BZ: 80506
This patch adds scripts to generate and test PFW domain XML.
tools/xmlGenerator provides script to generate PFW domains from XML:
- updateRoutageDomains.sh update the domains of the connected board
with the provided .pfw file.
- lightRoutingUpdate.sh is a light version of updateRoutageDomains.sh
it does not need test-platform but needs a board with a properly
configure PFW (typicaly the hal pfw).
- analyse provide script to convert asound.conf to domains
test/test-scripts provides scripts to instanciate a test platform
(virtal hal) and simulate the route manager routing steps:
- */*_envsetup.sh is a list of environement configation file. Source the file
corresponding to your situation.
- test-routing.sh allow the user to simulate different routing use
Change-Id: I00931a3b0868496c36ba1ad298ed89e07582dd61
Signed-off-by: Kevin Rocard <kevinx.rocard@intel.com>
Reviewed-on: http://android.intel.com:8080/67268
Reviewed-by: Boisnard, FredericX <fredericx.boisnard@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: De Chivre, Renaud <renaud.de.chivre@intel.com>
Tested-by: Dixon, CharlesX <charlesx.dixon@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: buildbot <buildbot@intel.com>
Tested-by: buildbot <buildbot@intel.com>