path: root/WebKit/chromium/src/js
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authorBen Murdoch <>2010-07-22 15:37:06 +0100
committerBen Murdoch <>2010-07-27 10:20:25 +0100
commit967717af5423377c967781471ee106e2bb4e11c8 (patch)
tree1e701dc0a12f7f07cce1df4a7681717de77a211b /WebKit/chromium/src/js
parentdcc30a9fca45f634b1d3a12b276d3a0ccce99fc3 (diff)
Merge WebKit at r63859 : Initial merge by git.
Change-Id: Ie8096c63ec7c991c9a9cba8bdd9c3b74a3b8ed62
Diffstat (limited to 'WebKit/chromium/src/js')
7 files changed, 20 insertions, 1945 deletions
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerAgent.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerAgent.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 01d7627..0000000
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerAgent.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1605 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met:
- *
- * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
- * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
- * @fileoverview Provides communication interface to remote v8 debugger. See
- * protocol decription at
- */
- * FIXME: change field naming style to use trailing underscore.
- * @constructor
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent = function()
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.debuggerOutput = this.handleDebuggerOutput_.bind(this);
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.setContextId = this.setContextId_.bind(this);
- /**
- * Id of the inspected page global context. It is used for filtering scripts.
- * @type {number}
- */
- this.contextId_ = null;
- /**
- * Mapping from script id to script info.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- this.parsedScripts_ = null;
- /**
- * Mapping from the request id to the devtools.BreakpointInfo for the
- * breakpoints whose v8 ids are not set yet. These breakpoints are waiting for
- * "setbreakpoint" responses to learn their ids in the v8 debugger.
- * @see #handleSetBreakpointResponse_
- * @type {Object}
- */
- this.requestNumberToBreakpointInfo_ = null;
- /**
- * Information on current stack frames.
- * @type {Array.<devtools.CallFrame>}
- */
- this.callFrames_ = [];
- /**
- * Whether to stop in the debugger on the exceptions.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.pauseOnExceptions_ = false;
- /**
- * Mapping: request sequence number->callback.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- this.requestSeqToCallback_ = null;
- /**
- * Whether the scripts panel has been shown and initialilzed.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.scriptsPanelInitialized_ = false;
- /**
- * Whether the scripts list should be requested next time when context id is
- * set.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.requestScriptsWhenContextIdSet_ = false;
- /**
- * Whether the agent is waiting for initial scripts response.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.waitingForInitialScriptsResponse_ = false;
- /**
- * If backtrace response is received when initial scripts response
- * is not yet processed the backtrace handling will be postponed until
- * after the scripts response processing. The handler bound to its arguments
- * and this agent will be stored in this field then.
- * @type {?function()}
- */
- this.pendingBacktraceResponseHandler_ = null;
- /**
- * Container of all breakpoints set using resource URL. These breakpoints
- * survive page reload. Breakpoints set by script id(for scripts that don't
- * have URLs) are stored in ScriptInfo objects.
- * @type {Object}
- */
- this.urlToBreakpoints_ = {};
- /**
- * Exception message that is shown to user while on exception break.
- * @type {WebInspector.ConsoleMessage}
- */
- this.currentExceptionMessage_ = null;
- /**
- * Whether breakpoints should suspend execution.
- * @type {boolean}
- */
- this.breakpointsActivated_ = true;
- * A copy of the scope types from v8/src/mirror-delay.js
- * @enum {number}
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.ScopeType = {
- Global: 0,
- Local: 1,
- With: 2,
- Closure: 3,
- Catch: 4
- * Resets debugger agent to its initial state.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.reset = function()
- this.contextId_ = null;
- // No need to request scripts since they all will be pushed in AfterCompile
- // events.
- this.requestScriptsWhenContextIdSet_ = false;
- this.waitingForInitialScriptsResponse_ = false;
- this.parsedScripts_ = {};
- this.requestNumberToBreakpointInfo_ = {};
- this.callFrames_ = [];
- this.requestSeqToCallback_ = {};
- * Initializes scripts UI. This method is called every time Scripts panel
- * is shown. It will send request for context id if it's not set yet.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.initUI = function()
- // Initialize scripts cache when Scripts panel is shown first time.
- if (this.scriptsPanelInitialized_)
- return;
- this.scriptsPanelInitialized_ = true;
- if (this.contextId_) {
- // We already have context id. This means that we are here from the
- // very beginning of the page load cycle and hence will get all scripts
- // via after-compile events. No need to request scripts for this session.
- //
- // There can be a number of scripts from after-compile events that are
- // pending addition into the UI.
- for (var scriptId in this.parsedScripts_) {
- var script = this.parsedScripts_[scriptId];
- WebInspector.parsedScriptSource(scriptId, script.getUrl(), undefined /* script source */, script.getLineOffset() + 1, script.worldType());
- this.restoreBreakpoints_(scriptId, script.getUrl());
- }
- return;
- }
- this.waitingForInitialScriptsResponse_ = true;
- // Script list should be requested only when current context id is known.
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.getContextId();
- this.requestScriptsWhenContextIdSet_ = true;
- * Asynchronously requests the debugger for the script source.
- * @param {number} scriptId Id of the script whose source should be resolved.
- * @param {function(source:?string):void} callback Function that will be called
- * when the source resolution is completed. "source" parameter will be null
- * if the resolution fails.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resolveScriptSource = function(scriptId, callback)
- var script = this.parsedScripts_[scriptId];
- if (!script || script.isUnresolved()) {
- callback(null);
- return;
- }
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("scripts", {
- "ids": [scriptId],
- "includeSource": true
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- // Force v8 execution so that it gets to processing the requested command.
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.processDebugCommands();
- var self = this;
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = function(msg) {
- if (msg.isSuccess()) {
- var scriptJson = msg.getBody()[0];
- if (scriptJson) {
- script.source = scriptJson.source;
- callback(scriptJson.source);
- }
- else
- callback(null);
- } else
- callback(null);
- };
- * Tells the v8 debugger to stop on as soon as possible.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.pauseExecution = function()
- RemoteDebuggerCommandExecutor.DebuggerPauseScript();
- * @param {number} sourceId Id of the script fot the breakpoint.
- * @param {number} line Number of the line for the breakpoint.
