path: root/WebCore/bindings/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/bindings/scripts/')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/bindings/scripts/ b/WebCore/bindings/scripts/
index 2e0f9ee..77e9512 100644
--- a/WebCore/bindings/scripts/
+++ b/WebCore/bindings/scripts/
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Google Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
-# This file is part of the KDE project
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
@@ -352,15 +350,16 @@ sub HolderToNative
my $dataNode = shift;
my $implClassName = shift;
my $classIndex = shift;
+ my $holder = shift || "holder"; # optional param
if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
- $implClassName* imp = V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<$implClassName>(holder);
+ $implClassName* imp = v8DOMWrapperToNode<$implClassName>($holder);
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
- $implClassName* imp = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<$implClassName>(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, holder);
+ $implClassName* imp = v8DOMWrapperTo<$implClassName>(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, $holder);
@@ -399,7 +398,7 @@ sub GenerateDomainSafeFunctionGetter
- HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
+ HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
if (!V8Proxy::canAccessFrame(imp->frame(), false)) {
@@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ END
if ($classIndex eq "DOMWINDOW") {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
- DOMWindow* window = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<DOMWindow>(V8ClassIndex::DOMWINDOW, info.Holder());
+ DOMWindow* window = v8DOMWrapperTo<DOMWindow>(V8ClassIndex::DOMWINDOW, info.Holder());
// Get the proxy corresponding to the DOMWindow if possible to
// make sure that the constructor function is constructed in the
// context of the DOMWindow and not in the context of the caller.
@@ -439,11 +438,11 @@ END
} elsif ($classIndex eq "DEDICATEDWORKERCONTEXT" or $classIndex eq "WORKERCONTEXT" or $classIndex eq "SHAREDWORKERCONTEXT") {
$implIncludes{"WorkerContextExecutionProxy.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
- WorkerContext* workerContext = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<WorkerContext>(V8ClassIndex::WORKERCONTEXT, info.Holder());
+ WorkerContext* workerContext = v8DOMWrapperTo<WorkerContext>(V8ClassIndex::WORKERCONTEXT, info.Holder());
return V8DOMWrapper::getConstructor(type, workerContext);
} else {
- push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Undefined();");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();");
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
@@ -469,7 +468,7 @@ sub GenerateNormalAttrGetter
my $attrType = GetTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature);
my $attrIsPodType = IsPodType($attrType);
- my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature, 0);
+ my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature, -1);
my $isPodType = IsPodType($implClassName);
my $skipContext = 0;
@@ -506,7 +505,7 @@ END
if ($isPodType) {
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
- V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* imp_wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());
+ V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* imp_wrapper = v8DOMWrapperTo<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());
$implClassName imp_instance = *imp_wrapper;
if ($getterStringUsesImp) {
@@ -524,22 +523,34 @@ END
# perform lookup first
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = V8DOMWrapper::lookupDOMWrapper(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.This());
- if (holder.IsEmpty()) return v8::Undefined();
+ if (holder.IsEmpty()) return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();
- HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
+ HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex, "info");
} else {
+ my $reflect = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
+ if ($getterStringUsesImp && $reflect && IsNodeSubType($dataNode) && $codeGenerator->IsStringType($attrType)) {
+ # Generate super-compact call for regular attribute getter:
+ my $contentAttributeName = $reflect eq "1" ? $attrName : $reflect;
+ my $namespace = $codeGenerator->NamespaceForAttributeName($interfaceName, $contentAttributeName);
+ $implIncludes{"${namespace}.h"} = 1;
+ push(@implContentDecls, " return getElementStringAttr(info, ${namespace}::${contentAttributeName}Attr);\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n");
+ return;
+ # Skip the rest of the function!
