path: root/src
diff options
authorKeith Whitwell <>2000-11-05 18:26:12 +0000
committerKeith Whitwell <>2000-11-05 18:26:12 +0000
commitec0585883a85a495d94e24970d64e5d6fc889147 (patch)
treee33f8668e6fd6682ba865b7f0c418887e83fa579 /src
parentcd03ed4f54444d96e4e47cdb118a3dfd94d92bb0 (diff)
Use the new software rasterizer. Reworked optimized line,tri,point
functions to fit into the framework provided for extending the software rasterizer.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 489 insertions, 417 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_api.c b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_api.c
index 6e8fa3c..3120b24 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_api.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_api.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: xm_api.c,v 1.5 2000/10/31 18:09:46 keithw Exp $ */
+/* $Id: xm_api.c,v 1.6 2000/11/05 18:26:12 keithw Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
#include "macros.h"
#include "swrast/swrast.h"
+#include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
#ifndef GLX_NONE_EXT
#define GLX_NONE_EXT 0x8000
@@ -1616,6 +1617,7 @@ void XMesaDestroyVisual( XMesaVisual v )
XMesaContext XMesaCreateContext( XMesaVisual v, XMesaContext share_list )
XMesaContext c;
+ GLcontext *ctx;
GLboolean direct = GL_TRUE; /* XXXX */
/* NOT_DONE: should this be GL_FALSE??? */
static GLboolean firstTime = GL_TRUE;
@@ -1630,7 +1632,7 @@ XMesaContext XMesaCreateContext( XMesaVisual v, XMesaContext share_list )
return NULL;
- c->gl_ctx = _mesa_create_context( v->gl_visual,
+ ctx = c->gl_ctx = _mesa_create_context( v->gl_visual,
share_list ? share_list->gl_ctx : (GLcontext *) NULL,
(void *) c, direct );
if (!c->gl_ctx) {
@@ -1638,9 +1640,9 @@ XMesaContext XMesaCreateContext( XMesaVisual v, XMesaContext share_list )
return NULL;
- gl_extensions_enable(c->gl_ctx, "GL_HP_occlusion_test");
- gl_extensions_enable(c->gl_ctx, "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map");
- gl_extensions_enable(c->gl_ctx, "GL_EXT_texture_env_combine");
+ gl_extensions_enable(ctx, "GL_HP_occlusion_test");
+ gl_extensions_enable(ctx, "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map");
+ gl_extensions_enable(ctx, "GL_EXT_texture_env_combine");
c->swapbytes = GL_FALSE;
@@ -1654,30 +1656,32 @@ XMesaContext XMesaCreateContext( XMesaVisual v, XMesaContext share_list )
c->display = v->display;
c->pixelformat = v->dithered_pf; /* Dithering is enabled by default */
- c->gl_ctx->Driver.UpdateState = xmesa_update_state;
- /* These flags cover all the tests made in UpdateState, plus what
- * the software rasterizer needs to choose line,point and triangle
- * functions.
- */
- c->gl_ctx->Driver.UpdateStateNotify = (_NEW_POINT|
+ ctx->Driver.UpdateState = xmesa_update_state;
+ ctx->Driver.UpdateStateNotify = ~0;
#if defined(GLX_DIRECT_RENDERING) && !defined(XFree86Server)
c->driContextPriv = driContextPriv;
- /* Run the config file */
- _mesa_context_initialize( c->gl_ctx );
+ /* Set up some constant pointers:
+ */
+ xmesa_init_pointers( ctx );
+ if (ctx->VB)
+ _swsetup_RegisterVB( ctx->VB );
+ /* Initialize the software rasterizer and helper modules.
+ */
+ _swrast_CreateContext( ctx );
+ _swsetup_CreateContext( ctx );
+ xmesa_register_swrast_functions( ctx );
+ /* Run the config file
+ */
+ _mesa_context_initialize( ctx );
return c;
@@ -1691,8 +1695,11 @@ void XMesaDestroyContext( XMesaContext c )
if (c->xm_buffer && c->xm_buffer->FXctx)
- if (c->gl_ctx)
+ if (c->gl_ctx) {
+ _swsetup_DestroyContext( c->gl_ctx );
+ _swrast_DestroyContext( c->gl_ctx );
_mesa_destroy_context( c->gl_ctx );
+ }
/* Disassociate old buffer with this context */
if (c->xm_buffer)
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_dd.c b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_dd.c
index f10684d..79adf4e 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_dd.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_dd.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: xm_dd.c,v 1.2 2000/09/08 21:44:57 brianp Exp $ */
+/* $Id: xm_dd.c,v 1.3 2000/11/05 18:26:12 keithw Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
#include "types.h"
#include "xmesaP.h"
#include "extensions.h"
+#include "swrast/swrast.h"
+#include "swrast_setup/swrast_setup.h"
* Return the size (width,height of the current color buffer.
