path: root/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2')
5 files changed, 2158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/SDL_main.cpp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/SDL_main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc69d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/SDL_main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@
+ SDL_Main.cpp
+ Symbian OS services for SDL
+ Markus Mertama
+#include "epoc_sdl.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <estlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include "vectorbuffer.h"
+#include <w32std.h>
+#include <aknappui.h>
+#include <aknapp.h>
+#include "SDL_epocevents_c.h"
+#include "SDL_keysym.h"
+#include "dsa.h"
+#ifdef SYMBIANC
+#include <reent.h>
+//Markus Mertama
+extern SDLKey* KeyMap();
+extern void ResetKeyMap();
+class CCurrentAppUi;
+//const TUid KSDLUid = { 0xF01F3D69 };
+ {
+ public:
+ static void DisableKeyBlocking();
+ static TBool Rendezvous(RThread& aThread, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ };
+TInt Panic(TInt aErr, TInt aLine)
+ {
+ TBuf<64> b;
+ b.Format(_L("Main at %d"), aLine);
+ User::Panic(b, aErr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCurrentAppUi) : public CAknAppUi
+ {
+ public:
+ static CCurrentAppUi* Cast(CEikAppUi* aUi);
+ void DisableKeyBlocking();
+ };
+CCurrentAppUi* CCurrentAppUi::Cast(CEikAppUi* aUi)
+ {
+ return static_cast<CCurrentAppUi*>(aUi);
+ }
+void CCurrentAppUi::DisableKeyBlocking()
+ {
+ SetKeyBlockMode(ENoKeyBlock);
+ }
+class CEventQueue : public CBase, public MEventQueue
+ {
+ public:
+ static CEventQueue* NewL();
+ ~CEventQueue();
+ public:
+ TInt Append(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
+ const TWsEvent& Shift();
+ void Lock();
+ void Unlock();
+ TBool HasData();
+ private:
+ TVector<TWsEvent, 64> iVector;
+ RCriticalSection iCS;
+ };
+ CEventQueue* CEventQueue::NewL()
+ {
+ CEventQueue* q = new (ELeave) CEventQueue();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(q);
+ User::LeaveIfError(q->iCS.CreateLocal());
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return q;
+ }
+ {
+ iCS.Close();
+ }
+TInt CEventQueue::Append(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ iCS.Wait();
+ const TInt err = iVector.Append(aEvent);
+ iCS.Signal();
+ return err;
+ }
+TBool CEventQueue::HasData()
+ {
+ return iVector.Size() > 0;
+ }
+void CEventQueue::Lock()
+ {
+ iCS.Wait();
+ }
+void CEventQueue::Unlock()
+ {
+ iCS.Signal();
+ }
+const TWsEvent& CEventQueue::Shift()
+ {
+ const TWsEvent& event = iVector.Shift();
+ return event;
+ }
+TSdlCleanupItem::TSdlCleanupItem(TSdlCleanupOperation aOperation, TAny* aItem) :
+iOperation(aOperation), iItem(aItem), iThread(RThread().Id())
+ {
+ }
+class CEikonEnv;
+class CSdlAppServ;
+ {
+ public:
+ void Free();
+ CEventQueue* iEventQueue;
+ TMainFunc iMain;
+ TInt iEpocEnvFlags;
+ int iArgc;
+ char** iArgv;
+ CDsa* iDsa;
+ CSdlAppServ* iAppSrv;
+ TThreadId iId;
+ CArrayFix<TSdlCleanupItem>* iCleanupItems;
+ CEikAppUi* iAppUi;
+ CSDL* iSdl;
+ };
+EpocSdlEnvData* gEpocEnv;
+#define MAINFUNC(x) EXPORT_C TMainFunc::TMainFunc(mainfunc##x aFunc){Mem::FillZ(iMainFunc, sizeof(iMainFunc)); iMainFunc[x - 1] = (void*) aFunc;}
+EXPORT_C TMainFunc::TMainFunc()
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ(iMainFunc, sizeof(iMainFunc));
+ }
+const void* TMainFunc::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ return iMainFunc[aIndex];
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSdlAppServ) : public CActive
+ {
+ public:
+ enum
+ {
+ EAppSrvNoop = CDsa::ELastDsaRequest,
+ EAppSrvWindowWidth,
+ EAppSrvWindowHeight,
+ EAppSrvWindowDisplayMode,
+ EAppSrvWindowPointerCursorMode,
+ EAppSrvDsaStatus,
+ EAppSrvStopThread,
+ EAppSrvWaitDsa
+ };
+ CSdlAppServ();
+ void ConstructL();
+ ~CSdlAppServ();
+ TInt Request(TInt aService);
+ TInt RequestValue(TInt aService);
+ void Init();
+ void PanicMain(TInt aReason);
+ void PanicMain(const TDesC& aInfo, TInt aReason);
+ void SetObserver(MSDLObserver* aObserver);
+ TInt ObserverEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam);
+ void SetParam(TInt aParam);
+ void HandleObserverValue(TInt aService, TInt aReturnValue, TBool aMainThread);
+ MSDLObserver* Observer();
+ private:
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ private:
+ const TThreadId iMainId;
+ RThread iAppThread;
+ TInt iService;
+ TInt iReturnValue;
+ RSemaphore iSema;
+ MSDLObserver* iObserver;
+ TRequestStatus* iStatusPtr;
+ };
+CSdlAppServ::CSdlAppServ() : CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh), iMainId(RThread().Id())
+ {
+ }
+MSDLObserver* CSdlAppServ::Observer()
+ {
+ return iObserver;
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::SetObserver(MSDLObserver* aObserver)
+ {
+ iObserver = aObserver;
+ }
+TInt CSdlAppServ::ObserverEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam)
+ {
+ if(iObserver != NULL)
+ {
+ if(RThread().Id() == gEpocEnv->iId)
+ {
+ return iObserver->SdlThreadEvent(aEvent, aParam);
+ }
+ else if(RThread().Id() == iMainId)
+ {
+ return iObserver->SdlEvent(aEvent, aParam);
+ }
+ PANIC(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::PanicMain(TInt aReason)
+ {
+ iAppThread.Panic(RThread().Name(), aReason);
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::PanicMain(const TDesC& aInfo, TInt aReason)
+ {
+ iAppThread.Panic(aInfo, aReason);
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iSema.CreateLocal(1));
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ iStatusPtr = &iStatus;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ CSdlAppServ::~CSdlAppServ()
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ if(iSema.Handle() != NULL)
+ iSema.Signal();
+ iSema.Close();
+ iAppThread.Close();
+ }
+TInt CSdlAppServ::Request(TInt aService)
+ {
+ if(RThread().Id() != iAppThread.Id())
+ {
+ iSema.Wait();
+ iService = aService;
+ iAppThread.RequestComplete(iStatusPtr, KErrNone);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrBadHandle;
+ }
+TInt CSdlAppServ::RequestValue(TInt aService)
+ {
+ Request(aService);
+ Request(EAppSrvNoop);
+ return iReturnValue;
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::Init()
+ {
+ PANIC_IF_ERROR(iAppThread.Open(iMainId));
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::SetParam(TInt aParam)
+ {
+ iReturnValue = aParam;
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::HandleObserverValue(TInt aService, TInt aReturnValue, TBool aMainThread)
+ {
+ if(iObserver != NULL && aMainThread)
+ {
+ switch(aService)
+ {
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventScreenSizeChanged:
+ if(aReturnValue == MSDLObserver::EScreenSizeChangedDefaultPalette)
+ EpocSdlEnv::LockPalette(EFalse);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!aMainThread && aService == MSDLObserver::EEventSuspend)
+ {
+ if(iObserver == NULL ||
+ (gEpocEnv->iDsa->Stopped() && aReturnValue != MSDLObserver::ESuspendNoSuspend))
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::Suspend();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::RunL()
+ {
+ if(iStatus == KErrNone)
+ {
+ switch(iService)
+ {
+ case CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvWaitDsa:
+ EpocSdlEnv::SetWaitDsa();
+ iReturnValue = EpocSdlEnv::IsDsaAvailable();
+ // }
+ // gEpocEnv->iDsa->Stop();
+ // gEpocEnv->iDsa->RestartL();
+ break;
+ case CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvStopThread:
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetSuspend();
+ break;
+ case EpocSdlEnv::EDisableKeyBlocking:
+ EnvUtils::DisableKeyBlocking();
+ break;
+ case EAppSrvWindowPointerCursorMode:
+ iReturnValue = gEpocEnv->iDsa != NULL ?
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->Session().PointerCursorMode() : KErrNotReady;
+ break;
+ case EAppSrvDsaStatus:
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->Stop();
+ iReturnValue = KErrNone;
+ break;
+ case CDsa::ERequestUpdate:
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete();
