path: root/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/symbian/EKA2/dsa_new.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/symbian/EKA2/dsa_new.cpp')
1 files changed, 1443 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/symbian/EKA2/dsa_new.cpp b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/symbian/EKA2/dsa_new.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..638fbe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/sdl-1.2.15/src/video/symbian/EKA2/dsa_new.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1443 @@
+#include "dsa.h"
+#include "sdlepocapi.h"
+#include <cdsb.h>
+LOCAL_C TInt BytesPerPixel(TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ return ((TDisplayModeUtils::NumDisplayModeBitsPerPixel(aMode) - 1) >> 3) + 1;
+ }
+ {
+ public:
+ inline TDsa(const CDsa& aDsa);
+ inline TBool IsFlip() const;
+ inline TBool IsTurn() const;
+ inline const TSize& SwSize() const;
+ inline void Copy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSrc, TInt aBytes, TInt aHeight) const;
+ private:
+ const CDsa& iDsa;
+ };
+inline TDsa::TDsa(const CDsa& aDsa) : iDsa(aDsa)
+ {
+ }
+inline TBool TDsa::IsTurn() const
+ {
+ return iDsa.iStateFlags & CDsa::EOrientation90;
+ }
+inline TBool TDsa::IsFlip() const
+ {
+ return iDsa.iStateFlags & CDsa::EOrientation180;
+ }
+inline const TSize& TDsa::SwSize() const
+ {
+ return iDsa.SwSize();
+ }
+inline void TDsa::Copy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSrc, TInt aBytes, TInt aHeight) const
+ {
+ iDsa.iCopyFunction(iDsa, aTarget, aSrc, aBytes, aHeight);
+ }
+template<class T, class S>
+void ClipCopy(const TDsa& iDsa, TUint8* aTarget,
+ const TUint8* aSource,
+ const TRect& aUpdateRect,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect)
+ {
+ const S* source = reinterpret_cast<const S*>(aSource);
+ const TInt lineWidth = aSourceRect.Width();
+ source += (aUpdateRect.iTl.iY * lineWidth);
+ const TInt sourceStartOffset = aUpdateRect.iTl.iX;
+ source += sourceStartOffset;
+ T* targetPtr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(aTarget);
+ const TInt scanLineWidth = iDsa.SwSize().iWidth;
+ targetPtr += (aSourceRect.iTl.iY + aUpdateRect.iTl.iY ) * scanLineWidth;
+ const TInt targetStartOffset = (aUpdateRect.iTl.iX + aSourceRect.iTl.iX);
+ targetPtr += targetStartOffset;
+ const TInt height = aUpdateRect.Height();
+ const TInt lineMove = iDsa.IsTurn() ? 1 : lineWidth;
+ const TInt copyLen = aUpdateRect.Width();
+ if(iDsa.IsFlip())
+ {
+ targetPtr += scanLineWidth * (height - 1);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iDsa.Copy(reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(targetPtr), reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(source), copyLen, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr -= scanLineWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iDsa.Copy(reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(targetPtr), reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(source), copyLen, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr += scanLineWidth; // >> 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ public:
+ CDsaA(RWsSession& aSession);
+ private:
+ ~CDsaA();
+ TUint8* LockSurface();
+ void UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete();
+ void UnlockHwSurface();
+ void CreateSurfaceL();
+ void Wipe(TInt aLength);
+ void Free();
+ void Update(CFbsBitmap& aBmp);
+ void ConstructL(RWindow& aWindow, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice);
+ TInt ExternalUpdate();
+ // void ExternalUpdate();
+ protected:
+ CFbsBitmap* iBmp;
+ CFbsBitmap* iCopyBmp;
+ };
+CDsaA::CDsaA(RWsSession& aSession) : CDsa(aSession)
+ {
+ }
+void CDsaA::Free()
+ {
+ delete iBmp;
+ iBmp = NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBmp == NULL, PANIC(KErrNotReady));
+ delete iCopyBmp;
+ }
+TUint8* CDsaA::LockSurface()
+ {
+ iBmp->LockHeap();
+ return reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(iBmp->DataAddress());
+ }
+void CDsaA::UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete()
+ {