@@ -142,40 +143,6 @@ flush( GLcontext *ctx )
-#if 0
-static GLboolean
-set_buffer( GLcontext *ctx, GLenum mode )
- const XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- if (mode == GL_FRONT_LEFT) {
- /* read/write front buffer */
- xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer = xmesa->xm_buffer->frontbuffer;
- ctx->NewState |= NEW_RASTER_OPS;
- gl_update_state(ctx);
- return GL_TRUE;
- }
- else if (mode==GL_BACK_LEFT && xmesa->xm_buffer->db_state) {
- /* read/write back buffer */
- if (xmesa->xm_buffer->backpixmap) {
- xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer =
- (XMesaDrawable)xmesa->xm_buffer->backpixmap;
- }
- else if (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage) {
- xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer = None;
- }
- else {
- /* just in case there wasn't enough memory for back buffer */
- xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer = xmesa->xm_buffer->frontbuffer;
- }
- ctx->NewState |= NEW_RASTER_OPS;
- gl_update_state(ctx);
- return GL_TRUE;
- }
- else {
- return GL_FALSE;
- }
static GLboolean
@@ -823,7 +790,7 @@ clear_buffers( GLcontext *ctx, GLbitfield mask,
-#ifndef XFree86Server
+#if 0
* This function implements glDrawPixels() with an XPutImage call when
* drawing to the front buffer (X Window drawable).
@@ -922,27 +889,59 @@ enable( GLcontext *ctx, GLenum pname, GLboolean state )
- * Initialize all the DD.* function pointers depending on the color
- * buffer configuration. This is mainly called by XMesaMakeCurrent.
- */
-xmesa_update_state( GLcontext *ctx )
+void xmesa_update_state( GLcontext *ctx )
- XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- /*int depth=GET_VISUAL_DEPTH(xmesa->xm_visual);*/
- (void) DitherValues; /* silenced unused var warning */
-#ifndef XFree86Server
- (void) drawpixels_8R8G8B;
+ const XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- /*
- * Always the same:
+ /* Propogate statechange information to swrast and swrast_setup
+ * modules. The X11 driver has no internal GL-dependent state.
+ _swrast_InvalidateState( ctx, ctx->NewState );
+ _swsetup_InvalidateState( ctx, ctx->NewState );
+ /* setup pointers to front and back buffer clear functions */
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->front_clear_func = clear_front_pixmap;
+ if (xmesa->xm_buffer->backpixmap != XIMAGE) {
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_back_pixmap;
+ }
+ else if (sizeof(GLushort)!=2 || sizeof(GLuint)!=4) {
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_nbit_ximage;
+ }
+ else switch (xmesa->xm_visual->BitsPerPixel) {
+ case 8:
+ if (xmesa->xm_visual->hpcr_clear_flag) {
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_HPCR_ximage;
+ }
+ else {
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_8bit_ximage;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_16bit_ximage;
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_24bit_ximage;
+ break;
+ case 32:
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_32bit_ximage;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_nbit_ximage;
+ break;
+ }
+ xmesa_update_span_funcs(ctx);
+/* Setup pointers and other driver state that is constant for the life
+ * of a context.
