path: root/android_utils.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'android_utils.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/android_utils.h b/android_utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a0d61..0000000
--- a/android_utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Android Open Source Project
-** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
-** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
-** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-#include "android_debug.h"
-#include <stdint.h> /* for uint64_t */
-#ifndef STRINGIFY
-#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x
-#ifndef GLUE
-#define _GLUE(x,y) x##y
-#define GLUE(x,y) _GLUE(x,y)
-#define _GLUE3(x,y,z) x##y##z
-#define GLUE3(x,y,z) _GLUE3(x,y,z)
-/* O_BINARY is required in the MS C library to avoid opening file
- * in text mode (the default, ahhhhh)
- */
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(O_BINARY)
-# define O_BINARY 0
-/* define PATH_SEP as a string containing the directory separateor */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# define PATH_SEP "\\"
-# define PATH_SEP "/"
-/* get MAX_PATH, note that PATH_MAX is set to 260 on Windows for
- * stupid backwards-compatibility reason, though any 32-bit version
- * of the OS handles much much longer paths
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# undef MAX_PATH
-# define MAX_PATH 1024
-# undef PATH_MAX
-# include <limits.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# define strcasecmp stricmp
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# undef strsep
-# define strsep win32_strsep
-extern char* win32_strsep(char** pline, const char* delim);
- **
- ** this variable is TRUE if the -no-window argument was used.
- ** the emulator will still simulate a framebuffer according to the selected skin
- ** but no window will be displayed on the host computer.
- **/
-extern int arg_no_window;
- **
- ** since QEMU uses SIGALRM pretty extensively, having a system call returning
- ** EINTR on Unix happens very frequently. provide a simple macro to guard against
- ** this.
- **/
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# define CHECKED(ret, call) (ret) = (call)
-# define CHECKED(ret, call) do { (ret) = (call); } while ((ret) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
- **/
-/* checks that a given file exists */
-extern int path_exists( const char* path );
-/* checks that a path points to a regular file */
-extern int path_is_regular( const char* path );
-/* checks that a path points to a directory */
-extern int path_is_dir( const char* path );
-/* checks that one can read/write a given (regular) file */
-extern int path_can_read( const char* path );
-extern int path_can_write( const char* path );
-/* try to make a directory. returns 0 on success, -1 on error */
-extern int path_mkdir( const char* path, int mode );
-/* ensure that a given directory exists, create it if not,
- 0 on success, -1 on error */
-extern int path_mkdir_if_needed( const char* path, int mode );
-/* return the size of a given file in '*psize'. returns 0 on
- * success, -1 on failure (error code in errno) */
-extern int path_get_size( const char* path, uint64_t *psize );
- **
- ** path_parent() can be used to return the n-level parent of a given directory
- ** this understands . and .. when encountered in the input path
- **/
-extern char* path_parent( const char* path, int levels );
- **
- ** bufprint() allows your to easily and safely append formatted string
- ** content to a given bounded character buffer, in a way that is easier
- ** to use than raw snprintf()
- **
- ** 'buffer' is the start position in the buffer,
- ** 'buffend' is the end of the buffer, the function assumes (buffer <= buffend)
- ** 'format' is a standard printf-style format string, followed by any number
- ** of formatting arguments
- **
- ** the function returns the next position in the buffer if everything fits
- ** in it. in case of overflow or formatting error, it will always return "buffend"
- **
- ** this allows you to chain several calls to bufprint() and only check for
- ** overflow at the end, for exemple:
- **
- ** char buffer[1024];
- ** char* p = buffer;
- ** char* end = p + sizeof(buffer);
- **
- ** p = bufprint(p, end, "%s/%s", first, second);
- ** p = bufprint(p, end, "/%s", third);
- ** if (p >= end) ---> overflow
- **
- ** as a convenience, the appended string is zero-terminated if there is no overflow.
