path: root/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.cc')
1 files changed, 1718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.cc b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae243dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1718 @@
+// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
+// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+// met:
+// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+// distribution.
+// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+// this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
+// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
+// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/hash.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_message.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_field.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_enum.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_extension.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/cpp_helpers.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/printer.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/wire_format.h>
+#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace protobuf {
+namespace compiler {
+namespace cpp {
+using internal::WireFormat;
+using internal::WireFormatLite;
+namespace {
+void PrintFieldComment(io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
+ // Print the field's proto-syntax definition as a comment. We don't want to
+ // print group bodies so we cut off after the first line.
+ string def = field->DebugString();
+ printer->Print("// $def$\n",
+ "def", def.substr(0, def.find_first_of('\n')));
+struct FieldOrderingByNumber {
+ inline bool operator()(const FieldDescriptor* a,
+ const FieldDescriptor* b) const {
+ return a->number() < b->number();
+ }
+const char* kWireTypeNames[] = {
+ "FIXED64",
+ "FIXED32",
+// Sort the fields of the given Descriptor by number into a new[]'d array
+// and return it.
+const FieldDescriptor** SortFieldsByNumber(const Descriptor* descriptor) {
+ const FieldDescriptor** fields =
+ new const FieldDescriptor*[descriptor->field_count()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {
+ fields[i] = descriptor->field(i);
+ }
+ sort(fields, fields + descriptor->field_count(),
+ FieldOrderingByNumber());
+ return fields;
+// Functor for sorting extension ranges by their "start" field number.
+struct ExtensionRangeSorter {
+ bool operator()(const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* left,
+ const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* right) const {
+ return left->start < right->start;
+ }
+// Returns true if the message type has any required fields. If it doesn't,
+// we can optimize out calls to its IsInitialized() method.
+// already_seen is used to avoid checking the same type multiple times
+// (and also to protect against recursion).
+static bool HasRequiredFields(
+ const Descriptor* type,
+ hash_set<const Descriptor*>* already_seen) {
+ if (already_seen->count(type) > 0) {
+ // Since the first occurrence of a required field causes the whole
+ // function to return true, we can assume that if the type is already
+ // in the cache it didn't have any required fields.
+ return false;
+ }
+ already_seen->insert(type);
+ // If the type has extensions, an extension with message type could contain
+ // required fields, so we have to be conservative and assume such an
+ // extension exists.
+ if (type->extension_range_count() > 0) return true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < type->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = type->field(i);
+ if (field->is_required()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ if (HasRequiredFields(field->message_type(), already_seen)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool HasRequiredFields(const Descriptor* type) {
+ hash_set<const Descriptor*> already_seen;
+ return HasRequiredFields(type, &already_seen);
+// ===================================================================
+MessageGenerator::MessageGenerator(const Descriptor* descriptor,
+ const string& dllexport_decl)
+ : descriptor_(descriptor),
+ classname_(ClassName(descriptor, false)),
+ dllexport_decl_(dllexport_decl),
+ field_generators_(descriptor),
+ nested_generators_(new scoped_ptr<MessageGenerator>[
+ descriptor->nested_type_count()]),
+ enum_generators_(new scoped_ptr<EnumGenerator>[
+ descriptor->enum_type_count()]),
+ extension_generators_(new scoped_ptr<ExtensionGenerator>[
+ descriptor->extension_count()]) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i].reset(
+ new MessageGenerator(descriptor->nested_type(i), dllexport_decl));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i].reset(
+ new EnumGenerator(descriptor->enum_type(i), dllexport_decl));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->extension_count(); i++) {
+ extension_generators_[i].reset(
+ new ExtensionGenerator(descriptor->extension(i), dllexport_decl));
+ }
+MessageGenerator::~MessageGenerator() {}
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateForwardDeclaration(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print("class $classname$;\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateForwardDeclaration(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateEnumDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateEnumDefinitions(printer);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i]->GenerateDefinition(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(printer);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i]->GenerateGetEnumDescriptorSpecializations(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateFieldAccessorDeclarations(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ SetCommonFieldVariables(field, &vars);
+ vars["constant_name"] = FieldConstantName(field);
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Print(vars, "inline int $name$_size() const$deprecation$;\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(vars, "inline bool has_$name$() const$deprecation$;\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars, "inline void clear_$name$()$deprecation$;\n");
+ printer->Print(vars, "static const int $constant_name$ = $number$;\n");
+ // Generate type-specific accessor declarations.