+ */
+void xmesa_init_pointers( GLcontext *ctx )
ctx->Driver.GetString = get_string;
- ctx->Driver.UpdateState = xmesa_update_state;
ctx->Driver.GetBufferSize = get_buffer_size;
ctx->Driver.Flush = flush;
ctx->Driver.Finish = finish;
@@ -962,48 +961,13 @@ xmesa_update_state( GLcontext *ctx )
ctx->Driver.ColorMask = color_mask;
ctx->Driver.Enable = enable;
- ctx->Driver.PointsFunc = xmesa_get_points_func( ctx );
- ctx->Driver.LineFunc = xmesa_get_line_func( ctx );
- ctx->Driver.TriangleFunc = xmesa_get_triangle_func( ctx );
+ ctx->Driver.PointsFunc = _swsetup_Points;
+ ctx->Driver.LineFunc = _swsetup_Line;
+ ctx->Driver.TriangleFunc = _swsetup_Triangle;
+ ctx->Driver.QuadFunc = _swsetup_Quad;
+ ctx->Driver.RasterSetup = _swsetup_RasterSetup;
+ ctx->Driver.RegisterVB = _swsetup_RegisterVB;
+ ctx->Driver.UnregisterVB = _swsetup_UnregisterVB;
-/* ctx->Driver.TriangleCaps = DD_TRI_CULL; */
- /* setup pointers to front and back buffer clear functions */
- /* XXX this bit of code could be moved to a one-time init */
- xmesa->xm_buffer->front_clear_func = clear_front_pixmap;
- if (xmesa->xm_buffer->backpixmap != XIMAGE) {
- /* back buffer is a pixmap */
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_back_pixmap;
- }
- else if (sizeof(GLushort)!=2 || sizeof(GLuint)!=4) {
- /* Do this on Crays */
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_nbit_ximage;
- }
- else {
- /* Do this on most machines */
- switch (xmesa->xm_visual->BitsPerPixel) {
- case 8:
- if (xmesa->xm_visual->hpcr_clear_flag) {
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_HPCR_ximage;
- }
- else {
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_8bit_ximage;
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_16bit_ximage;
- break;
- case 24:
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_24bit_ximage;
- break;
- case 32:
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_32bit_ximage;
- break;
- default:
- xmesa->xm_buffer->back_clear_func = clear_nbit_ximage;
- break;
- }
- }
- xmesa_update_span_funcs(ctx);
+ (void) DitherValues; /* silenced unused var warning */
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_line.c b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_line.c
index ac8713f..00e9df6 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_line.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_line.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: xm_line.c,v 1.5 2000/10/31 18:09:46 keithw Exp $ */
+/* $Id: xm_line.c,v 1.6 2000/11/05 18:26:12 keithw Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
/* Internal swrast includes:
#include "swrast/s_depth.h"
+#include "swrast/s_points.h"
+#include "swrast/s_lines.h"
+#include "swrast/s_context.h"
@@ -52,65 +55,52 @@
* Render an array of points into a pixmap, any pixel format.
-static void draw_points_ANY_pixmap( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint first, GLuint last )
+static void draw_points_ANY_pixmap( GLcontext *ctx, SWvertex *vert )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaDisplay *dpy = xmesa->xm_visual->display;
XMesaDrawable buffer = xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer;
XMesaGC gc = xmesa->xm_buffer->gc2;
- struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
- register GLuint i;
if (xmesa->xm_visual->gl_visual->RGBAflag) {
- /* RGB mode */
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB->ClipMask[i]==0) {
- register int x, y;
- const GLubyte *color = VB->ColorPtr->data[i];
- unsigned long pixel = xmesa_color_to_pixel( xmesa,
- color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3], xmesa->pixelformat);
- XMesaSetForeground( dpy, gc, pixel );
- x = (GLint) VB->[i][0];
- y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) VB->[i][1] );
- XMesaDrawPoint( dpy, buffer, gc, x, y);
- }
- }
+ register int x, y;
+ const GLubyte *color = vert->color;
+ unsigned long pixel = xmesa_color_to_pixel( xmesa,
+ color[0], color[1],
+ color[2], color[3],
+ xmesa->pixelformat);
+ XMesaSetForeground( dpy, gc, pixel );
+ x = (GLint) vert->win[0];
+ y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) vert->win[1] );
+ XMesaDrawPoint( dpy, buffer, gc, x, y);
else {
/* Color index mode */
- for (i=first;i<=last;i++) {
- if (VB->ClipMask[i]==0) {
- register int x, y;
- XMesaSetForeground( dpy, gc, VB->IndexPtr->data[i] );
- x = (GLint) VB->[i][0];
- y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) VB->[i][1] );
- XMesaDrawPoint( dpy, buffer, gc, x, y);
- }
- }
+ register int x, y;
+ XMesaSetForeground( dpy, gc, vert->index );
+ x = (GLint) vert->win[0];
+ y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) vert->win[1] );
+ XMesaDrawPoint( dpy, buffer, gc, x, y);
- * Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast points drawing
- * function, like those in points.c. Otherwise, return NULL.
+/* Override the swrast point-selection function. Try to use one of
+ * our internal point functions, otherwise fall back to the standard
+ * swrast functions.