- ** (this means that even if p >= end, the content of "buffer" is zero-terminated)
- **
- ** vbufprint() is a variant that accepts a va_list argument
- **/
-extern char* vbufprint(char* buffer, char* buffend, const char* fmt, va_list args );
-extern char* bufprint (char* buffer, char* buffend, const char* fmt, ... );
- **
- ** bufprint_add_dir() appends the application's directory to a given bounded buffer
- **
- ** bufprint_config_path() appends the applications' user-specific configuration directory
- ** to a bounded buffer. on Unix this is usually ~/.android, and something a bit more
- ** complex on Windows
- **
- ** bufprint_config_file() appends the name of a file or directory relative to the
- ** user-specific configuration directory to a bounded buffer. this really is equivalent
- ** to concat-ing the config path + path separator + 'suffix'
- **
- ** bufprint_temp_dir() appends the temporary directory's path to a given bounded buffer
- **
- ** bufprint_temp_file() appens the name of a file or directory relative to the
- ** temporary directory. equivalent to concat-ing the temp path + path separator + 'suffix'
- **/
-extern char* bufprint_app_dir (char* buffer, char* buffend);
-extern char* bufprint_config_path(char* buffer, char* buffend);
-extern char* bufprint_config_file(char* buffer, char* buffend, const char* suffix);
-extern char* bufprint_temp_dir (char* buffer, char* buffend);
-extern char* bufprint_temp_file (char* buffer, char* buffend, const char* suffix);
- **
- ** a FileLock is useful to prevent several emulator instances from using the same
- ** writable file (e.g. the userdata.img disk images).
- **
- ** create a FileLock object with filelock_create(), the function will return
- ** NULL only if the corresponding path is already locked by another emulator
- ** of if the path is read-only.
- **
- ** note that 'path' can designate a non-existing path and that the lock creation
- ** function can detect stale file locks that can longer when the emulator
- ** crashes unexpectedly, and will happily clean them for you.
- **
- ** you can call filelock_release() to release a file lock explicitely. otherwise
- ** all file locks are automatically released when the program exits.
- **/
-typedef struct FileLock FileLock;
-extern FileLock* filelock_create ( const char* path );
-extern void filelock_release( FileLock* lock );
- **
- ** simple interface to create an empty temporary file on the system.
- **
- ** create the file with tempfile_create(), which returns a reference to a TempFile
- ** object, or NULL if your system is so weird it doesn't have a temporary directory.
- **
- ** you can then call tempfile_path() to retrieve the TempFile's real path to open
- ** it. the returned path is owned by the TempFile object and should not be freed.
- **
- ** all temporary files are destroyed when the program quits, unless you explicitely
- ** close them before that with tempfile_close()
- **/
-typedef struct TempFile TempFile;
-extern TempFile* tempfile_create( void );
-extern const char* tempfile_path( TempFile* temp );
-extern void tempfile_close( TempFile* temp );
- **
- ** We delete all temporary files in atexit()-registered callbacks.
- ** however, the Win32 DeleteFile is unable to remove a file unless
- ** all HANDLEs to it are closed in the terminating process.
- **
- ** Call 'atexit_close_fd' on a newly open-ed file descriptor to indicate
- ** that you want it closed in atexit() time. You should always call
- ** this function unless you're certain that the corresponding file
- ** cannot be temporary.
- **
- ** Call 'atexit_close_fd_remove' before explicitely closing a 'fd'
- **/
-extern void atexit_close_fd(int fd);
-extern void atexit_close_fd_remove(int fd);
- **
- ** make_empty_file() creates an empty file at a given path location.
- ** if the file already exists, it is truncated without warning
- **
- ** copy_file() copies one file into another.
- **
- ** unlink_file() is equivalent to unlink() on Unix, on Windows,
- ** it will handle the case where _unlink() fails because the file is
- ** read-only by trying to change its access rights then calling _unlink()
- ** again.
- **
- ** these functions return 0 on success, and -1 on error
- **
- ** load_text_file() reads a file into a heap-allocated memory block,
- ** and appends a 0 to it. the caller must free it
- **/
-extern int make_empty_file( const char* path );
-extern int copy_file( const char* dest, const char* source );
-extern int unlink_file( const char* path );
-extern void* load_text_file( const char* path );
- **
- ** return the main monitor's DPI resolution according to the host device
- ** beware: this is not always reliable or even obtainable.
- **
- ** returns 0 on success, or -1 in case of error (e.g. the system returns funky values)
- **/
-extern int get_monitor_resolution( int *px_dpi, int *py_dpi );
- **
- ** the following can be used to block SIGALRM for a given period of time.