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateAccessorDeclarations(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ // Generate accessors for extensions. We just call a macro located in
+ // extension_set.h since the accessors about 80 lines of static code.
+ printer->Print(
+ "classname", classname_);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateFieldAccessorDefinitions(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print("// $classname$\n\n", "classname", classname_);
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ SetCommonFieldVariables(field, &vars);
+ // Generate has_$name$() or $name$_size().
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "inline int $classname$::$name$_size() const {\n"
+ " return $name$_.size();\n"
+ "}\n");
+ } else {
+ // Singular field.
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "inline bool $classname$::has_$name$() const {\n"
+ " return _has_bit($index$);\n"
+ "}\n");
+ }
+ // Generate clear_$name$()
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "inline void $classname$::clear_$name$() {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateClearingCode(printer);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Print(vars, " _clear_bit($index$);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ // Generate type-specific accessors.
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateInlineAccessorDefinitions(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateClassDefinition(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateClassDefinition(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ printer->Print(kThinSeparator);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["classname"] = classname_;
+ vars["field_count"] = SimpleItoa(descriptor_->field_count());
+ if (dllexport_decl_.empty()) {
+ vars["dllexport"] = "";
+ } else {
+ vars["dllexport"] = dllexport_decl_ + " ";
+ }
+ vars["superclass"] = HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file()) ?
+ "Message" : "MessageLite";
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "class $dllexport$$classname$ : public ::google::protobuf::$superclass$ {\n"
+ " public:\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$classname$();\n"
+ "virtual ~$classname$();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$classname$(const $classname$& from);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "inline $classname$& operator=(const $classname$& from) {\n"
+ " CopyFrom(from);\n"
+ " return *this;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "inline const ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields() const {\n"
+ " return _unknown_fields_;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "inline ::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet* mutable_unknown_fields() {\n"
+ " return &_unknown_fields_;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
+ }
+ // Only generate this member if it's not disabled.
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file()) &&
+ !descriptor_->options().no_standard_descriptor_accessor()) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "static const $classname$& default_instance();\n"
+ "void Swap($classname$* other);\n"
+ "\n"
+ "// implements Message ----------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$classname$* New() const;\n");
+ if (HasGeneratedMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);\n"
+ "void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "void CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "void CopyFrom(const $classname$& from);\n"
+ "void MergeFrom(const $classname$& from);\n"
+ "void Clear();\n"
+ "bool IsInitialized() const;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "int ByteSize() const;\n"
+ "bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);\n"
+ "void SerializeWithCachedSizes(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;\n");
+ if (HasFastArraySerialization(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;\n");
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }\n"
+ "private:\n"
+ "void SharedCtor();\n"
+ "void SharedDtor();\n"
+ "void SetCachedSize(int size) const { _cached_size_ = size; }\n"
+ "public:\n"
+ "\n");
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;\n"
+ "\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::std::string GetTypeName() const;\n"
+ "\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "// nested types ----------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\n");
+ // Import all nested message classes into this class's scope with typedefs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ const Descriptor* nested_type = descriptor_->nested_type(i);
+ printer->Print("typedef $nested_full_name$ $nested_name$;\n",
+ "nested_name", nested_type->name(),
+ "nested_full_name", ClassName(nested_type, false));
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->nested_type_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ // Import all nested enums and their values into this class's scope with
+ // typedefs and constants.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i]->GenerateSymbolImports(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "// accessors -------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ "\n");
+ // Generate accessor methods for all fields.
+ GenerateFieldAccessorDeclarations(printer);
+ // Declare extension identifiers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->extension_count(); i++) {
+ extension_generators_[i]->GenerateDeclaration(printer);
+ }
+ // Generate private members for fields.
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(" private:\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::internal::ExtensionSet _extensions_;\n");
+ }
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::UnknownFieldSet _unknown_fields_;\n");
+ }
+ // TODO(kenton): Make _cached_size_ an atomic<int> when C++ supports it.
+ printer->Print(
+ "mutable int _cached_size_;\n"
+ "\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ field_generators_.get(descriptor_->field(i))
+ .GeneratePrivateMembers(printer);
+ }
+ // Declare AddDescriptors(), BuildDescriptors(), and ShutdownFile() as
+ // friends so that they can access private static variables like
+ // default_instance_ and reflection_.