-points_func xmesa_get_points_func( GLcontext *ctx )
+void xmesa_choose_point( GLcontext *ctx )
- XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
- if (ctx->Point.Size==1.0F && !ctx->Point.SmoothFlag && ctx->RasterMask==0
- && !ctx->Texture.ReallyEnabled) {
- if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE) {
- return (points_func) NULL; /*draw_points_ximage;*/
- }
- else {
- return draw_points_ANY_pixmap;
- }
+ if (ctx->Point.Size==1.0F && !ctx->Point.SmoothFlag
+ && swrast->_RasterMask==0
+ && !ctx->Texture._ReallyEnabled) {
+ swrast->Point = draw_points_ANY_pixmap;
- else {
- return (points_func) NULL;
+ else {
+ _swrast_choose_point( ctx );
@@ -126,28 +116,27 @@ points_func xmesa_get_points_func( GLcontext *ctx )
* Render a line into a pixmap, any pixel format.
static void flat_pixmap_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
register int x0, y0, x1, y1;
XMesaGC gc;
unsigned long pixel;
if (xmesa->xm_visual->gl_visual->RGBAflag) {
- const GLubyte *color = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
pixel = xmesa_color_to_pixel( xmesa, color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3],
xmesa->pixelformat );
else {
- pixel = VB->IndexPtr->data[pv];
+ pixel = vert0->index;
gc = xmesa->xm_buffer->gc2;
XMesaSetForeground( xmesa->display, gc, pixel );
- x0 = (GLint) VB->[vert0][0];
- y0 = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) VB->[vert0][1] );
- x1 = (GLint) VB->[vert1][0];
- y1 = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) VB->[vert1][1] );
+ x0 = (GLint) vert0->win[0];
+ y0 = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) vert0->win[1] );
+ x1 = (GLint) vert1->win[0];
+ y1 = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) vert1->win[1] );
XMesaDrawLine( xmesa->display, xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer, gc,
x0, y0, x1, y1 );
@@ -158,10 +147,10 @@ static void flat_pixmap_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_TRUECOLOR line into an XImage.
static void flat_TRUECOLOR_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
unsigned long pixel;
PACK_TRUECOLOR( pixel, color[0], color[1], color[2] );
@@ -179,10 +168,10 @@ static void flat_TRUECOLOR_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_8A8B8G8R line into an XImage.
static void flat_8A8B8G8R_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLuint pixel = PACK_8B8G8R( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
@@ -199,10 +188,10 @@ static void flat_8A8B8G8R_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_8R8G8B line into an XImage.
static void flat_8R8G8B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLuint pixel = PACK_8R8G8B( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
@@ -219,10 +208,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_8R8G8B24 line into an XImage.
static void flat_8R8G8B24_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
#define PIXEL_TYPE bgr_t
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
@@ -242,10 +231,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B24_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_5R6G5B line into an XImage.
static void flat_5R6G5B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLushort pixel = PACK_5R6G5B( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
@@ -262,10 +251,10 @@ static void flat_5R6G5B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B line into an XImage.
static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
@@ -282,10 +271,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_DITHER 8-bit line into an XImage.
static void flat_DITHER8_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLint r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2];
@@ -304,10 +293,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER8_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_LOOKUP 8-bit line into an XImage.
static void flat_LOOKUP8_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLubyte pixel;
pixel = (GLubyte) LOOKUP( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
@@ -326,10 +315,10 @@ static void flat_LOOKUP8_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, PF_HPCR line into an XImage.
static void flat_HPCR_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLint r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2];
#define INTERP_XY 1
@@ -348,10 +337,10 @@ static void flat_HPCR_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_TRUECOLOR line into an XImage.
static void flat_TRUECOLOR_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
unsigned long pixel;
PACK_TRUECOLOR( pixel, color[0], color[1], color[2] );
@@ -374,10 +363,10 @@ static void flat_TRUECOLOR_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_8A8B8G8R line into an XImage.
static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLuint pixel = PACK_8B8G8R( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -400,10 +389,10 @@ static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_8R8G8B line into an XImage.
static void flat_8R8G8B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLuint pixel = PACK_8R8G8B( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -426,10 +415,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_8R8G8B24 line into an XImage.
static void flat_8R8G8B24_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -453,10 +442,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B24_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_5R6G5B line into an XImage.
static void flat_5R6G5B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLushort pixel = PACK_5R6G5B( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -478,10 +467,10 @@ static void flat_5R6G5B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B line into an XImage.
static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -502,10 +491,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_DITHER 8-bit line into an XImage.
static void flat_DITHER8_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLint r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2];
@@ -529,10 +518,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER8_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_LOOKUP 8-bit line into an XImage.
static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLubyte pixel;
pixel = (GLubyte) LOOKUP( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
@@ -557,10 +546,10 @@ static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
* Draw a flat-shaded, Z-less, PF_HPCR line into an XImage.
static void flat_HPCR_z_line( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint vert0, GLuint vert1, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *vert0, SWvertex *vert1 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = vert0->color;
GLint r = color[0], g = color[1], b = color[2];
#define INTERP_XY 1
@@ -662,28 +651,24 @@ fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- * Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast line drawing
- * function, like those in lines.c. Otherwise, return NULL.