- * @param {?string} condition The breakpoint condition.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.addBreakpoint = function(sourceId, line, enabled, condition)
- var script = this.parsedScripts_[sourceId];
- if (!script)
- return;
- line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.webkitToV8LineNumber_(line);
- var commandArguments;
- if (script.getUrl()) {
- var breakpoints = this.urlToBreakpoints_[script.getUrl()];
- if (breakpoints && breakpoints[line])
- return;
- if (!breakpoints) {
- breakpoints = {};
- this.urlToBreakpoints_[script.getUrl()] = breakpoints;
- }
- var breakpointInfo = new devtools.BreakpointInfo(line, enabled, condition);
- breakpoints[line] = breakpointInfo;
- commandArguments = {
- "groupId": this.contextId_,
- "type": "script",
- "target": script.getUrl(),
- "line": line,
- "condition": condition
- };
- } else {
- var breakpointInfo = script.getBreakpointInfo(line);
- if (breakpointInfo)
- return;
- breakpointInfo = new devtools.BreakpointInfo(line, enabled, condition);
- script.addBreakpointInfo(breakpointInfo);
- commandArguments = {
- "groupId": this.contextId_,
- "type": "scriptId",
- "target": sourceId,
- "line": line,
- "condition": condition
- };
- }
- if (!enabled)
- return;
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("setbreakpoint", commandArguments);
- this.requestNumberToBreakpointInfo_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = breakpointInfo;
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- // Force v8 execution so that it gets to processing the requested command.
- // It is necessary for being able to change a breakpoint just after it
- // has been created (since we need an existing breakpoint id for that).
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.processDebugCommands();
- * Changes given line of the script.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.editScriptSource = function(sourceId, newContent, callback)
- var commandArguments = {
- "script_id": sourceId,
- "new_source": newContent
- };
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("changelive", commandArguments);
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = function(msg) {
- if (!msg.isSuccess()) {
- callback(false, "Unable to modify source code within given scope. Only function bodies are editable at the moment.", null);
- return;
- }
- this.resolveScriptSource(sourceId, requestBacktrace.bind(this));
- }.bind(this);
- function requestBacktrace(newScriptSource) {
- if (WebInspector.panels.scripts.paused)
- this.requestBacktrace_(handleBacktraceResponse.bind(this, newScriptSource));
- else
- reportDidCommitEditing(newScriptSource);
- }
- function handleBacktraceResponse(newScriptSource, msg) {
- this.updateCallFramesFromBacktraceResponse_(msg);
- reportDidCommitEditing(newScriptSource, this.callFrames_);
- }
- function reportDidCommitEditing(newScriptSource, callFrames) {
- callback(true, newScriptSource, callFrames);
- }
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.processDebugCommands();
- * @param {number} sourceId Id of the script for the breakpoint.
- * @param {number} line Number of the line for the breakpoint.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.removeBreakpoint = function(sourceId, line)
- var script = this.parsedScripts_[sourceId];
- if (!script)
- return;
- line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.webkitToV8LineNumber_(line);
- var breakpointInfo;
- if (script.getUrl()) {
- var breakpoints = this.urlToBreakpoints_[script.getUrl()];
- if (!breakpoints)
- return;
- breakpointInfo = breakpoints[line];
- delete breakpoints[line];
- } else {
- breakpointInfo = script.getBreakpointInfo(line);
- if (breakpointInfo)
- script.removeBreakpointInfo(breakpointInfo);
- }
- if (!breakpointInfo)
- return;
- breakpointInfo.markAsRemoved();
- var id = breakpointInfo.getV8Id();
- // If we don't know id of this breakpoint in the v8 debugger we cannot send
- // "clearbreakpoint" request. In that case it will be removed in
- // "setbreakpoint" response handler when we learn the id.
- if (id !== -1) {
- this.requestClearBreakpoint_(id);
- }
- * @param {boolean} activated Whether breakpoints should be activated.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.setBreakpointsActivated = function(activated)
- this.breakpointsActivated_ = activated;
- * Tells the v8 debugger to step into the next statement.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.stepIntoStatement = function()
- this.stepCommand_("in");
- * Tells the v8 debugger to step out of current function.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.stepOutOfFunction = function()
- this.stepCommand_("out");
- * Tells the v8 debugger to step over the next statement.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.stepOverStatement = function()
- this.stepCommand_("next");
- * Tells the v8 debugger to continue execution after it has been stopped on a
- * breakpoint or an exception.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resumeExecution = function()
- this.clearExceptionMessage_();
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("continue");
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- * Creates exception message and schedules it for addition to the resource upon
- * backtrace availability.
- * @param {string} url Resource url.
- * @param {number} line Resource line number.
- * @param {string} message Exception text.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.createExceptionMessage_ = function(url, line, message)
- this.currentExceptionMessage_ = new WebInspector.ConsoleMessage(
- WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageSource.JS,
- WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageType.Log,
- WebInspector.ConsoleMessage.MessageLevel.Error,
- line,
- url,
- 0 /* group level */,
- 1 /* repeat count */,
- "[Exception] " + message);
- * Shows pending exception message that is created with createExceptionMessage_
- * earlier.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.showPendingExceptionMessage_ = function()
- if (!this.currentExceptionMessage_)
- return;
- var msg = this.currentExceptionMessage_;
- var resource = WebInspector.resourceURLMap[msg.url];
- if (resource) {
- msg.resource = resource;
- WebInspector.panels.resources.addMessageToResource(resource, msg);
- } else
- this.currentExceptionMessage_ = null;
- * Clears exception message from the resource.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.clearExceptionMessage_ = function()
- if (this.currentExceptionMessage_) {
- var messageElement = this.currentExceptionMessage_._resourceMessageLineElement;
- var bubble = messageElement.parentElement;
- bubble.removeChild(messageElement);
- if (!bubble.firstChild) {
- // Last message in bubble removed.
- bubble.parentElement.removeChild(bubble);
- }
- this.currentExceptionMessage_ = null;
- }
- * @return {boolean} True iff the debugger will pause execution on the
- * exceptions.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.pauseOnExceptions = function()
- return this.pauseOnExceptions_;
- * Tells whether to pause in the debugger on the exceptions or not.
- * @param {boolean} value True iff execution should be stopped in the debugger
- * on the exceptions.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.setPauseOnExceptions = function(value)
- this.pauseOnExceptions_ = value;
- * Sends "evaluate" request to the debugger.
- * @param {Object} arguments Request arguments map.