+ printer->Print(
+ "friend void $dllexport_decl$ $adddescriptorsname$();\n",
+ "dllexport_decl", dllexport_decl_,
+ "adddescriptorsname",
+ GlobalAddDescriptorsName(descriptor_->file()->name()));
+ printer->Print(
+ "friend void $assigndescriptorsname$();\n"
+ "friend void $shutdownfilename$();\n"
+ "\n",
+ "assigndescriptorsname",
+ GlobalAssignDescriptorsName(descriptor_->file()->name()),
+ "shutdownfilename", GlobalShutdownFileName(descriptor_->file()->name()));
+ // Generate offsets and _has_bits_ boilerplate.
+ if (descriptor_->field_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[($field_count$ + 31) / 32];\n");
+ } else {
+ // Zero-size arrays aren't technically allowed, and MSVC in particular
+ // doesn't like them. We still need to declare these arrays to make
+ // other code compile. Since this is an uncommon case, we'll just declare
+ // them with size 1 and waste some space. Oh well.
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::uint32 _has_bits_[1];\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "\n"
+ "inline bool _has_bit(int index) const {\n"
+ " return (_has_bits_[index / 32] & (1u << (index % 32))) != 0;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "inline void _set_bit(int index) {\n"
+ " _has_bits_[index / 32] |= (1u << (index % 32));\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "inline void _clear_bit(int index) {\n"
+ " _has_bits_[index / 32] &= ~(1u << (index % 32));\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "void InitAsDefaultInstance();\n"
+ "static $classname$* default_instance_;\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(vars, "};");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateInlineMethods(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateInlineMethods(printer);
+ printer->Print(kThinSeparator);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ GenerateFieldAccessorDefinitions(printer);
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateDescriptorDeclarations(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* $name$_descriptor_ = NULL;\n"
+ "const ::google::protobuf::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection*\n"
+ " $name$_reflection_ = NULL;\n",
+ "name", classname_);
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateDescriptorDeclarations(printer);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* $name$_descriptor_ = NULL;\n",
+ "name", ClassName(descriptor_->enum_type(i), false));
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateDescriptorInitializer(io::Printer* printer, int index) {
+ // TODO(kenton): Passing the index to this method is redundant; just use
+ // descriptor_->index() instead.
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["classname"] = classname_;
+ vars["index"] = SimpleItoa(index);
+ // Obtain the descriptor from the parent's descriptor.
+ if (descriptor_->containing_type() == NULL) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$classname$_descriptor_ = file->message_type($index$);\n");
+ } else {
+ vars["parent"] = ClassName(descriptor_->containing_type(), false);
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$classname$_descriptor_ = "
+ "$parent$_descriptor_->nested_type($index$);\n");
+ }
+ // Generate the offsets.
+ GenerateOffsets(printer);
+ // Construct the reflection object.
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$classname$_reflection_ =\n"
+ " new ::google::protobuf::internal::GeneratedMessageReflection(\n"
+ " $classname$_descriptor_,\n"
+ " $classname$::default_instance_,\n"
+ " $classname$_offsets_,\n"
+ " GOOGLE_PROTOBUF_GENERATED_MESSAGE_FIELD_OFFSET($classname$, _has_bits_[0]),\n"
+ "$classname$, _unknown_fields_),\n");
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "$classname$, _extensions_),\n");
+ } else {
+ // No extensions.
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ " -1,\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ " ::google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::generated_pool(),\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::MessageFactory::generated_factory(),\n"
+ " sizeof($classname$));\n");
+ // Handle nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateDescriptorInitializer(printer, i);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i]->GenerateDescriptorInitializer(printer, i);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateTypeRegistrations(io::Printer* printer) {
+ // Register this message type with the message factory.
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::MessageFactory::InternalRegisterGeneratedMessage(\n"
+ " $classname$_descriptor_, &$classname$::default_instance());\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // Handle nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateTypeRegistrations(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateDefaultInstanceAllocator(io::Printer* printer) {
+ // Construct the default instance. We can't call InitAsDefaultInstance() yet
+ // because we need to make sure all default instances that this one might
+ // depend on are constructed first.
