diff options
authorVladimir Chtchetkine <vchtchetkine@google.com>2010-03-25 10:57:29 -0700
committerVladimir Chtchetkine <vchtchetkine@google.com>2010-03-25 14:40:24 -0700
commit8339d18223eed408bfefcd00f649a2b13ccac52c (patch)
parentca52b2260ba9f9bac07092c3d8260ed523de1fe1 (diff)
Move file I/O out of ELFF, abstracting them in platform-independent fasion.
Change-Id: Ie8800dc96db810e352618bfea8243ab008ae9d2c
8 files changed, 414 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.android b/Makefile.android
index 1929cb3..0b719e0 100644
--- a/Makefile.android
+++ b/Makefile.android
@@ -604,6 +604,7 @@ VL_SOURCES := vl-android.c osdep.c cutils.c \
android/utils/system.c \
android/utils/tempfile.c \
android/utils/timezone.c \
+ android/utils/mapfile.c \
android/avd/hw-config.c \
android/avd/info.c \
diff --git a/android/utils/mapfile.c b/android/utils/mapfile.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f964d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/utils/mapfile.c
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The Android Open Source Project
+** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * Contains implementation of routines that implement platform-independent
+ * file I/O.
+ */
+#include "stddef.h"
+#include "sys/types.h"
+#include "errno.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include "Windows.h"
+#else // WIN32
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#endif // WIN32
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "mapfile.h"
+mapfile_open(const char* path, int oflag, int share_mode)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DWORD win32_share;
+ DWORD win32_desired_access;
+ DWORD win32_disposition;
+ DWORD win32_flags;
+ /* Convert to Win32 desired access. */
+ if ((oflag & O_RDWR) == O_RDWR) {
+ win32_desired_access = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE;
+ } else if ((oflag & O_ACCMODE) == O_RDONLY) {
+ win32_desired_access = GENERIC_READ;
+ } else if ((oflag & O_WRONLY) == O_WRONLY) {
+ win32_desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE;
+ }
+ /* Convert to Win32 sharing. */
+ win32_share = 0;
+ if ((share_mode & S_IWRITE) != 0) {
+ win32_share |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE;
+ }
+ if ((share_mode & S_IREAD) != 0) {
+ win32_share |= FILE_SHARE_READ;
+ }
+ /* Convert to Win32 disposition. */
+ if ((oflag & O_CREAT) == O_CREAT) {
+ if ((oflag & O_EXCL) == O_EXCL) {
+ win32_disposition = CREATE_NEW;
+ } else {
+ win32_disposition = OPEN_ALWAYS;
+ }
+ } if ((oflag & O_TRUNC) == O_TRUNC) {
+ win32_desired_access = TRUNCATE_EXISTING;
+ } else {
+ win32_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING;
+ }
+ /* Convert to Win32 flags. */
+ win32_flags = 0;
+#if defined(O_DSYNC)
+ if ((oflag & O_DSYNC) == O_DSYNC ||
+ (oflag & O_RSYNC) == O_RSYNC ||
+ (oflag & O_RSYNC) == O_SYNC) {
+ win32_flags |= FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH;
+ }
+#endif // O_DSYNC
+ HANDLE file_handle = CreateFile(path, win32_desired_access, win32_share,
+ NULL, win32_disposition, win32_flags, NULL);
+ if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ }
+#else // WIN32
+ int file_handle = open(path, oflag, share_mode);
+#endif // WIN32
+ return (MapFile*)file_handle;
+mapfile_close(MapFile* handle)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (CloseHandle(handle)) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ return -1;
+ }
+#else // WIN32
+ return close((int)handle);
+#endif // WIN32
+mapfile_read(MapFile* handle, void* buf, size_t nbyte)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ ssize_t ret_bytes;
+ DWORD read_bytes;
+ if (ReadFile(handle, buf, nbyte, &read_bytes, NULL)) {
+ ret_bytes = (ssize_t)read_bytes;
+ } else {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ ret_bytes = -1;
+ }
+ return ret_bytes;
+#else // WIN32
+ ssize_t ret;
+ do {
+ ret = read((int)handle, buf, nbyte);
+ } while (ret < 0 && errno == EINTR);
+ return ret;
+#endif // WIN32
+mapfile_read_at(MapFile* handle, size_t offset, void* buf, size_t nbyte)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ LARGE_INTEGER convert;
+ convert.QuadPart = offset;
+ if ((SetFilePointer(handle, convert.LowPart, &convert.HighPart,