- * @param {function(devtools.DebuggerMessage)} callback Callback to be called
- * when response is received.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.requestEvaluate = function(arguments, callback)
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("evaluate", arguments);
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = callback;
- * Sends "lookup" request for each unresolved property of the object. When
- * response is received the properties will be changed with their resolved
- * values.
- * @param {Object} object Object whose properties should be resolved.
- * @param {function(devtools.DebuggerMessage)} Callback to be called when all
- * children are resolved.
- * @param {boolean} noIntrinsic Whether intrinsic properties should be included.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resolveChildren = function(object, callback, noIntrinsic)
- if ("handle" in object) {
- var result = [];
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProperties_(object, result, noIntrinsic);
- callback(result);
- } else {
- this.requestLookup_([object.ref], function(msg) {
- var result = [];
- if (msg.isSuccess()) {
- var handleToObject = msg.getBody();
- var resolved = handleToObject[object.ref];
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProperties_(resolved, result, noIntrinsic);
- callback(result);
- } else
- callback([]);
- });
- }
- * Sends "scope" request for the scope object to resolve its variables.
- * @param {Object} scope Scope to be resolved.
- * @param {function(Array.<WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy>)} callback
- * Callback to be called when all scope variables are resolved.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resolveScope = function(scope, callback)
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("scope", {
- "frameNumber": scope.frameNumber,
- "number": scope.index,
- "compactFormat": true
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = function(msg) {
- var result = [];
- if (msg.isSuccess()) {
- var scopeObjectJson = msg.getBody().object;
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProperties_(scopeObjectJson, result, true /* no intrinsic */);
- }
- callback(result);
- };
- * Sends "scopes" request for the frame object to resolve all variables
- * available in the frame.
- * @param {number} callFrameId Id of call frame whose variables need to
- * be resolved.
- * @param {function(Object)} callback Callback to be called when all frame
- * variables are resolved.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resolveFrameVariables_ = function(callFrameId, callback)
- var result = {};
- var frame = this.callFrames_[callFrameId];
- if (!frame) {
- callback(result);
- return;
- }
- var waitingResponses = 0;
- function scopeResponseHandler(msg) {
- waitingResponses--;
- if (msg.isSuccess()) {
- var properties = msg.getBody();
- for (var j = 0; j < properties.length; j++)
- result[properties[j].name] = true;
- }
- // When all scopes are resolved invoke the callback.
- if (waitingResponses === 0)
- callback(result);
- };
- for (var i = 0; i < frame.scopeChain.length; i++) {
- var scope = frame.scopeChain[i].objectId;
- if (scope.type === devtools.DebuggerAgent.ScopeType.Global) {
- // Do not resolve global scope since it takes for too long.
- // TODO(yurys): allow to send only property names in the response.
- continue;
- }
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("scope", {
- "frameNumber": scope.frameNumber,
- "number": scope.index,
- "compactFormat": true
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = scopeResponseHandler;
- waitingResponses++;
- }
- * Evaluates the expressionString to an object in the call frame and reports
- * all its properties.
- * @param{string} expressionString Expression whose properties should be
- * collected.
- * @param{number} callFrameId The frame id.
- * @param{function(Object result,bool isException)} reportCompletions Callback
- * function.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.resolveCompletionsOnFrame = function(expressionString, callFrameId, reportCompletions)
- if (expressionString) {
- expressionString = "var obj = " + expressionString +
- "; var names = {}; for (var n in obj) { names[n] = true; };" +
- "names;";
- this.evaluateInCallFrame(
- callFrameId,
- expressionString,
- function(result) {
- var names = {};
- if (!result.isException) {
- var props =;
- // Put all object properties into the map.
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++)
- names[props[i].name] = true;
- }
- reportCompletions(names, result.isException);
- });
- } else {
- this.resolveFrameVariables_(callFrameId,
- function(result) {
- reportCompletions(result, false /* isException */);
- });
- }
- * @param{number} scriptId
- * @return {string} Type of the context of the script with specified id.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.getScriptContextType = function(scriptId)
- return this.parsedScripts_[scriptId].getContextType();
- * Removes specified breakpoint from the v8 debugger.
- * @param {number} breakpointId Id of the breakpoint in the v8 debugger.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.requestClearBreakpoint_ = function(breakpointId)
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("clearbreakpoint", {
- "breakpoint": breakpointId
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- * Sends "backtrace" request to v8.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.requestBacktrace_ = function(opt_customHandler)
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("backtrace", {
- "compactFormat":true
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- var responseHandler = opt_customHandler ? opt_customHandler : this.handleBacktraceResponse_.bind(this);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = responseHandler;
- * Sends command to v8 debugger.
- * @param {devtools.DebugCommand} cmd Command to execute.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_ = function(cmd)
- RemoteDebuggerCommandExecutor.DebuggerCommand(cmd.toJSONProtocol());
- * Tells the v8 debugger to make the next execution step.
- * @param {string} action "in", "out" or "next" action.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.stepCommand_ = function(action)
- this.clearExceptionMessage_();
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("continue", {
- "stepaction": action,
- "stepcount": 1
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- * Sends "lookup" request to v8.
- * @param {number} handle Handle to the object to lookup.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.requestLookup_ = function(handles, callback)
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("lookup", {
- "compactFormat":true,
- "handles": handles
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = callback;
- * Sets debugger context id for scripts filtering.
- * @param {number} contextId Id of the inspected page global context.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.setContextId_ = function(contextId)
- this.contextId_ = contextId;
- // If it's the first time context id is set request scripts list.
- if (this.requestScriptsWhenContextIdSet_) {
- this.requestScriptsWhenContextIdSet_ = false;
- var cmd = new devtools.DebugCommand("scripts", {
- "includeSource": false
- });
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.sendCommand_(cmd);
- // Force v8 execution so that it gets to processing the requested command.
- RemoteDebuggerAgent.processDebugCommands();
- var debuggerAgent = this;
- this.requestSeqToCallback_[cmd.getSequenceNumber()] = function(msg) {
- // Handle the response iff the context id hasn't changed since the request
- // was issued. Otherwise if the context id did change all up-to-date
- // scripts will be pushed in after compile events and there is no need to
- // handle the response.
- if (contextId === debuggerAgent.contextId_)
- debuggerAgent.handleScriptsResponse_(msg);
- // We received initial scripts response so flush the flag and
- // see if there is an unhandled backtrace response.
