path: root/WebCore/dom/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/dom/')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/dom/ b/WebCore/dom/
index 04d3683..c0d0d86 100755
--- a/WebCore/dom/
+++ b/WebCore/dom/
@@ -27,131 +27,215 @@
use strict;
+use Config;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Path;
-use Config;
+use IO::File;
+use InFilesParser;
+use Switch;
-my $printFactory = 0;
-my $cppNamespace = "";
-my $namespace = "";
-my $namespacePrefix = "";
-my $namespaceURI = "";
+my $printFactory = 0;
+my $printWrapperFactory = 0;
my $tagsFile = "";
my $attrsFile = "";
my $outputDir = ".";
-my @tags = ();
-my @attrs = ();
-my $tagsNullNamespace = 0;
-my $attrsNullNamespace = 0;
+my %tags = ();
+my %attrs = ();
+my %parameters = ();
my $extraDefines = 0;
my $preprocessor = "/usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c++";
+my %svgCustomMappings = ();
+my %htmlCustomMappings = ();
GetOptions('tags=s' => \$tagsFile,
'attrs=s' => \$attrsFile,
- 'outputDir=s' => \$outputDir,
- 'namespace=s' => \$namespace,
- 'namespacePrefix=s' => \$namespacePrefix,
- 'namespaceURI=s' => \$namespaceURI,
- 'cppNamespace=s' => \$cppNamespace,
'factory' => \$printFactory,
- 'tagsNullNamespace' => \$tagsNullNamespace,
- 'attrsNullNamespace' => \$attrsNullNamespace,
+ 'outputDir=s' => \$outputDir,
'extraDefines=s' => \$extraDefines,
- 'preprocessor=s' => \$preprocessor);
+ 'preprocessor=s' => \$preprocessor,
+ 'wrapperFactory' => \$printWrapperFactory);
-die "You must specify a namespace (e.g. SVG) for <namespace>Names.h" unless $namespace;
-die "You must specify a namespaceURI (e.g." unless $namespaceURI;
-die "You must specify a cppNamespace (e.g. DOM) used for <cppNamespace>::<namespace>Names::fooTag" unless $cppNamespace;
die "You must specify at least one of --tags <file> or --attrs <file>" unless (length($tagsFile) || length($attrsFile));
-$namespacePrefix = $namespace unless $namespacePrefix;
+readNames($tagsFile, "tags") if length($tagsFile);
+readNames($attrsFile, "attrs") if length($attrsFile);
+die "You must specify a namespace (e.g. SVG) for <namespace>Names.h" unless $parameters{'namespace'};
+die "You must specify a namespaceURI (e.g." unless $parameters{'namespaceURI'};
-@tags = readNames($tagsFile) if length($tagsFile);
-@attrs = readNames($attrsFile) if length($attrsFile);
+$parameters{'namespacePrefix'} = $parameters{'namespace'} unless $parameters{'namespacePrefix'};
-my $namesBasePath = "$outputDir/${namespace}Names";
-my $factoryBasePath = "$outputDir/${namespace}ElementFactory";
+my $namesBasePath = "$outputDir/$parameters{'namespace'}Names";
+my $factoryBasePath = "$outputDir/$parameters{'namespace'}ElementFactory";
+my $wrapperFactoryBasePath = "$outputDir/JS$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFactory";
if ($printFactory) {
+if ($printWrapperFactory) {
+ printWrapperFactoryCppFile("$wrapperFactoryBasePath.cpp");
+ printWrapperFactoryHeaderFile("$wrapperFactoryBasePath.h");
+### Hash initialization
+sub initializeTagPropertyHash
+ return ('interfaceName' => upperCaseName($_[0])."Element",
+ 'applyAudioHack' => 0,
+ 'exportString' => 0);
+sub initializeAttrPropertyHash
+ return ('exportString' => 0);
+sub initializeParametersHash
+ return ('namespace' => '',
+ 'namespacePrefix' => '',
+ 'namespaceURI' => '',
+ 'guardFactoryWith' => '',
+ 'tagsNullNamespace' => 0,
+ 'attrsNullNamespace' => 0,
+ 'exportStrings' => 0);
+### Parsing handlers
+sub tagsHandler
+ my ($tag, $property, $value) = @_;
+ $tag =~ s/-/_/g;
+ # Initialize default properties' values.