+ PANIC(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+void CDsaA::UnlockHwSurface()
+ {
+ iBmp->UnlockHeap();
+ SetUpdating(EFalse);
+ Update(*iBmp);
+ }
+void CDsaA::Update(CFbsBitmap& aBmp)
+ {
+ if(!Blitter(aBmp))
+ {
+ if(SwSize() == HwRect().Size())
+ Dsa().Gc()->BitBlt(HwRect().iTl, &aBmp);
+ else
+ Dsa().Gc()->DrawBitmap(HwRect(), &aBmp);
+ }
+ DrawOverlays();
+ Dsa().ScreenDevice()->Update();
+ }
+void CDsaA::CreateSurfaceL()
+ {
+ delete iBmp;
+ iBmp = NULL;
+ iBmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iBmp->Create(SwSize(), DisplayMode()));
+ }
+void CDsaA::Wipe(TInt aLength) //dont call in drawing
+ {
+ iBmp->LockHeap();
+ Mem::FillZ(iBmp->DataAddress(), aLength);
+ iBmp->UnlockHeap();
+ }
+TInt CDsaA::ExternalUpdate()
+ {
+ if(iCopyBmp->Handle() == 0)
+ {
+ const TInt err = iCopyBmp->Duplicate(iBmp->Handle());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ return err;
+ }
+ Update(*iCopyBmp);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CDsaA::ConstructL(RWindow& aWindow, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice)
+ {
+ iCopyBmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ CDsa::ConstructL(aWindow, aDevice);
+ }
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void SurfaceReady() = 0;
+ virtual CDirectScreenBitmap& Dsb() = 0;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDsbSurface) : public CActive
+ {
+ public:
+ CDsbSurface(MDsbObs& aDsb);
+ TUint8* Address();
+ void Complete();
+ ~CDsbSurface();
+ private:
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ private:
+ MDsbObs& iDsb;
+ TUint8* iAddress;
+ };
+CDsbSurface::CDsbSurface(MDsbObs& aDsb) : CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh) , iDsb(aDsb)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CDsbSurface::Complete()
+ {
+ if(iAddress != NULL && !IsActive())
+ {
+ iAddress = NULL;
+ SetActive();
+ iDsb.Dsb().EndUpdate(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+TUint8* CDsbSurface::Address()
+ {
+ if(iAddress == NULL && !IsActive())
+ {
+ TAcceleratedBitmapInfo info;
+ if(KErrNone == iDsb.Dsb().BeginUpdate(info))
+ iAddress = info.iAddress;
+ }
+ return iAddress;
+ }
+void CDsbSurface::RunL()
+ {
+ iDsb.SurfaceReady();
+ }
+void CDsbSurface::DoCancel()
+ {
+ //empty
+ }
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDsaB) : public CDsa, public MDsbObs
+ {
+ public:
+ CDsaB(RWsSession& aSession, TInt aFlags);
+ private:
+ ~CDsaB();
+ TUint8* LockSurface();
+ void UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete();
+ void UnlockHwSurface();
+ void CreateSurfaceL();
+ void Wipe(TInt aLength);
+ void RecreateL();
+ void ConstructL(RWindow& aWindow, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice);
+ CDirectScreenBitmap& Dsb();
+ void SurfaceReady();
+ TInt ExternalUpdate();
+ private:
+ CDsbSurface* iSurface1;
+ CDsbSurface* iSurface2;
+ CDirectScreenBitmap* iDsb;
+ TInt iType;
+ };
+CDsaB::CDsaB(RWsSession& aSession, TInt aFlags) : CDsa(aSession), iType(aFlags)
+ {
+ }
+void CDsaB::UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete()
+ {
+ iSurface1->Complete();
+ if(iSurface2 != NULL)
+ iSurface2->Complete();
+ }
+void CDsaB::CreateSurfaceL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(SwSize() == HwRect().Size(), PANIC(KErrNotSupported));
+ }
+void CDsaB::Wipe(TInt aLength) //dont call in drawing
+ {
+ TUint8* addr = LockSurface();
+ if(addr != NULL)
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ(addr, aLength);
+ UnlockHwSurface();
+ }
+ }
+void CDsaB::UnlockHwSurface()
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::Request(CDsa::ERequestUpdate);
+ }
+TUint8* CDsaB::LockSurface()
+ {
+ TUint8* addr = iSurface1->Address();
+ if(addr == NULL && iSurface2 != NULL)
+ addr = iSurface2->Address();
+ SetUpdating(addr == NULL);
+ return addr;
+ }
+void CDsaB::SurfaceReady()
+ {
+ SetUpdating(EFalse);
+ }
+CDirectScreenBitmap& CDsaB::Dsb()
+ {
+ return *iDsb;
+ }
+void CDsaB::ConstructL(RWindow& aWindow, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice)
+ {
+ if(iDsb == NULL)
+ iDsb = CDirectScreenBitmap::NewL();
+ CDsa::ConstructL(aWindow, aDevice);
