path: root/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js
diff options
authorShimeng (Simon) Wang <>2010-12-07 17:22:45 -0800
committerShimeng (Simon) Wang <>2010-12-22 14:15:40 -0800
commit4576aa36e9a9671459299c7963ac95aa94beaea9 (patch)
tree3863574e050f168c0126ecb47c83319fab0972d8 /WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js
parent55323ac613cc31553107b68603cb627264d22bb0 (diff)
Merge WebKit at r73109: Initial merge by git.
Change-Id: I61f1a66d9642e3d8405d3ac6ccab2a53421c75d8
Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 392 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js b/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js
index 19e3052..a284da1 100644
--- a/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js
+++ b/WebCore/inspector/front-end/ResourceView.js
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- * from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ * from this software without specific prior written permission.
@@ -30,403 +30,15 @@
WebInspector.ResourceView = function(resource)
this.resource = resource;
- this.tabbedPane = new WebInspector.TabbedPane(this.element);
- this.headersElement = document.createElement("div");
- this.headersElement.className = "resource-view-headers";
- this.tabbedPane.appendTab("headers", WebInspector.UIString("Headers"), this.headersElement, this._selectTab.bind(this, "headers"));
- if (this.hasContentTab()) {
- this.contentElement = document.createElement("div");
- this.contentElement.className = "resource-view-content";
- this.tabbedPane.appendTab("content", WebInspector.UIString("Content"), this.contentElement, this._selectTab.bind(this, "content"));
- }
- this.headersListElement = document.createElement("ol");
- this.headersListElement.className = "outline-disclosure";
- this.headersElement.appendChild(this.headersListElement);
- this.headersTreeOutline = new TreeOutline(this.headersListElement);
- this.headersTreeOutline.expandTreeElementsWhenArrowing = true;
- this.urlTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, false);
- this.urlTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.urlTreeElement);
- this.requestMethodTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, false);
- this.requestMethodTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.requestMethodTreeElement);
- this.statusCodeTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, false);
- this.statusCodeTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.statusCodeTreeElement);
- this.requestHeadersTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, true);
- this.requestHeadersTreeElement.expanded = true;
- this.requestHeadersTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.requestHeadersTreeElement);
- this._decodeHover = WebInspector.UIString("Double-Click to toggle between URL encoded and decoded formats");
- this._decodeRequestParameters = true;
- this.queryStringTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, true);
- this.queryStringTreeElement.expanded = true;
- this.queryStringTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.queryStringTreeElement.hidden = true;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.queryStringTreeElement);
- this.formDataTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, true);
- this.formDataTreeElement.expanded = true;
- this.formDataTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.formDataTreeElement.hidden = true;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.formDataTreeElement);
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement = new TreeElement(WebInspector.UIString("Request Payload"), null, true);
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.expanded = true;
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.hidden = true;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.requestPayloadTreeElement);
- this.responseHeadersTreeElement = new TreeElement("", null, true);
- this.responseHeadersTreeElement.expanded = true;
- this.responseHeadersTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.headersTreeOutline.appendChild(this.responseHeadersTreeElement);
- this.headersVisible = true;
- resource.addEventListener("requestHeaders changed", this._refreshRequestHeaders, this);
- resource.addEventListener("responseHeaders changed", this._refreshResponseHeaders, this);
- resource.addEventListener("finished", this._refreshHTTPInformation, this);
- this._refreshURL();
- this._refreshQueryString();
- this._refreshRequestHeaders();
- this._refreshResponseHeaders();
- this._refreshHTTPInformation();
- this._selectTab();
WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype = {
- attach: function()
- {
- if (!this.element.parentNode) {
- var parentElement = (document.getElementById("resource-views") || document.getElementById("script-resource-views"));
- if (parentElement)
- parentElement.appendChild(this.element);
- }
- },
- show: function(parentElement)
- {
-, parentElement);
- this._selectTab();
- },
- set headersVisible(x)
+ hasContent: function()
- if (x === this._headersVisible)
- return;
- this._headersVisible = x;
- if (x)
- this.element.addStyleClass("headers-visible");
- else
- this.element.removeStyleClass("headers-visible");
- this._selectTab();
- },
- resize: function()
- {
- if (this._cookiesView && !this._cookiesView.element.hasStyleClass("hidden"))
- this._cookiesView.resize();
- },
- selectContentTab: function()
- {
- this._selectTab("content");
- },
- _selectTab: function(tab)
- {
- if (tab)
- WebInspector.settings.resourceViewTab = tab;
- else {
- var preferredTab = WebInspector.settings.resourceViewTab;
- tab = "content";
- // Honor user tab preference (if we can). Fallback to content if headers not visible, headers otherwise.
