path: root/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4
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Diffstat (limited to 'SunSpider/tests/v8-v4')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 10722 deletions
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/LIST b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/LIST
deleted file mode 100644
index 117011b..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/LIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-crypto.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-crypto.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 98e171d..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-crypto.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1695 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Tom Wu
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- * the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- *
- * In addition, the following condition applies:
- *
- * All redistributions must retain an intact copy of this copyright notice
- * and disclaimer.
- */
-// Basic JavaScript BN library - subset useful for RSA encryption.
-// Bits per digit
-var dbits;
-var BI_DB;
-var BI_DM;
-var BI_DV;
-var BI_FP;
-var BI_FV;
-var BI_F1;
-var BI_F2;
-// JavaScript engine analysis
-var canary = 0xdeadbeefcafe;
-var j_lm = ((canary&0xffffff)==0xefcafe);
-// (public) Constructor
-function BigInteger(a,b,c) {
- this.array = new Array();
- if(a != null)
- if("number" == typeof a) this.fromNumber(a,b,c);
- else if(b == null && "string" != typeof a) this.fromString(a,256);
- else this.fromString(a,b);
-// return new, unset BigInteger
-function nbi() { return new BigInteger(null); }
-// am: Compute w_j += (x*this_i), propagate carries,
-// c is initial carry, returns final carry.
-// c < 3*dvalue, x < 2*dvalue, this_i < dvalue
-// We need to select the fastest one that works in this environment.
-// am1: use a single mult and divide to get the high bits,
-// max digit bits should be 26 because
-// max internal value = 2*dvalue^2-2*dvalue (< 2^53)
-function am1(i,x,w,j,c,n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var w_array = w.array;
- while(--n >= 0) {
- var v = x*this_array[i++]+w_array[j]+c;
- c = Math.floor(v/0x4000000);
- w_array[j++] = v&0x3ffffff;
- }
- return c;
-// am2 avoids a big mult-and-extract completely.
-// Max digit bits should be <= 30 because we do bitwise ops
-// on values up to 2*hdvalue^2-hdvalue-1 (< 2^31)
-function am2(i,x,w,j,c,n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var w_array = w.array;
- var xl = x&0x7fff, xh = x>>15;
- while(--n >= 0) {
- var l = this_array[i]&0x7fff;
- var h = this_array[i++]>>15;
- var m = xh*l+h*xl;
- l = xl*l+((m&0x7fff)<<15)+w_array[j]+(c&0x3fffffff);
- c = (l>>>30)+(m>>>15)+xh*h+(c>>>30);
- w_array[j++] = l&0x3fffffff;
- }
- return c;
-// Alternately, set max digit bits to 28 since some
-// browsers slow down when dealing with 32-bit numbers.
-function am3(i,x,w,j,c,n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var w_array = w.array;
- var xl = x&0x3fff, xh = x>>14;
- while(--n >= 0) {
- var l = this_array[i]&0x3fff;
- var h = this_array[i++]>>14;
- var m = xh*l+h*xl;
- l = xl*l+((m&0x3fff)<<14)+w_array[j]+c;
- c = (l>>28)+(m>>14)+xh*h;
- w_array[j++] = l&0xfffffff;
- }
- return c;
-// This is tailored to VMs with 2-bit tagging. It makes sure
-// that all the computations stay within the 29 bits available.
-function am4(i,x,w,j,c,n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var w_array = w.array;
- var xl = x&0x1fff, xh = x>>13;
- while(--n >= 0) {
- var l = this_array[i]&0x1fff;
- var h = this_array[i++]>>13;
- var m = xh*l+h*xl;
- l = xl*l+((m&0x1fff)<<13)+w_array[j]+c;
- c = (l>>26)+(m>>13)+xh*h;
- w_array[j++] = l&0x3ffffff;
- }
- return c;
-// am3/28 is best for SM, Rhino, but am4/26 is best for v8.
-// Kestrel (Opera 9.5) gets its best result with am4/26.
-// IE7 does 9% better with am3/28 than with am4/26.
-// Firefox (SM) gets 10% faster with am3/28 than with am4/26.
-setupEngine = function(fn, bits) {
- = fn;
- dbits = bits;
- BI_DB = dbits;
- BI_DM = ((1<<dbits)-1);
- BI_DV = (1<<dbits);
- BI_FP = 52;
- BI_FV = Math.pow(2,BI_FP);
- BI_F1 = BI_FP-dbits;
- BI_F2 = 2*dbits-BI_FP;
-// Digit conversions
-var BI_RM = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-var BI_RC = new Array();
-var rr,vv;
-rr = "0".charCodeAt(0);
-for(vv = 0; vv <= 9; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
-rr = "a".charCodeAt(0);
-for(vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
-rr = "A".charCodeAt(0);
-for(vv = 10; vv < 36; ++vv) BI_RC[rr++] = vv;
-function int2char(n) { return BI_RM.charAt(n); }
-function intAt(s,i) {
- var c = BI_RC[s.charCodeAt(i)];
- return (c==null)?-1:c;
-// (protected) copy this to r
-function bnpCopyTo(r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r_array[i] = this_array[i];
- r.t = this.t;
- r.s = this.s;
-// (protected) set from integer value x, -DV <= x < DV
-function bnpFromInt(x) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- this.t = 1;
- this.s = (x<0)?-1:0;
- if(x > 0) this_array[0] = x;
- else if(x < -1) this_array[0] = x+DV;
- else this.t = 0;
-// return bigint initialized to value
-function nbv(i) { var r = nbi(); r.fromInt(i); return r; }
-// (protected) set from string and radix
-function bnpFromString(s,b) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var k;
- if(b == 16) k = 4;
- else if(b == 8) k = 3;
- else if(b == 256) k = 8; // byte array
- else if(b == 2) k = 1;
- else if(b == 32) k = 5;
- else if(b == 4) k = 2;
- else { this.fromRadix(s,b); return; }
- this.t = 0;
- this.s = 0;
- var i = s.length, mi = false, sh = 0;
- while(--i >= 0) {
- var x = (k==8)?s[i]&0xff:intAt(s,i);
- if(x < 0) {
- if(s.charAt(i) == "-") mi = true;
- continue;
- }
- mi = false;
- if(sh == 0)
- this_array[this.t++] = x;
- else if(sh+k > BI_DB) {
- this_array[this.t-1] |= (x&((1<<(BI_DB-sh))-1))<<sh;
- this_array[this.t++] = (x>>(BI_DB-sh));
- }
- else
- this_array[this.t-1] |= x<<sh;
- sh += k;
- if(sh >= BI_DB) sh -= BI_DB;
- }
- if(k == 8 && (s[0]&0x80) != 0) {
- this.s = -1;
- if(sh > 0) this_array[this.t-1] |= ((1<<(BI_DB-sh))-1)<<sh;
- }
- this.clamp();
- if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);
-// (protected) clamp off excess high words
-function bnpClamp() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var c = this.s&BI_DM;
- while(this.t > 0 && this_array[this.t-1] == c) --this.t;
-// (public) return string representation in given radix
-function bnToString(b) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(this.s < 0) return "-"+this.negate().toString(b);
- var k;
- if(b == 16) k = 4;
- else if(b == 8) k = 3;
- else if(b == 2) k = 1;
- else if(b == 32) k = 5;
- else if(b == 4) k = 2;
- else return this.toRadix(b);
- var km = (1<<k)-1, d, m = false, r = "", i = this.t;
- var p = BI_DB-(i*BI_DB)%k;
- if(i-- > 0) {
- if(p < BI_DB && (d = this_array[i]>>p) > 0) { m = true; r = int2char(d); }
- while(i >= 0) {
- if(p < k) {
- d = (this_array[i]&((1<<p)-1))<<(k-p);
- d |= this_array[--i]>>(p+=BI_DB-k);
- }
- else {
- d = (this_array[i]>>(p-=k))&km;
- if(p <= 0) { p += BI_DB; --i; }
- }
- if(d > 0) m = true;
- if(m) r += int2char(d);
- }
- }
- return m?r:"0";
-// (public) -this
-function bnNegate() { var r = nbi(); BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,r); return r; }
-// (public) |this|
-function bnAbs() { return (this.s<0)?this.negate():this; }
-// (public) return + if this > a, - if this < a, 0 if equal
-function bnCompareTo(a) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- var r = this.s-a.s;
- if(r != 0) return r;
- var i = this.t;
- r = i-a.t;
- if(r != 0) return r;
- while(--i >= 0) if((r=this_array[i]-a_array[i]) != 0) return r;
- return 0;
-// returns bit length of the integer x
-function nbits(x) {
- var r = 1, t;
- if((t=x>>>16) != 0) { x = t; r += 16; }
- if((t=x>>8) != 0) { x = t; r += 8; }
- if((t=x>>4) != 0) { x = t; r += 4; }
- if((t=x>>2) != 0) { x = t; r += 2; }
- if((t=x>>1) != 0) { x = t; r += 1; }
- return r;
-// (public) return the number of bits in "this"
-function bnBitLength() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(this.t <= 0) return 0;
- return BI_DB*(this.t-1)+nbits(this_array[this.t-1]^(this.s&BI_DM));
-// (protected) r = this << n*DB
-function bnpDLShiftTo(n,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var i;
- for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r_array[i+n] = this_array[i];
- for(i = n-1; i >= 0; --i) r_array[i] = 0;
- r.t = this.t+n;
- r.s = this.s;
-// (protected) r = this >> n*DB
-function bnpDRShiftTo(n,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- for(var i = n; i < this.t; ++i) r_array[i-n] = this_array[i];
- r.t = Math.max(this.t-n,0);
- r.s = this.s;
-// (protected) r = this << n
-function bnpLShiftTo(n,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var bs = n%BI_DB;
- var cbs = BI_DB-bs;
- var bm = (1<<cbs)-1;
- var ds = Math.floor(n/BI_DB), c = (this.s<<bs)&BI_DM, i;
- for(i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) {
- r_array[i+ds+1] = (this_array[i]>>cbs)|c;
- c = (this_array[i]&bm)<<bs;
- }
- for(i = ds-1; i >= 0; --i) r_array[i] = 0;
- r_array[ds] = c;
- r.t = this.t+ds+1;
- r.s = this.s;
- r.clamp();
-// (protected) r = this >> n
-function bnpRShiftTo(n,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- r.s = this.s;
- var ds = Math.floor(n/BI_DB);
- if(ds >= this.t) { r.t = 0; return; }
- var bs = n%BI_DB;
- var cbs = BI_DB-bs;
- var bm = (1<<bs)-1;
- r_array[0] = this_array[ds]>>bs;
- for(var i = ds+1; i < this.t; ++i) {
- r_array[i-ds-1] |= (this_array[i]&bm)<<cbs;
- r_array[i-ds] = this_array[i]>>bs;
- }
- if(bs > 0) r_array[this.t-ds-1] |= (this.s&bm)<<cbs;
- r.t = this.t-ds;
- r.clamp();
-// (protected) r = this - a
-function bnpSubTo(a,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- var i = 0, c = 0, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);
- while(i < m) {
- c += this_array[i]-a_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- if(a.t < this.t) {
- c -= a.s;
- while(i < this.t) {
- c += this_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- c += this.s;
- }
- else {
- c += this.s;
- while(i < a.t) {
- c -= a_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- c -= a.s;
- }
- r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;
- if(c < -1) r_array[i++] = BI_DV+c;
- else if(c > 0) r_array[i++] = c;
- r.t = i;
- r.clamp();
-// (protected) r = this * a, r != this,a (HAC 14.12)
-// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
-function bnpMultiplyTo(a,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var x = this.abs(), y = a.abs();
- var y_array = y.array;
- var i = x.t;
- r.t = i+y.t;
- while(--i >= 0) r_array[i] = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < y.t; ++i) r_array[i+x.t] =,y_array[i],r,i,0,x.t);
- r.s = 0;
- r.clamp();
- if(this.s != a.s) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);
-// (protected) r = this^2, r != this (HAC 14.16)
-function bnpSquareTo(r) {
- var x = this.abs();
- var x_array = x.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var i = r.t = 2*x.t;
- while(--i >= 0) r_array[i] = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < x.t-1; ++i) {
- var c =,x_array[i],r,2*i,0,1);
- if((r_array[i+x.t],2*x_array[i],r,2*i+1,c,x.t-i-1)) >= BI_DV) {
- r_array[i+x.t] -= BI_DV;
- r_array[i+x.t+1] = 1;
- }
- }
- if(r.t > 0) r_array[r.t-1] +=,x_array[i],r,2*i,0,1);
- r.s = 0;
- r.clamp();
-// (protected) divide this by m, quotient and remainder to q, r (HAC 14.20)
-// r != q, this != m. q or r may be null.
-function bnpDivRemTo(m,q,r) {
- var pm = m.abs();
- if(pm.t <= 0) return;
- var pt = this.abs();
- if(pt.t < pm.t) {
- if(q != null) q.fromInt(0);
- if(r != null) this.copyTo(r);
- return;
- }
- if(r == null) r = nbi();
- var y = nbi(), ts = this.s, ms = m.s;
- var pm_array = pm.array;
- var nsh = BI_DB-nbits(pm_array[pm.t-1]); // normalize modulus
- if(nsh > 0) { pm.lShiftTo(nsh,y); pt.lShiftTo(nsh,r); }
- else { pm.copyTo(y); pt.copyTo(r); }
- var ys = y.t;
- var y_array = y.array;
- var y0 = y_array[ys-1];
- if(y0 == 0) return;
- var yt = y0*(1<<BI_F1)+((ys>1)?y_array[ys-2]>>BI_F2:0);
- var d1 = BI_FV/yt, d2 = (1<<BI_F1)/yt, e = 1<<BI_F2;
- var i = r.t, j = i-ys, t = (q==null)?nbi():q;
- y.dlShiftTo(j,t);
- var r_array = r.array;
- if(r.compareTo(t) >= 0) {
- r_array[r.t++] = 1;
- r.subTo(t,r);
- }
- BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(ys,t);
- t.subTo(y,y); // "negative" y so we can replace sub with am later
- while(y.t < ys) y_array[y.t++] = 0;
- while(--j >= 0) {
- // Estimate quotient digit
- var qd = (r_array[--i]==y0)?BI_DM:Math.floor(r_array[i]*d1+(r_array[i-1]+e)*d2);
- if((r_array[i],qd,r,j,0,ys)) < qd) { // Try it out
- y.dlShiftTo(j,t);
- r.subTo(t,r);
- while(r_array[i] < --qd) r.subTo(t,r);
- }
- }
- if(q != null) {
- r.drShiftTo(ys,q);
- if(ts != ms) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(q,q);
- }
- r.t = ys;
- r.clamp();
- if(nsh > 0) r.rShiftTo(nsh,r); // Denormalize remainder
- if(ts < 0) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(r,r);
-// (public) this mod a
-function bnMod(a) {
- var r = nbi();
- this.abs().divRemTo(a,null,r);
- if(this.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) a.subTo(r,r);
- return r;
-// Modular reduction using "classic" algorithm
-function Classic(m) { this.m = m; }
-function cConvert(x) {
- if(x.s < 0 || x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) return x.mod(this.m);
- else return x;
-function cRevert(x) { return x; }
-function cReduce(x) { x.divRemTo(this.m,null,x); }
-function cMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }
-function cSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }
-Classic.prototype.convert = cConvert;
-Classic.prototype.revert = cRevert;
-Classic.prototype.reduce = cReduce;
-Classic.prototype.mulTo = cMulTo;
-Classic.prototype.sqrTo = cSqrTo;
-// (protected) return "-1/this % 2^DB"; useful for Mont. reduction
-// justification:
-// xy == 1 (mod m)
-// xy = 1+km
-// xy(2-xy) = (1+km)(1-km)
-// x[y(2-xy)] = 1-k^2m^2
-// x[y(2-xy)] == 1 (mod m^2)
-// if y is 1/x mod m, then y(2-xy) is 1/x mod m^2
-// should reduce x and y(2-xy) by m^2 at each step to keep size bounded.
-// JS multiply "overflows" differently from C/C++, so care is needed here.
-function bnpInvDigit() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(this.t < 1) return 0;
- var x = this_array[0];
- if((x&1) == 0) return 0;
- var y = x&3; // y == 1/x mod 2^2
- y = (y*(2-(x&0xf)*y))&0xf; // y == 1/x mod 2^4
- y = (y*(2-(x&0xff)*y))&0xff; // y == 1/x mod 2^8
- y = (y*(2-(((x&0xffff)*y)&0xffff)))&0xffff; // y == 1/x mod 2^16
- // last step - calculate inverse mod DV directly;
- // assumes 16 < DB <= 32 and assumes ability to handle 48-bit ints
- y = (y*(2-x*y%BI_DV))%BI_DV; // y == 1/x mod 2^dbits
- // we really want the negative inverse, and -DV < y < DV
- return (y>0)?BI_DV-y:-y;
-// Montgomery reduction
-function Montgomery(m) {
- this.m = m;
- = m.invDigit();
- this.mpl =;
- this.mph =>>15;
- = (1<<(BI_DB-15))-1;
- this.mt2 = 2*m.t;
-// xR mod m
-function montConvert(x) {
- var r = nbi();
- x.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t,r);
- r.divRemTo(this.m,null,r);
- if(x.s < 0 && r.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) this.m.subTo(r,r);
- return r;
-// x/R mod m
-function montRevert(x) {
- var r = nbi();
- x.copyTo(r);
- this.reduce(r);
- return r;
-// x = x/R mod m (HAC 14.32)
-function montReduce(x) {
- var x_array = x.array;
- while(x.t <= this.mt2) // pad x so am has enough room later
- x_array[x.t++] = 0;
- for(var i = 0; i < this.m.t; ++i) {
- // faster way of calculating u0 = x[i]*mp mod DV
- var j = x_array[i]&0x7fff;
- var u0 = (j*this.mpl+(((j*this.mph+(x_array[i]>>15)*this.mpl)&<<15))&BI_DM;
- // use am to combine the multiply-shift-add into one call
- j = i+this.m.t;
- x_array[j] +=,u0,x,i,0,this.m.t);
- // propagate carry
- while(x_array[j] >= BI_DV) { x_array[j] -= BI_DV; x_array[++j]++; }
- }
- x.clamp();
- x.drShiftTo(this.m.t,x);
- if(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);
-// r = "x^2/R mod m"; x != r
-function montSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }
-// r = "xy/R mod m"; x,y != r
-function montMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }
-Montgomery.prototype.convert = montConvert;
-Montgomery.prototype.revert = montRevert;
-Montgomery.prototype.reduce = montReduce;
-Montgomery.prototype.mulTo = montMulTo;
-Montgomery.prototype.sqrTo = montSqrTo;
-// (protected) true iff this is even
-function bnpIsEven() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- return ((this.t>0)?(this_array[0]&1):this.s) == 0;
-// (protected) this^e, e < 2^32, doing sqr and mul with "r" (HAC 14.79)
-function bnpExp(e,z) {
- if(e > 0xffffffff || e < 1) return BigInteger.ONE;
- var r = nbi(), r2 = nbi(), g = z.convert(this), i = nbits(e)-1;
- g.copyTo(r);
- while(--i >= 0) {
- z.sqrTo(r,r2);
- if((e&(1<<i)) > 0) z.mulTo(r2,g,r);
- else { var t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }
- }
- return z.revert(r);
-// (public) this^e % m, 0 <= e < 2^32
-function bnModPowInt(e,m) {
- var z;
- if(e < 256 || m.isEven()) z = new Classic(m); else z = new Montgomery(m);
- return this.exp(e,z);
-// protected
-BigInteger.prototype.copyTo = bnpCopyTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.fromInt = bnpFromInt;
-BigInteger.prototype.fromString = bnpFromString;
-BigInteger.prototype.clamp = bnpClamp;
-BigInteger.prototype.dlShiftTo = bnpDLShiftTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.drShiftTo = bnpDRShiftTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.lShiftTo = bnpLShiftTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.rShiftTo = bnpRShiftTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.subTo = bnpSubTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.multiplyTo = bnpMultiplyTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.squareTo = bnpSquareTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.divRemTo = bnpDivRemTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.invDigit = bnpInvDigit;
-BigInteger.prototype.isEven = bnpIsEven;
-BigInteger.prototype.exp = bnpExp;
-// public
-BigInteger.prototype.toString = bnToString;
-BigInteger.prototype.negate = bnNegate;
-BigInteger.prototype.abs = bnAbs;
-BigInteger.prototype.compareTo = bnCompareTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = bnBitLength;
-BigInteger.prototype.mod = bnMod;
-BigInteger.prototype.modPowInt = bnModPowInt;
-// "constants"
-BigInteger.ZERO = nbv(0);
-BigInteger.ONE = nbv(1);
-// Copyright (c) 2005 Tom Wu
-// All Rights Reserved.
-// See "LICENSE" for details.
-// Extended JavaScript BN functions, required for RSA private ops.
-// (public)
-function bnClone() { var r = nbi(); this.copyTo(r); return r; }
-// (public) return value as integer
-function bnIntValue() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(this.s < 0) {
- if(this.t == 1) return this_array[0]-BI_DV;
- else if(this.t == 0) return -1;
- }
- else if(this.t == 1) return this_array[0];
- else if(this.t == 0) return 0;
- // assumes 16 < DB < 32
- return ((this_array[1]&((1<<(32-BI_DB))-1))<<BI_DB)|this_array[0];
-// (public) return value as byte
-function bnByteValue() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this_array[0]<<24)>>24;
-// (public) return value as short (assumes DB>=16)
-function bnShortValue() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- return (this.t==0)?this.s:(this_array[0]<<16)>>16;
-// (protected) return x s.t. r^x < DV
-function bnpChunkSize(r) { return Math.floor(Math.LN2*BI_DB/Math.log(r)); }
-// (public) 0 if this == 0, 1 if this > 0
-function bnSigNum() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(this.s < 0) return -1;
- else if(this.t <= 0 || (this.t == 1 && this_array[0] <= 0)) return 0;
- else return 1;
-// (protected) convert to radix string
-function bnpToRadix(b) {
- if(b == null) b = 10;
- if(this.signum() == 0 || b < 2 || b > 36) return "0";
- var cs = this.chunkSize(b);
- var a = Math.pow(b,cs);
- var d = nbv(a), y = nbi(), z = nbi(), r = "";
- this.divRemTo(d,y,z);
- while(y.signum() > 0) {
- r = (a+z.intValue()).toString(b).substr(1) + r;
- y.divRemTo(d,y,z);
- }
- return z.intValue().toString(b) + r;
-// (protected) convert from radix string
-function bnpFromRadix(s,b) {
- this.fromInt(0);
- if(b == null) b = 10;
- var cs = this.chunkSize(b);
- var d = Math.pow(b,cs), mi = false, j = 0, w = 0;
- for(var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
- var x = intAt(s,i);
- if(x < 0) {
- if(s.charAt(i) == "-" && this.signum() == 0) mi = true;
- continue;
- }
- w = b*w+x;
- if(++j >= cs) {
- this.dMultiply(d);
- this.dAddOffset(w,0);
- j = 0;
- w = 0;
- }
- }
- if(j > 0) {
- this.dMultiply(Math.pow(b,j));
- this.dAddOffset(w,0);
- }
- if(mi) BigInteger.ZERO.subTo(this,this);
-// (protected) alternate constructor
-function bnpFromNumber(a,b,c) {
- if("number" == typeof b) {
- // new BigInteger(int,int,RNG)
- if(a < 2) this.fromInt(1);
- else {
- this.fromNumber(a,c);
- if(!this.testBit(a-1)) // force MSB set
- this.bitwiseTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),op_or,this);
- if(this.isEven()) this.dAddOffset(1,0); // force odd
- while(!this.isProbablePrime(b)) {
- this.dAddOffset(2,0);
- if(this.bitLength() > a) this.subTo(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(a-1),this);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // new BigInteger(int,RNG)
- var x = new Array(), t = a&7;
- x.length = (a>>3)+1;
- b.nextBytes(x);
- if(t > 0) x[0] &= ((1<<t)-1); else x[0] = 0;
- this.fromString(x,256);
- }
-// (public) convert to bigendian byte array
-function bnToByteArray() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var i = this.t, r = new Array();
- r[0] = this.s;
- var p = BI_DB-(i*BI_DB)%8, d, k = 0;
- if(i-- > 0) {
- if(p < BI_DB && (d = this_array[i]>>p) != (this.s&BI_DM)>>p)
- r[k++] = d|(this.s<<(BI_DB-p));
- while(i >= 0) {
- if(p < 8) {
- d = (this_array[i]&((1<<p)-1))<<(8-p);
- d |= this_array[--i]>>(p+=BI_DB-8);
- }
- else {
- d = (this_array[i]>>(p-=8))&0xff;
- if(p <= 0) { p += BI_DB; --i; }
- }
- if((d&0x80) != 0) d |= -256;
- if(k == 0 && (this.s&0x80) != (d&0x80)) ++k;
- if(k > 0 || d != this.s) r[k++] = d;
- }
- }
- return r;
-function bnEquals(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)==0); }
-function bnMin(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)<0)?this:a; }
-function bnMax(a) { return(this.compareTo(a)>0)?this:a; }
-// (protected) r = this op a (bitwise)
-function bnpBitwiseTo(a,op,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var i, f, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);
- for(i = 0; i < m; ++i) r_array[i] = op(this_array[i],a_array[i]);
- if(a.t < this.t) {
- f = a.s&BI_DM;
- for(i = m; i < this.t; ++i) r_array[i] = op(this_array[i],f);
- r.t = this.t;
- }
- else {
- f = this.s&BI_DM;
- for(i = m; i < a.t; ++i) r_array[i] = op(f,a_array[i]);
- r.t = a.t;
- }
- r.s = op(this.s,a.s);
- r.clamp();
-// (public) this & a
-function op_and(x,y) { return x&y; }
-function bnAnd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_and,r); return r; }
-// (public) this | a
-function op_or(x,y) { return x|y; }
-function bnOr(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_or,r); return r; }
-// (public) this ^ a
-function op_xor(x,y) { return x^y; }
-function bnXor(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_xor,r); return r; }
-// (public) this & ~a
-function op_andnot(x,y) { return x&~y; }
-function bnAndNot(a) { var r = nbi(); this.bitwiseTo(a,op_andnot,r); return r; }
-// (public) ~this
-function bnNot() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var r = nbi();
- var r_array = r.array;
- for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r_array[i] = BI_DM&~this_array[i];
- r.t = this.t;
- r.s = ~this.s;
- return r;
-// (public) this << n
-function bnShiftLeft(n) {
- var r = nbi();
- if(n < 0) this.rShiftTo(-n,r); else this.lShiftTo(n,r);
- return r;
-// (public) this >> n
-function bnShiftRight(n) {
- var r = nbi();
- if(n < 0) this.lShiftTo(-n,r); else this.rShiftTo(n,r);
- return r;
-// return index of lowest 1-bit in x, x < 2^31
-function lbit(x) {
- if(x == 0) return -1;
- var r = 0;
- if((x&0xffff) == 0) { x >>= 16; r += 16; }
- if((x&0xff) == 0) { x >>= 8; r += 8; }
- if((x&0xf) == 0) { x >>= 4; r += 4; }
- if((x&3) == 0) { x >>= 2; r += 2; }
- if((x&1) == 0) ++r;
- return r;
-// (public) returns index of lowest 1-bit (or -1 if none)
-function bnGetLowestSetBit() {
- var this_array = this.array;
- for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i)
- if(this_array[i] != 0) return i*BI_DB+lbit(this_array[i]);
- if(this.s < 0) return this.t*BI_DB;
- return -1;
-// return number of 1 bits in x
-function cbit(x) {
- var r = 0;
- while(x != 0) { x &= x-1; ++r; }
- return r;
-// (public) return number of set bits
-function bnBitCount() {
- var r = 0, x = this.s&BI_DM;
- for(var i = 0; i < this.t; ++i) r += cbit(this_array[i]^x);
- return r;
-// (public) true iff nth bit is set
-function bnTestBit(n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var j = Math.floor(n/BI_DB);
- if(j >= this.t) return(this.s!=0);
- return((this_array[j]&(1<<(n%BI_DB)))!=0);
-// (protected) this op (1<<n)
-function bnpChangeBit(n,op) {
- var r = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(n);
- this.bitwiseTo(r,op,r);
- return r;
-// (public) this | (1<<n)
-function bnSetBit(n) { return this.changeBit(n,op_or); }
-// (public) this & ~(1<<n)
-function bnClearBit(n) { return this.changeBit(n,op_andnot); }
-// (public) this ^ (1<<n)
-function bnFlipBit(n) { return this.changeBit(n,op_xor); }
-// (protected) r = this + a
-function bnpAddTo(a,r) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- var r_array = r.array;
- var i = 0, c = 0, m = Math.min(a.t,this.t);
- while(i < m) {
- c += this_array[i]+a_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- if(a.t < this.t) {
- c += a.s;
- while(i < this.t) {
- c += this_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- c += this.s;
- }
- else {
- c += this.s;
- while(i < a.t) {
- c += a_array[i];
- r_array[i++] = c&BI_DM;
- c >>= BI_DB;
- }
- c += a.s;
- }
- r.s = (c<0)?-1:0;
- if(c > 0) r_array[i++] = c;
- else if(c < -1) r_array[i++] = BI_DV+c;
- r.t = i;
- r.clamp();
-// (public) this + a
-function bnAdd(a) { var r = nbi(); this.addTo(a,r); return r; }
-// (public) this - a
-function bnSubtract(a) { var r = nbi(); this.subTo(a,r); return r; }
-// (public) this * a
-function bnMultiply(a) { var r = nbi(); this.multiplyTo(a,r); return r; }
-// (public) this / a
-function bnDivide(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,r,null); return r; }
-// (public) this % a
-function bnRemainder(a) { var r = nbi(); this.divRemTo(a,null,r); return r; }
-// (public) [this/a,this%a]
-function bnDivideAndRemainder(a) {
- var q = nbi(), r = nbi();
- this.divRemTo(a,q,r);
- return new Array(q,r);
-// (protected) this *= n, this >= 0, 1 < n < DV
-function bnpDMultiply(n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- this_array[this.t] =,n-1,this,0,0,this.t);
- ++this.t;
- this.clamp();
-// (protected) this += n << w words, this >= 0
-function bnpDAddOffset(n,w) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- while(this.t <= w) this_array[this.t++] = 0;
- this_array[w] += n;
- while(this_array[w] >= BI_DV) {
- this_array[w] -= BI_DV;
- if(++w >= this.t) this_array[this.t++] = 0;
- ++this_array[w];
- }
-// A "null" reducer
-function NullExp() {}
-function nNop(x) { return x; }
-function nMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); }
-function nSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); }
-NullExp.prototype.convert = nNop;
-NullExp.prototype.revert = nNop;
-NullExp.prototype.mulTo = nMulTo;
-NullExp.prototype.sqrTo = nSqrTo;
-// (public) this^e
-function bnPow(e) { return this.exp(e,new NullExp()); }
-// (protected) r = lower n words of "this * a", a.t <= n
-// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
-function bnpMultiplyLowerTo(a,n,r) {
- var r_array = r.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- var i = Math.min(this.t+a.t,n);
- r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0
- r.t = i;
- while(i > 0) r_array[--i] = 0;
- var j;
- for(j = r.t-this.t; i < j; ++i) r_array[i+this.t] =,a_array[i],r,i,0,this.t);
- for(j = Math.min(a.t,n); i < j; ++i),a_array[i],r,i,0,n-i);
- r.clamp();
-// (protected) r = "this * a" without lower n words, n > 0
-// "this" should be the larger one if appropriate.
-function bnpMultiplyUpperTo(a,n,r) {
- var r_array = r.array;
- var a_array = a.array;
- --n;
- var i = r.t = this.t+a.t-n;
- r.s = 0; // assumes a,this >= 0
- while(--i >= 0) r_array[i] = 0;
- for(i = Math.max(n-this.t,0); i < a.t; ++i)
- r_array[this.t+i-n] =,a_array[i],r,0,0,this.t+i-n);
- r.clamp();
- r.drShiftTo(1,r);
-// Barrett modular reduction
-function Barrett(m) {
- // setup Barrett
- this.r2 = nbi();
- this.q3 = nbi();
- BigInteger.ONE.dlShiftTo(2*m.t,this.r2);
- = this.r2.divide(m);
- this.m = m;
-function barrettConvert(x) {
- if(x.s < 0 || x.t > 2*this.m.t) return x.mod(this.m);
- else if(x.compareTo(this.m) < 0) return x;
- else { var r = nbi(); x.copyTo(r); this.reduce(r); return r; }
-function barrettRevert(x) { return x; }
-// x = x mod m (HAC 14.42)
-function barrettReduce(x) {
- x.drShiftTo(this.m.t-1,this.r2);
- if(x.t > this.m.t+1) { x.t = this.m.t+1; x.clamp(); }
- this.m.multiplyLowerTo(this.q3,this.m.t+1,this.r2);
- while(x.compareTo(this.r2) < 0) x.dAddOffset(1,this.m.t+1);
- x.subTo(this.r2,x);
- while(x.compareTo(this.m) >= 0) x.subTo(this.m,x);
-// r = x^2 mod m; x != r
-function barrettSqrTo(x,r) { x.squareTo(r); this.reduce(r); }
-// r = x*y mod m; x,y != r
-function barrettMulTo(x,y,r) { x.multiplyTo(y,r); this.reduce(r); }
-Barrett.prototype.convert = barrettConvert;
-Barrett.prototype.revert = barrettRevert;
-Barrett.prototype.reduce = barrettReduce;
-Barrett.prototype.mulTo = barrettMulTo;
-Barrett.prototype.sqrTo = barrettSqrTo;
-// (public) this^e % m (HAC 14.85)
-function bnModPow(e,m) {
- var e_array = e.array;
- var i = e.bitLength(), k, r = nbv(1), z;
- if(i <= 0) return r;
- else if(i < 18) k = 1;
- else if(i < 48) k = 3;
- else if(i < 144) k = 4;
- else if(i < 768) k = 5;
- else k = 6;
- if(i < 8)
- z = new Classic(m);
- else if(m.isEven())
- z = new Barrett(m);
- else
- z = new Montgomery(m);
- // precomputation
- var g = new Array(), n = 3, k1 = k-1, km = (1<<k)-1;
- g[1] = z.convert(this);
- if(k > 1) {
- var g2 = nbi();
- z.sqrTo(g[1],g2);
- while(n <= km) {
- g[n] = nbi();
- z.mulTo(g2,g[n-2],g[n]);
- n += 2;
- }
- }
- var j = e.t-1, w, is1 = true, r2 = nbi(), t;
- i = nbits(e_array[j])-1;
- while(j >= 0) {
- if(i >= k1) w = (e_array[j]>>(i-k1))&km;
- else {
- w = (e_array[j]&((1<<(i+1))-1))<<(k1-i);
- if(j > 0) w |= e_array[j-1]>>(BI_DB+i-k1);
- }
- n = k;
- while((w&1) == 0) { w >>= 1; --n; }
- if((i -= n) < 0) { i += BI_DB; --j; }
- if(is1) { // ret == 1, don't bother squaring or multiplying it
- g[w].copyTo(r);
- is1 = false;
- }
- else {
- while(n > 1) { z.sqrTo(r,r2); z.sqrTo(r2,r); n -= 2; }
- if(n > 0) z.sqrTo(r,r2); else { t = r; r = r2; r2 = t; }
- z.mulTo(r2,g[w],r);
- }
- while(j >= 0 && (e_array[j]&(1<<i)) == 0) {
- z.sqrTo(r,r2); t = r; r = r2; r2 = t;
- if(--i < 0) { i = BI_DB-1; --j; }
- }
- }
- return z.revert(r);
-// (public) gcd(this,a) (HAC 14.54)
-function bnGCD(a) {
- var x = (this.s<0)?this.negate():this.clone();
- var y = (a.s<0)?a.negate():a.clone();
- if(x.compareTo(y) < 0) { var t = x; x = y; y = t; }
- var i = x.getLowestSetBit(), g = y.getLowestSetBit();
- if(g < 0) return x;
- if(i < g) g = i;
- if(g > 0) {
- x.rShiftTo(g,x);
- y.rShiftTo(g,y);
- }
- while(x.signum() > 0) {
- if((i = x.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) x.rShiftTo(i,x);
- if((i = y.getLowestSetBit()) > 0) y.rShiftTo(i,y);
- if(x.compareTo(y) >= 0) {
- x.subTo(y,x);
- x.rShiftTo(1,x);
- }
- else {
- y.subTo(x,y);
- y.rShiftTo(1,y);
- }
- }
- if(g > 0) y.lShiftTo(g,y);
- return y;
-// (protected) this % n, n < 2^26
-function bnpModInt(n) {
- var this_array = this.array;
- if(n <= 0) return 0;
- var d = BI_DV%n, r = (this.s<0)?n-1:0;
- if(this.t > 0)
- if(d == 0) r = this_array[0]%n;
- else for(var i = this.t-1; i >= 0; --i) r = (d*r+this_array[i])%n;
- return r;
-// (public) 1/this % m (HAC 14.61)
-function bnModInverse(m) {
- var ac = m.isEven();
- if((this.isEven() && ac) || m.signum() == 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;
- var u = m.clone(), v = this.clone();
- var a = nbv(1), b = nbv(0), c = nbv(0), d = nbv(1);
- while(u.signum() != 0) {
- while(u.isEven()) {
- u.rShiftTo(1,u);
- if(ac) {
- if(!a.isEven() || !b.isEven()) { a.addTo(this,a); b.subTo(m,b); }
- a.rShiftTo(1,a);
- }
- else if(!b.isEven()) b.subTo(m,b);
- b.rShiftTo(1,b);
- }
- while(v.isEven()) {
- v.rShiftTo(1,v);
- if(ac) {
- if(!c.isEven() || !d.isEven()) { c.addTo(this,c); d.subTo(m,d); }
- c.rShiftTo(1,c);
- }
- else if(!d.isEven()) d.subTo(m,d);
- d.rShiftTo(1,d);
- }
- if(u.compareTo(v) >= 0) {
- u.subTo(v,u);
- if(ac) a.subTo(c,a);
- b.subTo(d,b);
- }
- else {
- v.subTo(u,v);
- if(ac) c.subTo(a,c);
- d.subTo(b,d);
- }
- }
- if(v.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0) return BigInteger.ZERO;
- if(d.compareTo(m) >= 0) return d.subtract(m);
- if(d.signum() < 0) d.addTo(m,d); else return d;
- if(d.signum() < 0) return d.add(m); else return d;
-var lowprimes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509];
-var lplim = (1<<26)/lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1];
-// (public) test primality with certainty >= 1-.5^t
-function bnIsProbablePrime(t) {
- var i, x = this.abs();
- var x_array = x.array;
- if(x.t == 1 && x_array[0] <= lowprimes[lowprimes.length-1]) {
- for(i = 0; i < lowprimes.length; ++i)
- if(x_array[0] == lowprimes[i]) return true;
- return false;
- }
- if(x.isEven()) return false;
- i = 1;
- while(i < lowprimes.length) {
- var m = lowprimes[i], j = i+1;
- while(j < lowprimes.length && m < lplim) m *= lowprimes[j++];
- m = x.modInt(m);
- while(i < j) if(m%lowprimes[i++] == 0) return false;
- }
- return x.millerRabin(t);
-// (protected) true if probably prime (HAC 4.24, Miller-Rabin)
-function bnpMillerRabin(t) {
- var n1 = this.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
- var k = n1.getLowestSetBit();
- if(k <= 0) return false;
- var r = n1.shiftRight(k);
- t = (t+1)>>1;
- if(t > lowprimes.length) t = lowprimes.length;
- var a = nbi();
- for(var i = 0; i < t; ++i) {
- a.fromInt(lowprimes[i]);
- var y = a.modPow(r,this);
- if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) != 0 && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
- var j = 1;
- while(j++ < k && y.compareTo(n1) != 0) {
- y = y.modPowInt(2,this);
- if(y.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) return false;
- }
- if(y.compareTo(n1) != 0) return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// protected
-BigInteger.prototype.chunkSize = bnpChunkSize;
-BigInteger.prototype.toRadix = bnpToRadix;
-BigInteger.prototype.fromRadix = bnpFromRadix;
-BigInteger.prototype.fromNumber = bnpFromNumber;
-BigInteger.prototype.bitwiseTo = bnpBitwiseTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.changeBit = bnpChangeBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.addTo = bnpAddTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.dMultiply = bnpDMultiply;
-BigInteger.prototype.dAddOffset = bnpDAddOffset;
-BigInteger.prototype.multiplyLowerTo = bnpMultiplyLowerTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.multiplyUpperTo = bnpMultiplyUpperTo;
-BigInteger.prototype.modInt = bnpModInt;
-BigInteger.prototype.millerRabin = bnpMillerRabin;
-// public
-BigInteger.prototype.clone = bnClone;
-BigInteger.prototype.intValue = bnIntValue;
-BigInteger.prototype.byteValue = bnByteValue;
-BigInteger.prototype.shortValue = bnShortValue;
-BigInteger.prototype.signum = bnSigNum;
-BigInteger.prototype.toByteArray = bnToByteArray;
-BigInteger.prototype.equals = bnEquals;
-BigInteger.prototype.min = bnMin;
-BigInteger.prototype.max = bnMax;
-BigInteger.prototype.and = bnAnd;
-BigInteger.prototype.or = bnOr;
-BigInteger.prototype.xor = bnXor;
-BigInteger.prototype.andNot = bnAndNot;
-BigInteger.prototype.not = bnNot;
-BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = bnShiftLeft;
-BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = bnShiftRight;
-BigInteger.prototype.getLowestSetBit = bnGetLowestSetBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.bitCount = bnBitCount;
-BigInteger.prototype.testBit = bnTestBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.setBit = bnSetBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.clearBit = bnClearBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.flipBit = bnFlipBit;
-BigInteger.prototype.add = bnAdd;
-BigInteger.prototype.subtract = bnSubtract;
-BigInteger.prototype.multiply = bnMultiply;
-BigInteger.prototype.divide = bnDivide;
-BigInteger.prototype.remainder = bnRemainder;
-BigInteger.prototype.divideAndRemainder = bnDivideAndRemainder;
-BigInteger.prototype.modPow = bnModPow;
-BigInteger.prototype.modInverse = bnModInverse;
-BigInteger.prototype.pow = bnPow;
-BigInteger.prototype.gcd = bnGCD;
-BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = bnIsProbablePrime;
-// BigInteger interfaces not implemented in jsbn:
-// BigInteger(int signum, byte[] magnitude)
-// double doubleValue()
-// float floatValue()
-// int hashCode()
-// long longValue()
-// static BigInteger valueOf(long val)
-// prng4.js - uses Arcfour as a PRNG
-function Arcfour() {
- this.i = 0;
- this.j = 0;
- this.S = new Array();
-// Initialize arcfour context from key, an array of ints, each from [0..255]
-function ARC4init(key) {
- var i, j, t;
- for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
- this.S[i] = i;
- j = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
- j = (j + this.S[i] + key[i % key.length]) & 255;
- t = this.S[i];
- this.S[i] = this.S[j];
- this.S[j] = t;
- }
- this.i = 0;
- this.j = 0;
-function ARC4next() {
- var t;
- this.i = (this.i + 1) & 255;
- this.j = (this.j + this.S[this.i]) & 255;
- t = this.S[this.i];
- this.S[this.i] = this.S[this.j];
- this.S[this.j] = t;
- return this.S[(t + this.S[this.i]) & 255];
-Arcfour.prototype.init = ARC4init; = ARC4next;
-// Plug in your RNG constructor here
-function prng_newstate() {
- return new Arcfour();
-// Pool size must be a multiple of 4 and greater than 32.