+ printer->Print(
+ "$classname$::default_instance_ = new $classname$();\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // Handle nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateDefaultInstanceAllocator(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateDefaultInstanceInitializer(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "$classname$::default_instance_->InitAsDefaultInstance();\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // Register extensions.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->extension_count(); i++) {
+ extension_generators_[i]->GenerateRegistration(printer);
+ }
+ // Handle nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateDefaultInstanceInitializer(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateShutdownCode(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "delete $classname$::default_instance_;\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "delete $classname$_reflection_;\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ }
+ // Handle nested types.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateShutdownCode(printer);
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateClassMethods(io::Printer* printer) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->enum_type_count(); i++) {
+ enum_generators_[i]->GenerateMethods(printer);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
+ nested_generators_[i]->GenerateClassMethods(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ printer->Print(kThinSeparator);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ // Generate non-inline field definitions.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ field_generators_.get(descriptor_->field(i))
+ .GenerateNonInlineAccessorDefinitions(printer);
+ }
+ // Generate field number constants.
+ printer->Print("#ifndef _MSC_VER\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor *field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ printer->Print(
+ "const int $classname$::$constant_name$;\n",
+ "classname", ClassName(FieldScope(field), false),
+ "constant_name", FieldConstantName(field));
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "#endif // !_MSC_VER\n"
+ "\n");
+ // Define extension identifiers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->extension_count(); i++) {
+ extension_generators_[i]->GenerateDefinition(printer);
+ }
+ GenerateStructors(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ if (HasGeneratedMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ GenerateClear(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateMergeFromCodedStream(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizes(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ if (HasFastArraySerialization(descriptor_->file())) {
+ GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ GenerateByteSize(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateMergeFrom(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateCopyFrom(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ GenerateIsInitialized(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ GenerateSwap(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::Metadata $classname$::GetMetadata() const {\n"
+ " protobuf_AssignDescriptorsOnce();\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::Metadata metadata;\n"
+ " metadata.descriptor = $classname$_descriptor_;\n"
+ " metadata.reflection = $classname$_reflection_;\n"
+ " return metadata;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::std::string $classname$::GetTypeName() const {\n"
+ " return \"$type_name$\";\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_,
+ "type_name", descriptor_->full_name());
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateOffsets(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "static const int $classname$_offsets_[$field_count$] = {\n",
+ "classname", classname_,
+ "field_count", SimpleItoa(max(1, descriptor_->field_count())));
+ printer->Indent();
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ printer->Print(
+ "classname", classname_,
+ "name", FieldName(field));
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("};\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSharedConstructorCode(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::SharedCtor() {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "_cached_size_ = 0;\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ field_generators_.get(descriptor_->field(i))
+ .GenerateConstructorCode(printer);
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSharedDestructorCode(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::SharedDtor() {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ // Write the destructors for each field.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ field_generators_.get(descriptor_->field(i))
+ .GenerateDestructorCode(printer);
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (this != default_instance_) {\n");
+ // We need to delete all embedded messages.
+ // TODO(kenton): If we make unset messages point at default instances
+ // instead of NULL, then it would make sense to move this code into
+ // MessageFieldGenerator::GenerateDestructorCode().
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (!field->is_repeated() &&
+ field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ printer->Print(" delete $name$_;\n",
+ "name", FieldName(field));
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateStructors(io::Printer* printer) {
+ // Generate the default constructor.
+ printer->Print(
+ "$classname$::$classname$() {\n"
+ " SharedCtor();\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Print(
+ "\n"
+ "void $classname$::InitAsDefaultInstance() {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // The default instance needs all of its embedded message pointers
+ // cross-linked to other default instances. We can't do this initialization
+ // in the constructor because some other default instances may not have been
+ // constructed yet at that time.
+ // TODO(kenton): Maybe all message fields (even for non-default messages)
+ // should be initialized to point at default instances rather than NULL?
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (!field->is_repeated() &&
+ field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " $name$_ = const_cast< $type$*>(&$type$::default_instance());\n",
+ "name", FieldName(field),
+ "type", ClassName(field->message_type(), true));
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
+ // Generate the copy constructor.
+ printer->Print(
+ "$classname$::$classname$(const $classname$& from) {\n"
+ " SharedCtor();\n"
+ " MergeFrom(from);\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // Generate the shared constructor code.
+ GenerateSharedConstructorCode(printer);
+ // Generate the destructor.
+ printer->Print(
+ "$classname$::~$classname$() {\n"
+ " SharedDtor();\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ // Generate the shared destructor code.