+ break;
+ case EAppSrvNoop:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventResume:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventSuspend:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventScreenSizeChanged:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowReserved:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventKeyMapInit:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowNotAvailable:
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventMainExit:
+ iReturnValue = ObserverEvent(iService, iReturnValue);
+ HandleObserverValue(iService, iReturnValue, ETrue);
+ break;
+ default:
+ PANIC(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ iStatus = KRequestPending;
+ iStatusPtr = &iStatus;
+ SetActive();
+ }
+ iSema.Signal();
+ }
+void CSdlAppServ::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iSema.Wait();
+ TRequestStatus* s = &iStatus;
+ iAppThread.RequestComplete(s, KErrCancel);
+ }
+MEventQueue& EpocSdlEnv::EventQueue()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ return *gEpocEnv->iEventQueue;
+ }
+TBool EpocSdlEnv::Flags(TInt aFlag)
+ {
+ const TInt flag = gEpocEnv->iEpocEnvFlags & aFlag;
+ return flag == aFlag;
+ }
+TInt EpocSdlEnv::Argc()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ return gEpocEnv->iArgc;
+ }
+char** EpocSdlEnv::Argv()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ return gEpocEnv->iArgv;
+ }
+TBool EpocSdlEnv::IsDsaAvailable()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa != NULL && gEpocEnv->iDsa->IsDsaAvailable();
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::WaitDsaAvailable()
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventWindowNotAvailable, 0);
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->Request(CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvStopThread);
+ if(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EEnableFocusStop))
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventSuspend, 0);
+ }
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::Suspend()
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv->iDsa->Stopped() || EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EEnableFocusStop))
+ {
+ // gEpocEnv->iDsa->ReleaseStop();
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetSuspend();
+ RThread().Suspend();
+ EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventResume, 0);
+ }
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::SetWaitDsa()
+ {
+ if(!IsDsaAvailable())
+ {
+ RThread th;
+ th.Open(gEpocEnv->iId);
+ th.Suspend();
+ th.Close();
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetSuspend();
+ }
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::Resume()
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->Resume();
+ RThread th;
+ th.Open(gEpocEnv->iId);
+ th.Resume();
+ th.Close();
+ const TInt value = gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventResume, 0);
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->HandleObserverValue(MSDLObserver::EEventResume, value, ETrue);
+ }
+TInt EpocSdlEnv::AllocSwSurface(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->AllocSurface(EFalse, aSize, aMode);
+ }
+TInt EpocSdlEnv::AllocHwSurface(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->AllocSurface(ETrue, aSize, aMode);
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::UnlockHwSurface()
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->UnlockHwSurface();
+ }
+TUint8* EpocSdlEnv::LockHwSurface()
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->LockHwSurface();
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::UpdateSwSurface()
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->UpdateSwSurface();
+ }
+TBool EpocSdlEnv::AddUpdateRect(TUint8* aAddress, const TRect& aUpdateRect, const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->AddUpdateRect(aAddress, aUpdateRect, aRect);
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::Request(TInt aService)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->Request(aService);
+ }
+TSize EpocSdlEnv::WindowSize(const TSize& aRequestedSize)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ if(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EAllowImageResize) && gEpocEnv->iDsa->WindowSize() != aRequestedSize)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(gEpocEnv->iDsa->CreateZoomerL(aRequestedSize));
+ }
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->WindowSize();
+ }
+ TSize EpocSdlEnv::WindowSize()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(gEpocEnv != NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->WindowSize();
+ }
+TDisplayMode EpocSdlEnv::DisplayMode()
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->DisplayMode();
+ }
+TPointerCursorMode EpocSdlEnv::PointerMode()
+ {
+ return static_cast<TPointerCursorMode>
+ (gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->RequestValue(CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvWindowPointerCursorMode));
+ }
+TInt EpocSdlEnv::SetPalette(TInt aFirstcolor, TInt aColorCount, TUint32* aPalette)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetPalette(aFirstcolor, aColorCount, aPalette);
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::PanicMain(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->PanicMain(aErr);
+ }
+TInt EpocSdlEnv::AppendCleanupItem(const TSdlCleanupItem& aItem)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->AppendL(aItem));
+ return err;
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::RemoveCleanupItem(TAny* aItem)
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->At(i).iItem == aItem)
+ gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Delete(i);
+ }
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::CleanupItems()
+ {
+ const TThreadId id = RThread().Id();
+ TInt last = gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Count() - 1;
+ TInt i;
+ for(i = last; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ TSdlCleanupItem& item = gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->At(i);
+ if(item.iThread == id)
+ {
+ item.iThread = TThreadId(0);
+ item.iOperation(item.iItem);
+ }
+ }
+ last = gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Count() - 1;
+ for(i = last; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ TSdlCleanupItem& item = gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->At(i);
+ if(item.iThread == TThreadId(0))
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Delete(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::FreeSurface()
+ {
+ Request(CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvDsaStatus);
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->Free();
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::LockPalette(TBool aLock)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->LockPalette(aLock);
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(TInt aService, TInt aParam)
+ {
+ const TBool sdlThread = RThread().Id() == gEpocEnv->iId;
+ const TInt valuea = gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->ObserverEvent(aService, aParam);
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->HandleObserverValue(aService, valuea, !sdlThread);
+ if(sdlThread)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->SetParam(aParam);
+ const TInt valuet = gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->RequestValue(aService);
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->HandleObserverValue(aService, valuet, EFalse);
+ }
+ }
+TPoint EpocSdlEnv::WindowCoordinates(const TPoint& aPoint)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->WindowCoordinates(aPoint);
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnv::PanicMain(const TDesC& aInfo, TInt aErr)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->PanicMain(aInfo, aErr);
+ }
+//Dsa is a low priority ao, it has to wait if its pending event, but ws
+//event has been prioritized before it
+//this is not called from app thread!