+ if(iSurface1 == NULL)
+ iSurface1 = new (ELeave) CDsbSurface(*this);
+ if(iSurface2 == NULL && iType & CDirectScreenBitmap::EDoubleBuffer)
+ iSurface2 = new (ELeave) CDsbSurface(*this);
+ }
+ {
+ delete iSurface1;
+ delete iSurface2;
+ delete iDsb;
+ }
+void CDsaB::RecreateL()
+ {
+ iDsb->Close();
+ iDsb->Create(HwRect(), CDirectScreenBitmap::TSettingsFlags(iType));
+ }
+TInt CDsaB::ExternalUpdate()
+ {
+ if(LockSurface())
+ {
+ UnlockHWSurfaceRequestComplete();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+CDsa* CDsa::CreateL(RWsSession& aSession)
+ {
+ if(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EDrawModeDSB))
+ {
+ TInt flags = CDirectScreenBitmap::ENone;
+ if(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EDrawModeDSBDoubleBuffer))
+ flags |= CDirectScreenBitmap::EDoubleBuffer;
+ if(EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EDrawModeDSBIncrentalUpdate))
+ flags |= CDirectScreenBitmap::EIncrementalUpdate;
+ return new (ELeave) CDsaB(aSession, flags);
+ }
+ else
+ return new (ELeave) CDsaA(aSession);
+ }
+void CDsa::RecreateL()
+ {
+ }
+void CDsa::Free()
+ {
+ }
+TSize CDsa::WindowSize() const
+ {
+ TSize size = iSwSize;
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation90)
+ {
+ const TInt tmp = size.iWidth;
+ size.iWidth = size.iHeight;
+ size.iHeight = tmp;
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+void CDsa::SetSuspend()
+ {
+ iStateFlags |= ESdlThreadSuspend;
+ }
+void CDsa::ReleaseStop()
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~ESdlThreadExplicitStop;
+ }
+TBool CDsa::Stopped() const
+ {
+ return (iStateFlags & ESdlThreadExplicitStop);
+ }
+void CDsa::SetOrientation(CSDL::TOrientationMode aOrientation)
+ {
+ TInt flags = 0;
+ switch(aOrientation)
+ {
+ case CSDL::EOrientation90:
+ flags = EOrientation90;
+ break;
+ case CSDL::EOrientation180:
+ flags = EOrientation180;
+ break;
+ case CSDL::EOrientation270:
+ flags = EOrientation90 | EOrientation180;
+ break;
+ case CSDL::EOrientation0:
+ flags = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(flags != (iStateFlags & EOrientationFlags))
+ {
+ iStateFlags |= EOrientationChanged;
+ iNewFlags = flags; //cannot be set during drawing...
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ if(iDsa != NULL)
+ {
+ iDsa->Cancel();
+ }
+ iOverlays.Close();
+ delete iDsa;
+ User::Free(iLut256);
+ }
+void CDsa::ConstructL(RWindow& aWindow, CWsScreenDevice& aDevice)
+ {
+ if(iDsa != NULL)
+ {
+ iDsa->Cancel();
+ delete iDsa;
+ iDsa = NULL;
+ }
+ iDsa = CDirectScreenAccess::NewL(
+ iSession,
+ aDevice,
+ aWindow,
+ *this);
+ if(iLut256 == NULL)
+ iLut256 = (TUint32*) User::AllocL(256 * sizeof(TUint32));
+ iTargetMode = aWindow.DisplayMode();
+ iTargetBpp = BytesPerPixel(DisplayMode());
+ iScreenRect = TRect(aWindow.Position(), aWindow.Size());
+ SetTargetRect();
+ RestartL();
+ }
+void CDsa::DrawOverlays()
+ {
+ const TInt last = iOverlays.Count() - 1;
+ for(TInt i = last; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ iOverlays[i].iOverlay->Draw(*iDsa->Gc(), HwRect(), SwSize());
+ }
+TInt CDsa::AppendOverlay(MOverlay& aOverlay, TInt aPriority)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for(i = 0; i < iOverlays.Count() && iOverlays[i].iPriority < aPriority; i++)
+ {}
+ const TOverlay overlay = {&aOverlay, aPriority};
+ return iOverlays.Insert(overlay, i);
+ }
+TInt CDsa::RemoveOverlay(MOverlay& aOverlay)
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < iOverlays.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ if(iOverlays[i].iOverlay == &aOverlay)
+ {
+ iOverlays.Remove(i);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+void CDsa::LockPalette(TBool aLock)
+ {
+ if(aLock)
+ iStateFlags |= EPaletteLocked;
+ else
+ iStateFlags &= ~EPaletteLocked;
+ }
+TInt CDsa::SetPalette(TInt aFirst, TInt aCount, TUint32* aPalette)
+ {
+ if(iLut256 == NULL)
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ const TInt count = aCount - aFirst;
+ if(count > 256)
+ return KErrArgument;
+ if(iStateFlags & EPaletteLocked)
+ return KErrNone;
+ for(TInt i = aFirst; i < count; i++) //not so busy here:-)