+ $tags{$tag} = { initializeTagPropertyHash($tag) } if !defined($tags{$tag});
+ if ($property) {
+ die "Unknown property $property for tag $tag\n" if !defined($tags{$tag}{$property});
+ $tags{$tag}{$property} = $value;
+ }
+sub attrsHandler
+ my ($attr, $property, $value) = @_;
+ $attr =~ s/-/_/g;
+ # Initialize default properties' values.
+ $attrs{$attr} = { initializeAttrPropertyHash($attr) } if !defined($attrs{$attr});
+ if ($property) {
+ die "Unknown property $property for attribute $attr\n" if !defined($attrs{$attr}{$property});
+ $attrs{$attr}{$property} = $value;
+ }
+sub parametersHandler
+ my ($parameter, $value) = @_;
+ # Initialize default properties' values.
+ %parameters = initializeParametersHash() if !(keys %parameters);
+ die "Unknown parameter $parameter for tags/attrs\n" if !defined($parameters{$parameter});
+ $parameters{$parameter} = $value;
## Support routines
sub readNames
- my $namesFile = shift;
+ my ($namesFile, $type) = @_;
+ my $names = new IO::File;
if ($extraDefines eq 0) {
- die "Failed to open file: $namesFile" unless open NAMES, $preprocessor . " " . $namesFile . "|" or die;
+ open($names, $preprocessor . " " . $namesFile . "|") or die "Failed to open file: $namesFile";
} else {
- die "Failed to open file: $namesFile" unless open NAMES, $preprocessor . " -D" . join(" -D", split(" ", $extraDefines)) . " " . $namesFile . "|" or die;
+ open($names, $preprocessor . " -D" . join(" -D", split(" ", $extraDefines)) . " " . $namesFile . "|") or die "Failed to open file: $namesFile";
- my @names = ();
- while (<NAMES>) {
- next if (m/#/);
- next if (m/^[ \t]*$/);
- s/-/_/g;
- chomp $_;
- push @names, $_;
- }
- close(NAMES);
- die "Failed to read names from file: $namesFile" unless (scalar(@names));
- return @names
+ # Store hashes keys count to know if some insertion occured.
+ my $tagsCount = keys %tags;
+ my $attrsCount = keys %attrs;
+ my $InParser = InFilesParser->new();
+ switch ($type) {
+ case "tags" {
+ $InParser->parse($names, \&parametersHandler, \&tagsHandler);
+ }
+ case "attrs" {
+ $InParser->parse($names, \&parametersHandler, \&attrsHandler);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Do not know how to parse $type";
+ }
+ }
+ close($names);
+ die "Failed to read names from file: $namesFile" if ((keys %tags == $tagsCount) && (keys %attrs == $attrsCount));
sub printMacros
- my ($F, $macro, $suffix, @names) = @_;
- for my $name (@names) {
- print F " $macro $name","$suffix;\n";
+ my ($F, $macro, $suffix, $namesRef) = @_;
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) {
+ print F "$macro $name","$suffix;\n";
+ if ($parameters{'exportStrings'} or $names{$name}{"exportString"}) {
+ print F "extern char $name", "${suffix}String[];\n";
+ }
sub printConstructors
- my ($F, @names) = @_;
- print F "#if ENABLE(SVG)\n";
- for my $name (@names) {
- my $upperCase = upperCaseName($name);
- print F "${namespace}Element *${name}Constructor(Document *doc, bool createdByParser)\n";
+ my ($F, $namesRef) = @_;
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ print F "#if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+ for my $name (sort keys %names) {
+ my $ucName = $names{$name}{"interfaceName"};
+ print F "$parameters{'namespace'}Element* ${name}Constructor(Document* doc, bool createdByParser)\n";
print F "{\n";
- print F " return new ${namespace}${upperCase}Element(${name}Tag, doc);\n";
+ print F " return new $parameters{'namespace'}${ucName}($parameters{'namespace'}Names::${name}Tag, doc);\n";
print F "}\n\n";
- print F "#endif\n";
+ print F "#endif\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
sub printFunctionInits
- my ($F, @names) = @_;