- ** use with caution, the QEMU execution loop uses SIGALRM extensively
- **
- **/
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef struct { int dumy; } signal_state_t;
-#include <signal.h>
-typedef struct { sigset_t old; } signal_state_t;
-extern void disable_sigalrm( signal_state_t *state );
-extern void restore_sigalrm( signal_state_t *state );
-#ifdef _WIN32
- {
-#define END_NOSIGALRM \
- }
-#else /* !WIN32 */
- { signal_state_t __sigalrm_state; \
- disable_sigalrm( &__sigalrm_state );
-#define END_NOSIGALRM \
- restore_sigalrm( &__sigalrm_state ); \
- }
-#endif /* !WIN32 */
- **
- ** sleep for a given time in milliseconds. note: this uses
- ** disable_sigalrm()/restore_sigalrm()
- **/
-extern void sleep_ms( int timeout );
- **
- ** prints a list of strings in row/column format
- **
- **/
-extern void print_tabular( const char** strings, int count,
- const char* prefix, int width );
- **
- ** converts one character into another in strings
- **/
-extern void buffer_translate_char( char* buff,
- unsigned buffLen,
- const char* src,
- char fromChar,
- char toChar );
-extern void string_translate_char( char* str, char from, char to );
- **/
-typedef struct {
- char* s;
- unsigned n;
- unsigned a;
-} stralloc_t;
-#define STRALLOC_INIT { NULL, 0, 0 }
-#define STRALLOC_DEFINE(s) stralloc_t s[1] = { STRALLOC_INIT }
-extern void stralloc_reset( stralloc_t* s );
-extern void stralloc_ready( stralloc_t* s, unsigned len );
-extern void stralloc_readyplus( stralloc_t* s, unsigned len );
-extern void stralloc_copy( stralloc_t* s, stralloc_t* from );
-extern void stralloc_append( stralloc_t* s, stralloc_t* from );
-extern void stralloc_add_c( stralloc_t* s, int c );
-extern void stralloc_add_str( stralloc_t* s, const char* str );
-extern void stralloc_add_bytes( stralloc_t* s, const void* from, unsigned len );
-extern char* stralloc_cstr( stralloc_t* s );
-extern void stralloc_format( stralloc_t* s, const char* fmt, ... );
-extern void stralloc_add_format( stralloc_t* s, const char* fmt, ... );
-extern void stralloc_add_quote_c( stralloc_t* s, int c );
-extern void stralloc_add_quote_str( stralloc_t* s, const char* str );
-extern void stralloc_add_quote_bytes( stralloc_t* s, const void* from, unsigned len );
-extern void stralloc_add_hex( stralloc_t* s, unsigned value, int num_digits );
-extern void stralloc_add_hexdump( stralloc_t* s, void* base, int size, const char* prefix );
-extern void stralloc_tabular( stralloc_t* s, const char** strings, int count,
- const char* prefix, int width );
- **
- ** implement a circular ring of temporary string buffers
- **/
-extern char* tempstr_get( int size );
-extern char* tempstr_format( const char* fmt, ... );
-extern char* tempstr_from_stralloc( stralloc_t* s );
- **
- ** dumps a human-readable version of a string. this replaces
- ** newlines with \n, etc...
- **/
-extern const char* quote_bytes( const char* str, int len );
-extern const char* quote_str( const char* str );
- **/
-typedef struct {
- void** i;
- unsigned n;
- unsigned a;
-} qvector_t;
-#define QVECTOR_INIT { NULL, 0, 0 }
-#define QVECTOR_DEFINE(v) qvector_t v[1] = QVECTOR_INIT
-extern void qvector_init( qvector_t* v );
-extern void qvector_reset( qvector_t* v );
-extern void qvector_ready( qvector_t* v, unsigned len );
-extern void qvector_readyplus( qvector_t* v, unsigned len );
-extern void qvector_add( qvector_t* v, void* item );
-extern int qvector_del( qvector_t* v, void* item ); /* returns 1 if deleted, 0 otherwise */
-extern void* qvector_get( qvector_t* v, int index );
-extern int qvector_len( qvector_t* v );
-extern int qvector_index( qvector_t* v, void* item ); /* returns -1 is not found */
-extern void qvector_insert( qvector_t* v, int index, void* item );
-extern void qvector_remove( qvector_t* v, int index );
-extern void qvector_remove_n( qvector_t* v, int index, int count );
- **/
-/* decodes a sequence of 'len' hexadecimal chars from 'hex' into
- * an integer. returns -1 in case of error (i.e. badly formed chars)
- */
-extern int hex2int( const uint8_t* hex, int len );
-/* encodes an integer 'val' into 'len' hexadecimal charaters into 'hex' */
-extern void int2hex( uint8_t* hex, int len, int val );
-#endif /* _ANDROID_UTILS_H */