+ (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return mapfile_read(handle, buf, nbyte);
+#else // WIN32
+ ssize_t res = lseek((int)handle, offset, SEEK_SET);
+ return res >= 0 ? mapfile_read(handle, buf, nbyte) : res;
+#endif // WIN32
+mapfile_map(MapFile* handle,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t size,
+ int prot,
+ void** mapped_offset,
+ size_t* mapped_size)
+ void* mapped_at = NULL;
+ size_t align_mask;
+ size_t map_offset;
+ size_t map_size;
+ /* Get the mask for mapping offset alignment. */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ DWORD win32_prot;
+ DWORD win32_map;
+ HANDLE map_handle;
+ LARGE_INTEGER converter;
+ SYSTEM_INFO sys_info;
+ GetSystemInfo(&sys_info);
+ align_mask = sys_info.dwAllocationGranularity - 1;
+#else // WIN32
+ align_mask = getpagesize() - 1;
+#endif // WIN32
+ /* Adjust mapping offset and mapping size accordingly to
+ * the mapping alignment requirements. */
+ map_offset = offset & ~align_mask;
+ map_size = (size_t)(offset - map_offset + size);
+ /* Make sure mapping size doesn't exceed 4G. */
+ if (map_size < size) {
+ errno = EFBIG;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Map the section. */
+#ifdef WIN32
+ /* Convert to Win32 page protection and mapping type. */
+ win32_prot = PAGE_READONLY;
+ win32_map = FILE_MAP_READ;
+ if (prot != PROT_NONE) {
+ if ((prot & (PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)) == 0) {
+ win32_prot = PAGE_READONLY;
+ win32_map = FILE_MAP_READ;
+ } else if ((prot & (PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)) ==
+ win32_map = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
+ } else if ((prot & PROT_WRITE) == PROT_WRITE) {
+ win32_prot = PAGE_READWRITE;
+ win32_map = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
+ } else if ((prot & PROT_EXEC) == PROT_EXEC) {
+ win32_prot = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
+ win32_map = FILE_MAP_READ;
+ }
+ }
+ converter.QuadPart = map_offset + map_size;
+ map_handle = CreateFileMapping(handle, NULL, win32_prot,
+ converter.HighPart, converter.LowPart, NULL);
+ if (map_handle != NULL) {
+ converter.QuadPart = map_offset;
+ mapped_at = MapViewOfFile(map_handle, win32_map, converter.HighPart,
+ converter.LowPart, map_size);
+ /* Memory mapping (if successful) will hold extra references to the
+ * mapping, so we can close it right after we mapped file view. */
+ CloseHandle(map_handle);
+ }
+ if (mapped_at == NULL) {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#else // WIN32
+ mapped_at =
+ mmap(0, map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, (int)handle, map_offset);
+ if (mapped_at == MAP_FAILED) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+#endif // WIN32
+ *mapped_offset = (char*)mapped_at + (offset - map_offset);
+ *mapped_size = size;
+ return mapped_at;
+mapfile_unmap(void* mapped_at, size_t len)
+#ifdef WIN32
+ if (!UnmapViewOfFile(mapped_at)) {
+ errno = GetLastError();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+#else // WIN32
+ return munmap(mapped_at, len);
+#endif // WIN32
diff --git a/android/utils/mapfile.h b/android/utils/mapfile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c125337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/android/utils/mapfile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 The Android Open Source Project
+** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
+** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * Contains declarations of routines that implement platform-independent
+ * file I/O.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef struct MapFile MapFile;
+#ifdef WIN32
+/* Declare constants that are missing in Win32 headers. */
+#define PROT_READ 0x1
+#define PROT_WRITE 0x2
+#define PROT_EXEC 0x4
+#define PROT_NONE 0x0
+/* Checks if file handle is a valid one.
+ * Return:
+ * boolean: 1 if handle is valid, or 0 if it's not valid.
+ */
+static inline int
+mapfile_is_valid(MapFile* handle)
+ return (int)handle != -1;
+/* Opens file in selected mode.
+ * Param:
+ * path - Path to the file to open.
+ * oflag - Defines mode in which file is to be opened. This value follows the
+ * symantics of O_XXX flags defined for standard open routine.