-// An array of bytes the size of the pool will be passed to init()
-var rng_psize = 256;
-// Random number generator - requires a PRNG backend, e.g. prng4.js
-// For best results, put code like
-// <body onClick='rng_seed_time();' onKeyPress='rng_seed_time();'>
-// in your main HTML document.
-var rng_state;
-var rng_pool;
-var rng_pptr;
-// Mix in a 32-bit integer into the pool
-function rng_seed_int(x) {
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= x & 255;
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 8) & 255;
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 16) & 255;
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] ^= (x >> 24) & 255;
- if(rng_pptr >= rng_psize) rng_pptr -= rng_psize;
-// Mix in the current time (w/milliseconds) into the pool
-function rng_seed_time() {
- // Use pre-computed date to avoid making the benchmark
- // results dependent on the current date.
- rng_seed_int(1122926989487);
-// Initialize the pool with junk if needed.
-if(rng_pool == null) {
- rng_pool = new Array();
- rng_pptr = 0;
- var t;
- while(rng_pptr < rng_psize) { // extract some randomness from Math.random()
- t = Math.floor(65536 * Math.random());
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t >>> 8;
- rng_pool[rng_pptr++] = t & 255;
- }
- rng_pptr = 0;
- rng_seed_time();
- //rng_seed_int(window.screenX);
- //rng_seed_int(window.screenY);
-function rng_get_byte() {
- if(rng_state == null) {
- rng_seed_time();
- rng_state = prng_newstate();
- rng_state.init(rng_pool);
- for(rng_pptr = 0; rng_pptr < rng_pool.length; ++rng_pptr)
- rng_pool[rng_pptr] = 0;
- rng_pptr = 0;
- //rng_pool = null;
- }
- // TODO: allow reseeding after first request
- return;
-function rng_get_bytes(ba) {
- var i;
- for(i = 0; i < ba.length; ++i) ba[i] = rng_get_byte();
-function SecureRandom() {}
-SecureRandom.prototype.nextBytes = rng_get_bytes;
-// Depends on jsbn.js and rng.js
-// convert a (hex) string to a bignum object
-function parseBigInt(str,r) {
- return new BigInteger(str,r);
-function linebrk(s,n) {
- var ret = "";
- var i = 0;
- while(i + n < s.length) {
- ret += s.substring(i,i+n) + "\n";
- i += n;
- }
- return ret + s.substring(i,s.length);
-function byte2Hex(b) {
- if(b < 0x10)
- return "0" + b.toString(16);
- else
- return b.toString(16);
-// PKCS#1 (type 2, random) pad input string s to n bytes, and return a bigint
-function pkcs1pad2(s,n) {
- if(n < s.length + 11) {
- alert("Message too long for RSA");
- return null;
- }
- var ba = new Array();
- var i = s.length - 1;
- while(i >= 0 && n > 0) ba[--n] = s.charCodeAt(i--);
- ba[--n] = 0;
- var rng = new SecureRandom();
- var x = new Array();
- while(n > 2) { // random non-zero pad
- x[0] = 0;
- while(x[0] == 0) rng.nextBytes(x);
- ba[--n] = x[0];
- }
- ba[--n] = 2;
- ba[--n] = 0;
- return new BigInteger(ba);
-// "empty" RSA key constructor
-function RSAKey() {
- this.n = null;
- this.e = 0;
- this.d = null;
- this.p = null;
- this.q = null;
- this.dmp1 = null;
- this.dmq1 = null;
- this.coeff = null;
-// Set the public key fields N and e from hex strings
-function RSASetPublic(N,E) {
- if(N != null && E != null && N.length > 0 && E.length > 0) {
- this.n = parseBigInt(N,16);
- this.e = parseInt(E,16);
- }
- else
- alert("Invalid RSA public key");
-// Perform raw public operation on "x": return x^e (mod n)
-function RSADoPublic(x) {
- return x.modPowInt(this.e, this.n);
-// Return the PKCS#1 RSA encryption of "text" as an even-length hex string
-function RSAEncrypt(text) {
- var m = pkcs1pad2(text,(this.n.bitLength()+7)>>3);
- if(m == null) return null;
- var c = this.doPublic(m);
- if(c == null) return null;
- var h = c.toString(16);
- if((h.length & 1) == 0) return h; else return "0" + h;
-// Return the PKCS#1 RSA encryption of "text" as a Base64-encoded string
-//function RSAEncryptB64(text) {
-// var h = this.encrypt(text);
-// if(h) return hex2b64(h); else return null;
-// protected
-RSAKey.prototype.doPublic = RSADoPublic;
-// public
-RSAKey.prototype.setPublic = RSASetPublic;
-RSAKey.prototype.encrypt = RSAEncrypt;
-//RSAKey.prototype.encrypt_b64 = RSAEncryptB64;
-// Depends on rsa.js and jsbn2.js
-// Undo PKCS#1 (type 2, random) padding and, if valid, return the plaintext
-function pkcs1unpad2(d,n) {
- var b = d.toByteArray();
- var i = 0;
- while(i < b.length && b[i] == 0) ++i;
- if(b.length-i != n-1 || b[i] != 2)
- return null;
- ++i;
- while(b[i] != 0)
- if(++i >= b.length) return null;
- var ret = "";
- while(++i < b.length)
- ret += String.fromCharCode(b[i]);
- return ret;
-// Set the private key fields N, e, and d from hex strings
-function RSASetPrivate(N,E,D) {
- if(N != null && E != null && N.length > 0 && E.length > 0) {
- this.n = parseBigInt(N,16);
- this.e = parseInt(E,16);
- this.d = parseBigInt(D,16);
- }
- else
- alert("Invalid RSA private key");
-// Set the private key fields N, e, d and CRT params from hex strings
-function RSASetPrivateEx(N,E,D,P,Q,DP,DQ,C) {
- if(N != null && E != null && N.length > 0 && E.length > 0) {
- this.n = parseBigInt(N,16);
- this.e = parseInt(E,16);
- this.d = parseBigInt(D,16);
- this.p = parseBigInt(P,16);
- this.q = parseBigInt(Q,16);
- this.dmp1 = parseBigInt(DP,16);
- this.dmq1 = parseBigInt(DQ,16);
- this.coeff = parseBigInt(C,16);
- }
- else
- alert("Invalid RSA private key");
-// Generate a new random private key B bits long, using public expt E
-function RSAGenerate(B,E) {
- var rng = new SecureRandom();
- var qs = B>>1;
- this.e = parseInt(E,16);
- var ee = new BigInteger(E,16);
- for(;;) {
- for(;;) {
- this.p = new BigInteger(B-qs,1,rng);
- if(this.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(ee).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0 && this.p.isProbablePrime(10)) break;
- }
- for(;;) {
- this.q = new BigInteger(qs,1,rng);
- if(this.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE).gcd(ee).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0 && this.q.isProbablePrime(10)) break;
- }
- if(this.p.compareTo(this.q) <= 0) {
- var t = this.p;
- this.p = this.q;
- this.q = t;
- }
- var p1 = this.p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
- var q1 = this.q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
- var phi = p1.multiply(q1);
- if(phi.gcd(ee).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0) {
- this.n = this.p.multiply(this.q);
- this.d = ee.modInverse(phi);
- this.dmp1 = this.d.mod(p1);
- this.dmq1 = this.d.mod(q1);
- this.coeff = this.q.modInverse(this.p);
- break;
- }
- }
-// Perform raw private operation on "x": return x^d (mod n)
-function RSADoPrivate(x) {
- if(this.p == null || this.q == null)
- return x.modPow(this.d, this.n);
- // TODO: re-calculate any missing CRT params
- var xp = x.mod(this.p).modPow(this.dmp1, this.p);
- var xq = x.mod(this.q).modPow(this.dmq1, this.q);
- while(xp.compareTo(xq) < 0)
- xp = xp.add(this.p);
- return xp.subtract(xq).multiply(this.coeff).mod(this.p).multiply(this.q).add(xq);
-// Return the PKCS#1 RSA decryption of "ctext".
-// "ctext" is an even-length hex string and the output is a plain string.
-function RSADecrypt(ctext) {
- var c = parseBigInt(ctext, 16);
- var m = this.doPrivate(c);
- if(m == null) return null;
- return pkcs1unpad2(m, (this.n.bitLength()+7)>>3);
-// Return the PKCS#1 RSA decryption of "ctext".
-// "ctext" is a Base64-encoded string and the output is a plain string.
-//function RSAB64Decrypt(ctext) {
-// var h = b64tohex(ctext);
-// if(h) return this.decrypt(h); else return null;
-// protected
-RSAKey.prototype.doPrivate = RSADoPrivate;
-// public
-RSAKey.prototype.setPrivate = RSASetPrivate;
-RSAKey.prototype.setPrivateEx = RSASetPrivateEx;
-RSAKey.prototype.generate = RSAGenerate;
-RSAKey.prototype.decrypt = RSADecrypt;
-//RSAKey.prototype.b64_decrypt = RSAB64Decrypt;
-setupEngine(am3, 28);
-var TEXT = "The quick brown fox jumped over the extremely lazy frog! " +
- "Now is the time for all good men to come to the party.";
-var encrypted;
-function encrypt() {
- var RSA = new RSAKey();
- RSA.setPublic(nValue, eValue);
- RSA.setPrivateEx(nValue, eValue, dValue, pValue, qValue, dmp1Value, dmq1Value, coeffValue);
- encrypted = RSA.encrypt(TEXT);
-function decrypt() {
- var RSA = new RSAKey();
- RSA.setPublic(nValue, eValue);
- RSA.setPrivateEx(nValue, eValue, dValue, pValue, qValue, dmp1Value, dmq1Value, coeffValue);
- var decrypted = RSA.decrypt(encrypted);
- if (decrypted != TEXT) {
- throw new Error("Crypto operation failed");
- }
-for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- encrypt();
- decrypt();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-deltablue.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-deltablue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ddbf3bc..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-deltablue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Copyright 1996 John Maloney and Mario Wolczko.
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-// This implementation of the DeltaBlue benchmark is derived
-// from the Smalltalk implementation by John Maloney and Mario
-// Wolczko. Some parts have been translated directly, whereas
-// others have been modified more aggresively to make it feel
-// more like a JavaScript program.
- * A JavaScript implementation of the DeltaBlue constrain-solving
- * algorithm, as described in:
- *
- * "The DeltaBlue Algorithm: An Incremental Constraint Hierarchy Solver"
- * Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson and John Maloney
- * January 1990 Communications of the ACM,
- * also available as University of Washington TR 89-08-06.
- *
- * Beware: this benchmark is written in a grotesque style where
- * the constraint model is built by side-effects from constructors.
- * I've kept it this way to avoid deviating too much from the original
- * implementation.
- */
-/* --- O b j e c t M o d e l --- */
-Object.prototype.inherits = function (shuper) {
- function Inheriter() { }
- Inheriter.prototype = shuper.prototype;
- this.prototype = new Inheriter();
- this.superConstructor = shuper;
-function OrderedCollection() {
- this.elms = new Array();
-OrderedCollection.prototype.add = function (elm) {
- this.elms.push(elm);
- = function (index) {
- return this.elms[index];
-OrderedCollection.prototype.size = function () {
- return this.elms.length;
-OrderedCollection.prototype.removeFirst = function () {
- return this.elms.pop();
-OrderedCollection.prototype.remove = function (elm) {
- var index = 0, skipped = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.elms.length; i++) {
- var value = this.elms[i];
- if (value != elm) {
- this.elms[index] = value;
- index++;
- } else {
- skipped++;
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < skipped; i++)
- this.elms.pop();
-/* --- *
- * S t r e n g t h
- * --- */
- * Strengths are used to measure the relative importance of constraints.
- * New strengths may be inserted in the strength hierarchy without
- * disrupting current constraints. Strengths cannot be created outside
- * this class, so pointer comparison can be used for value comparison.
- */
-function Strength(strengthValue, name) {
- this.strengthValue = strengthValue;
- = name;
-Strength.stronger = function (s1, s2) {
- return s1.strengthValue < s2.strengthValue;
-Strength.weaker = function (s1, s2) {
- return s1.strengthValue > s2.strengthValue;
-Strength.weakestOf = function (s1, s2) {
- return this.weaker(s1, s2) ? s1 : s2;
-Strength.strongest = function (s1, s2) {
- return this.stronger(s1, s2) ? s1 : s2;
-Strength.prototype.nextWeaker = function () {
- switch (this.strengthValue) {
- case 0: return Strength.WEAKEST;
- case 1: return Strength.WEAK_DEFAULT;
- case 2: return Strength.NORMAL;
- case 3: return Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT;
- case 4: return Strength.PREFERRED;
- case 5: return Strength.REQUIRED;
- }
-// Strength constants.
-Strength.REQUIRED = new Strength(0, "required");
-Strength.STONG_PREFERRED = new Strength(1, "strongPreferred");
-Strength.PREFERRED = new Strength(2, "preferred");
-Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT = new Strength(3, "strongDefault");
-Strength.NORMAL = new Strength(4, "normal");
-Strength.WEAK_DEFAULT = new Strength(5, "weakDefault");
-Strength.WEAKEST = new Strength(6, "weakest");
-/* --- *
- * C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * An abstract class representing a system-maintainable relationship
- * (or "constraint") between a set of variables. A constraint supplies
- * a strength instance variable; concrete subclasses provide a means
- * of storing the constrained variables and other information required
- * to represent a constraint.
- */
-function Constraint(strength) {
- this.strength = strength;
- * Activate this constraint and attempt to satisfy it.
- */
-Constraint.prototype.addConstraint = function () {
- this.addToGraph();
- planner.incrementalAdd(this);
- * Attempt to find a way to enforce this constraint. If successful,
- * record the solution, perhaps modifying the current dataflow
- * graph. Answer the constraint that this constraint overrides, if
- * there is one, or nil, if there isn't.
- * Assume: I am not already satisfied.
- */
-Constraint.prototype.satisfy = function (mark) {
- this.chooseMethod(mark);
- if (!this.isSatisfied()) {
- if (this.strength == Strength.REQUIRED)
- alert("Could not satisfy a required constraint!");
- return null;
- }
- this.markInputs(mark);
- var out = this.output();
- var overridden = out.determinedBy;
- if (overridden != null) overridden.markUnsatisfied();
- out.determinedBy = this;
- if (!planner.addPropagate(this, mark))
- alert("Cycle encountered");
- out.mark = mark;
- return overridden;
-Constraint.prototype.destroyConstraint = function () {
- if (this.isSatisfied()) planner.incrementalRemove(this);
- else this.removeFromGraph();
- * Normal constraints are not input constraints. An input constraint
- * is one that depends on external state, such as the mouse, the
- * keybord, a clock, or some arbitraty piece of imperative code.
- */
-Constraint.prototype.isInput = function () {
- return false;
-/* --- *
- * U n a r y C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * Abstract superclass for constraints having a single possible output
- * variable.
- */
-function UnaryConstraint(v, strength) {
-, strength);
- this.myOutput = v;
- this.satisfied = false;
- this.addConstraint();
- * Adds this constraint to the constraint graph
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {
- this.myOutput.addConstraint(this);
- this.satisfied = false;
- * Decides if this constraint can be satisfied and records that
- * decision.
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.chooseMethod = function (mark) {
- this.satisfied = (this.myOutput.mark != mark)
- && Strength.stronger(this.strength, this.myOutput.walkStrength);
- * Returns true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.isSatisfied = function () {
- return this.satisfied;
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {
- // has no inputs
- * Returns the current output variable.
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.output = function () {
- return this.myOutput;
- * Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
- * 'stay', the value for the current output of this constraint. Assume
- * this constraint is satisfied.
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
- this.myOutput.walkStrength = this.strength;
- this.myOutput.stay = !this.isInput();
- if (this.myOutput.stay) this.execute(); // Stay optimization
- * Records that this constraint is unsatisfied
- */
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.markUnsatisfied = function () {
- this.satisfied = false;
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.inputsKnown = function () {
- return true;
-UnaryConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {
- if (this.myOutput != null) this.myOutput.removeConstraint(this);
- this.satisfied = false;
-/* --- *
- * S t a y C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * Variables that should, with some level of preference, stay the same.
- * Planners may exploit the fact that instances, if satisfied, will not
- * change their output during plan execution. This is called "stay
- * optimization".
- */
-function StayConstraint(v, str) {
-, v, str);
-StayConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
- // Stay constraints do nothing
-/* --- *
- * E d i t C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * A unary input constraint used to mark a variable that the client
- * wishes to change.
- */
-function EditConstraint(v, str) {
-, v, str);
- * Edits indicate that a variable is to be changed by imperative code.
- */
-EditConstraint.prototype.isInput = function () {
- return true;
-EditConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
- // Edit constraints do nothing
-/* --- *
- * B i n a r y C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
-var Direction = new Object();
-Direction.NONE = 0;
-Direction.FORWARD = 1;
-Direction.BACKWARD = -1;
- * Abstract superclass for constraints having two possible output
- * variables.
- */
-function BinaryConstraint(var1, var2, strength) {
-, strength);
- this.v1 = var1;
- this.v2 = var2;
- this.direction = Direction.NONE;
- this.addConstraint();
- * Decides if this constratint can be satisfied and which way it
- * should flow based on the relative strength of the variables related,
- * and record that decision.
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.chooseMethod = function (mark) {
- if (this.v1.mark == mark) {
- this.direction = (this.v1.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(this.strength, this.v2.walkStrength))
- ? Direction.FORWARD
- : Direction.NONE;
- }
- if (this.v2.mark == mark) {
- this.direction = (this.v1.mark != mark && Strength.stronger(this.strength, this.v1.walkStrength))
- ? Direction.BACKWARD
- : Direction.NONE;
- }
- if (Strength.weaker(this.v1.walkStrength, this.v2.walkStrength)) {
- this.direction = Strength.stronger(this.strength, this.v1.walkStrength)
- ? Direction.BACKWARD
- : Direction.NONE;
- } else {
- this.direction = Strength.stronger(this.strength, this.v2.walkStrength)
- ? Direction.FORWARD
- : Direction.BACKWARD
- }
- * Add this constraint to the constraint graph
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {
- this.v1.addConstraint(this);
- this.v2.addConstraint(this);
- this.direction = Direction.NONE;
- * Answer true if this constraint is satisfied in the current solution.
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.isSatisfied = function () {
- return this.direction != Direction.NONE;
- * Mark the input variable with the given mark.
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {
- this.input().mark = mark;
- * Returns the current input variable
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.input = function () {
- return (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) ? this.v1 : this.v2;
- * Returns the current output variable
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.output = function () {
- return (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) ? this.v2 : this.v1;
- * Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
- * 'stay', the value for the current output of this
- * constraint. Assume this constraint is satisfied.
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
- var ihn = this.input(), out = this.output();
- out.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(this.strength, ihn.walkStrength);
- out.stay = ihn.stay;
- if (out.stay) this.execute();
- * Record the fact that this constraint is unsatisfied.
- */
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.markUnsatisfied = function () {
- this.direction = Direction.NONE;
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.inputsKnown = function (mark) {
- var i = this.input();
- return i.mark == mark || i.stay || i.determinedBy == null;
-BinaryConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {
- if (this.v1 != null) this.v1.removeConstraint(this);
- if (this.v2 != null) this.v2.removeConstraint(this);
- this.direction = Direction.NONE;
-/* --- *
- * S c a l e C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * Relates two variables by the linear scaling relationship: "v2 =
- * (v1 * scale) + offset". Either v1 or v2 may be changed to maintain
- * this relationship but the scale factor and offset are considered
- * read-only.
- */
-function ScaleConstraint(src, scale, offset, dest, strength) {
- this.direction = Direction.NONE;
- this.scale = scale;
- this.offset = offset;
-, src, dest, strength);
- * Adds this constraint to the constraint graph.
- */
-ScaleConstraint.prototype.addToGraph = function () {
- this.scale.addConstraint(this);
- this.offset.addConstraint(this);
-ScaleConstraint.prototype.removeFromGraph = function () {
- if (this.scale != null) this.scale.removeConstraint(this);
- if (this.offset != null) this.offset.removeConstraint(this);
-ScaleConstraint.prototype.markInputs = function (mark) {
-, mark);
- this.scale.mark = this.offset.mark = mark;
- * Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
- */
-ScaleConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
- if (this.direction == Direction.FORWARD) {
- this.v2.value = this.v1.value * this.scale.value + this.offset.value;
- } else {
- this.v1.value = (this.v2.value - this.offset.value) / this.scale.value;
- }
- * Calculate the walkabout strength, the stay flag, and, if it is
- * 'stay', the value for the current output of this constraint. Assume
- * this constraint is satisfied.
- */
-ScaleConstraint.prototype.recalculate = function () {
- var ihn = this.input(), out = this.output();
- out.walkStrength = Strength.weakestOf(this.strength, ihn.walkStrength);
- out.stay = ihn.stay && this.scale.stay && this.offset.stay;
- if (out.stay) this.execute();
-/* --- *
- * E q u a l i t y C o n s t r a i n t
- * --- */
- * Constrains two variables to have the same value.
- */
-function EqualityConstraint(var1, var2, strength) {
-, var1, var2, strength);
- * Enforce this constraint. Assume that it is satisfied.
- */
-EqualityConstraint.prototype.execute = function () {
- this.output().value = this.input().value;
-/* --- *
- * V a r i a b l e
- * --- */
- * A constrained variable. In addition to its value, it maintain the
- * structure of the constraint graph, the current dataflow graph, and
- * various parameters of interest to the DeltaBlue incremental
- * constraint solver.
- **/
-function Variable(name, initialValue) {
- this.value = initialValue || 0;
- this.constraints = new OrderedCollection();
- this.determinedBy = null;
- this.mark = 0;
- this.walkStrength = Strength.WEAKEST;
- this.stay = true;
- = name;
- * Add the given constraint to the set of all constraints that refer
- * this variable.
- */
-Variable.prototype.addConstraint = function (c) {
- this.constraints.add(c);
- * Removes all traces of c from this variable.
- */
-Variable.prototype.removeConstraint = function (c) {
- this.constraints.remove(c);
- if (this.determinedBy == c) this.determinedBy = null;
-/* --- *
- * P l a n n e r
- * --- */
- * The DeltaBlue planner
- */
-function Planner() {
- this.currentMark = 0;
- * Attempt to satisfy the given constraint and, if successful,
- * incrementally update the dataflow graph. Details: If satifying
- * the constraint is successful, it may override a weaker constraint
- * on its output. The algorithm attempts to resatisfy that
- * constraint using some other method. This process is repeated
- * until either a) it reaches a variable that was not previously
- * determined by any constraint or b) it reaches a constraint that
- * is too weak to be satisfied using any of its methods. The
- * variables of constraints that have been processed are marked with
- * a unique mark value so that we know where we've been. This allows
- * the algorithm to avoid getting into an infinite loop even if the
- * constraint graph has an inadvertent cycle.
- */
-Planner.prototype.incrementalAdd = function (c) {
- var mark = this.newMark();
- var overridden = c.satisfy(mark);
- while (overridden != null)
- overridden = overridden.satisfy(mark);
- * Entry point for retracting a constraint. Remove the given
- * constraint and incrementally update the dataflow graph.
- * Details: Retracting the given constraint may allow some currently
- * unsatisfiable downstream constraint to be satisfied. We therefore collect
- * a list of unsatisfied downstream constraints and attempt to
- * satisfy each one in turn. This list is traversed by constraint
- * strength, strongest first, as a heuristic for avoiding
- * unnecessarily adding and then overriding weak constraints.
- * Assume: c is satisfied.
- */
-Planner.prototype.incrementalRemove = function (c) {
- var out = c.output();
- c.markUnsatisfied();
- c.removeFromGraph();
- var unsatisfied = this.removePropagateFrom(out);
- var strength = Strength.REQUIRED;
- do {
- for (var i = 0; i < unsatisfied.size(); i++) {
- var u =;
- if (u.strength == strength)
- this.incrementalAdd(u);
- }
- strength = strength.nextWeaker();
- } while (strength != Strength.WEAKEST);
- * Select a previously unused mark value.
- */
-Planner.prototype.newMark = function () {
- return ++this.currentMark;
- * Extract a plan for resatisfaction starting from the given source
- * constraints, usually a set of input constraints. This method
- * assumes that stay optimization is desired; the plan will contain
- * only constraints whose output variables are not stay. Constraints
- * that do no computation, such as stay and edit constraints, are
- * not included in the plan.
- * Details: The outputs of a constraint are marked when it is added
- * to the plan under construction. A constraint may be appended to
- * the plan when all its input variables are known. A variable is
- * known if either a) the variable is marked (indicating that has
- * been computed by a constraint appearing earlier in the plan), b)
- * the variable is 'stay' (i.e. it is a constant at plan execution
- * time), or c) the variable is not determined by any
- * constraint. The last provision is for past states of history
- * variables, which are not stay but which are also not computed by
- * any constraint.
- * Assume: sources are all satisfied.
- */
-Planner.prototype.makePlan = function (sources) {
- var mark = this.newMark();
- var plan = new Plan();
- var todo = sources;
- while (todo.size() > 0) {
- var c = todo.removeFirst();
- if (c.output().mark != mark && c.inputsKnown(mark)) {
- plan.addConstraint(c);
- c.output().mark = mark;
- this.addConstraintsConsumingTo(c.output(), todo);
- }
- }
- return plan;
- * Extract a plan for resatisfying starting from the output of the
- * given constraints, usually a set of input constraints.
- */
-Planner.prototype.extractPlanFromConstraints = function (constraints) {
- var sources = new OrderedCollection();
- for (var i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++) {
- var c =;
- if (c.isInput() && c.isSatisfied())
- // not in plan already and eligible for inclusion
- sources.add(c);
- }
- return this.makePlan(sources);
- * Recompute the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
- * downstream of the given constraint and recompute the actual
- * values of all variables whose stay flag is true. If a cycle is
- * detected, remove the given constraint and answer
- * false. Otherwise, answer true.
- * Details: Cycles are detected when a marked variable is
- * encountered downstream of the given constraint. The sender is
- * assumed to have marked the inputs of the given constraint with
- * the given mark. Thus, encountering a marked node downstream of
- * the output constraint means that there is a path from the
- * constraint's output to one of its inputs.
- */
-Planner.prototype.addPropagate = function (c, mark) {
- var todo = new OrderedCollection();
- todo.add(c);
- while (todo.size() > 0) {
- var d = todo.removeFirst();
- if (d.output().mark == mark) {
- this.incrementalRemove(c);
- return false;
- }
- d.recalculate();
- this.addConstraintsConsumingTo(d.output(), todo);
- }
- return true;
- * Update the walkabout strengths and stay flags of all variables
- * downstream of the given constraint. Answer a collection of
- * unsatisfied constraints sorted in order of decreasing strength.
- */
-Planner.prototype.removePropagateFrom = function (out) {
- out.determinedBy = null;
- out.walkStrength = Strength.WEAKEST;
- out.stay = true;
- var unsatisfied = new OrderedCollection();
- var todo = new OrderedCollection();
- todo.add(out);
- while (todo.size() > 0) {
- var v = todo.removeFirst();
- for (var i = 0; i < v.constraints.size(); i++) {
- var c =;
- if (!c.isSatisfied())
- unsatisfied.add(c);
- }
- var determining = v.determinedBy;
- for (var i = 0; i < v.constraints.size(); i++) {
- var next =;
- if (next != determining && next.isSatisfied()) {
- next.recalculate();
- todo.add(next.output());
- }
- }
- }
- return unsatisfied;
-Planner.prototype.addConstraintsConsumingTo = function (v, coll) {
- var determining = v.determinedBy;
- var cc = v.constraints;
- for (var i = 0; i < cc.size(); i++) {
- var c =;
- if (c != determining && c.isSatisfied())
- coll.add(c);
- }
-/* --- *
- * P l a n
- * --- */
- * A Plan is an ordered list of constraints to be executed in sequence
- * to resatisfy all currently satisfiable constraints in the face of
- * one or more changing inputs.
- */
-function Plan() {
- this.v = new OrderedCollection();
-Plan.prototype.addConstraint = function (c) {
- this.v.add(c);
-Plan.prototype.size = function () {
- return this.v.size();
-Plan.prototype.constraintAt = function (index) {
- return;
-Plan.prototype.execute = function () {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.size(); i++) {
- var c = this.constraintAt(i);
- c.execute();
- }
-/* --- *
- * M a i n
- * --- */
- * This is the standard DeltaBlue benchmark. A long chain of equality
- * constraints is constructed with a stay constraint on one end. An
- * edit constraint is then added to the opposite end and the time is
- * measured for adding and removing this constraint, and extracting
- * and executing a constraint satisfaction plan. There are two cases.
- * In case 1, the added constraint is stronger than the stay
- * constraint and values must propagate down the entire length of the
- * chain. In case 2, the added constraint is weaker than the stay
- * constraint so it cannot be accomodated. The cost in this case is,
- * of course, very low. Typical situations lie somewhere between these
- * two extremes.
- */
-function chainTest(n) {
- planner = new Planner();
- var prev = null, first = null, last = null;
- // Build chain of n equality constraints
- for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
- var name = "v" + i;
- var v = new Variable(name);
- if (prev != null)
- new EqualityConstraint(prev, v, Strength.REQUIRED);
- if (i == 0) first = v;
- if (i == n) last = v;
- prev = v;
- }
- new StayConstraint(last, Strength.STRONG_DEFAULT);
- var edit = new EditConstraint(first, Strength.PREFERRED);
- var edits = new OrderedCollection();
- edits.add(edit);
- var plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(edits);
- for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
- first.value = i;
- plan.execute();
- if (last.value != i)
- alert("Chain test failed.");
- }
- * This test constructs a two sets of variables related to each
- * other by a simple linear transformation (scale and offset). The
- * time is measured to change a variable on either side of the
- * mapping and to change the scale and offset factors.
- */
-function projectionTest(n) {
- planner = new Planner();
- var scale = new Variable("scale", 10);
- var offset = new Variable("offset", 1000);
- var src = null, dst = null;
- var dests = new OrderedCollection();
- for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- src = new Variable("src" + i, i);
- dst = new Variable("dst" + i, i);
- dests.add(dst);
- new StayConstraint(src, Strength.NORMAL);
- new ScaleConstraint(src, scale, offset, dst, Strength.REQUIRED);
- }
- change(src, 17);
- if (dst.value != 1170) alert("Projection 1 failed");
- change(dst, 1050);
- if (src.value != 5) alert("Projection 2 failed");
- change(scale, 5);
- for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
- if ( != i * 5 + 1000)
- alert("Projection 3 failed");
- }
- change(offset, 2000);
- for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
- if ( != i * 5 + 2000)
- alert("Projection 4 failed");
- }
-function change(v, newValue) {
- var edit = new EditConstraint(v, Strength.PREFERRED);
- var edits = new OrderedCollection();
- edits.add(edit);
- var plan = planner.extractPlanFromConstraints(edits);
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- v.value = newValue;
- plan.execute();
- }
- edit.destroyConstraint();
-// Global variable holding the current planner.
-var planner = null;
-function deltaBlue() {
- chainTest(100);
- projectionTest(100);
-for (var i = 0; i < 155; ++i)
- deltaBlue();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-earley-boyer.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-earley-boyer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c4c635..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-earley-boyer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4683 +0,0 @@
-// This file is automatically generated by scheme2js, except for the
-// benchmark harness code at the beginning and end of the file.
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
-/************* GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT *************/
- * To use write/prints/... the default-output port has to be set first.
- * Simply setting SC_DEFAULT_OUT and SC_ERROR_OUT to the desired values
- * should do the trick.
- * In the following example the std-out and error-port are redirected to
- * a DIV.
-function initRuntime() {
- function escapeHTML(s) {
- var tmp = s;
- tmp = tmp.replace(/&/g, "&amp;");
- tmp = tmp.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
- tmp = tmp.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
- tmp = tmp.replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;");
- tmp = tmp.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
- tmp = tmp.replace(/\t/g, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp");
- return tmp;
- }
- document.write("<div id='stdout'></div>");
- SC_DEFAULT_OUT = new sc_GenericOutputPort(
- function(s) {
- var stdout = document.getElementById('stdout');
- stdout.innerHTML = stdout.innerHTML + escapeHTML(s);
- });
-function sc_print_debug() {
- sc_print.apply(null, arguments);
-/*** META ((export *js*)) */
-var sc_JS_GLOBALS = this;
-var __sc_LINE=-1;
-var __sc_FILE="";
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_alert() {
- var len = arguments.length;
- var s = "";
- var i;
- for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
- s += sc_toDisplayString(arguments[ i ]);
- }
- return alert( s );
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_typeof( x ) {
- return typeof x;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_error() {
- var a = [sc_jsstring2symbol("*error*")];
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- a[i+1] = arguments[i];
- }
- throw a;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "throw ")))
-function sc_raise(obj) {
- throw obj;
-/*** META ((export with-handler-lambda)) */
-function sc_withHandlerLambda(handler, body) {
- try {
- return body();
- } catch(e) {
- if (!e._internalException)
- return handler(e);
- else
- throw e;
- }
-var sc_properties = new Object();
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_putpropBang(sym, key, val) {
- var ht = sc_properties[sym];
- if (!ht) {
- ht = new Object();
- sc_properties[sym] = ht;
- }
- ht[key] = val;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_getprop(sym, key) {
- var ht = sc_properties[sym];
- if (ht) {
- if (key in ht)
- return ht[key];
- else
- return false;
- } else
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_rempropBang(sym, key) {
- var ht = sc_properties[sym];
- if (ht)
- delete ht[key];
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_any2String(o) {
- return jsstring2string(sc_toDisplayString(o));
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "==="))
- (type bool))
-function sc_isEqv(o1, o2) {
- return (o1 === o2);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "==="))
- (type bool))
-function sc_isEq(o1, o2) {
- return (o1 === o2);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isNumber(n) {
- return (typeof n === "number");
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isComplex(n) {
- return sc_isNumber(n);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isReal(n) {
- return sc_isNumber(n);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isRational(n) {
- return sc_isReal(n);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isInteger(n) {
- return (parseInt(n) === n);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix ", false")))
-// we don't have exact numbers...
-function sc_isExact(n) {
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ", true"))
- (type bool))
-function sc_isInexact(n) {
- return true;
-/*** META ((export = =fx =fl)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "===")))
-function sc_equal(x) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
- if (x !== arguments[i])
- return false;
- return true;
-/*** META ((export < <fx <fl)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "<")))
-function sc_less(x) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (x >= arguments[i])
- return false;
- x = arguments[i];
- }
- return true;
-/*** META ((export > >fx >fl)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 ">")))
-function sc_greater(x, y) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (x <= arguments[i])
- return false;
- x = arguments[i];
- }
- return true;
-/*** META ((export <= <=fx <=fl)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "<=")))
-function sc_lessEqual(x, y) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (x > arguments[i])
- return false;
- x = arguments[i];
- }
- return true;
-/*** META ((export >= >=fl >=fx)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 ">=")))
-function sc_greaterEqual(x, y) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- if (x < arguments[i])
- return false;
- x = arguments[i];
- }
- return true;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "=== 0")))
-function sc_isZero(x) {
- return (x === 0);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "> 0")))
-function sc_isPositive(x) {
- return (x > 0);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "< 0")))
-function sc_isNegative(x) {
- return (x < 0);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "%2===1")))
-function sc_isOdd(x) {
- return (x % 2 === 1);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "%2===0")))
-function sc_isEven(x) {
- return (x % 2 === 0);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_max = Math.max;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_min = Math.min;
-/*** META ((export + +fx +fl)
- (peephole (infix 0 #f "+" "0")))
-function sc_plus() {
- var sum = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- sum += arguments[i];
- return sum;
-/*** META ((export * *fx *fl)
- (peephole (infix 0 #f "*" "1")))
-function sc_multi() {
- var product = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- product *= arguments[i];
- return product;
-/*** META ((export - -fx -fl)
- (peephole (minus)))
-function sc_minus(x) {
- if (arguments.length === 1)
- return -x;
- else {
- var res = x;
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
- res -= arguments[i];
- return res;
- }
-/*** META ((export / /fl)
- (peephole (div)))
-function sc_div(x) {
- if (arguments.length === 1)
- return 1/x;
- else {
- var res = x;
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
- res /= arguments[i];
- return res;
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_abs = Math.abs;
-/*** META ((export quotient /fx)
- (peephole (hole 2 "parseInt(" x "/" y ")")))
-function sc_quotient(x, y) {
- return parseInt(x / y);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "%")))
-function sc_remainder(x, y) {
- return x % y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (modulo)))
-function sc_modulo(x, y) {
- var remainder = x % y;
- // if they don't have the same sign
- if ((remainder * y) < 0)
- return remainder + y;
- else
- return remainder;
-function sc_euclid_gcd(a, b) {
- var temp;
- if (a === 0) return b;
- if (b === 0) return a;
- if (a < 0) {a = -a;};
- if (b < 0) {b = -b;};
- if (b > a) {temp = a; a = b; b = temp;};
- while (true) {
- a %= b;
- if(a === 0) {return b;};
- b %= a;
- if(b === 0) {return a;};
- };
- return b;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_gcd() {
- var gcd = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- gcd = sc_euclid_gcd(gcd, arguments[i]);
- return gcd;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_lcm() {
- var lcm = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var f = Math.round(arguments[i] / sc_euclid_gcd(arguments[i], lcm));
- lcm *= Math.abs(f);
- }
- return lcm;
-// LIMITATION: numerator and denominator don't make sense in floating point world.
-//var SC_MAX_DECIMALS = 1000000
-// function sc_numerator(x) {
-// var rounded = Math.round(x * SC_MAX_DECIMALS);
-// return Math.round(rounded / sc_euclid_gcd(rounded, SC_MAX_DECIMALS));
-// }
-// function sc_denominator(x) {
-// var rounded = Math.round(x * SC_MAX_DECIMALS);
-// return Math.round(SC_MAX_DECIMALS / sc_euclid_gcd(rounded, SC_MAX_DECIMALS));
-// }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_floor = Math.floor;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_ceiling = Math.ceil;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_truncate = parseInt;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_round = Math.round;
-// LIMITATION: sc_rationalize doesn't make sense in a floating point world.
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_exp = Math.exp;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_log = Math.log;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_sin = Math.sin;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_cos = Math.cos;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_tan = Math.tan;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_asin = Math.asin;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_acos = Math.acos;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_atan = Math.atan;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_sqrt = Math.sqrt;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_expt = Math.pow;
-// LIMITATION: we don't have complex numbers.
-// LIMITATION: the following functions are hence not implemented.
-// LIMITATION: make-rectangular, make-polar, real-part, imag-part, magnitude, angle
-// LIMITATION: 2 argument atan
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (id)))
-function sc_exact2inexact(x) {
- return x;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (id)))
-function sc_inexact2exact(x) {
- return x;
-function sc_number2jsstring(x, radix) {
- if (radix)
- return x.toString(radix);
- else
- return x.toString();
-function sc_jsstring2number(s, radix) {
- if (s === "") return false;
- if (radix) {
- var t = parseInt(s, radix);
- if (!t && t !== 0) return false;
- // verify that each char is in range. (parseInt ignores leading
- // white and trailing chars)
- var allowedChars = "01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".substring(0, radix+1);
- if ((new RegExp("^["+allowedChars+"]*$", "i")).test(s))
- return t;
- else return false;
- } else {
- var t = +s; // does not ignore trailing chars.
- if (!t && t !== 0) return false;
- // simply verify that first char is not whitespace.
- var c = s.charAt(0);
- // if +c is 0, but the char is not "0", then we have a whitespace.