+ GenerateSharedDestructorCode(printer);
+ // Only generate this member if it's not disabled.
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file()) &&
+ !descriptor_->options().no_standard_descriptor_accessor()) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* $classname$::descriptor() {\n"
+ " protobuf_AssignDescriptorsOnce();\n"
+ " return $classname$_descriptor_;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_,
+ "adddescriptorsname",
+ GlobalAddDescriptorsName(descriptor_->file()->name()));
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "const $classname$& $classname$::default_instance() {\n"
+ " if (default_instance_ == NULL) $adddescriptorsname$();"
+ " return *default_instance_;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$classname$* $classname$::default_instance_ = NULL;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "$classname$* $classname$::New() const {\n"
+ " return new $classname$;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "classname", classname_,
+ "adddescriptorsname",
+ GlobalAddDescriptorsName(descriptor_->file()->name()));
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateClear(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print("void $classname$::Clear() {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ int last_index = -1;
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print("_extensions_.Clear();\n");
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["index"] = SimpleItoa(field->index());
+ // We can use the fact that _has_bits_ is a giant bitfield to our
+ // advantage: We can check up to 32 bits at a time for equality to
+ // zero, and skip the whole range if so. This can improve the speed
+ // of Clear() for messages which contain a very large number of
+ // optional fields of which only a few are used at a time. Here,
+ // we've chosen to check 8 bits at a time rather than 32.
+ if (i / 8 != last_index / 8 || last_index < 0) {
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "if (_has_bits_[$index$ / 32] & (0xffu << ($index$ % 32))) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ last_index = i;
+ // It's faster to just overwrite primitive types, but we should
+ // only clear strings and messages if they were set.
+ // TODO(kenton): Let the CppFieldGenerator decide this somehow.
+ bool should_check_bit =
+ field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE ||
+ field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING;
+ if (should_check_bit) {
+ printer->Print(vars, "if (_has_bit($index$)) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateClearingCode(printer);
+ if (should_check_bit) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ // Repeated fields don't use _has_bits_ so we clear them in a separate
+ // pass.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateClearingCode(printer);
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "::memset(_has_bits_, 0, sizeof(_has_bits_));\n");
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "mutable_unknown_fields()->Clear();\n");
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSwap(io::Printer* printer) {
+ // Generate the Swap member function.
+ printer->Print("void $classname$::Swap($classname$* other) {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print("if (other != this) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ if (HasGeneratedMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateSwappingCode(printer);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (descriptor_->field_count() + 31) / 32; ++i) {
+ printer->Print("std::swap(_has_bits_[$i$], other->_has_bits_[$i$]);\n",
+ "i", SimpleItoa(i));
+ }
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print("_unknown_fields_.Swap(&other->_unknown_fields_);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("std::swap(_cached_size_, other->_cached_size_);\n");
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print("_extensions_.Swap(&other->_extensions_);\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ printer->Print("GetReflection()->Swap(this, other);");
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateMergeFrom(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ // Generate the generalized MergeFrom (aka that which takes in the Message
+ // base class as a parameter).
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from) {\n"
+ " GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ // Cast the message to the proper type. If we find that the message is
+ // *not* of the proper type, we can still call Merge via the reflection
+ // system, as the GOOGLE_CHECK above ensured that we have the same descriptor
+ // for each message.
+ printer->Print(
+ "const $classname$* source =\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::dynamic_cast_if_available<const $classname$*>(\n"
+ " &from);\n"
+ "if (source == NULL) {\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::ReflectionOps::Merge(from, this);\n"
+ "} else {\n"
+ " MergeFrom(*source);\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+ } else {
+ // Generate CheckTypeAndMergeFrom().
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::CheckTypeAndMergeFrom(\n"
+ " const ::google::protobuf::MessageLite& from) {\n"
+ " MergeFrom(*::google::protobuf::down_cast<const $classname$*>(&from));\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ }
+ // Generate the class-specific MergeFrom, which avoids the GOOGLE_CHECK and cast.
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::MergeFrom(const $classname$& from) {\n"
+ " GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, this);\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ // Merge Repeated fields. These fields do not require a
+ // check as we can simply iterate over them.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); ++i) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateMergingCode(printer);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge Optional and Required fields (after a _has_bit check).
