path: root/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c3277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+; pII-optimised MMX format converters for HERMES
+; Copyright (c) 1998 Christian Nentwich (c.nentwich@cs.ucl.ac.uk)
+; and (c) 1999 Jonathan Matthew (jmatthew@uq.net.au)
+; This source code is licensed under the GNU LGPL
+; Please refer to the file COPYING.LIB contained in the distribution for
+; licensing conditions
+; This file partly contains code that is (c) Intel Corporation, specifically
+; the mode detection routine, and the converter to 15 bit (8 pixel
+; conversion routine from the mmx programming tutorial pages).
+; These routines aren't exactly pII optimised - it's just that as they
+; are, they're terrible on p5 MMXs, but less so on pIIs. Someone needs to
+; optimise them for p5 MMXs..
+BITS 32
+%include "common.inc"
+SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888
+SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565
+SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565
+SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB555
+SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555
+;; Macros for conversion routines
+%macro _push_immq_mask 1
+ push dword %1
+ push dword %1
+%macro load_immq 2
+ _push_immq_mask %2
+ movq %1, [esp]
+%macro pand_immq 2
+ _push_immq_mask %2
+ pand %1, [esp]
+%define CLEANUP_IMMQ_LOADS(num) \
+ add esp, byte 8 * num
+%define mmx32_rgb888_mask 00ffffffh
+%define mmx32_rgb565_b 000000f8h
+%define mmx32_rgb565_g 0000fc00h
+%define mmx32_rgb565_r 00f80000h
+%define mmx32_rgb555_rb 00f800f8h
+%define mmx32_rgb555_g 0000f800h
+%define mmx32_rgb555_mul 20000008h
+%define mmx32_bgr555_mul 00082000h
+SECTION .text
+ ; set up mm6 as the mask, mm7 as zero
+ load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb888_mask
+ pxor mm7, mm7
+ mov edx, ecx ; save ecx
+ and ecx, 0fffffffch ; clear lower two bits
+ jnz .L1
+ jmp .L2
+ movq mm0, [esi] ; A R G B a r g b
+ pand mm0, mm6 ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
+ movq mm1, [esi+8] ; A R G B a r g b
+ pand mm1, mm6 ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
+ movq mm2, mm0 ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
+ punpckhdq mm2, mm7 ; 0 0 0 0 0 R G B
+ punpckldq mm0, mm7 ; 0 0 0 0 0 r g b
+ psllq mm2, 24 ; 0 0 R G B 0 0 0
+ por mm0, mm2 ; 0 0 R G B r g b
+ movq mm3, mm1 ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
+ psllq mm3, 48 ; g b 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ por mm0, mm3 ; g b R G B r g b
+ movq mm4, mm1 ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
+ punpckhdq mm4, mm7 ; 0 0 0 0 0 R G B
+ punpckldq mm1, mm7 ; 0 0 0 0 0 r g b
+ psrlq mm1, 16 ; 0 0 0 R G B 0 r
+ psllq mm4, 8 ; 0 0 0 0 R G B 0
+ por mm1, mm4 ; 0 0 0 0 R G B r
+ movq [edi], mm0
+ add esi, BYTE 16
+ movd [edi+8], mm1
+ add edi, BYTE 12
+ sub ecx, BYTE 4
+ jnz .L1
+ mov ecx, edx
+ and ecx, BYTE 3
+ jz .L4
+ mov al, [esi]
+ mov bl, [esi+1]
+ mov dl, [esi+2]
+ mov [edi], al
+ mov [edi+1], bl
+ mov [edi+2], dl
+ add esi, BYTE 4
+ add edi, BYTE 3
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L3
+ retn
+ ; set up masks
+ load_immq mm5, mmx32_rgb565_b
+ load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb565_g
+ load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb565_r
+ mov edx, ecx
+ shr ecx, 2
+ jnz .L1
+ jmp .L2 ; not necessary at the moment, but doesn't hurt (much)
+ movq mm0, [esi] ; argb
+ movq mm1, mm0 ; argb
+ pand mm0, mm6 ; 00g0
+ movq mm3, mm1 ; argb
+ pand mm1, mm5 ; 000b
+ pand mm3, mm7 ; 0r00
+ pslld mm1, 2 ; 0 0 000000bb bbb00000
+ por mm0, mm1 ; 0 0 ggggggbb bbb00000
+ psrld mm0, 5 ; 0 0 00000ggg gggbbbbb
+ movq mm4, [esi+8] ; argb
+ movq mm2, mm4 ; argb
+ pand mm4, mm6 ; 00g0
+ movq mm1, mm2 ; argb
+ pand mm2, mm5 ; 000b
+ pand mm1, mm7 ; 0r00
+ pslld mm2, 2 ; 0 0 000000bb bbb00000
+ por mm4, mm2 ; 0 0 ggggggbb bbb00000
+ psrld mm4, 5 ; 0 0 00000ggg gggbbbbb
+ packuswb mm3, mm1 ; R 0 r 0
+ packssdw mm0, mm4 ; as above.. ish
+ por mm0, mm3 ; done.
+ movq [edi], mm0
+ add esi, 16
+ add edi, 8
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ mov ecx, edx
+ and ecx, BYTE 3
+ jz .L4
+ mov al, [esi]
+ mov bh, [esi+1]
+ mov ah, [esi+2]
+ shr al, 3
+ and eax, 0F81Fh ; BYTE?