- for my $name (@names) {
- print F " gFunctionMap->set(${name}Tag.localName().impl(), ${name}Constructor);\n";
+ my ($F, $namesRef) = @_;
+ for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) {
+ print F " gFunctionMap->set($parameters{'namespace'}Names::${name}Tag.localName().impl(), ${name}Constructor);\n";
sub svgCapitalizationHacks
my $name = shift;
if ($name =~ /^fe(.+)$/) {
$name = "FE" . ucfirst $1;
- $name =~ s/kern/Kern/;
- $name =~ s/mpath/MPath/;
- $name =~ s/svg/SVG/;
- $name =~ s/tref/TRef/;
- $name =~ s/tspan/TSpan/;
return $name;
@@ -159,8 +243,8 @@ sub upperCaseName
my $name = shift;
- $name = svgCapitalizationHacks($name) if ($namespace eq "SVG");
+ $name = svgCapitalizationHacks($name) if ($parameters{'namespace'} eq "SVG");
while ($name =~ /^(.*?)_(.*)/) {
$name = $1 . ucfirst $2;
@@ -210,27 +294,27 @@ sub printNamesHeaderFile
open F, ">$headerPath";
- print F "#ifndef DOM_${namespace}NAMES_H\n";
- print F "#define DOM_${namespace}NAMES_H\n\n";
+ print F "#ifndef DOM_$parameters{'namespace'}NAMES_H\n";
+ print F "#define DOM_$parameters{'namespace'}NAMES_H\n\n";
print F "#include \"QualifiedName.h\"\n\n";
- print F "namespace $cppNamespace { namespace ${namespace}Names {\n\n";
+ print F "namespace WebCore {\n\n namespace $parameters{'namespace'}Names {\n\n";
- my $lowerNamespace = lc($namespacePrefix);
- print F "#ifndef DOM_${namespace}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS\n";
+ my $lowerNamespace = lc($parameters{'namespacePrefix'});
+ print F "#ifndef DOM_$parameters{'namespace'}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS\n";
print F "// Namespace\n";
print F "extern const WebCore::AtomicString ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI;\n\n";
- if (scalar(@tags)) {
+ if (keys %tags) {
print F "// Tags\n";
- printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Tag", @tags);
- print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get${namespace}Tags(size_t* size);\n";
+ printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Tag", \%tags);
+ print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{'namespace'}Tags(size_t* size);\n";
- if (scalar(@attrs)) {
+ if (keys %attrs) {
print F "// Attributes\n";
- printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Attr", @attrs);
- print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get${namespace}Attr(size_t* size);\n";
+ printMacros($F, "extern const WebCore::QualifiedName", "Attr", \%attrs);
+ print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{'namespace'}Attr(size_t* size);\n";
print F "#endif\n\n";
print F "void init();\n\n";
@@ -248,61 +332,68 @@ sub printNamesCppFile
- my $lowerNamespace = lc($namespacePrefix);
+ my $lowerNamespace = lc($parameters{'namespacePrefix'});
print F "#include \"config.h\"\n";
-print F "#define DOM_${namespace}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS 1\n";
+print F "#define DOM_$parameters{'namespace'}NAMES_HIDE_GLOBALS 1\n";
print F "#else\n";
print F "#define QNAME_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR 1\n";
print F "#endif\n\n";
-print F "#include \"${namespace}Names.h\"\n\n";
+print F "#include \"$parameters{'namespace'}Names.h\"\n\n";
print F "#include \"StaticConstructors.h\"\n";
-print F "namespace $cppNamespace { namespace ${namespace}Names {
+print F "namespace WebCore {\n\n namespace $parameters{'namespace'}Names {
using namespace WebCore;
-DEFINE_GLOBAL(AtomicString, ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI, \"$namespaceURI\")
+DEFINE_GLOBAL(AtomicString, ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI, \"$parameters{'namespaceURI'}\")
- if (scalar(@tags)) {