- debuggerAgent.waitingForInitialScriptsResponse_ = false;
- if (debuggerAgent.pendingBacktraceResponseHandler_) {
- debuggerAgent.pendingBacktraceResponseHandler_();
- debuggerAgent.pendingBacktraceResponseHandler_ = null;
- }
- };
- }
- * Handles output sent by v8 debugger. The output is either asynchronous event
- * or response to a previously sent request. See protocol definitioun for more
- * details on the output format.
- * @param {string} output
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleDebuggerOutput_ = function(output)
- var msg;
- try {
- msg = new devtools.DebuggerMessage(output);
- } catch(e) {
- debugPrint("Failed to handle debugger response:\n" + e);
- throw e;
- }
- if (msg.getType() === "event") {
- if (msg.getEvent() === "break")
- this.handleBreakEvent_(msg);
- else if (msg.getEvent() === "exception")
- this.handleExceptionEvent_(msg);
- else if (msg.getEvent() === "afterCompile")
- this.handleAfterCompileEvent_(msg);
- } else if (msg.getType() === "response") {
- if (msg.getCommand() === "scripts")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "setbreakpoint")
- this.handleSetBreakpointResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "changelive")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "clearbreakpoint")
- this.handleClearBreakpointResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "backtrace")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "lookup")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "evaluate")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- else if (msg.getCommand() === "scope")
- this.invokeCallbackForResponse_(msg);
- }
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleBreakEvent_ = function(msg)
- if (!this.breakpointsActivated_) {
- this.resumeExecution();
- return;
- }
- // Force scripts panel to be shown first.
- WebInspector.currentPanel = WebInspector.panels.scripts;
- var body = msg.getBody();
- var line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.v8ToWwebkitLineNumber_(body.sourceLine);
- this.requestBacktrace_();
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleExceptionEvent_ = function(msg)
- var body = msg.getBody();
- // No script field in the body means that v8 failed to parse the script. We
- // resume execution on parser errors automatically.
- if (this.pauseOnExceptions_ && body.script) {
- var line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.v8ToWwebkitLineNumber_(body.sourceLine);
- this.createExceptionMessage_(, line, body.exception.text);
- this.requestBacktrace_();
- // Force scripts panel to be shown.
- WebInspector.currentPanel = WebInspector.panels.scripts;
- } else
- this.resumeExecution();
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleScriptsResponse_ = function(msg)
- var scripts = msg.getBody();
- for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
- var script = scripts[i];
- // Skip scripts from other tabs.
- if (!this.isScriptFromInspectedContext_(script, msg))
- continue;
- // We may already have received the info in an afterCompile event.
- if ( in this.parsedScripts_)
- continue;
- this.addScriptInfo_(script, msg);
- }
- * @param {Object} script Json object representing script.
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg Debugger response.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.isScriptFromInspectedContext_ = function(script, msg)
- if (!script.context) {
- // Always ignore scripts from the utility context.
- return false;
- }
- var context = msg.lookup(script.context.ref);
- var scriptContextId =;
- if (typeof scriptContextId === "undefined")
- return false; // Always ignore scripts from the utility context.
- if (this.contextId_ === null)
- return true;
- // Find the id from context data. The context data has the format "type,id".
- var comma =",");
- if (comma < 0)
- return false;
- return ( + 1) == this.contextId_);
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleSetBreakpointResponse_ = function(msg)
- var requestSeq = msg.getRequestSeq();
- var breakpointInfo = this.requestNumberToBreakpointInfo_[requestSeq];
- if (!breakpointInfo) {
- // TODO(yurys): handle this case
- return;
- }
- delete this.requestNumberToBreakpointInfo_[requestSeq];
- if (!msg.isSuccess()) {
- // TODO(yurys): handle this case
- return;
- }
- var idInV8 = msg.getBody().breakpoint;
- breakpointInfo.setV8Id(idInV8);
- if (breakpointInfo.isRemoved())
- this.requestClearBreakpoint_(idInV8);
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleAfterCompileEvent_ = function(msg)
- if (!this.contextId_) {
- // Ignore scripts delta if main request has not been issued yet.
- return;
- }
- var script = msg.getBody().script;
- // Ignore scripts from other tabs.
- if (!this.isScriptFromInspectedContext_(script, msg))
- return;
- this.addScriptInfo_(script, msg);
- * Adds the script info to the local cache. This method assumes that the script
- * is not in the cache yet.
- * @param {Object} script Script json object from the debugger message.
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg Debugger message containing the script
- * data.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.addScriptInfo_ = function(script, msg)
- var context = msg.lookup(script.context.ref);
- // Find the type from context data. The context data has the format
- // "type,id".
- var comma =",");
- if (comma < 0)
- return;
- var contextType =, comma);
- var info = new devtools.ScriptInfo(,, script.lineOffset, contextType);
- this.parsedScripts_[] = info;
- if (this.scriptsPanelInitialized_) {
- // Only report script as parsed after scripts panel has been shown.
- WebInspector.parsedScriptSource(,, script.source, script.lineOffset + 1, info.worldType());
- this.restoreBreakpoints_(,;
- }
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleClearBreakpointResponse_ = function(msg)
- // Do nothing.
- * Handles response to "backtrace" command.
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.handleBacktraceResponse_ = function(msg)
- if (this.waitingForInitialScriptsResponse_)
- this.pendingBacktraceResponseHandler_ = this.doHandleBacktraceResponse_.bind(this, msg);
- else
- this.doHandleBacktraceResponse_(msg);
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.doHandleBacktraceResponse_ = function(msg)
- this.updateCallFramesFromBacktraceResponse_(msg);
- WebInspector.pausedScript(this.callFrames_);
- this.showPendingExceptionMessage_();
- InspectorFrontendHost.bringToFront();
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.updateCallFramesFromBacktraceResponse_ = function(msg)
- var frames = msg.getBody().frames;
- this.callFrames_ = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; ++i)
- this.callFrames_.push(this.formatCallFrame_(frames[i]));
- return this.callFrames_;
- * Evaluates code on given callframe.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.evaluateInCallFrame = function(callFrameId, code, callback)
- var callFrame = this.callFrames_[callFrameId];
- callFrame.evaluate_(code, callback);
- * Handles response to a command by invoking its callback (if any).