+ {
+ iLut256[i] = aPalette[i];
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CDsa::RestartL()
+ {
+ //const TBool active = iDsa->IsActive();
+ //if(!active)
+ iDsa->StartL();
+ const RRegion* r = iDsa->DrawingRegion();
+ const TRect rect = r->BoundingRect();
+ iDsa->Gc()->SetClippingRegion(r);
+ if(rect != iScreenRect)
+ {
+ // iDsa->Cancel();
+ return ;
+ }
+ //iScreenRect = rect; //to ensure properly set, albeit may not(?) match to value SDL has - therefore may has to clip
+ //targetrect shall no change
+ SetTargetRect();
+ RecreateL();
+ iStateFlags |= ERunning;
+ ReleaseStop();
+ if(iStateFlags & ESdlThreadSuspend)
+ {
+ EpocSdlEnv::Resume();
+ iStateFlags &= ~ ESdlThreadSuspend;
+ }
+ EpocSdlEnv::ObserverEvent(MSDLObserver::EEventWindowReserved);
+ }
+CDsa::CDsa(RWsSession& aSession) :
+ iSession(aSession),
+ iStateFlags(0)
+ {
+// CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ iCFTable[0] = CopyMem;
+ iCFTable[1] = CopyMemFlipReversed;
+ iCFTable[2] = CopyMemReversed;
+ iCFTable[3] = CopyMemFlip;
+ iCFTable[4] = Copy256;
+ iCFTable[5] = Copy256FlipReversed;
+ iCFTable[6] = Copy256Reversed;
+ iCFTable[7] = Copy256Flip;
+ iCFTable[8] = CopySlow;
+ iCFTable[9] = CopySlowFlipReversed;
+ iCFTable[10] = CopySlowReversed;
+ iCFTable[11] = CopySlowFlip;
+ }
+RWsSession& CDsa::Session()
+ {
+ return iSession;
+ }
+TInt CDsa::RedrawRequest()
+ {
+ if(!(iStateFlags & (EUpdating) && (iStateFlags & ERunning)))
+ {
+ return ExternalUpdate();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+TUint8* CDsa::LockHwSurface()
+ {
+ if((iStateFlags & EUpdating) == 0) //else frame is skipped
+ {
+ return LockSurface();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CDsa::RunL()
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~EUpdating;
+ }
+void CDsa::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~EUpdating;
+ //nothing can do, just wait?
+ }
+TInt CDsa::AllocSurface(TBool aHwSurface, const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ if(aHwSurface && aMode != DisplayMode())
+ return KErrArgument;
+ iSourceMode = aMode;
+ iSourceBpp = BytesPerPixel(aMode);
+ const TSize size = WindowSize();
+ if(aSize.iWidth > size.iWidth)
+ return KErrTooBig;
+ if(aSize.iHeight > size.iHeight)
+ return KErrTooBig;
+ TRAPD(err, CreateSurfaceL());
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ return err;
+ SetCopyFunction();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+void CDsa::CreateZoomerL(const TSize& aSize)
+ {
+ iSwSize = aSize;
+ iStateFlags |= EResizeRequest;
+ CreateSurfaceL();
+ SetTargetRect();
+ }
+void SaveBmp(const TDesC& aName, const TAny* aData, TInt aLength, const TSize& aSz, TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* s = new CFbsBitmap();
+ s->Create(aSz, aMode);
+ s->LockHeap();
+ TUint32* addr = s->DataAddress();
+ Mem::Copy(addr, aData, aLength);
+ s->UnlockHeap();
+ s->Save(aName);
+ s->Reset();
+ delete s;
+ }
+void SaveBmp(const TDesC& aName, const TUint32* aData, const TSize& aSz)
+ {
+ CFbsBitmap* s = new CFbsBitmap();
+ s->Create(aSz, EColor64K);
+ TBitmapUtil bmp(s);
+ bmp.Begin(TPoint(0, 0));
+ for(TInt j = 0; j < aSz.iHeight; j++)
+ {
+ bmp.SetPos(TPoint(0, j));
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < aSz.iWidth; i++)
+ {
+ bmp.SetPixel(*aData);
+ aData++;
+ bmp.IncXPos();
+ }
+ }
+ bmp.End();
+ s->Save(aName);
+ s->Reset();
+ delete s;
+ }
+TBuf<16> FooName(TInt aFoo)
+ {
+ TBuf<16> b;
+ b.Format(_L("C:\\pic%d.mbm"), aFoo);
+ return b;
+ }
+void ClipCopy(TUint8* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, const TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aTargetPos)
+ {
+ const TInt iSourceBpp = 1;
+ const TInt iTargetBpp = 4;
+ const TInt iScanLineWidth = 800;
+ TUint8* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint8* source = aSource;
+ const TInt lineWidth = aRect.Width();
+ source += iSourceBpp * (aRect.iTl.iY * lineWidth);
+ const TInt sourceStartOffset = iSourceBpp * aRect.iTl.iX;
+ source += sourceStartOffset;
+ target += iTargetBpp * ((aTargetPos.iY + aRect.iTl.iY ) * lineWidth);
