path: root/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp b/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp
index 404944b..d22b098 100644
--- a/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/cc/CCHeadsUpDisplay.cpp
@@ -44,13 +44,30 @@ namespace WebCore {
using namespace std;
CCHeadsUpDisplay::CCHeadsUpDisplay(LayerRendererChromium* owner)
- : m_currentFrameNumber(0)
+ : m_currentFrameNumber(1)
+ , m_filteredFrameTime(0)
, m_layerRenderer(owner)
, m_showFPSCounter(false)
, m_showPlatformLayerTree(false)
m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[0] = currentTime();
m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[1] = m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[0];
+ for (int i = 2; i < kPresentHistorySize; i++)
+ m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[i] = 0;
+ FontDescription mediumFontDesc;
+ mediumFontDesc.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::MonospaceFamily);
+ mediumFontDesc.setComputedSize(20);
+ m_mediumFont = adoptPtr(new Font(mediumFontDesc, 0, 0));
+ m_mediumFont->update(0);
+ FontDescription smallFontDesc;
+ smallFontDesc.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::MonospaceFamily);
+ smallFontDesc.setComputedSize(10);
+ m_smallFont = adoptPtr(new Font(smallFontDesc, 0, 0));
+ m_smallFont->update(0);
@@ -79,7 +96,7 @@ void CCHeadsUpDisplay::draw()
PlatformCanvas canvas;
- PlatformCanvas::Painter painter(&canvas);
+ PlatformCanvas::Painter painter(&canvas, PlatformCanvas::Painter::GrayscaleText);
drawHudContents(painter.context(), hudSize);
@@ -92,7 +109,7 @@ void CCHeadsUpDisplay::draw()
// Draw the HUD onto the default render surface.
- const ContentLayerChromium::Program* program = m_layerRenderer->contentLayerProgram();
+ const LayerTilerChromium::Program* program = m_layerRenderer->tilerProgram();
ASSERT(program && program->initialized());
GLC(context, context->activeTexture(GraphicsContext3D::TEXTURE0));
@@ -111,59 +128,98 @@ void CCHeadsUpDisplay::draw()
void CCHeadsUpDisplay::drawHudContents(GraphicsContext* ctx, const IntSize& hudSize)
- FontDescription mediumFontDesc;
- mediumFontDesc.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::MonospaceFamily);
- mediumFontDesc.setComputedSize(12);
- Font mediumFont(mediumFontDesc, 0, 0);
- mediumFont.update(0);
- FontDescription smallFontDesc;
- smallFontDesc.setGenericFamily(FontDescription::MonospaceFamily);
- smallFontDesc.setComputedSize(10);
- Font smallFont(smallFontDesc, 0, 0);
- smallFont.update(0);
- // We haven't finished rendering yet, so we don't now the "current" present time.
- // So, consider the *last two* present times and use those as our present time.
- double secForLastFrame = m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[(m_currentFrameNumber - 1) % 2] - m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[m_currentFrameNumber % 2];
- int y = 14;
if (m_showPlatformLayerTree) {
ctx->setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 192), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
ctx->fillRect(FloatRect(0, 0, hudSize.width(), hudSize.height()));
- // Draw fps.
- String topLine = "";
- if (secForLastFrame > 0 && m_showFPSCounter) {
- double fps = 1.0 / secForLastFrame;
- topLine += String::format("FPS: %3.1f", fps);
- }
- if (topLine.length()) {
- ctx->setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 255), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
- TextRun run(topLine);
- ctx->fillRect(FloatRect(2, 2, mediumFont.width(run) + 2.0f, 15));
+ int fpsCounterHeight = m_mediumFont->fontMetrics().floatHeight() + 2;
+ int fpsCounterTop = 2;
+ int platformLayerTreeTop;
+ if (m_showFPSCounter)
+ platformLayerTreeTop = fpsCounterTop + fpsCounterHeight + 2;
+ else
+ platformLayerTreeTop = 0;
+ if (m_showFPSCounter)
+ drawFPSCounter(ctx, fpsCounterTop, fpsCounterHeight);
+ if (m_showPlatformLayerTree)
+ drawPlatformLayerTree(ctx, platformLayerTreeTop);
+void CCHeadsUpDisplay::drawFPSCounter(GraphicsContext* ctx, int top, int height)
+ // Note that since we haven't finished the current frame, the FPS counter
+ // actually reports the last frame's time.