+ int last_index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); ++i) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["index"] = SimpleItoa(field->index());
+ // See above in GenerateClear for an explanation of this.
+ if (i / 8 != last_index / 8 || last_index < 0) {
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "if (from._has_bits_[$index$ / 32] & (0xffu << ($index$ % 32))) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ last_index = i;
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "if (from._has_bit($index$)) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateMergingCode(printer);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print("_extensions_.MergeFrom(from._extensions_);\n");
+ }
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "mutable_unknown_fields()->MergeFrom(from.unknown_fields());\n");
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateCopyFrom(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) {
+ // Generate the generalized CopyFrom (aka that which takes in the Message
+ // base class as a parameter).
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from) {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (&from == this) return;\n"
+ "Clear();\n"
+ "MergeFrom(from);\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+ }
+ // Generate the class-specific CopyFrom.
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::CopyFrom(const $classname$& from) {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (&from == this) return;\n"
+ "Clear();\n"
+ "MergeFrom(from);\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateMergeFromCodedStream(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (descriptor_->options().message_set_wire_format()) {
+ // Special-case MessageSet.
+ printer->Print(
+ "bool $classname$::MergePartialFromCodedStream(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {\n"
+ " return _extensions_.ParseMessageSet(input, default_instance_,\n"
+ " mutable_unknown_fields());\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ return;
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "bool $classname$::MergePartialFromCodedStream(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input) {\n"
+ "#define DO_(EXPRESSION) if (!(EXPRESSION)) return false\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::uint32 tag;\n"
+ " while ((tag = input->ReadTag()) != 0) {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Indent();
+ if (descriptor_->field_count() > 0) {
+ // We don't even want to print the switch() if we have no fields because
+ // MSVC dislikes switch() statements that contain only a default value.
+ // Note: If we just switched on the tag rather than the field number, we
+ // could avoid the need for the if() to check the wire type at the beginning
+ // of each case. However, this is actually a bit slower in practice as it
+ // creates a jump table that is 8x larger and sparser, and meanwhile the
+ // if()s are highly predictable.
+ printer->Print(
+ "switch (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagFieldNumber(tag)) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ scoped_array<const FieldDescriptor*> ordered_fields(
+ SortFieldsByNumber(descriptor_));
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = ordered_fields[i];
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ printer->Print(
+ "case $number$: {\n"
+ " if (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) !=\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_$wiretype$) {\n"
+ " goto handle_uninterpreted;\n"
+ " }\n",
+ "number", SimpleItoa(field->number()),
+ "wiretype", kWireTypeNames[WireFormat::WireTypeForField(field)]);
+ if (i > 0 || (field->is_repeated() && !field->options().packed())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " parse_$name$:\n",
+ "name", field->name());
+ }
+ printer->Indent();
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateMergeFromCodedStream(printer);
+ // switch() is slow since it can't be predicted well. Insert some if()s
+ // here that attempt to predict the next tag.
+ if (field->is_repeated() && !field->options().packed()) {
+ // Expect repeats of this field.
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (input->ExpectTag($tag$)) goto parse_$name$;\n",
+ "tag", SimpleItoa(WireFormat::MakeTag(field)),
+ "name", field->name());
+ }
+ if (i + 1 < descriptor_->field_count()) {
+ // Expect the next field in order.
+ const FieldDescriptor* next_field = ordered_fields[i + 1];
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (input->ExpectTag($next_tag$)) goto parse_$next_name$;\n",
+ "next_tag", SimpleItoa(WireFormat::MakeTag(next_field)),
+ "next_name", next_field->name());
+ } else {
+ // Expect EOF.
+ // TODO(kenton): Expect group end-tag?
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (input->ExpectAtEnd()) return true;\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "break;\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "default: {\n"
+ "handle_uninterpreted:\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ // Is this an end-group tag? If so, this must be the end of the message.
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::GetTagWireType(tag) ==\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {\n"
+ " return true;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ // Handle extension ranges.
