path: root/Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h b/Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h
index 97175fe..e4edf5d 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h
+++ b/Source/WebCore/inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
#include "EventListener.h"
#include "EventTarget.h"
+#include "InjectedScript.h"
+#include "InjectedScriptHost.h"
#include "InspectorValues.h"
#include "NodeList.h"
#include "Timer.h"
@@ -45,164 +47,168 @@
#include <wtf/text/AtomicString.h>
namespace WebCore {
- class ContainerNode;
- class CSSRule;
- class CSSRuleList;
- class CSSStyleDeclaration;
- class CSSStyleRule;
- class CSSStyleSheet;
- class CharacterData;
- class Document;
- class Element;
- class Event;
- class InspectorDOMAgent;
- class InspectorFrontend;
- class MatchJob;
- class NameNodeMap;
- class Node;
- class Page;
+class ContainerNode;
+class CSSRule;
+class CSSRuleList;
+class CSSStyleDeclaration;
+class CSSStyleRule;
+class CSSStyleSheet;
+class CharacterData;
+class Document;
+class Element;
+class Event;
+class InspectorDOMAgent;
+class InspectorFrontend;
+class MatchJob;
+class NameNodeMap;
+class Node;
+class Page;
- struct EventListenerInfo {
- EventListenerInfo(Node* node, const AtomicString& eventType, const EventListenerVector& eventListenerVector)
- : node(node)
- , eventType(eventType)
- , eventListenerVector(eventListenerVector)
+struct EventListenerInfo {
+ EventListenerInfo(Node* node, const AtomicString& eventType, const EventListenerVector& eventListenerVector)
+ : node(node)
+ , eventType(eventType)
+ , eventListenerVector(eventListenerVector)
+ {
+ }
+ Node* node;
+ const AtomicString eventType;
+ const EventListenerVector eventListenerVector;
+class InspectorDOMAgent : public EventListener {
+ struct DOMListener {
+ virtual ~DOMListener()
- Node* node;
- const AtomicString eventType;
- const EventListenerVector eventListenerVector;
- };
- class InspectorDOMAgent : public EventListener {
- public:
- struct DOMListener {
- virtual ~DOMListener()
- {
- }
- virtual void didRemoveDocument(Document*) = 0;
- virtual void didRemoveDOMNode(Node*) = 0;
- virtual void didModifyDOMAttr(Element*) = 0;
- };
- static PassRefPtr<InspectorDOMAgent> create(InspectorFrontend* frontend)
- {
- return adoptRef(new InspectorDOMAgent(frontend));
- }
- static const InspectorDOMAgent* cast(const EventListener* listener)
- {
- return listener->type() == InspectorDOMAgentType
- ? static_cast<const InspectorDOMAgent*>(listener)
- : 0;
- }
- InspectorDOMAgent(InspectorFrontend* frontend);
- ~InspectorDOMAgent();
- void reset();
- virtual bool operator==(const EventListener& other);
- // Methods called from the frontend for DOM nodes inspection.
- void getChildNodes(long nodeId);
- void setAttribute(long elementId, const String& name, const String& value, bool* success);
- void removeAttribute(long elementId, const String& name, bool* success);
- void removeNode(long nodeId, long* outNodeId);
- void changeTagName(long nodeId, const String& tagName, long* newId);
- void getOuterHTML(long nodeId, WTF::String* outerHTML);
- void setOuterHTML(long nodeId, const String& outerHTML, long* newId);
- void setTextNodeValue(long nodeId, const String& value, bool* success);
- void getEventListenersForNode(long nodeId, long* outNodeId, RefPtr<InspectorArray>* listenersArray);
- void addInspectedNode(long nodeId);
- void performSearch(const String& whitespaceTrimmedQuery, bool runSynchronously);
- void searchCanceled();
- bool shouldBreakOnNodeInsertion(Node* node, Node* parent, PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> details);
- bool shouldBreakOnNodeRemoval(Node* node, PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> details);
- bool shouldBreakOnAttributeModification(Element* element, PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> details);
- // Methods called from the InspectorInstrumentation.
