diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL')
-rw-r--r-- | distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.dsp | 546 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.vcproj | 828 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/Version.rc | 105 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/resource.h | 15 |
4 files changed, 1494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.dsp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.dsp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83838fe --- /dev/null +++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,546 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="SDL" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 5.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102 + +CFG=SDL - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "SDL.MAK". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "SDL.MAK" CFG="SDL - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "SDL - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") +!MESSAGE "SDL - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +MTL=midl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "SDL - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\..\include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 winmm.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "SDL - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /I "..\..\include" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /o NUL /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 winmm.lib dxguid.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "SDL - Win32 Release" +# Name "SDL - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\blank_cursor.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\default_cursor.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\Directx.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\SDL.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_active.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_audio.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_audio_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_audiocvt.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_audiomem.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_0.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_1.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_A.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_A.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_N.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_bmp.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\cdrom\SDL_cdrom.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\cpuinfo\SDL_cpuinfo.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_cursor.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_cursor_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibevents.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibevents_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibvideo.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibvideo.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\disk\SDL_diskaudio.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\disk\SDL_diskaudio.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\dummy\SDL_dummyaudio.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\dummy\SDL_dummyaudio.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\windx5\SDL_dx5audio.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\windx5\SDL_dx5audio.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5events.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5events_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5video.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5video.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5yuv.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5yuv_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\SDL_error.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\SDL_error_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_events.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_events_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_expose.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\SDL_fatal.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\SDL_fatal.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_gamma.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_getenv.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_iconv.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\joystick\SDL_joystick.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\joystick\SDL_joystick_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_keyboard.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_leaks.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_lowvideo.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_malloc.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_mixer.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_mixer_MMX_VC.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\joystick\win32\SDL_mmjoystick.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_mouse.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullevents.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullevents_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullmouse.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullmouse_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullvideo.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullvideo.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_pixels.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_pixels_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_qsort.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_quit.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_resize.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_RLEaccel.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_RLEaccel_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\file\SDL_rwops.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_stretch.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_stretch_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_stdlib.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_string.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_surface.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_sysaudio.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\cdrom\win32\SDL_syscdrom.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\cdrom\SDL_syscdrom.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\generic\SDL_syscond.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysevents.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\events\SDL_sysevents.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\joystick\SDL_sysjoystick.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\loadso\win32\SDL_sysloadso.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysmouse.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysmouse_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_sysmutex.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_syssem.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_systhread.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\SDL_systhread.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_systhread_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\timer\SDL_systimer.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_sysvideo.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_syswm.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_syswm_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\SDL_thread.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\thread\SDL_thread_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\timer\SDL_timer.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\timer\SDL_timer_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_video.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_vkeys.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_wave.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\audio\SDL_wave.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_wingl.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_wingl_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv_sw.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv_sw_c.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\SDL_yuvfuncs.h +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\Version.rc +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\..\src\video\wincommon\Wmmsg.h +# End Source File +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.vcproj b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dffaea --- /dev/null +++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/SDL.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> +<VisualStudioProject + ProjectType="Visual C++" + Version="9.00" + Name="SDL" + ProjectGUID="{81CE8DAF-EBB2-4761-8E45-B71ABCCA8C68}" + RootNamespace="SDL" + 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+ /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Debug|x64" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)" + IntermediateDirectory="$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="2" + InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC70.vsprops" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG" + MkTypLibCompatible="true" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + TargetEnvironment="3" + TypeLibraryName=".\Debug/SDL.tlb" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="0" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(ProjectDir)\..\..\include"" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_DEBUG;_WINDOWS;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" + RuntimeLibrary="2" + BufferSecurityCheck="false" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Debug/SDL.pch" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false" + DebugInformationFormat="3" + CompileAs="0" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG" + Culture="1033" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib dxguid.lib" + OutputFile=".\Debug/SDL.dll" + LinkIncremental="2" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries="false" + GenerateDebugInformation="true" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\Debug/SDL.pdb" + SubSystem="2" + TargetMachine="17" + CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck="false" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManifestTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Release|Win32" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)" + IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="2" + InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC70.vsprops" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + MkTypLibCompatible="true" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + TargetEnvironment="1" + TypeLibraryName=".\Release/SDL.tlb" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + EnableIntrinsicFunctions="false" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(ProjectDir)\..\..\include"" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" + StringPooling="true" + RuntimeLibrary="2" + BufferSecurityCheck="false" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Release/SDL.pch" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false" + CompileAs="0" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + Culture="1033" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalOptions="/MACHINE:I386" + AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib dxguid.lib" + OutputFile=".