+ const TInt targetStartOffset = iTargetBpp * (aRect.iTl.iX + aTargetPos.iX);
+ target += targetStartOffset;
+ TUint32* targetPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(target);
+ const TInt targetWidth = iScanLineWidth >> 2;
+ const TInt height = aRect.Height();
+ }
+void CDsa::ClipCopy(TUint8* aTarget,
+ const TUint8* aSource,
+ const TRect& aUpdateRect,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect) const
+ {
+ //TUint8* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint32* source = (const TUint32*) aSource;
+ const TInt lineWidth = aSourceRect.Width();
+ source += (aUpdateRect.iTl.iY * lineWidth);
+ const TInt sourceStartOffset = aUpdateRect.iTl.iX;
+ source += sourceStartOffset;
+ TUint32* targetPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(aTarget);
+ targetPtr += (aSourceRect.iTl.iY + aUpdateRect.iTl.iY ) * SwSize().iWidth;
+ const TInt targetStartOffset = (aUpdateRect.iTl.iX + aSourceRect.iTl.iX);
+ targetPtr += targetStartOffset;
+// TUint32* targetPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(target);
+ const TInt targetWidth32 = SwSize().iWidth;
+ const TInt height = aUpdateRect.Height();
+ const TInt lineMove = iStateFlags & EOrientation90 ? 1 : lineWidth;
+ const TInt copyLen = aUpdateRect.Width();
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation180)
+ {
+ targetPtr += targetWidth32 * (height - 1);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iCopyFunction(*this, targetPtr, (TUint8*)source, copyLen, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr -= targetWidth32;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iCopyFunction(*this, targetPtr, (TUint8*)source, copyLen, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr += targetWidth32; // >> 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::ClipCopy(TUint8* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, const TRect& aRect, const TPoint& aTargetPos) const
+ {
+ TUint8* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint8* source = aSource;
+ const TInt lineWidth = aRect.Width();
+ source += iSourceBpp * (aRect.iTl.iY * lineWidth);
+ TInt sourceStartOffset = iSourceBpp * aRect.iTl.iX;
+ source += sourceStartOffset;
+ target += iTargetBpp * ((aTargetPos.iY + aRect.iTl.iY ) * lineWidth);
+ TInt targetStartOffset = iTargetBpp * (aRect.iTl.iX + aTargetPos.iX);
+ target += targetStartOffset;
+ TUint32* targetPtr = reinterpret_cast<TUint32*>(target);
+ const TInt targetWidth = iScanLineWidth >> 2;
+ const TInt height = aRect.Height();
+ TInt lineMove = iStateFlags & EOrientation90 ? 1 : lineWidth;
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation180)
+ {
+ targetPtr += targetWidth * (height - 1);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iCopyFunction(*this, targetPtr, source, lineWidth, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr -= targetWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < height; i++) //source is always smaller
+ {
+ iCopyFunction(*this, targetPtr, source, lineWidth, height);
+ source += lineMove;
+ targetPtr += targetWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+void CDsa::ClipCopy(TUint8* aTarget,
+ const TUint8* aSource,
+ const TRect& aUpdateRect,
+ const TRect& aSourceRect) const
+ {
+ const TDsa dsa(*this);
+ switch(iSourceBpp)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ ::ClipCopy<TUint32, TUint8>(dsa, aTarget, aSource, aUpdateRect, aSourceRect);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ::ClipCopy<TUint32, TUint16>(dsa, aTarget, aSource, aUpdateRect, aSourceRect);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ::ClipCopy<TUint32, TUint32>(dsa, aTarget, aSource, aUpdateRect, aSourceRect);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::Wipe() //dont call in drawing
+ {
+ if(IsDsaAvailable())
+ Wipe(iTargetBpp * SwSize().iWidth * SwSize().iHeight);
+ }
+void CDsa::SetCopyFunction()
+ {
+ //calculate offset to correct function in iCFTable according to given parameters
+ TInt function = 0;
+ const TInt KCopyFunctions = 4;
+ const TInt KOffsetToNative = 0;
+ const TInt KOffsetTo256 = KOffsetToNative + KCopyFunctions;