- void setDocument(Document* document);
- void releaseDanglingNodes();
- void didInsertDOMNode(Node*);
- void didRemoveDOMNode(Node*);
- void didModifyDOMAttr(Element*);
- void characterDataModified(CharacterData*);
- Node* nodeForId(long nodeId);
- long pushNodePathToFrontend(Node* node);
- void pushChildNodesToFrontend(long nodeId);
- void pushNodeByPathToFrontend(const String& path, long* nodeId);
- long inspectedNode(unsigned long num);
- void copyNode(long nodeId);
- const ListHashSet<RefPtr<Document> >& documents() { return m_documents; }
- void setDOMListener(DOMListener*);
- String documentURLString(Document* document) const;
- // We represent embedded doms as a part of the same hierarchy. Hence we treat children of frame owners differently.
- // We also skip whitespace text nodes conditionally. Following methods encapsulate these specifics.
- static Node* innerFirstChild(Node*);
- static Node* innerNextSibling(Node*);
- static Node* innerPreviousSibling(Node*);
- static unsigned innerChildNodeCount(Node*);
- static Node* innerParentNode(Node*);
- static bool isWhitespace(Node*);
- private:
- void startListeningFrameDocument(Node* frameOwnerNode);
- void startListening(Document* document);
- void stopListening(Document* document);
- virtual void handleEvent(ScriptExecutionContext*, Event* event);
- // Node-related methods.
- typedef HashMap<RefPtr<Node>, long> NodeToIdMap;
- long bind(Node* node, NodeToIdMap* nodesMap);
- void unbind(Node* node, NodeToIdMap* nodesMap);
- bool pushDocumentToFrontend();
- bool hasBreakpoint(Node* node, long type);
- void updateSubtreeBreakpoints(Node* root, uint32_t rootMask, bool value);
- void descriptionForDOMEvent(Node* target, long breakpointType, bool insertion, PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> description);
- PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForNode(Node* node, int depth, NodeToIdMap* nodesMap);
- PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> buildArrayForElementAttributes(Element* element);
- PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> buildArrayForContainerChildren(Node* container, int depth, NodeToIdMap* nodesMap);
- PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForEventListener(const RegisteredEventListener& registeredEventListener, const AtomicString& eventType, Node* node);
- Document* mainFrameDocument() const;
- void onMatchJobsTimer(Timer<InspectorDOMAgent>*);
- void reportNodesAsSearchResults(ListHashSet<Node*>& resultCollector);
- Node* nodeForPath(const String& path);
- PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> toArray(const Vector<String>& data);
- void discardBindings();
- InspectorFrontend* m_frontend;
- DOMListener* m_domListener;
- NodeToIdMap m_documentNodeToIdMap;
- // Owns node mappings for dangling nodes.
- Vector<NodeToIdMap*> m_danglingNodeToIdMaps;
- HashMap<long, Node*> m_idToNode;
- HashMap<long, NodeToIdMap*> m_idToNodesMap;
- HashSet<long> m_childrenRequested;
- long m_lastNodeId;
- ListHashSet<RefPtr<Document> > m_documents;
- Deque<MatchJob*> m_pendingMatchJobs;
- Timer<InspectorDOMAgent> m_matchJobsTimer;
- HashSet<RefPtr<Node> > m_searchResults;
- Vector<long> m_inspectedNodes;
+ virtual void didRemoveDocument(Document*) = 0;
+ virtual void didRemoveDOMNode(Node*) = 0;
+ virtual void didModifyDOMAttr(Element*) = 0;
+ static PassRefPtr<InspectorDOMAgent> create(InjectedScriptHost* injectedScriptHost, InspectorFrontend* frontend)
+ {
+ return adoptRef(new InspectorDOMAgent(injectedScriptHost, frontend));
+ }
+ static const InspectorDOMAgent* cast(const EventListener* listener)
+ {
+ return listener->type() == InspectorDOMAgentType
+ ? static_cast<const InspectorDOMAgent*>(listener)
+ : 0;
+ }
+ InspectorDOMAgent(InjectedScriptHost*, InspectorFrontend*);
+ ~InspectorDOMAgent();
+ void reset();
+ virtual bool operator==(const EventListener& other);
+ // Methods called from the frontend for DOM nodes inspection.
