path: root/Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h b/Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h
index ecb7b45..f6a2564 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h
+++ b/Source/WebCore/platform/chromium/PlatformBridge.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
@@ -31,17 +31,378 @@
#ifndef PlatformBridge_h
#define PlatformBridge_h
-#include "ChromiumBridge.h"
+#include "AudioBus.h"
+#include "FileSystem.h"
+#include "ImageSource.h"
+#include "LinkHash.h"
+#include "PassRefPtr.h"
+#include "PasteboardPrivate.h"
+#include "PluginData.h"
+#include <wtf/Forward.h>
+#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
+#include <wtf/Vector.h>
+typedef struct NPObject NPObject;
+typedef struct _NPP NPP_t;
+typedef NPP_t* NPP;
+typedef struct CGFont* CGFontRef;
+typedef uintptr_t ATSFontContainerRef;
+#ifdef __OBJC__
+@class NSFont;
+class NSFont;
+#endif // OS(DARWIN)
+typedef struct HFONT__* HFONT;
namespace WebCore {
-// FIXME: A better name for ChromiumBridge is PlatformBridge. Android already
-// uses PlatformBridge so the code that is shared among the Android and Chromium
-// ports is gradually moving towards using PlatformBridge. Once the Android
-// unforking is done, we will change the name of ChromiumBridge to PlatformBridge
-// and merge the two classes into one that will be shared by both ports.
-typedef ChromiumBridge PlatformBridge;
+class ClipboardData;
+class Color;
+class Cursor;
+class Document;
+class Frame;
+class GeolocationServiceBridge;
+class GeolocationServiceChromium;
+class GraphicsContext;
+class Image;
+class IDBFactoryBackendInterface;
+class IDBKey;
+class IntRect;
+class KURL;
+class SerializedScriptValue;
+class Widget;
+struct Cookie;
+struct FontRenderStyle;
+// An interface to the embedding layer, which has the ability to answer
+// questions about the system and so on...
+class PlatformBridge {
+ // Cache --------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void cacheMetadata(const KURL&, double responseTime, const Vector<char>&);
+ // Clipboard ----------------------------------------------------------
+ static bool clipboardIsFormatAvailable(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardFormat, PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer);
+ static String clipboardReadPlainText(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer);
+ static void clipboardReadHTML(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer, String*, KURL*);
+ // Only the clipboardRead functions take a buffer argument because
+ // Chromium currently uses a different technique to write to alternate
+ // clipboard buffers.
+ static void clipboardWriteSelection(const String&, const KURL&, const String&, bool);
+ static void clipboardWritePlainText(const String&);
+ static void clipboardWriteURL(const KURL&, const String&);
+ static void clipboardWriteImage(NativeImagePtr, const KURL&, const String&);
+ static void clipboardWriteData(const String& type, const String& data, const String& metadata);
+ // Interface for handling copy and paste, drag and drop, and selection copy.
+ static HashSet<String> clipboardReadAvailableTypes(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer, bool* containsFilenames);
+ static bool clipboardReadData(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer, const String& type, String& data, String& metadata);
+ static Vector<String> clipboardReadFilenames(PasteboardPrivate::ClipboardBuffer);
+ // Cookies ------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void setCookies(const Document*, const KURL&, const String& value);
+ static String cookies(const Document*, const KURL&);
+ static String cookieRequestHeaderFieldValue(const Document*, const KURL&);
+ static bool rawCookies(const Document*, const KURL&, Vector<Cookie>&);
+ static void deleteCookie(const Document*, const KURL&, const String& cookieName);
+ static bool cookiesEnabled(const Document*);
+ // DNS ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void prefetchDNS(const String& hostname);
+ // File ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void revealFolderInOS(const String&);
+ static bool fileExists(const String&);
+ static bool deleteFile(const String&);
+ static bool deleteEmptyDirectory(const String&);
+ static bool getFileSize(const String&, long long& result);
+ static bool getFileModificationTime(const String&, time_t& result);
+ static String directoryName(const String& path);
+ static String pathByAppendingComponent(const String& path, const String& component);
+ static bool makeAllDirectories(const String& path);
+ static String getAbsolutePath(const String&);
+ static bool isDirectory(const String&);
+ static KURL filePathToURL(const String&);
+ static PlatformFileHandle openFile(const String& path, FileOpenMode);
+ static void closeFile(PlatformFileHandle&);
+ static long long seekFile(PlatformFileHandle, long long offset, FileSeekOrigin);
+ static bool truncateFile(PlatformFileHandle, long long offset);
+ static int readFromFile(PlatformFileHandle, char* data, int length);
+ static int writeToFile(PlatformFileHandle, const char* data, int length);
+ // Font ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ static bool ensureFontLoaded(HFONT);
+ static void getRenderStyleForStrike(const char* family, int sizeAndStyle, FontRenderStyle* result);
+ static String getFontFamilyForCharacters(const UChar*, size_t numCharacters);
+ static bool loadFont(NSFont* srcFont, ATSFontContainerRef* out);
+ // Forms --------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void notifyFormStateChanged(const Document*);
+ // Databases ----------------------------------------------------------
+ // Returns a handle to the DB file and ooptionally a handle to its containing directory
+ static PlatformFileHandle databaseOpenFile(const String& vfsFleName, int desiredFlags);
+ // Returns a SQLite code (SQLITE_OK = 0, on success)
+ static int databaseDeleteFile(const String& vfsFileName, bool syncDir = false);
+ // Returns the attributes of the DB file
+ static long databaseGetFileAttributes(const String& vfsFileName);
+ // Returns the size of the DB file
+ static long long databaseGetFileSize(const String& vfsFileName);
+ // IndexedDB ----------------------------------------------------------
+ static PassRefPtr<IDBFactoryBackendInterface> idbFactory();
+ static void idbShutdown();
+ // Extracts keyPath from values and returns the corresponding keys.