+ }
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder();
- HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
+ HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex, "info");
# Generate security checks if necessary
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckNodeSecurity"}) {
- push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->$attrName())) return v8::Undefined();\n\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->$attrName())) return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n\n");
} elsif ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CheckFrameSecurity"}) {
- push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->contentDocument())) return v8::Undefined();\n\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->contentDocument())) return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n\n");
my $useExceptions = 1 if @{$attribute->getterExceptions} and !($isPodType);
@@ -553,7 +564,12 @@ END
my $getterFunc = $codeGenerator->WK_lcfirst($attrName);
- $getterFunc .= "Animated" if $codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($attribute->signature->type);
+ if ($codeGenerator->IsSVGAnimatedType($attribute->signature->type)) {
+ # Some SVGFE*Element.idl use 'operator' as attribute name; rewrite as '_operator' to avoid clashes with C/C++
+ $getterFunc = "_" . $getterFunc if ($attrName =~ /operator/);
+ $getterFunc .= "Animated";
+ }
my $returnType = GetTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature);
@@ -579,10 +595,6 @@ END
$getterString = "imp_instance";
- if ($nativeType eq "String") {
- $getterString = "toString($getterString)";
- }
my $result;
my $wrapper;
@@ -619,7 +631,7 @@ END
} else {
if ($attribute->signature->type eq "EventListener" && $dataNode->name eq "DOMWindow") {
push(@implContentDecls, " if (!imp->document())\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Undefined();\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n");
if ($useExceptions) {
@@ -635,12 +647,12 @@ END
if (IsSVGTypeNeedingContextParameter($attrType) && !$skipContext) {
- my $resultObject = $result;
if ($attrIsPodType) {
- $resultObject = "wrapper";
+ push(@implContentDecls, GenerateSVGContextAssignment($implClassName, "wrapper.get()", " "));
+ } else {
+ push(@implContentDecls, GenerateSVGContextRetrieval($implClassName, " "));
+ $result = "V8Proxy::withSVGContext($result, context)";
- $resultObject = "WTF::getPtr(" . $resultObject . ")";
- push(@implContentDecls, GenerateSVGContextAssignment($implClassName, $resultObject, " "));
if ($attrIsPodType) {
@@ -696,7 +708,7 @@ sub GenerateNormalAttrSetter
if ($isPodType) {
$implClassName = GetNativeType($implClassName);
$implIncludes{"V8SVGPODTypeWrapper.h"} = 1;
- push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName>* wrapper = v8DOMWrapperTo<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$implClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, info.Holder());\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $implClassName imp_instance = *wrapper;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $implClassName* imp = &imp_instance;\n");
@@ -712,12 +724,26 @@ END
if (holder.IsEmpty()) return;
- HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
+ HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex, "info");
} else {
+ my $attrType = GetTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature);
+ my $reflect = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
+ my $reflectURL = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ReflectURL"};
+ if (($reflect || $reflectURL) && IsNodeSubType($dataNode) && $codeGenerator->IsStringType($attrType)) {
+ # Generate super-compact call for regular attribute setter:
+ my $contentAttributeName = ($reflect || $reflectURL) eq "1" ? $attrName : ($reflect || $reflectURL);
+ my $namespace = $codeGenerator->NamespaceForAttributeName($interfaceName, $contentAttributeName);
+ $implIncludes{"${namespace}.h"} = 1;
+ push(@implContentDecls, " setElementStringAttr(info, ${namespace}::${contentAttributeName}Attr, value);\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n");
+ return;
+ # Skip the rest of the function!