+void EpocSdlEnv::WaitDeviceChange()
+ {
+ LockPalette(ETrue);
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->RequestValue(CSdlAppServ::EAppSrvWaitDsa);
+ const TSize sz = WindowSize();
+ const TInt param = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(&sz);
+ ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventScreenSizeChanged, param);
+ // RThread().Suspend();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool CheckSdl()
+ {
+ TInt isExit = ETrue;
+ RThread sdl;
+ if(sdl.Open(gEpocEnv->iId) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(sdl.ExitType() == EExitPending)
+ {
+ isExit = EFalse;
+ }
+ sdl.Close();
+ }
+ return isExit;
+ }
+void EpocSdlEnvData::Free()
+ {
+ if(RThread().Id() == gEpocEnv->iId)
+ {
+ iDsa->Free();
+ return;
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iArgv == NULL || CheckSdl(), PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < iArgc; i++)
+ User::Free( iArgv[i] );
+ User::Free(iArgv);
+ delete iEventQueue;
+ if(iDsa != NULL)
+ iDsa->Free();
+ delete iDsa;
+ delete iAppSrv;
+ }
+_LIT(KSDLMain, "SDLMain");
+LOCAL_C int MainL()
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSdlCleanupItem>(8);
+ char** envp=0;
+ /* !! process exits here if there is "exit()" in main! */
+ int ret = 0;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ {
+ void* f = (void*) gEpocEnv->iMain[i];
+ if(f != NULL)
+ {
+ switch(i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ ret = ((mainfunc1)f)();
+ return ret;
+ case 3:
+ ((mainfunc1)f)();
+ return ret;
+ case 1:
+ ret = ((mainfunc2)f)(EpocSdlEnv::Argc(), EpocSdlEnv::Argv());
+ return ret;
+ case 4:
+ ((mainfunc2)f)(EpocSdlEnv::Argc(), EpocSdlEnv::Argv());
+ return ret;
+ case 2:
+ ret = ((mainfunc3)f)(EpocSdlEnv::Argc(), EpocSdlEnv::Argv(), envp);
+ return ret;
+ case 5:
+ ((mainfunc3)f)(EpocSdlEnv::Argc(), EpocSdlEnv::Argv(), envp);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PANIC(KErrNotFound);
+ return 0;
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt DoMain(TAny* /*aParam*/)
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TBool fbsconnected = EFalse;
+ if(RFbsSession::GetSession() == NULL)
+ {
+ PANIC_IF_ERROR(RFbsSession::Connect());
+ fbsconnected = ETrue;
+ }
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->Init();
+#ifdef SYMBIANC
+ // Create stdlib
+ // Call stdlib main
+ int ret = 0;
+ //completes waiting rendesvous
+ RThread::Rendezvous(KErrNone);
+ TRAPD(err, err = MainL());
+ EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventMainExit, err);
+ // Free resources and return
+ EpocSdlEnv::CleanupItems();
+ gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems->Reset();
+ delete gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems;
+ gEpocEnv->iCleanupItems = NULL;
+ gEpocEnv->Free(); //free up in thread resources
+#ifdef SYMBIANC
+ _cleanup(); //this is normally called at exit, I call it here
+ if(fbsconnected)
+ RFbsSession::Disconnect();
+#ifdef SYMBIANC
+ CloseSTDLIB();
+ // delete as;
+ delete cleanup;
+ return err == KErrNone ? ret : err;;
+ }
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->Free();
+ User::Free(gEpocEnv);
+ gEpocEnv->iSdl = NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(gEpocEnv == NULL, PANIC(KErrAlreadyExists));
+ gEpocEnv = (EpocSdlEnvData*) User::AllocL(sizeof(EpocSdlEnvData));
+ Mem::FillZ(gEpocEnv, sizeof(EpocSdlEnvData));
+ gEpocEnv->iEpocEnvFlags = aFlags;
+ gEpocEnv->iEventQueue = CEventQueue::NewL();
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv = new (ELeave) CSdlAppServ();
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->ConstructL();
+ CSDL* sdl = new (ELeave) CSDL();
+ gEpocEnv->iSdl = sdl;
+ return sdl;
+ }
+ /*
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::ReInitL(TFlags aFlags)
+ {
+ const TFlags prevFlags = gEpocEnv->iEpocEnvFlags;
+ gEpocEnv->iEpocEnvFlags = aFlags;
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if(((prevFlags & EDrawModeDSB) != (aFlags & EDrawModeDSB)) && gEpocEnv->iDsa)
+ {
+ delete gEpocEnv->iDsa;
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa = NULL;
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa = CDsa::RecreateL(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EDrawModeDSB));
+ }
+ }
+ */
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::SetContainerWindowL(RWindow& aWindow, RWsSession& aSession, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv->iDsa == NULL)
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa = CDsa::CreateL(aSession);
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->ConstructL(aWindow, aDevice);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TThreadId CSDL::CallMainL(const TMainFunc& aFunc, TRequestStatus* const aStatus, const CDesC8Array* const aArg, TInt aFlags, TInt aStackSize)
+ {
+ ASSERT(gEpocEnv != NULL);
+ gEpocEnv->iMain = aFunc;
+ const TBool args = aArg != NULL;
+ gEpocEnv->iArgc = aArg->Count() + 1;
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv = (char**) User::AllocL(sizeof(char*) * (gEpocEnv->iArgc + 1));
+ TInt k = 0;
+ const TFileName processName = RProcess().FileName();
+ const TInt len = processName.Length();
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv[k] = (char*) User::AllocL(len + 1);
+ Mem::Copy(gEpocEnv->iArgv[k], processName.Ptr(), len);
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv[k][len] = 0;
+ for(TInt i = 0; args && (i < aArg->Count()); i++)
+ {
+ k++;
+ const TInt len = aArg->MdcaPoint(i).Length();
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv[k] = (char*) User::AllocL(len + 1);
+ Mem::Copy(gEpocEnv->iArgv[k], aArg->MdcaPoint(i).Ptr(), len);