- if (+c === 0 && c !== "0") return false;
- return t;
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (not)))
-function sc_not(b) {
- return b === false;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isBoolean(b) {
- return (b === true) || (b === false);
-function sc_Pair(car, cdr) {
- = car;
- this.cdr = cdr;
-sc_Pair.prototype.toString = function() {
- return sc_toDisplayString(this);
-sc_Pair.prototype.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString = function(writeOrDisplay) {
- var current = this;
- var res = "(";
- while(true) {
- res += writeOrDisplay(;
- if (sc_isPair(current.cdr)) {
- res += " ";
- current = current.cdr;
- } else if (current.cdr !== null) {
- res += " . " + writeOrDisplay(current.cdr);
- break;
- } else // current.cdr == null
- break;
- }
- res += ")";
- return res;
-sc_Pair.prototype.sc_toDisplayString = function() {
- return this.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString(sc_toDisplayString);
-sc_Pair.prototype.sc_toWriteString = function() {
- return this.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString(sc_toWriteString);
-// sc_Pair.prototype.sc_toWriteCircleString in IO.js
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " instanceof sc_Pair")))
-function sc_isPair(p) {
- return (p instanceof sc_Pair);
-function sc_isPairEqual(p1, p2, comp) {
- return (comp(, && comp(p1.cdr, p2.cdr));
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 2 "new sc_Pair(" car ", " cdr ")")))
-function sc_cons(car, cdr) {
- return new sc_Pair(car, cdr);
-/*** META ((export cons*)) */
-function sc_consStar() {
- var res = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
- for (var i = arguments.length-2; i >= 0; i--)
- res = new sc_Pair(arguments[i], res);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".car")))
-function sc_car(p) {
- return;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".cdr")))
-function sc_cdr(p) {
- return p.cdr;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 2 p ".car = " val)))
-function sc_setCarBang(p, val) {
- = val;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 2 p ".cdr = " val)))
-function sc_setCdrBang(p, val) {
- p.cdr = val;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".car.cdr")))
-function sc_cdar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".cdr.cdr")))
-function sc_cddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cadar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caddr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".car.cdr.cdr")))
-function sc_cddar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".cdr.cdr.cdr")))
-function sc_cdddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.cdr; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caaaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caadar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caaadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caaddr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdaaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdadar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdaadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cdaddr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cadaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_caddar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cadadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cadddr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cddaar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".car.cdr.cdr.cdr")))
-function sc_cdddar(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "")))
-function sc_cddadr(p) { return; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".cdr.cdr.cdr.cdr")))
-function sc_cddddr(p) { return p.cdr.cdr.cdr.cdr; }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_lastPair(l) {
- if (!sc_isPair(l)) sc_error("sc_lastPair: pair expected");
- var res = l;
- var cdr = l.cdr;
- while (sc_isPair(cdr)) {
- res = cdr;
- cdr = res.cdr;
- }
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " === null")))
-function sc_isNull(o) {
- return (o === null);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isList(o) {
- var rabbit;
- var turtle;
- var rabbit = o;
- var turtle = o;
- while (true) {
- if (rabbit === null ||
- (rabbit instanceof sc_Pair && rabbit.cdr === null))
- return true; // end of list
- else if ((rabbit instanceof sc_Pair) &&
- (rabbit.cdr instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- rabbit = rabbit.cdr.cdr;
- turtle = turtle.cdr;
- if (rabbit === turtle) return false; // cycle
- } else
- return false; // not pair
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_list() {
- var res = null;
- var a = arguments;
- for (var i = a.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
- res = new sc_Pair(a[i], res);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_iota(num, init) {
- var res = null;
- if (!init) init = 0;
- for (var i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- res = new sc_Pair(i + init, res);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_makeList(nbEls, fill) {
- var res = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < nbEls; i++)
- res = new sc_Pair(fill, res);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_length(l) {
- var res = 0;
- while (l !== null) {
- res++;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_remq(o, l) {
- var dummy = { cdr : null };
- var tail = dummy;
- while (l !== null) {
- if ( !== o) {
- tail.cdr = sc_cons(, null);
- tail = tail.cdr;
- }
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return dummy.cdr;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_remqBang(o, l) {
- var dummy = { cdr : null };
- var tail = dummy;
- var needsAssig = true;
- while (l !== null) {
- if ( === o) {
- needsAssig = true;
- } else {
- if (needsAssig) {
- tail.cdr = l;
- needsAssig = false;
- }
- tail = l;
- }
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- tail.cdr = null;
- return dummy.cdr;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_delete(o, l) {
- var dummy = { cdr : null };
- var tail = dummy;
- while (l !== null) {
- if (!sc_isEqual(, o)) {
- tail.cdr = sc_cons(, null);
- tail = tail.cdr;
- }
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return dummy.cdr;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_deleteBang(o, l) {
- var dummy = { cdr : null };
- var tail = dummy;
- var needsAssig = true;
- while (l !== null) {
- if (sc_isEqual(, o)) {
- needsAssig = true;
- } else {
- if (needsAssig) {
- tail.cdr = l;
- needsAssig = false;
- }
- tail = l;
- }
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- tail.cdr = null;
- return dummy.cdr;
-function sc_reverseAppendBang(l1, l2) {
- var res = l2;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- var tmp = res;
- res = l1;
- l1 = l1.cdr;
- res.cdr = tmp;
- }
- return res;
-function sc_dualAppend(l1, l2) {
- if (l1 === null) return l2;
- if (l2 === null) return l1;
- var rev = sc_reverse(l1);
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(rev, l2);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_append() {
- if (arguments.length === 0)
- return null;
- var res = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
- for (var i = arguments.length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
- res = sc_dualAppend(arguments[i], res);
- return res;
-function sc_dualAppendBang(l1, l2) {
- if (l1 === null) return l2;
- if (l2 === null) return l1;
- var tmp = l1;
- while (tmp.cdr !== null) tmp=tmp.cdr;
- tmp.cdr = l2;
- return l1;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_appendBang() {
- var res = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- res = sc_dualAppendBang(res, arguments[i]);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_reverse(l1) {
- var res = null;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- res = sc_cons(, res);
- l1 = l1.cdr;
- }
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_reverseBang(l) {
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(l, null);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_listTail(l, k) {
- var res = l;
- for (var i = 0; i < k; i++) {
- res = res.cdr;
- }
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_listRef(l, k) {
- return sc_listTail(l, k).car;
-/* // unoptimized generic versions
-function sc_memX(o, l, comp) {
- while (l != null) {
- if (comp(, o))
- return l;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-function sc_memq(o, l) { return sc_memX(o, l, sc_isEq); }
-function sc_memv(o, l) { return sc_memX(o, l, sc_isEqv); }
-function sc_member(o, l) { return sc_memX(o, l, sc_isEqual); }
-/* optimized versions */
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_memq(o, l) {
- while (l !== null) {
- if ( === o)
- return l;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_memv(o, l) {
- while (l !== null) {
- if ( === o)
- return l;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_member(o, l) {
- while (l !== null) {
- if (sc_isEqual(,o))
- return l;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/* // generic unoptimized versions
-function sc_assX(o, al, comp) {
- while (al != null) {
- if (comp(, o))
- return;
- al = al.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-function sc_assq(o, al) { return sc_assX(o, al, sc_isEq); }
-function sc_assv(o, al) { return sc_assX(o, al, sc_isEqv); }
-function sc_assoc(o, al) { return sc_assX(o, al, sc_isEqual); }
-// optimized versions
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_assq(o, al) {
- while (al !== null) {
- if ( === o)
- return;
- al = al.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_assv(o, al) {
- while (al !== null) {
- if ( === o)
- return;
- al = al.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_assoc(o, al) {
- while (al !== null) {
- if (sc_isEqual(, o))
- return;
- al = al.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/* can be used for mutable strings and characters */
-function sc_isCharStringEqual(cs1, cs2) { return cs1.val === cs2.val; }
-function sc_isCharStringLess(cs1, cs2) { return cs1.val < cs2.val; }
-function sc_isCharStringGreater(cs1, cs2) { return cs1.val > cs2.val; }
-function sc_isCharStringLessEqual(cs1, cs2) { return cs1.val <= cs2.val; }
-function sc_isCharStringGreaterEqual(cs1, cs2) { return cs1.val >= cs2.val; }
-function sc_isCharStringCIEqual(cs1, cs2)
- { return cs1.val.toLowerCase() === cs2.val.toLowerCase(); }
-function sc_isCharStringCILess(cs1, cs2)
- { return cs1.val.toLowerCase() < cs2.val.toLowerCase(); }
-function sc_isCharStringCIGreater(cs1, cs2)
- { return cs1.val.toLowerCase() > cs2.val.toLowerCase(); }
-function sc_isCharStringCILessEqual(cs1, cs2)
- { return cs1.val.toLowerCase() <= cs2.val.toLowerCase(); }
-function sc_isCharStringCIGreaterEqual(cs1, cs2)
- { return cs1.val.toLowerCase() >= cs2.val.toLowerCase(); }
-function sc_Char(c) {
- var cached = sc_Char.lazy[c];
- if (cached)
- return cached;
- this.val = c;
- sc_Char.lazy[c] = this;
- // add return, so FF does not complain.
- return undefined;
-sc_Char.lazy = new Object();
-// thanks to Eric
-sc_Char.char2readable = {
- "\000": "#\\null",
- "\007": "#\\bell",
- "\010": "#\\backspace",
- "\011": "#\\tab",
- "\012": "#\\newline",
- "\014": "#\\page",
- "\015": "#\\return",
- "\033": "#\\escape",
- "\040": "#\\space",
- "\177": "#\\delete",
- /* poeticless names */
- "\001": "#\\soh",
- "\002": "#\\stx",
- "\003": "#\\etx",
- "\004": "#\\eot",
- "\005": "#\\enq",
- "\006": "#\\ack",
- "\013": "#\\vt",
- "\016": "#\\so",
- "\017": "#\\si",
- "\020": "#\\dle",
- "\021": "#\\dc1",
- "\022": "#\\dc2",
- "\023": "#\\dc3",
- "\024": "#\\dc4",
- "\025": "#\\nak",
- "\026": "#\\syn",
- "\027": "#\\etb",
- "\030": "#\\can",
- "\031": "#\\em",
- "\032": "#\\sub",
- "\033": "#\\esc",
- "\034": "#\\fs",
- "\035": "#\\gs",
- "\036": "#\\rs",
- "\037": "#\\us"};
-sc_Char.readable2char = {
- "null": "\000",
- "bell": "\007",
- "backspace": "\010",
- "tab": "\011",
- "newline": "\012",
- "page": "\014",
- "return": "\015",
- "escape": "\033",
- "space": "\040",
- "delete": "\000",
- "soh": "\001",
- "stx": "\002",
- "etx": "\003",
- "eot": "\004",
- "enq": "\005",
- "ack": "\006",
- "bel": "\007",
- "bs": "\010",
- "ht": "\011",
- "nl": "\012",
- "vt": "\013",
- "np": "\014",
- "cr": "\015",
- "so": "\016",
- "si": "\017",
- "dle": "\020",
- "dc1": "\021",
- "dc2": "\022",
- "dc3": "\023",
- "dc4": "\024",
- "nak": "\025",
- "syn": "\026",
- "etb": "\027",
- "can": "\030",
- "em": "\031",
- "sub": "\032",
- "esc": "\033",
- "fs": "\034",
- "gs": "\035",
- "rs": "\036",
- "us": "\037",
- "sp": "\040",
- "del": "\177"};
-sc_Char.prototype.toString = function() {
- return this.val;
-// sc_toDisplayString == toString
-sc_Char.prototype.sc_toWriteString = function() {
- var entry = sc_Char.char2readable[this.val];
- if (entry)
- return entry;
- else
- return "#\\" + this.val;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix "instanceof sc_Char")))
-function sc_isChar(c) {
- return (c instanceof sc_Char);
-/*** META ((export char=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val === " c2 ".val")))
-var sc_isCharEqual = sc_isCharStringEqual;
-/*** META ((export char<?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val < " c2 ".val")))
-var sc_isCharLess = sc_isCharStringLess;
-/*** META ((export char>?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val > " c2 ".val")))
-var sc_isCharGreater = sc_isCharStringGreater;
-/*** META ((export char<=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val <= " c2 ".val")))
-var sc_isCharLessEqual = sc_isCharStringLessEqual;
-/*** META ((export char>=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val >= " c2 ".val")))
-var sc_isCharGreaterEqual = sc_isCharStringGreaterEqual;
-/*** META ((export char-ci=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val.toLowerCase() === " c2 ".val.toLowerCase()")))
-var sc_isCharCIEqual = sc_isCharStringCIEqual;
-/*** META ((export char-ci<?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val.toLowerCase() < " c2 ".val.toLowerCase()")))
-var sc_isCharCILess = sc_isCharStringCILess;
-/*** META ((export char-ci>?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val.toLowerCase() > " c2 ".val.toLowerCase()")))
-var sc_isCharCIGreater = sc_isCharStringCIGreater;
-/*** META ((export char-ci<=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val.toLowerCase() <= " c2 ".val.toLowerCase()")))
-var sc_isCharCILessEqual = sc_isCharStringCILessEqual;
-/*** META ((export char-ci>=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 c1 ".val.toLowerCase() >= " c2 ".val.toLowerCase()")))
-var sc_isCharCIGreaterEqual = sc_isCharStringCIGreaterEqual;
-var SC_NUMBER_CLASS = "0123456789";
-var SC_WHITESPACE_CLASS = ' \r\n\t\f';
-var SC_LOWER_CLASS = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
-function sc_isCharOfClass(c, cl) { return (cl.indexOf(c) != -1); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isCharAlphabetic(c)
- { return sc_isCharOfClass(c.val, SC_LOWER_CLASS) ||
- sc_isCharOfClass(c.val, SC_UPPER_CLASS); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 1 "SC_NUMBER_CLASS.indexOf(" c ".val) != -1")))
-function sc_isCharNumeric(c)
- { return sc_isCharOfClass(c.val, SC_NUMBER_CLASS); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isCharWhitespace(c) {
- var tmp = c.val;
- return tmp === " " || tmp === "\r" || tmp === "\n" || tmp === "\t" || tmp === "\f";
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 1 "SC_UPPER_CLASS.indexOf(" c ".val) != -1")))
-function sc_isCharUpperCase(c)
- { return sc_isCharOfClass(c.val, SC_UPPER_CLASS); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 1 "SC_LOWER_CLASS.indexOf(" c ".val) != -1")))
-function sc_isCharLowerCase(c)
- { return sc_isCharOfClass(c.val, SC_LOWER_CLASS); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".val.charCodeAt(0)")))
-function sc_char2integer(c)
- { return c.val.charCodeAt(0); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "new sc_Char(String.fromCharCode(" n "))")))
-function sc_integer2char(n)
- { return new sc_Char(String.fromCharCode(n)); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "new sc_Char(" c ".val.toUpperCase())")))
-function sc_charUpcase(c)
- { return new sc_Char(c.val.toUpperCase()); }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "new sc_Char(" c ".val.toLowerCase())")))
-function sc_charDowncase(c)
- { return new sc_Char(c.val.toLowerCase()); }
-function sc_makeJSStringOfLength(k, c) {
- var fill;
- if (c === undefined)
- fill = " ";
- else
- fill = c;
- var res = "";
- var len = 1;
- // every round doubles the size of fill.
- while (k >= len) {
- if (k & len)
- res = res.concat(fill);
- fill = fill.concat(fill);
- len *= 2;
- }
- return res;
-function sc_makejsString(k, c) {
- var fill;
- if (c)
- fill = c.val;
- else
- fill = " ";
- return sc_makeJSStringOfLength(k, fill);
-function sc_jsstring2list(s) {
- var res = null;
- for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- res = sc_cons(new sc_Char(s.charAt(i)), res);
- return res;
-function sc_list2jsstring(l) {
- var a = new Array();
- while(l !== null) {
- a.push(;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return "".concat.apply("", a);
-var sc_Vector = Array;
-sc_Vector.prototype.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString = function(writeOrDisplay) {
- if (this.length === 0) return "#()";
- var res = "#(" + writeOrDisplay(this[0]);
- for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++)
- res += " " + writeOrDisplay(this[i]);
- res += ")";
- return res;
-sc_Vector.prototype.sc_toDisplayString = function() {
- return this.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString(sc_toDisplayString);
-sc_Vector.prototype.sc_toWriteString = function() {
- return this.sc_toWriteOrDisplayString(sc_toWriteString);
-/*** META ((export vector? array?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " instanceof sc_Vector")))
-function sc_isVector(v) {
- return (v instanceof sc_Vector);
-// only applies to vectors
-function sc_isVectorEqual(v1, v2, comp) {
- if (v1.length !== v2.length) return false;
- for (var i = 0; i < v1.length; i++)
- if (!comp(v1[i], v2[i])) return false;
- return true;
-/*** META ((export make-vector make-array)) */
-function sc_makeVector(size, fill) {
- var a = new sc_Vector(size);
- if (fill !== undefined)
- sc_vectorFillBang(a, fill);
- return a;
-/*** META ((export vector array)
- (peephole (vector)))
-function sc_vector() {
- var a = new sc_Vector();
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- a.push(arguments[i]);
- return a;
-/*** META ((export vector-length array-length)
- (peephole (postfix ".length")))
-function sc_vectorLength(v) {
- return v.length;
-/*** META ((export vector-ref array-ref)
- (peephole (hole 2 v "[" pos "]")))
-function sc_vectorRef(v, pos) {
- return v[pos];
-/*** META ((export vector-set! array-set!)
- (peephole (hole 3 v "[" pos "] = " val)))
-function sc_vectorSetBang(v, pos, val) {
- v[pos] = val;
-/*** META ((export vector->list array->list)) */
-function sc_vector2list(a) {
- var res = null;
- for (var i = a.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
- res = sc_cons(a[i], res);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export list->vector list->array)) */
-function sc_list2vector(l) {
- var a = new sc_Vector();
- while(l !== null) {
- a.push(;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return a;
-/*** META ((export vector-fill! array-fill!)) */
-function sc_vectorFillBang(a, fill) {
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
- a[i] = fill;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_copyVector(a, len) {
- if (len <= a.length)
- return a.slice(0, len);
- else {
- var tmp = a.concat();
- tmp.length = len;
- return tmp;
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 3 a ".slice(" start "," end ")")))
-function sc_vectorCopy(a, start, end) {
- return a.slice(start, end);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_vectorCopyBang(target, tstart, source, sstart, send) {
- if (!sstart) sstart = 0;
- if (!send) send = source.length;
- // if target == source we don't want to overwrite not yet copied elements.
- if (tstart <= sstart) {
- for (var i = tstart, j = sstart; j < send; i++, j++) {
- target[i] = source[j];
- }
- } else {
- var diff = send - sstart;
- for (var i = tstart + diff - 1, j = send - 1;
- j >= sstart;
- i--, j--) {
- target[i] = source[j];
- }
- }
- return target;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 1 "typeof " o " === 'function'")))
-function sc_isProcedure(o) {
- return (typeof o === "function");
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_apply(proc) {
- var args = new Array();
- // first part of arguments are not in list-form.
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length - 1; i++)
- args.push(arguments[i]);
- var l = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
- while (l !== null) {
- args.push(;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return proc.apply(null, args);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_map(proc, l1) {
- if (l1 === undefined)
- return null;
- // else
- var nbApplyArgs = arguments.length - 1;
- var applyArgs = new Array(nbApplyArgs);
- var revres = null;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < nbApplyArgs; i++) {
- applyArgs[i] = arguments[i + 1].car;
- arguments[i + 1] = arguments[i + 1].cdr;
- }
- revres = sc_cons(proc.apply(null, applyArgs), revres);
- }
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(revres, null);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_mapBang(proc, l1) {
- if (l1 === undefined)
- return null;
- // else
- var l1_orig = l1;
- var nbApplyArgs = arguments.length - 1;
- var applyArgs = new Array(nbApplyArgs);
- while (l1 !== null) {
- var tmp = l1;
- for (var i = 0; i < nbApplyArgs; i++) {
- applyArgs[i] = arguments[i + 1].car;
- arguments[i + 1] = arguments[i + 1].cdr;
- }
- = proc.apply(null, applyArgs);
- }
- return l1_orig;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_forEach(proc, l1) {
- if (l1 === undefined)
- return undefined;
- // else
- var nbApplyArgs = arguments.length - 1;
- var applyArgs = new Array(nbApplyArgs);
- while (l1 !== null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < nbApplyArgs; i++) {
- applyArgs[i] = arguments[i + 1].car;
- arguments[i + 1] = arguments[i + 1].cdr;
- }
- proc.apply(null, applyArgs);
- }
- // add return so FF does not complain.
- return undefined;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_filter(proc, l1) {
- var dummy = { cdr : null };
- var tail = dummy;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- if (proc( !== false) {
- tail.cdr = sc_cons(, null);
- tail = tail.cdr;
- }
- l1 = l1.cdr;
- }
- return dummy.cdr;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_filterBang(proc, l1) {
- var head = sc_cons("dummy", l1);
- var it = head;
- var next = l1;
- while (next !== null) {
- if (proc( !== false) {
- it.cdr = next
- it = next;
- }
- next = next.cdr;
- }
- it.cdr = null;
- return head.cdr;
-function sc_filterMap1(proc, l1) {
- var revres = null;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- var tmp = proc(
- if (tmp !== false) revres = sc_cons(tmp, revres);
- l1 = l1.cdr;
- }
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(revres, null);
-function sc_filterMap2(proc, l1, l2) {
- var revres = null;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- var tmp = proc(,;
- if(tmp !== false) revres = sc_cons(tmp, revres);
- l1 = l1.cdr;
- l2 = l2.cdr
- }
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(revres, null);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_filterMap(proc, l1, l2, l3) {
- if (l2 === undefined)
- return sc_filterMap1(proc, l1);
- else if (l3 === undefined)
- return sc_filterMap2(proc, l1, l2);
- // else
- var nbApplyArgs = arguments.length - 1;
- var applyArgs = new Array(nbApplyArgs);
- var revres = null;
- while (l1 !== null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < nbApplyArgs; i++) {
- applyArgs[i] = arguments[i + 1].car;
- arguments[i + 1] = arguments[i + 1].cdr;
- }
- var tmp = proc.apply(null, applyArgs);
- if(tmp !== false) revres = sc_cons(tmp, revres);
- }
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(revres, null);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_any(proc, l) {
- var revres = null;
- while (l !== null) {
- var tmp = proc(;
- if(tmp !== false) return tmp;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return false;
-/*** META ((export any?)
- (peephole (hole 2 "sc_any(" proc "," l ") !== false")))
-function sc_anyPred(proc, l) {
- return sc_any(proc, l)!== false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_every(proc, l) {
- var revres = null;
- var tmp = true;
- while (l !== null) {
- tmp = proc(;
- if (tmp === false) return false;
- l = l.cdr;
- }
- return tmp;
-/*** META ((export every?)
- (peephole (hole 2 "sc_every(" proc "," l ") !== false")))
-function sc_everyPred(proc, l) {
- var tmp = sc_every(proc, l);
- if (tmp !== false) return true;
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix "()")))
-function sc_force(o) {
- return o();
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_makePromise(proc) {
- var isResultReady = false;
- var result = undefined;
- return function() {
- if (!isResultReady) {
- var tmp = proc();
- if (!isResultReady) {
- isResultReady = true;
- result = tmp;
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
-function sc_Values(values) {
- this.values = values;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (values)))
-function sc_values() {
- if (arguments.length === 1)
- return arguments[0];
- else
- return new sc_Values(arguments);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_callWithValues(producer, consumer) {
- var produced = producer();
- if (produced instanceof sc_Values)
- return consumer.apply(null, produced.values);
- else
- return consumer(produced);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_dynamicWind(before, thunk, after) {
- before();
- try {
- var res = thunk();
- return res;
- } finally {
- after();
- }
-// TODO: eval/scheme-report-environment/null-environment/interaction-environment
-// LIMITATION: 'load' doesn't exist without files.
-// LIMITATION: transcript-on/transcript-off doesn't exist without files.
-function sc_Struct(name) {
- = name;
-sc_Struct.prototype.sc_toDisplayString = function() {
- return "#<struct" + sc_hash(this) + ">";
-sc_Struct.prototype.sc_toWriteString = sc_Struct.prototype.sc_toDisplayString;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "new sc_Struct(" name ")")))
-function sc_makeStruct(name) {
- return new sc_Struct(name);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " instanceof sc_Struct")))
-function sc_isStruct(o) {
- return (o instanceof sc_Struct);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 "(" 1 " instanceof sc_Struct) && ( " 1 ".name === " 0 ")")))
-function sc_isStructNamed(name, s) {
- return ((s instanceof sc_Struct) && ( === name));
-/*** META ((export struct-field)
- (peephole (hole 3 0 "[" 2 "]")))
-function sc_getStructField(s, name, field) {
- return s[field];
-/*** META ((export struct-field-set!)
- (peephole (hole 4 0 "[" 2 "] = " 3)))
-function sc_setStructFieldBang(s, name, field, val) {
- s[field] = val;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "~")))
-function sc_bitNot(x) {
- return ~x;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "&")))
-function sc_bitAnd(x, y) {
- return x & y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "|")))
-function sc_bitOr(x, y) {
- return x | y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "^")))
-function sc_bitXor(x, y) {
- return x ^ y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 "<<")))
-function sc_bitLsh(x, y) {
- return x << y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 ">>")))
-function sc_bitRsh(x, y) {
- return x >> y;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 2 2 ">>>")))
-function sc_bitUrsh(x, y) {
- return x >>> y;
-/*** META ((export js-field js-property)
- (peephole (hole 2 o "[" field "]")))
-function sc_jsField(o, field) {
- return o[field];
-/*** META ((export js-field-set! js-property-set!)
- (peephole (hole 3 o "[" field "] = " val)))
-function sc_setJsFieldBang(o, field, val) {
- return o[field] = val;
-/*** META ((export js-field-delete! js-property-delete!)
- (peephole (hole 2 "delete" o "[" field "]")))
-function sc_deleteJsFieldBang(o, field) {
- delete o[field];
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (jsCall)))
-function sc_jsCall(o, fun) {
- var args = new Array();
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
- args[i-2] = arguments[i];
- return fun.apply(o, args);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (jsMethodCall)))
-function sc_jsMethodCall(o, field) {
- var args = new Array();
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
- args[i-2] = arguments[i];
- return o[field].apply(o, args);
-/*** META ((export new js-new)
- (peephole (jsNew)))
-function sc_jsNew(c) {
- var evalStr = "new c(";
- evalStr +=arguments.length > 1? "arguments[1]": "";
- for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
- evalStr += ", arguments[" + i + "]";
- evalStr +=")";
- return eval(evalStr);
-// ======================== RegExp ====================
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_pregexp(re) {
- return new RegExp(sc_string2jsstring(re));
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_pregexpMatch(re, s) {
- var reg = (re instanceof RegExp) ? re : sc_pregexp(re);
- var tmp = reg.exec(sc_string2jsstring(s));
- if (tmp == null) return false;
- var res = null;
- for (var i = tmp.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (tmp[i] !== null) {
- res = sc_cons(sc_jsstring2string(tmp[i]), res);
- } else {
- res = sc_cons(false, res);
- }
- }
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_pregexpReplace(re, s1, s2) {
- var reg;
- var jss1 = sc_string2jsstring(s1);
- var jss2 = sc_string2jsstring(s2);
- if (re instanceof RegExp) {
- if (
- reg = re;
- else
- reg = new RegExp(re.source);
- } else {
- reg = new RegExp(sc_string2jsstring(re));
- }
- return jss1.replace(reg, jss2);
-/*** META ((export pregexp-replace*)) */
-function sc_pregexpReplaceAll(re, s1, s2) {
- var reg;
- var jss1 = sc_string2jsstring(s1);
- var jss2 = sc_string2jsstring(s2);
- if (re instanceof RegExp) {
- if (
- reg = re;
- else
- reg = new RegExp(re.source, "g");
- } else {
- reg = new RegExp(sc_string2jsstring(re), "g");
- }
- return jss1.replace(reg, jss2);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_pregexpSplit(re, s) {
- var reg = ((re instanceof RegExp) ?
- re :
- new RegExp(sc_string2jsstring(re)));
- var jss = sc_string2jsstring(s);
- var tmp = jss.split(reg);
- if (tmp == null) return false;
- return sc_vector2list(tmp);
-/* =========================================================================== */
-/* Other library stuff */
-/* =========================================================================== */
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "Math.floor(Math.random()*" 'n ")")))
-function sc_random(n) {
- return Math.floor(Math.random()*n);
-/*** META ((export current-date)
- (peephole (hole 0 "new Date()")))
-function sc_currentDate() {
- return new Date();
-function sc_Hashtable() {
-sc_Hashtable.prototype.toString = function() {
- return "#{%hashtable}";
-// sc_toWriteString == sc_toDisplayString == toString
-function sc_HashtableElement(key, val) {
- this.key = key;
- this.val = val;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 0 "new sc_Hashtable()")))
-function sc_makeHashtable() {
- return new sc_Hashtable();
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_hashtablePutBang(ht, key, val) {
- var hash = sc_hash(key);
- ht[hash] = new sc_HashtableElement(key, val);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_hashtableGet(ht, key) {
- var hash = sc_hash(key);
- if (hash in ht)
- return ht[hash].val;
- else
- return false;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_hashtableForEach(ht, f) {
- for (var v in ht) {
- if (ht[v] instanceof sc_HashtableElement)
- f(ht[v].key, ht[v].val);
- }
-/*** META ((export hashtable-contains?)
- (peephole (hole 2 "sc_hash(" 1 ") in " 0)))
-function sc_hashtableContains(ht, key) {
- var hash = sc_hash(key);
- if (hash in ht)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
-function sc_hash(o) {
- if (o === null)
- return "null";
- else if (o === undefined)
- return "undefined";
- else if (o === true)
- return "true";
- else if (o === false)
- return "false";
- else if (typeof o === "number")
- return "num-" + o;
- else if (typeof o === "string")
- return "jsstr-" + o;
- else if (o.sc_getHash)
- return o.sc_getHash();
- else
- return;
-function sc_counterHash() {
- if (!this.sc_hash) {
- this.sc_hash = "hash-" + SC_HASH_COUNTER;
- }
- return this.sc_hash;
-function sc_Trampoline(args, maxTailCalls) {
- this['__trampoline return__'] = true;
- this.args = args;
- this.MAX_TAIL_CALLs = maxTailCalls;
-// TODO: call/cc stuff
-sc_Trampoline.prototype.restart = function() {
- var o = this;
- while (true) {
- // set both globals.
- var fun = o.args.callee;
- var res = fun.apply(SC_TAIL_OBJECT, o.args);
- if (res instanceof sc_Trampoline)
- o = res;
- else
- return res;
- }
-/*** META ((export bind-exit-lambda)) */
-function sc_bindExitLambda(proc) {
- var escape_obj = new sc_BindExitException();
- var escape = function(res) {
- escape_obj.res = res;
- throw escape_obj;
- };
- try {
- return proc(escape);
- } catch(e) {
- if (e === escape_obj) {
- return e.res;
- }
- throw e;
- }
-function sc_BindExitException() {
- this._internalException = true;
-var SC_SCM2JS_GLOBALS = new Object();
-// default tail-call depth.
-// normally the program should set it again. but just in case...
-var SC_TAIL_OBJECT = new Object();
-// ======================== I/O =======================
-function sc_EOF() {
-var SC_EOF_OBJECT = new sc_EOF();
-function sc_Port() {
-/* --------------- Input ports -------------------------------------*/
-function sc_InputPort() {
-sc_InputPort.prototype = new sc_Port();
-sc_InputPort.prototype.peekChar = function() {
- if (!("peeked" in this))
- this.peeked = this.getNextChar();
- return this.peeked;
-sc_InputPort.prototype.readChar = function() {
- var tmp = this.peekChar();
- delete this.peeked;
- return tmp;
-sc_InputPort.prototype.isCharReady = function() {
- return true;
-sc_InputPort.prototype.close = function() {
- // do nothing
-/* .............. String port ..........................*/
-function sc_ErrorInputPort() {
-sc_ErrorInputPort.prototype = new sc_InputPort();
-sc_ErrorInputPort.prototype.getNextChar = function() {
- throw "can't read from error-port.";
-sc_ErrorInputPort.prototype.isCharReady = function() {
- return false;
-/* .............. String port ..........................*/
-function sc_StringInputPort(jsStr) {
- // we are going to do some charAts on the str.
- // instead of recreating all the time a String-object, we
- // create one in the beginning. (not sure, if this is really an optim)
- this.str = new String(jsStr);
- this.pos = 0;
-sc_StringInputPort.prototype = new sc_InputPort();
-sc_StringInputPort.prototype.getNextChar = function() {
- if (this.pos >= this.str.length)
- return SC_EOF_OBJECT;
- return this.str.charAt(this.pos++);
-/* ------------- Read and other lib-funs -------------------------------*/
-function sc_Token(type, val, pos) {
- this.type = type;
- this.val = val;
- this.pos = pos;
-sc_Token.EOF = 0/*EOF*/;
-sc_Token.OPEN_PAR = 1/*OPEN_PAR*/;
-sc_Token.CLOSE_PAR = 2/*CLOSE_PAR*/;
-sc_Token.OPEN_BRACE = 3/*OPEN_BRACE*/;
-sc_Token.QUOTE = 8/*QUOTE*/;
-sc_Token.ID = 9/*ID*/;
-sc_Token.DOT = 10/*DOT*/;
-sc_Token.STRING = 11/*STRING*/;
-sc_Token.NUMBER = 12/*NUMBER*/;
-sc_Token.ERROR = 13/*ERROR*/;
-sc_Token.TRUE = 15/*TRUE*/;
-sc_Token.FALSE = 16/*FALSE*/;
-sc_Token.REFERENCE = 18/*REFERENCE*/;
-sc_Token.STORE = 19/*STORE*/;
-sc_Token.CHAR = 20/*CHAR*/;
-var SC_ID_CLASS = SC_LOWER_CLASS + SC_UPPER_CLASS + "!$%*+-./:<=>?@^_~";
-function sc_Tokenizer(port) {
- this.port = port;
-sc_Tokenizer.prototype.peekToken = function() {
- if (this.peeked)
- return this.peeked;
- var newToken = this.nextToken();
- this.peeked = newToken;
- return newToken;
-sc_Tokenizer.prototype.readToken = function() {
- var tmp = this.peekToken();
- delete this.peeked;
- return tmp;
-sc_Tokenizer.prototype.nextToken = function() {
- var port = this.port;
- function isNumberChar(c) {
- return (c >= "0" && c <= "9");
- };
- function isIdOrNumberChar(c) {
- return SC_ID_CLASS.indexOf(c) != -1 || // ID-char
- (c >= "0" && c <= "9");
- }
- function isWhitespace(c) {
- return c === " " || c === "\r" || c === "\n" || c === "\t" || c === "\f";
- };
- function isWhitespaceOrEOF(c) {
- return isWhitespace(c) || c === SC_EOF_OBJECT;
- };
- function readString() {
- res = "";
- while (true) {
- var c = port.readChar();
- switch (c) {
- case '"':
- return new sc_Token(11/*STRING*/, res);
- case "\\":
- var tmp = port.readChar();
- switch (tmp) {
- case '0': res += "\0"; break;
- case 'a': res += "\a"; break;
- case 'b': res += "\b"; break;
- case 'f': res += "\f"; break;
- case 'n': res += "\n"; break;
- case 'r': res += "\r"; break;
- case 't': res += "\t"; break;
- case 'v': res += "\v"; break;
- case '"': res += '"'; break;
- case '\\': res += '\\'; break;
- case 'x':
- /* hexa-number */
- var nb = 0;
- while (true) {
- var hexC = port.peekChar();
- if (hexC >= '0' && hexC <= '9') {
- port.readChar();
- nb = nb * 16 + hexC.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
- } else if (hexC >= 'a' && hexC <= 'f') {
- port.readChar();
- nb = nb * 16 + hexC.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
- } else if (hexC >= 'A' && hexC <= 'F') {
- port.readChar();
- nb = nb * 16 + hexC.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0);
- } else {
- // next char isn't part of hex.
- res += String.fromCharCode(nb);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (tmp === SC_EOF_OBJECT) {
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "unclosed string-literal" + res);
- }
- res += tmp;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (c === SC_EOF_OBJECT) {
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "unclosed string-literal" + res);
- }
- res += c;
- }
- }
- };
- function readIdOrNumber(firstChar) {
- var res = firstChar;
- while (isIdOrNumberChar(port.peekChar()))
- res += port.readChar();
- if (isNaN(res))
- return new sc_Token(9/*ID*/, res);
- else
- return new sc_Token(12/*NUMBER*/, res - 0);
- };
- function skipWhitespaceAndComments() {
- var done = false;
- while (!done) {
- done = true;
- while (isWhitespace(port.peekChar()))
- port.readChar();
- if (port.peekChar() === ';') {
- port.readChar();
- done = false;
- while (true) {
- curChar = port.readChar();
- if (curChar === SC_EOF_OBJECT ||
- curChar === '\n')
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- function readDot() {
- if (isWhitespace(port.peekChar()))
- return new sc_Token(10/*DOT*/);
- else
- return readIdOrNumber(".");
- };
- function readSharp() {
- var c = port.readChar();
- if (isWhitespace(c))
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern0.");
- // reference
- if (isNumberChar(c)) {
- var nb = c - 0;
- while (isNumberChar(port.peekChar()))
- nb = nb*10 + (port.readChar() - 0);
- switch (port.readChar()) {
- case '#':
- return new sc_Token(18/*REFERENCE*/, nb);
- case '=':
- return new sc_Token(19/*STORE*/, nb);
- default:
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern1." + nb);
- }
- }
- if (c === "(")
- return new sc_Token(14/*VECTOR_BEGIN*/);
- if (c === "\\") { // character
- var tmp = ""
- while (!isWhitespaceOrEOF(port.peekChar()))
- tmp += port.readChar();
- switch (tmp.length) {
- case 0: // it's escaping a whitespace char:
- if (sc_isEOFObject(port.peekChar))
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern2.");
- else
- return new sc_Token(20/*CHAR*/, port.readChar());
- case 1:
- return new sc_Token(20/*CHAR*/, tmp);
- default:
- var entry = sc_Char.readable2char[tmp.toLowerCase()];
- if (entry)
- return new sc_Token(20/*CHAR*/, entry);
- else
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "unknown character description: #\\" + tmp);
- }
- }
- // some constants (#t, #f, #unspecified)
- var res;
- var needing;
- switch (c) {
- case 't': res = new sc_Token(15/*TRUE*/, true); needing = ""; break;
- case 'f': res = new sc_Token(16/*FALSE*/, false); needing = ""; break;
- case 'u': res = new sc_Token(17/*UNSPECIFIED*/, undefined); needing = "nspecified"; break;
- default:
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern3: " + c);
- }
- while(true) {
- c = port.peekChar();
- if ((isWhitespaceOrEOF(c) || c === ')') &&
- needing == "")
- return res;
- else if (isWhitespace(c) || needing == "")
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern4 " + c + " " + needing);
- else if (needing.charAt(0) == c) {
- port.readChar(); // consume
- needing = needing.slice(1);
- } else
- return new sc_Token(13/*ERROR*/, "bad #-pattern5");
- }
- };
- skipWhitespaceAndComments();
- var curChar = port.readChar();
- if (curChar === SC_EOF_OBJECT)
- return new sc_Token(0/*EOF*/, curChar);
- switch (curChar)
- {
- case " ":
- case "\n":
- case "\t":
- return readWhitespace();
- case "(":
- return new sc_Token(1/*OPEN_PAR*/);
- case ")":
- return new sc_Token(2/*CLOSE_PAR*/);
- case "{":
- return new sc_Token(3/*OPEN_BRACE*/);
- case "}":
- return new sc_Token(4/*CLOSE_BRACE*/);
- case "[":
- return new sc_Token(5/*OPEN_BRACKET*/);
- case "]":
- return new sc_Token(6/*CLOSE_BRACKET*/);
- case "'":
- return new sc_Token(8/*QUOTE*/);
- case "#":
- return readSharp();
- case ".":
- return readDot();
- case '"':
- return readString();
- default:
- if (isIdOrNumberChar(curChar))
- return readIdOrNumber(curChar);
- throw "unexpected character: " + curChar;
- }
-function sc_Reader(tokenizer) {
- this.tokenizer = tokenizer;
- this.backref = new Array();
-} = function() {
- function readList(listBeginType) {
- function matchesPeer(open, close) {
- return open === 1/*OPEN_PAR*/ && close === 2/*CLOSE_PAR*/
- || open === 3/*OPEN_BRACE*/ && close === 4/*CLOSE_BRACE*/
- || open === 5/*OPEN_BRACKET*/ && close === 6/*CLOSE_BRACKET*/;
- };
- var res = null;
- while (true) {
- var token = tokenizer.peekToken();
- switch (token.type) {
- case 2/*CLOSE_PAR*/:
- case 4/*CLOSE_BRACE*/:
- case 6/*CLOSE_BRACKET*/:
- if (matchesPeer(listBeginType, token.type)) {
- tokenizer.readToken(); // consume token
- return sc_reverseBang(res);
- } else
- throw "closing par doesn't match: " + listBeginType
- + " " + listEndType;
- case 0/*EOF*/:
- throw "unexpected end of file";
- case 10/*DOT*/:
- tokenizer.readToken(); // consume token
- var cdr =;
- var par = tokenizer.readToken();
- if (!matchesPeer(listBeginType, par.type))
- throw "closing par doesn't match: " + listBeginType
- + " " + par.type;
- else
- return sc_reverseAppendBang(res, cdr);
- default:
- res = sc_cons(, res);
- }
- }
- };
- function readQuote() {
- return sc_cons("quote", sc_cons(, null));
- };
- function readVector() {
- // opening-parenthesis is already consumed
- var a = new Array();
- while (true) {
- var token = tokenizer.peekToken();
- switch (token.type) {
- case 2/*CLOSE_PAR*/:
- tokenizer.readToken();
- return a;
- default:
- a.push(;
- }
- }
- };
- function storeRefence(nb) {
- var tmp =;
- this.backref[nb] = tmp;
- return tmp;
- };
- function readReference(nb) {
- if (nb in this.backref)
- return this.backref[nb];
- else
- throw "bad reference: " + nb;
- };
- var tokenizer = this.tokenizer;
- var token = tokenizer.readToken();
- // handle error
- if (token.type === 13/*ERROR*/)
- throw token.val;
- switch (token.type) {
- case 1/*OPEN_PAR*/:
- case 3/*OPEN_BRACE*/:
- case 5/*OPEN_BRACKET*/:
- return, token.type);
- case 8/*QUOTE*/:
- return;
- case 11/*STRING*/:
- return sc_jsstring2string(token.val);
- case 20/*CHAR*/:
- return new sc_Char(token.val);
- case 14/*VECTOR_BEGIN*/:
- return;
- case 18/*REFERENCE*/:
- return, token.val);
- case 19/*STORE*/:
- return, token.val);
- case 9/*ID*/:
- return sc_jsstring2symbol(token.val);
- case 0/*EOF*/:
- case 12/*NUMBER*/:
- case 15/*TRUE*/:
- case 16/*FALSE*/:
- case 17/*UNSPECIFIED*/:
- return token.val;
- default:
- throw "unexpected token " + token.type + " " + token.val;
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_read(port) {
- if (port === undefined) // we assume the port hasn't been given.