+ * share_mode Defines sharing mode for the opened file. This value follows the
+ * symantics of S_IXXX flags defined for standard open routine.
+ * Return:
+ * A valid handle to the opened file on success, or an invalid value on
+ * failure. In case of failure errno contains error code.
+ */
+extern MapFile* mapfile_open(const char* path, int oflag, int share_mode);
+/* Closes a file handle opened with mapfile_open routine.
+ * Param:
+ * handle - A handle to a file previously obtained via successful call to
+ * mapfile_open routine.
+ * Return:
+ * 0 on success, or -1 on failure with errno containing the error code.
+ */
+extern int mapfile_close(MapFile* handle);
+/* Reads from a file opened with mapfile_open routine.
+ * Except for handle parameter, semantics of this call are the same as for
+ * the regualar read routine.
+ * Param:
+ * handle - A handle to a file previously obtained via successful call to
+ * mapfile_open routine.
+ */
+extern ssize_t mapfile_read(MapFile* handle, void* buf, size_t nbyte);
+/* Reads from a specific offset in a file opened with mapfile_open routine.
+ * Param:
+ * handle - A handle to a file previously obtained via successful call to
+ * mapfile_open routine.
+ * offset - Offset in the file where to start reading from.
+ * Rest of the parameters and return value are the same as in file_read.
+ */
+extern ssize_t mapfile_read_at(MapFile* handle,
+ size_t offset,
+ void* buf,
+ size_t nbyte);
+/* Maps a section of a file to memory.
+ * Param:
+ * handle - A handle to a file previously obtained via successful call to
+ * mapfile_open routine.
+ * offset - Offset in the file where mapping should begin.
+ * size - Number of bytes starting with offset that should be mapped.
+ * prot - Determines whether read, write, execute, or some combination of
+ * accesses are permitted to the data being mapped. This parameter has the
+ * same semantics as in regular mmap routene.
+ * mapped_offset - Upon success, contains pointer to the requested offset
+ * within the mapped section of the file.
+ * size - Upon success, contains total number of bytes that were actually
+ * mapped.
+ * Return:
+ * Upon successful completion returns pointer to the beginning of memory
+ * mapping, containing mapping of the requested section of a file. Note that
+ * value returned from this routine doesn't necessarily points to the beginning
+ * of the requested section mapping. Use value returned in mapped_offset
+ * parameter to get actual pointer to the beginning of the requested section
+ * mapping. Value returned from this routine must eventually be passed to
+ * file_unmap_section reoutine to unmap section mapped with this routine.
+ * This routine returns NULL on failure and sets errno to indicate the error.
+ */
+extern void* mapfile_map(MapFile* handle,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t size,
+ int prot,
+ void** mapped_offset,
+ size_t* mapped_size);
+/* Umaps section of a file previously mapped with mapfile_map routine.
+ * Param:
+ * mapped_at - A pointer to the base address of the mapped section of a file
+ * that is to be unmapped.
+ * len - Byte size of the section that is to be unmapped.
+ * Return:
+ * Upon successful completion returns 0. Otherwise, returns -1 and sets
+ * errno to indicate the error.
+ */
+extern int mapfile_unmap(void* mapped_at, size_t len);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* end of extern "C" */
diff --git a/elff/elf.h b/elff/elf.h
index de92ba6..f3f5abc 100644
--- a/elff/elf.h
+++ b/elff/elf.h
@@ -27,22 +27,6 @@ extern "C" {
// ELF file definitions
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define close_elf_file_handle CloseHandle
-#else // WIN32
-typedef int ELF_FILE_HANDLE;
-#define close_elf_file_handle close
-#endif // WIN32
-/* Checks if ELF file handle is valid. */
-static inline bool
-elfhandle_is_valid(ELF_FILE_HANDLE handle) {
- return handle != INVALID_ELF_FILE_HANDLE;
* ELF format documentation uses Elf##_Xxx notation for data types, where
* ## stands for CPU architecture (32, or 64 bit), and Xxx stands for a
diff --git a/elff/elf_file.cc b/elff/elf_file.cc
index 70ed81c..39aa371 100644
--- a/elff/elf_file.cc
+++ b/elff/elf_file.cc
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ ElfFile::ElfFile()
+ elf_handle_((MapFile*)-1),
sec_entry_size_(0) {
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ ElfFile::~ElfFile() {
cu_to_del = next_cu_to_del;
- if (elfhandle_is_valid(elf_handle_)) {
- close_elf_file_handle(elf_handle_);
+ if (mapfile_is_valid(elf_handle_)) {
+ mapfile_close(elf_handle_);
if (elf_file_path_ != NULL) {
@@ -88,33 +88,12 @@ ElfFile* ElfFile::Create(const char* path) {
* Open ELF file, and read its header (the largest one possible).