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv[k][len] = 0;
+ }
+ gEpocEnv->iArgv[gEpocEnv->iArgc] = NULL;
+ RThread thread;
+ User::LeaveIfError(thread.Create(KSDLMain, DoMain, aStackSize, NULL, NULL));
+ if(aStatus != NULL)
+ {
+ thread.Logon(*aStatus);
+ }
+ gEpocEnv->iId = thread.Id();
+ thread.SetPriority(EPriorityLess);
+ if((aFlags & CSDL::ERequestResume) == 0)
+ {
+ thread.Resume();
+ }
+ thread.Close();
+ return gEpocEnv->iId;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::AppendWsEvent(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ return EpocSdlEnv::EventQueue().Append(aEvent);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::SDLPanic(const TDesC& aInfo, TInt aErr)
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::PanicMain(aInfo, aErr);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::GetSDLCode(TInt aScanCode)
+ {
+ if(aScanCode < 0)
+ return MAX_SCANCODE;
+ if(aScanCode >= MAX_SCANCODE)
+ return -1;
+ return KeyMap()[aScanCode];
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::SDLCodesCount() const
+ {
+ return MAX_SCANCODE;
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::ResetSDLCodes()
+ {
+ ResetKeyMap();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::SetOrientation(TOrientationMode aMode)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetOrientation(aMode);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::SetSDLCode(TInt aScanCode, TInt aSDLCode)
+ {
+ const TInt current = GetSDLCode(aScanCode);
+ if(aScanCode >= 0 && aScanCode < MAX_SCANCODE)
+ KeyMap()[aScanCode] = static_cast<SDLKey>(aSDLCode);
+ return current;
+ }
+EXPORT_C MSDLObserver* CSDL::Observer()
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->Observer();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::SetObserver(MSDLObserver* aObserver)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iAppSrv->SetObserver(aObserver);
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::Resume()
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::Resume();
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::Suspend()
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->DoStop();
+ }
+ {
+ }
+EXPORT_C void CSDL::DisableKeyBlocking(CAknAppUi& aAppUi) const
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iAppUi = &aAppUi;
+ EnvUtils::DisableKeyBlocking();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::SetBlitter(MBlitter* aBlitter)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv && gEpocEnv->iDsa)
+ {
+ gEpocEnv->iDsa->SetBlitter(aBlitter);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::AppendOverlay(MOverlay& aOverlay, TInt aPriority)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv && gEpocEnv->iDsa)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->AppendOverlay(aOverlay, aPriority);
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::RemoveOverlay(MOverlay& aOverlay)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv && gEpocEnv->iDsa)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->RemoveOverlay(aOverlay);
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::RedrawRequest()
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv && gEpocEnv->iDsa)
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv->iDsa->RedrawRequest();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+ {
+ return gEpocEnv != NULL ? gEpocEnv->iSdl : NULL;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::SetVolume(TInt aVolume)
+ {
+ return EpocSdlEnv::SetVolume(aVolume);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::Volume() const
+ {
+ return EpocSdlEnv::Volume();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CSDL::MaxVolume() const
+ {
+ return EpocSdlEnv::MaxVolume();
+ }
+void EnvUtils::DisableKeyBlocking()
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv->iAppUi != NULL)
+ return CCurrentAppUi::Cast(gEpocEnv->iAppUi)->DisableKeyBlocking();
+ }
+TBool EnvUtils::Rendezvous(RThread& aThread, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
+ {
+ if(gEpocEnv->iId != TThreadId(0) &&
+ aThread.Open(gEpocEnv->iId) &&
+ aThread.ExitType() == EExitPending)
+ {
+ aThread.Rendezvous(aStatus);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdlexe.cpp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdlexe.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb160c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdlexe.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+#include <aknapp.h>
+#include <aknappui.h>
+#include <eikdoc.h>
+#include <sdlepocapi.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <eikstart.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <apgcli.h>
+#include <sdlmain.h>
+#include <eikedwin.h>
+#include <eiklabel.h>
+#include <sdlexe.rsg>
+#include <aknglobalmsgquery.h>
+#include <apgwgnam.h>
+class CApaDocument;
+//const TUid KSDLUID = { 0xF01F605E };
+LOCAL_C void MakeCCmdLineL(const TDesC8& aParam, CDesC8Array& aArray)
+ {
+ const TChar dq('\"');
+ TLex8 lex(aParam);
+ TBool in = EFalse;
+ lex.SkipSpaceAndMark();
+ while(!lex.Eos())
+ {
+ TPtrC8 ptr;
+ if(in)
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 rem = lex.RemainderFromMark();
+ const TInt pos = rem.Locate(dq);
+ if(pos > 0)
+ {
+ lex.Inc(pos);
+ ptr.Set(lex.MarkedToken());
+ lex.SkipAndMark(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr.Set(rem);
+ }
+ in = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr.Set(lex.NextToken());
+ const TInt pos = ptr.Locate(dq);
+ if(pos == 0)
+ {
+ lex.UnGetToMark();
+ lex.SkipAndMark(1);
+ in = ETrue;
+ continue; // back to in brace
+ }
+ else
+ lex.SkipSpaceAndMark();
+ }
+ aArray.AppendL(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TVirtualCursor) : public MOverlay