+ static void createIDBKeysFromSerializedValuesAndKeyPath(const Vector<RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> >& values, const String& keyPath, Vector<RefPtr<IDBKey> >& keys);
+ // JavaScript ---------------------------------------------------------
+ static void notifyJSOutOfMemory(Frame*);
+ static bool allowScriptDespiteSettings(const KURL& documentURL);
+ // Keygen -------------------------------------------------------------
+ static String signedPublicKeyAndChallengeString(unsigned keySizeIndex, const String& challenge, const KURL&);
+ // Language -----------------------------------------------------------
+ static String computedDefaultLanguage();
+ // LayoutTestMode -----------------------------------------------------
+ static bool layoutTestMode();
+ // Memory -------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Returns the current space allocated for the pagefile, in MB.
+ // That is committed size for Windows and virtual memory size for POSIX
+ static int memoryUsageMB();
+ // Same as above, but always returns actual value, without any caches.
+ static int actualMemoryUsageMB();
+ // MimeType -----------------------------------------------------------
+ static bool isSupportedImageMIMEType(const String& mimeType);
+ static bool isSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType(const String& mimeType);
+ static bool isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(const String& mimeType);
+ static String mimeTypeForExtension(const String& fileExtension);
+ static String mimeTypeFromFile(const String& filePath);
+ static String preferredExtensionForMIMEType(const String& mimeType);
+ // Plugin -------------------------------------------------------------
+ static bool plugins(bool refresh, Vector<PluginInfo>*);
+ static NPObject* pluginScriptableObject(Widget*);
+ static bool popupsAllowed(NPP);
+ // Resources ----------------------------------------------------------
+ static PassRefPtr<Image> loadPlatformImageResource(const char* name);
+ static PassOwnPtr<AudioBus> loadPlatformAudioResource(const char* name, double sampleRate);
+ static PassOwnPtr<AudioBus> decodeAudioFileData(const char* data, size_t, double sampleRate);
+ // Sandbox ------------------------------------------------------------
+ static bool sandboxEnabled();
+ // Screen -------------------------------------------------------------
+ static int screenDepth(Widget*);
+ static int screenDepthPerComponent(Widget*);
+ static bool screenIsMonochrome(Widget*);
+ static IntRect screenRect(Widget*);
+ static IntRect screenAvailableRect(Widget*);
+ // SharedTimers -------------------------------------------------------
+ static void setSharedTimerFiredFunction(void (*func)());
+ static void setSharedTimerFireTime(double);
+ static void stopSharedTimer();
+ // StatsCounters ------------------------------------------------------
+ static void decrementStatsCounter(const char* name);
+ static void incrementStatsCounter(const char* name);
+ static void histogramCustomCounts(const char* name, int sample, int min, int max, int bucketCount);
+ static void histogramEnumeration(const char* name, int sample, int boundaryValue);
+ // Sudden Termination
+ static void suddenTerminationChanged(bool enabled);
+ // SystemTime ---------------------------------------------------------
+ static double currentTime();
+ // Theming ------------------------------------------------------------
+ static void paintButton(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintMenuList(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintScrollbarArrow(
+ GraphicsContext*, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintScrollbarThumb(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintScrollbarTrack(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&, const IntRect& alignRect);
+ static void paintSpinButton(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintTextField(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&, const Color&, bool fillContentArea, bool drawEdges);
+ static void paintTrackbar(
+ GraphicsContext*, int part, int state, int classicState, const IntRect&);
+ static void paintProgressBar(
+ GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& barRect, const IntRect& valueRect, bool determinate, double animatedSeconds);
+#elif OS(LINUX)
+ // The UI part which is being accessed.