- */
-line_func xmesa_get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx )
+static swrast_line_func get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
int depth = GET_VISUAL_DEPTH(xmesa->xm_visual);
(void) DitherValues; /* silence unused var warning */
(void) kernel1; /* silence unused var warning */
- if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag) return (line_func)NULL;
- if (ctx->Texture.ReallyEnabled) return (line_func)NULL;
- if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel!=GL_FLAT) return (line_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag) return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Texture._ReallyEnabled) return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel!=GL_FLAT) return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
/* X line stippling doesn't match OpenGL stippling */
- if (ctx->Line.StippleFlag==GL_TRUE) return (line_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Line.StippleFlag==GL_TRUE) return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE
- && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
+ && swrast->_RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
&& ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
&& ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
&& ctx->Visual.DepthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS
@@ -702,17 +687,17 @@ line_func xmesa_get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx )
case PF_DITHER_5R6G5B:
return flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_line;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_z_line : (line_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_z_line : (swrast_line_func)NULL;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_line : (line_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_line : (swrast_line_func)NULL;
case PF_HPCR:
return flat_HPCR_z_line;
- return (line_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE
- && ctx->RasterMask==0
+ && swrast->_RasterMask==0
&& ctx->Line.Width==1.0F) {
switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
@@ -728,13 +713,13 @@ line_func xmesa_get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx )
case PF_DITHER_5R6G5B:
return flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_line;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_line : (line_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_line : (swrast_line_func)NULL;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_line : (line_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_line : (swrast_line_func)NULL;
case PF_HPCR:
return flat_HPCR_line;
- return (line_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
#if 0
@@ -742,10 +727,46 @@ line_func xmesa_get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx )
* software Mesa's. This causes the linehv.c conformance test to fail.
* In the future, we might provide a config option to enable this.
- if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer!=XIMAGE && ctx->RasterMask==0) {
+ if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer!=XIMAGE && ctx->_RasterMask==0) {
setup_x_line_options( ctx );
return flat_pixmap_line;
- return (line_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_line_func)NULL;
+/* Override for the swrast line-selection function. Try to use one
+ * of our internal line functions, otherwise fall back to the
+ * standard swrast functions.
+ */
+void xmesa_choose_line( GLcontext *ctx )
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
+ if (!(swrast->Line = get_line_func( ctx )))
+ _swrast_choose_line( ctx );
+/* Extend the software rasterizer with our line/point/triangle
+ * functions.
+ */
+void xmesa_register_swrast_functions( GLcontext *ctx )
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT( ctx );
+ swrast->choose_point = xmesa_choose_point;
+ swrast->choose_line = xmesa_choose_line;
+ swrast->choose_triangle = xmesa_choose_triangle;
+ swrast->invalidate_point |= XMESA_NEW_POINT;
+ swrast->invalidate_line |= XMESA_NEW_LINE;
+ swrast->invalidate_triangle |= XMESA_NEW_TRIANGLE;
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_tri.c b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_tri.c
index 6d60e31..3c25265 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_tri.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xm_tri.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: xm_tri.c,v 1.6 2000/10/31 18:09:47 keithw Exp $ */
+/* $Id: xm_tri.c,v 1.7 2000/11/05 18:26:12 keithw Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
/* Internal swrast includes:
+#include "swrast/s_context.h"
#include "swrast/s_depth.h"
+#include "swrast/s_triangle.h"
@@ -57,36 +59,34 @@
* no raster ops.
static void flat_pixmap_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
XMesaPoint p[3];
XMesaGC gc;
- if (0 /*VB->MonoColor*/) {
- gc = xmesa->xm_buffer->gc1; /* use current color */
- }
- else {
+ {
unsigned long pixel;
if (xmesa->xm_visual->gl_visual->RGBAflag) {
pixel = xmesa_color_to_pixel( xmesa,
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1],
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][3],
+ v0->color[0], v0->color[1],
+ v0->color[2], v0->color[3],
xmesa->pixelformat );
else {
- pixel = VB->IndexPtr->data[pv];
+ pixel = v0->index;
gc = xmesa->xm_buffer->gc2;
XMesaSetForeground( xmesa->display, gc, pixel );
- p[0].x = (GLint) (VB->[v0][0] + 0.5f);
- p[0].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (VB->[v0][1] - 0.5f) );
- p[1].x = (GLint) (VB->[v1][0] + 0.5f);
- p[1].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (VB->[v1][1] - 0.5f) );
- p[2].x = (GLint) (VB->[v2][0] + 0.5f);
- p[2].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (VB->[v2][1] - 0.5f) );
+ p[0].x = (GLint) (v0->win[0] + 0.5f);
+ p[0].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (v0->win[1] - 0.5f) );
+ p[1].x = (GLint) (v1->win[0] + 0.5f);
+ p[1].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (v1->win[1] - 0.5f) );
+ p[2].x = (GLint) (v2->win[0] + 0.5f);
+ p[2].y = FLIP( xmesa->xm_buffer, (GLint) (v2->win[1] - 0.5f) );
XMesaFillPolygon( xmesa->display, xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer, gc,
p, 3, Convex, CoordModeOrigin );
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ static void flat_pixmap_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_TRUECOLOR triangle.
