path: root/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp b/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp
index fe1d0db..0163376 100644
--- a/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp
+++ b/WebKit/android/jni/WebViewCore.cpp
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
#include "ChromeClientAndroid.h"
#include "ChromiumIncludes.h"
#include "Color.h"
+#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
+#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "DatabaseTracker.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "DOMWindow.h"
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@
#include "WindowsKeyboardCodes.h"
#include "android_graphics.h"
#include "autofill/WebAutoFill.h"
+#include "htmlediting.h"
#include "markup.h"
#include <JNIHelp.h>
@@ -294,6 +297,7 @@ struct WebViewCore::JavaGlue {
jmethodID m_setScrollbarModes;
jmethodID m_setInstallableWebApp;
jmethodID m_setWebTextViewAutoFillable;
+ jmethodID m_selectAt;
AutoJObject object(JNIEnv* env) {
return getRealObject(env, m_obj);
@@ -389,6 +393,7 @@ WebViewCore::WebViewCore(JNIEnv* env, jobject javaWebViewCore, WebCore::Frame* m
m_javaGlue->m_setScrollbarModes = GetJMethod(env, clazz, "setScrollbarModes", "(II)V");
m_javaGlue->m_setInstallableWebApp = GetJMethod(env, clazz, "setInstallableWebApp", "()V");
m_javaGlue->m_setWebTextViewAutoFillable = GetJMethod(env, clazz, "setWebTextViewAutoFillable", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V");
+ m_javaGlue->m_selectAt = GetJMethod(env, clazz, "selectAt", "(II)V");
env->SetIntField(javaWebViewCore, gWebViewCoreFields.m_nativeClass, (jint)this);
@@ -2078,39 +2083,6 @@ String WebViewCore::modifySelection(const int direction, const int axis)
-String WebViewCore::moveSelection(WebCore::Frame* frame, WebCore::Node* node)
- if (!frame || !node)
- return String();
- if (!CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame, frame, node))
- return String();
- PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef = 0;
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- DOMSelection* selection = frame->domWindow()->getSelection();
- if (selection->rangeCount() > 0) {
- rangeRef = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
- if (ec)
- return String();
- selection->removeAllRanges();
- } else {
- rangeRef = frame->document()->createRange();
- }
- rangeRef->selectNode(node, ec);
- if (ec)
- return String();
- selection->addRange(rangeRef.get());
- scrollNodeIntoView(frame, node);
- String markup = formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
- LOGV("Selection markup: %s", markup.utf8().data());
- return markup;
void WebViewCore::scrollNodeIntoView(Frame* frame, Node* node)
if (!frame || !node)
@@ -2135,178 +2107,410 @@ void WebViewCore::scrollNodeIntoView(Frame* frame, Node* node)
String WebViewCore::modifySelectionTextNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, int direction, int axis)
- String directionString;
- if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD)
- directionString = "forward";
- else if (direction == DIRECTION_BACKWARD)
- directionString = "backward";
- else {
- LOGE("Invalid direction: %d", direction);
- return String();
- }
- String axisString;
- if (axis == AXIS_CHARACTER)
- axisString = "character";
- else if (axis == AXIS_WORD)
- axisString = "word";
- else // axis == AXIS_SENTENCE
- axisString = "sentence";
// TODO: Add support of IFrames.
HTMLElement* body = m_mainFrame->document()->body();
- Node* focusNode = 0;
- if (m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis
- && CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame, m_mainFrame, m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis)) {
- focusNode = m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis;
- m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = 0;
- do {
- focusNode = (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ?