-#ifdef WIN32
- HANDLE file_handle = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ,
- assert(file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- if (file_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return NULL;
- }
- DWORD read_bytes;
- BOOL res = ReadFile(file_handle, &header, sizeof(header), &read_bytes, NULL);
- CloseHandle(file_handle);
- assert(res && read_bytes == sizeof(header));
- if (!res || read_bytes != sizeof(header)) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return NULL;
- }
-#else // WIN32
- int file_handle = open(path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
- assert(file_handle >= 0);
- if (file_handle < 0) {
+ MapFile* file_handle = mapfile_open(path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
+ if (!mapfile_is_valid(file_handle)) {
return NULL;
- const ssize_t read_bytes = read(file_handle, &header, sizeof(header));
- close(file_handle);
+ const ssize_t read_bytes = mapfile_read(file_handle, &header, sizeof(header));
+ mapfile_close(file_handle);
assert(read_bytes != -1 && read_bytes == sizeof(header));
if (read_bytes == -1 || read_bytes != sizeof(header)) {
if (read_bytes != -1) {
@@ -122,7 +101,6 @@ ElfFile* ElfFile::Create(const char* path) {
return NULL;
-#endif // WIN32
/* Lets see if this is an ELF file at all. */
if (memcmp(elf_hdr->e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0) {
@@ -186,25 +164,8 @@ bool ElfFile::initialize(const Elf_CommonHdr* elf_hdr, const char* path) {
is_exec_ = elf_hdr->e_type == 2;
/* Reopen file for further reads and mappings. */
-#ifdef WIN32
- elf_handle_ = CreateFile(elf_file_path_, GENERIC_READ,
- assert(elf_handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
- if (elf_handle_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return false;
- }
-#else // WIN32
- elf_handle_ = open(elf_file_path_, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
- assert(elf_handle_ >= 0);
- if (elf_handle_ < 0) {
- elf_handle_ = INVALID_ELF_FILE_HANDLE;
- return false;
- }
-#endif // WIN32
- return true;
+ elf_handle_ = mapfile_open(elf_file_path_, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
+ return mapfile_is_valid(elf_handle_);
bool ElfFile::get_pc_address_info(Elf_Xword address,
@@ -386,39 +347,10 @@ bool ElfFileImpl<Elf_Addr, Elf_Off>::initialize(const Elf_CommonHdr* elf_hdr,
return false;
-#ifdef WIN32
- LARGE_INTEGER convert;
- convert.QuadPart = sec_table_off;
- if ((SetFilePointer(elf_handle_, convert.LowPart,
- &convert.HighPart,
- (GetLastError() != NO_ERROR)) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return false;
- }
- DWORD read_bytes;
- BOOL res =
- ReadFile(elf_handle_, sec_table_, sec_table_size, &read_bytes, NULL);
- assert(res && read_bytes == sec_table_size);
- if (!res || read_bytes != sec_table_size) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return false;
- }
-#else // WIN32
- ssize_t res = lseek(elf_handle_, sec_table_off, SEEK_SET);
- assert(res != -1);
- if (res == -1) {
- return false;
- }
- res = read(elf_handle_, sec_table_, sec_table_size);
- assert(res != -1 && res == sec_table_size);
- if (res == -1 || res != sec_table_size) {
- if (res != -1) {
- _set_errno(EINVAL);
- }
- return false;
+ if (mapfile_read_at(elf_handle_, sec_table_off, sec_table_,
+ sec_table_size) < 0) {
+ return false;
-#endif // WIN32
/* Map ELF's string section (must have one!). */
const Elf_Half str_sec_index = pull_val(header->e_shstrndx);
diff --git a/elff/elf_file.h b/elff/elf_file.h
index 6c57bde..c92fdfb 100644
--- a/elff/elf_file.h
+++ b/elff/elf_file.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "dwarf_die.h"
#include "elf_mapped_section.h"
#include "elff_api.h"
+#include "android/utils/mapfile.h"
/* Encapsulates architecture-independent functionality of an ELF file.
