path: root/LayoutTests/fast/dom
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6 files changed, 587 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value-expected.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62fb9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value-expected.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+Test that different ways of changing an element's id all work properly.
+On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
+1. Check id after parsing.
+PASS document.getElementById("a") is document.body
+PASS is "a"
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").isId is true
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "a"
+2. Change Attr.value.
+PASS document.getElementById("a") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("b") is document.body
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "b"
+3. Change
+PASS document.getElementById("b") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("c") is document.body
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "c"
+4. Change id attribute via setAttribute().
+PASS document.getElementById("c") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("d") is document.body
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "d"
+5. Change id attribute via setAttributeNS().
+PASS document.getElementById("d") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("e") is document.body
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "e"
+6. Change Attr.nodeValue.
+PASS document.getElementById("e") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("f") is document.body
+PASS is "f"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "f"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "f"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+7. Attr.replaceChild().
+PASS document.getElementById("f") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("g") is document.body
+PASS is "g"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "g"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "g"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+8. Attr.insertBefore().
+PASS document.getElementById("g") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("0g") is document.body
+PASS is "0g"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "0g"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "0g"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 2
+9. attr.appendChild().
+PASS document.getElementById("0g") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("0g2") is document.body
+PASS is "0g2"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "0g2"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "0g2"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 3
+10. Attr.removeChild()
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length is 0
+PASS document.getElementById("h") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("") is null
+PASS is ""
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is ""
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is ""
+11. Changing Text.nodeValue.
+PASS attrNode.firstChild.nodeValue is "i"
+PASS document.getElementById("i") is document.body
+PASS is "i"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "i"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "i"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+12. Chnaging Attr.textContent.
+PASS document.getElementById("i") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("hi") is document.body
+PASS is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "hi"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "hi"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+13. Text.splitText().
+PASS document.getElementById("hi") is document.body
+PASS is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length is 2
+14. Node.normalize(), joining text nodes.
+PASS document.getElementById("hi") is document.body
+PASS is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent is "hi"
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length is 1
+15. Changing Attr.nodeValue.
+PASS document.getElementById("hi") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("j") is document.body
+PASS is "j"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "j"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "j"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+16. Changing
+PASS document.getElementById("j") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("k") is document.body
+PASS is "k"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "k"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "k"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+17. Changing text child with appendData().
+PASS document.getElementById("k") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("kl") is document.body
+PASS is "kl"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "kl"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "kl"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+18. Changing text child with insertData().
+PASS document.getElementById("kl") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("k1l") is document.body
+PASS is "k1l"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "k1l"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "k1l"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+19. Changing text child with deleteData().
+PASS document.getElementById("k1l") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("l") is document.body
+PASS is "l"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "l"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "l"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+20. Changing text child with replaceData().
+PASS document.getElementById("l") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("mn") is document.body
+PASS is "mn"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "mn"
+PASS attrNode.textContent is "mn"
+PASS attrNode.childNodes.length is 1
+21. Remove an Attr node.
+PASS is ""
+PASS document.getElementById("mn") is null
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is null
+PASS document.body.getAttributeNode("id") is null
+22. Add an Attr node.
+PASS document.getElementById("o") is document.body
+PASS is "o"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "o"
+23. Add an Attr node over an existing one.
+PASS document.getElementById("o") is null
+PASS document.getElementById("p") is document.body
+PASS is "p"
+PASS document.body.getAttribute("id") is "p"
+PASS successfullyParsed is true
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value.html b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e97bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/Attr/change-id-via-attr-node-value.html
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../js/resources/js-test-style.css">
+<script src="../../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
+<body id="a">
+<p id="description"></p>
+<div id="console"></div>
+description("Test that different ways of changing an element's id all work properly.");
+debug("\n1. Check id after parsing.");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("a")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"a"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").isId', 'true');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"a"');
+debug("\n2. Change Attr.value.");
+document.body.getAttributeNode("id").value = "b";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("a")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("b")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"b"');
+debug("\n3. Change"); = "c";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("b")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("c")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"c"');
+debug("\n4. Change id attribute via setAttribute().");
+document.body.setAttribute("id", "d");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("c")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("d")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"d"');
+debug("\n5. Change id attribute via setAttributeNS().");
+document.body.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "e");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("d")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("e")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"e"');
+var attrNode = document.body.getAttributeNode("id");
+debug("\n6. Change Attr.nodeValue.");
+document.body.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue = "f";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("e")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("f")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"f"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"f"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"f"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+// Firefox doesn't support these for Attr nodes.