+ enum ThemePart {
+ // ScrollbarTheme parts
+ PartScrollbarDownArrow,
+ PartScrollbarLeftArrow,
+ PartScrollbarRightArrow,
+ PartScrollbarUpArrow,
+ PartScrollbarHorizontalThumb,
+ PartScrollbarVerticalThumb,
+ PartScrollbarHorizontalTrack,
+ PartScrollbarVerticalTrack,
+ // RenderTheme parts
+ PartCheckbox,
+ PartRadio,
+ PartButton,
+ PartTextField,
+ PartMenuList,
+ PartSliderTrack,
+ PartSliderThumb,
+ PartInnerSpinButton,
+ PartProgressBar
+ };
+ // The current state of the associated Part.
+ enum ThemePaintState {
+ StateDisabled,
+ StateHover,
+ StateNormal,
+ StatePressed
+ };
+ struct ScrollbarTrackExtraParams {
+ // The bounds of the entire track, as opposed to the part being painted.
+ int trackX;
+ int trackY;
+ int trackWidth;
+ int trackHeight;
+ };
+ struct ButtonExtraParams {
+ bool checked;
+ bool indeterminate; // Whether the button state is indeterminate.
+ bool isDefault; // Whether the button is default button.
+ unsigned backgroundColor;
+ };
+ struct TextFieldExtraParams {
+ bool isTextArea;
+ bool isListbox;
+ unsigned backgroundColor;
+ };
+ struct MenuListExtraParams {
+ int arrowX;
+ int arrowY;
+ unsigned backgroundColor;
+ };
+ struct SliderExtraParams {
+ bool vertical;
+ bool inDrag;
+ };
+ struct InnerSpinButtonExtraParams {
+ bool spinUp;
+ bool readOnly;
+ };
+ struct ProgressBarExtraParams {
+ bool determinate;
+ int valueRectX;
+ int valueRectY;
+ int valueRectWidth;
+ int valueRectHeight;
+ };
+ union ThemePaintExtraParams {
+ ScrollbarTrackExtraParams scrollbarTrack;
+ ButtonExtraParams button;
+ TextFieldExtraParams textField;
+ MenuListExtraParams menuList;
+ SliderExtraParams slider;
+ InnerSpinButtonExtraParams innerSpin;
+ ProgressBarExtraParams progressBar;
+ };
+ // Gets the size of the given theme part. For variable sized items
+ // like vertical scrollbar thumbs, the width will be the required width of
+ // the track while the height will be the minimum height.
+ static IntSize getThemePartSize(ThemePart);
+ // Paint the given the given theme part.
+ static void paintThemePart(GraphicsContext*, ThemePart, ThemePaintState, const IntRect&, const ThemePaintExtraParams*);
+#elif OS(DARWIN)
+ enum ThemePaintState {
+ StateDisabled,
+ StateInactive,
+ StateActive,
+ StatePressed,
+ };
+ enum ThemePaintSize {
+ SizeRegular,
+ SizeSmall,
+ };
+ enum ThemePaintScrollbarOrientation {
+ ScrollbarOrientationHorizontal,
+ ScrollbarOrientationVertical,
+ };
+ enum ThemePaintScrollbarParent {
+ ScrollbarParentScrollView,
+ ScrollbarParentRenderLayer,
+ };
+ struct ThemePaintScrollbarInfo {
+ ThemePaintScrollbarOrientation orientation;
+ ThemePaintScrollbarParent parent;
+ int maxValue;
+ int currentValue;
+ int visibleSize;
+ int totalSize;
+ };
+ static void paintScrollbarThumb(GraphicsContext*, ThemePaintState, ThemePaintSize, const IntRect&, const ThemePaintScrollbarInfo&);
+ // Trace Event --------------------------------------------------------
+ static void traceEventBegin(const char* name, void*, const char* extra);
+ static void traceEventEnd(const char* name, void*, const char* extra);
+ // Visited links ------------------------------------------------------
+ static LinkHash visitedLinkHash(const UChar* url, unsigned length);
+ static LinkHash visitedLinkHash(const KURL& base, const AtomicString& attributeURL);
+ static bool isLinkVisited(LinkHash);
} // namespace WebCore
-#endif // PlatformBridge_h