static void smooth_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ static void smooth_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_8A8B8G8R triangle.
static void smooth_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ static void smooth_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B triangle.
static void smooth_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@ static void smooth_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B24 triangle.
static void smooth_8R8G8B24_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -236,12 +236,12 @@ static void smooth_8R8G8B24_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_TRUEDITHER triangle.
static void smooth_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ static void smooth_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_5R6G5B triangle.
static void smooth_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ static void smooth_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B triangle.
static void smooth_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -338,11 +338,11 @@ static void smooth_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, 8-bit, PF_DITHER8 triangle.
static void smooth_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -373,12 +373,12 @@ static void smooth_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, PF_DITHER triangle.
static void smooth_DITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -409,11 +409,12 @@ static void smooth_DITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_LOOKUP triangle.
-static void smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -444,11 +445,12 @@ static void smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_HPCR triangle.
-static void smooth_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define INTERP_RGB 1
@@ -478,8 +480,9 @@ static void smooth_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_TRUECOLOR triangle.
static void flat_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2,
- GLuint pv )
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
@@ -487,7 +490,7 @@ static void flat_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
#define SETUP_CODE \
unsigned long pixel; \
- PACK_TRUECOLOR(pixel, VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2]);
+ PACK_TRUECOLOR(pixel, v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2]);
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -509,8 +512,10 @@ static void flat_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_8A8B8G8R triangle.
-static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
- GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -519,8 +524,8 @@ static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_8B8G8R( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_8B8G8R( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint i, len = RIGHT-LEFT; \
@@ -541,8 +546,10 @@ static void flat_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B triangle.
-static void flat_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -551,8 +558,8 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_8R8G8B( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_8R8G8B( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint i, len = RIGHT-LEFT; \
@@ -573,11 +580,13 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B24 triangle.
-static void flat_8R8G8B24_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8R8G8B24_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = v0->color;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR3(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
@@ -606,8 +615,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B24_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_TRUEDITHER triangle.
-static void flat_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
@@ -621,8 +632,8 @@ static void flat_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
GLdepth z = FixedToDepth(ffz); \
if (z < zRow[i]) { \
unsigned long p; \
- PACK_TRUEDITHER( p, xx, yy, VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] ); \
+ PACK_TRUEDITHER( p, xx, yy, v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] ); \
XMesaPutPixel( img, xx, yy, p ); \
zRow[i] = z; \
} \
@@ -636,8 +647,10 @@ static void flat_TRUEDITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void flat_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -646,8 +659,8 @@ static void flat_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_5R6G5B( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_5R6G5B( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint i, len = RIGHT-LEFT; \
@@ -668,11 +681,13 @@ static void flat_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
- GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = v0->color;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR2(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
@@ -699,8 +714,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -709,7 +726,7 @@ static void flat_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -732,15 +749,17 @@ static void flat_DITHER8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
#define INTERP_Z 1
#define SETUP_CODE \
- FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -764,8 +783,10 @@ static void flat_DITHER_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_HPCR triangle.
-static void flat_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -774,9 +795,9 @@ static void flat_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- GLubyte r = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0]; \
- GLubyte g = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1]; \
- GLubyte b = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2];
+ GLubyte r = v0->color[0]; \
+ GLubyte g = v0->color[1]; \
+ GLubyte b = v0->color[2];
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint i, xx = LEFT, yy = FLIP(xmesa->xm_buffer,Y), len = RIGHT-LEFT; \
@@ -797,8 +818,10 @@ static void flat_HPCR_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_LOOKUP triangle.
-static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define INTERP_Z 1
@@ -808,9 +831,9 @@ static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- GLubyte r = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0]; \
- GLubyte g = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1]; \
- GLubyte b = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2]; \
+ GLubyte r = v0->color[0]; \
+ GLubyte g = v0->color[1]; \
+ GLubyte b = v0->color[2]; \
GLubyte p = LOOKUP(r,g,b);
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -833,12 +856,13 @@ static void flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_TRUECOLOR triangle.
-static void smooth_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -857,11 +881,12 @@ static void smooth_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8A8B8G8R triangle.