+ void getChildNodes(long nodeId);
+ void setAttribute(long elementId, const String& name, const String& value, bool* success);
+ void removeAttribute(long elementId, const String& name, bool* success);
+ void removeNode(long nodeId, long* outNodeId);
+ void changeTagName(long nodeId, const String& tagName, long* newId);
+ void getOuterHTML(long nodeId, WTF::String* outerHTML);
+ void setOuterHTML(long nodeId, const String& outerHTML, long* newId);
+ void setTextNodeValue(long nodeId, const String& value, bool* success);
+ void getEventListenersForNode(long nodeId, long* outNodeId, RefPtr<InspectorArray>* listenersArray);
+ void addInspectedNode(long nodeId);
+ void performSearch(const String& whitespaceTrimmedQuery, bool runSynchronously);
+ void searchCanceled();
+ void resolveNode(long nodeId, RefPtr<InspectorValue>* result);
+ void getNodeProperties(long nodeId, PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> propertiesArray, RefPtr<InspectorValue>* result);
+ void getNodePrototypes(long nodeId, RefPtr<InspectorValue>* result);
+ void pushNodeToFrontend(PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> objectId, RefPtr<InspectorValue>* result);
+ // Methods called from the InspectorInstrumentation.
+ void setDocument(Document*);
+ void releaseDanglingNodes();
+ void didInsertDOMNode(Node*);
+ void didRemoveDOMNode(Node*);
+ void didModifyDOMAttr(Element*);
+ void characterDataModified(CharacterData*);
+ Node* nodeForId(long nodeId);
+ long pushNodePathToFrontend(Node*);
+ void pushChildNodesToFrontend(long nodeId);
+ void pushNodeByPathToFrontend(const String& path, long* nodeId);
+ long inspectedNode(unsigned long num);
+ void copyNode(long nodeId);
+ const ListHashSet<RefPtr<Document> >& documents() { return m_documents; }
+ void setDOMListener(DOMListener*);
+ String documentURLString(Document*) const;
+ // We represent embedded doms as a part of the same hierarchy. Hence we treat children of frame owners differently.
+ // We also skip whitespace text nodes conditionally. Following methods encapsulate these specifics.
+ static Node* innerFirstChild(Node*);
+ static Node* innerNextSibling(Node*);
+ static Node* innerPreviousSibling(Node*);
+ static unsigned innerChildNodeCount(Node*);
+ static Node* innerParentNode(Node*);
+ static bool isWhitespace(Node*);
+ void startListeningFrameDocument(Node* frameOwnerNode);
+ void startListening(Document*);
+ void stopListening(Document*);
+ virtual void handleEvent(ScriptExecutionContext*, Event*);
+ // Node-related methods.
+ typedef HashMap<RefPtr<Node>, long> NodeToIdMap;
+ long bind(Node*, NodeToIdMap*);
+ void unbind(Node*, NodeToIdMap*);
+ bool pushDocumentToFrontend();
+ bool hasBreakpoint(Node*, long type);
+ void updateSubtreeBreakpoints(Node* root, uint32_t rootMask, bool value);
+ void descriptionForDOMEvent(Node* target, long breakpointType, bool insertion, PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> description);
+ PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForNode(Node*, int depth, NodeToIdMap*);
+ PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> buildArrayForElementAttributes(Element*);
+ PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> buildArrayForContainerChildren(Node* container, int depth, NodeToIdMap* nodesMap);
+ PassRefPtr<InspectorObject> buildObjectForEventListener(const RegisteredEventListener&, const AtomicString& eventType, Node*);
+ Document* mainFrameDocument() const;
+ void onMatchJobsTimer(Timer<InspectorDOMAgent>*);
+ void reportNodesAsSearchResults(ListHashSet<Node*>& resultCollector);
+ Node* nodeForPath(const String& path);
+ PassRefPtr<InspectorArray> toArray(const Vector<String>& data);
+ void discardBindings();
+ InjectedScript injectedScriptForNodeId(long nodeId);
+ InjectedScriptHost* m_injectedScriptHost;
+ InspectorFrontend* m_frontend;
+ DOMListener* m_domListener;
+ NodeToIdMap m_documentNodeToIdMap;
+ // Owns node mappings for dangling nodes.
+ Vector<NodeToIdMap*> m_danglingNodeToIdMaps;
+ HashMap<long, Node*> m_idToNode;
+ HashMap<long, NodeToIdMap*> m_idToNodesMap;
+ HashSet<long> m_childrenRequested;
+ long m_lastNodeId;
+ ListHashSet<RefPtr<Document> > m_documents;
+ Deque<MatchJob*> m_pendingMatchJobs;
+ Timer<InspectorDOMAgent> m_matchJobsTimer;
+ HashSet<RefPtr<Node> > m_searchResults;
+ Vector<long> m_inspectedNodes;
} // namespace WebCore