- * @param {devtools.DebuggerMessage} msg
- * @return {boolean} Whether a callback for the given message was found and
- * excuted.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.invokeCallbackForResponse_ = function(msg)
- var callback = this.requestSeqToCallback_[msg.getRequestSeq()];
- if (!callback) {
- // It may happend if reset was called.
- return false;
- }
- delete this.requestSeqToCallback_[msg.getRequestSeq()];
- callback(msg);
- return true;
- * @param {Object} stackFrame Frame json object from "backtrace" response.
- * @return {!devtools.CallFrame} Object containing information related to the
- * call frame in the format expected by ScriptsPanel and its panes.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.formatCallFrame_ = function(stackFrame)
- var func = stackFrame.func;
- var sourceId = func.scriptId;
- // Add service script if it does not exist.
- var existingScript = this.parsedScripts_[sourceId];
- if (!existingScript) {
- this.parsedScripts_[sourceId] = new devtools.ScriptInfo(sourceId, null /* name */, 0 /* line */, "unknown" /* type */, true /* unresolved */);
- WebInspector.parsedScriptSource(sourceId, null, null, 0, WebInspector.Script.WorldType.MAIN_WORLD);
- }
- var funcName = || func.inferredName;
- var line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.v8ToWwebkitLineNumber_(stackFrame.line);
- // Add basic scope chain info with scope variables.
- var scopeChain = [];
- var ScopeType = devtools.DebuggerAgent.ScopeType;
- for (var i = 0; i < stackFrame.scopes.length; i++) {
- var scope = stackFrame.scopes[i];
- scope.frameNumber = stackFrame.index;
- var scopeObjectProxy = new WebInspector.ObjectProxy(0, scope, [], "", true);
- scopeObjectProxy.isScope = true;
- switch(scope.type) {
- case ScopeType.Global:
- scopeObjectProxy.isDocument = true;
- break;
- case ScopeType.Local:
- scopeObjectProxy.isLocal = true;
- scopeObjectProxy.thisObject = devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_(stackFrame.receiver);
- break;
- case ScopeType.With:
- // Catch scope is treated as a regular with scope by WebKit so we
- // also treat it this way.
- case ScopeType.Catch:
- scopeObjectProxy.isWithBlock = true;
- break;
- case ScopeType.Closure:
- scopeObjectProxy.isClosure = true;
- break;
- }
- scopeChain.push(scopeObjectProxy);
- }
- return new devtools.CallFrame(stackFrame.index, "function", funcName, sourceId, line, scopeChain);
- * Restores breakpoints associated with the URL of a newly parsed script.
- * @param {number} sourceID The id of the script.
- * @param {string} scriptUrl URL of the script.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype.restoreBreakpoints_ = function(sourceID, scriptUrl)
- var breakpoints = this.urlToBreakpoints_[scriptUrl];
- for (var line in breakpoints) {
- if (parseInt(line) == line) {
- var v8Line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.v8ToWwebkitLineNumber_(parseInt(line));
- WebInspector.restoredBreakpoint(sourceID, scriptUrl, v8Line, breakpoints[line].enabled(), breakpoints[line].condition());
- }
- }
- * Collects properties for an object from the debugger response.
- * @param {Object} object An object from the debugger protocol response.
- * @param {Array.<WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy>} result An array to put the
- * properties into.
- * @param {boolean} noIntrinsic Whether intrinsic properties should be
- * included.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProperties_ = function(object, result, noIntrinsic)
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.propertiesToProxies_(, result);
- if (noIntrinsic)
- return;
- result.push(new WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy("__proto__", devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_(object.protoObject)));
- result.push(new WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy("constructor", devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_(object.constructorFunction)));
- // Don't add 'prototype' property since it is one of the regualar properties.
- * For each property in "properties" creates its proxy representative.
- * @param {Array.<Object>} properties Receiver properties or locals array from
- * "backtrace" response.
- * @param {Array.<WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy>} Results holder.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.propertiesToProxies_ = function(properties, result)
- var map = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
- var property = properties[i];
- var name = String(;
- if (name in map)
- continue;
- map[name] = true;
- var value = devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_(property.value);
- var propertyProxy = new WebInspector.ObjectPropertyProxy(name, value);
- result.push(propertyProxy);
- }
- * @param {Object} v An object reference from the debugger response.
- * @return {*} The value representation expected by ScriptsPanel.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_ = function(v)
- var description;
- var hasChildren = false;
- if (v.type === "object") {
- description = v.className;
- hasChildren = true;
- } else if (v.type === "function") {
- if (v.source)
- description = v.source;
- else
- description = "function " + + "()";
- hasChildren = true;
- } else if (v.type === "undefined")
- description = "undefined";
- else if (v.type === "null")
- description = "null";
- else if (typeof v.value !== "undefined") {
- // Check for undefined and null types before checking the value, otherwise
- // null/undefined may have blank value.
- description = v.value;
- } else
- description = "<unresolved ref: " + v.ref + ", type: " + v.type + ">";
- var proxy = new WebInspector.ObjectProxy(0, v, [], description, hasChildren);
- proxy.type = v.type;
- proxy.isV8Ref = true;
- return proxy;
- * Converts line number from Web Inspector UI(1-based) to v8(0-based).
- * @param {number} line Resource line number in Web Inspector UI.
- * @return {number} The line number in v8.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.webkitToV8LineNumber_ = function(line)
- return line - 1;
- * Converts line number from v8(0-based) to Web Inspector UI(1-based).
- * @param {number} line Resource line number in v8.
- * @return {number} The line number in Web Inspector.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerAgent.v8ToWwebkitLineNumber_ = function(line)
- return line + 1;
- * @param {number} scriptId Id of the script.
- * @param {?string} url Script resource URL if any.
- * @param {number} lineOffset First line 0-based offset in the containing
- * document.
- * @param {string} contextType Type of the script's context:
- * "page" - regular script from html page
- * "injected" - extension content script
- * @param {bool} opt_isUnresolved If true, script will not be resolved.