@@ -510,7 +511,7 @@ class ElfFile {
Elf_Xword fixed_base_address_;
/* Handle to the ELF file represented with this instance. */
- ELF_FILE_HANDLE elf_handle_;
+ MapFile* elf_handle_;
/* Path to the ELF file represented with this instance. */
char* elf_file_path_;
diff --git a/elff/elf_mapped_section.cc b/elff/elf_mapped_section.cc
index 46fc6b6..60cd21f 100644
--- a/elff/elf_mapped_section.cc
+++ b/elff/elf_mapped_section.cc
@@ -26,70 +26,23 @@ ElfMappedSection::ElfMappedSection()
ElfMappedSection::~ElfMappedSection() {
if (mapped_at_ != NULL) {
-#ifdef WIN32
- UnmapViewOfFile(mapped_at_);
-#else // WIN32
- munmap(mapped_at_, diff_ptr(mapped_at_, data_) + size_);
-#endif // WIN32
+ mapfile_unmap(mapped_at_, diff_ptr(mapped_at_, data_) + size_);
-bool ElfMappedSection::map(ELF_FILE_HANDLE handle,
+bool ElfMappedSection::map(MapFile* handle,
Elf_Xword offset,
Elf_Word size) {
- /* Get the mask for mapping offset alignment. */
-#ifdef WIN32
- SYSTEM_INFO sys_info;
- GetSystemInfo(&sys_info);
- const Elf_Xword align_mask = sys_info.dwAllocationGranularity - 1;
-#else // WIN32
- const Elf_Xword align_mask = getpagesize() - 1;
-#endif // WIN32
- /* Adjust mapping offset and mapping size accordingly to
- * the mapping alignment requirements. */
- const Elf_Xword map_offset = offset & ~align_mask;
- const Elf_Word map_size = static_cast<Elf_Word>(offset - map_offset + size);
- /* Make sure mapping size doesn't exceed 4G: may happen on 64-bit ELFs, if
- * section size is close to 4G, while section offset is badly misaligned. */
- assert(map_size >= size);
- if (map_size < size) {
- _set_errno(EFBIG);
- return false;
- }
- /* Map the section. */
-#ifdef WIN32
- LARGE_INTEGER converter;
- converter.QuadPart = map_offset + map_size;
- HANDLE map_handle = CreateFileMapping(handle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY,
- converter.HighPart, converter.LowPart,
- NULL);
- assert(map_handle != NULL);
- if (map_handle != NULL) {
- converter.QuadPart = map_offset;
- mapped_at_ = MapViewOfFile(map_handle, FILE_MAP_READ, converter.HighPart,
- converter.LowPart, map_size);
- assert(mapped_at_ != NULL);
- /* Memory mapping (if successful) will hold extra references to the
- * mapping, so we can close it right after we mapped file view. */
- CloseHandle(map_handle);
- }
- if (mapped_at_ == NULL) {
- _set_errno(GetLastError());
- return false;
- }
-#else // WIN32
- mapped_at_ = mmap(0, map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, handle, map_offset);
- assert(mapped_at_ != MAP_FAILED);
- if (mapped_at_ == MAP_FAILED) {
- return false;
- }
-#endif // WIN32
- data_ = INC_CPTR(mapped_at_, offset - map_offset);
- size_ = size;
- return true;
+ void* section_ptr;
+ size_t mapped_bytes;
+ mapped_at_ = mapfile_map(handle, offset, size, PROT_READ,
+ &section_ptr, &mapped_bytes);
+ if (mapped_at_ == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ data_ = section_ptr;
+ size_ = (Elf_Word)mapped_bytes;
+ return true;
diff --git a/elff/elf_mapped_section.h b/elff/elf_mapped_section.h
index 2f3ca56..7da608d 100644
--- a/elff/elf_mapped_section.h
+++ b/elff/elf_mapped_section.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "elf_defs.h"
+#include "android/utils/mapfile.h"
/* Encapsulates a section of an ELF file, mapped to memory. */
class ElfMappedSection {
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ class ElfMappedSection {
* NOTE: if section has already been mapped, this method immediately
* returns with success.
- bool map(ELF_FILE_HANDLE handle, Elf_Xword offset, Elf_Word size);
+ bool map(MapFile* handle, Elf_Xword offset, Elf_Word size);
/* Checks if section has been mapped. */
bool is_mapped() const {