+ {
+ public:
+ TVirtualCursor();
+ void Set(const TRect& aRect, CFbsBitmap* aBmp, CFbsBitmap* aAlpha);
+ void Move(TInt aX, TInt aY);
+ void MakeEvent(TWsEvent& aEvent, const TPoint& aBasePos) const;
+ void Toggle();
+ TBool IsOn() const;
+ private:
+ void Draw(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& aTargetRect, const TSize& aSize);
+ private:
+ TRect iRect;
+ TPoint iInc;
+ TPoint iPos;
+ TBool iIsOn;
+ CFbsBitmap* iCBmp;
+ CFbsBitmap* iAlpha;
+ };
+TVirtualCursor::TVirtualCursor() : iInc(0, 0), iIsOn(EFalse), iCBmp(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+const TInt KMaxMove = 10;
+void TVirtualCursor::Move(TInt aX, TInt aY)
+ {
+ if(aX > 0 && iInc.iX > 0)
+ ++iInc.iX;
+ else if(aX < 0 && iInc.iX < 0)
+ --iInc.iX;
+ else
+ iInc.iX = aX;
+ if(aY > 0 && iInc.iY > 0)
+ ++iInc.iY;
+ else if(aY < 0 && iInc.iY < 0)
+ --iInc.iY;
+ else
+ iInc.iY = aY;
+ iInc.iX = Min(KMaxMove, iInc.iX);
+ iInc.iX = Max(-KMaxMove, iInc.iX);
+ iInc.iY = Min(KMaxMove, iInc.iY);
+ iInc.iY =Max(-KMaxMove, iInc.iY);
+ const TPoint pos = iPos + iInc;
+ if(iRect.Contains(pos))
+ {
+ iPos = pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iInc = TPoint(0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+void TVirtualCursor::Toggle()
+ {
+ iIsOn = !iIsOn;
+ }
+TBool TVirtualCursor::IsOn() const
+ {
+ return iIsOn;
+ }
+void TVirtualCursor::Set(const TRect& aRect, CFbsBitmap* aBmp, CFbsBitmap* aAlpha)
+ {
+ iRect = aRect;
+ iCBmp = aBmp;
+ iAlpha = aAlpha;
+ }
+void TVirtualCursor::MakeEvent(TWsEvent& aEvent, const TPoint& aBasePos) const
+ {
+ aEvent.SetType(EEventPointer),
+ aEvent.SetTimeNow();
+ TPointerEvent& pointer = *aEvent.Pointer();
+ pointer.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Down;
+ pointer.iPosition = iPos;
+ pointer.iParentPosition = aBasePos;
+ }
+void TVirtualCursor::Draw(CBitmapContext& aGc, const TRect& /*aTargetRect*/, const TSize& /*aSize*/)
+ {
+ if(iIsOn && iCBmp != NULL)
+ {
+ const TRect rect(TPoint(0, 0), iCBmp->SizeInPixels());
+ aGc.AlphaBlendBitmaps(iPos, iCBmp, rect, iAlpha, TPoint(0, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ public:
+ TSdlClass();
+ void SetMain(const TMainFunc& aFunc, TInt aFlags, MSDLMainObs* aObs, TInt aExeFlags);
+ TInt SdlFlags() const;
+ const TMainFunc& Main() const;
+ void SendEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam, CSDL* aSDL);
+ TInt AppFlags() const;
+ void AppFlags(TInt aFlags);
+ private:
+ TMainFunc iFunc;
+ TInt iSdlFlags;
+ TInt iExeFlags;
+ MSDLMainObs* iObs;
+ };
+void TSdlClass::AppFlags(TInt aFlags)
+ {
+ iExeFlags |= aFlags;
+ }
+void TSdlClass::SendEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam, CSDL* aSDL)
+ {
+ if(iObs != NULL)
+ iObs->SDLMainEvent(aEvent, aParam, aSDL);
+ }
+TInt TSdlClass::AppFlags() const
+ {
+ return iExeFlags;
+ }
+void TSdlClass::SetMain(const TMainFunc& aFunc, TInt aFlags, MSDLMainObs* aObs, TInt aExeFlags)
+ {
+ iFunc = aFunc;
+ iSdlFlags = aFlags;
+ iExeFlags = aExeFlags;
+ iObs = aObs;
+ }
+const TMainFunc& TSdlClass::Main() const
+ {
+ return iFunc;
+ }
+ TInt TSdlClass::SdlFlags() const
+ {
+ return iSdlFlags;
+ }
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ(this, sizeof(this));
+ }
+TSdlClass gSDLClass;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSDLApplication) : public CAknApplication
+ {
+ public:
+ CSDLApplication();
+ private:
+ CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL();
+ TFileName ResourceFileName() const;
+ TUid AppDllUid() const;
+ void FindMeL();
+ TUid iUid;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSDLDocument) : public CEikDocument
+ {
+ public:
+ CSDLDocument(CEikApplication& aApp);
+ private:
+ CEikAppUi* CreateAppUiL();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void DoExit(TInt aErr) = 0;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CExitWait) : public CActive
+ {
+ public:
+ CExitWait(MExitWait& aWait);
+ ~CExitWait();
+ private:
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ private:
+ MExitWait& iWait;
+ TRequestStatus* iStatusPtr;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSDLWin) : public CCoeControl
+ {
+ public:
+ void ConstructL(const TRect& aRect);
+ RWindow& GetWindow() const;
+ void SetNoDraw();
+ private:
+ void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
+ private:
+ TBool iNoDraw;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSDLAppUi) : public CAknAppUi, public MExitWait, MSDLObserver
+ {
+ public:
+ ~CSDLAppUi();
+ private: // New functions
+ void ConstructL();
+ void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+ void HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination);
+ void HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
+ void DoExit(TInt aErr);
+ TInt SdlEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam);
+ TInt SdlThreadEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt aParam);
+ void StartL();
+ static TBool StartL(TAny* aThis);
+ TBool ParamEditorL(TDes& aCheat);
+ TBool ProcessCommandParametersL(CApaCommandLine &aCommandLine);
+ void PrepareToExit();
+ void HandleConsoleWindowL();
+ void HandleConsoleWindow();
+ void HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground);
+ static TBool IdleRequestL(TAny* aThis);
+ TBool HandleKeyL(const TWsEvent& aEvent);
+ private:
+ CExitWait* iWait;
+ CSDLWin* iSDLWin;
+ CSDL* iSdl;
+ CIdle* iStarter;
+ TBool iExitRequest;
+ CDesC8Array* iParams;
+ TInt iResOffset;
+ CIdle* iIdle;
+ TInt iStdOut;
+ TVirtualCursor iCursor;
+ CFbsBitmap* iCBmp;
+ CFbsBitmap* iAlpha;
+ // TTime iLastPress;
+ // CSDL::TOrientationMode iOrientation;
+ };
+CApaDocument* CSDLApplication::CreateDocumentL()