- port = SC_DEFAULT_IN; // THREAD: shared var...
- var reader = new sc_Reader(new sc_Tokenizer(port));
- return;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_readChar(port) {
- if (port === undefined) // we assume the port hasn't been given.
- port = SC_DEFAULT_IN; // THREAD: shared var...
- var t = port.readChar();
- return t === SC_EOF_OBJECT? t: new sc_Char(t);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_peekChar(port) {
- if (port === undefined) // we assume the port hasn't been given.
- port = SC_DEFAULT_IN; // THREAD: shared var...
- var t = port.peekChar();
- return t === SC_EOF_OBJECT? t: new sc_Char(t);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isCharReady(port) {
- if (port === undefined) // we assume the port hasn't been given.
- port = SC_DEFAULT_IN; // THREAD: shared var...
- return port.isCharReady();
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".close()")))
-function sc_closeInputPort(p) {
- return p.close();
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " instanceof sc_InputPort")))
-function sc_isInputPort(o) {
- return (o instanceof sc_InputPort);
-/*** META ((export eof-object?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " === SC_EOF_OBJECT")))
-function sc_isEOFObject(o) {
- return o === SC_EOF_OBJECT;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 0 "SC_DEFAULT_IN")))
-function sc_currentInputPort() {
- return SC_DEFAULT_IN;
-/* ------------ file operations are not supported -----------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_callWithInputFile(s, proc) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_callWithOutputFile(s, proc) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withInputFromFile(s, thunk) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withOutputToFile(s, thunk) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_openInputFile(s) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_openOutputFile(s) {
- throw "can't open " + s;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_basename(p) {
- var i = p.lastIndexOf('/');
- if(i >= 0)
- return p.substring(i + 1, p.length);
- else
- return '';
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_dirname(p) {
- var i = p.lastIndexOf('/');
- if(i >= 0)
- return p.substring(0, i);
- else
- return '';
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withInputFromPort(p, thunk) {
- try {
- var tmp = SC_DEFAULT_IN; // THREAD: shared var.
- return thunk();
- } finally {
- SC_DEFAULT_IN = tmp;
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withInputFromString(s, thunk) {
- return sc_withInputFromPort(new sc_StringInputPort(sc_string2jsstring(s)), thunk);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withOutputToPort(p, thunk) {
- try {
- var tmp = SC_DEFAULT_OUT; // THREAD: shared var.
- return thunk();
- } finally {
- }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withOutputToString(thunk) {
- var p = new sc_StringOutputPort();
- sc_withOutputToPort(p, thunk);
- return p.close();
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_withOutputToProcedure(proc, thunk) {
- var t = function(s) { proc(sc_jsstring2string(s)); };
- return sc_withOutputToPort(new sc_GenericOutputPort(t), thunk);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 0 "new sc_StringOutputPort()")))
-function sc_openOutputString() {
- return new sc_StringOutputPort();
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_openInputString(str) {
- return new sc_StringInputPort(sc_string2jsstring(str));
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-function sc_OutputPort() {
-sc_OutputPort.prototype = new sc_Port();
-sc_OutputPort.prototype.appendJSString = function(obj) {
- /* do nothing */
-sc_OutputPort.prototype.close = function() {
- /* do nothing */
-function sc_StringOutputPort() {
- this.res = "";
-sc_StringOutputPort.prototype = new sc_OutputPort();
-sc_StringOutputPort.prototype.appendJSString = function(s) {
- this.res += s;
-sc_StringOutputPort.prototype.close = function() {
- return sc_jsstring2string(this.res);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_getOutputString(sp) {
- return sc_jsstring2string(sp.res);
-function sc_ErrorOutputPort() {
-sc_ErrorOutputPort.prototype = new sc_OutputPort();
-sc_ErrorOutputPort.prototype.appendJSString = function(s) {
- throw "don't write on ErrorPort!";
-sc_ErrorOutputPort.prototype.close = function() {
- /* do nothing */
-function sc_GenericOutputPort(appendJSString, close) {
- this.appendJSString = appendJSString;
- if (close)
- this.close = close;
-sc_GenericOutputPort.prototype = new sc_OutputPort();
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (postfix " instanceof sc_OutputPort")))
-function sc_isOutputPort(o) {
- return (o instanceof sc_OutputPort);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".close()")))
-function sc_closeOutputPort(p) {
- return p.close();
-/* ------------------ write ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_write(o, p) {
- if (p === undefined) // we assume not given
- p.appendJSString(sc_toWriteString(o));
-function sc_toWriteString(o) {
- if (o === null)
- return "()";
- else if (o === true)
- return "#t";
- else if (o === false)
- return "#f";
- else if (o === undefined)
- return "#unspecified";
- else if (typeof o === 'function')
- return "#<procedure " + sc_hash(o) + ">";
- else if (o.sc_toWriteString)
- return o.sc_toWriteString();
- else
- return o.toString();
-function sc_escapeWriteString(s) {
- var res = "";
- var j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
- switch (s.charAt(i)) {
- case "\0": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\0"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\b": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\b"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\f": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\f"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\n": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\n"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\r": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\r"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\t": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\t"; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\v": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\v"; j = i + 1; break;
- case '"': res += s.substring(j, i) + '\\"'; j = i + 1; break;
- case "\\": res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\\\"; j = i + 1; break;
- default:
- var c = s.charAt(i);
- if ("\a" !== "a" && c == "\a") {
- res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\a"; j = i + 1; continue;
- }
- if ("\v" !== "v" && c == "\v") {
- res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\v"; j = i + 1; continue;
- }
- //if (s.charAt(i) < ' ' || s.charCodeAt(i) > 127) {
- // CARE: Manuel is this OK with HOP?
- if (s.charAt(i) < ' ') {
- /* non printable character and special chars */
- res += s.substring(j, i) + "\\x" + s.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
- j = i + 1;
- }
- // else just let i increase...
- }
- }
- res += s.substring(j, i);
- return res;
-/* ------------------ display ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_display(o, p) {
- if (p === undefined) // we assume not given
- p.appendJSString(sc_toDisplayString(o));
-function sc_toDisplayString(o) {
- if (o === null)
- return "()";
- else if (o === true)
- return "#t";
- else if (o === false)
- return "#f";
- else if (o === undefined)
- return "#unspecified";
- else if (typeof o === 'function')
- return "#<procedure " + sc_hash(o) + ">";
- else if (o.sc_toDisplayString)
- return o.sc_toDisplayString();
- else
- return o.toString();
-/* ------------------ newline ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_newline(p) {
- if (p === undefined) // we assume not given
- p.appendJSString("\n");
-/* ------------------ write-char ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_writeChar(c, p) {
- if (p === undefined) // we assume not given
- p.appendJSString(c.val);
-/* ------------------ write-circle ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_writeCircle(o, p) {
- if (p === undefined) // we assume not given
- p.appendJSString(sc_toWriteCircleString(o));
-function sc_toWriteCircleString(o) {
- var symb = sc_gensym("writeCircle");
- var nbPointer = new Object();
- nbPointer.nb = 0;
- sc_prepWriteCircle(o, symb, nbPointer);
- return sc_genToWriteCircleString(o, symb);
-function sc_prepWriteCircle(o, symb, nbPointer) {
- // TODO sc_Struct
- if (o instanceof sc_Pair ||
- o instanceof sc_Vector) {
- if (o[symb] !== undefined) {
- // not the first visit.
- o[symb]++;
- // unless there is already a number, assign one.
- if (!o[symb + "nb"]) o[symb + "nb"] = nbPointer.nb++;
- return;
- }
- o[symb] = 0;
- if (o instanceof sc_Pair) {
- sc_prepWriteCircle(, symb, nbPointer);
- sc_prepWriteCircle(o.cdr, symb, nbPointer);
- } else {
- for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
- sc_prepWriteCircle(o[i], symb, nbPointer);
- }
- }
-function sc_genToWriteCircleString(o, symb) {
- if (!(o instanceof sc_Pair ||
- o instanceof sc_Vector))
- return sc_toWriteString(o);
- return o.sc_toWriteCircleString(symb);
-sc_Pair.prototype.sc_toWriteCircleString = function(symb, inList) {
- if (this[symb + "use"]) { // use-flag is set. Just use it.
- var nb = this[symb + "nb"];
- if (this[symb]-- === 0) { // if we are the last use. remove all fields.
- delete this[symb];
- delete this[symb + "nb"];
- delete this[symb + "use"];
- }
- if (inList)
- return '. #' + nb + '#';
- else
- return '#' + nb + '#';
- }
- if (this[symb]-- === 0) { // if we are the last use. remove all fields.
- delete this[symb];
- delete this[symb + "nb"];
- delete this[symb + "use"];
- }
- var res = "";
- if (this[symb] !== undefined) { // implies > 0
- this[symb + "use"] = true;
- if (inList)
- res += '. #' + this[symb + "nb"] + '=';
- else
- res += '#' + this[symb + "nb"] + '=';
- inList = false;
- }
- if (!inList)
- res += "(";
- // print car
- res += sc_genToWriteCircleString(, symb);
- if (sc_isPair(this.cdr)) {
- res += " " + this.cdr.sc_toWriteCircleString(symb, true);
- } else if (this.cdr !== null) {
- res += " . " + sc_genToWriteCircleString(this.cdr, symb);
- }
- if (!inList)
- res += ")";
- return res;
-sc_Vector.prototype.sc_toWriteCircleString = function(symb) {
- if (this[symb + "use"]) { // use-flag is set. Just use it.
- var nb = this[symb + "nb"];
- if (this[symb]-- === 0) { // if we are the last use. remove all fields.
- delete this[symb];
- delete this[symb + "nb"];
- delete this[symb + "use"];
- }
- return '#' + nb + '#';
- }
- if (this[symb]-- === 0) { // if we are the last use. remove all fields.
- delete this[symb];
- delete this[symb + "nb"];
- delete this[symb + "use"];
- }
- var res = "";
- if (this[symb] !== undefined) { // implies > 0
- this[symb + "use"] = true;
- res += '#' + this[symb + "nb"] + '=';
- }
- res += "#(";
- for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
- res += sc_genToWriteCircleString(this[i], symb);
- if (i < this.length - 1) res += " ";
- }
- res += ")";
- return res;
-/* ------------------ print ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_print(s) {
- if (arguments.length === 1) {
- sc_display(s);
- sc_newline();
- }
- else {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- sc_display(arguments[i]);
- sc_newline();
- }
-/* ------------------ format ---------------------------------------------------*/
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_format(s, args) {
- var len = s.length;
- var p = new sc_StringOutputPort();
- var i = 0, j = 1;
- while( i < len ) {
- var i2 = s.indexOf("~", i);
- if (i2 == -1) {
- p.appendJSString( s.substring( i, len ) );
- return p.close();
- } else {
- if (i2 > i) {
- if (i2 == (len - 1)) {
- p.appendJSString(s.substring(i, len));
- return p.close();
- } else {
- p.appendJSString(s.substring(i, i2));
- i = i2;
- }
- }
- switch(s.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) {
- case 65:
- case 97:
- // a
- sc_display(arguments[j], p);
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 83:
- case 115:
- // s
- sc_write(arguments[j], p);
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 86:
- case 118:
- // v
- sc_display(arguments[j], p);
- p.appendJSString("\n");
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 67:
- case 99:
- // c
- p.appendJSString(String.fromCharCode(arguments[j]));
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 88:
- case 120:
- // x
- p.appendJSString(arguments[j].toString(6));
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 79:
- case 111:
- // o
- p.appendJSString(arguments[j].toString(8));
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 66:
- case 98:
- // b
- p.appendJSString(arguments[j].toString(2));
- i += 2; j++;
- break;
- case 37:
- case 110:
- // %, n
- p.appendJSString("\n");
- i += 2; break;
- case 114:
- // r
- p.appendJSString("\r");
- i += 2; break;
- case 126:
- // ~
- p.appendJSString("~");
- i += 2; break;
- default:
- sc_error( "format: illegal ~"
- + String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(i2 + 1))
- + " sequence" );
- return "";
- }
- }
- }
- return p.close();
-/* ------------------ global ports ---------------------------------------------------*/
-var SC_DEFAULT_IN = new sc_ErrorInputPort();
-var SC_DEFAULT_OUT = new sc_ErrorOutputPort();
-var SC_ERROR_OUT = new sc_ErrorOutputPort();
-var sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX = "\u1E9C";
-var sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX = "\u1E9D";
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (id))) */
-function sc_jsstring2string(s) {
- return s;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "'\\u1E9C' +")))
-function sc_jsstring2symbol(s) {
- return sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (id)))
-function sc_string2jsstring(s) {
- return s;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (symbol2jsstring_immutable)))
-function sc_symbol2jsstring(s) {
- return s.slice(1);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".slice(1)")))
-function sc_keyword2jsstring(k) {
- return k.slice(1);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "'\\u1E9D' +")))
-function sc_jsstring2keyword(s) {
- return sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX + s;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isKeyword(s) {
- return (typeof s === "string") &&
- (s.charAt(0) === sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_gensym = function() {
- var counter = 1000;
- return function(sym) {
- counter++;
- if (!sym) sym = sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX;
- return sym + "s" + counter + "~" + "^sC-GeNsYm ";
- };
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isEqual(o1, o2) {
- return ((o1 === o2) ||
- (sc_isPair(o1) && sc_isPair(o2)
- && sc_isPairEqual(o1, o2, sc_isEqual)) ||
- (sc_isVector(o1) && sc_isVector(o2)
- && sc_isVectorEqual(o1, o2, sc_isEqual)));
-/*** META ((export number->symbol integer->symbol)) */
-function sc_number2symbol(x, radix) {
- return sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX + sc_number2jsstring(x, radix);
-/*** META ((export number->string integer->string)) */
-var sc_number2string = sc_number2jsstring;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_symbol2number(s, radix) {
- return sc_jsstring2number(s.slice(1), radix);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_string2number = sc_jsstring2number;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "+" s)))
- ;; peephole will only apply if no radix is given.
-function sc_string2integer(s, radix) {
- if (!radix) return +s;
- return parseInt(s, radix);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "+")))
-function sc_string2real(s) {
- return +s;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isSymbol(s) {
- return (typeof s === "string") &&
- (s.charAt(0) === sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (symbol2string_immutable)))
-function sc_symbol2string(s) {
- return s.slice(1);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "'\\u1E9C' +")))
-function sc_string2symbol(s) {
- return sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX + s;
-/*** META ((export symbol-append)
- (peephole (symbolAppend_immutable)))
-function sc_symbolAppend() {
- var res = sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX;
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- res += arguments[i].slice(1);
- return res;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".val")))
-function sc_char2string(c) { return c.val; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 1 "'\\u1E9C' + " c ".val")))
-function sc_char2symbol(c) { return sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX + c.val; }
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (type bool))
-function sc_isString(s) {
- return (typeof s === "string") &&
- (s.charAt(0) !== sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_makeString = sc_makejsString;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_string() {
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
- arguments[i] = arguments[i].val;
- return "".concat.apply("", arguments);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".length")))
-function sc_stringLength(s) { return s.length; }
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-function sc_stringRef(s, k) {
- return new sc_Char(s.charAt(k));
-/* there's no stringSet in the immutable version
-function sc_stringSet(s, k, c)
-/*** META ((export string=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 " === " str2)))
-function sc_isStringEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1 === s2;
-/*** META ((export string<?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 " < " str2)))
-function sc_isStringLess(s1, s2) {
- return s1 < s2;
-/*** META ((export string>?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 " > " str2)))
-function sc_isStringGreater(s1, s2) {
- return s1 > s2;
-/*** META ((export string<=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 " <= " str2)))
-function sc_isStringLessEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1 <= s2;
-/*** META ((export string>=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 " >= " str2)))
-function sc_isStringGreaterEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1 >= s2;
-/*** META ((export string-ci=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 ".toLowerCase() === " str2 ".toLowerCase()")))
-function sc_isStringCIEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1.toLowerCase() === s2.toLowerCase();
-/*** META ((export string-ci<?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 ".toLowerCase() < " str2 ".toLowerCase()")))
-function sc_isStringCILess(s1, s2) {
- return s1.toLowerCase() < s2.toLowerCase();
-/*** META ((export string-ci>?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 ".toLowerCase() > " str2 ".toLowerCase()")))
-function sc_isStringCIGreater(s1, s2) {
- return s1.toLowerCase() > s2.toLowerCase();
-/*** META ((export string-ci<=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 ".toLowerCase() <= " str2 ".toLowerCase()")))
-function sc_isStringCILessEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1.toLowerCase() <= s2.toLowerCase();
-/*** META ((export string-ci>=?)
- (type bool)
- (peephole (hole 2 str1 ".toLowerCase() >= " str2 ".toLowerCase()")))
-function sc_isStringCIGreaterEqual(s1, s2) {
- return s1.toLowerCase() >= s2.toLowerCase();
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (hole 3 s ".substring(" start ", " end ")")))
-function sc_substring(s, start, end) {
- return s.substring(start, end);
-/*** META ((export #t))
-function sc_isSubstring_at(s1, s2, i) {
- return s2 == s1.substring(i, i+ s2.length);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (infix 0 #f "+" "''")))
-function sc_stringAppend() {
- return "".concat.apply("", arguments);
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_string2list = sc_jsstring2list;
-/*** META ((export #t)) */
-var sc_list2string = sc_list2jsstring;
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (id)))
-function sc_stringCopy(s) {
- return s;
-/* there's no string-fill in the immutable version
-function sc_stringFill(s, c)
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (postfix ".slice(1)")))
-function sc_keyword2string(o) {
- return o.slice(1);
-/*** META ((export #t)
- (peephole (prefix "'\\u1E9D' +")))
-function sc_string2keyword(o) {
- return sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX + o;
-String.prototype.sc_toDisplayString = function() {
- if (this.charAt(0) === sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX)
- // TODO: care for symbols with spaces (escape-chars symbols).
- return this.slice(1);
- else if (this.charAt(0) === sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX)
- return ":" + this.slice(1);
- else
- return this.toString();
-String.prototype.sc_toWriteString = function() {
- if (this.charAt(0) === sc_SYMBOL_PREFIX)
- // TODO: care for symbols with spaces (escape-chars symbols).
- return this.slice(1);
- else if (this.charAt(0) === sc_KEYWORD_PREFIX)
- return ":" + this.slice(1);
- else
- return '"' + sc_escapeWriteString(this) + '"';
-/* Exported Variables */
-var BgL_testzd2boyerzd2;
-var BgL_nboyerzd2benchmarkzd2;
-var BgL_setupzd2boyerzd2;
-/* End Exports */
-var translate_term_nboyer;
-var translate_args_nboyer;
-var untranslate_term_nboyer;
-var BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer;
-var BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer;
-var translate_alist_nboyer;
-var apply_subst_nboyer;
-var apply_subst_lst_nboyer;
-var tautologyp_nboyer;
-var if_constructor_nboyer;
-var rewrite_count_nboyer;
-var rewrite_nboyer;
-var rewrite_args_nboyer;
-var unify_subst_nboyer;
-var one_way_unify1_nboyer;
-var false_term_nboyer;
-var true_term_nboyer;
-var trans_of_implies1_nboyer;
-var is_term_equal_nboyer;
-var is_term_member_nboyer;
-var const_nboyer;
-var sc_const_3_nboyer;
-var sc_const_4_nboyer;
- (sc_const_4_nboyer = (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cu",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cu",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cw",null)))))),null)))))),null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cw",null)))))),null)))))));
- (sc_const_3_nboyer = sc_list((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccompile",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cform",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Creverse",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccodegen",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Coptimize",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cform",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ceqp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cgreaterp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clesseqp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),null)))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cgreatereqp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),null)))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cboolean",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cor",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ct",null)),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",null)),null)))))),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ciff",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cimplies",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ceven1",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czerop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ct",null)),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Codd",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Csub1",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccountps-",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cl",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cpred",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccountps-loop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cl",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cpred",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfact-",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfact-loop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",(new sc_Pair((1),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Creverse-",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Creverse-loop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdivides",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czerop",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cremainder",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),null)))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassume-true",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cvar",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Calist",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cvar",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ct",null)),null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Calist",null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassume-false",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cvar",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Calist",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cvar",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",null)),null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Calist",null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctautology-checker",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctautologyp",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnormalize",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfalsify",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfalsify1",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnormalize",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cprime",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czerop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cadd1",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),null)))),null)))))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cprime1",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Csub1",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cand",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cq",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cp",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cq",(new sc_Pair((new 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sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdifference",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdifference",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnot",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))),null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmeaning",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus-tree",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdelete",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),null)))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmember",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdifference",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmeaning",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus-tree",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmeaning",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmeaning",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus-tree",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctimes",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cadd1",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnumberp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctimes",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnth",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czerop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clast",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cappend",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clistp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clast",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clistp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccar",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clast",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ct",null)),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",null)),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassignment",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cappend",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassignedp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassignment",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cassignment",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccar",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cgopher",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clistp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccar",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cflatten",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cflatten",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccdr",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cgopher",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clistp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccdr",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cflatten",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ccons",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cquotient",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctimes",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czerop",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cfix",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",null)))),null)))))))),null)))))), (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cget",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cj",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cset",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cval",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmem",null)))))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cif",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ceqp",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cj",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ci",null)))))),(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cval",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cget",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cj",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmem",null)))))),null)))))))),null))))))));
- (const_nboyer = (new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cc",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Czero",null)),null)))))),null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctimes",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ctimes",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cc",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cd",null)))))),null)))))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cz",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Creverse",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cappend",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cappend",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cnil",null)),null)))))),null)))),null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cu",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cequal",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cplus",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cdifference",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cx",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cy",null)))))),null)))))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cw",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clessp",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cremainder",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))))),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cmember",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Clength",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cb",null)))),null)))))),null)))))))),null)))))))))));
- BgL_nboyerzd2benchmarkzd2 = function() {
- var args = null;
- for (var sc_tmp = arguments.length - 1; sc_tmp >= 0; sc_tmp--) {
- args = sc_cons(arguments[sc_tmp], args);
- }
- var n;
- return ((n = ((args === null)?(0):(, (BgL_setupzd2boyerzd2()), (BgL_runzd2benchmarkzd2(("nboyer"+(sc_number2string(n))), (1), function() {
- return (BgL_testzd2boyerzd2(n));
- }, function(rewrites) {
- if ((sc_isNumber(rewrites)))
- switch (n) {
- case (0):
- return (rewrites===(95024));
- break;
- case (1):
- return (rewrites===(591777));
- break;
- case (2):
- return (rewrites===(1813975));
- break;
- case (3):
- return (rewrites===(5375678));
- break;
- case (4):
- return (rewrites===(16445406));
- break;
- case (5):
- return (rewrites===(51507739));
- break;
- default:
- return true;
- break;
- }
- else
- return false;
- })));
- };
- BgL_setupzd2boyerzd2 = function() {
- return true;
- };
- BgL_testzd2boyerzd2 = function() {
- return true;
- };
- translate_term_nboyer = function(term) {
- var lst;
- return (!(term instanceof sc_Pair)?term:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, ((lst = (term.cdr)), ((lst === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((translate_term_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((lst.cdr))))))))));
- };
- translate_args_nboyer = function(lst) {
- var sc_lst_5;
- var term;
- return ((lst === null)?null:(new sc_Pair(((term = (, (!(term instanceof sc_Pair)?term:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((term.cdr))))))), ((sc_lst_5 = (lst.cdr)), ((sc_lst_5 === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((translate_term_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((sc_lst_5.cdr))))))))));
- };
- untranslate_term_nboyer = function(term) {
- var optrOpnd;
- var tail1131;
- var L1127;
- var falseHead1130;
- var symbol_record;
- if (!(term instanceof sc_Pair))
- return term;
- else
- {
- (falseHead1130 = (new sc_Pair(null, null)));
- (L1127 = (term.cdr));
- (tail1131 = falseHead1130);
- while (!(L1127 === null)) {
- {
- (tail1131.cdr = (new sc_Pair((untranslate_term_nboyer((, null)));
- (tail1131 = (tail1131.cdr));
- (L1127 = (L1127.cdr));
- }
- }
- (optrOpnd = (falseHead1130.cdr));
- return (new sc_Pair(((symbol_record = (, (symbol_record[(0)])), optrOpnd));
- }
- };
- BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer = function(sym) {
- var r;
- var x;
- return ((x = (sc_assq(sym, BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer))), ((x!== false)?(x.cdr):((r = [sym, null]), (BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer = (new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair(sym, r)), BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer))), r)));
- };
- (BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer = null);
- translate_alist_nboyer = function(alist) {
- var sc_alist_6;
- var term;
- return ((alist === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair((, ((term = (, (!(term instanceof sc_Pair)?term:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((term.cdr))))))))), ((sc_alist_6 = (alist.cdr)), ((sc_alist_6 === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair((, (translate_term_nboyer((, (translate_alist_nboyer((sc_alist_6.cdr))))))))));
- };
- apply_subst_nboyer = function(alist, term) {
- var lst;
- var temp_temp;
- return (!(term instanceof sc_Pair)?((temp_temp = (sc_assq(term, alist))), ((temp_temp!== false)?(temp_temp.cdr):term)):(new sc_Pair((, ((lst = (term.cdr)), ((lst === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((apply_subst_nboyer(alist, (, (apply_subst_lst_nboyer(alist, (lst.cdr))))))))));
- };
- apply_subst_lst_nboyer = function(alist, lst) {
- var sc_lst_7;
- return ((lst === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((apply_subst_nboyer(alist, (, ((sc_lst_7 = (lst.cdr)), ((sc_lst_7 === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((apply_subst_nboyer(alist, (, (apply_subst_lst_nboyer(alist, (sc_lst_7.cdr))))))))));
- };
- tautologyp_nboyer = function(sc_x_11, true_lst, false_lst) {
- var tmp1125;
- var x;
- var tmp1126;
- var sc_x_8;
- var sc_tmp1125_9;
- var sc_tmp1126_10;
- var sc_x_11;
- var true_lst;
- var false_lst;
- while (true) {
- if ((((sc_tmp1126_10 = (is_term_equal_nboyer(sc_x_11, true_term_nboyer))), ((sc_tmp1126_10!== false)?sc_tmp1126_10:(is_term_member_nboyer(sc_x_11, true_lst))))!== false))
- return true;
- else
- if ((((sc_tmp1125_9 = (is_term_equal_nboyer(sc_x_11, false_term_nboyer))), ((sc_tmp1125_9!== false)?sc_tmp1125_9:(is_term_member_nboyer(sc_x_11, false_lst))))!== false))
- return false;
- else
- if (!(sc_x_11 instanceof sc_Pair))
- return false;
- else
- if (((
- if ((((sc_x_8 = (, (tmp1126 = (is_term_equal_nboyer(sc_x_8, true_term_nboyer))), ((tmp1126!== false)?tmp1126:(is_term_member_nboyer(sc_x_8, true_lst))))!== false))
- (sc_x_11 = (;
- else
- if ((((x = (, (tmp1125 = (is_term_equal_nboyer(x, false_term_nboyer))), ((tmp1125!== false)?tmp1125:(is_term_member_nboyer(x, false_lst))))!== false))
- (sc_x_11 = (;
- else
- if (((tautologyp_nboyer((, (new sc_Pair((, true_lst)), false_lst))!== false))
- {
- (false_lst = (new sc_Pair((, false_lst)));
- (sc_x_11 = (;
- }
- else
- return false;
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
- (if_constructor_nboyer = "\u1E9C*");
- (rewrite_count_nboyer = (0));
- rewrite_nboyer = function(term) {
- var term2;
- var sc_term_12;
- var lst;
- var symbol_record;
- var sc_lst_13;
- {
- (++rewrite_count_nboyer);
- if (!(term instanceof sc_Pair))
- return term;
- else
- {
- (sc_term_12 = (new sc_Pair((, ((sc_lst_13 = (term.cdr)), ((sc_lst_13 === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((rewrite_nboyer((, (rewrite_args_nboyer((sc_lst_13.cdr))))))))));
- (lst = ((symbol_record = (, (symbol_record[(1)])));
- while (true) {
- if ((lst === null))
- return sc_term_12;
- else
- if ((((term2 = ((, (unify_subst_nboyer = null), (one_way_unify1_nboyer(sc_term_12, term2)))!== false))
- return (rewrite_nboyer((apply_subst_nboyer(unify_subst_nboyer, ((;
- else
- (lst = (lst.cdr));
- }
- }
- }
- };
- rewrite_args_nboyer = function(lst) {
- var sc_lst_14;
- return ((lst === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((rewrite_nboyer((, ((sc_lst_14 = (lst.cdr)), ((sc_lst_14 === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((rewrite_nboyer((, (rewrite_args_nboyer((sc_lst_14.cdr))))))))));
- };
- (unify_subst_nboyer = "\u1E9C*");
- one_way_unify1_nboyer = function(term1, term2) {
- var lst1;
- var lst2;
- var temp_temp;
- if (!(term2 instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (temp_temp = (sc_assq(term2, unify_subst_nboyer)));
- if ((temp_temp!== false))
- return (is_term_equal_nboyer(term1, (temp_temp.cdr)));
- else
- if ((sc_isNumber(term2)))
- return (sc_isEqual(term1, term2));
- else
- {
- (unify_subst_nboyer = (new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair(term2, term1)), unify_subst_nboyer)));
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- if (!(term1 instanceof sc_Pair))
- return false;
- else
- if (((
- {
- (lst1 = (term1.cdr));
- (lst2 = (term2.cdr));
- while (true) {
- if ((lst1 === null))
- return (lst2 === null);
- else
- if ((lst2 === null))
- return false;
- else
- if (((one_way_unify1_nboyer((, (!== false))
- {
- (lst1 = (lst1.cdr));
- (lst2 = (lst2.cdr));
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- return false;
- };
- (false_term_nboyer = "\u1E9C*");
- (true_term_nboyer = "\u1E9C*");
- trans_of_implies1_nboyer = function(n) {
- var sc_n_15;
- return ((sc_isEqual(n, (1)))?(sc_list("\u1E9Cimplies", (0), (1))):(sc_list("\u1E9Cand", (sc_list("\u1E9Cimplies", (n-(1)), n)), ((sc_n_15 = (n-(1))), ((sc_isEqual(sc_n_15, (1)))?(sc_list("\u1E9Cimplies", (0), (1))):(sc_list("\u1E9Cand", (sc_list("\u1E9Cimplies", (sc_n_15-(1)), sc_n_15)), (trans_of_implies1_nboyer((sc_n_15-(1)))))))))));
- };
- is_term_equal_nboyer = function(x, y) {
- var lst1;
- var lst2;
- var r2;
- var r1;
- if ((x instanceof sc_Pair))
- if ((y instanceof sc_Pair))
- if ((((r1 = (, (r2 = (, (r1===r2))!== false))
- {
- (lst1 = (x.cdr));
- (lst2 = (y.cdr));
- while (true) {
- if ((lst1 === null))
- return (lst2 === null);
- else
- if ((lst2 === null))
- return false;
- else
- if (((is_term_equal_nboyer((, (!== false))
- {
- (lst1 = (lst1.cdr));
- (lst2 = (lst2.cdr));
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- return false;
- else
- return false;
- else
- return (sc_isEqual(x, y));
- };
- is_term_member_nboyer = function(x, lst) {
- var x;
- var lst;
- while (true) {
- if ((lst === null))
- return false;
- else
- if (((is_term_equal_nboyer(x, (!== false))
- return true;
- else
- (lst = (lst.cdr));
- }
- };
- BgL_setupzd2boyerzd2 = function() {
- var symbol_record;
- var value;
- var BgL_sc_symbolzd2record_16zd2;
- var sym;
- var sc_sym_17;
- var term;
- var lst;
- var sc_term_18;
- var sc_term_19;
- {
- (BgL_sc_za2symbolzd2recordszd2alistza2_2z00_nboyer = null);
- (if_constructor_nboyer = (BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer("\u1E9Cif")));
- (false_term_nboyer = ((sc_term_19 = (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",null))), (!(sc_term_19 instanceof sc_Pair)?sc_term_19:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((sc_term_19.cdr))))))));
- (true_term_nboyer = ((sc_term_18 = (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ct",null))), (!(sc_term_18 instanceof sc_Pair)?sc_term_18:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((sc_term_18.cdr))))))));
- (lst = sc_const_3_nboyer);
- while (!(lst === null)) {
- {
- (term = (;
- if (((term instanceof sc_Pair)&&((("\u1E9Cequal")&&(( instanceof sc_Pair))))
- {
- (sc_sym_17 = ((;
- (value = (new sc_Pair((!(term instanceof sc_Pair)?term:(new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((term.cdr)))))), ((sym = ((, (BgL_sc_symbolzd2record_16zd2 = (BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer(sym))), (BgL_sc_symbolzd2record_16zd2[(1)])))));
- (symbol_record = (BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer(sc_sym_17)));
- (symbol_record[(1)] = value);
- }
- else
- (sc_error("ADD-LEMMA did not like term: ", term));
- (lst = (lst.cdr));
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- BgL_testzd2boyerzd2 = function(n) {
- var optrOpnd;
- var term;
- var sc_n_20;
- var answer;
- var sc_term_21;
- var sc_term_22;
- {
- (rewrite_count_nboyer = (0));
- (term = sc_const_4_nboyer);
- (sc_n_20 = n);
- while (!(sc_n_20=== 0)) {
- {
- (term = (sc_list("\u1E9Cor", term, (new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cf",null)))));
- (--sc_n_20);
- }
- }
- (sc_term_22 = term);
- if (!(sc_term_22 instanceof sc_Pair))
- (optrOpnd = sc_term_22);
- else
- (optrOpnd = (new sc_Pair((BgL_sc_symbolzd2ze3symbolzd2record_1ze3_nboyer((, (translate_args_nboyer((sc_term_22.cdr))))));
- (sc_term_21 = (apply_subst_nboyer(((const_nboyer === null)?null:(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair((, (translate_term_nboyer((, (translate_alist_nboyer((const_nboyer.cdr)))))), optrOpnd)));
- (answer = (tautologyp_nboyer((rewrite_nboyer(sc_term_21)), null, null)));
- (sc_write(rewrite_count_nboyer));
- (sc_display(" rewrites"));
- (sc_newline());
- if ((answer!== false))
- return rewrite_count_nboyer;
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
-/* Exported Variables */
-var BgL_parsezd2ze3nbzd2treesze3;
-var BgL_earleyzd2benchmarkzd2;
-var BgL_parsezd2ze3parsedzf3zc2;
-var test;
-var BgL_parsezd2ze3treesz31;
-var BgL_makezd2parserzd2;
-/* End Exports */
-var const_earley;
- (const_earley = (new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cs",(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Ca",null)),(new sc_Pair((new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cs",(new sc_Pair("\u1E9Cs",null)))),null)))))),null)));
- BgL_makezd2parserzd2 = function(grammar, lexer) {
- var i;
- var parser_descr;
- var def_loop;
- var nb_nts;
- var names;
- var steps;
- var predictors;
- var enders;
- var starters;
- var nts;
- var sc_names_1;
- var sc_steps_2;
- var sc_predictors_3;
- var sc_enders_4;
- var sc_starters_5;
- var nb_confs;
- var BgL_sc_defzd2loop_6zd2;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2;
- var sc_nts_8;
- var BgL_sc_defzd2loop_9zd2;
- var ind;
- {
- ind = function(nt, sc_nts_10) {
- var i;
- {
- (i = ((sc_nts_10.length)-(1)));
- while (true) {
- if ((i>=(0)))
- if ((sc_isEqual((sc_nts_10[i]), nt)))
- return i;
- else
- (--i);
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- (sc_nts_8 = ((BgL_sc_defzd2loop_9zd2 = function(defs, sc_nts_11) {
- var rule_loop;
- var head;
- var def;
- return ((defs instanceof sc_Pair)?((def = (, (head = (, (rule_loop = function(rules, sc_nts_12) {
- var nt;
- var l;
- var sc_nts_13;
- var rule;
- if ((rules instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (rule = (;
- (l = rule);
- (sc_nts_13 = sc_nts_12);
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (nt = (;
- (l = (l.cdr));
- (sc_nts_13 = (((sc_member(nt, sc_nts_13))!== false)?sc_nts_13:(new sc_Pair(nt, sc_nts_13))));
- }
- }
- return (rule_loop((rules.cdr), sc_nts_13));
- }
- else
- return (BgL_sc_defzd2loop_9zd2((defs.cdr), sc_nts_12));
- }), (rule_loop((def.cdr), (((sc_member(head, sc_nts_11))!== false)?sc_nts_11:(new sc_Pair(head, sc_nts_11)))))):(sc_list2vector((sc_reverse(sc_nts_11)))));
- }), (BgL_sc_defzd2loop_9zd2(grammar, null))));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2 = (sc_nts_8.length));
- (nb_confs = (((BgL_sc_defzd2loop_6zd2 = function(defs, BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_14zd2) {
- var rule_loop;
- var def;
- return ((defs instanceof sc_Pair)?((def = (, (rule_loop = function(rules, BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_15zd2) {
- var l;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_16zd2;
- var rule;
- if ((rules instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (rule = (;
- (l = rule);
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_16zd2 = BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_15zd2);
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (l = (l.cdr));
- (++BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_16zd2);
- }
- }
- return (rule_loop((rules.cdr), (BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_16zd2+(1))));
- }
- else
- return (BgL_sc_defzd2loop_6zd2((defs.cdr), BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_15zd2));
- }), (rule_loop((def.cdr), BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_14zd2))):BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_14zd2);
- }), (BgL_sc_defzd2loop_6zd2(grammar, (0))))+BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2));
- (sc_starters_5 = (sc_makeVector(BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2, null)));
- (sc_enders_4 = (sc_makeVector(BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2, null)));
- (sc_predictors_3 = (sc_makeVector(BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_7zd2, null)));
- (sc_steps_2 = (sc_makeVector(nb_confs, false)));
- (sc_names_1 = (sc_makeVector(nb_confs, false)));