+ }
push(@implContentDecls, <<END);
v8::Handle<v8::Object> holder = info.Holder();
- HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex);
+ HolderToNative($dataNode, $implClassName, $classIndex, "info");
my $nativeType = GetNativeTypeFromSignature($attribute->signature, 0);
@@ -726,7 +752,6 @@ END
push(@implContentDecls, " if (!imp->document())\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " return;\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeType v = V8DOMWrapper::getEventListener(imp, value, true, ListenerFindOrCreate);\n");
} else {
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeType v = " . JSValueToNative($attribute->signature, "value") . ";\n");
@@ -766,18 +791,10 @@ END
$implIncludes{"V8AbstractEventListener.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"V8CustomBinding.h"} = 1;
$cacheIndex = GetHiddenDependencyIndex($dataNode, $attrName);
- push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeType old = imp->$attrName();\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " V8AbstractEventListener* oldListener = old ? V8AbstractEventListener::cast(old.get()) : 0;\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " if (oldListener) {\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " v8::Local<v8::Object> oldListenerObject = oldListener->getExistingListenerObject();\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " if (!oldListenerObject.IsEmpty())\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " removeHiddenDependency(holder, oldListenerObject, $cacheIndex);\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " }\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName($result);\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " if ($result)\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " createHiddenDependency(holder, value, $cacheIndex");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " transferHiddenDependency(holder, imp->$attrName(), value, $cacheIndex);\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName(V8DOMWrapper::getEventListener(imp, value, true, ListenerFindOrCreate)");
} else {
- push(@implContentDecls, " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName(" . $result);
+ push(@implContentDecls, " imp->set$implSetterFunctionName($result");
push(@implContentDecls, ", ec") if $useExceptions;
push(@implContentDecls, ");\n");
@@ -807,12 +824,11 @@ END
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n"); # end of setter
-sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
+sub GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName
$function = shift;
$dataNode = shift;
- $signature = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
@@ -827,12 +843,22 @@ sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
if ($customFunc eq 1) {
$customFunc = $interfaceName . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($name);
- return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(V8Custom::v8${customFunc}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
+ return "V8Custom::v8${customFunc}Callback";
} else {
- return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New(${interfaceName}Internal::${name}Callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
+ return "${interfaceName}Internal::${name}Callback";
+sub GenerateNewFunctionTemplate
+ $function = shift;
+ $dataNode = shift;
+ $signature = shift;
+ my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+ return "v8::FunctionTemplate::New($callback, v8::Handle<v8::Value>(), $signature)";
sub GenerateFunctionCallback
my $function = shift;
@@ -851,12 +877,12 @@ sub GenerateFunctionCallback
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"RequiresAllArguments"}) {
- " if (args.Length() < $numParameters) return v8::Undefined();\n");
+ " if (args.Length() < $numParameters) return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n");
if (IsPodType($implClassName)) {
my $nativeClassName = GetNativeType($implClassName);
- push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName>* imp_wrapper = V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, args.Holder());\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName>* imp_wrapper = v8DOMWrapperTo<V8SVGPODTypeWrapper<$nativeClassName> >(V8ClassIndex::$classIndex, args.Holder());\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeClassName imp_instance = *imp_wrapper;\n");
push(@implContentDecls, " $nativeClassName* imp = &imp_instance;\n");
} else {
@@ -873,24 +899,39 @@ END
# We have not find real use cases yet.
" if (!V8Proxy::canAccessFrame(imp->frame(), true)) {\n".
-" return v8::Undefined();\n" .
+" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n" .
" }\n");
+ my $raisesExceptions = @{$function->raisesExceptions};
+ if (!$raisesExceptions) {
+ foreach my $parameter (@{$function->parameters}) {
+ if (TypeCanFailConversion($parameter) or $parameter->extendedAttributes->{"IsIndex"}) {
+ $raisesExceptions = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
+ if ($raisesExceptions) {
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
push(@implContentDecls, " ExceptionCode ec = 0;\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " {\n");
+ # The brace here is needed to prevent the ensuing 'goto fail's from jumping past constructors
+ # of objects (like Strings) declared later, causing compile errors. The block scope ends
+ # right before the label 'fail:'.
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}) {
- push(@implContentDecls, " ScriptCallStack callStack(args, $numParameters);\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls,
+" OwnPtr<ScriptCallStack> callStack(ScriptCallStack::create(args, $numParameters));\n".
+" if (!callStack)\n".
+" return v8::Undefined();\n");
$implIncludes{"ScriptCallStack.h"} = 1;
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"SVGCheckSecurityDocument"}) {
" if (!V8Proxy::checkNodeSecurity(imp->getSVGDocument(ec)))\n" .
-" return v8::Undefined();\n");
+" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n");
my $paramIndex = 0;
@@ -911,7 +952,7 @@ END
push(@implContentDecls, " bool ${parameterName}Ok;\n");
- push(@implContentDecls, " " . GetNativeTypeFromSignature($parameter, 1) . " $parameterName = ");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " " . GetNativeTypeFromSignature($parameter, $paramIndex) . " $parameterName = ");
push(@implContentDecls, JSValueToNative($parameter, "args[$paramIndex]",
BasicTypeCanFailConversion($parameter) ? "${parameterName}Ok" : undef) . ";\n");
@@ -919,8 +960,8 @@ END
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
" if (UNLIKELY(!$parameterName" . (BasicTypeCanFailConversion($parameter) ? "Ok" : "") . ")) {\n" .