+ const TInt KOffsetToOtherModes = KOffsetTo256 + KCopyFunctions;
+ const TInt KOffsetTo90Functions = 1;
+ const TInt KOffsetTo180Functions = 2;
+ if(iSourceMode == DisplayMode())
+ function = KOffsetToNative; //0
+ else if(iSourceMode == EColor256)
+ function = KOffsetTo256; //4
+ else
+ function = KOffsetToOtherModes; //8
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation90)
+ function += KOffsetTo90Functions; // + 1
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation180)
+ function += KOffsetTo180Functions; //+ 2
+ iCopyFunction = iCFTable[function];
+ Wipe();
+ }
+inline void Rotate(TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ const TInt dx = aRect.iBr.iX - aRect.iTl.iX;
+ const TInt dy = aRect.iBr.iY - aRect.iTl.iY;
+ aRect.iBr.iX = aRect.iTl.iX + dy;
+ aRect.iBr.iY = aRect.iTl.iY + dx;
+ const TInt tmp = aRect.iTl.iX;
+ aRect.iTl.iX = aRect.iTl.iY;
+ aRect.iTl.iY = tmp;
+ }
+int bar = 0;
+TBool CDsa::AddUpdateRect(const TUint8* aBits, const TRect& aUpdateRect, const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientationChanged)
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~EOrientationFlags;
+ iStateFlags |= iNewFlags;
+ SetCopyFunction();
+ iStateFlags &= ~EOrientationChanged;
+ EpocSdlEnv::WaitDeviceChange();
+ return EFalse; //skip this frame as data is may be changed
+ }
+ if(iTargetAddr == NULL)
+ {
+ iTargetAddr = LockHwSurface();
+ }
+ TUint8* target = iTargetAddr;
+ if(target == NULL)
+ return EFalse;
+ TRect targetRect = TRect(TPoint(0, 0), SwSize());
+ TRect sourceRect = aRect;
+ TRect updateRect = aUpdateRect;
+// TPoint move(0, 0);
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation90)
+ {
+ Rotate(sourceRect);
+ Rotate(updateRect);
+ }
+ if(iSourceMode != DisplayMode() || targetRect != sourceRect || targetRect != updateRect || ((iStateFlags & EOrientationFlags) != 0))
+ {
+ sourceRect.Intersection(targetRect); //so source always smaller or equal than target
+ //updateRect.Intersection(targetRect);
+ ClipCopy(target, aBits, updateRect, sourceRect);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TInt byteCount = aRect.Width() * aRect.Height() * iSourceBpp; //this could be stored
+ Mem::Copy(target, aBits, byteCount);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ */
+TBool CDsa::AddUpdateRect(const TUint8* aBits, const TRect& aUpdateRect, const TRect& aRect)
+ {
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientationChanged)
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~EOrientationFlags;
+ iStateFlags |= iNewFlags;
+ SetCopyFunction();
+ iStateFlags &= ~EOrientationChanged;
+ EpocSdlEnv::WaitDeviceChange();
+ return EFalse; //skip this frame as data is may be changed
+ }
+ if(iTargetAddr == NULL)
+ {
+ iTargetAddr = LockHwSurface();
+ }
+ TUint8* target = iTargetAddr;
+ if(target == NULL)
+ return EFalse;
+ TRect targetRect = Rect();
+ TRect sourceRect = aRect;
+ TRect updateRect = aUpdateRect;
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation90)
+ {
+ Rotate(sourceRect);
+ Rotate(updateRect);
+ }
+ if(iSourceMode != DisplayMode() || targetRect != sourceRect || targetRect != updateRect || ((iStateFlags & EOrientationFlags) != 0))
+ {
+ sourceRect.Intersection(targetRect); //so source always smaller or equal than target
+ updateRect.Intersection(targetRect);
+ ClipCopy(target, aBits, updateRect, sourceRect.iTl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TInt byteCount = aRect.Width() * aRect.Height() * iSourceBpp; //this could be stored
+ Mem::Copy(target, aBits, byteCount);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CDsa::UpdateSwSurface()
+ {
+ iTargetAddr = NULL;
+ UnlockHwSurface(); //could be faster if does not use AO, but only check status before redraw, then no context switch needed
+ }
+void CDsa::Resume()
+ {
+ if(Stopped())
+ Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion);
+ }
+void CDsa::DoStop()
+ {
+ if(IsDsaAvailable())
+ iStateFlags |= ESdlThreadExplicitStop;
+ Stop();
+ }
+void CDsa::Stop()
+ {
+ iStateFlags &= ~ERunning;
+// Cancel(); //can be called only from main!
+ iDsa->Cancel();
+ }
+void CDsa::AbortNow(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons /*aReason*/)
+ {
+// iStateFlags |= EChangeNotify;
+ Stop();
+ }
+void CDsa::Restart(RDirectScreenAccess::TTerminationReasons aReason)
+ {
+ if(aReason == RDirectScreenAccess::ETerminateRegion) //auto restart
+ {
+ TRAPD(err, RestartL());
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::SetBlitter(MBlitter* aBlitter)
+ {
+ iBlitter = aBlitter;
+ }
+TPoint CDsa::WindowCoordinates(const TPoint& aPoint) const
+ {
+ TPoint pos = aPoint - iScreenRect.iTl;
+ const TSize asz = iScreenRect.Size();
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation180)
+ {
+ pos.iX = asz.iWidth - pos.iX;
+ pos.iY = asz.iHeight - pos.iY;
+ }
+ if(iStateFlags & EOrientation90)
+ {
+ pos.iX = aPoint.iY;
+ pos.iY = aPoint.iX;
+ }
+ pos.iX <<= 16;
+ pos.iY <<= 16;
+ pos.iX /= asz.iWidth;
+ pos.iY /= asz.iHeight;
+ pos.iX *= iSwSize.iWidth;
+ pos.iY *= iSwSize.iHeight;
+ pos.iX >>= 16;
+ pos.iY >>= 16;
+ return pos;
+ }
+void CDsa::SetTargetRect()
+ {
+ iTargetRect = iScreenRect;
+ if(iStateFlags & EResizeRequest && EpocSdlEnv::Flags(CSDL::EAllowImageResizeKeepRatio))
+ {
+ const TSize asz = iScreenRect.Size();
+ const TSize sz = iSwSize;
+ TRect rect;
+ const TInt dh = (sz.iHeight << 16) / sz.iWidth;
+ if((asz.iWidth * dh ) >> 16 <= asz.iHeight)
+ {
+ rect.SetRect(TPoint(0, 0), TSize(asz.iWidth, (asz.iWidth * dh) >> 16));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TInt dw = (sz.iWidth << 16) / sz.iHeight;
+ rect.SetRect(TPoint(0, 0), TSize((asz.iHeight * dw) >> 16, asz.iHeight));
+ }
+ rect.Move((asz.iWidth - rect.Size().iWidth) >> 1, (asz.iHeight - rect.Size().iHeight) >> 1);
+ iTargetRect = rect;
+ iTargetRect.Move(iScreenRect.iTl);
+ }
+ if(!(iStateFlags & EResizeRequest))
+ iSwSize = iScreenRect.Size();
+// iScanLineWidth = /*iTargetBpp **/ SwSize().iWidth;
+ }
+TBool CDsa::ChangeTrigger()
+ {
+ const TBool change = iStateFlags & EChangeNotify;
+ iStateFlags &= ~EChangeNotify;
+ return change;
+ }
+void CDsa::Copy256(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint32* endt = target + aBytes;
+ const TUint8* source = aSource;
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *target++ = aDsa.iLut256[*source++];
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::Copy256Reversed(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ const TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = aTarget + aBytes;
+ const TUint8* source = aSource;
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *(--endt) = aDsa.iLut256[*source++];
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::Copy256Flip(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint32* endt = target + aBytes;
+ const TUint8* column = aSource;
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *target++ = aDsa.iLut256[*column];
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::Copy256FlipReversed(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ const TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = aTarget + aBytes;
+ const TUint8* column = aSource;
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *(--endt) = aDsa.iLut256[*column];
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::CopyMem(const CDsa& /*aDsa*/, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ const TUint32* src = reinterpret_cast<const TUint32*>(aSource);
+ Mem::Copy(aTarget, src, aBytes << 2);
+ }
+void CDsa::CopyMemFlip(const CDsa& /*aDsa*/, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ const TUint32* endt = target + aBytes;
+ const TUint32* column = reinterpret_cast<const TUint32*>(aSource);
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *target++ = *column;
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::CopyMemReversed(const CDsa& /*aDsa*/, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ const TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = aTarget + aBytes;
+ const TUint32* source = reinterpret_cast<const TUint32*>(aSource);
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *(--endt) = *source++;
+ }
+ }
+void CDsa::CopyMemFlipReversed(const CDsa& /*aDsa*/, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ const TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = aTarget + aBytes;
+ const TUint32* column = reinterpret_cast<const TUint32*>(aSource);
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *(--endt) = *column;
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C TRgb rgb16MA(TInt aValue)
+ {
+ return TRgb::Color16MA(aValue);
+ }
+ {
+ public:
+ virtual void Copy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TBool aReversed) = 0;
+ virtual void FlipCopy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen, TBool aReversed) = 0;
+ };
+template <class T>
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TRgbCopy) : public MRgbCopy
+ {
+ public:
+ TRgbCopy(TDisplayMode aMode);
+ void* operator new(TUint aBytes, TAny* aMem);
+ void Copy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TBool aReversed);
+ void FlipCopy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen, TBool aReversed);
+ static TUint32 Gray256(const TUint8& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color256(const TUint8& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color4K(const TUint16& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color64K(const TUint16& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color16M(const TUint32& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color16MU(const TUint32& aPixel);
+ static TUint32 Color16MA(const TUint32& aPixel);
+ private:
+ typedef TUint32 (*TRgbFunc) (const T& aValue);
+ TRgbFunc iFunc;
+ };
+template <class T>
+void* TRgbCopy<T>::operator new(TUint /*aBytes*/, TAny* aMem)
+ {
+ return aMem;
+ }
+template <class T>
+TRgbCopy<T>::TRgbCopy(TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ switch(aMode)
+ {
+ case EGray256 : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Gray256; break;
+ case EColor256 : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color256; break;
+ case EColor4K : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color4K; break;
+ case EColor64K : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color64K; break;
+ case EColor16M : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color16M; break;
+ case EColor16MU : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color16MU; break;
+ case EColor16MA : iFunc = (TRgbFunc) Color16MA; break;
+ default:
+ PANIC(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+template <class T>
+void TRgbCopy<T>::Copy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TBool aReversed)
+ {
+ const T* source = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(aSource);
+ TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = target + aBytes;
+ if(aReversed)
+ {
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ const T value = *source++;
+ *(--endt) = iFunc(value);//iFunc(value).Value();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ const T value = *source++;
+ *target++ = iFunc(value);//iFunc(value).Value();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class T>
+void TRgbCopy<T>::FlipCopy(TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen, TBool aReversed)
+ {
+ const T* column = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(aSource);
+ TUint32* target = aTarget;
+ TUint32* endt = target + aBytes;
+ if(aReversed)
+ {
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *(--endt) = iFunc(*column);
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(target < endt)
+ {
+ *target++ = iFunc(*column);
+ column += aLineLen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Gray256(const TUint8& aPixel)
+ {
+ const TUint32 px = aPixel << 16 | aPixel << 8 | aPixel;
+ return px;
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color256(const TUint8& aPixel)
+ {
+ return TRgb::Color256(aPixel).Value();
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color4K(const TUint16& aPixel)
+ {
+ TUint32 col = (aPixel & 0xF00) << 12;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0xF00) << 8;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x0F0) << 8;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x0F0);
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x00F) << 4;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x00F);
+ return col;
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color64K(const TUint16& aPixel)
+ {
+ TUint32 col = (aPixel & 0xF800)<< 8;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0xE000) << 3;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x07E0) << 5;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0xC0) >> 1;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x07E0) << 3;
+ col |= (aPixel & 0x1C) >> 2;
+ return col;
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color16M(const TUint32& aPixel)
+ {
+ return TRgb::Color16M(aPixel).Value();
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color16MU(const TUint32& aPixel)
+ {
+ return TRgb::Color16MU(aPixel).Value();
+ }
+template <class T> TUint32 TRgbCopy<T>::Color16MA(const TUint32& aPixel)
+ {
+ return TRgb::Color16MA(aPixel).Value();
+ }
+typedef TUint64 TStackMem;
+LOCAL_C MRgbCopy* GetCopy(TAny* mem, TDisplayMode aMode)
+ {
+ if(aMode == EColor256 || aMode == EGray256)
+ {
+ return new (mem) TRgbCopy<TUint8>(aMode);
+ }
+ if(aMode == EColor4K || aMode == EColor64K)
+ {
+ return new (mem) TRgbCopy<TUint16>(aMode);
+ }
+ if(aMode == EColor16M || aMode == EColor16MU || aMode == EColor16MA)
+ {
+ return new (mem) TRgbCopy<TUint32>(aMode);
+ }
+ PANIC(KErrNotSupported);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+void CDsa::CopySlowFlipReversed(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ TStackMem mem = 0;
+ GetCopy(&mem, aDsa.iSourceMode)->FlipCopy(aTarget, aSource, aBytes, aLineLen, ETrue);
+ }
+void CDsa::CopySlowFlip(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt aLineLen)
+ {
+ TStackMem mem = 0;
+ GetCopy(&mem, aDsa.iSourceMode)->FlipCopy(aTarget, aSource, aBytes, aLineLen, EFalse);
+ }
+void CDsa::CopySlow(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ TStackMem mem = 0;
+ GetCopy(&mem, aDsa.iSourceMode)->Copy(aTarget, aSource, aBytes, EFalse);
+ }
+void CDsa::CopySlowReversed(const CDsa& aDsa, TUint32* aTarget, const TUint8* aSource, TInt aBytes, TInt)
+ {
+ TStackMem mem = 0;
+ GetCopy(&mem, aDsa.iSourceMode)->Copy(aTarget, aSource, aBytes, ETrue);
+ }