+ if (keys %tags) {
print F "// Tags\n";
- for my $name (@tags) {
+ for my $name (sort keys %tags) {
print F "DEFINE_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, ", $name, "Tag, nullAtom, \"$name\", ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI);\n";
- print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get${namespace}Tags(size_t* size)\n";
- print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* ${namespace}Tags[] = {\n";
- for my $name (@tags) {
+ print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{'namespace'}Tags(size_t* size)\n";
+ print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* $parameters{'namespace'}Tags[] = {\n";
+ for my $name (sort keys %tags) {
print F " (WebCore::QualifiedName*)&${name}Tag,\n";
print F " };\n";
- print F " *size = ", scalar(@tags), ";\n";
- print F " return ${namespace}Tags;\n";
+ print F " *size = ", scalar(keys %tags), ";\n";
+ print F " return $parameters{'namespace'}Tags;\n";
print F "}\n";
- if (scalar(@attrs)) {
+ if (keys %attrs) {
print F "\n// Attributes\n";
- for my $name (@attrs) {
+ for my $name (sort keys %attrs) {
print F "DEFINE_GLOBAL(QualifiedName, ", $name, "Attr, nullAtom, \"$name\", ${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI);\n";
- print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get${namespace}Attrs(size_t* size)\n";
- print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* ${namespace}Attr[] = {\n";
- for my $name (@attrs) {
+ print F "\n\nWebCore::QualifiedName** get$parameters{'namespace'}Attrs(size_t* size)\n";
+ print F "{\n static WebCore::QualifiedName* $parameters{'namespace'}Attr[] = {\n";
+ for my $name (sort keys %attrs) {
print F " (WebCore::QualifiedName*)&${name}Attr,\n";
print F " };\n";
- print F " *size = ", scalar(@attrs), ";\n";
- print F " return ${namespace}Attr;\n";
+ print F " *size = ", scalar(keys %attrs), ";\n";
+ print F " return $parameters{'namespace'}Attr;\n";
print F "}\n";
+ if (keys %tags) {
+ printDefinitionStrings($F, \%tags, "tags");
+ }
+ if (keys %attrs) {
+ printDefinitionStrings($F, \%attrs, "attributes");
+ }
print F "\nvoid init()
static bool initialized = false;
@@ -315,32 +406,66 @@ print F "\nvoid init()
- print(F " AtomicString ${lowerNamespace}NS(\"$namespaceURI\");\n\n");
+ print(F " AtomicString ${lowerNamespace}NS(\"$parameters{'namespaceURI'}\");\n\n");
print(F " // Namespace\n");
print(F " new ((void*)&${lowerNamespace}NamespaceURI) AtomicString(${lowerNamespace}NS);\n\n");
- if (scalar(@tags)) {
- my $tagsNamespace = $tagsNullNamespace ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS";
- printDefinitions($F, \@tags, "tags", $tagsNamespace);
+ if (keys %tags) {
+ my $tagsNamespace = $parameters{'tagsNullNamespace'} ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS";
+ printDefinitions($F, \%tags, "tags", $tagsNamespace);
- if (scalar(@attrs)) {
- my $attrsNamespace = $attrsNullNamespace ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS";
- printDefinitions($F, \@attrs, "attributes", $attrsNamespace);
+ if (keys %attrs) {
+ my $attrsNamespace = $parameters{'attrsNullNamespace'} ? "nullAtom" : "${lowerNamespace}NS";
+ printDefinitions($F, \%attrs, "attributes", $attrsNamespace);
print F "}\n\n} }\n\n";
close F;
+sub printJSElementIncludes
+ my ($F, $namesRef) = @_;
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %names) {
+ next if (hasCustomMapping($name));
+ my $ucName = $names{$name}{"interfaceName"};
+ print F "#include \"JS$parameters{'namespace'}${ucName}.h\"\n";
+ }
sub printElementIncludes
- my ($F, @names) = @_;
- for my $name (@names) {
- my $upperCase = upperCaseName($name);