-" V8Proxy::setDOMException(TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR);\n" .
-" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n" .
+" ec = TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR;\n" .
+" goto fail;\n" .
" }\n");
@@ -928,8 +969,8 @@ END
$implIncludes{"ExceptionCode.h"} = 1;
" if (UNLIKELY($parameterName < 0)) {\n" .
-" V8Proxy::setDOMException(INDEX_SIZE_ERR);\n" .
-" return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n" .
+" ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR;\n" .
+" goto fail;\n" .
" }\n");
@@ -939,6 +980,14 @@ END
# Build the function call string.
my $callString = GenerateFunctionCallString($function, $paramIndex, " ", $implClassName);
push(@implContentDecls, "$callString");
+ if ($raisesExceptions) {
+ push(@implContentDecls, " }\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " fail:\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " V8Proxy::setDOMException(ec);\n");
+ push(@implContentDecls, " return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();\n");
+ }
push(@implContentDecls, " }\n\n");
@@ -1217,6 +1266,38 @@ sub GenerateImplementation
GenerateBatchedAttributeData($dataNode, $attributes);
push(@implContent, "};\n");
+ # Setup table of standard callback functions
+ $num_callbacks = 0;
+ $has_callbacks = 0;
+ foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
+ my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
+ # Don't put any nonstandard functions into this table:
+ if ($attrExt->{"V8OnInstance"}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($attrExt->{"EnabledAtRuntime"} || RequiresCustomSignature($function) || $attrExt->{"V8DoNotCheckSignature"}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($attrExt->{"DoNotCheckDomainSecurity"} &&
+ ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} || $interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($attrExt->{"DontEnum"} || $attrExt->{"V8ReadOnly"}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (!$has_callbacks) {
+ $has_callbacks = 1;
+ push(@implContent, "static const BatchedCallback ${interfaceName}_callbacks[] = {\n");
+ }
+ my $name = $function->signature->name;
+ my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+ push(@implContent, <<END);
+ {"$name", $callback},
+ $num_callbacks++;
+ }
+ push(@implContent, "};\n") if $has_callbacks;
# Setup constants
my $has_constants = 0;
@@ -1240,7 +1321,7 @@ END
push(@implContentDecls, "} // namespace ${interfaceName}Internal\n\n");
- my $access_check = "/* no access check */";
+ my $access_check = "";
if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"CheckDomainSecurity"} && !($interfaceName eq "DOMWindow")) {
$access_check = "instance->SetAccessCheckCallbacks(V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}NamedSecurityCheck, V8Custom::v8${interfaceName}IndexedSecurityCheck, v8::Integer::New(V8ClassIndex::ToInt(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex})));";
@@ -1259,35 +1340,59 @@ static v8::Persistent<v8::ObjectTemplate> ConfigureShadowObjectTemplate(v8::Pers
+ # find the super descriptor
+ my $parentClassIndex = "INVALID_CLASS_INDEX";
+ foreach (@{$dataNode->parents}) {
+ my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
+ if ($parent eq "EventTarget") { next; }
+ $implIncludes{"V8${parent}.h"} = 1;
+ $parentClassIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($parent));
+ last;
+ }
+ # find the field count
+ my $fieldCount = "V8Custom::kDefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount";
+ if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
+ $fieldCount = "V8Custom::kNodeMinimumInternalFieldCount";
+ }
# Generate the template configuration method
push(@implContent, <<END);
static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> Configure${className}Template(v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> desc) {
- v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
+ v8::Local<v8::Signature> default_signature = configureTemplate(desc, \"${interfaceName}\",
+ V8ClassIndex::$parentClassIndex, $fieldCount,
- if (IsNodeSubType($dataNode)) {
+ # Set up our attributes if we have them
+ if ($has_attributes) {
push(@implContent, <<END);
- instance->SetInternalFieldCount(V8Custom::kNodeMinimumInternalFieldCount);
+ ${interfaceName}_attrs, sizeof(${interfaceName}_attrs)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_attrs),
} else {
push(@implContent, <<END);
- instance->SetInternalFieldCount(V8Custom::kDefaultWrapperInternalFieldCount);