- * @constructor
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo = function(scriptId, url, lineOffset, contextType, opt_isUnresolved)
- this.scriptId_ = scriptId;
- this.lineOffset_ = lineOffset;
- this.contextType_ = contextType;
- this.url_ = url;
- this.isUnresolved_ = opt_isUnresolved;
- this.lineToBreakpointInfo_ = {};
- * @return {number}
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.getLineOffset = function()
- return this.lineOffset_;
- * @return {string}
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.getContextType = function()
- return this.contextType_;
- * @return {?string}
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.getUrl = function()
- return this.url_;
- * @return {?bool}
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.isUnresolved = function()
- return this.isUnresolved_;
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.worldType = function()
- if (this.contextType_ === "injected")
- return WebInspector.Script.WorldType.EXTENSIONS_WORLD;
- return WebInspector.Script.WorldType.MAIN_WORLD;
- * @param {number} line 0-based line number in the script.
- * @return {?devtools.BreakpointInfo} Information on a breakpoint at the
- * specified line in the script or undefined if there is no breakpoint at
- * that line.
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.getBreakpointInfo = function(line)
- return this.lineToBreakpointInfo_[line];
- * Adds breakpoint info to the script.
- * @param {devtools.BreakpointInfo} breakpoint
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.addBreakpointInfo = function(breakpoint)
- this.lineToBreakpointInfo_[breakpoint.getLine()] = breakpoint;
- * @param {devtools.BreakpointInfo} breakpoint Breakpoint info to be removed.
- */
-devtools.ScriptInfo.prototype.removeBreakpointInfo = function(breakpoint)
- var line = breakpoint.getLine();
- delete this.lineToBreakpointInfo_[line];
- * @param {number} line Breakpoint 0-based line number in the containing script.
- * @constructor
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo = function(line, enabled, condition)
- this.line_ = line;
- this.enabled_ = enabled;
- this.condition_ = condition;
- this.v8id_ = -1;
- this.removed_ = false;
- * @return {number}
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.getLine = function(n)
- return this.line_;
- * @return {number} Unique identifier of this breakpoint in the v8 debugger.
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.getV8Id = function(n)
- return this.v8id_;
- * Sets id of this breakpoint in the v8 debugger.
- * @param {number} id
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.setV8Id = function(id)
- this.v8id_ = id;
- * Marks this breakpoint as removed from the front-end.
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.markAsRemoved = function()
- this.removed_ = true;
- * @return {boolean} Whether this breakpoint has been removed from the
- * front-end.
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.isRemoved = function()
- return this.removed_;
- * @return {boolean} Whether this breakpoint is enabled.
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.enabled = function()
- return this.enabled_;
- * @return {?string} Breakpoint condition.
- */
-devtools.BreakpointInfo.prototype.condition = function()
- return this.condition_;
- * Call stack frame data.
- * @param {string} id CallFrame id.
- * @param {string} type CallFrame type.
- * @param {string} functionName CallFrame type.
- * @param {string} sourceID Source id.
- * @param {number} line Source line.
- * @param {Array.<Object>} scopeChain Array of scoped objects.
- * @construnctor
- */
-devtools.CallFrame = function(id, type, functionName, sourceID, line, scopeChain)
- = id;
- this.type = type;
- this.functionName = functionName;
- this.sourceID = sourceID;
- this.line = line;
- this.scopeChain = scopeChain;
- * This method issues asynchronous evaluate request, reports result to the
- * callback.
- * @param {string} expression An expression to be evaluated in the context of
- * this call frame.
- * @param {function(Object):undefined} callback Callback to report result to.
- */
-devtools.CallFrame.prototype.evaluate_ = function(expression, callback)
- "expression": expression,
- "frame":,
- "global": false,
- "disable_break": false,
- "compactFormat": true,
- "maxStringLength": -1
- },
- function(response) {
- var result = {};
- if (response.isSuccess())
- result.value = devtools.DebuggerAgent.formatObjectProxy_(response.getBody());
- else {
- result.value = response.getMessage();
- result.isException = true;
- }
- callback(result);
- });
- * JSON based commands sent to v8 debugger.
- * @param {string} command Name of the command to execute.
- * @param {Object} opt_arguments Command-specific arguments map.
- * @constructor
- */
-devtools.DebugCommand = function(command, opt_arguments)
- this.command_ = command;
- this.type_ = "request";
- this.seq_ = ++devtools.DebugCommand.nextSeq_;
- if (opt_arguments)
- this.arguments_ = opt_arguments;
- * Next unique number to be used as debugger request sequence number.
- * @type {number}
- */
-devtools.DebugCommand.nextSeq_ = 1;
- * @return {number}
- */
-devtools.DebugCommand.prototype.getSequenceNumber = function()
- return this.seq_;
- * @return {string}
- */
-devtools.DebugCommand.prototype.toJSONProtocol = function()
- var json = {
- "seq": this.seq_,
- "type": this.type_,
- "command": this.command_
- }
- if (this.arguments_)
- json.arguments = this.arguments_;
- return JSON.stringify(json);
- * JSON messages sent from v8 debugger. See protocol definition for more
- * details:
- * @param {string} msg Raw protocol packet as JSON string.
- * @constructor
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage = function(msg)
- this.packet_ = JSON.parse(msg);
- this.refs_ = [];
- if (this.packet_.refs) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.packet_.refs.length; i++)
- this.refs_[this.packet_.refs[i].handle] = this.packet_.refs[i];
- }
- * @return {string} The packet type.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getType = function()
- return this.packet_.type;
- * @return {?string} The packet event if the message is an event.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getEvent = function()
- return this.packet_.event;
- * @return {?string} The packet command if the message is a response to a
- * command.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getCommand = function()
- return this.packet_.command;
- * @return {number} The packet request sequence.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getRequestSeq = function()
- return this.packet_.request_seq;
- * @return {number} Whether the v8 is running after processing the request.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.isRunning = function()
- return this.packet_.running ? true : false;
- * @return {boolean} Whether the request succeeded.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.isSuccess = function()
- return this.packet_.success ? true : false;
- * @return {string}
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getMessage = function()
- return this.packet_.message;
- * @return {Object} Parsed message body json.
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.getBody = function()
- return this.packet_.body;
- * @param {number} handle Object handle.
- * @return {?Object} Returns the object with the handle if it was sent in this
- * message(some objects referenced by handles may be missing in the message).
- */
-devtools.DebuggerMessage.prototype.lookup = function(handle)
- return this.refs_[handle];
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerScript.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerScript.js
index 70c2fbe..7181d74 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerScript.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DebuggerScript.js
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ DebuggerScript.setBreakpoint = function(execState, args)
if (!args.enabled)
- var actualLineNumber = args.lineNumber; // TODO: replace with real stuff after v8 roll.
+ var locations = Debug.findBreakPointActualLocations(breakId);
+ var actualLineNumber = locations.length ? locations[0].line : args.lineNumber;
var key = args.scriptId + ":" + actualLineNumber;
if (key in DebuggerScript._breakpoints) {
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ DebuggerScript.editScriptSource = function(scriptId, newSource)
throw("Script not found");
var changeLog = [];
- Debug.LiveEdit.SetScriptSource(scriptToEdit, newSource, changeLog);
+ Debug.LiveEdit.SetScriptSource(scriptToEdit, newSource, false, changeLog);
return scriptToEdit.source;
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevTools.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevTools.js
index 851c934..35cca2f 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevTools.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevTools.js
@@ -62,21 +62,11 @@ devtools.ToolsAgent = function()
RemoteToolsAgent.didDispatchOn = WebInspector.Callback.processCallback;
RemoteToolsAgent.dispatchOnClient = this.dispatchOnClient_.bind(this);
- this.debuggerAgent_ = new devtools.DebuggerAgent();
this.profilerAgent_ = new devtools.ProfilerAgent();
- * Resets tools agent to its initial state.
- */
-devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.reset = function()
- this.debuggerAgent_.reset();
* @param {string} script Script exression to be evaluated in the context of the
* inspected page.
* @param {function(Object|string, boolean):undefined} opt_callback Function to
@@ -89,15 +79,6 @@ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.evaluateJavaScript = function(script, opt_callback
- * @return {devtools.DebuggerAgent} Debugger agent instance.
- */
-devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getDebuggerAgent = function()
- return this.debuggerAgent_;
* @return {devtools.ProfilerAgent} Profiler agent instance.
devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getProfilerAgent = function()
@@ -106,16 +87,6 @@ devtools.ToolsAgent.prototype.getProfilerAgent = function()
-(function () {
-var orig = WebInspector.reset;
-WebInspector.reset = function()
* @param {string} message Serialized call to be dispatched on WebInspector.
* @private
@@ -165,7 +136,6 @@ var oldLoaded = WebInspector.loaded;
WebInspector.loaded = function()
{ = new devtools.ToolsAgent();
Preferences.ignoreWhitespace = false;
Preferences.samplingCPUProfiler = true;
@@ -173,6 +143,7 @@ WebInspector.loaded = function()
Preferences.debuggerAlwaysEnabled = true;
Preferences.profilerAlwaysEnabled = true;
Preferences.canEditScriptSource = true;
+ Preferences.appCacheEnabled = false;;
@@ -197,76 +168,6 @@ devtools.domContentLoaded = function()
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", devtools.domContentLoaded, false);
-if (!window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled) {
- var oldShow =;
- = function()
- {
- this.enableToggleButton.visible = false;
- };
-(function () {
-var orig = InjectedScriptAccess.prototype.getProperties;
-InjectedScriptAccess.prototype.getProperties = function(objectProxy, ignoreHasOwnProperty, abbreviate, callback)
- if (objectProxy.isScope)
-, callback);
- else if (objectProxy.isV8Ref)
-, callback, false);
- else
- orig.apply(this, arguments);
-InjectedScriptAccess.prototype.evaluateInCallFrame = function(callFrameId, code, objectGroup, callback)
- //TODO(pfeldman): remove once 49084 is rolled.
- if (!callback)
- callback = objectGroup;
-, code, callback);
-var orig = InjectedScriptAccess.prototype.getCompletions;
-InjectedScriptAccess.prototype.getCompletions = function(expressionString, includeInspectorCommandLineAPI, callFrameId, reportCompletions)
- if (typeof callFrameId === "number")
-, callFrameId, reportCompletions);
- else
- return orig.apply(this, arguments);
-// Highlight extension content scripts in the scripts list.
-(function () {
- var original = WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.prototype._addScriptToFilesMenu;
- WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.prototype._addScriptToFilesMenu = function(script)
- {
- var result = original.apply(this, arguments);
- var debuggerAgent =;
- var type = debuggerAgent.getScriptContextType(script.sourceID);
- var option = script.filesSelectOption;
- if (type === "injected" && option)
- option.addStyleClass("injected");
- return result;
- };
(function InterceptProfilesPanelEvents()
var oldShow =;
@@ -369,3 +270,8 @@ WebInspector.resetToolbarColors = function()
WebInspector._themeStyleElement.textContent = "";
+// TODO(yurys): should be removed when eclipse debugger stops using it.
+if (window.RemoteDebuggerAgent) {
+ RemoteDebuggerAgent.setContextId = function() {};
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevToolsHostStub.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevToolsHostStub.js
index bab73a9..a2f356f 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevToolsHostStub.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/DevToolsHostStub.js
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
* DevTools frontend to function as a standalone web app.
-if (!window["RemoteDebuggerAgent"]) {
- window["RemoteDebuggerAgent"] = { setDebuggerScriptSource: function() {} };
+if (!window["RemoteDebuggerCommandExecutor"]) {
window["RemoteDebuggerCommandExecutor"] = {};
window["RemoteProfilerAgent"] = {};
window["RemoteToolsAgent"] = {
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/InspectorControllerImpl.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/InspectorControllerImpl.js
index cbe607d..5ed506a 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/InspectorControllerImpl.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/InspectorControllerImpl.js
@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ devtools.InspectorBackendImpl = function()
- if (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled) {
@@ -111,129 +110,20 @@ devtools.InspectorBackendImpl = function()
- this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("resumeDebugger");
- this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepIntoStatementInDebugger");
- this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepOutOfFunctionInDebugger");
- this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepOverStatementInDebugger");
+ this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("resume");
+ this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepIntoStatement");
+ this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepOutOfFunction");
+ this.installInspectorControllerDelegate_("stepOverStatement");
- }
devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.__proto__ = WebInspector.InspectorBackendStub.prototype;
-if (!window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled) {
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.setBreakpoint = function(sourceID, line, enabled, condition)
- this.removeBreakpoint(sourceID, line);
-, line, enabled, condition);
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.removeBreakpoint = function(sourceID, line)
-, line);
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.editScriptSource = function(callID, sourceID, newContent)
-, newContent, function(success, newBodyOrErrorMessage, callFrames) {
- WebInspector.didEditScriptSource(callID, success, newBodyOrErrorMessage, callFrames);
- });
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.getScriptSource = function(callID, sourceID)
- sourceID,
- function(source) {
- WebInspector.didGetScriptSource(callID, source);
- });
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.activateBreakpoints = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.deactivateBreakpoints = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.pauseInDebugger = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.resumeDebugger = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.stepIntoStatementInDebugger = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.stepOutOfFunctionInDebugger = function()
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.stepOverStatementInDebugger = function()
- * @override
- */
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.setPauseOnExceptionsState = function(state)
- this._setPauseOnExceptionsState = state;
- // TODO(yurys): support all three states. See
- var enabled = (state !== WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.PauseOnExceptionsState.DontPauseOnExceptions);
- WebInspector.updatePauseOnExceptionsState(enabled ? WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.PauseOnExceptionsState.PauseOnUncaughtExceptions : WebInspector.ScriptsPanel.PauseOnExceptionsState.DontPauseOnExceptions);
- * @override
- */
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.pauseOnExceptions = function()
- return;
- * @override
- */
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.setPauseOnExceptions = function(value)
- return;
-} else {
-devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.pauseInDebugger = function()
+devtools.InspectorBackendImpl.prototype.pause = function()
* @override
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
index 81432eb..e2ab3b3 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
@@ -863,29 +863,6 @@ TestSuite.prototype.evaluateInConsole_ = function(code, callback)
- * Waits for "setbreakpoint" response, checks that corresponding breakpoint
- * was successfully set and invokes the callback if it was.