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (");
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->extension_range_count(); i++) {
+ const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* range =
+ descriptor_->extension_range(i);
+ if (i > 0) printer->Print(" ||\n ");
+ uint32 start_tag = WireFormatLite::MakeTag(
+ range->start, static_cast<WireFormatLite::WireType>(0));
+ uint32 end_tag = WireFormatLite::MakeTag(
+ range->end, static_cast<WireFormatLite::WireType>(0));
+ if (range->end > FieldDescriptor::kMaxNumber) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "($start$u <= tag)",
+ "start", SimpleItoa(start_tag));
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "($start$u <= tag && tag < $end$u)",
+ "start", SimpleItoa(start_tag),
+ "end", SimpleItoa(end_tag));
+ }
+ }
+ printer->Print(") {\n");
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " DO_(_extensions_.ParseField(tag, input, default_instance_,\n"
+ " mutable_unknown_fields()));\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ " DO_(_extensions_.ParseField(tag, input, default_instance_));\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ " continue;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ }
+ // We really don't recognize this tag. Skip it.
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SkipField(\n"
+ " input, tag, mutable_unknown_fields()));\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "DO_(::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::SkipField(input, tag));\n");
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->field_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print("break;\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n"); // default:
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n"); // switch
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ " }\n" // while
+ " return true;\n"
+ "#undef DO_\n"
+ "}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::GenerateSerializeOneField(
+ io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field, bool to_array) {
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (_has_bit($index$)) {\n",
+ "index", SimpleItoa(field->index()));
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ if (to_array) {
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
+ printer);
+ } else {
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizes(printer);
+ }
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print("\n");
+void MessageGenerator::GenerateSerializeOneExtensionRange(
+ io::Printer* printer, const Descriptor::ExtensionRange* range,
+ bool to_array) {
+ map<string, string> vars;
+ vars["start"] = SimpleItoa(range->start);
+ vars["end"] = SimpleItoa(range->end);
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "// Extension range [$start$, $end$)\n");
+ if (to_array) {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "target = _extensions_.SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(\n"
+ " $start$, $end$, target);\n\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(vars,
+ "_extensions_.SerializeWithCachedSizes(\n"
+ " $start$, $end$, output);\n\n");
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizes(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (descriptor_->options().message_set_wire_format()) {
+ // Special-case MessageSet.
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::SerializeWithCachedSizes(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {\n"
+ " _extensions_.SerializeMessageSetWithCachedSizes(output);\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SerializeUnknownMessageSetItems(\n"
+ " unknown_fields(), output);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "void $classname$::SerializeWithCachedSizes(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ if (HasFastArraySerialization(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::uint8* raw_buffer = "
+ "output->GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(_cached_size_);\n"
+ "if (raw_buffer != NULL) {\n"
+ " $classname$::SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(raw_buffer);\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ "}\n"
+ "\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ }
+ GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesBody(printer, false);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (descriptor_->options().message_set_wire_format()) {
+ // Special-case MessageSet.
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::uint8* $classname$::SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::uint8* target) const {\n"
+ " target =\n"
+ " _extensions_.SerializeMessageSetWithCachedSizesToArray(target);\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " target = ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::\n"
+ " SerializeUnknownMessageSetItemsToArray(\n"
+ " unknown_fields(), target);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ " return target;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::uint8* $classname$::SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::uint8* target) const {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesBody(printer, true);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ " return target;\n"
+ "}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateSerializeWithCachedSizesBody(io::Printer* printer, bool to_array) {
+ scoped_array<const FieldDescriptor*> ordered_fields(
+ SortFieldsByNumber(descriptor_));
+ vector<const Descriptor::ExtensionRange*> sorted_extensions;
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->extension_range_count(); ++i) {
+ sorted_extensions.push_back(descriptor_->extension_range(i));
+ }
+ sort(sorted_extensions.begin(), sorted_extensions.end(),
+ ExtensionRangeSorter());
+ // Merge the fields and the extension ranges, both sorted by field number.
+ int i, j;
+ for (i = 0, j = 0;
+ i < descriptor_->field_count() || j < sorted_extensions.size();
+ ) {
+ if (i == descriptor_->field_count()) {
+ GenerateSerializeOneExtensionRange(printer,
+ sorted_extensions[j++],
+ to_array);
+ } else if (j == sorted_extensions.size()) {
+ GenerateSerializeOneField(printer, ordered_fields[i++], to_array);
+ } else if (ordered_fields[i]->number() < sorted_extensions[j]->start) {
+ GenerateSerializeOneField(printer, ordered_fields[i++], to_array);
+ } else {
+ GenerateSerializeOneExtensionRange(printer,
+ sorted_extensions[j++],
+ to_array);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print("if (!unknown_fields().empty()) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ if (to_array) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "target = "
+ "::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SerializeUnknownFieldsToArray(\n"
+ " unknown_fields(), target);\n");
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SerializeUnknownFields(\n"
+ " unknown_fields(), output);\n");
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "}\n");
+ }
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateByteSize(io::Printer* printer) {
+ if (descriptor_->options().message_set_wire_format()) {
+ // Special-case MessageSet.