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CSDLDocument(*this);
+ }
+TUid CSDLApplication::AppDllUid() const
+ {
+ return iUid;
+ }
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, FindMeL());
+ ASSERT(err == KErrNone);
+ }
+void CSDLApplication::FindMeL()
+ {
+ RApaLsSession apa;
+ User::LeaveIfError(apa.Connect());
+ CleanupClosePushL(apa);
+ User::LeaveIfError(apa.GetAllApps());
+ TFileName name = RProcess().FileName();
+ TApaAppInfo info;
+ while(apa.GetNextApp(info) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(info.iFullName.CompareF(name) == 0)
+ {
+ iUid = info.iUid;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+TFileName CSDLApplication::ResourceFileName() const
+ {
+ return KNullDesC();
+ }
+CExitWait::CExitWait(MExitWait& aWait) : CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iWait(aWait)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ SetActive();
+ iStatusPtr = &iStatus;
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CExitWait::RunL()
+ {
+ if(iStatusPtr != NULL )
+ iWait.DoExit(iStatus.Int());
+ }
+void CExitWait::DoCancel()
+ {
+ if(iStatusPtr != NULL )
+ User::RequestComplete(iStatusPtr , KErrCancel);
+ }
+CSDLDocument::CSDLDocument(CEikApplication& aApp) : CEikDocument(aApp)
+ {}
+CEikAppUi* CSDLDocument::CreateAppUiL()
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CSDLAppUi;
+ }
+void CSDLWin:: ConstructL(const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ CreateWindowL();
+ SetRect(aRect);
+ ActivateL();
+ }
+RWindow& CSDLWin::GetWindow() const
+ {
+ return Window();
+ }
+void CSDLWin::Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const
+ {
+ if(!iNoDraw)
+ {
+ CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+ gc.SetPenStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidPen);
+ gc.SetPenColor(KRgbGray);
+ gc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
+ gc.SetBrushColor(0xaaaaaa);
+ gc.DrawRect(Rect());
+ }
+ }
+void CSDLWin::SetNoDraw()
+ {
+ iNoDraw = ETrue;
+ }
+ {
+ if(iIdle)
+ iIdle->Cancel();
+ delete iIdle;
+ if(iStarter != NULL)
+ iStarter->Cancel();
+ delete iStarter;
+ delete iWait;
+ delete iSdl;
+ delete iSDLWin;
+ delete iParams;
+ delete iCBmp;
+ delete iAlpha;
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::ConstructL()
+ {
+ BaseConstructL(ENoAppResourceFile | ENoScreenFurniture);
+ RLibrary lib;
+ User::LeaveIfError(lib.Load(_L("sdlexe.dll")));
+ TFileName name = lib.FileName();
+ lib.Close();
+ name.Replace(3, name.Length() - 3, _L("resource\\apps\\sdlexe.rsc"));
+ BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile(iEikonEnv->FsSession(), name);
+ iResOffset = iCoeEnv->AddResourceFileL(name);
+ name.Replace(name.Length() - 3, 3, _L("mbm"));
+ TEntry e;
+ const TInt err = iEikonEnv->FsSession().Entry(name, e);
+ iCBmp = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL(name, 0);
+ iAlpha = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL(name, 1);
+ iIdle = CIdle::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle);
+ iSDLWin = new (ELeave) CSDLWin;
+ iSDLWin->ConstructL(ApplicationRect());
+ iSdl = CSDL::NewL(gSDLClass.SdlFlags());
+ gSDLClass.SendEvent(MSDLMainObs::ESDLCreated, 0, iSdl);
+ iSdl->SetObserver(this);
+ iSdl->DisableKeyBlocking(*this);
+ iSdl->SetContainerWindowL(
+ iSDLWin->GetWindow(),
+ iEikonEnv->WsSession(),
+ *iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice());
+ iSdl->AppendOverlay(iCursor, 0);
+ iCursor.Set(TRect(TPoint(0, 0), iSDLWin->Size()), iCBmp, iAlpha);
+ iStarter = CIdle::NewL(CActive::EPriorityLow);
+ iStarter->Start(TCallBack(StartL, this));
+ }
+TBool CSDLAppUi::StartL(TAny* aThis)
+ {
+ static_cast<CSDLAppUi*>(aThis)->StartL();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::PrepareToExit()
+ {
+ CAknAppUiBase::PrepareToExit(); //aknappu::PrepareToExit crashes
+ iCoeEnv->DeleteResourceFile(iResOffset);
+ }
+TBool CSDLAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL(CApaCommandLine &aCommandLine)
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 cmdLine = aCommandLine.TailEnd();
+ iParams = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(8);
+ MakeCCmdLineL(cmdLine, *iParams);
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ TBool CSDLAppUi::ParamEditorL(TDes& aCheat)
+ {
+ CAknTextQueryDialog* query = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL(aCheat);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(query);
+ query->SetPromptL(_L("Enter parameters"));
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return query->ExecuteLD(R_PARAMEDITOR);
+ }
+ void CSDLAppUi::StartL()
+ {
+ if(gSDLClass.AppFlags() & SDLEnv::EParamQuery)
+ {
+ TBuf8<256> cmd;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt err = file.Open(iEikonEnv->FsSession(), _L("sdl_param.txt"),EFileRead);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ file.Read(cmd);
+ file.Close();
+ MakeCCmdLineL(cmd, *iParams);
+ }
+ if(err != KErrNone || gSDLClass.AppFlags() & (SDLEnv::EParamQueryDialog ^ SDLEnv::EParamQuery))
+ {
+ TBuf<256> buffer;
+ if(ParamEditorL(buffer))
+ {
+ cmd.Copy(buffer);
+ MakeCCmdLineL(cmd, *iParams);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iWait = new (ELeave) CExitWait(*this);
+ iSdl->CallMainL(gSDLClass.Main(), &iWait->iStatus, iParams, CSDL::ENoParamFlags, 0xA000);
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
+ {
+ switch(aCommand)
+ {
+ case EAknSoftkeyBack:
+ case EAknSoftkeyExit:
+ case EAknCmdExit:
+ case EEikCmdExit:
+ gSDLClass.AppFlags(SDLEnv::EAllowConsoleView);
+ if(iWait == NULL || !iWait->IsActive() || iSdl == NULL)
+ {
+ Exit();
+ }
+ else if(!iExitRequest)
+ {
+ iExitRequest = ETrue; //trick how SDL can be closed!