+ NULL, 0,
+ }
+ if ($has_callbacks) {
+ push(@implContent, <<END);
+ ${interfaceName}_callbacks, sizeof(${interfaceName}_callbacks)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_callbacks));
+ } else {
+ push(@implContent, <<END);
+ NULL, 0);
+ if ($access_check or @enabledAtRuntime or @{$dataNode->functions} or $has_constants) {
push(@implContent, <<END);
- v8::Local<v8::Signature> default_signature = v8::Signature::New(desc);
+ v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance = desc->InstanceTemplate();
v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> proto = desc->PrototypeTemplate();
- $access_check
- # Set up our attributes if we have them
- if ($has_attributes) {
- push(@implContent, <<END);
- batchConfigureAttributes(instance, proto, ${interfaceName}_attrs, sizeof(${interfaceName}_attrs)/sizeof(*${interfaceName}_attrs));
+ push(@implContent, " $access_check\n");
# Setup the enable-at-runtime attrs if we have them
foreach my $runtime_attr (@enabledAtRuntime) {
$enable_function = $interfaceName . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($runtime_attr->signature->name);
@@ -1304,7 +1409,9 @@ END
# Define our functions with Set() or SetAccessor()
+ $total_functions = 0;
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
+ $total_functions++;
my $attrExt = $function->signature->extendedAttributes;
my $name = $function->signature->name;
@@ -1358,6 +1465,7 @@ END
+ $num_callbacks++;
@@ -1372,31 +1480,26 @@ END
# Normal function call is a template
- my $templateFunction = GenerateNewFunctionTemplate($function, $dataNode, $signature);
+ my $callback = GetFunctionTemplateCallbackName($function, $dataNode);
+ if ($property_attributes eq "v8::DontDelete") {
+ $property_attributes = "";
+ } else {
+ $property_attributes = ", static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes)";
+ }
+ if ($template eq "proto" && $conditional eq "" && $signature eq "default_signature" && $property_attributes eq "") {
+ # Standard type of callback, already created in the batch, so skip it here.
+ next;
+ }
push(@implContent, <<END);
- // $commentInfo
- $conditional ${template}->Set(
- v8::String::New("$name"),
- $templateFunction,
- static_cast<v8::PropertyAttribute>($property_attributes));
+ ${conditional}createCallback($template, "$name", $callback, ${signature}$property_attributes);
+ $num_callbacks++;
- # set the super descriptor
- foreach (@{$dataNode->parents}) {
- my $parent = $codeGenerator->StripModule($_);
- if ($parent eq "EventTarget") { next; }
- $implIncludes{"V8${parent}.h"} = 1;
- my $parentClassIndex = uc($codeGenerator->StripModule($parent));
- push(@implContent, " desc->Inherit(V8DOMWrapper::getTemplate(V8ClassIndex::${parentClassIndex}));\n");
- last;
- }
- # Set the class name. This is used when printing objects.
- push(@implContent, " desc->SetClassName(v8::String::New(\"${interfaceName}\"));\n");
+ die "Wrong number of callbacks generated for $interfaceName ($num_callbacks, should be $total_functions)" if $num_callbacks != $total_functions;
if ($has_constants) {
push(@implContent, <<END);
@@ -1409,19 +1512,12 @@ END
v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}::GetRawTemplate() {
- static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_raw_cache_;
- if (${className}_raw_cache_.IsEmpty()) {
- v8::HandleScope scope;
- v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> result = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(V8Proxy::checkNewLegal);
- ${className}_raw_cache_ = v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate>::New(result);
- }
+ static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_raw_cache_ = createRawTemplate();
return ${className}_raw_cache_;
v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}::GetTemplate() {
- static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_cache_;
- if (${className}_cache_.IsEmpty())
- ${className}_cache_ = Configure${className}Template(GetRawTemplate());
+ static v8::Persistent<v8::FunctionTemplate> ${className}_cache_ = Configure${className}Template(GetRawTemplate());
return ${className}_cache_;
@@ -1528,7 +1624,7 @@ sub GenerateFunctionCallString()
if ($function->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}) {
$functionString .= ", " if not $first;
- $functionString .= "&callStack";
+ $functionString .= "callStack.get()";
if ($first) { $first = 0; }
@@ -1546,7 +1642,7 @@ sub GenerateFunctionCallString()
