path: root/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp b/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp
index 5f62077..bb1b083 100644
--- a/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp
+++ b/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/WebPluginContainerImpl.cpp
@@ -63,12 +63,14 @@
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLPlugInElement.h"
+#include "IFrameShimSupport.h"
#include "KeyboardCodes.h"
#include "KeyboardEvent.h"
#include "MouseEvent.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "RenderBox.h"
#include "ScrollView.h"
+#include "UserGestureIndicator.h"
#include "WheelEvent.h"
@@ -127,14 +129,12 @@ void WebPluginContainerImpl::invalidateRect(const IntRect& rect)
if (!parent())
- IntRect damageRect = convertToContainingWindow(rect);
+ RenderBox* renderer = toRenderBox(m_element->renderer());
- // Get our clip rect and intersect with it to ensure we don't invalidate
- // too much.
- IntRect clipRect = parent()->windowClipRect();
- damageRect.intersect(clipRect);
- parent()->hostWindow()->invalidateContentsAndWindow(damageRect, false /*immediate*/);
+ IntRect dirtyRect = rect;
+ dirtyRect.move(renderer->borderLeft() + renderer->paddingLeft(),
+ renderer->borderTop() + renderer->paddingTop());
+ renderer->repaintRectangle(dirtyRect);
void WebPluginContainerImpl::setFocus(bool focused)
@@ -368,6 +368,9 @@ void WebPluginContainerImpl::loadFrameRequest(
FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(frame->document()->securityOrigin(),
request.toResourceRequest(), target);
+ UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(request.hasUserGesture() ?
+ DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
false, // lock history
@@ -552,7 +555,7 @@ void WebPluginContainerImpl::calculateGeometry(const IntRect& frameRect,
clipRect = windowClipRect();
clipRect.move(-windowRect.x(), -windowRect.y());
- windowCutOutRects(frameRect, cutOutRects);
+ getPluginOcclusions(m_element, this->parent(), frameRect, cutOutRects);
// Convert to the plugin position.
for (size_t i = 0; i < cutOutRects.size(); i++)
cutOutRects[i].move(-frameRect.x(), -frameRect.y());
@@ -577,132 +580,4 @@ WebCore::IntRect WebPluginContainerImpl::windowClipRect() const
return clipRect;
-static void getObjectStack(const RenderObject* ro,
- Vector<const RenderObject*>* roStack)
- roStack->clear();
- while (ro) {
- roStack->append(ro);
- ro = ro->parent();
- }
-// Returns true if stack1 is at or above stack2
-static bool checkStackOnTop(
- const Vector<const RenderObject*>& iframeZstack,
- const Vector<const RenderObject*>& pluginZstack)
- for (size_t i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
- i1 < iframeZstack.size() && i2 < pluginZstack.size();
- i1++, i2++) {
- // The root is at the end of these stacks. We want to iterate
- // root-downwards so we index backwards from the end.
- const RenderObject* ro1 = iframeZstack[iframeZstack.size() - 1 - i1];
- const RenderObject* ro2 = pluginZstack[pluginZstack.size() - 1 - i2];
- if (ro1 != ro2) {
- // When we find nodes in the stack that are not the same, then
- // we've found the nodes just below the lowest comment ancestor.
- // Determine which should be on top.
- // See if z-index determines an order.
- if (ro1->style() && ro2->style()) {
- int z1 = ro1->style()->zIndex();
- int z2 = ro2->style()->zIndex();
- if (z1 > z2)
- return true;
- if (z1 < z2)
- return false;
- }
- // If the plugin does not have an explicit z-index it stacks behind the iframe.
- // This is for maintaining compatibility with IE.
- if (ro2->style()->position() == StaticPosition) {
- // The 0'th elements of these RenderObject arrays represent the plugin node and
- // the iframe.
- const RenderObject* pluginRenderObject = pluginZstack[0];
- const RenderObject* iframeRenderObject = iframeZstack[0];
- if (pluginRenderObject->style() && iframeRenderObject->style()) {
- if (pluginRenderObject->style()->zIndex() > iframeRenderObject->style()->zIndex())
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Inspect the document order. Later order means higher
- // stacking.
- const RenderObject* parent = ro1->parent();
- if (!parent)
- return false;
- ASSERT(parent == ro2->parent());
- for (const RenderObject* ro = parent->firstChild(); ro; ro = ro->nextSibling()) {
- if (ro == ro1)
- return false;
- if (ro == ro2)
- return true;
- }
- ASSERT(false); // We should have seen ro1 and ro2 by now.
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Return a set of rectangles that should not be overdrawn by the
-// plugin ("cutouts"). This helps implement the "iframe shim"
-// technique of overlaying a windowed plugin with content from the
-// page. In a nutshell, iframe elements should occlude plugins when
-// they occur higher in the stacking order.
-void WebPluginContainerImpl::windowCutOutRects(const IntRect& frameRect,
- Vector<IntRect>& cutOutRects)
- RenderObject* pluginNode = m_element->renderer();
- ASSERT(pluginNode);
- if (!pluginNode->style())
- return;
- Vector<const RenderObject*> pluginZstack;
- Vector<const RenderObject*> iframeZstack;
- getObjectStack(pluginNode, &pluginZstack);
- // Get the parent widget
- Widget* parentWidget = this->parent();
- if (!parentWidget->isFrameView())
- return;
- FrameView* parentFrameView = static_cast<FrameView*>(parentWidget);
- const HashSet<RefPtr<Widget> >* children = parentFrameView->children();
- for (HashSet<RefPtr<Widget> >::const_iterator it = children->begin(); it != children->end(); ++it) {
- // We only care about FrameView's because iframes show up as FrameViews.
- if (!(*it)->isFrameView())
- continue;
- const FrameView* frameView =
- static_cast<const FrameView*>((*it).get());
- // Check to make sure we can get both the element and the RenderObject
- // for this FrameView, if we can't just move on to the next object.
- if (!frameView->frame() || !frameView->frame()->ownerElement()
- || !frameView->frame()->ownerElement()->renderer())
- continue;
- HTMLElement* element = frameView->frame()->ownerElement();
- RenderObject* iframeRenderer = element->renderer();
- if (element->hasTagName(HTMLNames::iframeTag)
- && iframeRenderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRect().intersects(frameRect)
- && (!iframeRenderer->style() || iframeRenderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)) {
- getObjectStack(iframeRenderer, &iframeZstack);
- if (checkStackOnTop(iframeZstack, pluginZstack)) {
- IntPoint point =
- roundedIntPoint(iframeRenderer->localToAbsolute());
- RenderBox* rbox = toRenderBox(iframeRenderer);
- IntSize size(rbox->width(), rbox->height());
- cutOutRects.append(IntRect(point, size));
- }
- }
- }
} // namespace WebKit