+ iSdl->Suspend();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CSDLAppUi::HandleKeyL(const TWsEvent& aEvent)
+ {
+ const TInt type = aEvent.Type();
+ if(!(type == EEventKey || type == EEventKeyUp || type == EEventKeyDown))
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ const TKeyEvent& key = *aEvent.Key();
+ if((key.iScanCode == EStdKeyYes) && (gSDLClass.AppFlags() & SDLEnv::EVirtualMouse))
+ {
+ if(type == EEventKeyUp)
+ {
+ iCursor.Toggle();
+ iSdl->RedrawRequest();
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ if(iCursor.IsOn())
+ {
+ switch(key.iScanCode)
+ {
+ case EStdKeyUpArrow:
+ iCursor.Move(0, -1);
+ break;
+ case EStdKeyDownArrow:
+ iCursor.Move(0, 1);
+ break;
+ case EStdKeyLeftArrow:
+ iCursor.Move(-1, 0);
+ break;
+ case EStdKeyRightArrow:
+ iCursor.Move(1, 0);
+ break;
+ case EStdKeyDevice3:
+ if(type == EEventKeyUp)
+ {
+ TWsEvent event;
+ iCursor.MakeEvent(event, iSDLWin->Position());
+ iSdl->AppendWsEvent(event);
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ default:
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ iSdl->RedrawRequest();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ void CSDLAppUi::HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent, CCoeControl* aDestination)
+ {
+ if(iSdl && iWait && HandleKeyL(aEvent))
+ iSdl->AppendWsEvent(aEvent);
+ CAknAppUi::HandleWsEventL(aEvent, aDestination);
+ }
+ void CSDLAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
+ {
+ CAknAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL(aType);
+ if(aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
+ {
+ iSDLWin->SetRect(ApplicationRect());
+ iSdl->SetContainerWindowL(
+ iSDLWin->GetWindow(),
+ iEikonEnv->WsSession(),
+ *iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice());
+ }
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::DoExit(TInt/*Err*/)
+ {
+ iExitRequest = ETrue;
+ Exit();
+ }
+ TInt CSDLAppUi::SdlThreadEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt /*aParam*/)
+ {
+ switch(aEvent)
+ {
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventResume:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventSuspend:
+ if(iExitRequest)
+ return MSDLObserver::ESuspendNoSuspend;
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowReserved:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowNotAvailable:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventScreenSizeChanged:
+ break;
+ }
+ return MSDLObserver::EParameterNone;
+ }
+TInt CSDLAppUi::SdlEvent(TInt aEvent, TInt /*aParam*/)
+ {
+ switch(aEvent)
+ {
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventResume:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventSuspend:
+ if(iExitRequest)
+ return MSDLObserver::ESuspendNoSuspend;
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowReserved:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventWindowNotAvailable:
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(HandleConsoleWindowL());
+ }
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventScreenSizeChanged:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventKeyMapInit:
+ break;
+ case MSDLObserver::EEventMainExit:
+ if(iStdOut != 0)
+ {
+ gSDLClass.AppFlags(SDLEnv::EAllowConsoleView);
+ iEikonEnv->WsSession().SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(iStdOut, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return MSDLObserver::EParameterNone;
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
+ {
+ CAknAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(aForeground);
+ if(!aForeground)
+ HandleConsoleWindow();
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::HandleConsoleWindow()
+ {
+ if(!iIdle->IsActive())
+ iIdle->Start(TCallBack(IdleRequestL, this));
+ }
+TBool CSDLAppUi::IdleRequestL(TAny* aThis)
+ {
+ static_cast<CSDLAppUi*>(aThis)->HandleConsoleWindowL();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+void CSDLAppUi::HandleConsoleWindowL()
+ {
+ if(gSDLClass.AppFlags() & SDLEnv::EAllowConsoleView)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ RWsSession& ses = iEikonEnv->WsSession();
+ const TInt focus = ses.GetFocusWindowGroup();
+ CApaWindowGroupName* name = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(ses, focus);
+ const TPtrC caption = name->Caption();
+ if(0 == caption.CompareF(_L("STDOUT")))
+ {
+ iStdOut = focus;
+ ses.SetWindowGroupOrdinalPosition(iEikonEnv->RootWin().Identifier(), 0);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //name
+ }
+CApaApplication* NewApplication()
+ {
+ return new CSDLApplication();
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt SDLEnv::SetMain(const TMainFunc& aFunc, TInt aSdlFlags, MSDLMainObs* aObs, TInt aSdlExeFlags)
+ {
+ gSDLClass.SetMain(aFunc, aSdlFlags, aObs, aSdlExeFlags);
+ return EikStart::RunApplication(NewApplication);
+ }
+TInt SDLUiPrint(const TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdllib.cpp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdllib.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c09996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/sdllib.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+GLREF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ return SDLEnv::SetMain(SDL_main, CSDL::EEnableFocusStop | CSDL::EAllowImageResize,
+ NULL, SDLEnv::EParamQuery | SDLEnv::EVirtualMouse);
+ }
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.cpp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72c3b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ vectorbuffer.cpp
+ yet another circle buffer
+ Markus Mertama
+void VectorPanic(TInt aErr, TInt aLine)
+ {
+ TBuf<64> b;
+ b.Format(_L("vector buffer at % d "), aLine);
+ User::Panic(b, aErr);
+ }
+void TNodeBuffer::TNode::Terminator(TNodeBuffer::TNode* aNode)
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(iSucc, &aNode, sizeof(TNode*));
+ }
+TInt TNodeBuffer::TNode::Size() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iSucc) - Ptr();
+ }
+const TUint8* TNodeBuffer::TNode::Ptr() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(this) + sizeof(TNode);
+ }
+TNodeBuffer::TNode* TNodeBuffer::TNode::Empty(TUint8* aBuffer)
+ {
+ TNode* node = reinterpret_cast<TNode*>(aBuffer);
+ node->iSucc = node + 1;
+ return node;
+ }
