path: root/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h b/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h
index 7eb429f..498678e 100644
--- a/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h
+++ b/WebCore/platform/graphics/chromium/LayerRendererChromium.h
@@ -36,45 +36,98 @@
#include "IntRect.h"
#include "LayerChromium.h"
+#include "SkBitmap.h"
+#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
-namespace skia {
-class PlatformCanvas;
namespace WebCore {
+class GLES2Context;
+class Page;
+// Class that handles drawing of composited render layers using GL.
class LayerRendererChromium : public Noncopyable {
- static PassOwnPtr<LayerRendererChromium> create();
+ static PassOwnPtr<LayerRendererChromium> create(Page* page);
- LayerRendererChromium();
+ LayerRendererChromium(Page* page);
- void drawLayersInCanvas(skia::PlatformCanvas*, const IntRect& clipRect);
- void updateLayerContents();
+ // Updates the contents of the root layer that fall inside the updateRect and recomposites
+ // all the layers.
+ void drawLayers(const IntRect& updateRect, const IntRect& visibleRect, const IntRect& contentRect, const IntPoint& scrollPosition);
void setRootLayer(PassRefPtr<LayerChromium> layer) { m_rootLayer = layer; }
LayerChromium* rootLayer() { return m_rootLayer.get(); }
void setNeedsDisplay() { m_needsDisplay = true; }
- void setScrollFrame(SkIRect& scrollFrame) { m_scrollFrame = scrollFrame; }
+ // Frees the texture associated with the given layer.
+ bool freeLayerTexture(LayerChromium*);
+ bool hardwareCompositing() const { return m_hardwareCompositing; }
- void drawLayerInCanvasRecursive(skia::PlatformCanvas*, LayerChromium*, float opacity);
- void updateLayerContentsRecursive(LayerChromium*);
+ void compositeLayersRecursive(LayerChromium*, const TransformationMatrix&, float opacity, const IntRect& visibleRect);
+ void drawDebugBorder(LayerChromium*, const TransformationMatrix&);
+ void drawTexturedQuad(const TransformationMatrix& matrix, float width, float height, float opacity, bool scrolling);
+ bool isLayerVisible(LayerChromium*, const TransformationMatrix&, const IntRect& visibleRect);
+ void bindCommonAttribLocation(int location, char* attribName);
+ enum VboIds { Vertices, LayerElements };
+ // These are here only temporarily and should be removed once we switch over to GGL
+ bool initGL();
+ bool makeContextCurrent();
+ bool initializeSharedGLObjects();
+ int getTextureId(LayerChromium*);
+ int assignTextureForLayer(LayerChromium*);
+ // GL shader program object IDs.
+ unsigned int m_layerProgramObject;
+ unsigned int m_borderProgramObject;
+ unsigned int m_scrollProgramObject;
+ unsigned int m_rootLayerTextureId;
+ int m_rootLayerTextureWidth;
+ int m_rootLayerTextureHeight;
+ // Shader uniform and attribute locations.
+ const int m_positionLocation;
+ const int m_texCoordLocation;
+ int m_samplerLocation;
+ int m_matrixLocation;
+ int m_alphaLocation;
+ int m_scrollMatrixLocation;
+ int m_scrollSamplerLocation;
+ int m_borderMatrixLocation;
+ int m_borderColorLocation;
+ unsigned int m_quadVboIds[3];
+ TransformationMatrix m_projectionMatrix;
RefPtr<LayerChromium> m_rootLayer;
bool m_needsDisplay;
- SkIRect m_scrollFrame;
+ IntPoint m_scrollPosition;
+ bool m_hardwareCompositing;
+ // Map associating layers with textures ids used by the GL compositor.
+ typedef HashMap<LayerChromium*, unsigned int> TextureIdMap;
+ TextureIdMap m_textureIdMap;
+ OwnPtr<GLES2Context> m_gles2Context;
+ // The WebCore Page that the compositor renders into.
+ Page* m_page;