- print F "#include \"${namespace}${upperCase}Element.h\"\n";
+ my ($F, $namesRef, $shouldSkipCustomMappings) = @_;
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %names) {
+ next if ($shouldSkipCustomMappings && hasCustomMapping($name));
+ my $ucName = $names{$name}{"interfaceName"};
+ print F "#include \"$parameters{'namespace'}${ucName}.h\"\n";
+sub printDefinitionStrings
+ my ($F, $namesRef, $type) = @_;
+ my $singularType = substr($type, 0, -1);
+ my $shortType = substr($singularType, 0, 4);
+ my $shortCamelType = ucfirst($shortType);
+ print F "\n// " . ucfirst($type) . " as strings\n";
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) {
+ next if (!$parameters{'exportStrings'} and !$names{$name}{"exportString"});
+ my $realName = $name;
+ $realName =~ s/_/-/g;
+ print F "char $name","${shortCamelType}String[] = \"$realName\";\n";
+ }
sub printDefinitions
my ($F, $namesRef, $type, $namespaceURI) = @_;
@@ -351,25 +476,24 @@ sub printDefinitions
print F " // " . ucfirst($type) . "\n";
- for my $name (@$namesRef) {
- print F " const char *$name","${shortCamelType}String = \"$name\";\n";
- }
- for my $name (@$namesRef) {
- if ($name =~ /_/) {
- my $realName = $name;
- $realName =~ s/_/-/g;
- print F " ${name}${shortCamelType}String = \"$realName\";\n";
- }
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) {
+ next if ($parameters{'exportStrings'} or $names{$name}{"exportString"});
+ my $realName = $name;
+ $realName =~ s/_/-/g;
+ print F " const char *$name","${shortCamelType}String = \"$realName\";\n";
- print F "\n";
- for my $name (@$namesRef) {
+ print "\n";
+ for my $name (sort keys %$namesRef) {
print F " new ((void*)&$name","${shortCamelType}) QualifiedName(nullAtom, $name","${shortCamelType}String, $namespaceURI);\n";
+## ElementFactory routines
sub printFactoryCppFile
my $cppPath = shift;
@@ -380,35 +504,39 @@ printLicenseHeader($F);
print F <<END
#include "config.h"
-#include "${namespace}ElementFactory.h"
-#include "${namespace}Names.h"
-#include "Page.h"
+#include "$parameters{'namespace'}ElementFactory.h"
+#include "$parameters{'namespace'}Names.h"
+#include "Document.h"
#include "Settings.h"
-printElementIncludes($F, @tags);
+printElementIncludes($F, \%tags, 0);
print F <<END
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
using namespace WebCore;
-using namespace ${cppNamespace}::${namespace}Names;
-typedef ${namespace}Element *(*ConstructorFunc)(Document *doc, bool createdByParser);
+typedef $parameters{'namespace'}Element* (*ConstructorFunc)(Document* doc, bool createdByParser);
typedef WTF::HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, ConstructorFunc> FunctionMap;
-static FunctionMap *gFunctionMap = 0;
+static FunctionMap* gFunctionMap = 0;
-namespace ${cppNamespace} {
+namespace WebCore {
-printConstructors($F, @tags);
+printConstructors($F, \%tags);
+print F "#if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
print F <<END
static inline void createFunctionMapIfNecessary()
if (gFunctionMap)
@@ -420,32 +548,51 @@ static inline void createFunctionMapIfNecessary()
-printFunctionInits($F, @tags);
+printFunctionInits($F, \%tags);
-print F <<END
+print F "}\n";
+print F "#endif\n\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
-${namespace}Element *${namespace}ElementFactory::create${namespace}Element(const QualifiedName& qName, Document* doc, bool createdByParser)
+print F <<END
+$parameters{'namespace'}Element* $parameters{'namespace'}ElementFactory::create$parameters{'namespace'}Element(const QualifiedName& qName, Document* doc, bool createdByParser)
+print F "#if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+print F <<END
// Don't make elements without a document