- (nts = sc_nts_8);
- (starters = sc_starters_5);
- (enders = sc_enders_4);
- (predictors = sc_predictors_3);
- (steps = sc_steps_2);
- (names = sc_names_1);
- (nb_nts = (sc_nts_8.length));
- (i = (nb_nts-(1)));
- while ((i>=(0))) {
- {
- (sc_steps_2[i] = (i-nb_nts));
- (sc_names_1[i] = (sc_list((sc_nts_8[i]), (0))));
- (sc_enders_4[i] = (sc_list(i)));
- (--i);
- }
- }
- def_loop = function(defs, conf) {
- var rule_loop;
- var head;
- var def;
- return ((defs instanceof sc_Pair)?((def = (, (head = (, (rule_loop = function(rules, conf, rule_num) {
- var i;
- var sc_i_17;
- var nt;
- var l;
- var sc_conf_18;
- var sc_i_19;
- var rule;
- if ((rules instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (rule = (;
- (names[conf] = (sc_list(head, rule_num)));
- (sc_i_19 = (ind(head, nts)));
- (starters[sc_i_19] = (new sc_Pair(conf, (starters[sc_i_19]))));
- (l = rule);
- (sc_conf_18 = conf);
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (nt = (;
- (steps[sc_conf_18] = (ind(nt, nts)));
- (sc_i_17 = (ind(nt, nts)));
- (predictors[sc_i_17] = (new sc_Pair(sc_conf_18, (predictors[sc_i_17]))));
- (l = (l.cdr));
- (++sc_conf_18);
- }
- }
- (steps[sc_conf_18] = ((ind(head, nts))-nb_nts));
- (i = (ind(head, nts)));
- (enders[i] = (new sc_Pair(sc_conf_18, (enders[i]))));
- return (rule_loop((rules.cdr), (sc_conf_18+(1)), (rule_num+(1))));
- }
- else
- return (def_loop((defs.cdr), conf));
- }), (rule_loop((def.cdr), conf, (1)))):undefined);
- };
- (def_loop(grammar, (sc_nts_8.length)));
- (parser_descr = [lexer, sc_nts_8, sc_starters_5, sc_enders_4, sc_predictors_3, sc_steps_2, sc_names_1]);
- return function(input) {
- var optrOpnd;
- var sc_optrOpnd_20;
- var sc_optrOpnd_21;
- var sc_optrOpnd_22;
- var loop1;
- var BgL_sc_stateza2_23za2;
- var toks;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_24zd2;
- var sc_steps_25;
- var sc_enders_26;
- var state_num;
- var BgL_sc_statesza2_27za2;
- var states;
- var i;
- var conf;
- var l;
- var tok_nts;
- var sc_i_28;
- var sc_i_29;
- var l1;
- var l2;
- var tok;
- var tail1129;
- var L1125;
- var goal_enders;
- var BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_31zd2;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_32zd2;
- var nb_toks;
- var goal_starters;
- var sc_states_33;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_34zd2;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_35zd2;
- var sc_toks_36;
- var falseHead1128;
- var sc_names_37;
- var sc_steps_38;
- var sc_predictors_39;
- var sc_enders_40;
- var sc_starters_41;
- var sc_nts_42;
- var lexer;
- var sc_ind_43;
- var make_states;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2;
- var conf_set_merge_new_bang;
- var conf_set_adjoin;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2_45za2;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2za2_46z00;
- var conf_set_union;
- var forw;
- var is_parsed;
- var deriv_trees;
- var BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_47z70;
- var nb_deriv_trees;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_48za2;
- {
- sc_ind_43 = function(nt, sc_nts_49) {
- var i;
- {
- (i = ((sc_nts_49.length)-(1)));
- while (true) {
- if ((i>=(0)))
- if ((sc_isEqual((sc_nts_49[i]), nt)))
- return i;
- else
- (--i);
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- };
- make_states = function(BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_50zd2, BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_51zd2) {
- var v;
- var i;
- var sc_states_52;
- {
- (sc_states_52 = (sc_makeVector((BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_50zd2+(1)), false)));
- (i = BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_50zd2);
- while ((i>=(0))) {
- {
- (v = (sc_makeVector((BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_51zd2+(1)), false)));
- (v[(0)] = (-1));
- (sc_states_52[i] = v);
- (--i);
- }
- }
- return sc_states_52;
- }
- };
- BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2 = function(state, BgL_sc_statezd2num_53zd2, sc_conf_54) {
- var conf_set;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2set_55zd2;
- return ((BgL_sc_confzd2set_55zd2 = (state[(sc_conf_54+(1))])), ((BgL_sc_confzd2set_55zd2!== false)?BgL_sc_confzd2set_55zd2:((conf_set = (sc_makeVector((BgL_sc_statezd2num_53zd2+(6)), false))), (conf_set[(1)] = (-3)), (conf_set[(2)] = (-1)), (conf_set[(3)] = (-1)), (conf_set[(4)] = (-1)), (state[(sc_conf_54+(1))] = conf_set), conf_set)));
- };
- conf_set_merge_new_bang = function(conf_set) {
- return ((conf_set[((conf_set[(1)])+(5))] = (conf_set[(4)])), (conf_set[(1)] = (conf_set[(3)])), (conf_set[(3)] = (-1)), (conf_set[(4)] = (-1)));
- };
- conf_set_adjoin = function(state, conf_set, sc_conf_56, i) {
- var tail;
- return ((tail = (conf_set[(3)])), (conf_set[(i+(5))] = (-1)), (conf_set[(tail+(5))] = i), (conf_set[(3)] = i), ((tail<(0))?((conf_set[(0)] = (state[(0)])), (state[(0)] = sc_conf_56)):undefined));
- };
- BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2_45za2 = function(sc_states_57, BgL_sc_statezd2num_58zd2, l, i) {
- var conf_set;
- var sc_conf_59;
- var l1;
- var state;
- {
- (state = (sc_states_57[BgL_sc_statezd2num_58zd2]));
- (l1 = l);
- while ((l1 instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (sc_conf_59 = (;
- (conf_set = (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2(state, BgL_sc_statezd2num_58zd2, sc_conf_59)));
- if (((conf_set[(i+(5))])=== false))
- {
- (conf_set_adjoin(state, conf_set, sc_conf_59, i));
- (l1 = (l1.cdr));
- }
- else
- (l1 = (l1.cdr));
- }
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2za2_46z00 = function(sc_states_60, BgL_sc_statesza2_61za2, BgL_sc_statezd2num_62zd2, sc_conf_63, i) {
- var BgL_sc_confzd2setza2_64z70;
- var BgL_sc_stateza2_65za2;
- var conf_set;
- var state;
- return ((state = (sc_states_60[BgL_sc_statezd2num_62zd2])), ((((conf_set = (state[(sc_conf_63+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false)?((BgL_sc_stateza2_65za2 = (BgL_sc_statesza2_61za2[BgL_sc_statezd2num_62zd2])), (BgL_sc_confzd2setza2_64z70 = (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2(BgL_sc_stateza2_65za2, BgL_sc_statezd2num_62zd2, sc_conf_63))), (((BgL_sc_confzd2setza2_64z70[(i+(5))])=== false)?(conf_set_adjoin(BgL_sc_stateza2_65za2, BgL_sc_confzd2setza2_64z70, sc_conf_63, i)):undefined), true):false));
- };
- conf_set_union = function(state, conf_set, sc_conf_66, other_set) {
- var i;
- {
- (i = (other_set[(2)]));
- while ((i>=(0))) {
- if (((conf_set[(i+(5))])=== false))
- {
- (conf_set_adjoin(state, conf_set, sc_conf_66, i));
- (i = (other_set[(i+(5))]));
- }
- else
- (i = (other_set[(i+(5))]));
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- forw = function(sc_states_67, BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2, sc_starters_69, sc_enders_70, sc_predictors_71, sc_steps_72, sc_nts_73) {
- var next_set;
- var next;
- var conf_set;
- var ender;
- var l;
- var starter_set;
- var starter;
- var sc_l_74;
- var sc_loop1_75;
- var head;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2set_76zd2;
- var BgL_sc_statezd2num_77zd2;
- var state;
- var sc_states_78;
- var preds;
- var BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2;
- var step;
- var sc_conf_80;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_81zd2;
- var sc_state_82;
- {
- (sc_state_82 = (sc_states_67[BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2]));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_81zd2 = (sc_nts_73.length));
- while (true) {
- {
- (sc_conf_80 = (sc_state_82[(0)]));
- if ((sc_conf_80>=(0)))
- {
- (step = (sc_steps_72[sc_conf_80]));
- (BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2 = (sc_state_82[(sc_conf_80+(1))]));
- (head = (BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2[(4)]));
- (sc_state_82[(0)] = (BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2[(0)]));
- (conf_set_merge_new_bang(BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2));
- if ((step>=(0)))
- {
- (sc_l_74 = (sc_starters_69[step]));
- while ((sc_l_74 instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (starter = (;
- (starter_set = (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2(sc_state_82, BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2, starter)));
- if (((starter_set[(BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2+(5))])=== false))
- {
- (conf_set_adjoin(sc_state_82, starter_set, starter, BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2));
- (sc_l_74 = (sc_l_74.cdr));
- }
- else
- (sc_l_74 = (sc_l_74.cdr));
- }
- }
- (l = (sc_enders_70[step]));
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (ender = (;
- if ((((conf_set = (sc_state_82[(ender+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2+(5))]):false))!== false))
- {
- (next = (sc_conf_80+(1)));
- (next_set = (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2(sc_state_82, BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2, next)));
- (conf_set_union(sc_state_82, next_set, next, BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2));
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- (preds = (sc_predictors_71[(step+BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_81zd2)]));
- (sc_states_78 = sc_states_67);
- (state = sc_state_82);
- (BgL_sc_statezd2num_77zd2 = BgL_sc_statezd2num_68zd2);
- (BgL_sc_confzd2set_76zd2 = BgL_sc_confzd2set_79zd2);
- sc_loop1_75 = function(l) {
- var sc_state_83;
- var BgL_sc_nextzd2set_84zd2;
- var sc_next_85;
- var pred_set;
- var i;
- var pred;
- if ((l instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (pred = (;
- (i = head);
- while ((i>=(0))) {
- {
- (pred_set = ((sc_state_83 = (sc_states_78[i])), (sc_state_83[(pred+(1))])));
- if ((pred_set!== false))
- {
- (sc_next_85 = (pred+(1)));
- (BgL_sc_nextzd2set_84zd2 = (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2getza2_44za2(state, BgL_sc_statezd2num_77zd2, sc_next_85)));
- (conf_set_union(state, BgL_sc_nextzd2set_84zd2, sc_next_85, pred_set));
- }
- (i = (BgL_sc_confzd2set_76zd2[(i+(5))]));
- }
- }
- return (sc_loop1_75((l.cdr)));
- }
- else
- return undefined;
- };
- (sc_loop1_75(preds));
- }
- }
- else
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- is_parsed = function(nt, i, j, sc_nts_86, sc_enders_87, sc_states_88) {
- var conf_set;
- var state;
- var sc_conf_89;
- var l;
- var BgL_sc_ntza2_90za2;
- {
- (BgL_sc_ntza2_90za2 = (sc_ind_43(nt, sc_nts_86)));
- if ((BgL_sc_ntza2_90za2!== false))
- {
- (sc_nts_86.length);
- (l = (sc_enders_87[BgL_sc_ntza2_90za2]));
- while (true) {
- if ((l instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (sc_conf_89 = (;
- if ((((state = (sc_states_88[j])), (conf_set = (state[(sc_conf_89+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false))
- return true;
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
- deriv_trees = function(sc_conf_91, i, j, sc_enders_92, sc_steps_93, sc_names_94, sc_toks_95, sc_states_96, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_97zd2) {
- var sc_loop1_98;
- var prev;
- var name;
- return ((name = (sc_names_94[sc_conf_91])), ((name!== false)?((sc_conf_91<BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_97zd2)?(sc_list((sc_list(name, ((sc_toks_95[i]).car))))):(sc_list((sc_list(name))))):((prev = (sc_conf_91-(1))), (sc_loop1_98 = function(l1, l2) {
- var loop2;
- var ender_set;
- var state;
- var ender;
- var l1;
- var l2;
- while (true) {
- if ((l1 instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (ender = (;
- (ender_set = ((state = (sc_states_96[j])), (state[(ender+(1))])));
- if ((ender_set!== false))
- {
- loop2 = function(k, l2) {
- var loop3;
- var ender_trees;
- var prev_trees;
- var conf_set;
- var sc_state_99;
- var k;
- var l2;
- while (true) {
- if ((k>=(0)))
- if (((k>=i)&&(((sc_state_99 = (sc_states_96[k])), (conf_set = (sc_state_99[(prev+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false)))
- {
- (prev_trees = (deriv_trees(prev, i, k, sc_enders_92, sc_steps_93, sc_names_94, sc_toks_95, sc_states_96, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_97zd2)));
- (ender_trees = (deriv_trees(ender, k, j, sc_enders_92, sc_steps_93, sc_names_94, sc_toks_95, sc_states_96, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_97zd2)));
- loop3 = function(l3, l2) {
- var l4;
- var sc_l2_100;
- var ender_tree;
- if ((l3 instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (ender_tree = (sc_list((;
- (l4 = prev_trees);
- (sc_l2_100 = l2);
- while ((l4 instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (sc_l2_100 = (new sc_Pair((sc_append((, ender_tree)), sc_l2_100)));
- (l4 = (l4.cdr));
- }
- }
- return (loop3((l3.cdr), sc_l2_100));
- }
- else
- return (loop2((ender_set[(k+(5))]), l2));
- };
- return (loop3(ender_trees, l2));
- }
- else
- (k = (ender_set[(k+(5))]));
- else
- return (sc_loop1_98((l1.cdr), l2));
- }
- };
- return (loop2((ender_set[(2)]), l2));
- }
- else
- (l1 = (l1.cdr));
- }
- else
- return l2;
- }
- }), (sc_loop1_98((sc_enders_92[(sc_steps_93[prev])]), null)))));
- };
- BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_47z70 = function(nt, i, j, sc_nts_101, sc_enders_102, sc_steps_103, sc_names_104, sc_toks_105, sc_states_106) {
- var conf_set;
- var state;
- var sc_conf_107;
- var l;
- var trees;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_108zd2;
- var BgL_sc_ntza2_109za2;
- {
- (BgL_sc_ntza2_109za2 = (sc_ind_43(nt, sc_nts_101)));
- if ((BgL_sc_ntza2_109za2!== false))
- {
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_108zd2 = (sc_nts_101.length));
- (l = (sc_enders_102[BgL_sc_ntza2_109za2]));
- (trees = null);
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (sc_conf_107 = (;
- if ((((state = (sc_states_106[j])), (conf_set = (state[(sc_conf_107+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false))
- {
- (l = (l.cdr));
- (trees = (sc_append((deriv_trees(sc_conf_107, i, j, sc_enders_102, sc_steps_103, sc_names_104, sc_toks_105, sc_states_106, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_108zd2)), trees)));
- }
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- }
- return trees;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
- nb_deriv_trees = function(sc_conf_110, i, j, sc_enders_111, sc_steps_112, sc_toks_113, sc_states_114, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_115zd2) {
- var sc_loop1_116;
- var tmp1124;
- var prev;
- return ((prev = (sc_conf_110-(1))), ((((tmp1124 = (sc_conf_110<BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_115zd2)), ((tmp1124!== false)?tmp1124:((sc_steps_112[prev])<(0))))!== false)?(1):((sc_loop1_116 = function(l, sc_n_118) {
- var nb_ender_trees;
- var nb_prev_trees;
- var conf_set;
- var state;
- var k;
- var n;
- var ender_set;
- var sc_state_117;
- var ender;
- var l;
- var sc_n_118;
- while (true) {
- if ((l instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (ender = (;
- (ender_set = ((sc_state_117 = (sc_states_114[j])), (sc_state_117[(ender+(1))])));
- if ((ender_set!== false))
- {
- (k = (ender_set[(2)]));
- (n = sc_n_118);
- while ((k>=(0))) {
- if (((k>=i)&&(((state = (sc_states_114[k])), (conf_set = (state[(prev+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false)))
- {
- (nb_prev_trees = (nb_deriv_trees(prev, i, k, sc_enders_111, sc_steps_112, sc_toks_113, sc_states_114, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_115zd2)));
- (nb_ender_trees = (nb_deriv_trees(ender, k, j, sc_enders_111, sc_steps_112, sc_toks_113, sc_states_114, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_115zd2)));
- (k = (ender_set[(k+(5))]));
- (n +=(nb_prev_trees*nb_ender_trees));
- }
- else
- (k = (ender_set[(k+(5))]));
- }
- return (sc_loop1_116((l.cdr), n));
- }
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- else
- return sc_n_118;
- }
- }), (sc_loop1_116((sc_enders_111[(sc_steps_112[prev])]), (0))))));
- };
- BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_48za2 = function(nt, i, j, sc_nts_119, sc_enders_120, sc_steps_121, sc_toks_122, sc_states_123) {
- var conf_set;
- var state;
- var sc_conf_124;
- var l;
- var nb_trees;
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_125zd2;
- var BgL_sc_ntza2_126za2;
- {
- (BgL_sc_ntza2_126za2 = (sc_ind_43(nt, sc_nts_119)));
- if ((BgL_sc_ntza2_126za2!== false))
- {
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_125zd2 = (sc_nts_119.length));
- (l = (sc_enders_120[BgL_sc_ntza2_126za2]));
- (nb_trees = (0));
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (sc_conf_124 = (;
- if ((((state = (sc_states_123[j])), (conf_set = (state[(sc_conf_124+(1))])), ((conf_set!== false)?(conf_set[(i+(5))]):false))!== false))
- {
- (l = (l.cdr));
- (nb_trees = ((nb_deriv_trees(sc_conf_124, i, j, sc_enders_120, sc_steps_121, sc_toks_122, sc_states_123, BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_125zd2))+nb_trees));
- }
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- }
- return nb_trees;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- };
- (lexer = (parser_descr[(0)]));
- (sc_nts_42 = (parser_descr[(1)]));
- (sc_starters_41 = (parser_descr[(2)]));
- (sc_enders_40 = (parser_descr[(3)]));
- (sc_predictors_39 = (parser_descr[(4)]));
- (sc_steps_38 = (parser_descr[(5)]));
- (sc_names_37 = (parser_descr[(6)]));
- (falseHead1128 = (new sc_Pair(null, null)));
- (L1125 = (lexer(input)));
- (tail1129 = falseHead1128);
- while (!(L1125 === null)) {
- {
- (tok = (;
- (l1 = (tok.cdr));
- (l2 = null);
- while ((l1 instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (sc_i_29 = (sc_ind_43((, sc_nts_42)));
- if ((sc_i_29!== false))
- {
- (l1 = (l1.cdr));
- (l2 = (new sc_Pair(sc_i_29, l2)));
- }
- else
- (l1 = (l1.cdr));
- }
- }
- (sc_optrOpnd_22 = (new sc_Pair((, (sc_reverse(l2)))));
- (sc_optrOpnd_21 = (new sc_Pair(sc_optrOpnd_22, null)));
- (tail1129.cdr = sc_optrOpnd_21);
- (tail1129 = (tail1129.cdr));
- (L1125 = (L1125.cdr));
- }
- }
- (sc_optrOpnd_20 = (falseHead1128.cdr));
- (sc_toks_36 = (sc_list2vector(sc_optrOpnd_20)));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_35zd2 = (sc_toks_36.length));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_34zd2 = (sc_steps_38.length));
- (sc_states_33 = (make_states(BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_35zd2, BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_34zd2)));
- (goal_starters = (sc_starters_41[(0)]));
- (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2_45za2(sc_states_33, (0), goal_starters, (0)));
- (forw(sc_states_33, (0), sc_starters_41, sc_enders_40, sc_predictors_39, sc_steps_38, sc_nts_42));
- (sc_i_28 = (0));
- while ((sc_i_28<BgL_sc_nbzd2toks_35zd2)) {
- {
- (tok_nts = ((sc_toks_36[sc_i_28]).cdr));
- (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2_45za2(sc_states_33, (sc_i_28+(1)), tok_nts, sc_i_28));
- (forw(sc_states_33, (sc_i_28+(1)), sc_starters_41, sc_enders_40, sc_predictors_39, sc_steps_38, sc_nts_42));
- (++sc_i_28);
- }
- }
- (nb_toks = (sc_toks_36.length));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_32zd2 = (sc_steps_38.length));
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_31zd2 = (sc_nts_42.length));
- (BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2 = (make_states(nb_toks, BgL_sc_nbzd2confs_32zd2)));
- (goal_enders = (sc_enders_40[(0)]));
- (l = goal_enders);
- while ((l instanceof sc_Pair)) {
- {
- (conf = (;
- (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2za2_46z00(sc_states_33, BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2, nb_toks, conf, (0)));
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- }
- (i = nb_toks);
- while ((i>=(0))) {
- {
- (states = sc_states_33);
- (BgL_sc_statesza2_27za2 = BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2);
- (state_num = i);
- (sc_enders_26 = sc_enders_40);
- (sc_steps_25 = sc_steps_38);
- (BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_24zd2 = BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_31zd2);
- (toks = sc_toks_36);
- (BgL_sc_stateza2_23za2 = (BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2[i]));
- loop1 = function() {
- var sc_loop1_127;
- var prev;
- var BgL_sc_statesza2_128za2;
- var sc_states_129;
- var j;
- var i;
- var sc_i_130;
- var head;
- var conf_set;
- var sc_conf_131;
- {
- (sc_conf_131 = (BgL_sc_stateza2_23za2[(0)]));
- if ((sc_conf_131>=(0)))
- {
- (conf_set = (BgL_sc_stateza2_23za2[(sc_conf_131+(1))]));
- (head = (conf_set[(4)]));
- (BgL_sc_stateza2_23za2[(0)] = (conf_set[(0)]));
- (conf_set_merge_new_bang(conf_set));
- (sc_i_130 = head);
- while ((sc_i_130>=(0))) {
- {
- (i = sc_i_130);
- (j = state_num);
- (sc_states_129 = states);
- (BgL_sc_statesza2_128za2 = BgL_sc_statesza2_27za2);
- (prev = (sc_conf_131-(1)));
- if (((sc_conf_131>=BgL_sc_nbzd2nts_24zd2)&&((sc_steps_25[prev])>=(0))))
- {
- sc_loop1_127 = function(l) {
- var k;
- var ender_set;
- var state;
- var ender;
- var l;
- while (true) {
- if ((l instanceof sc_Pair))
- {
- (ender = (;
- (ender_set = ((state = (sc_states_129[j])), (state[(ender+(1))])));
- if ((ender_set!== false))
- {
- (k = (ender_set[(2)]));
- while ((k>=(0))) {
- {
- if ((k>=i))
- if (((BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2za2_46z00(sc_states_129, BgL_sc_statesza2_128za2, k, prev, i))!== false))
- (BgL_sc_confzd2setzd2adjoinza2za2_46z00(sc_states_129, BgL_sc_statesza2_128za2, j, ender, k));
- (k = (ender_set[(k+(5))]));
- }
- }
- return (sc_loop1_127((l.cdr)));
- }
- else
- (l = (l.cdr));
- }
- else
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- (sc_loop1_127((sc_enders_26[(sc_steps_25[prev])])));
- }
- (sc_i_130 = (conf_set[(sc_i_130+(5))]));
- }
- }
- return (loop1());
- }
- else
- return undefined;
- }
- };
- (loop1());
- (--i);
- }
- }
- (optrOpnd = BgL_sc_statesza2_30za2);
- return [sc_nts_42, sc_starters_41, sc_enders_40, sc_predictors_39, sc_steps_38, sc_names_37, sc_toks_36, optrOpnd, is_parsed, BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_47z70, BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_48za2];
- }
- };
- }
- };
- BgL_parsezd2ze3parsedzf3zc2 = function(parse, nt, i, j) {
- var is_parsed;
- var states;
- var enders;
- var nts;
- return ((nts = (parse[(0)])), (enders = (parse[(2)])), (states = (parse[(7)])), (is_parsed = (parse[(8)])), (is_parsed(nt, i, j, nts, enders, states)));
- };
- BgL_parsezd2ze3treesz31 = function(parse, nt, i, j) {
- var BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_132z70;
- var states;
- var toks;
- var names;
- var steps;
- var enders;
- var nts;
- return ((nts = (parse[(0)])), (enders = (parse[(2)])), (steps = (parse[(4)])), (names = (parse[(5)])), (toks = (parse[(6)])), (states = (parse[(7)])), (BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_132z70 = (parse[(9)])), (BgL_sc_derivzd2treesza2_132z70(nt, i, j, nts, enders, steps, names, toks, states)));
- };
- BgL_parsezd2ze3nbzd2treesze3 = function(parse, nt, i, j) {
- var BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_133za2;
- var states;
- var toks;
- var steps;
- var enders;
- var nts;
- return ((nts = (parse[(0)])), (enders = (parse[(2)])), (steps = (parse[(4)])), (toks = (parse[(6)])), (states = (parse[(7)])), (BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_133za2 = (parse[(10)])), (BgL_sc_nbzd2derivzd2treesza2_133za2(nt, i, j, nts, enders, steps, toks, states)));
- };
- test = function(k) {
- var x;
- var p;
- return ((p = (BgL_makezd2parserzd2(const_earley, function(l) {
- var sc_x_134;
- var tail1134;
- var L1130;
- var falseHead1133;
- {
- (falseHead1133 = (new sc_Pair(null, null)));
- (tail1134 = falseHead1133);
- (L1130 = l);
- while (!(L1130 === null)) {
- {
- (tail1134.cdr = (new sc_Pair(((sc_x_134 = (, (sc_list(sc_x_134, sc_x_134))), null)));
- (tail1134 = (tail1134.cdr));
- (L1130 = (L1130.cdr));
- }
- }
- return (falseHead1133.cdr);
- }
- }))), (x = (p((sc_vector2list((sc_makeVector(k, "\u1E9Ca"))))))), (sc_length((BgL_parsezd2ze3treesz31(x, "\u1E9Cs", (0), k)))));
- };
- BgL_earleyzd2benchmarkzd2 = function() {
- var args = null;
- for (var sc_tmp = arguments.length - 1; sc_tmp >= 0; sc_tmp--) {
- args = sc_cons(arguments[sc_tmp], args);
- }
- var k;
- return ((k = ((args === null)?(7):(, (BgL_runzd2benchmarkzd2("earley", (1), function() {
- return (test(k));
- }, function(result) {
- return ((sc_display(result)), (sc_newline()), result == 132);
- })));
- };
-/************* END OF GENERATED CODE *************/
-// Invoke this function to run a benchmark.
-// The first argument is a string identifying the benchmark.
-// The second argument is the number of times to run the benchmark.
-// The third argument is a function that runs the benchmark.
-// The fourth argument is a unary function that warns if the result
-// returned by the benchmark is incorrect.
-// Example:
-// RunBenchmark("new Array()",
-// 1,
-// function () { new Array(1000000); }
-// function (v) {
-// return (v instanceof Array) && (v.length == 1000000);
-// });
-SC_DEFAULT_OUT = new sc_GenericOutputPort(function(s) {});
-function RunBenchmark(name, count, run, warn) {
- for (var n = 0; n < count; ++n) {
- result = run();
- if (!warn(result)) {
- throw new Error("Earley or Boyer did incorrect number of rewrites");
- }
- }
-var BgL_runzd2benchmarkzd2 = RunBenchmark;
-for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- BgL_earleyzd2benchmarkzd2();
- BgL_nboyerzd2benchmarkzd2();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-raytrace.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-raytrace.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a7a292..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-raytrace.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,933 +0,0 @@
-// The ray tracer code in this file is written by Adam Burmister. It
-// is available in its original form from:
-// It has been modified slightly by Google to work as a standalone
-// benchmark, but the all the computational code remains
-// untouched. This file also contains a copy of parts of the Prototype
-// JavaScript framework which is used by the ray tracer.
-// Variable used to hold a number that can be used to verify that
-// the scene was ray traced correctly.
-var checkNumber;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The following is a copy of parts of the Prototype JavaScript library:
-// Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.5.0
-// (c) 2005-2007 Sam Stephenson
-// Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
-// For details, see the Prototype web site:
-var Class = {
- create: function() {
- return function() {
- this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
-Object.extend = function(destination, source) {
- for (var property in source) {
- destination[property] = source[property];
- }
- return destination;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The rest of this file is the actual ray tracer written by Adam
-// Burmister. It's a concatenation of the following files:
-// flog/color.js
-// flog/light.js
-// flog/vector.js
-// flog/ray.js
-// flog/scene.js
-// flog/material/basematerial.js
-// flog/material/solid.js
-// flog/material/chessboard.js
-// flog/shape/baseshape.js
-// flog/shape/sphere.js
-// flog/shape/plane.js
-// flog/intersectioninfo.js
-// flog/camera.js
-// flog/background.js
-// flog/engine.js
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Color = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype = {
- red : 0.0,
- green : 0.0,
- blue : 0.0,
- initialize : function(r, g, b) {
- if(!r) r = 0.0;
- if(!g) g = 0.0;
- if(!b) b = 0.0;
- = r;
- = g;
- = b;
- },
- add : function(c1, c2){
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = +;
- = +;
- = +;
- return result;
- },
- addScalar: function(c1, s){
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = + s;
- = + s;
- = + s;
- result.limit();
- return result;
- },
- subtract: function(c1, c2){
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = -;
- = -;
- = -;
- return result;
- },
- multiply : function(c1, c2) {
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = *;
- = *;
- = *;
- return result;
- },
- multiplyScalar : function(c1, f) {
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = * f;
- = * f;
- = * f;
- return result;
- },
- divideFactor : function(c1, f) {
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- = / f;
- = / f;
- = / f;
- return result;
- },
- limit: function(){
- = ( > 0.0) ? ( ( > 1.0) ? 1.0 : ) : 0.0;
- = ( > 0.0) ? ( ( > 1.0) ? 1.0 : ) : 0.0;
- = ( > 0.0) ? ( ( > 1.0) ? 1.0 : ) : 0.0;
- },
- distance : function(color) {
- var d = Math.abs( - + Math.abs( - + Math.abs( -;
- return d;
- },
- blend: function(c1, c2, w){
- var result = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- result = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
- Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(c1, 1 - w),
- Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(c2, w)
- );
- return result;
- },
- brightness : function() {
- var r = Math.floor(*255);
- var g = Math.floor(*255);
- var b = Math.floor(*255);
- return (r * 77 + g * 150 + b * 29) >> 8;
- },
- toString : function () {
- var r = Math.floor(*255);
- var g = Math.floor(*255);
- var b = Math.floor(*255);
- return "rgb("+ r +","+ g +","+ b +")";
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Light = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Light.prototype = {
- position: null,
- color: null,
- intensity: 10.0,
- initialize : function(pos, color, intensity) {
- this.position = pos;
- this.color = color;
- this.intensity = (intensity ? intensity : 10.0);
- },
- getIntensity: function(distance){
- if(distance >= intensity) return 0;
- return Math.pow((intensity - distance) / strength, 0.2);
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Light [' + this.position.x + ',' + this.position.y + ',' + this.position.z + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Vector = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype = {
- x : 0.0,
- y : 0.0,
- z : 0.0,
- initialize : function(x, y, z) {
- this.x = (x ? x : 0);
- this.y = (y ? y : 0);
- this.z = (z ? z : 0);
- },
- copy: function(vector){
- this.x = vector.x;
- this.y = vector.y;
- this.z = vector.z;
- },
- normalize : function() {
- var m = this.magnitude();
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(this.x / m, this.y / m, this.z / m);
- },
- magnitude : function() {
- return Math.sqrt((this.x * this.x) + (this.y * this.y) + (this.z * this.z));
- },
- cross : function(w) {
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(
- -this.z * w.y + this.y * w.z,
- this.z * w.x - this.x * w.z,
- -this.y * w.x + this.x * w.y);
- },
- dot : function(w) {
- return this.x * w.x + this.y * w.y + this.z * w.z;
- },
- add : function(v, w) {
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(w.x + v.x, w.y + v.y, w.z + v.z);
- },
- subtract : function(v, w) {
- if(!w || !v) throw 'Vectors must be defined [' + v + ',' + w + ']';
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x - w.x, v.y - w.y, v.z - w.z);
- },
- multiplyVector : function(v, w) {
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x * w.x, v.y * w.y, v.z * w.z);
- },
- multiplyScalar : function(v, w) {
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(v.x * w, v.y * w, v.z * w);
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Vector [' + this.x + ',' + this.y + ',' + this.z + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Ray = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Ray.prototype = {
- position : null,
- direction : null,
- initialize : function(pos, dir) {
- this.position = pos;
- this.direction = dir;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Ray [' + this.position + ',' + this.direction + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Scene = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Scene.prototype = {
- camera : null,
- shapes : [],
- lights : [],
- background : null,
- initialize : function() {
- = new Flog.RayTracer.Camera(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,0,-5),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,0,1),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0,1,0)
- );
- this.shapes = new Array();
- this.lights = new Array();
- this.background = new Flog.RayTracer.Background(new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0.5), 0.2);
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Material) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Material = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial.prototype = {
- gloss: 2.0, // [0...infinity] 0 = matt
- transparency: 0.0, // 0=opaque
- reflection: 0.0, // [0...infinity] 0 = no reflection
- refraction: 0.50,
- hasTexture: false,
- initialize : function() {
- },
- getColor: function(u, v){
- },
- wrapUp: function(t){
- t = t % 2.0;
- if(t < -1) t += 2.0;
- if(t >= 1) t -= 2.0;
- return t;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Material [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid.prototype = Object.extend(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial(), {
- initialize : function(color, reflection, refraction, transparency, gloss) {
- this.color = color;
- this.reflection = reflection;
- this.transparency = transparency;
- this.gloss = gloss;
- this.hasTexture = false;
- },
- getColor: function(u, v){
- return this.color;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'SolidMaterial [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
- }
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard.prototype = Object.extend(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Material.BaseMaterial(), {
- colorEven: null,
- colorOdd: null,
- density: 0.5,
- initialize : function(colorEven, colorOdd, reflection, transparency, gloss, density) {
- this.colorEven = colorEven;
- this.colorOdd = colorOdd;
- this.reflection = reflection;
- this.transparency = transparency;
- this.gloss = gloss;
- this.density = density;
- this.hasTexture = true;
- },
- getColor: function(u, v){
- var t = this.wrapUp(u * this.density) * this.wrapUp(v * this.density);
- if(t < 0.0)
- return this.colorEven;
- else
- return this.colorOdd;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'ChessMaterial [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
- }
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.BaseShape = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.BaseShape.prototype = {
- position: null,
- material: null,
- initialize : function() {
- this.position = new Vector(0,0,0);
- this.material = new Flog.RayTracer.Material.SolidMaterial(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(1,0,1),
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
- );
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Material [gloss=' + this.gloss + ', transparency=' + this.transparency + ', hasTexture=' + this.hasTexture +']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere.prototype = {
- initialize : function(pos, radius, material) {
- this.radius = radius;
- this.position = pos;
- this.material = material;
- },
- intersect: function(ray){
- var info = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
- info.shape = this;
- var dst = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(ray.position, this.position);
- var B =;
- var C = - (this.radius * this.radius);
- var D = (B * B) - C;
- if(D > 0){ // intersection!
- info.isHit = true;
- info.distance = (-B) - Math.sqrt(D);
- info.position = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
- ray.position,
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(
- ray.direction,
- info.distance
- )
- );
- info.normal = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- info.position,
- this.position
- ).normalize();
- info.color = this.material.getColor(0,0);
- } else {
- info.isHit = false;
- }
- return info;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Sphere [position=' + this.position + ', radius=' + this.radius + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer.Shape) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer.Shape = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane.prototype = {
- d: 0.0,
- initialize : function(pos, d, material) {
- this.position = pos;
- this.d = d;
- this.material = material;
- },
- intersect: function(ray){
- var info = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
- var Vd =;
- if(Vd == 0) return info; // no intersection
- var t = -( + this.d) / Vd;
- if(t <= 0) return info;
- info.shape = this;
- info.isHit = true;
- info.position = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
- ray.position,
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(
- ray.direction,
- t
- )
- );
- info.normal = this.position;
- info.distance = t;
- if(this.material.hasTexture){
- var vU = new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(this.position.y, this.position.z, -this.position.x);
- var vV = vU.cross(this.position);
- var u =;
- var v =;
- info.color = this.material.getColor(u,v);
- } else {
- info.color = this.material.getColor(0,0);
- }
- return info;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Plane [' + this.position + ', d=' + this.d + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo.prototype = {
- isHit: false,
- hitCount: 0,
- shape: null,
- position: null,
- normal: null,
- color: null,
- distance: null,
- initialize : function() {
- this.color = new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0);
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Intersection [' + this.position + ']';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Camera = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Camera.prototype = {
- position: null,
- lookAt: null,
- equator: null,
- up: null,
- screen: null,
- initialize : function(pos, lookAt, up) {
- this.position = pos;
- this.lookAt = lookAt;
- this.up = up;
- this.equator = lookAt.normalize().cross(this.up);
- this.screen = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(this.position, this.lookAt);
- },
- getRay: function(vx, vy){
- var pos = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- this.screen,
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(this.equator, vx),
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(this.up, vy)
- )
- );
- pos.y = pos.y * -1;
- var dir = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- pos,
- this.position
- );
- var ray = new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(pos, dir.normalize());
- return ray;
- },
- toString : function () {
- return 'Ray []';
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Background = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Background.prototype = {
- color : null,
- ambience : 0.0,
- initialize : function(color, ambience) {
- this.color = color;
- this.ambience = ambience;
- }
-/* Fake a Flog.* namespace */
-if(typeof(Flog) == 'undefined') var Flog = {};
-if(typeof(Flog.RayTracer) == 'undefined') Flog.RayTracer = {};
-Flog.RayTracer.Engine = Class.create();
-Flog.RayTracer.Engine.prototype = {
- canvas: null, /* 2d context we can render to */
- initialize: function(options){
- this.options = Object.extend({
- canvasHeight: 100,
- canvasWidth: 100,
- pixelWidth: 2,
- pixelHeight: 2,
- renderDiffuse: false,
- renderShadows: false,
- renderHighlights: false,
- renderReflections: false,
- rayDepth: 2
- }, options || {});
- this.options.canvasHeight /= this.options.pixelHeight;
- this.options.canvasWidth /= this.options.pixelWidth;
- /* TODO: dynamically include other scripts */
- },
- setPixel: function(x, y, color){
- var pxW, pxH;
- pxW = this.options.pixelWidth;
- pxH = this.options.pixelHeight;
- if (this.canvas) {
- this.canvas.fillStyle = color.toString();
- this.canvas.fillRect (x * pxW, y * pxH, pxW, pxH);
- } else {
- if (x === y) {
- checkNumber += color.brightness();
- }
- // print(x * pxW, y * pxH, pxW, pxH);
- }
- },
- renderScene: function(scene, canvas){
- checkNumber = 0;
- /* Get canvas */
- if (canvas) {
- this.canvas = canvas.getContext("2d");
- } else {
- this.canvas = null;
- }
- var canvasHeight = this.options.canvasHeight;
- var canvasWidth = this.options.canvasWidth;
- for(var y=0; y < canvasHeight; y++){
- for(var x=0; x < canvasWidth; x++){
- var yp = y * 1.0 / canvasHeight * 2 - 1;
- var xp = x * 1.0 / canvasWidth * 2 - 1;
- var ray =, yp);
- var color = this.getPixelColor(ray, scene);
- this.setPixel(x, y, color);
- }
- }
- if (checkNumber !== 2321) {
- throw new Error("Scene rendered incorrectly");
- }
- },
- getPixelColor: function(ray, scene){
- var info = this.testIntersection(ray, scene, null);
- if(info.isHit){
- var color = this.rayTrace(info, ray, scene, 0);
- return color;
- }
- return scene.background.color;
- },
- testIntersection: function(ray, scene, exclude){
- var hits = 0;
- var best = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
- best.distance = 2000;
- for(var i=0; i<scene.shapes.length; i++){
- var shape = scene.shapes[i];
- if(shape != exclude){
- var info = shape.intersect(ray);
- if(info.isHit && info.distance >= 0 && info.distance < best.distance){
- best = info;
- hits++;
- }
- }
- }
- best.hitCount = hits;
- return best;
- },
- getReflectionRay: function(P,N,V){
- var c1 =;
- var R1 = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.add(
- Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.multiplyScalar(N, 2*c1),
- V
- );
- return new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(P, R1);
- },
- rayTrace: function(info, ray, scene, depth){
- // Calc ambient
- var color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(info.color, scene.background.ambience);
- var oldColor = color;
- var shininess = Math.pow(10, info.shape.material.gloss + 1);
- for(var i=0; i<scene.lights.length; i++){
- var light = scene.lights[i];
- // Calc diffuse lighting
- var v = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- light.position,
- info.position
- ).normalize();
- if(this.options.renderDiffuse){
- var L =;
- if(L > 0.0){
- color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
- color,
- Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiply(
- info.color,
- Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(
- light.color,
- L
- )
- )
- );
- }
- }
- // The greater the depth the more accurate the colours, but
- // this is exponentially (!) expensive
- if(depth <= this.options.rayDepth){
- // calculate reflection ray
- if(this.options.renderReflections && info.shape.material.reflection > 0)
- {
- var reflectionRay = this.getReflectionRay(info.position, info.normal, ray.direction);
- var refl = this.testIntersection(reflectionRay, scene, info.shape);
- if (refl.isHit && refl.distance > 0){
- refl.color = this.rayTrace(refl, reflectionRay, scene, depth + 1);
- } else {
- refl.color = scene.background.color;
- }
- color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.blend(
- color,
- refl.color,
- info.shape.material.reflection
- );
- }
- // Refraction
- /* TODO */
- }
- /* Render shadows and highlights */
- var shadowInfo = new Flog.RayTracer.IntersectionInfo();
- if(this.options.renderShadows){
- var shadowRay = new Flog.RayTracer.Ray(info.position, v);
- shadowInfo = this.testIntersection(shadowRay, scene, info.shape);
- if(shadowInfo.isHit && shadowInfo.shape != info.shape /*&& shadowInfo.shape.type != 'PLANE'*/){
- var vA = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(color, 0.5);
- var dB = (0.5 * Math.pow(shadowInfo.shape.material.transparency, 0.5));
- color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.addScalar(vA,dB);
- }
- }
- // Phong specular highlights
- if(this.options.renderHighlights && !shadowInfo.isHit && info.shape.material.gloss > 0){
- var Lv = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- info.shape.position,
- light.position
- ).normalize();
- var E = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- info.shape.position
- ).normalize();
- var H = Flog.RayTracer.Vector.prototype.subtract(
- E,
- Lv
- ).normalize();
- var glossWeight = Math.pow(Math.max(, 0), shininess);
- color = Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.add(
- Flog.RayTracer.Color.prototype.multiplyScalar(light.color, glossWeight),
- color
- );
- }
- }
- color.limit();
- return color;
- }
-function renderScene(){
- var scene = new Flog.RayTracer.Scene();
- = new Flog.RayTracer.Camera(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0, 0, -15),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-0.2, 0, 5),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0, 1, 0)
- );
- scene.background = new Flog.RayTracer.Background(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
- 0.4
- );
- var sphere = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-1.5, 1.5, 2),
- 1.5,
- new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0.5,0.5),
- 0.3,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 2.0
- )
- );
- var sphere1 = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Sphere(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(1, 0.25, 1),
- 0.5,
- new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Solid(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.9,0.9,0.9),
- 0.1,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 1.5
- )
- );
- var plane = new Flog.RayTracer.Shape.Plane(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(0.1, 0.9, -0.5).normalize(),
- 1.2,
- new Flog.RayTracer.Material.Chessboard(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(1,1,1),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0,0,0),
- 0.2,
- 0.0,
- 1.0,
- 0.7
- )
- );
- scene.shapes.push(plane);
- scene.shapes.push(sphere);
- scene.shapes.push(sphere1);
- var light = new Flog.RayTracer.Light(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(5, 10, -1),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
- );
- var light1 = new Flog.RayTracer.Light(
- new Flog.RayTracer.Vector(-3, 5, -15),
- new Flog.RayTracer.Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
- 100
- );
- scene.lights.push(light);
- scene.lights.push(light1);
- var imageWidth = 100; // $F('imageWidth');
- var imageHeight = 100; // $F('imageHeight');
- var pixelSize = "5,5".split(','); // $F('pixelSize').split(',');
- var renderDiffuse = true; // $F('renderDiffuse');
- var renderShadows = true; // $F('renderShadows');
- var renderHighlights = true; // $F('renderHighlights');
- var renderReflections = true; // $F('renderReflections');
- var rayDepth = 2;//$F('rayDepth');
- var raytracer = new Flog.RayTracer.Engine(
- {
- canvasWidth: imageWidth,
- canvasHeight: imageHeight,
- pixelWidth: pixelSize[0],
- pixelHeight: pixelSize[1],
- "renderDiffuse": renderDiffuse,
- "renderHighlights": renderHighlights,
- "renderShadows": renderShadows,
- "renderReflections": renderReflections,
- "rayDepth": rayDepth
- }
- );
- raytracer.renderScene(scene, null, 0);
-for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- renderScene();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-regexp.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-regexp.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ac081..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-regexp.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-// with the distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-// from this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Automatically generated on 2009-01-30.