-static void smooth_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR4(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
@@ -883,11 +908,12 @@ static void smooth_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B triangle.
-static void smooth_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR4(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
@@ -909,11 +935,12 @@ static void smooth_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B triangle.
-static void smooth_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR3(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE bgr_t
@@ -937,12 +964,13 @@ static void smooth_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_TRUEDITHER triangle.
-static void smooth_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -962,11 +990,12 @@ static void smooth_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void smooth_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR2(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
@@ -988,11 +1017,12 @@ static void smooth_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void smooth_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
- GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR2(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
@@ -1014,11 +1044,12 @@ static void smooth_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void smooth_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
@@ -1041,12 +1072,14 @@ static void smooth_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void smooth_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -1066,11 +1099,13 @@ static void smooth_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_LOOKUP triangle.
-static void smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
@@ -1094,11 +1129,13 @@ static void smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, smooth, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_HPCR triangle.
-static void smooth_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void smooth_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- (void) pv;
#define INTERP_RGB 1
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
@@ -1120,14 +1157,16 @@ static void smooth_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_TRUECOLOR triangle.
-static void flat_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
- GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
#define SETUP_CODE \
unsigned long pixel; \
- PACK_TRUECOLOR(pixel, VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2]);
+ PACK_TRUECOLOR(pixel, v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2]);
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -1143,16 +1182,18 @@ static void flat_TRUECOLOR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8A8B8G8R triangle.
-static void flat_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
- GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR4(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_8B8G8R( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_8B8G8R( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint xx; \
@@ -1168,16 +1209,18 @@ static void flat_8A8B8G8R_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B triangle.
-static void flat_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR4(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLuint
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_8R8G8B( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_8R8G8B( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint xx; \
@@ -1193,11 +1236,13 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_8R8G8B24 triangle.
-static void flat_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = v0->color;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR3(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE bgr_t
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
@@ -1218,8 +1263,10 @@ static void flat_8R8G8B24_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_TRUEDITHER triangle.
-static void flat_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
@@ -1228,8 +1275,8 @@ static void flat_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
GLint xx, yy = FLIP(xmesa->xm_buffer, Y); \
for (xx=LEFT;xx<RIGHT;xx++) { \
unsigned long p; \
- PACK_TRUEDITHER( p, xx, yy, VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] ); \
+ PACK_TRUEDITHER( p, xx, yy, v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] ); \
XMesaPutPixel( img, xx, yy, p ); \
} \
@@ -1241,16 +1288,18 @@ static void flat_TRUEDITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void flat_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR2(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- unsigned long p = PACK_5R6G5B( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], \
- VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ unsigned long p = PACK_5R6G5B( v0->color[0], \
+ v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint xx; \
@@ -1266,11 +1315,13 @@ static void flat_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_DITHER_5R6G5B triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
- const GLubyte *color = ctx->VB->ColorPtr->data[pv];
+ const GLubyte *color = v0->color;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR2(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLushort
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
@@ -1290,15 +1341,17 @@ static void flat_DITHER_5R6G5B_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -1316,13 +1369,15 @@ static void flat_DITHER8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, PF_DITHER triangle.
-static void flat_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
XMesaImage *img = xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage;
#define SETUP_CODE \
- FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1], VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2] );
+ FLAT_DITHER_SETUP( v0->color[0], v0->color[1], v0->color[2] );
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -1340,17 +1395,19 @@ static void flat_DITHER_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_HPCR triangle.
-static void flat_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
#define PIXEL_TYPE GLubyte
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- GLubyte r = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0]; \
- GLubyte g = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1]; \
- GLubyte b = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2];
+ GLubyte r = v0->color[0]; \
+ GLubyte g = v0->color[1]; \
+ GLubyte b = v0->color[2];
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
GLint xx, yy = FLIP(xmesa->xm_buffer, Y); \
@@ -1366,8 +1423,10 @@ static void flat_HPCR_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
* XImage, flat, NON-depth-buffered, 8-bit PF_LOOKUP triangle.