+ printer->Print(
+ "int $classname$::ByteSize() const {\n"
+ " int total_size = _extensions_.MessageSetByteSize();\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print(
+ " total_size += ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::\n"
+ " ComputeUnknownMessageSetItemsSize(unknown_fields());\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ " _cached_size_ = total_size;\n"
+ " return total_size;\n"
+ "}\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "int $classname$::ByteSize() const {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "int total_size = 0;\n"
+ "\n");
+ int last_index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (!field->is_repeated()) {
+ // See above in GenerateClear for an explanation of this.
+ // TODO(kenton): Share code? Unclear how to do so without
+ // over-engineering.
+ if ((i / 8) != (last_index / 8) ||
+ last_index < 0) {
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (_has_bits_[$index$ / 32] & (0xffu << ($index$ % 32))) {\n",
+ "index", SimpleItoa(field->index()));
+ printer->Indent();
+ }
+ last_index = i;
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (has_$name$()) {\n",
+ "name", FieldName(field));
+ printer->Indent();
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateByteSize(printer);
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "}\n"
+ "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (last_index >= 0) {
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ // Repeated fields don't use _has_bits_ so we count them in a separate
+ // pass.
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ PrintFieldComment(printer, field);
+ field_generators_.get(field).GenerateByteSize(printer);
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "total_size += _extensions_.ByteSize();\n"
+ "\n");
+ }
+ if (HasUnknownFields(descriptor_->file())) {
+ printer->Print("if (!unknown_fields().empty()) {\n");
+ printer->Indent();
+ printer->Print(
+ "total_size +=\n"
+ " ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::ComputeUnknownFieldsSize(\n"
+ " unknown_fields());\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+ }
+ // We update _cached_size_ even though this is a const method. In theory,
+ // this is not thread-compatible, because concurrent writes have undefined
+ // results. In practice, since any concurrent writes will be writing the
+ // exact same value, it works on all common processors. In a future version
+ // of C++, _cached_size_ should be made into an atomic<int>.
+ printer->Print(
+ "_cached_size_ = total_size;\n"
+ "return total_size;\n");
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print("}\n");
+void MessageGenerator::
+GenerateIsInitialized(io::Printer* printer) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "bool $classname$::IsInitialized() const {\n",
+ "classname", classname_);
+ printer->Indent();
+ // Check that all required fields in this message are set. We can do this
+ // most efficiently by checking 32 "has bits" at a time.
+ int has_bits_array_size = (descriptor_->field_count() + 31) / 32;
+ for (int i = 0; i < has_bits_array_size; i++) {
+ uint32 mask = 0;
+ for (int bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++) {
+ int index = i * 32 + bit;
+ if (index >= descriptor_->field_count()) break;
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(index);
+ if (field->is_required()) {
+ mask |= 1 << bit;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mask != 0) {
+ char buffer[kFastToBufferSize];
+ printer->Print(
+ "if ((_has_bits_[$i$] & 0x$mask$) != 0x$mask$) return false;\n",
+ "i", SimpleItoa(i),
+ "mask", FastHex32ToBuffer(mask, buffer));
+ }
+ }
+ // Now check that all embedded messages are initialized.
+ printer->Print("\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->field_count(); i++) {
+ const FieldDescriptor* field = descriptor_->field(i);
+ if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
+ HasRequiredFields(field->message_type())) {
+ if (field->is_repeated()) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "for (int i = 0; i < $name$_size(); i++) {\n"
+ " if (!this->$name$(i).IsInitialized()) return false;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "name", FieldName(field));
+ } else {
+ printer->Print(
+ "if (has_$name$()) {\n"
+ " if (!this->$name$().IsInitialized()) return false;\n"
+ "}\n",
+ "name", FieldName(field));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (descriptor_->extension_range_count() > 0) {
+ printer->Print(
+ "\n"
+ "if (!_extensions_.IsInitialized()) return false;");
+ }
+ printer->Outdent();
+ printer->Print(
+ " return true;\n"
+ "}\n");
+} // namespace cpp
+} // namespace compiler
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google