-// This benchmark is generated by loading 50 of the most popular pages
-// on the web and logging all regexp operations performed. Each
-// operation is given a weight that is calculated from an estimate of
-// the popularity of the pages where it occurs and the number of times
-// it is executed while loading each page. Finally the literal
-// letters in the data are encoded using ROT13 in a way that does not
-// affect how the regexps match their input.
-function runRegExpBenchmark() {
- var re0 = /^ba/;
- var re1 = /(((\w+):\/\/)([^\/:]*)(:(\d+))?)?([^#?]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?/;
- var re2 = /^\s*|\s*$/g;
- var re3 = /\bQBZPbageby_cynprubyqre\b/;
- var re4 = /,/;
- var re5 = /\bQBZPbageby_cynprubyqre\b/g;
- var re6 = /^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g;
- var re7 = /(\d*)(\D*)/g;
- var re8 = /=/;
- var re9 = /(^|\s)lhv\-h(\s|$)/;
- var str0 = 'Zbmvyyn/5.0 (Jvaqbjf; H; Jvaqbjf AG 5.1; ra-HF) NccyrJroXvg/528.9 (XUGZY, yvxr Trpxb) Puebzr/ Fnsnev/528.9';
- var re10 = /\#/g;
- var re11 = /\./g;
- var re12 = /'/g;
- var re13 = /\?[\w\W]*(sevraqvq|punaaryvq|tebhcvq)=([^\&\?#]*)/i;
- var str1 = 'Fubpxjnir Synfu 9.0 e115';
- var re14 = /\s+/g;
- var re15 = /^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/;
- var re16 = /(-[a-z])/i;
- function runBlock0() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 6511; i++) {
- re0.exec('pyvpx');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 1844; i++) {
- re1.exec('uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/ybtva.cuc');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 739; i++) {
- 'QBZPbageby_cynprubyqre'.replace(re2, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 598; i++) {
- re1.exec('uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 454; i++) {
- re1.exec('uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/fepu.cuc');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 352; i++) {
- /qqqq|qqq|qq|q|ZZZZ|ZZZ|ZZ|Z|llll|ll|l|uu|u|UU|U|zz|z|ff|f|gg|g|sss|ss|s|mmm|mm|m/g.exec('qqqq, ZZZ q, llll');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 312; i++) {
- re3.exec('vachggrkg QBZPbageby_cynprubyqre');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 282; i++) {
- re4.exec('/ZlFcnprUbzrcntr/Vaqrk-FvgrUbzr,10000000');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 177; i++) {
- 'vachggrkg'.replace(re5, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 170; i++) {
- '528.9'.replace(re6, '');
- re7.exec('528');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 156; i++) {
- re8.exec('VCPhygher=ra-HF');
- re8.exec('CersreerqPhygher=ra-HF');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 144; i++) {
- re0.exec('xrlcerff');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 139; i++) {
- '521'.replace(re6, '');
- re7.exec('521');
- re9.exec('');
- /JroXvg\/(\S+)/.exec(str0);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 137; i++) {
- 'qvi .so_zrah'.replace(re10, '');
- 'qvi .so_zrah'.replace(/\[/g, '');
- 'qvi.so_zrah'.replace(re11, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 117; i++) {
- 'uvqqra_ryrz'.replace(re2, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 95; i++) {
- /(?:^|;)\s*sevraqfgre_ynat=([^;]*)/.exec('sevraqfgre_naba=nvq%3Qn6ss9p85n868ro9s059pn854735956o3%26ers%3Q%26df%3Q%26vpgl%3QHF');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
- 'uggc://ubzr.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- re13.exec('uggc://ubzr.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 92; i++) {
- str1.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 85; i++) {
- 'svefg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'svefg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uggc://cebsvyr.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- 'ynfg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'ynfg'.replace(re15, '');
- re16.exec('qvfcynl');
- re13.exec('uggc://cebsvyr.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- }
- }
- var re17 = /(^|[^\\])\"\\\/Qngr\((-?[0-9]+)\)\\\/\"/g;
- var str2 = '{"anzr":"","ahzoreSbezng":{"PheeraplQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"PheeraplQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","VfErnqBayl":gehr,"PheeraplTebhcFvmrf":[3],"AhzoreTebhcFvmrf":[3],"CrepragTebhcFvmrf":[3],"PheeraplTebhcFrcnengbe":",","PheeraplFlzoby":"\xa4","AnAFlzoby":"AnA","PheeraplArtngvirCnggrea":0,"AhzoreArtngvirCnggrea":1,"CrepragCbfvgvirCnggrea":0,"CrepragArtngvirCnggrea":0,"ArtngvirVasvavglFlzoby":"-Vasvavgl","ArtngvirFvta":"-","AhzoreQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"AhzoreQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","AhzoreTebhcFrcnengbe":",","PheeraplCbfvgvirCnggrea":0,"CbfvgvirVasvavglFlzoby":"Vasvavgl","CbfvgvirFvta":"+","CrepragQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"CrepragQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","CrepragTebhcFrcnengbe":",","CrepragFlzoby":"%","CreZvyyrFlzoby":"\u2030","AngvirQvtvgf":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],"QvtvgFhofgvghgvba":1},"qngrGvzrSbezng":{"NZQrfvtangbe":"NZ","Pnyraqne":{"ZvaFhccbegrqQngrGvzr":"@-62135568000000@","ZnkFhccbegrqQngrGvzr":"@253402300799999@","NytbevguzGlcr":1,"PnyraqneGlcr":1,"Renf":[1],"GjbQvtvgLrneZnk":2029,"VfErnqBayl":gehr},"QngrFrcnengbe":"/","SvefgQnlBsJrrx":0,"PnyraqneJrrxEhyr":0,"ShyyQngrGvzrCnggrea":"qqqq, qq ZZZZ llll UU:zz:ff","YbatQngrCnggrea":"qqqq, qq ZZZZ llll","YbatGvzrCnggrea":"UU:zz:ff","ZbaguQnlCnggrea":"ZZZZ qq","CZQrfvtangbe":"CZ","ESP1123Cnggrea":"qqq, qq ZZZ llll UU\':\'zz\':\'ff \'TZG\'","FubegQngrCnggrea":"ZZ/qq/llll","FubegGvzrCnggrea":"UU:zz","FbegnoyrQngrGvzrCnggrea":"llll\'-\'ZZ\'-\'qq\'G\'UU\':\'zz\':\'ff","GvzrFrcnengbe":":","HavirefnyFbegnoyrQngrGvzrCnggrea":"llll\'-\'ZZ\'-\'qq UU\':\'zz\':\'ff\'M\'","LrneZbaguCnggrea":"llll ZZZZ","NooerivngrqQnlAnzrf":["Fha","Zba","Ghr","Jrq","Guh","Sev","Fng"],"FubegrfgQnlAnzrf":["Fh","Zb","Gh","Jr","Gu","Se","Fn"],"QnlAnzrf":["Fhaqnl","Zbaqnl","Ghrfqnl","Jrqarfqnl","Guhefqnl","Sevqnl","Fngheqnl"],"NooerivngrqZbaguAnzrf":["Wna","Sro","Zne","Nce","Znl","Wha","Why","Nht","Frc","Bpg","Abi","Qrp",""],"ZbaguAnzrf":["Wnahnel","Sroehnel","Znepu","Ncevy","Znl","Whar","Whyl","Nhthfg","Frcgrzore","Bpgbore","Abirzore","Qrprzore",""],"VfErnqBayl":gehr,"AngvirPnyraqneAnzr":"Tertbevna Pnyraqne","NooerivngrqZbaguTravgvirAnzrf":["Wna","Sro","Zne","Nce","Znl","Wha","Why","Nht","Frc","Bpg","Abi","Qrp",""],"ZbaguTravgvirAnzrf":["Wnahnel","Sroehnel","Znepu","Ncevy","Znl","Whar","Whyl","Nhthfg","Frcgrzore","Bpgbore","Abirzore","Qrprzore",""]}}';
- var str3 = '{"anzr":"ra-HF","ahzoreSbezng":{"PheeraplQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"PheeraplQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","VfErnqBayl":snyfr,"PheeraplTebhcFvmrf":[3],"AhzoreTebhcFvmrf":[3],"CrepragTebhcFvmrf":[3],"PheeraplTebhcFrcnengbe":",","PheeraplFlzoby":"$","AnAFlzoby":"AnA","PheeraplArtngvirCnggrea":0,"AhzoreArtngvirCnggrea":1,"CrepragCbfvgvirCnggrea":0,"CrepragArtngvirCnggrea":0,"ArtngvirVasvavglFlzoby":"-Vasvavgl","ArtngvirFvta":"-","AhzoreQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"AhzoreQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","AhzoreTebhcFrcnengbe":",","PheeraplCbfvgvirCnggrea":0,"CbfvgvirVasvavglFlzoby":"Vasvavgl","CbfvgvirFvta":"+","CrepragQrpvznyQvtvgf":2,"CrepragQrpvznyFrcnengbe":".","CrepragTebhcFrcnengbe":",","CrepragFlzoby":"%","CreZvyyrFlzoby":"\u2030","AngvirQvtvgf":["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],"QvtvgFhofgvghgvba":1},"qngrGvzrSbezng":{"NZQrfvtangbe":"NZ","Pnyraqne":{"ZvaFhccbegrqQngrGvzr":"@-62135568000000@","ZnkFhccbegrqQngrGvzr":"@253402300799999@","NytbevguzGlcr":1,"PnyraqneGlcr":1,"Renf":[1],"GjbQvtvgLrneZnk":2029,"VfErnqBayl":snyfr},"QngrFrcnengbe":"/","SvefgQnlBsJrrx":0,"PnyraqneJrrxEhyr":0,"ShyyQngrGvzrCnggrea":"qqqq, ZZZZ qq, llll u:zz:ff gg","YbatQngrCnggrea":"qqqq, ZZZZ qq, llll","YbatGvzrCnggrea":"u:zz:ff gg","ZbaguQnlCnggrea":"ZZZZ qq","CZQrfvtangbe":"CZ","ESP1123Cnggrea":"qqq, qq ZZZ llll UU\':\'zz\':\'ff \'TZG\'","FubegQngrCnggrea":"Z/q/llll","FubegGvzrCnggrea":"u:zz gg","FbegnoyrQngrGvzrCnggrea":"llll\'-\'ZZ\'-\'qq\'G\'UU\':\'zz\':\'ff","GvzrFrcnengbe":":","HavirefnyFbegnoyrQngrGvzrCnggrea":"llll\'-\'ZZ\'-\'qq UU\':\'zz\':\'ff\'M\'","LrneZbaguCnggrea":"ZZZZ, llll","NooerivngrqQnlAnzrf":["Fha","Zba","Ghr","Jrq","Guh","Sev","Fng"],"FubegrfgQnlAnzrf":["Fh","Zb","Gh","Jr","Gu","Se","Fn"],"QnlAnzrf":["Fhaqnl","Zbaqnl","Ghrfqnl","Jrqarfqnl","Guhefqnl","Sevqnl","Fngheqnl"],"NooerivngrqZbaguAnzrf":["Wna","Sro","Zne","Nce","Znl","Wha","Why","Nht","Frc","Bpg","Abi","Qrp",""],"ZbaguAnzrf":["Wnahnel","Sroehnel","Znepu","Ncevy","Znl","Whar","Whyl","Nhthfg","Frcgrzore","Bpgbore","Abirzore","Qrprzore",""],"VfErnqBayl":snyfr,"AngvirPnyraqneAnzr":"Tertbevna Pnyraqne","NooerivngrqZbaguTravgvirAnzrf":["Wna","Sro","Zne","Nce","Znl","Wha","Why","Nht","Frc","Bpg","Abi","Qrp",""],"ZbaguTravgvirAnzrf":["Wnahnel","Sroehnel","Znepu","Ncevy","Znl","Whar","Whyl","Nhthfg","Frcgrzore","Bpgbore","Abirzore","Qrprzore",""]}}';
- var str4 = 'HFEYBP=DKWyLHAiMTH9AwHjWxAcqUx9GJ91oaEunJ4tIzyyqlMQo3IhqUW5D29xMG1IHlMQo3IhqUW5GzSgMG1Iozy0MJDtH3EuqTImWxEgLHAiMTH9BQN3WxkuqTy0qJEyCGZ3YwDkBGVzGT9hM2y0qJEyCF0kZwVhZQH3APMDo3A0LJkQo2EyCGx0ZQDmWyWyM2yiox5uoJH9D0R%3Q';
- var str5 = 'HFEYBP=DKWyLHAiMTH9AwHjWxAcqUx9GJ91oaEunJ4tIzyyqlMQo3IhqUW5D29xMG1IHlMQo3IhqUW5GzSgMG1Iozy0MJDtH3EuqTImWxEgLHAiMTH9BQN3WxkuqTy0qJEyCGZ3YwDkBGVzGT9hM2y0qJEyCF0kZwVhZQH3APMDo3A0LJkQo2EyCGx0ZQDmWyWyM2yiox5uoJH9D0R=';
- var re18 = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
- var str6 = 'uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/vaqrk.cuc';
- var re19 = /(?:^|\s+)ba(?:\s+|$)/;
- var re20 = /[+, ]/;
- var re21 = /ybnqrq|pbzcyrgr/;
- var str7 = ';;jvaqbj.IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ=shapgvba(r){vs(!r)ine r=jvaqbj.rirag;ine c=-1;vs(d1)c=d1.EbyybssCnary;ine bo=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c);vs(bo&&bo.fglyr.ivfvovyvgl=="ivfvoyr"){ine fns=IjFns?8:0;ine pheK=r.pyvragK+IjBOFpe("U")+fns,pheL=r.pyvragL+IjBOFpe("I")+fns;ine y=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"Y"),g=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"G");ine e=y+d1.Cnaryf[c].Jvqgu,o=g+d1.Cnaryf[c].Urvtug;vs((pheK<y)||(pheK>e)||(pheL<g)||(pheL>o)){vs(jvaqbj.IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ)IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ(c);ryfr IjPybfrNq(NQ_VQ,c,gehr,"");}ryfr erghea;}IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();};;jvaqbj.IjFrgEbyybssCnaryNQ_VQ=shapgvba(c){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;c=IjTc(NQ_VQ,c);vs(d1&&d1.EbyybssCnary>-1)IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();vs(d1)d1.EbyybssCnary=c;gel{vs(q.nqqRiragYvfgrare)q.nqqRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.nggnpuRirag)q.nggnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ=shapgvba(){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;vs(d1)d1.EbyybssCnary=-1;gel{vs(q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare)q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.qrgnpuRirag)q.qrgnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;d1.IjTc=d2(n,c){ine nq=d1;vs(vfAnA(c)){sbe(ine v=0;v<nq.Cnaryf.yratgu;v++)vs(nq.Cnaryf[v].Anzr==c)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea c;};;d1.IjTpy=d2(n,c,p){ine cn=d1.Cnaryf[IjTc(n,c)];vs(!cn)erghea 0;vs(vfAnA(p)){sbe(ine v=0;v<cn.Pyvpxguehf.yratgu;v++)vs(cn.Pyvpxguehf[v].Anzr==p)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea p;};;d1.IjGenpr=d2(n,f){gel{vs(jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"])jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"](n,1,f);}pngpu(r){}};;d1.IjYvzvg1=d2(n,f){ine nq=d1,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0,p=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.FzV.yratgu>0)nq.FzV+="/";nq.FzV+=vh[v];nq.FtZ[nq.FtZ.yratgu]=snyfr;}}};;d1.IjYvzvg0=d2(n,f){ine nq=d1,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.OvC.yratgu>0)nq.OvC+="/";nq.OvC+=vh[v];}}};;d1.IjRVST=d2(n,c){jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow");vs(jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]==ahyy)frgGvzrbhg("IjRVST(NQ_VQ,"+c+")",d1.rvsg);};;d1.IjNavzSHC=d2(n,c){ine nq=d1;vs(c>nq.Cnaryf.yratgu)erghea;ine cna=nq.Cnaryf[c],nn=gehr,on=gehr,yn=gehr,en=gehr,cn=nq.Cnaryf[0],sf=nq.ShF,j=cn.Jvqgu,u=cn.Urvtug;vs(j=="100%"){j=sf;en=snyfr;yn=snyfr;}vs(u=="100%"){u=sf;nn=snyfr;on=snyfr;}vs(cn.YnY=="Y")yn=snyfr;vs(cn.YnY=="E")en=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="G")nn=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="O")on=snyfr;ine k=0,l=0;fjvgpu(nq.NshP%8){pnfr 0:oernx;pnfr 1:vs(nn)l=-sf;oernx;pnfr 2:k=j-sf;oernx;pnfr 3:vs(en)k=j;oernx;pnfr 4:k=j-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 5:k=j-sf;vs(on)l=u;oernx;pnfr 6:l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 7:vs(yn)k=-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;}vs(nq.NshP++ <nq.NshG)frgGvzrbhg(("IjNavzSHC(NQ_VQ,"+c+")"),nq.NshC);ryfr{k=-1000;l=k;}cna.YrsgBssfrg=k;cna.GbcBssfrg=l;IjNhErcb(n,c);};;d1.IjTrgErnyCbfvgvba=d2(n,b,j){erghea IjBOEC.nccyl(guvf,nethzragf);};;d1.IjPnapryGvzrbhg=d2(n,c){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=d1.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&cay.UgU!=""){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);}};;d1.IjPnapryNyyGvzrbhgf=d2(n){vs(d1.YbpxGvzrbhgPunatrf)erghea;sbe(ine c=0;c<d1.bac;c++)IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);};;d1.IjFgnegGvzrbhg=d2(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=d1.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&((cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr>0)||(nethzragf.yratgu==3&&bG>0))){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);cay.UgU=frgGvzrbhg(cay.UvqrNpgvba,(nethzragf.yratgu==3?bG:cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr));}};;d1.IjErfrgGvzrbhg=d2(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);riny("IjFgnegGvzrbhg(NQ_VQ,c"+(nethzragf.yratgu==3?",bG":"")+")");};;d1.IjErfrgNyyGvzrbhgf=d2(n){sbe(ine c=0;c<d1.bac;c++)IjErfrgGvzrbhg(n,c);};;d1.IjQrgnpure=d2(n,rig,sap){gel{vs(IjQVR5)riny("jvaqbj.qrgnpuRirag(\'ba"+rig+"\',"+sap+"NQ_VQ)");ryfr vs(!IjQVRZnp)riny("jvaqbj.erzbirRiragYvfgrare(\'"+rig+"\',"+sap+"NQ_VQ,snyfr)");}pngpu(r){}};;d1.IjPyrnaHc=d2(n){IjCvat(n,"G");ine nq=d1;sbe(ine v=0;v<nq.Cnaryf.yratgu;v++){IjUvqrCnary(n,v,gehr);}gel{IjTrgBow(nq.gya).vaareUGZY="";}pngpu(r){}vs(nq.gya!=nq.gya2)gel{IjTrgBow(nq.gya2).vaareUGZY="";}pngpu(r){}gel{d1=ahyy;}pngpu(r){}gel{IjQrgnpure(n,"haybnq","IjHayNQ_VQ");}pngpu(r){}gel{jvaqbj.IjHayNQ_VQ=ahyy;}pngpu(r){}gel{IjQrgnpure(n,"fpebyy","IjFeNQ_VQ");}pngpu(r){}gel{jvaqbj.IjFeNQ_VQ=ahyy;}pngpu(r){}gel{IjQrgnpure(n,"erfvmr","IjEmNQ_VQ");}pngpu(r){}gel{jvaqbj.IjEmNQ_VQ=ahyy;}pngpu(r){}gel{IjQrgnpure(n';
- var str8 = ';;jvaqbj.IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ=shapgvba(r){vs(!r)ine r=jvaqbj.rirag;ine c=-1;vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)c=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary;ine bo=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c);vs(bo&&bo.fglyr.ivfvovyvgl=="ivfvoyr"){ine fns=IjFns?8:0;ine pheK=r.pyvragK+IjBOFpe("U")+fns,pheL=r.pyvragL+IjBOFpe("I")+fns;ine y=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"Y"),g=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"G");ine e=y+jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c].Jvqgu,o=g+jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c].Urvtug;vs((pheK<y)||(pheK>e)||(pheL<g)||(pheL>o)){vs(jvaqbj.IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ)IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ(c);ryfr IjPybfrNq(NQ_VQ,c,gehr,"");}ryfr erghea;}IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();};;jvaqbj.IjFrgEbyybssCnaryNQ_VQ=shapgvba(c){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;c=IjTc(NQ_VQ,c);vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ&&jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary>-1)IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary=c;gel{vs(q.nqqRiragYvfgrare)q.nqqRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.nggnpuRirag)q.nggnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ=shapgvba(){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary=-1;gel{vs(q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare)q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.qrgnpuRirag)q.qrgnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTc=shapgvba(n,c){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ;vs(vfAnA(c)){sbe(ine v=0;v<nq.Cnaryf.yratgu;v++)vs(nq.Cnaryf[v].Anzr==c)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea c;};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTpy=shapgvba(n,c,p){ine cn=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[IjTc(n,c)];vs(!cn)erghea 0;vs(vfAnA(p)){sbe(ine v=0;v<cn.Pyvpxguehf.yratgu;v++)vs(cn.Pyvpxguehf[v].Anzr==p)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea p;};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjGenpr=shapgvba(n,f){gel{vs(jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"])jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"](n,1,f);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjYvzvg1=shapgvba(n,f){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0,p=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.FzV.yratgu>0)nq.FzV+="/";nq.FzV+=vh[v];nq.FtZ[nq.FtZ.yratgu]=snyfr;}}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjYvzvg0=shapgvba(n,f){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.OvC.yratgu>0)nq.OvC+="/";nq.OvC+=vh[v];}}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjRVST=shapgvba(n,c){jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow");vs(jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]==ahyy)frgGvzrbhg("IjRVST(NQ_VQ,"+c+")",jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.rvsg);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjNavzSHC=shapgvba(n,c){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ;vs(c>nq.Cnaryf.yratgu)erghea;ine cna=nq.Cnaryf[c],nn=gehr,on=gehr,yn=gehr,en=gehr,cn=nq.Cnaryf[0],sf=nq.ShF,j=cn.Jvqgu,u=cn.Urvtug;vs(j=="100%"){j=sf;en=snyfr;yn=snyfr;}vs(u=="100%"){u=sf;nn=snyfr;on=snyfr;}vs(cn.YnY=="Y")yn=snyfr;vs(cn.YnY=="E")en=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="G")nn=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="O")on=snyfr;ine k=0,l=0;fjvgpu(nq.NshP%8){pnfr 0:oernx;pnfr 1:vs(nn)l=-sf;oernx;pnfr 2:k=j-sf;oernx;pnfr 3:vs(en)k=j;oernx;pnfr 4:k=j-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 5:k=j-sf;vs(on)l=u;oernx;pnfr 6:l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 7:vs(yn)k=-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;}vs(nq.NshP++ <nq.NshG)frgGvzrbhg(("IjNavzSHC(NQ_VQ,"+c+")"),nq.NshC);ryfr{k=-1000;l=k;}cna.YrsgBssfrg=k;cna.GbcBssfrg=l;IjNhErcb(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTrgErnyCbfvgvba=shapgvba(n,b,j){erghea IjBOEC.nccyl(guvf,nethzragf);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjPnapryGvzrbhg=shapgvba(n,c){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&cay.UgU!=""){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjPnapryNyyGvzrbhgf=shapgvba(n){vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.YbpxGvzrbhgPunatrf)erghea;sbe(ine c=0;c<jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.bac;c++)IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjFgnegGvzrbhg=shapgvba(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&((cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr>0)||(nethzragf.yratgu==3&&bG>0))){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);cay.UgU=frgGvzrbhg(cay.UvqrNpgvba,(nethzragf.yratgu==3?bG:cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr));}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjErfrgGvzrbhg=shapgvba(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);riny("IjFgnegGvzrbhg(NQ_VQ,c"+(nethzragf.yratgu==3?",bG":"")+")");};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjErfrgNyyGvzrbhgf=shapgvba(n){sbe(ine c=0;c<jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.bac;c++)IjErfrgGvzrbhg(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjQrgnpure=shapgvba(n,rig,sap){gel{vs(IjQVR5)riny("jvaqbj.qrgnpuRirag(\'ba"+rig+"\',"+sap+"NQ_VQ)");ryfr vs(!IjQVRZnp)riny("jvaqbj.erzbir';
- var str9 = ';;jvaqbj.IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ=shapgvba(r){vs(!r)ine r=jvaqbj.rirag;ine c=-1;vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)c=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary;ine bo=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c);vs(bo&&bo.fglyr.ivfvovyvgl=="ivfvoyr"){ine fns=IjFns?8:0;ine pheK=r.pyvragK+IjBOFpe("U")+fns,pheL=r.pyvragL+IjBOFpe("I")+fns;ine y=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"Y"),g=IjBOEC(NQ_VQ,bo,"G");ine e=y+jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c].Jvqgu,o=g+jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c].Urvtug;vs((pheK<y)||(pheK>e)||(pheL<g)||(pheL>o)){vs(jvaqbj.IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ)IjBaEbyybssNQ_VQ(c);ryfr IjPybfrNq(NQ_VQ,c,gehr,"");}ryfr erghea;}IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();};;jvaqbj.IjFrgEbyybssCnaryNQ_VQ=shapgvba(c){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;c=IjTc(NQ_VQ,c);vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ&&jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary>-1)IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ();vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary=c;gel{vs(q.nqqRiragYvfgrare)q.nqqRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.nggnpuRirag)q.nggnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjPnapryZbhfrYvfgrareNQ_VQ=shapgvba(){ine z="zbhfrzbir",q=qbphzrag,s=IjPurpxZbhfrCbfvgvbaNQ_VQ;vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ)jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.EbyybssCnary=-1;gel{vs(q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare)q.erzbirRiragYvfgrare(z,s,snyfr);ryfr vs(q.qrgnpuRirag)q.qrgnpuRirag("ba"+z,s);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTc=d2(n,c){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ;vs(vfAnA(c)){sbe(ine v=0;v<nq.Cnaryf.yratgu;v++)vs(nq.Cnaryf[v].Anzr==c)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea c;};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTpy=d2(n,c,p){ine cn=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[IjTc(n,c)];vs(!cn)erghea 0;vs(vfAnA(p)){sbe(ine v=0;v<cn.Pyvpxguehf.yratgu;v++)vs(cn.Pyvpxguehf[v].Anzr==p)erghea v;erghea 0;}erghea p;};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjGenpr=d2(n,f){gel{vs(jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"])jvaqbj["Ij"+"QtQ"](n,1,f);}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjYvzvg1=d2(n,f){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0,p=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.FzV.yratgu>0)nq.FzV+="/";nq.FzV+=vh[v];nq.FtZ[nq.FtZ.yratgu]=snyfr;}}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjYvzvg0=d2(n,f){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ,vh=f.fcyvg("/");sbe(ine v=0;v<vh.yratgu;v++){vs(vh[v].yratgu>0){vs(nq.OvC.yratgu>0)nq.OvC+="/";nq.OvC+=vh[v];}}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjRVST=d2(n,c){jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]=IjTrgBow("IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow");vs(jvaqbj["IjCnayNQ_VQ_"+c+"_Bow"]==ahyy)frgGvzrbhg("IjRVST(NQ_VQ,"+c+")",jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.rvsg);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjNavzSHC=d2(n,c){ine nq=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ;vs(c>nq.Cnaryf.yratgu)erghea;ine cna=nq.Cnaryf[c],nn=gehr,on=gehr,yn=gehr,en=gehr,cn=nq.Cnaryf[0],sf=nq.ShF,j=cn.Jvqgu,u=cn.Urvtug;vs(j=="100%"){j=sf;en=snyfr;yn=snyfr;}vs(u=="100%"){u=sf;nn=snyfr;on=snyfr;}vs(cn.YnY=="Y")yn=snyfr;vs(cn.YnY=="E")en=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="G")nn=snyfr;vs(cn.GnY=="O")on=snyfr;ine k=0,l=0;fjvgpu(nq.NshP%8){pnfr 0:oernx;pnfr 1:vs(nn)l=-sf;oernx;pnfr 2:k=j-sf;oernx;pnfr 3:vs(en)k=j;oernx;pnfr 4:k=j-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 5:k=j-sf;vs(on)l=u;oernx;pnfr 6:l=u-sf;oernx;pnfr 7:vs(yn)k=-sf;l=u-sf;oernx;}vs(nq.NshP++ <nq.NshG)frgGvzrbhg(("IjNavzSHC(NQ_VQ,"+c+")"),nq.NshC);ryfr{k=-1000;l=k;}cna.YrsgBssfrg=k;cna.GbcBssfrg=l;IjNhErcb(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjTrgErnyCbfvgvba=d2(n,b,j){erghea IjBOEC.nccyl(guvf,nethzragf);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjPnapryGvzrbhg=d2(n,c){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&cay.UgU!=""){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjPnapryNyyGvzrbhgf=d2(n){vs(jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.YbpxGvzrbhgPunatrf)erghea;sbe(ine c=0;c<jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.bac;c++)IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjFgnegGvzrbhg=d2(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);ine cay=jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.Cnaryf[c];vs(cay&&((cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr>0)||(nethzragf.yratgu==3&&bG>0))){pyrneGvzrbhg(cay.UgU);cay.UgU=frgGvzrbhg(cay.UvqrNpgvba,(nethzragf.yratgu==3?bG:cay.UvqrGvzrbhgInyhr));}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjErfrgGvzrbhg=d2(n,c,bG){c=IjTc(n,c);IjPnapryGvzrbhg(n,c);riny("IjFgnegGvzrbhg(NQ_VQ,c"+(nethzragf.yratgu==3?",bG":"")+")");};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjErfrgNyyGvzrbhgf=d2(n){sbe(ine c=0;c<jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.bac;c++)IjErfrgGvzrbhg(n,c);};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjQrgnpure=d2(n,rig,sap){gel{vs(IjQVR5)riny("jvaqbj.qrgnpuRirag(\'ba"+rig+"\',"+sap+"NQ_VQ)");ryfr vs(!IjQVRZnp)riny("jvaqbj.erzbirRiragYvfgrare(\'"+rig+"\',"+sap+"NQ_VQ,snyfr)");}pngpu(r){}};;jvaqbj.IjNqNQ_VQ.IjPyrna';
- function runBlock1() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 81; i++) {
- re8.exec('VC=');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 78; i++) {
- '9.0 e115'.replace(/(\s)+e/, '');
- 'k'.replace(/./, '');
- str2.replace(re17, '');
- str3.replace(re17, '');
- re8.exec('144631658');
- re8.exec('Pbhagel=IIZ%3Q');
- re8.exec('Pbhagel=IIZ=');
- re8.exec('CersreerqPhygherCraqvat=');
- re8.exec(str4);
- re8.exec(str5);
- re8.exec('__hgzp=144631658');
- re8.exec('gvzrMbar=-8');
- re8.exec('gvzrMbar=0');
- /Fnsnev\/(\d+\.\d+)/.exec(str0);
- re3.exec('vachggrkg QBZPbageby_cynprubyqre');
- re0.exec('xrlqbja');
- re0.exec('xrlhc');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 77; i++) {
- 'uggc://zrffntvat.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- re13.exec('uggc://zrffntvat.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 73; i++) {
- 'FrffvbaFgbentr=%7O%22GnoThvq%22%3N%7O%22thvq%22%3N1231367125017%7Q%7Q'.replace(re18, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 72; i++) {
- re1.exec(str6);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 71; i++) {
- re19.exec('');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 70; i++) {
- ''.replace(re11, '');
- str7.replace(/d1/g, '');
- str8.replace(/NQ_VQ/g, '');
- str9.replace(/d2/g, '');
- 'NI%3Q1_CI%3Q1_PI%3Q1_EI%3Q1_HI%3Q1_HP%3Q1_IC%3Q0.0.0.0_IH%3Q0'.replace(/_/g, '');
- 'svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva,svz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP,svz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf'.split(re20);
- re21.exec('ybnqvat');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 68; i++) {
- re1.exec('#');
- /(?:ZFVR.(\d+\.\d+))|(?:(?:Sversbk|TenaCnenqvfb|Vprjrnfry).(\d+\.\d+))|(?:Bcren.(\d+\.\d+))|(?:NccyrJroXvg.(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))/.exec(str0);
- /(Znp BF K)|(Jvaqbjf;)/.exec(str0);
- /Trpxb\/([0-9]+)/.exec(str0);
- re21.exec('ybnqrq');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 49; i++) {
- re16.exec('pbybe');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 44; i++) {
- 'uggc://sevraqf.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- re13.exec('uggc://sevraqf.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- }
- }
- var re22 = /\bso_zrah\b/;
- var re23 = /^(?:(?:[^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/;
- var re24 = /uggcf?:\/\/([^\/]+\.)?snprobbx\.pbz\//;
- var re25 = /"/g;
- var re26 = /^([^?#]+)(?:\?([^#]*))?(#.*)?/;
- function runBlock2() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
- 'fryrpgrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'fryrpgrq'.replace(re15, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 39; i++) {
- 'vachggrkg uvqqra_ryrz'.replace(/\buvqqra_ryrz\b/g, '');
- re3.exec('vachggrkg ');
- re3.exec('vachggrkg');
- re22.exec('HVYvaxOhggba');
- re22.exec('HVYvaxOhggba_E');
- re22.exec('HVYvaxOhggba_EJ');
- re22.exec('zrah_ybtva_pbagnvare');
- /\buvqqra_ryrz\b/.exec('vachgcnffjbeq');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 37; i++) {
- re8.exec('111soqs57qo8o8480qo18sor2011r3n591q7s6s37r120904');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669315660164980');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=111soqs57qo8o8480qo18sor2011r3n591q7s6s37r120904');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
- 'puvyq p1 svefg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'sylbhg pybfrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'sylbhg pybfrq'.replace(re15, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 34; i++) {
- re19.exec('gno2');
- re19.exec('gno3');
- re8.exec('44132r503660');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669316860113296');
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=44132r503660');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=s6r4579npn4rn2135s904r0s75pp1o5334p6s6pospo12696');
- re8.exec('s6r4579npn4rn2135s904r0s75pp1o5334p6s6pospo12696');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- /puebzr/i.exec(str0);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
- 'uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/'.replace(re23, '');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669358527244818');
- re8.exec('VC=');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=s15q53p9n372sn76npr13o271n4s3p5r29p235746p908p58');
- re8.exec('s15q53p9n372sn76npr13o271n4s3p5r29p235746p908p58');
- re24.exec('uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
- '419'.replace(re6, '');
- /(?:^|\s+)gvzrfgnzc(?:\s+|$)/.exec('gvzrfgnzc');
- re7.exec('419');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 29; i++) {
- 'uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/ybtva.cuc'.replace(re23, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
- 'Funer guvf tnqtrg'.replace(re25, '');
- 'Funer guvf tnqtrg'.replace(re12, '');
- re26.exec('uggc://jjj.tbbtyr.pbz/vt/qverpgbel');
- }
- }
- var re27 = /-\D/g;
- var re28 = /\bnpgvingr\b/;
- var re29 = /%2R/gi;
- var re30 = /%2S/gi;
- var re31 = /^(mu-(PA|GJ)|wn|xb)$/;
- var re32 = /\s?;\s?/;
- var re33 = /%\w?$/;
- var re34 = /TNQP=([^;]*)/i;
- var str10 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=111soqs57qo8o8480qo18sor2011r3n591q7s6s37r120904; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str11 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=111soqs57qo8o8480qo18sor2011r3n591q7s6s37r120904; __hgzm=144631658.1231363570.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.3426875219718084000.1231363570.1231363570.1231363570.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231363570; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str12 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231363514065&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231363514065&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Subzr.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1326469221.1231363557&tn_fvq=1231363557&tn_uvq=1114636509&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str13 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str14 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var re35 = /[<>]/g;
- var str15 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=s6r4579npn4rn2135s904r0s75pp1o5334p6s6pospo12696; ZFPhygher=VC=; AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=44132r503660';
- var str16 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=s6r4579npn4rn2135s904r0s75pp1o5334p6s6pospo12696; AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=44132r503660; __hgzm=144631658.1231363638.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.965867047679498800.1231363638.1231363638.1231363638.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231363638; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str17 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231363621014&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231363621014&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Scebsvyr.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=348699119.1231363624&tn_fvq=1231363624&tn_uvq=895511034&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str18 = 'uggc://';
- var str19 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str20 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- function runBlock3() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
- 'e115'.replace(/[A-Za-z]/g, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
- 'qvfcynl'.replace(re27, '');
- 'cbfvgvba'.replace(re27, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
- 'unaqyr'.replace(re14, '');
- 'unaqyr'.replace(re15, '');
- 'yvar'.replace(re14, '');
- 'yvar'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno'.replace(re15, '');
- 'fyvqre'.replace(re14, '');
- 'fyvqre'.replace(re15, '');
- re28.exec('');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 21; i++) {
- 'uggc://jjj.zlfcnpr.pbz/'.replace(re12, '');
- re13.exec('uggc://jjj.zlfcnpr.pbz/');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- 'cntrivrj'.replace(re29, '');
- 'cntrivrj'.replace(re30, '');
- re19.exec('ynfg');
- re19.exec('ba svefg');
- re8.exec('VC=');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
- re31.exec('ra');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
- str10.split(re32);
- str11.split(re32);
- str12.replace(re33, '');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231363570');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231363570.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.3426875219718084000.1231363570.1231363570.1231363570.1');
- re8.exec(str13);
- re8.exec(str14);
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.3426875219718084000.1231363570.1231363570.1231363570.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231363570');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231363570.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str10);
- re34.exec(str11);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
- str0.match(/zfvr/gi);
- str0.match(/bcren/gi);
- str15.split(re32);
- str16.split(re32);
- 'ohggba'.replace(re14, '');
- 'ohggba'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg sylbhg pybfrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg sylbhg pybfrq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'pvgvrf'.replace(re14, '');
- 'pvgvrf'.replace(re15, '');
- 'pybfrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'pybfrq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'qry'.replace(re14, '');
- 'qry'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uqy_zba'.replace(re14, '');
- 'uqy_zba'.replace(re15, '');
- str17.replace(re33, '');
- str18.replace(/%3P/g, '');
- str18.replace(/%3R/g, '');
- str18.replace(/%3q/g, '');
- str18.replace(re35, '');
- 'yvaxyvfg16'.replace(re14, '');
- 'yvaxyvfg16'.replace(re15, '');
- 'zvahf'.replace(re14, '');
- 'zvahf'.replace(re15, '');
- 'bcra'.replace(re14, '');
- 'bcra'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 fvatyr1 ps NU'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 fvatyr1 ps NU'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cynlre'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cynlre'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cyhf'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cyhf'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cb_uqy'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cb_uqy'.replace(re15, '');
- 'hyJVzt'.replace(re14, '');
- 'hyJVzt'.replace(re15, '');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231363638');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231363638.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.965867047679498800.1231363638.1231363638.1231363638.1');
- re8.exec('4413268q3660');
- re8.exec('4ss747o77904333q374or84qrr1s9r0nprp8r5q81534o94n');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669321699093060');
- re8.exec('VC=');
- re8.exec(str19);
- re8.exec(str20);
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_tfwsbrg-aowb_80=4413268q3660');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=4ss747o77904333q374or84qrr1s9r0nprp8r5q81534o94n');
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.965867047679498800.1231363638.1231363638.1231363638.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231363638');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231363638.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str15);
- re34.exec(str16);
- }
- }
- var re36 = /uers|fep|fryrpgrq/;
- var re37 = /\s*([+>~\s])\s*([a-zA-Z#.*:\[])/g;
- var re38 = /^(\w+|\*)$/;
- var str21 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=s15q53p9n372sn76npr13o271n4s3p5r29p235746p908p58; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str22 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=s15q53p9n372sn76npr13o271n4s3p5r29p235746p908p58; __hgzm=144631658.1231367822.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.4127520630321984500.1231367822.1231367822.1231367822.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367822; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str23 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231367803797&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231367803797&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Szrffntvat.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1192552091.1231367807&tn_fvq=1231367807&tn_uvq=1155446857&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str24 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str25 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str26 = 'hy.ynat-fryrpgbe';
- var re39 = /\\/g;
- var re40 = / /g;
- var re41 = /\/\xc4\/t/;
- var re42 = /\/\xd6\/t/;
- var re43 = /\/\xdc\/t/;
- var re44 = /\/\xdf\/t/;
- var re45 = /\/\xe4\/t/;
- var re46 = /\/\xf6\/t/;
- var re47 = /\/\xfc\/t/;
- var re48 = /\W/g;
- var re49 = /uers|fep|fglyr/;
- function runBlock4() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- ''.replace(/\*/g, '');
- /\bnpgvir\b/.exec('npgvir');
- /sversbk/i.exec(str0);
- re36.exec('glcr');
- /zfvr/i.exec(str0);
- /bcren/i.exec(str0);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
- str21.split(re32);
- str22.split(re32);
- 'uggc://ohyyrgvaf.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- str23.replace(re33, '');
- 'yv'.replace(re37, '');
- 'yv'.replace(re18, '');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231367822');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231367822.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.4127520630321984500.1231367822.1231367822.1231367822.1');
- re8.exec(str24);
- re8.exec(str25);
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.4127520630321984500.1231367822.1231367822.1231367822.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367822');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231367822.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str21);
- re34.exec(str22);
- /\.([\w-]+)|\[(\w+)(?:([!*^$~|]?=)["']?(.*?)["']?)?\]|:([\w-]+)(?:\(["']?(.*?)?["']?\)|$)/g.exec(str26);
- re13.exec('uggc://ohyyrgvaf.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- re38.exec('yv');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
- ''.replace(re18, '');
- '9.0 e115'.replace(/(\s+e|\s+o[0-9]+)/, '');
- 'Funer guvf tnqtrg'.replace(/</g, '');
- 'Funer guvf tnqtrg'.replace(/>/g, '');
- 'Funer guvf tnqtrg'.replace(re39, '');
- 'uggc://cebsvyrrqvg.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz'.replace(re12, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re40, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re41, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re42, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re43, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re44, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re45, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re46, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re47, '');
- 'grnfre'.replace(re48, '');
- re16.exec('znetva-gbc');
- re16.exec('cbfvgvba');
- re19.exec('gno1');
- re9.exec('qz');
- re9.exec('qg');
- re9.exec('zbqobk');
- re9.exec('zbqobkva');
- re9.exec('zbqgvgyr');