\Release/SDL.dll" + LinkIncremental="1" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries="false" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\Release/SDL.pdb" + SubSystem="2" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManifestTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Release|x64" + OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)" + IntermediateDirectory="$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)" + ConfigurationType="2" + InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC70.vsprops" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="false" + > + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + MkTypLibCompatible="true" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + TargetEnvironment="3" + TypeLibraryName=".\Release/SDL.tlb" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + EnableIntrinsicFunctions="false" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""$(ProjectDir)\..\..\include"" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;NDEBUG;_WINDOWS;_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400" + StringPooling="true" + RuntimeLibrary="2" + BufferSecurityCheck="false" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true" + UsePrecompiledHeader="0" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Release/SDL.pch" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false" + CompileAs="0" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + Culture="1033" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib dxguid.lib" + OutputFile=".\Release/SDL.dll" + LinkIncremental="1" + SuppressStartupBanner="true" + IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries="false" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\Release/SDL.pdb" + SubSystem="2" + TargetMachine="17" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCALinkTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCManifestTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCXDCMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCBscMakeTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCFxCopTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCAppVerifierTool" + /> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool" + /> + </Configuration> + </Configurations> + <References> + </References> + <Files> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\SDL.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_active.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_audio.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_audio_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_audiocvt.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_audiomem.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_0.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_1.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_A.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_A.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_blit_N.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_bmp.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\cdrom\SDL_cdrom.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\cpuinfo\SDL_cpuinfo.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_cursor.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_cursor_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\windib\SDL_dibaudio.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibevents.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibevents_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibvideo.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_dibvideo.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\disk\SDL_diskaudio.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\disk\SDL_diskaudio.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\dummy\SDL_dummyaudio.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\dummy\SDL_dummyaudio.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\windx5\SDL_dx5audio.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\windx5\SDL_dx5audio.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\Windx5\SDL_dx5events.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\Windx5\SDL_dx5events_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\Windx5\SDL_dx5video.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\Windx5\SDL_dx5video.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5yuv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windx5\SDL_dx5yuv_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\SDL_error.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\SDL_error_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_events.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_events_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_expose.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\SDL_fatal.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\SDL_fatal.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_gamma.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_getenv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_iconv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\joystick\SDL_joystick.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\joystick\SDL_joystick_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_keyboard.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_leaks.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_lowvideo.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_malloc.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_mixer.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_mixer_MMX_VC.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\joystick\win32\SDL_mmjoystick.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_mouse.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullevents.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullevents_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullmouse.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullmouse_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullvideo.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\dummy\SDL_nullvideo.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_pixels.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_pixels_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_qsort.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_quit.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_resize.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_RLEaccel.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_RLEaccel_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\file\SDL_rwops.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_stdlib.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_stretch.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_stretch_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\stdlib\SDL_string.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_surface.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_sysaudio.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\cdrom\win32\SDL_syscdrom.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\cdrom\SDL_syscdrom.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\generic\SDL_syscond.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysevents.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\events\SDL_sysevents.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\joystick\SDL_sysjoystick.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\loadso\win32\SDL_sysloadso.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysmouse.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_sysmouse_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_sysmutex.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_syssem.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_systhread.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\SDL_systhread.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\win32\SDL_systhread_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\timer\win32\SDL_systimer.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\timer\SDL_systimer.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_sysvideo.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_syswm.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_syswm_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\SDL_thread.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\thread\SDL_thread_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\timer\SDL_timer.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\timer\SDL_timer_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_video.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\windib\SDL_vkeys.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_wave.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\audio\SDL_wave.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_wingl.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\SDL_wingl_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv_sw.c" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_yuv_sw_c.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\SDL_yuvfuncs.h" + > + </File> + <File + RelativePath="..\..\src\video\wincommon\Wmmsg.h" + > + </File> + </Files> + <Globals> + </Globals> +</VisualStudioProject> diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/Version.rc b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/Version.rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3147730 --- /dev/null +++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/Version.rc @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. +// +#include "resource.h" + +#define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. +// +#include "winresrc.h" + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +#undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// English (U.S.) resources + +#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU) +#ifdef _WIN32 +LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US +#pragma code_page(1252) +#endif //_WIN32 + +#ifndef _MAC +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Version +// + +VS_VERSION_INFO VERSIONINFO + FILEVERSION 1,2,15,0 + PRODUCTVERSION 1,2,15,0 + FILEFLAGSMASK 0x3fL +#ifdef _DEBUG + FILEFLAGS 0x1L +#else + FILEFLAGS 0x0L +#endif + FILEOS 0x40004L + FILETYPE 0x2L + FILESUBTYPE 0x0L +BEGIN + BLOCK "StringFileInfo" + BEGIN + BLOCK "040904b0" + BEGIN + VALUE "CompanyName", "\0" + VALUE "FileDescription", "SDL\0" + VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 2, 15, 0\0" + VALUE "InternalName", "SDL\0" + VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright © 2012 Sam Lantinga\0" + VALUE "OriginalFilename", "SDL.dll\0" + VALUE "ProductName", "Simple DirectMedia Layer\0" + VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 2, 15, 0\0" + END + END + BLOCK "VarFileInfo" + BEGIN + VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200 + END +END + +#endif // !_MAC + + +#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// TEXTINCLUDE +// + +1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + "resource.h\0" +END + +2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n" + "\0" +END + +3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE +BEGIN + "\r\n" + "\0" +END + +#endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED + +#endif // English (U.S.) resources +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + + +#ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. +// + + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED + diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/resource.h b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/resource.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbfd81d --- /dev/null +++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/resource.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} +// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. +// Used by Version.rc +// + +// Next default values for new objects +// +#ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED +#ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS +#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 101 +#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 +#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1000 +#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 +#endif +#endif |