path: root/Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests b/Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests
index 79e2d9e..c56cb1c 100755
--- a/Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests
+++ b/Tools/Scripts/old-run-webkit-tests
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ use POSIX;
sub buildPlatformResultHierarchy();
sub buildPlatformTestHierarchy(@);
+sub captureSavedCrashLog($);
sub checkPythonVersion();
sub closeCygpaths();
sub closeDumpTool();
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ sub dumpToolDidCrash();
sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$);
sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$);
sub fileNameWithNumber($$);
+sub findNewestFileMatchingGlob($);
sub htmlForResultsSection(\@$&);
sub isTextOnlyTest($);
sub launchWithEnv(\@\%);
@@ -189,6 +191,9 @@ my $actualTag = "actual";
my $prettyDiffTag = "pretty-diff";
my $diffsTag = "diffs";
my $errorTag = "stderr";
+my $crashLogTag = "crash-log";
+my $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix = "CrashLog";
# These are defined here instead of closer to where they are used so that they
# will always be accessible from the END block that uses them, even if the user
@@ -1731,7 +1736,9 @@ sub testCrashedOrTimedOut($$$$$$)
kill 9, $dumpToolPID unless $didCrash;
+ captureSavedCrashLog($base) if $didCrash;
return unless isCygwin() && !$didCrash && $base =~ /^http/;
# On Cygwin, http tests timing out can be a symptom of a non-responsive httpd.
# If we timed out running an http test, try restarting httpd.
@@ -1739,6 +1746,51 @@ sub testCrashedOrTimedOut($$$$$$)
+sub captureSavedCrashLog($)
+ my ($base) = @_;
+ my $crashLog;
+ my $glob;
+ if (isCygwin()) {
+ $glob = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix . "*.txt");
+ } elsif (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
+ $glob = File::Spec->catfile("~", "Library", "Logs", "CrashReporter", $dumpToolName . "_*.crash");
+ # Even though the dump tool has exited, CrashReporter might still be running. We need to
+ # wait for it to exit to ensure it has saved its crash log to disk. For simplicitly, we'll
+ # assume that the ReportCrash process with the highest PID is the one we want.
+ if (my @reportCrashPIDs = sort map { /^\s*(\d+)/; $1 } grep { /ReportCrash/ } `/bin/ps x`) {
+ my $reportCrashPID = $reportCrashPIDs[$#reportCrashPIDs];
+ # We use kill instead of waitpid because ReportCrash is not one of our child processes.
+ usleep(250000) while kill(0, $reportCrashPID) > 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # We assume that the newest crash log in matching the glob is the one that corresponds to the crash that just occurred.
+ if (my $newestCrashLog = findNewestFileMatchingGlob($glob)) {
+ # The crash log must have been created after this script started running.
+ $crashLog = $newestCrashLog if -M $newestCrashLog < 0;
+ }
+ return unless $crashLog;
+ move($crashLog, File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$crashLogTag.txt"));
+sub findNewestFileMatchingGlob($)
+ my ($glob) = @_;
+ my @paths = glob $glob;
+ return unless @paths;
+ my @pathsAndTimes = map { [$_, -M $_] } @paths;
+ @pathsAndTimes = sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } @pathsAndTimes;
+ return $pathsAndTimes[$#pathsAndTimes]->[0];
sub printFailureMessageForTest($$)
my ($test, $description) = @_;
@@ -1865,7 +1917,9 @@ sub htmlForResultsSection(\@$&)
push @html, "<tr>";
push @html, "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">$test</a></td>";
foreach my $link (@{&{$linkGetter}($test)}) {
- push @html, "<td><a href=\"$link->{href}\">$link->{text}</a></td>";
+ push @html, "<td>";
+ push @html, "<a href=\"$link->{href}\">$link->{text}</a>" if -f File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, $link->{href});
+ push @html, "</td>";
push @html, "</tr>";
@@ -1911,6 +1965,63 @@ sub linksForMismatchTest
return \@links;
+sub crashLocation($)
+ my ($base) = @_;
+ my $crashLogFile = File::Spec->catfile($testResultsDirectory, "$base-$crashLogTag.txt");
+ if (isCygwin()) {
+ # We're looking for the following text:
+ #
+ # module!function+offset [file:line]
+ #
+ # The second contains the function that crashed (or the function that ended up jumping to a bad
+ # address, as in the case of a null function pointer).