+ double secForLastFrame = m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[(m_currentFrameNumber + kPresentHistorySize - 1) % kPresentHistorySize] -
+ m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[(m_currentFrameNumber + kPresentHistorySize - 2) % kPresentHistorySize];
+ // Filter the frame times to avoid spikes.
+ const float alpha = 0.1;
+ if (!m_filteredFrameTime) {
+ if (m_currentFrameNumber == 2)
+ m_filteredFrameTime = secForLastFrame;
+ } else
+ m_filteredFrameTime = ((1.0 - alpha) * m_filteredFrameTime) + (alpha * secForLastFrame);
+ // Create & measure FPS text.
+ String text(String::format("FPS: %5.1f", 1.0 / m_filteredFrameTime));
+ TextRun run(text);
+ float textWidth = m_mediumFont->width(run) + 2.0f;
+ float graphWidth = kPresentHistorySize;
+ // Draw background.
+ ctx->setFillColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 255), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
+ ctx->fillRect(FloatRect(2, top, textWidth + graphWidth, height));
+ // Draw FPS text.
+ if (m_filteredFrameTime) {
ctx->setFillColor(Color(255, 0, 0), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
- ctx->drawText(mediumFont, run, IntPoint(3, y));
- y = 26;
+ ctx->drawText(*m_mediumFont, run, IntPoint(3, top + height - 6));
- // Draw layer tree, if enabled.
- if (m_showPlatformLayerTree) {
- ctx->setFillColor(Color(255, 0, 0), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
- Vector<String> lines;
- m_layerRenderer->layerTreeAsText().split('\n', lines);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
- ctx->drawText(smallFont, TextRun(lines[i]), IntPoint(2, y));
- y += 12;
- }
+ // Draw FPS graph.
+ const double loFPS = 0.0;
+ const double hiFPS = 120.0;
+ ctx->setStrokeStyle(SolidStroke);
+ ctx->setStrokeColor(Color(255, 0, 0), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
+ int graphLeft = static_cast<int>(textWidth + 3);
+ IntPoint prev(-1, 0);
+ int x = 0;
+ double h = static_cast<double>(height - 2);
+ for (int i = m_currentFrameNumber % kPresentHistorySize; i != (m_currentFrameNumber - 1) % kPresentHistorySize; i = (i + 1) % kPresentHistorySize) {
+ int j = (i + 1) % kPresentHistorySize;
+ double fps = 1.0 / (m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[j] - m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[i]);
+ double p = 1 - ((fps - loFPS) / (hiFPS - loFPS));
+ if (p < 0)
+ p = 0;
+ if (p > 1)
+ p = 1;
+ IntPoint cur(graphLeft + x, 1 + top + p*h);
+ if (prev.x() != -1)
+ ctx->drawLine(prev, cur);
+ prev = cur;
+ x += 1;
+ }
+void CCHeadsUpDisplay::drawPlatformLayerTree(GraphicsContext* ctx, int top)
+ float smallFontHeight = m_smallFont->fontMetrics().floatHeight();
+ int y = top + smallFontHeight - 4;
+ ctx->setFillColor(Color(255, 0, 0), ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
+ Vector<String> lines;
+ m_layerRenderer->layerTreeAsText().split('\n', lines);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
+ ctx->drawText(*m_smallFont, TextRun(lines[i]), IntPoint(2, y));
+ y += smallFontHeight;
void CCHeadsUpDisplay::onPresent()
- m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[m_currentFrameNumber % 2] = currentTime();
+ m_presentTimeHistoryInSec[m_currentFrameNumber % kPresentHistorySize] = currentTime();
m_currentFrameNumber += 1;