- re13.exec('uggc://cebsvyrrqvg.zlfcnpr.pbz/vaqrk.psz');
- re26.exec('/vt/znvytnqtrg');
- re49.exec('glcr');
- }
- }
- var re50 = /(?:^|\s+)fryrpgrq(?:\s+|$)/;
- var re51 = /\&/g;
- var re52 = /\+/g;
- var re53 = /\?/g;
- var re54 = /\t/g;
- var re55 = /(\$\{nqiHey\})|(\$nqiHey\b)/g;
- var re56 = /(\$\{cngu\})|(\$cngu\b)/g;
- function runBlock5() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
- 'purpx'.replace(re14, '');
- 'purpx'.replace(re15, '');
- 'pvgl'.replace(re14, '');
- 'pvgl'.replace(re15, '');
- 'qrpe fyvqrgrkg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'qrpe fyvqrgrkg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'svefg fryrpgrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'svefg fryrpgrq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uqy_rag'.replace(re14, '');
- 'uqy_rag'.replace(re15, '');
- 'vape fyvqrgrkg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'vape fyvqrgrkg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'vachggrkg QBZPbageby_cynprubyqre'.replace(re5, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno fryrpgrq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno fryrpgrq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cb_guz'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cb_guz'.replace(re15, '');
- 'fhozvg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'fhozvg'.replace(re15, '');
- re50.exec('');
- /NccyrJroXvg\/([^\s]*)/.exec(str0);
- /XUGZY/.exec(str0);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- '${cebg}://${ubfg}${cngu}/${dz}'.replace(/(\$\{cebg\})|(\$cebg\b)/g, '');
- '1'.replace(re40, '');
- '1'.replace(re10, '');
- '1'.replace(re51, '');
- '1'.replace(re52, '');
- '1'.replace(re53, '');
- '1'.replace(re39, '');
- '1'.replace(re54, '');
- '9.0 e115'.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, '');
- '9.0 e115'.replace(/^.*e(.*)$/, '');
- '<!-- ${nqiHey} -->'.replace(re55, '');
- '<fpevcg glcr="grkg/wninfpevcg" fep="${nqiHey}"></fpevcg>'.replace(re55, '');
- str1.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, '');
- 'tzk%2Subzrcntr%2Sfgneg%2Sqr%2S'.replace(re30, '');
- 'tzk'.replace(re30, '');
- 'uggc://${ubfg}${cngu}/${dz}'.replace(/(\$\{ubfg\})|(\$ubfg\b)/g, '');
- 'uggc://nqpyvrag.hvzfrei.arg${cngu}/${dz}'.replace(re56, '');
- 'uggc://nqpyvrag.hvzfrei.arg/${dz}'.replace(/(\$\{dz\})|(\$dz\b)/g, '');
- 'frpgvba'.replace(re29, '');
- 'frpgvba'.replace(re30, '');
- 'fvgr'.replace(re29, '');
- 'fvgr'.replace(re30, '');
- 'fcrpvny'.replace(re29, '');
- 'fcrpvny'.replace(re30, '');
- re36.exec('anzr');
- /e/.exec('9.0 e115');
- }
- }
- var re57 = /##yv4##/gi;
- var re58 = /##yv16##/gi;
- var re59 = /##yv19##/gi;
- var str27 = '<hy pynff="nqi">##yv4##Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.##yv19##Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.##yv16##Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.##OE## ##OE## ##N##Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str28 = '<hy pynff="nqi"><yv vq="YvOYG4" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.##yv19##Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.##yv16##Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.##OE## ##OE## ##N##Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str29 = '<hy pynff="nqi"><yv vq="YvOYG4" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.##yv19##Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.<yv vq="YvOYG16" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.##OE## ##OE## ##N##Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str30 = '<hy pynff="nqi"><yv vq="YvOYG4" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.<yv vq="YvOYG19" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.<yv vq="YvOYG16" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.##OE## ##OE## ##N##Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str31 = '<hy pynff="nqi"><yv vq="YvOYG4" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.<yv vq="YvOYG19" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.<yv vq="YvOYG16" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.<oe> <oe> ##N##Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str32 = '<hy pynff="nqi"><yv vq="YvOYG4" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Cbjreshy Zvpebfbsg grpuabybtl urycf svtug fcnz naq vzcebir frphevgl.<yv vq="YvOYG19" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Trg zber qbar gunaxf gb terngre rnfr naq fcrrq.<yv vq="YvOYG16" fglyr="onpxtebhaq-vzntr:hey(uggc://vzt.jykef.pbz/~Yvir.FvgrPbagrag.VQ/~14.2.1230/~/~/~/">Ybgf bs fgbentr &#40;5 TO&#41; - zber pbby fghss ba gur jnl.<oe> <oe> <n uers="uggc://znvy.yvir.pbz/znvy/nobhg.nfck" gnetrg="_oynax">Yrnea zber##/N##</hy>';
- var str33 = 'Bar Jvaqbjf Yvir VQ trgf lbh vagb <o>Ubgznvy</o>, <o>Zrffratre</o>, <o>Kobk YVIR</o> \u2014 naq bgure cynprf lbh frr #~#argjbexybtb#~#';
- var re60 = /(?:^|\s+)bss(?:\s+|$)/;
- var re61 = /^(([^:\/?#]+):)?(\/\/([^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/;
- var re62 = /^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\w+)$/;
- var str34 = '${1}://${2}${3}${4}${5}';
- var str35 = ' O=6gnyg0g4znrrn&o=3&f=gc; Q=_lyu=K3bQZGSxnT4lZzD3OS9GNmV3ZGLkAQxRpTyxNmRlZmRmAmNkAQLRqTImqNZjOUEgpTjQnJ5xMKtgoN--; SCF=qy';
- function runBlock6() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
- str27.replace(/##yv0##/gi, '');
- str27.replace(re57, '');
- str28.replace(re58, '');
- str29.replace(re59, '');
- str30.replace(/##\/o##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##\/v##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##\/h##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##o##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##oe##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##v##/gi, '');
- str30.replace(/##h##/gi, '');
- str31.replace(/##n##/gi, '');
- str32.replace(/##\/n##/gi, '');
- str33.replace(/#~#argjbexybtb#~#/g, '');
- / Zbovyr\//.exec(str0);
- /##yv1##/gi.exec(str27);
- /##yv10##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv11##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv12##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv13##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv14##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv15##/gi.exec(str28);
- re58.exec(str28);
- /##yv17##/gi.exec(str29);
- /##yv18##/gi.exec(str29);
- re59.exec(str29);
- /##yv2##/gi.exec(str27);
- /##yv20##/gi.exec(str30);
- /##yv21##/gi.exec(str30);
- /##yv22##/gi.exec(str30);
- /##yv23##/gi.exec(str30);
- /##yv3##/gi.exec(str27);
- re57.exec(str27);
- /##yv5##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv6##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv7##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv8##/gi.exec(str28);
- /##yv9##/gi.exec(str28);
- re8.exec('473qq1rs0n2r70q9qo1pq48n021s9468ron90nps048p4p29');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669325184628362');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=473qq1rs0n2r70q9qo1pq48n021s9468ron90nps048p4p29');
- /AbxvnA[^\/]*/.exec(str0);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- ' bss'.replace(/(?:^|\s+)bss(?:\s+|$)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{0\})|(\$0\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{1\})|(\$1\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{pbzcyrgr\})|(\$pbzcyrgr\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{sentzrag\})|(\$sentzrag\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{ubfgcbeg\})|(\$ubfgcbeg\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(re56, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{cebgbpby\})|(\$cebgbpby\b)/g, '');
- str34.replace(/(\$\{dhrel\})|(\$dhrel\b)/g, '');
- 'nqfvmr'.replace(re29, '');
- 'nqfvmr'.replace(re30, '');
- 'uggc://${2}${3}${4}${5}'.replace(/(\$\{2\})|(\$2\b)/g, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr${3}${4}${5}'.replace(/(\$\{3\})|(\$3\b)/g, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re40, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re41, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re42, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re43, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re44, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re45, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re46, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re47, '');
- 'arjf'.replace(re48, '');
- / PC=i=(\d+)&oe=(.)/.exec(str35);
- re60.exec(' ');
- re60.exec(' bss');
- re60.exec('');
- re19.exec(' ');
- re19.exec('svefg ba');
- re19.exec('ynfg vtaber');
- re19.exec('ba');
- re9.exec('scnq so ');
- re9.exec('zrqvgobk');
- re9.exec('hsgy');
- re9.exec('lhv-h');
- /Fnsnev|Xbadhrebe|XUGZY/gi.exec(str0);
- re61.exec('uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/');
- re62.exec('#Ybtva_rznvy');
- }
- }
- var re63 = /\{0\}/g;
- var str36 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=4ss747o77904333q374or84qrr1s9r0nprp8r5q81534o94n; ZFPhygher=VC=; AFP_zp_tfwsbrg-aowb_80=4413268q3660';
- var str37 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=4ss747o77904333q374or84qrr1s9r0nprp8r5q81534o94n; AFP_zp_tfwsbrg-aowb_80=4413268q3660; __hgzm=144631658.1231364074.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.2294274870215848400.1231364074.1231364074.1231364074.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231364074; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str38 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231364057761&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231364057761&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Ssevraqf.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1667363813.1231364061&tn_fvq=1231364061&tn_uvq=1917563877&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str39 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str40 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- function runBlock7() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- '0'.replace(re40, '');
- '0'.replace(re10, '');
- '0'.replace(re51, '');
- '0'.replace(re52, '');
- '0'.replace(re53, '');
- '0'.replace(re39, '');
- '0'.replace(re54, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re40, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re10, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re51, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re52, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re53, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re39, '');
- 'Lrf'.replace(re54, '');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- 'Pybfr {0}'.replace(re63, '');
- 'Bcra {0}'.replace(re63, '');
- str36.split(re32);
- str37.split(re32);
- 'puvyq p1 svefg gnournqref'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg gnournqref'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uqy_fcb'.replace(re14, '');
- 'uqy_fcb'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uvag'.replace(re14, '');
- 'uvag'.replace(re15, '');
- str38.replace(re33, '');
- 'yvfg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'yvfg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'at_bhgre'.replace(re30, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 qbhoyr2 NU'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 qbhoyr2 NU'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 dhnq5 ps NU osyvax zbarl'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr5 dhnq5 ps NU osyvax zbarl'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cb_qrs'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cb_qrs'.replace(re15, '');
- 'gnopbagrag'.replace(re14, '');
- 'gnopbagrag'.replace(re15, '');
- 'iv_svefg_gvzr'.replace(re30, '');
- /(^|.)(ronl|qri-ehf3.wbg)(|fgberf|zbgbef|yvirnhpgvbaf|jvxv|rkcerff|punggre).(pbz(|.nh|.pa|.ux|.zl|.ft|.oe|.zk)|pb(.hx|.xe|.am)|pn|qr|se|vg|ay|or|ng|pu|vr|va|rf|cy|cu|fr)$/i.exec('cntrf.ronl.pbz');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231364074');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231364074.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.2294274870215848400.1231364074.1231364074.1231364074.1');
- re8.exec('4413241q3660');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669357391353591');
- re8.exec(str39);
- re8.exec(str40);
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_kkk-gdzogv_80=4413241q3660');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=p98s8o9q42nr21or1r61pqorn1n002nsss569635984s6qp7');
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.2294274870215848400.1231364074.1231364074.1231364074.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231364074');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231364074.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('p98s8o9q42nr21or1r61pqorn1n002nsss569635984s6qp7');
- re34.exec(str36);
- re34.exec(str37);
- }
- }
- var re64 = /\b[a-z]/g;
- var re65 = /^uggc:\/\//;
- var re66 = /(?:^|\s+)qvfnoyrq(?:\s+|$)/;
- var str41 = 'uggc://cebsvyr.zlfcnpr.pbz/Zbqhyrf/Nccyvpngvbaf/Cntrf/Pnainf.nfck';
- function runBlock8() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- str1.match(/\d+/g);
- 'nsgre'.replace(re64, '');
- 'orsber'.replace(re64, '');
- 'obggbz'.replace(re64, '');
- 'ohvygva_jrngure.kzy'.replace(re65, '');
- 'ohggba'.replace(re37, '');
- 'ohggba'.replace(re18, '');
- 'qngrgvzr.kzy'.replace(re65, '');
- 'uggc://eff.paa.pbz/eff/paa_gbcfgbevrf.eff'.replace(re65, '');
- 'vachg'.replace(re37, '');
- 'vachg'.replace(re18, '');
- 'vafvqr'.replace(re64, '');
- 'cbvagre'.replace(re27, '');
- 'cbfvgvba'.replace(/[A-Z]/g, '');
- 'gbc'.replace(re27, '');
- 'gbc'.replace(re64, '');
- 'hy'.replace(re37, '');
- 'hy'.replace(re18, '');
- str26.replace(re37, '');
- str26.replace(re18, '');
- 'lbhghor_vtbbtyr/i2/lbhghor.kzy'.replace(re65, '');
- 'm-vaqrk'.replace(re27, '');
- /#([\w-]+)/.exec(str26);
- re16.exec('urvtug');
- re16.exec('znetvaGbc');
- re16.exec('jvqgu');
- re19.exec('gno0 svefg ba');
- re19.exec('gno0 ba');
- re19.exec('gno4 ynfg');
- re19.exec('gno4');
- re19.exec('gno5');
- re19.exec('gno6');
- re19.exec('gno7');
- re19.exec('gno8');
- /NqborNVE\/([^\s]*)/.exec(str0);
- /NccyrJroXvg\/([^ ]*)/.exec(str0);
- /XUGZY/gi.exec(str0);
- /^(?:obql|ugzy)$/i.exec('YV');
- re38.exec('ohggba');
- re38.exec('vachg');
- re38.exec('hy');
- re38.exec(str26);
- /^(\w+|\*)/.exec(str26);
- /znp|jva|yvahk/i.exec('Jva32');
- /eton?\([\d\s,]+\)/.exec('fgngvp');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- ''.replace(/\r/g, '');
- '/'.replace(re40, '');
- '/'.replace(re10, '');
- '/'.replace(re51, '');
- '/'.replace(re52, '');
- '/'.replace(re53, '');
- '/'.replace(re39, '');
- '/'.replace(re54, '');
- 'uggc://zfacbegny.112.2b7.arg/o/ff/zfacbegnyubzr/1/U.7-cqi-2/{0}?[NDO]&{1}&{2}&[NDR]'.replace(re63, '');
- str41.replace(re12, '');
- 'uggc://jjj.snprobbx.pbz/fepu.cuc'.replace(re23, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re40, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re41, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re42, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re43, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re44, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re45, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re46, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re47, '');
- 'freivpr'.replace(re48, '');
- /((ZFVR\s+([6-9]|\d\d)\.))/.exec(str0);
- re66.exec('');
- re50.exec('fryrpgrq');
- re8.exec('8sqq78r9n442851q565599o401385sp3s04r92rnn7o19ssn');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669340386893867');
- re8.exec('VC=');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=8sqq78r9n442851q565599o401385sp3s04r92rnn7o19ssn');
- /Xbadhrebe|Fnsnev|XUGZY/.exec(str0);
- re13.exec(str41);
- re49.exec('unfsbphf');
- }
- }
- var re67 = /zrah_byq/g;
- var str42 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=473qq1rs0n2r70q9qo1pq48n021s9468ron90nps048p4p29; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str43 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=473qq1rs0n2r70q9qo1pq48n021s9468ron90nps048p4p29; __hgzm=144631658.1231364380.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.3931862196947939300.1231364380.1231364380.1231364380.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231364380; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str44 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_vzntrf_wf&qg=1231364373088&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231364373088&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_hfre-ivrj-pbzzragf%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Spbzzrag.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1158737789.1231364375&tn_fvq=1231364375&tn_uvq=415520832&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str45 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str46 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var re68 = /^([#.]?)((?:[\w\u0128-\uffff*_-]|\\.)*)/;
- var re69 = /\{1\}/g;
- var re70 = /\s+/;
- var re71 = /(\$\{4\})|(\$4\b)/g;
- var re72 = /(\$\{5\})|(\$5\b)/g;
- var re73 = /\{2\}/g;
- var re74 = /[^+>] [^+>]/;
- var re75 = /\bucpyv\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i;
- var re76 = /\bucuvqr\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i;
- var re77 = /\bucfie\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i;
- var re78 = /\bhfucjrn\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i;
- var re79 = /\bmvc\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i;
- var re80 = /^((?:[\w\u0128-\uffff*_-]|\\.)+)(#)((?:[\w\u0128-\uffff*_-]|\\.)+)/;
- var re81 = /^([>+~])\s*(\w*)/i;
- var re82 = /^>\s*((?:[\w\u0128-\uffff*_-]|\\.)+)/;
- var re83 = /^[\s[]?shapgvba/;
- var re84 = /v\/*)/i;
- var str47 = '#Zbq-Vasb-Vasb-WninFpevcgUvag';
- var str48 = ',n.svryqOgaPnapry';
- var str49 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=p98s8o9q42nr21or1r61pqorn1n002nsss569635984s6qp7; ZFPhygher=VC=; AFP_zp_kkk-gdzogv_80=4413241q3660';
- var str50 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=p98s8o9q42nr21or1r61pqorn1n002nsss569635984s6qp7; AFP_zp_kkk-gdzogv_80=4413241q3660; AFP_zp_kkk-aowb_80=4413235p3660; __hgzm=144631658.1231367708.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.2770915348920628700.1231367708.1231367708.1231367708.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367708; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str51 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231367691141&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231367691141&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Sjjj.zlfcnpr.pbz%2S&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=320757904.1231367694&tn_fvq=1231367694&tn_uvq=1758792003&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str52 = 'uggc://zfacbegny.112.2b7.arg/o/ff/zfacbegnyubzr/1/U.7-cqi-2/f55332979829981?[NDO]&aqu=1&g=7%2S0%2S2009%2014%3N38%3N42%203%20480&af=zfacbegny&cntrAnzr=HF%20UCZFSGJ&t=uggc%3N%2S%2Sjjj.zfa.pbz%2S&f=1024k768&p=24&x=L&oj=994&ou=634&uc=A&{2}&[NDR]';
- var str53 = 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno fryrpgrq ovaq qbhoyr2 ps';
- var str54 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str55 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str56 = 'ne;ng;nh;or;oe;pn;pu;py;pa;qr;qx;rf;sv;se;to;ux;vq;vr;va;vg;wc;xe;zk;zl;ay;ab;am;cu;cy;cg;eh;fr;ft;gu;ge;gj;mn;';
- var str57 = 'ZP1=I=3&THVQ=6nnpr9q661804s33nnop45nosqp17q85; zu=ZFSG; PHYGHER=RA-HF; SyvtugTebhcVq=97; SyvtugVq=OnfrCntr; ucfie=Z:5|S:5|G:5|R:5|Q:oyh|J:S; ucpyv=J.U|Y.|F.|E.|H.Y|P.|U.; hfucjrn=jp:HFPN0746; ZHVQ=Q783SN9O14054831N4869R51P0SO8886&GHVQ=1';
- var str58 = 'ZP1=I=3&THVQ=6nnpr9q661804s33nnop45nosqp17q85; zu=ZFSG; PHYGHER=RA-HF; SyvtugTebhcVq=97; SyvtugVq=OnfrCntr; ucfie=Z:5|S:5|G:5|R:5|Q:oyh|J:S; ucpyv=J.U|Y.|F.|E.|H.Y|P.|U.; hfucjrn=jp:HFPN0746; ZHVQ=Q783SN9O14054831N4869R51P0SO8886';
- var str59 = 'ZP1=I=3&THVQ=6nnpr9q661804s33nnop45nosqp17q85; zu=ZFSG; PHYGHER=RA-HF; SyvtugTebhcVq=97; SyvtugVq=OnfrCntr; ucfie=Z:5|S:5|G:5|R:5|Q:oyh|J:S; ucpyv=J.U|Y.|F.|E.|H.Y|P.|U.; hfucjrn=jp:HFPN0746; ZHVQ=Q783SN9O14054831N4869R51P0SO8886; mvc=m:94043|yn:37.4154|yb:-122.0585|p:HF|ue:1';
- var str60 = 'ZP1=I=3&THVQ=6nnpr9q661804s33nnop45nosqp17q85; zu=ZFSG; PHYGHER=RA-HF; SyvtugTebhcVq=97; SyvtugVq=OnfrCntr; ucfie=Z:5|S:5|G:5|R:5|Q:oyh|J:S; ucpyv=J.U|Y.|F.|E.|H.Y|P.|U.; hfucjrn=jp:HFPN0746; ZHVQ=Q783SN9O14054831N4869R51P0SO8886; mvc=m:94043|yn:37.4154|yb:-122.0585|p:HF';
- var str61 = 'uggc://gx2.fgp.f-zfa.pbz/oe/uc/11/ra-hf/pff/v/';
- var str62 = 'uggc://gx2.fgp.f-zfa.pbz/oe/uc/11/ra-hf/pff/v/';
- var str63 = 'zbmvyyn/5.0 (jvaqbjf; h; jvaqbjf ag 5.1; ra-hf) nccyrjroxvg/528.9 (xugzy, yvxr trpxb) puebzr/ fnsnev/528.9';
- function runBlock9() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- str42.split(re32);
- str43.split(re32);
- 'svz_zlfcnpr_hfre-ivrj-pbzzragf,svz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf'.split(re20);
- str44.replace(re33, '');
- 'zrah_arj zrah_arj_gbttyr zrah_gbttyr'.replace(re67, '');
- 'zrah_byq zrah_byq_gbttyr zrah_gbttyr'.replace(re67, '');
- re8.exec('102n9o0o9pq60132qn0337rr867p75953502q2s27s2s5r98');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231364380');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231364380.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.3931862196947939300.1231364380.1231364380.1231364380.1');
- re8.exec('441326q33660');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669341278771470');
- re8.exec(str45);
- re8.exec(str46);
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_dfctwzssrwh-aowb_80=441326q33660');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=102n9o0o9pq60132qn0337rr867p75953502q2s27s2s5r98');
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.3931862196947939300.1231364380.1231364380.1231364380.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231364380');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231364380.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- ' yvfg1'.replace(re14, '');
- ' yvfg1'.replace(re15, '');
- ' yvfg2'.replace(re14, '');
- ' yvfg2'.replace(re15, '');
- ' frneputebhc1'.replace(re14, '');
- ' frneputebhc1'.replace(re15, '');
- str47.replace(re68, '');
- str47.replace(re18, '');
- ''.replace(/&/g, '');
- ''.replace(re35, '');
- '(..-{0})(\|(\d+)|)'.replace(re63, '');
- str48.replace(re18, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/${cngu}/${anzr}/${inyhr}?gf=${abj}'.replace(re56, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/tzk_uc/${anzr}/${inyhr}?gf=${abj}'.replace(/(\$\{anzr\})|(\$anzr\b)/g, '');
- '<fcna pynff="urnq"><o>Jvaqbjf Yvir Ubgznvy</o></fcna><fcna pynff="zft">{1}</fcna>'.replace(re69, '');
- '<fcna pynff="urnq"><o>{0}</o></fcna><fcna pynff="zft">{1}</fcna>'.replace(re63, '');
- '<fcna pynff="fvtahc"><n uers=uggc://jjj.ubgznvy.pbz><o>{1}</o></n></fcna>'.replace(re69, '');
- '<fcna pynff="fvtahc"><n uers={0}><o>{1}</o></n></fcna>'.replace(re63, '');
- 'Vzntrf'.replace(re15, '');
- 'ZFA'.replace(re15, '');
- 'Zncf'.replace(re15, '');
- 'Zbq-Vasb-Vasb-WninFpevcgUvag'.replace(re39, '');
- 'Arjf'.replace(re15, '');
- str49.split(re32);
- str50.split(re32);
- 'Ivqrb'.replace(re15, '');
- 'Jro'.replace(re15, '');
- 'n'.replace(re39, '');
- 'nwnkFgneg'.split(re70);
- 'nwnkFgbc'.split(re70);
- 'ovaq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'ovaq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'oevatf lbh zber. Zber fcnpr (5TO), zber frphevgl, fgvyy serr.'.replace(re63, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg qrpx'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg qrpx'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg qbhoyr2'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p1 svefg qbhoyr2'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p2 ynfg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p2 ynfg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p2'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p2'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p3'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p3'.replace(re15, '');
- 'puvyq p4 ynfg'.replace(re14, '');
- 'puvyq p4 ynfg'.replace(re15, '');
- 'pbclevtug'.replace(re14, '');
- 'pbclevtug'.replace(re15, '');
- 'qZFAZR_1'.replace(re14, '');
- 'qZFAZR_1'.replace(re15, '');
- 'qbhoyr2 ps'.replace(re14, '');
- 'qbhoyr2 ps'.replace(re15, '');
- 'qbhoyr2'.replace(re14, '');
- 'qbhoyr2'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uqy_arj'.replace(re14, '');
- 'uqy_arj'.replace(re15, '');
- 'uc_fubccvatobk'.replace(re30, '');
- 'ugzy%2Rvq'.replace(re29, '');
- 'ugzy%2Rvq'.replace(re30, '');
- str51.replace(re33, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${4}${5}'.replace(re71, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${5}'.replace(re72, '');
- str52.replace(re73, '');
- 'uggc://zfacbegny.112.2b7.arg/o/ff/zfacbegnyubzr/1/U.7-cqi-2/f55332979829981?[NDO]&{1}&{2}&[NDR]'.replace(re69, '');
- 'vztZFSG'.replace(re14, '');
- 'vztZFSG'.replace(re15, '');
- 'zfasbbg1 ps'.replace(re14, '');
- 'zfasbbg1 ps'.replace(re15, '');
- str53.replace(re14, '');
- str53.replace(re15, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno fryrpgrq ovaq'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cnerag puebzr6 fvatyr1 gno fryrpgrq ovaq'.replace(re15, '');
- 'cevznel'.replace(re14, '');
- 'cevznel'.replace(re15, '');
- 'erpgnatyr'.replace(re30, '');
- 'frpbaqnel'.replace(re14, '');
- 'frpbaqnel'.replace(re15, '');
- 'haybnq'.split(re70);
- '{0}{1}1'.replace(re63, '');
- '|{1}1'.replace(re69, '');
- /(..-HF)(\|(\d+)|)/i.exec('xb-xe,ra-va,gu-gu');
- re4.exec('/ZlFcnprNccf/NccPnainf,45000012');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231367708');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231367708.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.2770915348920628700.1231367708.1231367708.1231367708.1');
- re8.exec('4413235p3660');
- re8.exec('441327q73660');
- re8.exec('9995p6rp12rrnr893334ro7nq70o7p64p69rqn844prs1473');
- re8.exec('SbeprqRkcvengvba=633669350559478880');
- re8.exec(str54);
- re8.exec(str55);
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=441327q73660');
- re8.exec('AFP_zp_kkk-aowb_80=4413235p3660');
- re8.exec('FrffvbaQQS2=9995p6rp12rrnr893334ro7nq70o7p64p69rqn844prs1473');
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.2770915348920628700.1231367708.1231367708.1231367708.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367708');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231367708.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str49);
- re34.exec(str50);
- /ZFVR\s+5[.]01/.exec(str0);
- /HF(?=;)/i.exec(str56);
- re74.exec(str47);
- re28.exec('svefg npgvir svefgNpgvir');
- re28.exec('ynfg');
- /\bp:(..)/i.exec('m:94043|yn:37.4154|yb:-122.0585|p:HF');
- re75.exec(str57);
- re75.exec(str58);
- re76.exec(str57);
- re76.exec(str58);
- re77.exec(str57);
- re77.exec(str58);
- /\bhfucce\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i.exec(str59);
- re78.exec(str57);
- re78.exec(str58);
- /\bjci\s*=\s*([^;]*)/i.exec(str59);
- re79.exec(str58);
- re79.exec(str60);
- re79.exec(str59);
- /\|p:([a-z]{2})/i.exec('m:94043|yn:37.4154|yb:-122.0585|p:HF|ue:1');
- re80.exec(str47);
- re61.exec('');
- re68.exec(str47);
- re81.exec(str47);
- re82.exec(str47);
- /^Fubpxjnir Synfu (\d)/.exec(str1);
- /^Fubpxjnir Synfu (\d+)/.exec(str1);
- re83.exec('[bowrpg tybony]');
- re62.exec(str47);
- re84.exec(str61);
- re84.exec(str62);
- /jroxvg/.exec(str63);
- }
- }
- var re85 = /eaq_zbqobkva/;
- var str64 = '1231365729213';
- var str65 = '';
- var str66 = '';
- var str67 = 'Frnepu%20Zvpebfbsg.pbz';
- var str68 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=8sqq78r9n442851q565599o401385sp3s04r92rnn7o19ssn; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str69 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=8sqq78r9n442851q565599o401385sp3s04r92rnn7o19ssn; __hgzm=144631658.1231365779.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.1877536177953918500.1231365779.1231365779.1231365779.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231365779; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str70 = 'I=3%26THVQ=757q3ss871q44o7o805n8113n5p72q52';
- var str71 = 'I=3&THVQ=757q3ss871q44o7o805n8113n5p72q52';
- var str72 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231365765292&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231365765292&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Sohyyrgvaf.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1579793869.1231365768&tn_fvq=1231365768&tn_uvq=2056210897&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str73 = 'frnepu.zvpebfbsg.pbz';
- var str74 = 'frnepu.zvpebfbsg.pbz/';
- var str75 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str76 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- function runBlock10() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- '%3Szxg=ra-HF'.replace(re39, '');
- '-8'.replace(re40, '');
- '-8'.replace(re10, '');
- '-8'.replace(re51, '');
- '-8'.replace(re52, '');
- '-8'.replace(re53, '');
- '-8'.replace(re39, '');
- '-8'.replace(re54, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re40, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re10, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re51, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re52, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re53, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re39, '');
- '1.5'.replace(re54, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re40, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re10, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re51, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re52, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re53, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re39, '');
- '1024k768'.replace(re54, '');
- str64.replace(re40, '');
- str64.replace(re10, '');
- str64.replace(re51, '');
- str64.replace(re52, '');
- str64.replace(re53, '');
- str64.replace(re39, '');
- str64.replace(re54, '');
- '14'.replace(re40, '');
- '14'.replace(re10, '');
- '14'.replace(re51, '');
- '14'.replace(re52, '');
- '14'.replace(re53, '');
- '14'.replace(re39, '');
- '14'.replace(re54, '');
- '24'.replace(re40, '');
- '24'.replace(re10, '');
- '24'.replace(re51, '');
- '24'.replace(re52, '');
- '24'.replace(re53, '');
- '24'.replace(re39, '');
- '24'.replace(re54, '');
- str65.replace(re40, '');
- str65.replace(re10, '');
- str65.replace(re51, '');
- str65.replace(re52, '');
- str65.replace(re53, '');
- str65.replace(re39, '');
- str65.replace(re54, '');
- str66.replace(re40, '');
- str66.replace(re10, '');
- str66.replace(re51, '');
- str66.replace(re52, '');
- str66.replace(re53, '');
- str66.replace(re39, '');
- str66.replace(re54, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re40, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re10, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re51, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re52, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re53, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re39, '');
- '9.0'.replace(re54, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re40, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re10, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re51, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re52, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re53, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re39, '');
- '994k634'.replace(re54, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re40, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re10, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re51, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re52, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re53, '');
- '?zxg=ra-HF'.replace(re54, '');
- 'PAA.pbz'.replace(re25, '');
- 'PAA.pbz'.replace(re12, '');
- 'PAA.pbz'.replace(re39, '');
- 'Qngr & Gvzr'.replace(re25, '');
- 'Qngr & Gvzr'.replace(re12, '');
- 'Qngr & Gvzr'.replace(re39, '');
- 'Frnepu Zvpebfbsg.pbz'.replace(re40, '');
- 'Frnepu Zvpebfbsg.pbz'.replace(re54, '');
- str67.replace(re10, '');
- str67.replace(re51, '');
- str67.replace(re52, '');
- str67.replace(re53, '');
- str67.replace(re39, '');
- str68.split(re32);
- str69.split(re32);
- str70.replace(re52, '');
- str70.replace(re53, '');
- str70.replace(re39, '');
- str71.replace(re40, '');
- str71.replace(re10, '');
- str71.replace(re51, '');
- str71.replace(re54, '');
- 'Jrngure'.replace(re25, '');
- 'Jrngure'.replace(re12, '');
- 'Jrngure'.replace(re39, '');
- 'LbhGhor'.replace(re25, '');
- 'LbhGhor'.replace(re12, '');
- 'LbhGhor'.replace(re39, '');
- str72.replace(re33, '');
- 'erzbgr_vsenzr_1'.replace(/^erzbgr_vsenzr_/, '');
- str73.replace(re40, '');
- str73.replace(re10, '');
- str73.replace(re51, '');
- str73.replace(re52, '');
- str73.replace(re53, '');
- str73.replace(re39, '');
- str73.replace(re54, '');
- str74.replace(re40, '');
- str74.replace(re10, '');
- str74.replace(re51, '');
- str74.replace(re52, '');
- str74.replace(re53, '');
- str74.replace(re39, '');
- str74.replace(re54, '');
- 'lhv-h'.replace(/\-/g, '');
- re9.exec('p');
- re9.exec('qz p');
- re9.exec('zbqynory');
- re9.exec('lhv-h svefg');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231365779');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231365779.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.1877536177953918500.1231365779.1231365779.1231365779.1');
- re8.exec(str75);
- re8.exec(str76);
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.1877536177953918500.1231365779.1231365779.1231365779.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231365779');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231365779.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str68);
- re34.exec(str69);
- /^$/.exec('');
- re31.exec('qr');
- /^znk\d+$/.exec('');
- /^zva\d+$/.exec('');
- /^erfgber$/.exec('');
- re85.exec('zbqobkva zbqobk_abcnqqvat ');
- re85.exec('zbqgvgyr');
- re85.exec('eaq_zbqobkva ');
- re85.exec('eaq_zbqgvgyr ');
- /frpgvba\d+_pbagragf/.exec('obggbz_ani');
- }
- }
- var re86 = /;\s*/;
- var re87 = /(\$\{inyhr\})|(\$inyhr\b)/g;
- var re88 = /(\$\{abj\})|(\$abj\b)/g;
- var re89 = /\s+$/;
- var re90 = /^\s+/;
- var re91 = /(\\\"|\x00-|\x1f|\x7f-|\x9f|\u00ad|\u0600-|\u0604|\u070f|\u17b4|\u17b5|\u200c-|\u200f|\u2028-|\u202f|\u2060-|\u206f|\ufeff|\ufff0-|\uffff)/g;
- var re92 = /^(:)([\w-]+)\("?'?(.*?(\(.*?\))?[^(]*?)"?'?\)/;
- var re93 = /^([:.#]*)((?:[\w\u0128-\uffff*_-]|\\.)+)/;
- var re94 = /^(\[) *@?([\w-]+) *([!*$^~=]*) *('?"?)(.*?)\4 *\]/;
- var str77 = '#fubhgobk .pybfr';
- var str78 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=102n9o0o9pq60132qn0337rr867p75953502q2s27s2s5r98; ZFPhygher=VC=; AFP_zp_dfctwzssrwh-aowb_80=441326q33660';
- var str79 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=102n9o0o9pq60132qn0337rr867p75953502q2s27s2s5r98; AFP_zp_dfctwzssrwh-aowb_80=441326q33660; __hgzm=144631658.1231365869.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.1670816052019209000.1231365869.1231365869.1231365869.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231365869; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str80 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=9995p6rp12rrnr893334ro7nq70o7p64p69rqn844prs1473; ZFPhygher=VC=; AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=441327q73660';
- var str81 = 'FrffvbaQQS2=9995p6rp12rrnr893334ro7nq70o7p64p69rqn844prs1473; AFP_zp_dfctwzs-aowb_80=441327q73660; __hgzm=144631658.1231367054.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar); __hgzn=144631658.1796080716621419500.1231367054.1231367054.1231367054.1; __hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367054; __hgzp=144631658; ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str82 = '[glcr=fhozvg]';
- var str83 = 'n.svryqOga,n.svryqOgaPnapry';
- var str84 = 'n.svryqOgaPnapry';
- var str85 = 'oyvpxchaxg';
- var str86 = 'qvi.bow-nppbeqvba qg';
- var str87 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_nccf_wf&qg=1231367052227&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231367052227&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_nccf-pnainf%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Scebsvyr.zlfcnpr.pbz%2SZbqhyrf%2SNccyvpngvbaf%2SCntrf%2SPnainf.nfck&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=1&tn_ivq=716357910.1231367056&tn_fvq=1231367056&tn_uvq=1387206491&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str88 = 'uggc://tbbtyrnqf.t.qbhoyrpyvpx.arg/cntrnq/nqf?pyvrag=pn-svz_zlfcnpr_zlfcnpr-ubzrcntr_wf&qg=1231365851658&uy=ra&nqfnsr=uvtu&br=hgs8&ahz_nqf=4&bhgchg=wf&nqgrfg=bss&pbeeryngbe=1231365851658&punaary=svz_zlfcnpr_ubzrcntr_abgybttrqva%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_aba_HTP%2Psvz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf&hey=uggc%3N%2S%2Scebsvyrrqvg.zlfcnpr.pbz%2Svaqrk.psz&nq_glcr=grkg&rvq=6083027&rn=0&sez=0&tn_ivq=1979828129.1231365855&tn_fvq=1231365855&tn_uvq=2085229649&synfu=9.0.115&h_u=768&h_j=1024&h_nu=738&h_nj=1024&h_pq=24&h_gm=-480&h_uvf=2&h_wnin=gehr&h_acyht=7&h_azvzr=22';
- var str89 = 'uggc://zfacbegny.112.2b7.arg/o/ff/zfacbegnyubzr/1/U.7-cqi-2/f55023338617756?[NDO]&aqu=1&g=7%2S0%2S2009%2014%3N12%3N47%203%20480&af=zfacbegny&cntrAnzr=HF%20UCZFSGJ&t=uggc%3N%2S%2Sjjj.zfa.pbz%2S&f=0k0&p=43835816&x=A&oj=994&ou=634&uc=A&{2}&[NDR]';
- var str90 = 'zrgn[anzr=nwnkHey]';
- var str91 = 'anpuevpugra';
- var str92 = 'b oS={\'oT\':1.1};x $8n(B){z(B!=o9)};x $S(B){O(!$8n(B))z A;O(B.4L)z\'T\';b S=7t B;O(S==\'2P\'&&B.p4){23(B.7f){12 1:z\'T\';12 3:z/\S/.2g(B.8M)?\'ox\':\'oh\'}}O(S==\'2P\'||S==\'x\'){23(B.nE){12 2V:z\'1O\';12 7I:z\'5a\';12 18:z\'4B\'}O(7t B.I==\'4F\'){O(B.3u)z\'pG\';O(B.8e)z\'1p\'}}z S};x $2p(){b 4E={};Z(b v=0;v<1p.I;v++){Z(b X 1o 1p[v]){b nc=1p[v][X];b 6E=4E[X];O(6E&&$S(nc)==\'2P\'&&$S(6E)==\'2P\')4E[X]=$2p(6E,nc);17 4E[X]=nc}}z 4E};b $E=7p.E=x(){b 1d=1p;O(!1d[1])1d=[p,1d[0]];Z(b X 1o 1d[1])1d[0][X]=1d[1][X];z 1d[0]};b $4D=7p.pJ=x(){Z(b v=0,y=1p.I;v<y;v++){1p[v].E=x(1J){Z(b 1I 1o 1J){O(!p.1Y[1I])p.1Y[1I]=1J[1I];O(!p[1I])p[1I]=$4D.6C(1I)}}}};$4D.6C=x(1I){z x(L){z p.1Y[1I].3H(L,2V.1Y.nV.1F(1p,1))}};$4D(7F,2V,6J,nb);b 3l=x(B){B=B||{};B.E=$E;z B};b pK=Y 3l(H);b pZ=Y 3l(C);C.6f=C.35(\'6f\')[0];x $2O(B){z!!(B||B===0)};x $5S(B,n8){z $8n(B)?B:n8};x $7K(3c,1m){z*(1m-3c+1)+3c)};x $3N(){z Y 97().os()};x $4M(1U){pv(1U);pa(1U);z 1S};H.43=!!(C.5Z);O(H.nB)H.31=H[H.7q?\'py\':\'nL\']=1r;17 O(C.9N&&!!oy.oZ)H.pF=H.4Z=H[H.43?\'pt\':\'65\']=1r;17 O(C.po!=1S)H.7J=1r;O(7t 5B==\'o9\'){b 5B=x(){};O(H.4Z)C.nd("pW");5B.1Y=(H.4Z)?H["[[oN.1Y]]"]:{}}5B.1Y.4L=1r;O(H.nL)5s{C.oX("pp",A,1r)}4K(r){};b 18=x(1X){b 63=x(){z(1p[0]!==1S&&p.1w&&$S(p.1w)==\'x\')?p.1w.3H(p,1p):p};$E(63,p);63.1Y=1X;63.nE=18;z 63};18.1z=x(){};18.1Y={E:x(1X){b 7x=Y p(1S);Z(b X 1o 1X){b nC=7x[X];7x[X]=18.nY(nC,1X[X])}z Y 18(7x)},3d:x(){Z(b v=0,y=1p.I;v<y;v++)$E(p.1Y,1p[v])}};18.nY=x(2b,2n){O(2b&&2b!=2n){b S=$S(2n);O(S!=$S(2b))z 2n;23(S){12\'x\':b 7R=x(){p.1e=1p.8e.1e;z 2n.3H(p,1p)};7R.1e=2b;z 7R;12\'2P\':z $2p(2b,2n)}}z 2n};b 8o=Y 18({oQ:x(J){p.4w=p.4w||[];p.4w.1x(J);z p},7g:x(){O(p.4w&&p.4w.I)p.4w.9J().2x(10,p)},oP:x(){p.4w=[]}});b 2d=Y 18({1V:x(S,J){O(J!=18.1z){p.$19=p.$19||{};p.$19[S]=p.$19[S]||[];p.$19[S].5j(J)}z p},1v:x(S,1d,2x){O(p.$19&&p.$19[S]){p.$19[S].1b(x(J){J.3n({\'L\':p,\'2x\':2x,\'1p\':1d})()},p)}z p},3M:x(S,J){O(p.$19&&p.$19[S])p.$19[S].2U(J);z p}});b 4v=Y 18({2H:x(){p.P=$2p.3H(1S,[p.P].E(1p));O(!p.1V)z p;Z(b 3O 1o p.P){O($S(p.P[3O]==\'x\')&&3O.2g(/^5P[N-M]/))p.1V(3O,p.P[3O])}z p}});2V.E({7y:x(J,L){Z(b v=0,w=p.I;v<w;v++)J.1F(L,p[v],v,p)},3s:x(J,L){b 54=[];Z(b v=0,w=p.I;v<w;v++){O(J.1F(L,p[v],v,p))54.1x(p[v])}z 54},2X:x(J,L){b 54=[];Z(b v=0,w=p.I;v<w;v++)54[v]=J.1F(L,p[v],v,p);z 54},4i:x(J,L){Z(b v=0,w=p.I;v<w;v++){O(!J.1F(L,p[v],v,p))z A}z 1r},ob:x(J,L){Z(b v=0,w=p.I;v<w;v++){O(J.1F(L,p[v],v,p))z 1r}z A},3F:x(3u,15){b 3A=p.I;Z(b v=(15<0)?1q.1m(0,3A+15):15||0;v<3A;v++){O(p[v]===3u)z v}z-1},8z:x(1u,I){1u=1u||0;O(1u<0)1u=p.I+1u;I=I||(p.I-1u);b 89=[];Z(b v=0;v<I;v++)89[v]=p[1u++];z 89},2U:x(3u){b v=0;b 3A=p.I;6L(v<3A){O(p[v]===3u){p.6l(v,1);3A--}17{v++}}z p},1y:x(3u,15){z p.3F(3u,15)!=-1},oz:x(1C){b B={},I=1q.3c(p.I,1C.I);Z(b v=0;v<I;v++)B[1C[v]]=p[v];z B},E:x(1O){Z(b v=0,w=1O.I;v<w;v++)p.1x(1O[v]);z p},2p:x(1O){Z(b v=0,y=1O.I;v<y;v++)p.5j(1O[v]);z p},5j:x(3u){O(!p.1y(3u))p.1x(3u);z p},oc:x(){z p[$7K(0,p.I-1)]||A},7L:x(){z p[p.I-1]||A}});2V.1Y.1b=2V.1Y.7y;2V.1Y.2g=2V.1Y.1y;x $N(1O){z 2V.8z(1O)};x $1b(3J,J,L){O(3J&&7t 3J.I==\'4F\'&&$S(3J)!=\'2P\')2V.7y(3J,J,L);17 Z(b 1j 1o 3J)J.1F(L||3J,3J[1j],1j)};6J.E({2g:x(6b,2F){z(($S(6b)==\'2R\')?Y 7I(6b,2F):6b).2g(p)},3p:x(){z 5K(p,10)},o4:x(){z 69(p)},7A:x(){z p.3y(/-\D/t,x(2G){z 2G.7G(1).nW()})},9b:x(){z p.3y(/\w[N-M]/t,x(2G){z(2G.7G(0)+\'-\'+2G.7G(1).5O())})},8V:x(){z p.3y(/\b[n-m]/t,x(2G){z 2G.nW()})},5L:x(){z p.3y(/^\s+|\s+$/t,\'\')},7j:x(){z p.3y(/\s{2,}/t,\' \').5L()},5V:x(1O){b 1i=p.2G(/\d{1,3}/t);z(1i)?1i.5V(1O):A},5U:x(1O){b 3P=p.2G(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/);z(3P)?3P.nV(1).5U(1O):A},1y:x(2R,f){z(f)?(f+p+f).3F(f+2R+f)>-1:p.3F(2R)>-1},nX:x(){z p.3y(/([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/t,\'\\$1\')}});2V.E({5V:x(1O){O(p.I<3)z A;O(p.I==4&&p[3]==0&&!1O)z\'p5\';b 3P=[];Z(b v=0;v<3;v++){b 52=(p[v]-0).4h(16);3P.1x((52.I==1)?\'0\'+52:52)}z 1O?3P:\'#\'+3P.2u(\'\')},5U:x(1O){O(p.I!=3)z A;b 1i=[];Z(b v=0;v<3;v++){1i.1x(5K((p[v].I==1)?p[v]+p[v]:p[v],16))}z 1O?1i:\'1i(\'+1i.2u(\',\')+\')\'}});7F.E({3n:x(P){b J=p;P=$2p({\'L\':J,\'V\':A,\'1p\':1S,\'2x\':A,\'4s\':A,\'6W\':A},P);O($2O(P.1p)&&$S(P.1p)!=\'1O\')P.1p=[P.1p];z x(V){b 1d;O(P.V){V=V||H.V;1d=[(P.V===1r)?V:Y P.V(V)];O(P.1p)1d.E(P.1p)}17 1d=P.1p||1p;b 3C=x(){z J.3H($5S(P';