+ open LOG, "<", $crashLogFile or return;
+ while (my $line = <LOG>) {
+ last if $line =~ /^FOLLOWUP_IP:/;
+ }
+ my $desiredLine = <LOG>;
+ close LOG;
+ return unless $desiredLine;
+ # Just take everything up to the first space (which is where the file/line information should
+ # start).
+ $desiredLine =~ /^(\S+)/;
+ return $1;
+ }
+ if (isAppleMacWebKit()) {
+ # We're looking for the following text:
+ #
+ # Thread M Crashed:
+ # N module address function + offset (file:line)
+ #
+ # Some lines might have a module of "???" if we've jumped to a bad address. We should skip
+ # past those.
+ open LOG, "<", $crashLogFile or return;
+ while (my $line = <LOG>) {
+ last if $line =~ /^Thread \d+ Crashed:/;
+ }
+ my $location;
+ while (my $line = <LOG>) {
+ $line =~ /^\d+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+ (.* \+ \d+)/ or next;
+ my $module = $1;
+ my $functionAndOffset = $2;
+ next if $module eq "???";
+ $location = "$module: $functionAndOffset";
+ last;
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ return $location;
+ }
sub linksForErrorTest
my ($test) = @_;
@@ -1919,8 +2030,14 @@ sub linksForErrorTest
my $base = stripExtension($test);
+ my $crashLogText = "crash log";
+ if (my $crashLocation = crashLocation($base)) {
+ $crashLogText .= " (<code>" . $crashLocation . "</code>)";
+ }
push @links, @{linksForExpectedAndActualResults($base)};
push @links, { href => "$base-$errorTag.txt", text => "stderr" };
+ push @links, { href => "$base-$crashLogTag.txt", text => $crashLogText };
return \@links;
@@ -1951,6 +2068,7 @@ sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($)
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.txt";
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt";
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$errorTag.txt";
+ unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$crashLogTag.txt";
sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$)
@@ -2450,6 +2568,37 @@ sub stopRunningTestsEarlyIfNeeded()
return 0;
+# Store this at global scope so it won't be GCed (and thus unlinked) until the program exits.
+my $debuggerTempDirectory;
+sub createDebuggerCommandFile()
+ return unless isCygwin();
+ my @commands = (
+ '.logopen /t "' . toWindowsPath($testResultsDirectory) . "\\" . $windowsCrashLogFilePrefix . '.txt"',
+ '.srcpath "' . toWindowsPath(sourceDir()) . '"',
+ '!analyze -vv',
+ '~*kpn',
+ 'q',
+ );
+ $debuggerTempDirectory = File::Temp->newdir;
+ my $commandFile = File::Spec->catfile($debuggerTempDirectory, "debugger-commands.txt");
+ unless (open COMMANDS, '>', $commandFile) {
+ print "Failed to open $commandFile. Crash logs will not be saved.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print COMMANDS join("\n", @commands), "\n";
+ unless (close COMMANDS) {
+ print "Failed to write to $commandFile. Crash logs will not be saved.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ return $commandFile;
sub setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving()
return unless isCygwin();
@@ -2468,8 +2617,23 @@ sub setUpWindowsCrashLogSaving()
+ # If we used -c (instead of -cf) we could pass the commands directly on the command line. But
+ # when the commands include multiple quoted paths (e.g., for .logopen and .srcpath), Windows
+ # fails to invoke the post-mortem debugger at all (perhaps due to a bug in Windows's command
+ # line parsing). So we save the commands to a file instead and tell the debugger to execute them
+ # using -cf.
+ my $commandFile = createDebuggerCommandFile() or return;
+ my @options = (
+ '-p %ld',
+ '-e %ld',
+ '-g',
+ '-lines',
+ '-cf "' . toWindowsPath($commandFile) . '"',
+ );
my %values = (
- Debugger => '"' . toWindowsPath($ntsdPath) . '" -p %ld -e %ld -g -lines -c ".logopen /t \"' . toWindowsPath($testResultsDirectory) . '\CrashLog.txt\";!analyze -vv;~*kpn;q"',
+ Debugger => '"' . toWindowsPath($ntsdPath) . '" ' . join(' ', @options),
Auto => 1