+debug("\n7. Attr.replaceChild().");
+try {
+ attrNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode("g"), attrNode.firstChild);
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("f")', 'null');
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("g")', 'document.body');
+ shouldBe('', '"g"');
+ shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"g"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"g"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+} catch (ex) {
+ debug(ex);
+debug("\n8. Attr.insertBefore().");
+try {
+ attrNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode("0"), attrNode.firstChild);
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("g")', 'null');
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("0g")', 'document.body');
+ shouldBe('', '"0g"');
+ shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"0g"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"0g"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '2');
+} catch (ex) {
+ debug(ex);
+debug("\n9. attr.appendChild().");
+try {
+ attrNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode("2"));
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("0g")', 'null');
+ shouldBe('document.getElementById("0g2")', 'document.body');
+ shouldBe('', '"0g2"');
+ shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"0g2"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"0g2"');
+ shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '3');
+} catch (ex) {
+ debug(ex);
+debug("\n10. Attr.removeChild()");
+attrNode.nodeValue = "h";
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length', '0');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("h")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("")', 'null');
+shouldBe('', '""');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '""');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '""');
+debug("\n11. Changing Text.nodeValue.");
+attrNode.nodeValue = "h";
+attrNode.firstChild.nodeValue = "i";
+shouldBe('attrNode.firstChild.nodeValue', '"i"');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("i")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"i"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"i"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"i"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n12. Chnaging Attr.textContent.");
+attrNode.textContent = "hi";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("i")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("hi")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n13. Text.splitText().");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("hi")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length', '2');
+debug("\n14. Node.normalize(), joining text nodes.");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("hi")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").textContent', '"hi"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id").childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n15. Changing Attr.nodeValue.");
+attrNode.nodeValue = "foo";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("hi")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("j")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"j"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"j"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"j"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n16. Changing"); = "k";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("j")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("k")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"k"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"k"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"k"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n17. Changing text child with appendData().");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("k")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("kl")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"kl"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"kl"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"kl"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n18. Changing text child with insertData().");
+attrNode.firstChild.insertData(1, "1");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("kl")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("k1l")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"k1l"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"k1l"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"k1l"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n19. Changing text child with deleteData().");
+attrNode.firstChild.deleteData(0, 2);
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("k1l")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("l")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"l"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"l"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"l"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n20. Changing text child with replaceData().");
+attrNode.firstChild.replaceData(0, 1, "mn");
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("l")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("mn")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"mn"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"mn"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.textContent', '"mn"');
+shouldBe('attrNode.childNodes.length', '1');
+debug("\n21. Remove an Attr node.");
+shouldBe('', '""');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("mn")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttributeNode("id")', 'null');
+debug("\n22. Add an Attr node.");
+var attrNode = document.createAttribute("id");
+attrNode.value = "o";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("o")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"o"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"o"');
+debug("\n23. Add an Attr node over an existing one.");
+var attrNode = document.createAttribute("id");
+attrNode.value = "p";
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("o")', 'null');
+shouldBe('document.getElementById("p")', 'document.body');
+shouldBe('', '"p"');
+shouldBe('document.body.getAttribute("id")', '"p"');
+var successfullyParsed = true;
+<script src="../../js/resources/js-test-post.js"></script>
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/create-event-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/create-event-expected.txt
index fdc40c4..f890861 100644
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/create-event-expected.txt
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/create-event-expected.txt
@@ -7,22 +7,16 @@ PASS typeof event == 'object' is true
PASS 'type' in event is true
PASS 'bubbles' in event is true
PASS 'cancelable' in event is true
-PASS 'xAcceleration' in event is true
-PASS 'yAcceleration' in event is true
-PASS 'zAcceleration' in event is true
-PASS 'xRotationRate' in event is true
-PASS 'yRotationRate' in event is true
-PASS 'zRotationRate' in event is true
+PASS 'acceleration' in event is true
+PASS 'accelerationIncludingGravity' in event is true
+PASS 'rotationRate' in event is true
PASS 'interval' in event is true
PASS typeof event.type == 'string' is true
PASS typeof event.bubbles == 'boolean' is true
PASS typeof event.cancelable == 'boolean' is true
-PASS typeof event.xAcceleration == 'object' is true
-PASS typeof event.yAcceleration == 'object' is true
-PASS typeof event.zAcceleration == 'object' is true
-PASS typeof event.xRotationRate == 'object' is true
-PASS typeof event.yRotationRate == 'object' is true
-PASS typeof event.zRotationRate == 'object' is true