if (!doc)
return 0;
Settings* settings = doc->settings();
if (settings && settings->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode())
return 0;
ConstructorFunc func = gFunctionMap->get(qName.localName().impl());
if (func)
return func(doc, createdByParser);
- return new ${namespace}Element(qName, doc);
+ return new $parameters{'namespace'}Element(qName, doc);
+if ($parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}) {
+print F <<END
return 0;
+print F <<END
} // namespace
@@ -464,8 +611,8 @@ sub printFactoryHeaderFile
-print F "#ifndef ${namespace}ELEMENTFACTORY_H\n";
-print F "#define ${namespace}ELEMENTFACTORY_H\n\n";
+print F "#ifndef $parameters{'namespace'}ELEMENTFACTORY_H\n";
+print F "#define $parameters{'namespace'}ELEMENTFACTORY_H\n\n";
print F "
namespace WebCore {
@@ -475,17 +622,17 @@ namespace WebCore {
class AtomicString;
-namespace ${cppNamespace}
- class ${namespace}Element;
+namespace WebCore {
+ class $parameters{'namespace'}Element;
// The idea behind this class is that there will eventually be a mapping from namespace URIs to ElementFactories that can dispense
// elements. In a compound document world, the generic createElement function (will end up being virtual) will be called.
- class ${namespace}ElementFactory
+ class $parameters{'namespace'}ElementFactory
- WebCore::Element *createElement(const WebCore::QualifiedName& qName, WebCore::Document *doc, bool createdByParser = true);
- static ${namespace}Element *create${namespace}Element(const WebCore::QualifiedName& qName, WebCore::Document *doc, bool createdByParser = true);
+ WebCore::Element* createElement(const WebCore::QualifiedName& qName, WebCore::Document* doc, bool createdByParser = true);
+ static $parameters{'namespace'}Element* create$parameters{'namespace'}Element(const WebCore::QualifiedName& qName, WebCore::Document* doc, bool createdByParser = true);
@@ -495,3 +642,225 @@ namespace ${cppNamespace}
close F;
+## Wrapper Factory routines
+sub initializeCustomMappings
+ if (!keys %svgCustomMappings) {
+ # These are used to map a tag to another one in WrapperFactory
+ # (for example, "h2" is mapped to "h1" so that they use the same JS Wrapper ("h1" wrapper))
+ # Mapping to an empty string will not generate a wrapper
+ %svgCustomMappings = ('animateMotion' => '',
+ 'hkern' => '',
+ 'mpath' => '');
+ %htmlCustomMappings = ('abbr' => '',
+ 'acronym' => '',
+ 'address' => '',
+ 'b' => '',
+ 'bdo' => '',
+ 'big' => '',
+ 'center' => '',
+ 'cite' => '',
+ 'code' => '',
+ 'colgroup' => 'col',
+ 'dd' => '',
+ 'dfn' => '',
+ 'dt' => '',
+ 'em' => '',
+ 'h2' => 'h1',
+ 'h3' => 'h1',
+ 'h4' => 'h1',
+ 'h5' => 'h1',
+ 'h6' => 'h1',
+ 'i' => '',
+ 'image' => 'img',
+ 'ins' => 'del',
+ 'kbd' => '',
+ 'keygen' => 'select',
+ 'listing' => 'pre',
+ 'layer' => '',
+ 'nobr' => '',
+ 'noembed' => '',
+ 'noframes' => '',
+ 'nolayer' => '',
+ 'noscript' => '',
+ 'plaintext' => '',
+ 's' => '',
+ 'samp' => '',
+ 'small' => '',
+ 'span' => '',
+ 'strike' => '',
+ 'strong' => '',
+ 'sub' => '',
+ 'sup' => '',
+ 'tfoot' => 'tbody',
+ 'th' => 'td',
+ 'thead' => 'tbody',
+ 'tt' => '',
+ 'u' => '',
+ 'var' => '',
+ 'wbr' => '',
+ 'xmp' => 'pre');
+ }
+sub hasCustomMapping
+ my $name = shift;
+ initializeCustomMappings();
+ return 1 if $parameters{'namespace'} eq "HTML" && exists($htmlCustomMappings{$name});
+ return 1 if $parameters{'namespace'} eq "SVG" && exists($svgCustomMappings{$name});
+ return 0;
+sub printWrapperFunctions
+ my ($F, $namesRef) = @_;
+ my %names = %$namesRef;
+ for my $name (sort keys %names) {
+ # Custom mapping do not need a JS wrapper
+ next if (hasCustomMapping($name));