- if (this._headersVisible)
- tab = this.tabbedPane.hasTab(preferredTab) ? preferredTab : "headers";
- }
- this.tabbedPane.selectTabById(tab);
- if (tab === "content" && this.hasContentTab())
- this.contentTabSelected();
- },
- hasContentTab: function()
- {
- // Derived classes should override this method and define this.contentTabSelected for content rendering.
return false;
- },
- _refreshURL: function()
- {
- this.urlTreeElement.titleHTML = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + WebInspector.UIString("Request URL") + ":</div>" +
- "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + this.resource.url.escapeHTML() + "</div>";
- },
- _refreshQueryString: function()
- {
- var queryParameters = this.resource.queryParameters;
- this.queryStringTreeElement.hidden = !queryParameters;
- if (queryParameters)
- this._refreshParms(WebInspector.UIString("Query String Parameters"), queryParameters, this.queryStringTreeElement);
- },
- _refreshFormData: function()
- {
- this.formDataTreeElement.hidden = true;
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.hidden = true;
- var formData = this.resource.requestFormData;
- if (!formData)
- return;
- var formParameters = this.resource.formParameters;
- if (formParameters) {
- this.formDataTreeElement.hidden = false;
- this._refreshParms(WebInspector.UIString("Form Data"), formParameters, this.formDataTreeElement);
- } else {
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.hidden = false;
- this._refreshRequestPayload(formData);
- }
- },
- _refreshRequestPayload: function(formData)
- {
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.removeChildren();
- var title = "<div class=\"raw-form-data header-value source-code\">" + formData.escapeHTML() + "</div>";
- var parmTreeElement = new TreeElement(null, null, false);
- parmTreeElement.titleHTML = title;
- parmTreeElement.selectable = false;
- this.requestPayloadTreeElement.appendChild(parmTreeElement);
- },
- _refreshParms: function(title, parms, parmsTreeElement)
- {
- parmsTreeElement.removeChildren();
- parmsTreeElement.titleHTML = title + "<span class=\"header-count\">" + WebInspector.UIString(" (%d)", parms.length) + "</span>";
- for (var i = 0; i < parms.length; ++i) {
- var name = parms[i].name;
- var value = parms[i].value;
- var errorDecoding = false;
- if (this._decodeRequestParameters) {
- if (value.indexOf("%") >= 0) {
- try {
- value = decodeURIComponent(value);
- } catch(e) {
- errorDecoding = true;
- }
- }
- value = value.replace(/\+/g, " ");
- }
- valueEscaped = value.escapeHTML();
- if (errorDecoding)
- valueEscaped += " <span class=\"error-message\">" + WebInspector.UIString("(unable to decode value)").escapeHTML() + "</span>";
- var title = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + name.escapeHTML() + ":</div>";
- title += "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + valueEscaped + "</div>";
- var parmTreeElement = new TreeElement(null, null, false);
- parmTreeElement.titleHTML = title;
- parmTreeElement.selectable = false;
- parmTreeElement.tooltip = this._decodeHover;
- parmTreeElement.ondblclick = this._toggleURLdecoding.bind(this);
- parmsTreeElement.appendChild(parmTreeElement);
- }
- },
- _toggleURLdecoding: function(event)
- {
- this._decodeRequestParameters = !this._decodeRequestParameters;
- this._refreshQueryString();
- this._refreshFormData();
- },
- _getHeaderValue: function(headers, key)
- {
- var lowerKey = key.toLowerCase();
- for (var testKey in headers) {
- if (testKey.toLowerCase() === lowerKey)
- return headers[testKey];
- }
- },
- _refreshRequestHeaders: function()
- {
- var additionalRow = null;
- if (typeof this.resource.webSocketRequestKey3 !== "undefined")
- additionalRow = {header: "(Key3)", value: this.resource.webSocketRequestKey3};
- this._refreshHeaders(WebInspector.UIString("Request Headers"), this.resource.sortedRequestHeaders, additionalRow, this.requestHeadersTreeElement);
- this._refreshFormData();
- this._refreshCookies();
- },
- _refreshResponseHeaders: function()
- {
- var additionalRow = null;
- if (typeof this.resource.webSocketChallengeResponse !== "undefined")
- additionalRow = {header: "(Challenge Response)", value: this.resource.webSocketChallengeResponse};
- this._refreshHeaders(WebInspector.UIString("Response Headers"), this.resource.sortedResponseHeaders, additionalRow, this.responseHeadersTreeElement);
- this._refreshCookies();
- },
- _refreshHTTPInformation: function()
- {
- var requestMethodElement = this.requestMethodTreeElement;
- requestMethodElement.hidden = !this.resource.statusCode;
- var statusCodeElement = this.statusCodeTreeElement;
- statusCodeElement.hidden = !this.resource.statusCode;