+PASS typeof event.acceleration == 'object' is true
+PASS typeof event.accelerationIncludingGravity == 'object' is true
+PASS typeof event.rotationRate == 'object' is true
PASS typeof event.interval == 'object' is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/optional-event-properties-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/optional-event-properties-expected.txt
index 0eabe35..c2230b2 100644
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/optional-event-properties-expected.txt
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/optional-event-properties-expected.txt
@@ -4,60 +4,94 @@ On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
event = document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent')
-PASS event.xAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
PASS event.interval == null is true
-event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
-PASS event.xAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == 1 is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == 2 is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == 3 is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == 4 is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == 5 is true
-PASS event.interval == 6 is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9)
+PASS event.acceleration.x == 0 is true
+PASS event.acceleration.y == 1 is true
+PASS event.acceleration.z == 2 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == 3 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == 4 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 5 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.alpha == 6 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.beta == 7 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.gamma == 8 is true
+PASS event.interval == 9 is true
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, objectThrowingException, {x: 3, z: 5}, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9) threw exception Error: x getter exception.
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, objectThrowingException, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9) threw exception Error: x getter exception.
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, z: 5}, objectThrowingException, 9) threw exception Error: alpha getter exception.
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: objectThrowingException, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9) threw exception Error: valueOf threw exception.
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: objectThrowingException, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9) threw exception Error: valueOf threw exception.
+PASS event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: objectThrowingException}, 9) threw exception Error: valueOf threw exception.
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {y: 1, x: 0}, {x: 3, z: 5}, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9)
+PASS event.acceleration.x == 0 is true
+PASS event.acceleration.y == 1 is true
+PASS event.acceleration.z == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == 3 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 5 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.alpha == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.beta == 7 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.gamma == 8 is true
+PASS event.interval == 9 is true
-PASS event.xAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
PASS event.interval == null is true
-event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, [], [], [], [], [], [], [])
-PASS event.xAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == 0 is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == 0 is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == 0 is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, [], [], [], [])
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
PASS event.interval == 0 is true
-event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)
-PASS event.xAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
PASS event.interval == null is true
-event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, '', '', '', '', '', '', '')
-PASS event.xAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == 0 is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == 0 is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == 0 is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == 0 is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, '', '', '', '')
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
PASS event.interval == 0 is true
-event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
-PASS event.xAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.yAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.zAcceleration == null is true
-PASS event.xRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.yRotationRate == null is true
-PASS event.zRotationRate == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, null, null, null, null)
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
+PASS event.interval == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: null, y: null, z: null}, {x: null, y: null, z: null}, {alpha: null, beta: null, gamma: null}, null)
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
+PASS event.interval == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: null, y: null, z: 1}, {x: null, y: null, z: 2}, {alpha: null, beta: null, gamma: 3}, null)
+PASS event.acceleration.x == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration.y == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration.z == 1 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 2 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.alpha == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.beta == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.gamma == 3 is true
+PASS event.interval == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined}, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined}, {alpha: undefined, beta: undefined, gamma: undefined}, undefined)
+PASS event.acceleration == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate == null is true
+PASS event.interval == null is true
+event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: 1}, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: 2}, {alpha: undefined, beta: undefined, gamma: 3}, undefined)
+PASS event.acceleration.x == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration.y == null is true
+PASS event.acceleration.z == 1 is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null is true
+PASS event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 2 is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.alpha == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.beta == null is true
+PASS event.rotationRate.gamma == 3 is true
PASS event.interval == null is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/create-event.js b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/create-event.js
index 167329d..8b5aec8 100644
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/create-event.js
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/create-event.js
@@ -7,23 +7,17 @@ shouldBeTrue("typeof event == 'object'");
shouldBeTrue("'type' in event");
shouldBeTrue("'bubbles' in event");
shouldBeTrue("'cancelable' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'xAcceleration' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'yAcceleration' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'zAcceleration' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'xRotationRate' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'yRotationRate' in event");