- * @param {string} scriptUrl
- * @param {number} breakpointLine
- * @param {function()} callback
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.waitForSetBreakpointResponse_ = function(scriptUrl, breakpointLine, callback)
- var test = this;
- test.addSniffer(
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype,
- "handleSetBreakpointResponse_",
- function(msg) {
- var bps = this.urlToBreakpoints_[scriptUrl];
- test.assertTrue(!!bps, "No breakpoints for line " + breakpointLine);
- var line = devtools.DebuggerAgent.webkitToV8LineNumber_(breakpointLine);
- test.assertTrue(!!bps[line].getV8Id(), "Breakpoint id was not assigned.");
- callback();
- });
* Tests eval on call frame.
@@ -996,60 +973,7 @@ TestSuite.prototype.testCompletionOnPause = function()
TestSuite.prototype.testAutoContinueOnSyntaxError = function()
- if (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled)
- return;
- this.showPanel("scripts");
- var test = this;
- function checkScriptsList() {
- var scriptSelect = document.getElementById("scripts-files");
- var options = scriptSelect.options;
- // There should be only console API source (see
- // InjectedScript._ensureCommandLineAPIInstalled) since the page script
- // contains a syntax error.
- for (var i = 0 ; i < options.length; i++) {
- if (options[i]"script_syntax_error.html") !== -1)
-"Script with syntax error should not be in the list of parsed scripts.");
- }
- }
- this.addSniffer(devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype, "handleScriptsResponse_",
- function(msg) {
- checkScriptsList();
- // Reload inspected page.
- test.evaluateInConsole_(
- "window.location.reload(true);",
- function(resultText) {
- test.assertEquals("undefined", resultText, "Unexpected result of reload().");
- waitForExceptionEvent();
- });
- });
- function waitForExceptionEvent() {
- var exceptionCount = 0;
- test.addSniffer(
- devtools.DebuggerAgent.prototype,
- "handleExceptionEvent_",
- function(msg) {
- exceptionCount++;
- test.assertEquals(1, exceptionCount, "Too many exceptions.");
- test.assertEquals(undefined, msg.getBody().script, "Unexpected exception: " + JSON.stringify(msg));
- test.releaseControl();
- });
- // Check that the script is not paused on parse error.
- test.addSniffer(
- WebInspector,
- "pausedScript",
- function(callFrames) {
-"Script execution should not pause on syntax error.");
- });
- }
- this.takeControl();
+ // TODO(yurys): provide an implementation that works with ScriptDebugServer.
@@ -1500,14 +1424,14 @@ TestSuite.prototype.testExpandScope = function()
properties: {
- "this": (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled ? "DOMWindow" : "global"),
+ "this": "DOMWindow",
title: "Closure",
properties: {
- n: (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled ? '"TextParam"' : "TextParam"),
- makeClosureLocalVar: (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled ? '"local.TextParam"' : "local.TextParam"),
+ n: '"TextParam"',
+ makeClosureLocalVar: '"local.TextParam"',
@@ -1611,7 +1535,6 @@ TestSuite.prototype.testDebugIntrinsicProperties = function()
function examineLocalScope() {
- if (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled) {
var scopeExpectations = [
"a", "Child", [
"__proto__", "Child", [
@@ -1633,47 +1556,12 @@ TestSuite.prototype.testDebugIntrinsicProperties = function()
"childField", "20", null,
- } else {
- var scopeExpectations = [
- "a", "Object", [
- "constructor", "function Child()", [
- "constructor", "function Function()", null,
- "name", "Child", null,
- "prototype", "Object", [
- "childProtoField", 21, null
- ]
- ],
- "__proto__", "Object", [
- "__proto__", "Object", [
- "__proto__", "Object", [
- "__proto__", "null", null,
- "constructor", "function Object()", null,
- ],
- "constructor", "function Parent()", [
- "name", "Parent", null,
- "prototype", "Object", [
- "parentProtoField", 11, null,
- ]
- ],
- "parentProtoField", 11, null,
- ],
- "constructor", "function Child()", null,
- "childProtoField", 21, null,
- ],
- "parentField", 10, null,
- "childField", 20, null,
- ]
- ];
- }
checkProperty(localScopeSection.propertiesTreeOutline, "<Local Scope>", scopeExpectations);
var propQueue = [];
var index = 0;
- var expectedFinalIndex = (window.v8ScriptDebugServerEnabled ? 5 : 8);
+ var expectedFinalIndex = 5;
function expandAndCheckNextProperty() {
if (index === propQueue.length) {
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/devTools.css b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/devTools.css
index 0e6d284..dfcaadf 100755
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/devTools.css
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/devTools.css
@@ -171,10 +171,6 @@ body.platform-linux #scripts-files {
padding-left: 6px;
-.crumbs .crumb.end {
- -webkit-border-image: url(Images/segmentEndChromium.png) 0 2 0 2;
.crumbs .crumb.selected {
-webkit-border-image: url(Images/segmentSelectedChromium.png) 0 12 0 2;
color: white;