- var statusCodeImage = "";
- if (this.resource.statusCode) {
- var statusImageSource = "";
- if (this.resource.statusCode < 300)
- statusImageSource = "Images/successGreenDot.png";
- else if (this.resource.statusCode < 400)
- statusImageSource = "Images/warningOrangeDot.png";
- else
- statusImageSource = "Images/errorRedDot.png";
- var statusTextEscaped = this.resource.statusCode + " " + this.resource.statusText.escapeHTML();
- statusCodeImage = "<img class=\"resource-status-image\" src=\"" + statusImageSource + "\" title=\"" + statusTextEscaped + "\">";
- requestMethodElement.titleHTML = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + WebInspector.UIString("Request Method") + ":</div>" +
- "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + this.resource.requestMethod + "</div>";
- statusCodeElement.titleHTML = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + WebInspector.UIString("Status Code") + ":</div>" +
- statusCodeImage + "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + statusTextEscaped + "</div>";
- }
- },
- _refreshHeaders: function(title, headers, additionalRow, headersTreeElement)
- {
- headersTreeElement.removeChildren();
- var length = headers.length;
- headersTreeElement.titleHTML = title.escapeHTML() + "<span class=\"header-count\">" + WebInspector.UIString(" (%d)", length) + "</span>";
- headersTreeElement.hidden = !length;
- var length = headers.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- var title = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + headers[i].header.escapeHTML() + ":</div>";
- title += "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + headers[i].value.escapeHTML() + "</div>"
- var headerTreeElement = new TreeElement(null, null, false);
- headerTreeElement.titleHTML = title;
- headerTreeElement.selectable = false;
- headersTreeElement.appendChild(headerTreeElement);
- }
- if (additionalRow) {
- var title = "<div class=\"header-name\">" + additionalRow.header.escapeHTML() + ":</div>";
- title += "<div class=\"header-value source-code\">" + additionalRow.value.escapeHTML() + "</div>"
- var headerTreeElement = new TreeElement(null, null, false);
- headerTreeElement.titleHTML = title;
- headerTreeElement.selectable = false;
- headersTreeElement.appendChild(headerTreeElement);
- }
- },
- _refreshCookies: function()
- {
- if (!this._cookiesView) {
- if (!this.resource.requestCookies && !this.resource.responseCookies)
- return;
- this._cookiesView = new WebInspector.ResourceCookiesTab();
- this.tabbedPane.appendTab("cookies", WebInspector.UIString("Cookies"), this._cookiesView, this._selectTab.bind(this, "cookies"));
- }
- this._cookiesView.requestCookies = this.resource.requestCookies;
- this._cookiesView.responseCookies = this.resource.responseCookies;
WebInspector.ResourceView.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.View.prototype;
-WebInspector.ResourceCookiesTab = function()
- this.element.addStyleClass("resource-view-cookies");
- this._requestCookies = [];
- this._responseCookies = [];
- this._createDataGrid(true);
- this._requestCookiesNode = this._createFolder(WebInspector.UIString("Request Cookies"));
- this._responseCookiesNode = this._createFolder(WebInspector.UIString("Response Cookies"));
-WebInspector.ResourceCookiesTab.prototype = {
- show: function(parentElement)
- {
-, parentElement);
- this.resize();
- },
- set requestCookies(cookies)
- {
- if (this._requestCookies === cookies)
- return;
- this._requestCookies = cookies;
- this._populateCookies(this._requestCookiesNode, this._requestCookies);
- },
- set responseCookies(cookies)
- {
- if (this._responseCookies === cookies)
- return;
- this._responseCookies = cookies;
- this._populateCookies(this._responseCookiesNode, this._responseCookies);
- },
- _populateDataGrid: function()
- {
- this._populateCookies(this._requestCookiesNode, this._requestCookies);
- this._populateCookies(this._responseCookiesNode, this._responseCookies);
- },
- _populateCookies: function(parentNode, cookies)
- {
-, parentNode, cookies);
- var totalSize = 0;
- if (cookies) {
- for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; ++i)
- totalSize += cookies[i].size;
- }
- parentNode.expanded = true;
-[5] = totalSize;
- parentNode.refresh();
- },
- _createFolder: function(name)
- {
- var data = [ name, "", "", "", "", 0, "", "" ];
- var node = new WebInspector.DataGridNode(data);
- node.selectable = true;
- node.expanded = true;
- this._dataGrid.appendChild(node);
- node.element.addStyleClass("row-group");
- return node;
- }
-WebInspector.ResourceCookiesTab.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.CookiesTable.prototype;