-shouldBeTrue("'zRotationRate' in event");
+shouldBeTrue("'acceleration' in event");
+shouldBeTrue("'accelerationIncludingGravity' in event");
+shouldBeTrue("'rotationRate' in event");
shouldBeTrue("'interval' in event");
shouldBeTrue("typeof event.type == 'string'");
shouldBeTrue("typeof event.bubbles == 'boolean'");
shouldBeTrue("typeof event.cancelable == 'boolean'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.xAcceleration == 'object'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.yAcceleration == 'object'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.zAcceleration == 'object'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.xRotationRate == 'object'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.yRotationRate == 'object'");
-shouldBeTrue("typeof event.zRotationRate == 'object'");
+shouldBeTrue("typeof event.acceleration == 'object'");
+shouldBeTrue("typeof event.accelerationIncludingGravity == 'object'");
+shouldBeTrue("typeof event.rotationRate == 'object'");
shouldBeTrue("typeof event.interval == 'object'");
window.successfullyParsed = true;
diff --git a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/optional-event-properties.js b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/optional-event-properties.js
index ab9b53b..5f5c88a 100644
--- a/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/optional-event-properties.js
+++ b/LayoutTests/fast/dom/DeviceMotion/script-tests/optional-event-properties.js
@@ -1,68 +1,120 @@
description("Tests the optional properties of DeviceMotionEvent. Each property should be null if not set, or set to null or undefined.");
+function ObjectThrowingException() {};
+ObjectThrowingException.prototype.valueOf = function() { throw new Error('valueOf threw exception'); }
+ObjectThrowingException.prototype.__defineGetter__("x", function() { throw new Error('x getter exception'); });
+ObjectThrowingException.prototype.__defineGetter__("alpha", function() { throw new Error('alpha getter exception'); });
+var objectThrowingException = new ObjectThrowingException();
+function testException(expression, expectedException)
+ shouldThrow(expression, '(function() { return "' + expectedException + '"; })();');
var event;
evalAndLog("event = document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent')");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
-evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == 1");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == 2");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == 3");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == 4");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == 5");
-shouldBeTrue("event.interval == 6");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.x == 0");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.y == 1");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.z == 2");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == 3");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == 4");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 5");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.alpha == 6");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.beta == 7");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.gamma == 8");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == 9");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, objectThrowingException, {x: 3, z: 5}, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9)", "Error: x getter exception");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, objectThrowingException, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9)", "Error: x getter exception");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, z: 5}, objectThrowingException, 9)", "Error: alpha getter exception");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: objectThrowingException, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9)", "Error: valueOf threw exception");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: objectThrowingException, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: 8}, 9)", "Error: valueOf threw exception");
+testException("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: 0, y: 1, z: 2}, {x: 3, y: 4, z: 5}, {alpha: 6, beta: 7, gamma: objectThrowingException}, 9)", "Error: valueOf threw exception");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {y: 1, x: 0}, {x: 3, z: 5}, {gamma: 8, beta: 7}, 9)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.x == 0");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.y == 1");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.z == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == 3");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 5");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.alpha == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.beta == 7");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.gamma == 8");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == 9");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
-evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, [], [], [], [], [], [], [])");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == 0");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, [], [], [], [])");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == 0");
-evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
-evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, '', '', '', '', '', '', '')");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == 0");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == 0");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, '', '', '', '')");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == 0");
-evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zAcceleration == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.xRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.yRotationRate == null");
-shouldBeTrue("event.zRotationRate == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, null, null, null, null)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: null, y: null, z: null}, {x: null, y: null, z: null}, {alpha: null, beta: null, gamma: null}, null)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: null, y: null, z: 1}, {x: null, y: null, z: 2}, {alpha: null, beta: null, gamma: 3}, null)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.x == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.y == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.z == 1");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 2");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.alpha == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.beta == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.gamma == 3");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined}, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: undefined}, {alpha: undefined, beta: undefined, gamma: undefined}, undefined)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
+evalAndLog("event.initDeviceMotionEvent('', false, false, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: 1}, {x: undefined, y: undefined, z: 2}, {alpha: undefined, beta: undefined, gamma: 3}, undefined)");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.x == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.y == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.acceleration.z == 1");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z == 2");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.alpha == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.beta == null");
+shouldBeTrue("event.rotationRate.gamma == 3");
shouldBeTrue("event.interval == null");
window.successfullyParsed = true;