+ shr ebx, 5
+ and ebx, 07E0h ; BYTE?
+ add eax, ebx
+ mov [edi], al
+ mov [edi+1], ah
+ add esi, BYTE 4
+ add edi, BYTE 2
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L3
+ retn
+ load_immq mm5, mmx32_rgb565_r
+ load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb565_g
+ load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb565_b
+ mov edx, ecx
+ shr ecx, 2
+ jnz .L1
+ jmp .L2
+ movq mm0, [esi] ; a r g b
+ movq mm1, mm0 ; a r g b
+ pand mm0, mm6 ; 0 0 g 0
+ movq mm3, mm1 ; a r g b
+ pand mm1, mm5 ; 0 r 0 0
+ pand mm3, mm7 ; 0 0 0 b
+ psllq mm3, 16 ; 0 b 0 0
+ psrld mm1, 14 ; 0 0 000000rr rrr00000
+ por mm0, mm1 ; 0 0 ggggggrr rrr00000
+ psrld mm0, 5 ; 0 0 00000ggg gggrrrrr
+ movq mm4, [esi+8] ; a r g b
+ movq mm2, mm4 ; a r g b
+ pand mm4, mm6 ; 0 0 g 0
+ movq mm1, mm2 ; a r g b
+ pand mm2, mm5 ; 0 r 0 0
+ pand mm1, mm7 ; 0 0 0 b
+ psllq mm1, 16 ; 0 b 0 0
+ psrld mm2, 14 ; 0 0 000000rr rrr00000
+ por mm4, mm2 ; 0 0 ggggggrr rrr00000
+ psrld mm4, 5 ; 0 0 00000ggg gggrrrrr
+ packuswb mm3, mm1 ; BBBBB000 00000000 bbbbb000 00000000
+ packssdw mm0, mm4 ; 00000GGG GGGRRRRR 00000GGG GGGRRRRR
+ por mm0, mm3 ; BBBBBGGG GGGRRRRR bbbbbggg gggrrrrr
+ movq [edi], mm0
+ add esi, BYTE 16
+ add edi, BYTE 8
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L1
+ and edx, BYTE 3
+ jz .L4
+ mov al, [esi+2]
+ mov bh, [esi+1]
+ mov ah, [esi]
+ shr al, 3
+ and eax, 0F81Fh ; BYTE ?
+ shr ebx, 5
+ and ebx, 07E0h ; BYTE ?
+ add eax, ebx
+ mov [edi], al
+ mov [edi+1], ah
+ add esi, BYTE 4
+ add edi, BYTE 2
+ dec edx
+ jnz .L3
+ retn
+ ; the 16BGR555 converter is identical to the RGB555 one,
+ ; except it uses a different multiplier for the pmaddwd
+ ; instruction. cool huh.
+ load_immq mm7, mmx32_bgr555_mul
+ jmp _convert_bgr555_cheat
+; This is the same as the Intel version.. they obviously went to
+; much more trouble to expand/coil the loop than I did, so theirs
+; would almost certainly be faster, even if only a little.
+; I did rename 'mmx32_rgb555_add' to 'mmx32_rgb555_mul', which is
+; (I think) a more accurate name..
+ load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb555_mul
+ load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb555_g
+ mov edx,ecx ; Save ecx
+ and ecx,DWORD 0fffffff8h ; clear lower three bits
+ jnz .L_OK
+ jmp near .L2
+ movq mm2,[esi+8]
+ movq mm0,[esi]
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ pand_immq mm1, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ pmaddwd mm3,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm1,mm7
+ pand mm2,mm6
+ movq mm4,[esi+24]
+ pand mm0,mm6
+ movq mm5,[esi+16]
+ por mm3,mm2
+ psrld mm3,6
+ por mm1,mm0
+ movq mm0,mm4
+ psrld mm1,6
+ pand_immq mm0, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ packssdw mm1,mm3
+ movq mm3,mm5
+ pmaddwd mm0,mm7
+ pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ pand mm4,mm6
+ movq [edi],mm1
+ pmaddwd mm3,mm7
+ add esi,BYTE 32
+ por mm4,mm0
+ pand mm5,mm6
+ psrld mm4,6
+ movq mm2,[esi+8]
+ por mm5,mm3
+ movq mm0,[esi]
+ psrld mm5,6
+ movq mm3,mm2
+ movq mm1,mm0
+ pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ packssdw mm5,mm4
+ pand_immq mm1, mmx32_rgb555_rb
+ pand mm2,mm6
+ movq [edi+8],mm5
+ pmaddwd mm3,mm7
+ pmaddwd mm1,mm7
+ add edi,BYTE 16
+ sub ecx,BYTE 8
+ jz .L2
+ jmp .L1
+ mov ecx,edx
+ and ecx,BYTE 7
+ jz .L4
+ mov ebx,[esi]
+ add esi,BYTE 4
+ mov eax,ebx
+ mov edx,ebx
+ shr eax,3
+ shr edx,6
+ and eax,BYTE 0000000000011111b
+ and edx, 0000001111100000b
+ shr ebx,9
+ or eax,edx
+ and ebx, 0111110000000000b
+ or eax,ebx
+ mov [edi],ax
+ add edi,BYTE 2
+ dec ecx
+ jnz .L3
+ retn
+%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf32
+section .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits