path: root/Source/WebCore/rendering
diff options
authorSteve Block <>2011-05-18 16:43:59 +0100
committerSteve Block <>2011-05-25 12:25:47 +0100
commit15f1859ccdb0b25adc4607224a80c99b686fe0bb (patch)
tree9b24e985a39db7162d91c7ee05cff2462ba306f8 /Source/WebCore/rendering
parenta1f6960b1e7568f18887cd35bb3fe6b3b7f69eae (diff)
Merge WebKit at r78450: Fix conflicts in media controls
Conflict due to Android modifications to handle touch events. See Change-Id: I499d66319614af4bc23f1c0f89f072b814503703
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/rendering')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 421 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp b/Source/WebCore/rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp
index 3acce61..6defbb7 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebCore/rendering/MediaControlElements.cpp
@@ -794,17 +794,12 @@ void MediaControlTimelineElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event)
RenderSlider* slider = toRenderSlider(renderer());
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if (slider && slider->inDragMode()) {
- toRenderMedia(mediaElement()->renderer())->updateTimeDisplay();
+ toRenderMedia(mediaElement()->renderer())->controls()->updateTimeDisplay();
- toRenderMedia(mediaElement()->renderer())->updateLastTouch();
+ toRenderMedia(mediaElement()->renderer())->controls()->updateLastTouch();
- if (slider && slider->inDragMode())
- toRenderMedia(mediaElement()->renderer())->controls()->updateTimeDisplay();
->>>>>>> at r78450
if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent)
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.cpp b/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.cpp
index d10c593..16cd874 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.cpp
@@ -30,62 +30,20 @@
#include "HTMLMediaElement.h"
#include "MediaControlElements.h"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-#include "MouseEvent.h"
-#include "Page.h"
-#include "RenderLayer.h"
-#include "RenderTheme.h"
-#include <wtf/CurrentTime.h>
-#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
-#include "TouchEvent.h"
-#define TOUCH_DELAY 4
-using namespace std;
#include "MediaControls.h"
->>>>>>> at r78450
namespace WebCore {
RenderMedia::RenderMedia(HTMLMediaElement* video)
: RenderImage(video)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- , m_timeUpdateTimer(this, &RenderMedia::timeUpdateTimerFired)
- , m_opacityAnimationTimer(this, &RenderMedia::opacityAnimationTimerFired)
- , m_mouseOver(false)
- , m_opacityAnimationStartTime(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationDuration(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationFrom(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationTo(1.0f)
- , m_lastTouch(0)
, m_controls(new MediaControls(video))
->>>>>>> at r78450
RenderMedia::RenderMedia(HTMLMediaElement* video, const IntSize& intrinsicSize)
: RenderImage(video)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- , m_timeUpdateTimer(this, &RenderMedia::timeUpdateTimerFired)
- , m_opacityAnimationTimer(this, &RenderMedia::opacityAnimationTimerFired)
- , m_mouseOver(false)
- , m_opacityAnimationStartTime(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationDuration(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationFrom(0)
- , m_opacityAnimationTo(1.0f)
- , m_lastTouch(0)
, m_controls(new MediaControls(video))
->>>>>>> at r78450
@@ -137,351 +95,7 @@ void RenderMedia::layout()
void RenderMedia::updateFromElement()
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- updateControls();
-void RenderMedia::updateControls()
- HTMLMediaElement* media = mediaElement();
- if (!media->controls() || !media->inActiveDocument()) {
- if (m_controlsShadowRoot) {
- m_controlsShadowRoot->detach();
- m_panel = 0;
- m_muteButton = 0;
- m_playButton = 0;
- m_statusDisplay = 0;
- m_timelineContainer = 0;
- m_timeline = 0;
- m_seekBackButton = 0;
- m_seekForwardButton = 0;
- m_rewindButton = 0;
- m_returnToRealtimeButton = 0;
- m_currentTimeDisplay = 0;
- m_timeRemainingDisplay = 0;
- m_fullscreenButton = 0;
- m_volumeSliderContainer = 0;
- m_volumeSlider = 0;
- m_volumeSliderMuteButton = 0;
- m_controlsShadowRoot = 0;
- m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton = 0;
- }
- m_opacityAnimationTo = 1.0f;
- m_opacityAnimationTimer.stop();
- m_timeUpdateTimer.stop();
- return;
- }
- if (!m_controlsShadowRoot) {
- createControlsShadowRoot();
- createPanel();
- if (m_panel) {
- createRewindButton();
- createPlayButton();
- createReturnToRealtimeButton();
- createStatusDisplay();
- createTimelineContainer();
- if (m_timelineContainer) {
- createCurrentTimeDisplay();
- createTimeline();
- createTimeRemainingDisplay();
- }
- createSeekBackButton();
- createSeekForwardButton();
- createToggleClosedCaptionsButton();
- createFullscreenButton();
- createMuteButton();
- createVolumeSliderContainer();
- if (m_volumeSliderContainer) {
- createVolumeSlider();
- createVolumeSliderMuteButton();
- }
- m_panel->attach();
- }
- }
- if (media->canPlay()) {
- if (m_timeUpdateTimer.isActive())
- m_timeUpdateTimer.stop();
- } else if (style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && m_timeline && m_timeline->renderer() && m_timeline->renderer()->style()->display() != NONE) {
- m_timeUpdateTimer.startRepeating(cTimeUpdateRepeatDelay);
- }
- if (m_panel) {
- // update() might alter the opacity of the element, especially if we are in the middle
- // of an animation. This is the only element concerned as we animate only this element.
- float opacityBeforeChangingStyle = m_panel->renderer() ? m_panel->renderer()->style()->opacity() : 0;
- m_panel->update();
- changeOpacity(m_panel.get(), opacityBeforeChangingStyle);
- }
- if (m_muteButton)
- m_muteButton->update();
- if (m_playButton)
- m_playButton->update();
- if (m_timelineContainer)
- m_timelineContainer->update();
- if (m_volumeSliderContainer)
- m_volumeSliderContainer->update();
- if (m_timeline)
- m_timeline->update();
- if (m_currentTimeDisplay)
- m_currentTimeDisplay->update();
- if (m_timeRemainingDisplay)
- m_timeRemainingDisplay->update();
- if (m_seekBackButton)
- m_seekBackButton->update();
- if (m_seekForwardButton)
- m_seekForwardButton->update();
- if (m_rewindButton)
- m_rewindButton->update();
- if (m_returnToRealtimeButton)
- m_returnToRealtimeButton->update();
- if (m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton)
- m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton->update();
- if (m_statusDisplay)
- m_statusDisplay->update();
- if (m_fullscreenButton)
- m_fullscreenButton->update();
- if (m_volumeSlider)
- m_volumeSlider->update();
- if (m_volumeSliderMuteButton)
- m_volumeSliderMuteButton->update();
- updateTimeDisplay();
- updateControlVisibility();
-void RenderMedia::timeUpdateTimerFired(Timer<RenderMedia>*)
- if (m_timeline)
- m_timeline->update(false);
- updateTimeDisplay();
-void RenderMedia::updateTimeDisplay()
- if (!m_currentTimeDisplay || !m_currentTimeDisplay->renderer() || m_currentTimeDisplay->renderer()->style()->display() == NONE || style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
- return;
- float now = mediaElement()->currentTime();
- float duration = mediaElement()->duration();
- // Allow the theme to format the time
- ExceptionCode ec;
- m_currentTimeDisplay->setInnerText(theme()->formatMediaControlsCurrentTime(now, duration), ec);
- m_currentTimeDisplay->setCurrentValue(now);
- m_timeRemainingDisplay->setInnerText(theme()->formatMediaControlsRemainingTime(now, duration), ec);
- m_timeRemainingDisplay->setCurrentValue(now - duration);
-void RenderMedia::updateControlVisibility()
- if (!m_panel || !m_panel->renderer())
- return;
- // Don't fade for audio controls.
- HTMLMediaElement* media = mediaElement();
- if (!media->hasVideo())
- return;
- // Don't fade if the media element is not visible
- if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)
- return;
- if (WTF::currentTime() - m_lastTouch > TOUCH_DELAY)
- m_mouseOver = false;
- else
- m_mouseOver = true;
- bool shouldHideController = !m_mouseOver && !media->canPlay();
- // Do fading manually, css animations don't work with shadow trees
- float animateFrom = m_panel->renderer()->style()->opacity();
- float animateTo = shouldHideController ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
- if (animateFrom == animateTo)
- return;
- if (m_opacityAnimationTimer.isActive()) {
- if (m_opacityAnimationTo == animateTo)
- return;
- m_opacityAnimationTimer.stop();
- }
- if (animateFrom < animateTo)
- m_opacityAnimationDuration = m_panel->renderer()->theme()->mediaControlsFadeInDuration();
- else
- m_opacityAnimationDuration = m_panel->renderer()->theme()->mediaControlsFadeOutDuration();
- m_opacityAnimationFrom = animateFrom;
- m_opacityAnimationTo = animateTo;
- m_opacityAnimationStartTime = currentTime();
- m_opacityAnimationTimer.startRepeating(cOpacityAnimationRepeatDelay);
-void RenderMedia::changeOpacity(HTMLElement* e, float opacity)
- if (!e || !e->renderer() || !e->renderer()->style())
- return;
- RefPtr<RenderStyle> s = RenderStyle::clone(e->renderer()->style());
- s->setOpacity(opacity);
- // z-index can't be auto if opacity is used
- s->setZIndex(0);
- e->renderer()->setStyle(s.release());
-void RenderMedia::opacityAnimationTimerFired(Timer<RenderMedia>*)
- double time = currentTime() - m_opacityAnimationStartTime;
- if (time >= m_opacityAnimationDuration) {
- time = m_opacityAnimationDuration;
- m_opacityAnimationTimer.stop();
- }
- float opacity = narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_opacityAnimationFrom + (m_opacityAnimationTo - m_opacityAnimationFrom) * time / m_opacityAnimationDuration);
- changeOpacity(m_panel.get(), opacity);
-void RenderMedia::updateVolumeSliderContainer(bool visible)
- if (!mediaElement()->hasAudio() || !m_volumeSliderContainer || !m_volumeSlider)
- return;
- if (visible && !m_volumeSliderContainer->isVisible()) {
- if (!m_muteButton || !m_muteButton->renderer() || !m_muteButton->renderBox())
- return;
- RefPtr<RenderStyle> s = m_volumeSliderContainer->styleForElement();
- int height = s->height().isPercent() ? 0 : s->height().value();
- int width = s->width().isPercent() ? 0 : s->width().value();
- IntPoint offset = document()->page()->theme()->volumeSliderOffsetFromMuteButton(m_muteButton->renderer()->node(), IntSize(width, height));
- int x = offset.x() + m_muteButton->renderBox()->offsetLeft();
- int y = offset.y() + m_muteButton->renderBox()->offsetTop();
- m_volumeSliderContainer->setPosition(x, y);
- m_volumeSliderContainer->setVisible(true);
- m_volumeSliderContainer->update();
- m_volumeSlider->update();
- } else if (!visible && m_volumeSliderContainer->isVisible()) {
- m_volumeSliderContainer->setVisible(false);
- m_volumeSliderContainer->updateStyle();
- }
-void RenderMedia::updateLastTouch()
- m_lastTouch = WTF::currentTime();
-void RenderMedia::forwardEvent(Event* event)
- if (event->isMouseEvent())
- updateLastTouch();
- if (event->isTouchEvent())
- updateLastTouch();
- if (event->isMouseEvent() && m_controlsShadowRoot) {
- MouseEvent* mouseEvent = static_cast<MouseEvent*>(event);
- IntPoint point(mouseEvent->absoluteLocation());
- bool defaultHandled = false;
- if (m_volumeSliderMuteButton && m_volumeSliderMuteButton->hitTest(point)) {
- m_volumeSliderMuteButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- defaultHandled = event->defaultHandled();
- }
- bool showVolumeSlider = false;
- if (!defaultHandled && m_muteButton && m_muteButton->hitTest(point)) {
- m_muteButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (event->type() != eventNames().mouseoutEvent)
- showVolumeSlider = true;
- }
- if (m_volumeSliderContainer && m_volumeSliderContainer->hitTest(point))
- showVolumeSlider = true;
- if (m_volumeSlider && m_volumeSlider->hitTest(point)) {
- m_volumeSlider->defaultEventHandler(event);
- showVolumeSlider = true;
- }
- updateVolumeSliderContainer(showVolumeSlider);
- if (m_playButton && m_playButton->hitTest(point))
- m_playButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_seekBackButton && m_seekBackButton->hitTest(point))
- m_seekBackButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_seekForwardButton && m_seekForwardButton->hitTest(point))
- m_seekForwardButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_rewindButton && m_rewindButton->hitTest(point))
- m_rewindButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_returnToRealtimeButton && m_returnToRealtimeButton->hitTest(point))
- m_returnToRealtimeButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton && m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton->hitTest(point))
- m_toggleClosedCaptionsButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_timeline && m_timeline->hitTest(point))
- m_timeline->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (m_fullscreenButton && m_fullscreenButton->hitTest(point))
- m_fullscreenButton->defaultEventHandler(event);
- if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseoverEvent) {
- m_mouseOver = true;
- updateControlVisibility();
- }
- if (event->type() == eventNames().mouseoutEvent) {
- // When the scrollbar thumb captures mouse events, we should treat the mouse as still being over our renderer if the new target is a descendant
- Node* mouseOverNode = mouseEvent->relatedTarget() ? mouseEvent->relatedTarget()->toNode() : 0;
- RenderObject* mouseOverRenderer = mouseOverNode ? mouseOverNode->renderer() : 0;
- m_mouseOver = mouseOverRenderer && mouseOverRenderer->isDescendantOf(this);
- updateControlVisibility();
- }
- }
- // We want to process touch events landing on the timeline so that the user
- // can drag the scrollbar thumb with their finger.
- else if (event->isTouchEvent() && m_controlsShadowRoot) {
- TouchEvent* touchEvent = static_cast<TouchEvent*>(event);
- if (touchEvent->touches() && touchEvent->touches()->item(0)) {
- IntPoint point;
- point.setX(touchEvent->touches()->item(0)->pageX());
- point.setY(touchEvent->touches()->item(0)->pageY());
- if (m_timeline && m_timeline->hitTest(point))
- m_timeline->defaultEventHandler(event);
- }
- }
-// We want the timeline slider to be at least 100 pixels wide.
-static const int minWidthToDisplayTimeDisplays = 16 + 16 + 45 + 100 + 45 + 16 + 1;
-bool RenderMedia::shouldShowTimeDisplayControls() const
- if (!m_currentTimeDisplay && !m_timeRemainingDisplay)
- return false;
- int width = mediaElement()->renderBox()->width();
- return width >= minWidthToDisplayTimeDisplays * style()->effectiveZoom();
->>>>>>> at r78450
} // namespace WebCore
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.h b/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.h
index 1772766..7658ef6 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.h
+++ b/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderMedia.h
@@ -47,19 +47,7 @@ public:
HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement() const;
MediaControls* controls() const;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- void updateFromElement();
- void updatePlayer();
- void updateControls();
- void updateTimeDisplay();
- void forwardEvent(Event*);
- void updateLastTouch();
virtual void updateFromElement();
->>>>>>> at r78450
virtual void layout();
@@ -81,22 +69,6 @@ private:
OwnPtr<MediaControls> m_controls;
RenderObjectChildList m_children;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
- Node* m_lastUnderNode;
- Node* m_nodeUnderMouse;
- Timer<RenderMedia> m_timeUpdateTimer;
- Timer<RenderMedia> m_opacityAnimationTimer;
- bool m_mouseOver;
- double m_opacityAnimationStartTime;
- double m_opacityAnimationDuration;
- float m_opacityAnimationFrom;
- float m_opacityAnimationTo;
- double m_lastTouch;
->>>>>>> at r78450
inline RenderMedia* toRenderMedia(RenderObject* object)