- var str93 = 'hagreunyghat';
- var str94 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str95 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str96 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str97 = 'ZFPhygher=VC=';
- var str98 = 'shapgvba (){Cuk.Nccyvpngvba.Frghc.Pber();Cuk.Nccyvpngvba.Frghc.Nwnk();Cuk.Nccyvpngvba.Frghc.Synfu();Cuk.Nccyvpngvba.Frghc.Zbqhyrf()}';
- function runBlock11() {
- for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- ' .pybfr'.replace(re18, '');
- ' n.svryqOgaPnapry'.replace(re18, '');
- ' qg'.replace(re18, '');
- str77.replace(re68, '');
- str77.replace(re18, '');
- ''.replace(re39, '');
- ''.replace(/^/, '');
- ''.split(re86);
- '*'.replace(re39, '');
- '*'.replace(re68, '');
- '*'.replace(re18, '');
- '.pybfr'.replace(re68, '');
- '.pybfr'.replace(re18, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/tzk_uc/fperra/${inyhr}?gf=${abj}'.replace(re87, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/tzk_uc/fperra/1024?gf=${abj}'.replace(re88, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/tzk_uc/jvafvmr/${inyhr}?gf=${abj}'.replace(re87, '');
- '//vzt.jro.qr/vij/FC/tzk_uc/jvafvmr/992/608?gf=${abj}'.replace(re88, '');
- '300k120'.replace(re30, '');
- '300k250'.replace(re30, '');
- '310k120'.replace(re30, '');
- '310k170'.replace(re30, '');
- '310k250'.replace(re30, '');
- '9.0 e115'.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, '');
- 'Nppbeqvba'.replace(re2, '');
- 'Nxghryy\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Nxghryy\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Nccyvpngvba'.replace(re2, '');
- 'Oyvpxchaxg\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Oyvpxchaxg\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Svanamra\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Svanamra\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Tnzrf\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Tnzrf\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Ubebfxbc\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Ubebfxbc\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Xvab\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Xvab\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Zbqhyrf'.replace(re2, '');
- 'Zhfvx\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Zhfvx\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Anpuevpugra\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Anpuevpugra\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Cuk'.replace(re2, '');
- 'ErdhrfgSvavfu'.split(re70);
- 'ErdhrfgSvavfu.NWNK.Cuk'.split(re70);
- 'Ebhgr\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Ebhgr\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- str78.split(re32);
- str79.split(re32);
- str80.split(re32);
- str81.split(re32);
- 'Fcbeg\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Fcbeg\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'GI-Fcbg\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'GI-Fcbg\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Gbhe\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Gbhe\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Hagreunyghat\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Hagreunyghat\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Ivqrb\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Ivqrb\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- 'Jrggre\x0a'.replace(re89, '');
- 'Jrggre\x0a'.replace(re90, '');
- str82.replace(re68, '');
- str82.replace(re18, '');
- str83.replace(re68, '');
- str83.replace(re18, '');
- str84.replace(re68, '');
- str84.replace(re18, '');
- 'nqiFreivprObk'.replace(re30, '');
- 'nqiFubccvatObk'.replace(re30, '');
- 'nwnk'.replace(re39, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re40, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re41, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re42, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re43, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re44, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re45, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re46, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re47, '');
- 'nxghryy'.replace(re48, '');
- str85.replace(re40, '');
- str85.replace(re41, '');
- str85.replace(re42, '');
- str85.replace(re43, '');
- str85.replace(re44, '');
- str85.replace(re45, '');
- str85.replace(re46, '');
- str85.replace(re47, '');
- str85.replace(re48, '');
- 'pngrtbel'.replace(re29, '');
- 'pngrtbel'.replace(re30, '');
- 'pybfr'.replace(re39, '');
- 'qvi'.replace(re39, '');
- str86.replace(re68, '');
- str86.replace(re18, '');
- 'qg'.replace(re39, '');
- 'qg'.replace(re68, '');
- 'qg'.replace(re18, '');
- 'rzorq'.replace(re39, '');
- 'rzorq'.replace(re68, '');
- 'rzorq'.replace(re18, '');
- 'svryqOga'.replace(re39, '');
- 'svryqOgaPnapry'.replace(re39, '');
- 'svz_zlfcnpr_nccf-pnainf,svz_zlfcnpr_havgrq-fgngrf'.split(re20);
- 'svanamra'.replace(re40, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re41, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re42, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re43, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re44, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re45, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re46, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re47, '');
- 'svanamra'.replace(re48, '');
- 'sbphf'.split(re70);
- 'sbphf.gno sbphfva.gno'.split(re70);
- 'sbphfva'.split(re70);
- 'sbez'.replace(re39, '');
- 'sbez.nwnk'.replace(re68, '');
- 'sbez.nwnk'.replace(re18, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re40, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re41, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re42, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re43, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re44, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re45, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re46, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re47, '');
- 'tnzrf'.replace(re48, '');
- 'ubzrcntr'.replace(re30, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re40, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re41, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re42, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re43, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re44, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re45, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re46, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re47, '');
- 'ubebfxbc'.replace(re48, '');
- 'uc_cebzbobk_ugzy%2Puc_cebzbobk_vzt'.replace(re30, '');
- 'uc_erpgnatyr'.replace(re30, '');
- str87.replace(re33, '');
- str88.replace(re33, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${4}${5}'.replace(re71, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${5}'.replace(re72, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${4}${5}'.replace(re71, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${5}'.replace(re72, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${4}${5}'.replace(re71, '');
- 'uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/${5}'.replace(re72, '');
- str89.replace(re73, '');
- 'uggc://zfacbegny.112.2b7.arg/o/ff/zfacbegnyubzr/1/U.7-cqi-2/f55023338617756?[NDO]&{1}&{2}&[NDR]'.replace(re69, '');
- str6.replace(re23, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re40, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re41, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re42, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re43, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re44, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re45, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re46, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re47, '');
- 'xvab'.replace(re48, '');
- 'ybnq'.split(re70);
- 'zrqvnzbqgno lhv-anifrg lhv-anifrg-gbc'.replace(re18, '');
- 'zrgn'.replace(re39, '');
- str90.replace(re68, '');
- str90.replace(re18, '');
- 'zbhfrzbir'.split(re70);
- 'zbhfrzbir.gno'.split(re70);
- str63.replace(/^.*jroxvg\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re40, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re41, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re42, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re43, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re44, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re45, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re46, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re47, '');
- 'zhfvx'.replace(re48, '');
- 'zlfcnpr_nccf_pnainf'.replace(re52, '');
- str91.replace(re40, '');
- str91.replace(re41, '');
- str91.replace(re42, '');
- str91.replace(re43, '');
- str91.replace(re44, '');
- str91.replace(re45, '');
- str91.replace(re46, '');
- str91.replace(re47, '');
- str91.replace(re48, '');
- 'anzr'.replace(re39, '');
- str92.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, '');
- 'bow-nppbeqvba'.replace(re39, '');
- 'bowrpg'.replace(re39, '');
- 'bowrpg'.replace(re68, '');
- 'bowrpg'.replace(re18, '');
- 'cnenzf%2Rfglyrf'.replace(re29, '');
- 'cnenzf%2Rfglyrf'.replace(re30, '');
- 'cbchc'.replace(re30, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re40, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re41, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re42, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re43, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re44, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re45, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re46, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re47, '');
- 'ebhgr'.replace(re48, '');
- 'freivprobk_uc'.replace(re30, '');
- 'fubccvatobk_uc'.replace(re30, '');
- 'fubhgobk'.replace(re39, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re40, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re41, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re42, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re43, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re44, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re45, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re46, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re47, '');
- 'fcbeg'.replace(re48, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re40, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re41, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re42, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re43, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re44, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re45, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re46, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re47, '');
- 'gbhe'.replace(re48, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re40, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re41, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re42, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re43, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re44, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re45, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re46, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re47, '');
- 'gi-fcbg'.replace(re48, '');
- 'glcr'.replace(re39, '');
- 'haqrsvarq'.replace(/\//g, '');
- str93.replace(re40, '');
- str93.replace(re41, '');
- str93.replace(re42, '');
- str93.replace(re43, '');
- str93.replace(re44, '');
- str93.replace(re45, '');
- str93.replace(re46, '');
- str93.replace(re47, '');
- str93.replace(re48, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re40, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re41, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re42, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re43, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re44, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re45, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re46, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re47, '');
- 'ivqrb'.replace(re48, '');
- 'ivfvgf=1'.split(re86);
- 'jrggre'.replace(re40, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re41, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re42, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re43, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re44, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re45, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re46, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re47, '');
- 'jrggre'.replace(re48, '');
- /#[a-z0-9]+$/i.exec('uggc://jjj.fpuhryreim.arg/Qrsnhyg');
- re66.exec('fryrpgrq');
- /(?:^|\s+)lhv-ani(?:\s+|$)/.exec('sff lhv-ani');
- /(?:^|\s+)lhv-anifrg(?:\s+|$)/.exec('zrqvnzbqgno lhv-anifrg');
- /(?:^|\s+)lhv-anifrg-gbc(?:\s+|$)/.exec('zrqvnzbqgno lhv-anifrg');
- re91.exec('GnoThvq');
- re91.exec('thvq');
- /(pbzcngvoyr|jroxvg)/.exec(str63);
- /.+(?:ei|vg|en|vr)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/.exec(str63);
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231365869');
- re8.exec('144631658.0.10.1231367054');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231365869.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.1231367054.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('144631658.1670816052019209000.1231365869.1231365869.1231365869.1');
- re8.exec('144631658.1796080716621419500.1231367054.1231367054.1231367054.1');
- re8.exec(str94);
- re8.exec(str95);
- re8.exec(str96);
- re8.exec(str97);
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.1670816052019209000.1231365869.1231365869.1231365869.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzn=144631658.1796080716621419500.1231367054.1231367054.1231367054.1');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231365869');
- re8.exec('__hgzo=144631658.0.10.1231367054');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231365869.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re8.exec('__hgzm=144631658.1231367054.1.1.hgzpfe=(qverpg)|hgzppa=(qverpg)|hgzpzq=(abar)');
- re34.exec(str78);
- re34.exec(str79);
- re34.exec(str81);
- re74.exec(str77);
- re74.exec('*');
- re74.exec(str82);
- re74.exec(str83);
- re74.exec(str86);
- re74.exec('rzorq');
- re74.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re74.exec(str90);
- re74.exec('bowrpg');
- /\/\?.+)?$/.exec('/uggc://wf.hv-cbegny.qr/tzk/ubzr/wf/20080602/');
- re28.exec('uvag ynfgUvag ynfg');
- re75.exec('');
- re76.exec('');
- re77.exec('');
- re78.exec('');
- re80.exec(str77);
- re80.exec('*');
- re80.exec('.pybfr');
- re80.exec(str82);
- re80.exec(str83);
- re80.exec(str84);
- re80.exec(str86);
- re80.exec('qg');
- re80.exec('rzorq');
- re80.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re80.exec(str90);
- re80.exec('bowrpg');
- re61.exec('');
- re61.exec('');
- re61.exec('uggc://jjj.tzk.arg/qr/?fgnghf=uvajrvf');
- re92.exec(' .pybfr');
- re92.exec(' n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re92.exec(' qg');
- re92.exec(str48);
- re92.exec('.nwnk');
- re92.exec('.svryqOga,n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re92.exec('.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re92.exec('.bow-nppbeqvba qg');
- re68.exec(str77);
- re68.exec('*');
- re68.exec('.pybfr');
- re68.exec(str82);
- re68.exec(str83);
- re68.exec(str84);
- re68.exec(str86);
- re68.exec('qg');
- re68.exec('rzorq');
- re68.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re68.exec(str90);
- re68.exec('bowrpg');
- re93.exec(' .pybfr');
- re93.exec(' n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re93.exec(' qg');
- re93.exec(str48);
- re93.exec('.nwnk');
- re93.exec('.svryqOga,n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re93.exec('.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re93.exec('.bow-nppbeqvba qg');
- re81.exec(str77);
- re81.exec('*');
- re81.exec(str48);
- re81.exec('.pybfr');
- re81.exec(str82);
- re81.exec(str83);
- re81.exec(str84);
- re81.exec(str86);
- re81.exec('qg');
- re81.exec('rzorq');
- re81.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re81.exec(str90);
- re81.exec('bowrpg');
- re94.exec(' .pybfr');
- re94.exec(' n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re94.exec(' qg');
- re94.exec(str48);
- re94.exec('.nwnk');
- re94.exec('.svryqOga,n.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re94.exec('.svryqOgaPnapry');
- re94.exec('.bow-nppbeqvba qg');
- re94.exec('[anzr=nwnkHey]');
- re94.exec(str82);
- re31.exec('rf');
- re31.exec('wn');
- re82.exec(str77);
- re82.exec('*');
- re82.exec(str48);
- re82.exec('.pybfr');
- re82.exec(str82);
- re82.exec(str83);
- re82.exec(str84);
- re82.exec(str86);
- re82.exec('qg');
- re82.exec('rzorq');
- re82.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re82.exec(str90);
- re82.exec('bowrpg');
- re83.exec(str98);
- re83.exec('shapgvba sbphf() { [angvir pbqr] }');
- re62.exec('#Ybtva');
- re62.exec('#Ybtva_cnffjbeq');
- re62.exec(str77);
- re62.exec('#fubhgobkWf');
- re62.exec('#fubhgobkWfReebe');
- re62.exec('#fubhgobkWfFhpprff');
- re62.exec('*');
- re62.exec(str82);
- re62.exec(str83);
- re62.exec(str86);
- re62.exec('rzorq');
- re62.exec('sbez.nwnk');
- re62.exec(str90);
- re62.exec('bowrpg');
- re49.exec('pbagrag');
- re24.exec(str6);
- /xbadhrebe/.exec(str63);
- /znp/.exec('jva32');
- /zbmvyyn/.exec(str63);
- /zfvr/.exec(str63);
- /ag\s5\.1/.exec(str63);
- /bcren/.exec(str63);
- /fnsnev/.exec(str63);
- /jva/.exec('jva32');
- /jvaqbjf/.exec(str63);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
- runBlock0();
- runBlock1();
- runBlock2();
- runBlock3();
- runBlock4();
- runBlock5();
- runBlock6();
- runBlock7();
- runBlock8();
- runBlock9();
- runBlock10();
- runBlock11();
- }
-for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- runRegExpBenchmark();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-richards.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-richards.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a50ea..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-richards.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-// with the distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-// from this software without specific prior written permission.
-// This is a JavaScript implementation of the Richards
-// benchmark from:
-// The benchmark was originally implemented in BCPL by
-// Martin Richards.
- * The Richards benchmark simulates the task dispatcher of an
- * operating system.
- **/
-function runRichards() {
- var scheduler = new Scheduler();
- scheduler.addIdleTask(ID_IDLE, 0, null, COUNT);
- var queue = new Packet(null, ID_WORKER, KIND_WORK);
- queue = new Packet(queue, ID_WORKER, KIND_WORK);
- scheduler.addWorkerTask(ID_WORKER, 1000, queue);
- queue = new Packet(null, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE);
- queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE);
- queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_A, KIND_DEVICE);
- scheduler.addHandlerTask(ID_HANDLER_A, 2000, queue);
- queue = new Packet(null, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE);
- queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE);
- queue = new Packet(queue, ID_DEVICE_B, KIND_DEVICE);
- scheduler.addHandlerTask(ID_HANDLER_B, 3000, queue);
- scheduler.addDeviceTask(ID_DEVICE_A, 4000, null);
- scheduler.addDeviceTask(ID_DEVICE_B, 5000, null);
- scheduler.schedule();
- if (scheduler.queueCount != EXPECTED_QUEUE_COUNT ||
- scheduler.holdCount != EXPECTED_HOLD_COUNT) {
- var msg =
- "Error during execution: queueCount = " + scheduler.queueCount +
- ", holdCount = " + scheduler.holdCount + ".";
- throw new Error(msg);
- }
-var COUNT = 1000;
- * These two constants specify how many times a packet is queued and
- * how many times a task is put on hold in a correct run of richards.
- * They don't have any meaning a such but are characteristic of a
- * correct run so if the actual queue or hold count is different from
- * the expected there must be a bug in the implementation.
- **/
- * A scheduler can be used to schedule a set of tasks based on their relative
- * priorities. Scheduling is done by maintaining a list of task control blocks
- * which holds tasks and the data queue they are processing.
- * @constructor
- */
-function Scheduler() {
- this.queueCount = 0;
- this.holdCount = 0;
- this.blocks = new Array(NUMBER_OF_IDS);
- this.list = null;
- this.currentTcb = null;
- this.currentId = null;
-var ID_IDLE = 0;
-var ID_WORKER = 1;
-var ID_HANDLER_A = 2;
-var ID_HANDLER_B = 3;
-var ID_DEVICE_A = 4;
-var ID_DEVICE_B = 5;
-var NUMBER_OF_IDS = 6;
-var KIND_DEVICE = 0;
-var KIND_WORK = 1;
- * Add an idle task to this scheduler.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- * @param {int} count the number of times to schedule the task
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addIdleTask = function (id, priority, queue, count) {
- this.addRunningTask(id, priority, queue, new IdleTask(this, 1, count));
- * Add a work task to this scheduler.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addWorkerTask = function (id, priority, queue) {
- this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new WorkerTask(this, ID_HANDLER_A, 0));
- * Add a handler task to this scheduler.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addHandlerTask = function (id, priority, queue) {
- this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new HandlerTask(this));
- * Add a handler task to this scheduler.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addDeviceTask = function (id, priority, queue) {
- this.addTask(id, priority, queue, new DeviceTask(this))
- * Add the specified task and mark it as running.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- * @param {Task} task the task to add
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addRunningTask = function (id, priority, queue, task) {
- this.addTask(id, priority, queue, task);
- this.currentTcb.setRunning();
- * Add the specified task to this scheduler.
- * @param {int} id the identity of the task
- * @param {int} priority the task's priority
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of work to be processed by the task
- * @param {Task} task the task to add
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.addTask = function (id, priority, queue, task) {
- this.currentTcb = new TaskControlBlock(this.list, id, priority, queue, task);
- this.list = this.currentTcb;
- this.blocks[id] = this.currentTcb;
- * Execute the tasks managed by this scheduler.
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.schedule = function () {
- this.currentTcb = this.list;
- while (this.currentTcb != null) {
- if (this.currentTcb.isHeldOrSuspended()) {
- this.currentTcb =;
- } else {
- this.currentId =;
- this.currentTcb =;
- }
- }
- * Release a task that is currently blocked and return the next block to run.
- * @param {int} id the id of the task to suspend
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.release = function (id) {
- var tcb = this.blocks[id];
- if (tcb == null) return tcb;
- tcb.markAsNotHeld();
- if (tcb.priority > this.currentTcb.priority) {
- return tcb;
- } else {
- return this.currentTcb;
- }
- * Block the currently executing task and return the next task control block
- * to run. The blocked task will not be made runnable until it is explicitly
- * released, even if new work is added to it.
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.holdCurrent = function () {
- this.holdCount++;
- this.currentTcb.markAsHeld();
- return;
- * Suspend the currently executing task and return the next task control block
- * to run. If new work is added to the suspended task it will be made runnable.
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.suspendCurrent = function () {
- this.currentTcb.markAsSuspended();
- return this.currentTcb;
- * Add the specified packet to the end of the worklist used by the task
- * associated with the packet and make the task runnable if it is currently
- * suspended.
- * @param {Packet} packet the packet to add
- */
-Scheduler.prototype.queue = function (packet) {
- var t = this.blocks[];
- if (t == null) return t;
- this.queueCount++;
- = null;
- = this.currentId;
- return t.checkPriorityAdd(this.currentTcb, packet);
- * A task control block manages a task and the queue of work packages associated
- * with it.
- * @param {TaskControlBlock} link the preceding block in the linked block list
- * @param {int} id the id of this block
- * @param {int} priority the priority of this block
- * @param {Packet} queue the queue of packages to be processed by the task
- * @param {Task} task the task
- * @constructor
- */
-function TaskControlBlock(link, id, priority, queue, task) {
- = link;
- = id;
- this.priority = priority;
- this.queue = queue;
- this.task = task;
- if (queue == null) {
- this.state = STATE_SUSPENDED;
- } else {
- }
- * The task is running and is currently scheduled.
- */
- * The task has packets left to process.
- */
- * The task is not currently running. The task is not blocked as such and may
-* be started by the scheduler.
- */
- * The task is blocked and cannot be run until it is explicitly released.
- */
-var STATE_HELD = 4;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.setRunning = function () {
- this.state = STATE_RUNNING;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsNotHeld = function () {
- this.state = this.state & STATE_NOT_HELD;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsHeld = function () {
- this.state = this.state | STATE_HELD;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.isHeldOrSuspended = function () {
- return (this.state & STATE_HELD) != 0 || (this.state == STATE_SUSPENDED);
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsSuspended = function () {
- this.state = this.state | STATE_SUSPENDED;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.markAsRunnable = function () {
- this.state = this.state | STATE_RUNNABLE;
- * Runs this task, if it is ready to be run, and returns the next task to run.
- */ = function () {
- var packet;
- if (this.state == STATE_SUSPENDED_RUNNABLE) {
- packet = this.queue;
- this.queue =;
- if (this.queue == null) {
- this.state = STATE_RUNNING;
- } else {
- this.state = STATE_RUNNABLE;
- }
- } else {
- packet = null;
- }
- return;
- * Adds a packet to the worklist of this block's task, marks this as runnable if
- * necessary, and returns the next runnable object to run (the one
- * with the highest priority).
- */
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.checkPriorityAdd = function (task, packet) {
- if (this.queue == null) {
- this.queue = packet;
- this.markAsRunnable();
- if (this.priority > task.priority) return this;
- } else {
- this.queue = packet.addTo(this.queue);
- }
- return task;
-TaskControlBlock.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "tcb { " + this.task + "@" + this.state + " }";
- * An idle task doesn't do any work itself but cycles control between the two
- * device tasks.
- * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task
- * @param {int} v1 a seed value that controls how the device tasks are scheduled
- * @param {int} count the number of times this task should be scheduled
- * @constructor
- */
-function IdleTask(scheduler, v1, count) {
- this.scheduler = scheduler;
- this.v1 = v1;
- this.count = count;
- = function (packet) {
- this.count--;
- if (this.count == 0) return this.scheduler.holdCurrent();
- if ((this.v1 & 1) == 0) {
- this.v1 = this.v1 >> 1;
- return this.scheduler.release(ID_DEVICE_A);
- } else {
- this.v1 = (this.v1 >> 1) ^ 0xD008;
- return this.scheduler.release(ID_DEVICE_B);
- }
-IdleTask.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "IdleTask"
- * A task that suspends itself after each time it has been run to simulate
- * waiting for data from an external device.
- * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task
- * @constructor
- */
-function DeviceTask(scheduler) {
- this.scheduler = scheduler;
- this.v1 = null;
- = function (packet) {
- if (packet == null) {
- if (this.v1 == null) return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent();
- var v = this.v1;
- this.v1 = null;
- return this.scheduler.queue(v);
- } else {
- this.v1 = packet;
- return this.scheduler.holdCurrent();
- }
-DeviceTask.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "DeviceTask";
- * A task that manipulates work packets.
- * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task
- * @param {int} v1 a seed used to specify how work packets are manipulated
- * @param {int} v2 another seed used to specify how work packets are manipulated
- * @constructor
- */
-function WorkerTask(scheduler, v1, v2) {
- this.scheduler = scheduler;
- this.v1 = v1;
- this.v2 = v2;
- = function (packet) {
- if (packet == null) {
- return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent();
- } else {
- if (this.v1 == ID_HANDLER_A) {
- this.v1 = ID_HANDLER_B;
- } else {
- this.v1 = ID_HANDLER_A;
- }
- = this.v1;
- packet.a1 = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++) {
- this.v2++;
- if (this.v2 > 26) this.v2 = 1;
- packet.a2[i] = this.v2;
- }
- return this.scheduler.queue(packet);
- }
-WorkerTask.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "WorkerTask";
- * A task that manipulates work packets and then suspends itself.
- * @param {Scheduler} scheduler the scheduler that manages this task
- * @constructor
- */
-function HandlerTask(scheduler) {
- this.scheduler = scheduler;
- this.v1 = null;
- this.v2 = null;
- = function (packet) {
- if (packet != null) {
- if (packet.kind == KIND_WORK) {
- this.v1 = packet.addTo(this.v1);
- } else {
- this.v2 = packet.addTo(this.v2);
- }
- }
- if (this.v1 != null) {
- var count = this.v1.a1;
- var v;
- if (count < DATA_SIZE) {
- if (this.v2 != null) {
- v = this.v2;
- this.v2 =;
- v.a1 = this.v1.a2[count];
- this.v1.a1 = count + 1;
- return this.scheduler.queue(v);
- }
- } else {
- v = this.v1;
- this.v1 =;
- return this.scheduler.queue(v);
- }
- }
- return this.scheduler.suspendCurrent();
-HandlerTask.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "HandlerTask";
-/* --- *
- * P a c k e t
- * --- */
-var DATA_SIZE = 4;
- * A simple package of data that is manipulated by the tasks. The exact layout
- * of the payload data carried by a packet is not importaint, and neither is the
- * nature of the work performed on packets by the tasks.
- *
- * Besides carrying data, packets form linked lists and are hence used both as
- * data and worklists.
- * @param {Packet} link the tail of the linked list of packets
- * @param {int} id an ID for this packet
- * @param {int} kind the type of this packet
- * @constructor
- */
-function Packet(link, id, kind) {
- = link;
- = id;
- this.kind = kind;
- this.a1 = 0;
- this.a2 = new Array(DATA_SIZE);
- * Add this packet to the end of a worklist, and return the worklist.
- * @param {Packet} queue the worklist to add this packet to
- */
-Packet.prototype.addTo = function (queue) {
- = null;
- if (queue == null) return this;
- var peek, next = queue;
- while ((peek = != null)
- next = peek;
- = this;
- return queue;
-Packet.prototype.toString = function () {
- return "Packet";
-for (var i = 0; i < 350; ++i)
- runRichards();
diff --git a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-splay.js b/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-splay.js
deleted file mode 100644
index abdbbde..0000000
--- a/SunSpider/tests/v8-v4/v8-splay.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-// with the distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-// from this software without specific prior written permission.
-// This benchmark is based on a JavaScript log processing module used
-// by the V8 profiler to generate execution time profiles for runs of
-// JavaScript applications, and it effectively measures how fast the
-// JavaScript engine is at allocating nodes and reclaiming the memory
-// used for old nodes. Because of the way splay trees work, the engine
-// also has to deal with a lot of changes to the large tree object
-// graph.
-// Configuration.
-var kSplayTreeSize = 8000;
-var kSplayTreeModifications = 80;
-var kSplayTreePayloadDepth = 5;
-var splayTree = null;
-function GeneratePayloadTree(depth, key) {
- if (depth == 0) {
- return {
- array : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ],
- string : 'String for key ' + key + ' in leaf node'
- };
- } else {
- return {
- left: GeneratePayloadTree(depth - 1, key),
- right: GeneratePayloadTree(depth - 1, key)
- };
- }
-function GenerateKey() {
- // The benchmark framework guarantees that Math.random is
- // deterministic; see base.js.
- return Math.random();
-function InsertNewNode() {
- // Insert new node with a unique key.
- var key;
- do {
- key = GenerateKey();
- } while (splayTree.find(key) != null);
- splayTree.insert(key, GeneratePayloadTree(kSplayTreePayloadDepth, key));
- return key;
-function SplaySetup() {
- splayTree = new SplayTree();
- for (var i = 0; i < kSplayTreeSize; i++) InsertNewNode();
-function SplayTearDown() {
- // Allow the garbage collector to reclaim the memory
- // used by the splay tree no matter how we exit the
- // tear down function.
- var keys = splayTree.exportKeys();
- splayTree = null;
- // Verify that the splay tree has the right size.
- var length = keys.length;
- if (length != kSplayTreeSize) {
- throw new Error("Splay tree has wrong size");
- }
- // Verify that the splay tree has sorted, unique keys.
- for (var i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
- if (keys[i] >= keys[i + 1]) {
- throw new Error("Splay tree not sorted");
- }
- }
-function SplayRun() {
- // Replace a few nodes in the splay tree.
- for (var i = 0; i < kSplayTreeModifications; i++) {
- var key = InsertNewNode();
- var greatest = splayTree.findGreatestLessThan(key);
- if (greatest == null) splayTree.remove(key);
- else splayTree.remove(greatest.key);
- }
- * Constructs a Splay tree. A splay tree is a self-balancing binary
- * search tree with the additional property that recently accessed
- * elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations
- * such as insertion, look-up and removal in O(log(n)) amortized time.
- *
- * @constructor
- */
-function SplayTree() {
- * Pointer to the root node of the tree.
- *
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- * @private
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.root_ = null;
- * @return {boolean} Whether the tree is empty.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
- return !this.root_;
- * Inserts a node into the tree with the specified key and value if
- * the tree does not already contain a node with the specified key. If
- * the value is inserted, it becomes the root of the tree.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to insert into the tree.
- * @param {*} value Value to insert into the tree.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.insert = function(key, value) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- this.root_ = new SplayTree.Node(key, value);
- return;
- }
- // Splay on the key to move the last node on the search path for
- // the key to the root of the tree.
- this.splay_(key);
- if (this.root_.key == key) {
- return;
- }
- var node = new SplayTree.Node(key, value);
- if (key > this.root_.key) {
- node.left = this.root_;
- node.right = this.root_.right;
- this.root_.right = null;
- } else {
- node.right = this.root_;
- node.left = this.root_.left;
- this.root_.left = null;
- }
- this.root_ = node;
- * Removes a node with the specified key from the tree if the tree
- * contains a node with this key. The removed node is returned. If the
- * key is not found, an exception is thrown.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to find and remove from the tree.
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} The removed node.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.remove = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- throw Error('Key not found: ' + key);
- }
- this.splay_(key);
- if (this.root_.key != key) {
- throw Error('Key not found: ' + key);
- }
- var removed = this.root_;
- if (!this.root_.left) {
- this.root_ = this.root_.right;
- } else {
- var right = this.root_.right;
- this.root_ = this.root_.left;
- // Splay to make sure that the new root has an empty right child.
- this.splay_(key);
- // Insert the original right child as the right child of the new
- // root.
- this.root_.right = right;
- }
- return removed;
- * Returns the node having the specified key or null if the tree doesn't contain
- * a node with the specified key.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to find in the tree.
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the specified key.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.find = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- this.splay_(key);
- return this.root_.key == key ? this.root_ : null;
- * @return {SplayTree.Node} Node having the maximum key value that
- * is less or equal to the specified key value.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.findGreatestLessThan = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return null;
- }
- // Splay on the key to move the node with the given key or the last
- // node on the search path to the top of the tree.
- this.splay_(key);
- // Now the result is either the root node or the greatest node in
- // the left subtree.
- if (this.root_.key <= key) {
- return this.root_;
- } else if (this.root_.left) {
- return this.findMax(this.root_.left);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- * @return {Array<*>} An array containing all the keys of tree's nodes.
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.exportKeys = function() {
- var result = [];
- if (!this.isEmpty()) {
- this.root_.traverse_(function(node) { result.push(node.key); });
- }
- return result;
- * Perform the splay operation for the given key. Moves the node with
- * the given key to the top of the tree. If no node has the given
- * key, the last node on the search path is moved to the top of the
- * tree. This is the simplified top-down splaying algorithm from:
- * "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees" by Sleator and Tarjan
- *
- * @param {number} key Key to splay the tree on.
- * @private
- */
-SplayTree.prototype.splay_ = function(key) {
- if (this.isEmpty()) {
- return;
- }
- // Create a dummy node. The use of the dummy node is a bit
- // counter-intuitive: The right child of the dummy node will hold
- // the L tree of the algorithm. The left child of the dummy node
- // will hold the R tree of the algorithm. Using a dummy node, left
- // and right will always be nodes and we avoid special cases.
- var dummy, left, right;
- dummy = left = right = new SplayTree.Node(null, null);
- var current = this.root_;
- while (true) {
- if (key < current.key) {
- if (!current.left) {
- break;
- }
- if (key < current.left.key) {
- // Rotate right.
- var tmp = current.left;
- current.left = tmp.right;
- tmp.right = current;
- current = tmp;
- if (!current.left) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Link right.
- right.left = current;
- right = current;
- current = current.left;
- } else if (key > current.key) {
- if (!current.right) {
- break;
- }
- if (key > current.right.key) {
- // Rotate left.
- var tmp = current.right;
- current.right = tmp.left;
- tmp.left = current;
- current = tmp;
- if (!current.right) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Link left.
- left.right = current;
- left = current;
- current = current.right;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Assemble.
- left.right = current.left;
- right.left = current.right;
- current.left = dummy.right;
- current.right = dummy.left;
- this.root_ = current;
- * Constructs a Splay tree node.
- *
- * @param {number} key Key.
- * @param {*} value Value.
- */
-SplayTree.Node = function(key, value) {
- this.key = key;
- this.value = value;
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- */
-SplayTree.Node.prototype.left = null;
- * @type {SplayTree.Node}
- */
-SplayTree.Node.prototype.right = null;
- * Performs an ordered traversal of the subtree starting at
- * this SplayTree.Node.
- *
- * @param {function(SplayTree.Node)} f Visitor function.
- * @private
- */
-SplayTree.Node.prototype.traverse_ = function(f) {
- var current = this;
- while (current) {
- var left = current.left;
- if (left) left.traverse_(f);
- f(current);
- current = current.right;
- }