-static void flat_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
- GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
+static void flat_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx,
+ SWvertex *v0,
+ SWvertex *v1,
+ SWvertex *v2 )
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
#define PIXEL_ADDRESS(X,Y) PIXELADDR1(xmesa->xm_buffer,X,Y)
@@ -1375,9 +1434,9 @@ static void flat_LOOKUP8_triangle( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint v0, GLuint v1,
#define BYTES_PER_ROW (xmesa->xm_buffer->backimage->bytes_per_line)
#define SETUP_CODE \
- GLubyte r = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][0]; \
- GLubyte g = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][1]; \
- GLubyte b = VB->ColorPtr->data[pv][2]; \
+ GLubyte r = v0->color[0]; \
+ GLubyte g = v0->color[1]; \
+ GLubyte b = v0->color[2]; \
GLubyte p = LOOKUP(r,g,b);
#define INNER_LOOP( LEFT, RIGHT, Y ) \
{ \
@@ -1468,9 +1527,10 @@ static void setup_x_polygon_options( GLcontext *ctx )
#ifdef DEBUG
-_xmesa_print_triangle_func( triangle_func triFunc )
+_xmesa_print_triangle_func( swrast_tri_func triFunc )
printf("XMesa tri func = ");
if (triFunc ==smooth_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle)
@@ -1559,19 +1619,20 @@ _xmesa_print_triangle_func( triangle_func triFunc )
-triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
+static swrast_tri_func get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
int depth = GET_VISUAL_DEPTH(xmesa->xm_visual);
(void) kernel1;
- if (ctx->Polygon.SmoothFlag) return (triangle_func)NULL;
- if (ctx->Texture.ReallyEnabled) return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Polygon.SmoothFlag) return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
+ if (ctx->Texture._ReallyEnabled) return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE) {
if ( ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_SMOOTH
- && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
+ && swrast->_RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
&& ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
&& ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
&& ctx->Visual.DepthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS
@@ -1597,13 +1658,13 @@ triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
return (depth==8) ? smooth_DITHER8_z_triangle
: smooth_DITHER_z_triangle;
- return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
if ( ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT
- && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
+ && swrast->_RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
&& ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
&& ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
&& ctx->Visual.DepthBits == DEFAULT_SOFTWARE_DEPTH_BITS
@@ -1629,12 +1690,12 @@ triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_z_triangle
: flat_DITHER_z_triangle;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- if ( ctx->RasterMask==0 /* no depth test */
+ if ( swrast->_RasterMask==0 /* no depth test */
&& ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_SMOOTH
&& ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
@@ -1658,13 +1719,13 @@ triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
return (depth==8) ? smooth_DITHER8_triangle
: smooth_DITHER_triangle;
- return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle : (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle : (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- if ( ctx->RasterMask==0 /* no depth test */
+ if ( swrast->_RasterMask==0 /* no depth test */
&& ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT
&& ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
@@ -1688,13 +1749,13 @@ triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_triangle
: flat_DITHER_triangle;
- return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_triangle : (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_triangle : (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
else {
/* draw to pixmap */
@@ -1704,13 +1765,27 @@ triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx )
* test failure in the conformance tests.
* In the future, we might provide a config option to enable this.
- if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT && ctx->RasterMask==0) {
+ if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT && ctx->_RasterMask==0) {
if (ctx->Color.DitherFlag && depth < 24)
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
setup_x_polygon_options( ctx );
return flat_pixmap_triangle;
- return (triangle_func)NULL;
+ return (swrast_tri_func)NULL;
+/* Override for the swrast tri-selection function. Try to use one
+ * of our internal tri functions, otherwise fall back to the
+ * standard swrast functions.
+ */
+void xmesa_choose_triangle( GLcontext *ctx )
+ SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
+ if (!(swrast->Triangle = get_triangle_func( ctx )))
+ _swrast_choose_triangle( ctx );
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xmesaP.h b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xmesaP.h
index ebea739..00787b4 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xmesaP.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/x11/xmesaP.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: xmesaP.h,v 1.13 2000/09/26 20:54:13 brianp Exp $ */
+/* $Id: xmesaP.h,v 1.14 2000/11/05 18:26:12 keithw Exp $ */
* Mesa 3-D graphics library
@@ -522,15 +522,20 @@ xmesa_color_to_pixel( XMesaContext xmesa,
extern void xmesa_alloc_back_buffer( XMesaBuffer b );
+extern void xmesa_init_pointers( GLcontext *ctx );
extern void xmesa_update_state( GLcontext *ctx );
-extern points_func xmesa_get_points_func( GLcontext *ctx );
+extern void xmesa_update_span_funcs( GLcontext *ctx );
-extern line_func xmesa_get_line_func( GLcontext *ctx );
+/* Plugged into the software rasterizer. Try to use internal
+ * swrast-style point, line and triangle functions.
+ */
+extern void xmesa_choose_point( GLcontext *ctx );
+extern void xmesa_choose_line( GLcontext *ctx );
+extern void xmesa_choose_triangle( GLcontext *ctx );
-extern triangle_func xmesa_get_triangle_func( GLcontext *ctx );
-extern void xmesa_update_span_funcs( GLcontext *ctx );
+extern void xmesa_register_swrast_functions( GLcontext *ctx );