+ TNodeBuffer::TNode* TNodeBuffer::TNode::New(TNode* aPred, const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ TNode* node = aPred->Size() == 0 ? aPred : aPred->iSucc;
+ TUint8* start = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(node) + sizeof(TNode);
+ node->iSucc = reinterpret_cast<TNode*>(start + aData.Size());
+ node->iSucc->iSucc = NULL; //terminator
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(node->Size() == aData.Size(), VECPANIC(KErrCorrupt));
+ Mem::Copy(start, aData.Ptr(), aData.Size());
+ return node;
+ }
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.h b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8be58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ vectorbuffer.cpp
+ yet another circle buffer
+ Markus Mertama
+#ifndef __VECTORBUFFER_H__
+#define __VECTORBUFFER_H__
+#define VLOG(x)
+#define VECPANIC(x) VectorPanic(x, __LINE__)
+void VectorPanic(TInt, TInt);
+//int DEBUG_INT;
+ {
+ public:
+ protected:
+ {
+ public:
+ static TNode* Empty(TUint8* iBuffer);
+ static TNode* New(TNode* aPrev, const TDesC8& aData);
+ const TUint8* Ptr() const;
+ TInt Size() const;
+ inline TNode* Succ();
+ static void SetSucc(TNode*& aNode);
+ void Terminator(TNode* aNode);
+ private:
+ TNode* iSucc;
+ };
+ };
+inline TNodeBuffer::TNode* TNodeBuffer::TNode::Succ()
+ {
+ return iSucc;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TVectorBuffer) : public TNodeBuffer
+ {
+ public:
+ TVectorBuffer();
+ TInt Append(const TDesC8& aData);
+ // TInt AppendOverwrite(const TDesC8& aData);
+ TPtrC8 Shift();
+ TPtrC8 operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
+ TInt Size() const;
+ private:
+ TInt GetRoom(TInt aSize) const;
+ TInt Unreserved() const;
+ private:
+ TNode* iTop;
+ TNode* iBottom;
+ TInt iSize;
+ TUint8 iBuffer[C];
+ };
+template <TInt C>
+TVectorBuffer<C>::TVectorBuffer() : iSize(0)
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ(iBuffer, C);
+ iTop = TNode::Empty(iBuffer); //these points to buffer
+ iBottom = TNode::Empty(iBuffer);
+ }
+template<TInt C >
+TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Unreserved() const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBottom < iBottom->Succ(), VECPANIC(KErrCorrupt));
+ const TInt bytesbetween =
+ reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iBottom->Succ()) -
+ reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iTop);
+ const TInt topsize = sizeof(TNode);
+ if(bytesbetween > 0) //bytesbetween is room between bottom and top
+ { //therefore free room is subracted from free space
+ const TInt room = C - bytesbetween - topsize;
+ return room;
+ }
+ if(bytesbetween == 0)
+ {
+ if(Size() > 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return C - topsize;
+ }
+ const TInt room = -bytesbetween - topsize; //free is space between pointers
+ return room;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::GetRoom(TInt aSize) const
+ {
+ const TInt bytesnew = sizeof(TNode) + aSize;
+ const TInt room = Unreserved() - bytesnew;
+ return room;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Append(const TDesC8& aData) //ei ole ok!
+ {
+ const TInt len = aData.Length();
+ if(GetRoom(len) < 0)
+ {
+ return KErrOverflow;
+ }
+ if(iBottom->Succ()->Ptr() - iBuffer > (C - (len + TInt(sizeof(TNode)))))
+ {
+ VLOG("rc");
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("vector: append"));
+ TNode* p = TNode::Empty(iBuffer);
+ iBottom->Terminator(p);
+ iBottom = p;
+ return Append(aData);
+ // Append();
+ // iBottom = TNode::New(p, aData); //just append something into end
+ }
+ //DEBUG_INT++;
+ iBottom = TNode::New(iBottom, aData);
+ iSize += len;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::AppendOverwrite(const TDesC8& aData) //ei ole ok!
+ {
+ while(Append(aData) == KErrOverflow)
+ {
+ if(iTop->Succ() == NULL)
+ {
+ return KErrUnderflow;
+ }
+ //Shift(); //data is lost
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TPtrC8 TVectorBuffer<C>::Shift()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iTop->Succ() != NULL, VECPANIC(KErrUnderflow)); //can never pass-by bottom
+ TNode* node = iTop;
+ iTop = iTop->Succ();
+ if(iTop > node)
+ {
+ // DEBUG_INT--;
+ iSize -= node->Size();
+ return TPtrC8(node->Ptr(), node->Size());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("vector: shift"));
+ return Shift(); //this happens when buffer is terminated, and data lies in next
+ }
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Size() const
+ {
+ return iSize;
+ }
+template <TInt C>
+TPtrC8 TVectorBuffer<C>::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ TInt index = 0;
+ TNode* t = iTop->Size() > 0 ? iTop : iTop->Succ(); //eliminate terminator
+ while(index < aIndex)
+ {
+ TNode* nt = t->Succ();
+ if(nt < t)
+ {
+ nt = nt->Succ();
+ }
+ t = nt;
+ if(t->Size() > 0)
+ index++;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(t->Succ() != NULL, VECPANIC(KErrUnderflow)); //can never pass-by bottom
+ }
+ return t->Ptr();
+ }
+template <class T, TInt C>
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TVector) : public TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>
+ {
+ public:
+ TVector();
+ TInt Append(const T& aData);
+ const T& Shift();
+ TInt Size() const;
+ const T& operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
+ };
+template <class T, TInt C>
+TVector<T, C>::TVector() : TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>()
+ {
+ }
+template <class T, TInt C>
+TInt TVector<T, C>::Append(const T& aData)
+ {
+ const TPckgC<T> data(aData);
+ return TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Append(data);
+ }
+template <class T, TInt C>
+const T& TVector<T, C>::Shift()
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 ptr = TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Shift();
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(ptr.Ptr()));
+ }
+template <class T, TInt C>
+TInt TVector<T, C>::Size() const
+ {
+ return TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Size() / sizeof(T);
+ }
+template <class T, TInt C>
+const T& TVector<T, C>::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+ {
+ const TPtrC8 ptr = TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::operator[](aIndex);
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(ptr.Ptr()));
+ }