path: root/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/ b/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/
index 7d0a350..14ef037 100644
--- a/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/
+++ b/Source/WebKit/mac/Misc/
@@ -590,24 +590,6 @@ bool importToWebCoreFormat()
[ThreadEnabler enableThreading];
ASSERT([NSThread isMultiThreaded]);
- // Tell backup software (i.e., Time Machine) to never back up the icon database, because
- // it's a large file that changes frequently, thus using a lot of backup disk space, and
- // it's unlikely that many users would be upset about it not being backed up. We do this
- // here because this code is only executed once for each icon database instance. We could
- // make this configurable on a per-client basis someday if that seemed useful.
- // See <rdar://problem/5320208>.
- // FIXME: This has nothing to do with importing from the old to the new database format and should be moved elsewhere,
- // especially because we might eventually delete all of this legacy importing code and we shouldn't delete this.
- CFStringRef databasePath = iconDatabase()->databasePath().createCFString();
- if (databasePath) {
- CFURLRef databasePathURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(0, databasePath, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, FALSE);
- CFRelease(databasePath);
- CSBackupSetItemExcluded(databasePathURL, true, true);
- CFRelease(databasePathURL);
- }
// Get the directory the old icon database *should* be in
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *databaseDirectory = [defaults objectForKey:WebIconDatabaseImportDirectoryDefaultsKey];