path: root/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/ b/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/
index 250b9ee..671fd56 100644
--- a/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/
+++ b/Tools/Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/
@@ -194,6 +194,31 @@ def iteratively_replace_matches_with_char(pattern, char_replacement, s):
s = s[:start_match_index] + char_replacement * match_length + s[end_match_index:]
+def _rfind_in_lines(regex, lines, start_position, not_found_position):
+ """Does a reverse find starting at start position and going backwards until
+ a match is found.
+ Returns the position where the regex ended.
+ """
+ # Put the regex in a group and proceed it with a greedy expression that
+ # matches anything to ensure that we get the last possible match in a line.
+ last_in_line_regex = r'.*(' + regex + ')'
+ current_row = start_position.row
+ # Start with the given row and trim off everything past what may be matched.
+ current_line = lines[start_position.row][:start_position.column]
+ while True:
+ found_match = match(last_in_line_regex, current_line)
+ if found_match:
+ return Position(current_row, found_match.end(1))
+ # A match was not found so continue backward.
+ current_row -= 1
+ if current_row < 0:
+ return not_found_position
+ current_line = lines[current_row]
def _convert_to_lower_with_underscores(text):
"""Converts all text strings in camelCase or PascalCase to lowers with underscores."""
@@ -526,6 +551,15 @@ class _FunctionState(object):
self._clean_lines = clean_lines
self._parameter_list = None
+ def modifiers_and_return_type(self):
+ """Returns the modifiers and the return type."""
+ # Go backwards from where the function name is until we encounter one of several things:
+ # ';' or '{' or '}' or 'private:', etc. or '#' or return Position(0, 0)
+ elided = self._clean_lines.elided
+ start_modifiers = _rfind_in_lines(r';|\{|\}|((private|public|protected):)|(#.*)',
+ elided, self.parameter_start_position, Position(0, 0))
+ return SingleLineView(elided, start_modifiers, self.function_name_start_position).single_line.strip()
def parameter_list(self):
if not self._parameter_list:
# Store the final result as a tuple since that is immutable.
@@ -2315,7 +2349,7 @@ def check_for_null(clean_lines, line_number, file_state, error):
# matches, then do the check with strings collapsed to avoid giving errors for
# NULLs occurring in strings.
if search(r'\bNULL\b', line) and search(r'\bNULL\b', CleansedLines.collapse_strings(line)):
- error(line_number, 'readability/null', 4, 'Use 0 instead of NULL.')
+ error(line_number, 'readability/null', 4, 'Use 0 or null instead of NULL (even in *comments*).')
def get_line_width(line):
"""Determines the width of the line in column positions.