diff options
4 files changed, 183 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/java/src/test/java/com/google/protobuf/NanoTest.java b/java/src/test/java/com/google/protobuf/NanoTest.java
index bb95a17..687bc16 100644
--- a/java/src/test/java/com/google/protobuf/NanoTest.java
+++ b/java/src/test/java/com/google/protobuf/NanoTest.java
@@ -2886,13 +2886,6 @@ public class NanoTest extends TestCase {
- // We set the _nan fields to something other than nan, because equality
- // is defined for nan such that Float.NaN != Float.NaN, which makes any
- // instance of TestAllTypesNano unequal to any other instance unless
- // these fields are set. This is also the behavior of the regular java
- // generator when the value of a field is NaN.
- message.defaultFloatNan = 1.0f;
- message.defaultDoubleNan = 1.0;
return message;
@@ -2915,7 +2908,6 @@ public class NanoTest extends TestCase {
- message.defaultFloatNan = 1.0f;
return message;
@@ -2924,8 +2916,7 @@ public class NanoTest extends TestCase {
.setOptionalBytes(new byte[] {1, 2, 3})
- .setOptionalNestedEnum(TestNanoAccessors.BAR)
- .setDefaultFloatNan(1.0f);
+ .setOptionalNestedEnum(TestNanoAccessors.BAR);
message.optionalNestedMessage = new TestNanoAccessors.NestedMessage().setBb(27);
message.repeatedInt32 = new int[] { 5, 6, 7, 8 };
message.repeatedString = new String[] { "One", "Two" };
@@ -2973,6 +2964,126 @@ public class NanoTest extends TestCase {
return message;
+ public void testEqualsWithSpecialFloatingPointValues() throws Exception {
+ // Checks that the nano implementation complies with Object.equals() when treating
+ // floating point numbers, i.e. NaN == NaN and +0.0 != -0.0.
+ // This test assumes that the generated equals() implementations are symmetric, so
+ // there will only be one direction for each equality check.
+ TestAllTypesNano m1 = new TestAllTypesNano();
+ m1.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m1.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ TestAllTypesNano m2 = new TestAllTypesNano();
+ m2.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m2.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ assertTrue(m1.equals(m2));
+ assertTrue(m1.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestAllTypesNano(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m1))));
+ m1.optionalFloat = +0f;
+ m2.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ assertFalse(m1.equals(m2));
+ m1.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ m1.optionalDouble = +0d;
+ m2.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ assertFalse(m1.equals(m2));
+ m1.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ assertTrue(m1.equals(m2));
+ assertFalse(m1.equals(new TestAllTypesNano())); // -0 does not equals() the default +0
+ assertTrue(m1.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestAllTypesNano(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m1))));
+ // -------
+ TestAllTypesNanoHas m3 = new TestAllTypesNanoHas();
+ m3.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m3.hasOptionalFloat = true;
+ m3.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ m3.hasOptionalDouble = true;
+ TestAllTypesNanoHas m4 = new TestAllTypesNanoHas();
+ m4.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m4.hasOptionalFloat = true;
+ m4.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ m4.hasOptionalDouble = true;
+ assertTrue(m3.equals(m4));
+ assertTrue(m3.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestAllTypesNanoHas(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m3))));
+ m3.optionalFloat = +0f;
+ m4.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ assertFalse(m3.equals(m4));
+ m3.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ m3.optionalDouble = +0d;
+ m4.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ assertFalse(m3.equals(m4));
+ m3.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ m3.hasOptionalFloat = false; // -0 does not equals() the default +0,
+ m3.hasOptionalDouble = false; // so these incorrect 'has' flags should be disregarded.
+ assertTrue(m3.equals(m4)); // note: m4 has the 'has' flags set.
+ assertFalse(m3.equals(new TestAllTypesNanoHas())); // note: the new message has +0 defaults
+ assertTrue(m3.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestAllTypesNanoHas(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m3))));
+ // note: the deserialized message has the 'has' flags set.
+ // -------
+ TestNanoAccessors m5 = new TestNanoAccessors();
+ m5.setOptionalFloat(Float.NaN);
+ m5.setOptionalDouble(Double.NaN);
+ TestNanoAccessors m6 = new TestNanoAccessors();
+ m6.setOptionalFloat(Float.NaN);
+ m6.setOptionalDouble(Double.NaN);
+ assertTrue(m5.equals(m6));
+ assertTrue(m5.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestNanoAccessors(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m6))));
+ m5.setOptionalFloat(+0f);
+ m6.setOptionalFloat(-0f);
+ assertFalse(m5.equals(m6));
+ m5.setOptionalFloat(-0f);
+ m5.setOptionalDouble(+0d);
+ m6.setOptionalDouble(-0d);
+ assertFalse(m5.equals(m6));
+ m5.setOptionalDouble(-0d);
+ assertTrue(m5.equals(m6));
+ assertFalse(m5.equals(new TestNanoAccessors()));
+ assertTrue(m5.equals(
+ MessageNano.mergeFrom(new TestNanoAccessors(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m6))));
+ // -------
+ NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano m7 = new NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano();
+ m7.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m7.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano m8 = new NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano();
+ m8.optionalFloat = Float.NaN;
+ m8.optionalDouble = Double.NaN;
+ assertTrue(m7.equals(m8));
+ assertTrue(m7.equals(MessageNano.mergeFrom(
+ new NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m7))));
+ m7.optionalFloat = +0f;
+ m8.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ assertFalse(m7.equals(m8));
+ m7.optionalFloat = -0f;
+ m7.optionalDouble = +0d;
+ m8.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ assertFalse(m7.equals(m8));
+ m7.optionalDouble = -0d;
+ assertTrue(m7.equals(m8));
+ assertFalse(m7.equals(new NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano()));
+ assertTrue(m7.equals(MessageNano.mergeFrom(
+ new NanoReferenceTypes.TestAllTypesNano(), MessageNano.toByteArray(m7))));
+ }
public void testNullRepeatedFields() throws Exception {
// Check that serialization after explicitly setting a repeated field
// to null doesn't NPE.
