %d\n",pfd.cAccumRedBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumGreenBits = %d\n",pfd.cAccumGreenBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumBlueBits = %d\n",pfd.cAccumBlueBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAccumAlphaBits = %d\n",pfd.cAccumAlphaBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cDepthBits = %d\n",pfd.cDepthBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cStencilBits = %d\n",pfd.cStencilBits);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "cAuxBuffers = %d\n",pfd.cAuxBuffers);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "iLayerType = %d\n",pfd.iLayerType);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "bReserved = %d\n",pfd.bReserved);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "dwLayerMask = %d\n",pfd.dwLayerMask);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "dwVisibleMask = %d\n",pfd.dwVisibleMask);
+ fprintf(pix_file, "dwDamageMask = %d\n",pfd.dwDamageMask);
-#if 1 || QUAKE2
- if (ppfd->cColorBits == 24 && ppfd->cDepthBits == 32) {
- ppfd->cColorBits = 16;
- ppfd->cDepthBits = 16;
+ qt_valid_pix = pfd_tablen();
+#if 1 || QUAKE2 || GORE
+ /* QUAKE2: 24+32 */
+ /* GORE : 24+16 */
+ if (pfd.cColorBits == 24) {
+ /* the first 2 entries are 16bit */
+ pfd.cColorBits = (qt_valid_pix > 2) ? 32 : 16;
+ }
+ if (pfd.cColorBits == 32) {
+ pfd.cDepthBits = 24;
+ } else if (pfd.cColorBits == 16) {
+ pfd.cDepthBits = 16;
- qt_valid_pix = pfd_tablen();
- if (ppfd->nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) || ppfd->nVersion != 1) {
+ if (pfd.nSize != sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR) || pfd.nVersion != 1) {
return (0);
for (i = 0; i < qt_valid_pix; i++) {
- if (ppfd->cColorBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cColorBits != ppfd->cColorBits)
+ if (pfd.cColorBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cColorBits != pfd.cColorBits)
- if ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW)
+ if ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW)
&& !(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW)) continue;
- if ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP)
+ if ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP)
&& !(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP)) continue;
- if ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI)
+ if ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI)
&& !(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_GDI)) continue;
- if ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL)
+ if ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL)
&& !(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL)) continue;
- if (!(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE)
- && ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) !=
+ if (!(pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER_DONTCARE)
+ && ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER) !=
(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER))) continue;
- if (!(ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE)
- && ((ppfd->dwFlags & PFD_STEREO) !=
+ if (!(pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO_DONTCARE)
+ && ((pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO) !=
(pix[i].pfd.dwFlags & PFD_STEREO))) continue;
- if (ppfd->cDepthBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cDepthBits == 0)
+ if (pfd.cDepthBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cDepthBits == 0)
continue; /* need depth buffer */
- if (ppfd->cAlphaBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cAlphaBits == 0)
+ if (pfd.cAlphaBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cAlphaBits == 0)
continue; /* need alpha buffer */
#if 0
- if ((ppfd->cColorBits == 32) && (ppfd->cStencilBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cStencilBits == 0))
+ if ((pfd.cColorBits == 32) && (pfd.cStencilBits > 0 && pix[i].pfd.cStencilBits == 0))
continue; /* need stencil */
- if (ppfd->iPixelType == pix[i].pfd.iPixelType) {
+ if (pfd.iPixelType == pix[i].pfd.iPixelType) {
best = i + 1;