# appendChild functions from Node.
$result .= $indent . "bool success = $functionString;\n";
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
- $result .= GenerateSetDOMException($indent);
+ $result .= $indent . "if (UNLIKELY(ec)) goto fail;\n";
$result .= $indent . "if (success)\n";
$result .= $indent . " " .
@@ -1570,7 +1666,7 @@ sub GenerateFunctionCallString()
if (@{$function->raisesExceptions}) {
- $result .= GenerateSetDOMException($indent);
+ $result .= $indent . "if (UNLIKELY(ec)) goto fail;\n";
# If the return type is a POD type, separate out the wrapper generation
@@ -1627,19 +1723,14 @@ sub GetTypeFromSignature
my $signature = shift;
- my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
- if (($type eq "DOMString") && $signature->extendedAttributes->{"HintAtomic"}) {
- $type = "AtomicString";
- }
- return $type;
+ return $codeGenerator->StripModule($signature->type);
sub GetNativeTypeFromSignature
my $signature = shift;
- my $isParameter = shift;
+ my $parameterIndex = shift;
my $type = GetTypeFromSignature($signature);
@@ -1648,32 +1739,28 @@ sub GetNativeTypeFromSignature
return "int";
- return GetNativeType($type, $isParameter);
+ $type = GetNativeType($type, $parameterIndex >= 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ if ($parameterIndex >= 0 && $type eq "V8Parameter") {
+ my $mode = "";
+ if ($signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString"}) {
+ $mode = "WithUndefinedOrNullCheck";
+ } elsif ($signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullToNullString"}) {
+ $mode = "WithNullCheck";
+ }
+ $type .= "<$mode>";
+ }
+ return $type;
sub IsRefPtrType
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $type eq "Attr";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasActiveInfo";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasArrayBuffer";
return 1 if $type eq "CanvasBooleanArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasByteArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasBuffer";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasFloatArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasFramebuffer";
return 1 if $type eq "CanvasGradient";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasIntArray";
return 1 if $type eq "CanvasObject";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasProgram";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasRenderbuffer";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasShader";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasShortArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasTexture";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasUnsignedByteArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasUnsignedIntArray";
- return 1 if $type eq "CanvasUnsignedShortArray";
return 1 if $type eq "ClientRect";
return 1 if $type eq "ClientRectList";
return 1 if $type eq "CDATASection";
@@ -1721,6 +1808,23 @@ sub IsRefPtrType
return 1 if $type eq "TextMetrics";
return 1 if $type eq "TimeRanges";
return 1 if $type eq "TreeWalker";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLActiveInfo";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLArrayBuffer";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLByteArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLBuffer";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLFloatArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLFramebuffer";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLIntArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLProgram";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLRenderbuffer";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLShader";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLShortArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLTexture";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLUniformLocation";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLUnsignedByteArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLUnsignedIntArray";
+ return 1 if $type eq "WebGLUnsignedShortArray";
return 1 if $type eq "WebKitCSSMatrix";
return 1 if $type eq "WebKitPoint";
return 1 if $type eq "XPathExpression";
@@ -1766,10 +1870,11 @@ sub GetNativeType
my $type = shift;
my $isParameter = shift;