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_primitive_field.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_primitive_field.cc
index b6c98b4..9898aaf 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_primitive_field.cc
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_primitive_field.cc
@@ -175,38 +175,6 @@ int FixedSize(FieldDescriptor::Type type) {
return -1;
-// Returns true if the field has a default value equal to NaN.
-bool IsDefaultNaN(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
- switch (field->type()) {
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32: return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64 : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64: return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT :
- return isnan(field->default_value_float());
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE :
- return isnan(field->default_value_double());
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP : return false;
- case FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE : return false;
- // No default because we want the compiler to complain if any new
- // types are added.
- }
- GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Can't get here.";
- return false;
// Return true if the type is a that has variable length
// for instance String's.
bool IsVariableLenType(JavaType type) {
@@ -384,15 +352,21 @@ GenerateSerializationConditional(io::Printer* printer) const {
"if (");
- if (IsArrayType(GetJavaType(descriptor_))) {
+ JavaType java_type = GetJavaType(descriptor_);
+ if (IsArrayType(java_type)) {
"!java.util.Arrays.equals(this.$name$, $default$)) {\n");
- } else if (IsReferenceType(GetJavaType(descriptor_))) {
+ } else if (IsReferenceType(java_type)) {
"!this.$name$.equals($default$)) {\n");
- } else if (IsDefaultNaN(descriptor_)) {
+ } else if (java_type == JAVATYPE_FLOAT) {
- "!$capitalized_type$.isNaN(this.$name$)) {\n");
+ "java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(this.$name$)\n"
+ " != java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits($default$)) {\n");
+ } else if (java_type == JAVATYPE_DOUBLE) {
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(this.$name$)\n"
+ " != java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits($default$)) {\n");
} else {
"this.$name$ != $default$) {\n");
@@ -464,6 +438,36 @@ GenerateEqualsCode(io::Printer* printer) const {
printer->Print(") {\n"
" return false;\n"
+ } else if (java_type == JAVATYPE_FLOAT) {
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "{\n"
+ " int bits = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(this.$name$);\n"
+ " if (bits != java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(other.$name$)");
+ if (params_.generate_has()) {
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "\n"
+ " || (bits == java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits($default$)\n"
+ " && this.has$capitalized_name$ != other.has$capitalized_name$)");
+ }
+ printer->Print(") {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n");
+ } else if (java_type == JAVATYPE_DOUBLE) {
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "{\n"
+ " long bits = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(this.$name$);\n"
+ " if (bits != java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(other.$name$)");
+ if (params_.generate_has()) {
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "\n"
+ " || (bits == java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits($default$)\n"
+ " && this.has$capitalized_name$ != other.has$capitalized_name$)");
+ }
+ printer->Print(") {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n");
} else {
"if (this.$name$ != other.$name$");
@@ -623,12 +627,26 @@ GenerateSerializedSizeCode(io::Printer* printer) const {
void AccessorPrimitiveFieldGenerator::
GenerateEqualsCode(io::Printer* printer) const {
switch (GetJavaType(descriptor_)) {
- // For all Java primitive types below, the hash codes match the
- // results of BoxedType.valueOf(primitiveValue).hashCode().
+ // For all Java primitive types below, the equality checks match the
+ // results of BoxedType.valueOf(primitiveValue).equals(otherValue).
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "if ($different_has$\n"
+ " || java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits($name$_)\n"
+ " != java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(other.$name$_)) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ break;
+ printer->Print(variables_,
+ "if ($different_has$\n"
+ " || java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits($name$_)\n"
+ " != java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(other.$name$_)) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ break;
"if ($different_has$\n"
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/unittest_accessors_nano.proto b/src/google/protobuf/unittest_accessors_nano.proto
index 875af25..f1d4d34 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/unittest_accessors_nano.proto
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/unittest_accessors_nano.proto
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ message TestNanoAccessors {
// Singular
optional int32 optional_int32 = 1;
+ optional float optional_float = 11;
+ optional double optional_double = 12;
optional string optional_string = 14;
optional bytes optional_bytes = 15;
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/unittest_has_nano.proto b/src/google/protobuf/unittest_has_nano.proto
index 61800f2..289d08a 100644
--- a/src/google/protobuf/unittest_has_nano.proto
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/unittest_has_nano.proto
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ message TestAllTypesNanoHas {
// Singular
optional int32 optional_int32 = 1;
+ optional float optional_float = 11;
+ optional double optional_double = 12;
optional string optional_string = 14;
optional bytes optional_bytes = 15;