+ my $ucName = $names{$name}{"interfaceName"};
+ # Hack for the media tags
+ if ($names{$name}{"applyAudioHack"}) {
+ print F <<END
+static JSNode* create${ucName}Wrapper(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<$parameters{'namespace'}Element> element)
+ if (!MediaPlayer::isAvailable())
+ return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, $parameters{'namespace'}Element, element.get());
+ return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, $parameters{'namespace'}${ucName}, element.get());
+ } else {
+ print F <<END
+static JSNode* create${ucName}Wrapper(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<$parameters{'namespace'}Element> element)
+ return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, $parameters{'namespace'}${ucName}, element.get());
+ }
+ }
+sub printWrapperFactoryCppFile
+ my $cppPath = shift;
+ my $F;
+ open F, ">$cppPath";
+ printLicenseHeader($F);
+ print F "#include \"config.h\"\n\n";
+ print F "#if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+ print F "#include \"JS$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFactory.h\"\n";
+ printJSElementIncludes($F, \%tags);
+ print F "\n#include \"$parameters{'namespace'}Names.h\"\n\n";
+ printElementIncludes($F, \%tags, 1);
+ print F <<END
+using namespace JSC;
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace $parameters{'namespace'}Names;
+typedef JSNode* (*Create$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFunction)(ExecState*, PassRefPtr<$parameters{'namespace'}Element>);
+ printWrapperFunctions($F, \%tags);
+ print F <<END
+JSNode* createJS$parameters{'namespace'}Wrapper(ExecState* exec, PassRefPtr<$parameters{'namespace'}Element> element)
+ static HashMap<WebCore::AtomicStringImpl*, Create$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFunction> map;
+ if (map.isEmpty()) {
+ for my $tag (sort keys %tags) {
+ next if (hasCustomMapping($tag));
+ my $ucTag = $tags{$tag}{"interfaceName"};
+ print F " map.set(${tag}Tag.localName().impl(), create${ucTag}Wrapper);\n";
+ }
+ if ($parameters{'namespace'} eq "HTML") {
+ for my $tag (sort keys %htmlCustomMappings) {
+ next if !$htmlCustomMappings{$tag};
+ my $ucCustomTag = $tags{$htmlCustomMappings{$tag}}{"interfaceName"};
+ print F " map.set(${tag}Tag.localName().impl(), create${ucCustomTag}Wrapper);\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Currently SVG has no need to add custom map.set as it only has empty elements
+ print F <<END
+ }
+ Create$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFunction createWrapperFunction = map.get(element->localName().impl());
+ if (createWrapperFunction)
+ return createWrapperFunction(exec, element);
+ return CREATE_DOM_NODE_WRAPPER(exec, $parameters{'namespace'}Element, element.get());
+ print F "#endif\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+ close F;
+sub printWrapperFactoryHeaderFile
+ my $headerPath = shift;
+ my $F;
+ open F, ">$headerPath";
+ printLicenseHeader($F);
+ print F "#ifndef JS$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n";
+ print F "#define JS$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n\n";
+ print F "#if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+ print F <<END
+#include <wtf/Forward.h>
+namespace JSC {
+ class ExecState;
+namespace WebCore {
+ class JSNode;
+ class $parameters{'namespace'}Element;
+ JSNode* createJS$parameters{'namespace'}Wrapper(JSC::ExecState*, PassRefPtr<$parameters{'namespace'}Element>);
+ print F "#endif // $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'}\n\n" if $parameters{'guardFactoryWith'};
+ print F "#endif // JS$parameters{'namespace'}ElementWrapperFactory_h\n";
+ close F;