- if ($type eq "float" or $type eq "AtomicString" or $type eq "double") {
+ if ($type eq "float" or $type eq "double") {
return $type;
+ return "V8Parameter" if ($type eq "DOMString" or $type eq "DOMUserData") and $isParameter;
return "int" if $type eq "int";
return "int" if $type eq "short" or $type eq "unsigned short";
return "unsigned" if $type eq "unsigned long";
@@ -1805,21 +1910,21 @@ sub GetNativeType
my %typeCanFailConversion = (
- "AtomicString" => 0,
"Attr" => 1,
- "CanvasArray" => 0,
- "CanvasBuffer" => 0,
- "CanvasByteArray" => 0,
- "CanvasFloatArray" => 0,
- "CanvasFramebuffer" => 0,
+ "WebGLArray" => 0,
+ "WebGLBuffer" => 0,
+ "WebGLByteArray" => 0,
+ "WebGLFloatArray" => 0,
+ "WebGLFramebuffer" => 0,
"CanvasGradient" => 0,
- "CanvasIntArray" => 0,
+ "WebGLIntArray" => 0,
"CanvasPixelArray" => 0,
- "CanvasProgram" => 0,
- "CanvasRenderbuffer" => 0,
- "CanvasShader" => 0,
- "CanvasShortArray" => 0,
- "CanvasTexture" => 0,
+ "WebGLProgram" => 0,
+ "WebGLRenderbuffer" => 0,
+ "WebGLShader" => 0,
+ "WebGLShortArray" => 0,
+ "WebGLTexture" => 0,
+ "WebGLUniformLocation" => 0,
"CompareHow" => 0,
"DataGridColumn" => 0,
"DOMString" => 0,
@@ -1921,16 +2026,8 @@ sub JSValueToNative
return "static_cast<Range::CompareHow>($value->Int32Value())" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "static_cast<SVGPaint::SVGPaintType>($value->ToInt32()->Int32Value())" if $type eq "SVGPaintType";
- if ($type eq "AtomicString") {
- return "v8ValueToAtomicWebCoreStringWithNullCheck($value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullToNullString"};
- return "v8ValueToAtomicWebCoreString($value)";
- }
- return "toWebCoreString($value)" if $type eq "DOMUserData";
- if ($type eq "DOMString") {
- return "toWebCoreStringWithNullCheck($value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertNullToNullString"};
- return "toWebCoreStringWithNullOrUndefinedCheck($value)" if $signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertUndefinedOrNullToNullString"};
- return "toWebCoreString($value)";
+ if ($type eq "DOMString" or $type eq "DOMUserData") {
+ return $value;
if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
@@ -1956,7 +2053,7 @@ sub JSValueToNative
$implIncludes{"V8Node.h"} = 1;
# EventTarget is not in DOM hierarchy, but all Nodes are EventTarget.
- return "V8Node::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<Node>(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
+ return "V8Node::HasInstance($value) ? v8DOMWrapperToNode<Node>(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
if ($type eq "XPathNSResolver") {
@@ -1971,7 +2068,7 @@ sub JSValueToNative
# Perform type checks on the parameter, if it is expected Node type,
# return NULL.
- return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertDOMWrapperToNode<${type}>(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
+ return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? v8DOMWrapperToNode<${type}>(v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
} else {
# TODO: Temporary to avoid Window name conflict.
my $classIndex = uc($type);
@@ -1990,7 +2087,7 @@ sub JSValueToNative
# Perform type checks on the parameter, if it is expected Node type,
# return NULL.
- return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? V8DOMWrapper::convertToNativeObject<${implClassName}>(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex}, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
+ return "V8${type}::HasInstance($value) ? v8DOMWrapperTo<${implClassName}>(V8ClassIndex::${classIndex}, v8::Handle<v8::Object>::Cast($value)) : 0";
@@ -2054,7 +2151,6 @@ sub RequiresCustomSignature
my %non_wrapper_types = (
'float' => 1,
- 'AtomicString' => 1,
'double' => 1,
'short' => 1,
'unsigned short' => 1,
@@ -2123,8 +2219,8 @@ sub ReturnNativeToJSValue
my $className= "V8$type";
return "return v8::Date::New(static_cast<double>($value))" if $type eq "DOMTimeStamp";
- return "return $value ? v8::True() : v8::False()" if $type eq "boolean";
- return "return v8::Undefined()" if $type eq "void";
+ return "return v8Boolean($value)" if $type eq "boolean";
+ return "return v8::Handle<v8::Value>()" if $type eq "void"; # equivalent to v8::Undefined()
# For all the types where we use 'int' as the representation type,
# we use Integer::New which has a fast Smi conversion check.