- focusNode->traverseNextNode(body) :
- focusNode->traversePreviousNode(body);
- } while (focusNode && focusNode->isTextNode());
- } else
- focusNode = (selection->focusNode()) ? selection->focusNode() : currentFocus();
- Text* currentNode = 0;
- if (!focusNode) {
- // we have no selection so start from the body or its recursively last child
- focusNode = (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ? body : body->lastDescendant();
- if (focusNode->isTextNode())
- currentNode = static_cast<Text*>(focusNode);
- else
- currentNode = traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode, body, direction);
- if (!setSelection(selection, currentNode, direction))
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ // initialize the selection if necessary
+ if (selection->rangeCount() == 0) {
+ if (m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis
+ && CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame,
+ m_mainFrame, m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis)) {
+ PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef =
+ selection->frame()->document()->createRange();
+ rangeRef->selectNode(m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis, ec);
+ m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = 0;
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ selection->addRange(rangeRef.get());
+ } else if (currentFocus()) {
+ selection->setPosition(currentFocus(), 0, ec);
+ } else if (m_cursorNode
+ && CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame,
+ m_mainFrame, m_cursorNode)) {
+ PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef =
+ selection->frame()->document()->createRange();
+ rangeRef->selectNode(reinterpret_cast<Node*>(m_cursorNode), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ selection->addRange(rangeRef.get());
+ } else if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
+ selection->setPosition(body->firstDescendant(), 0, ec);
+ } else {
+ selection->setPosition(body->lastDescendant(), 0, ec);
+ }
+ if (ec)
return String();
- } else if (focusNode->isElementNode()) {
- // find a non-empty text node in the current direction
- currentNode = traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode, body, direction);
- if (!setSelection(selection, currentNode, direction))
+ }
+ // collapse the selection
+ if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD)
+ selection->collapseToEnd(ec);
+ else
+ selection->collapseToStart(ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ Node* oldAnchorNode = selection->anchorNode();
+ if (!oldAnchorNode)
+ return String();
+ // Make sure the anchor node is a text node since we are generating
+ // the markup of the selection which includes the anchor, the focus,
+ // and any crossed nodes. Forcing the condition that the selection
+ // starts and ends on text nodes guarantees symmetric selection markup.
+ Node* anchorNode = selection->anchorNode();
+ if (anchorNode->isElementNode()) {
+ int anchorOffset = rangeCompliantChildOffset(anchorNode,
+ selection->anchorOffset());
+ anchorNode = selection->anchorNode()->childNodes()->item(anchorOffset);
+ Node* nextAnchorNode = traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ anchorNode, body, direction);
+ if (!nextAnchorNode)
return String();
- } else {
- currentNode = static_cast<Text*>(focusNode);
if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
- // if end of non-whitespace text go to the next non-empty text node
- int higherIndex = (selection->focusOffset() > selection->anchorOffset()) ?
- selection->focusOffset() : selection->anchorOffset();
- String suffix = currentNode->data().substring(higherIndex, currentNode->length());
- if (suffix.isEmpty() || suffix.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
- currentNode = traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(currentNode, body, direction);
- if (!setSelection(selection, currentNode, direction))
+ Node* skippedControl = getFirstIntermediaryInputOrButton(anchorNode,
+ nextAnchorNode);
+ if (skippedControl) {
+ IntRect bounds = static_cast<Element*>(
+ skippedControl)->boundsInWindowSpace();
+ selectAt(,;
+ selection->setBaseAndExtent(skippedControl,
+ caretMinOffset(skippedControl), skippedControl,
+ caretMaxOffset(skippedControl), ec);
+ if (ec)
return String();
+ return formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
} else {
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- selection->collapseToEnd(ec);
+ selection->setPosition(nextAnchorNode, 0, ec);
if (ec)
- LOGE("Error while collapsing selection. Error code: %d", ec);
+ return String();
} else {
- // if beginning of non-whitespace text go to the previous non-empty text node
- int lowerIndex = (selection->focusOffset() > selection->anchorOffset()) ?
- selection->anchorOffset() : selection->focusOffset();
- String prefix = currentNode->data().substring(0, lowerIndex);
- if (prefix.isEmpty() || prefix.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
- currentNode = traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(currentNode, body, direction);
- if (!setSelection(selection, currentNode, direction))
+ Node* skippedControl = getFirstIntermediaryInputOrButton(
+ nextAnchorNode, anchorNode);
+ if (skippedControl) {
+ IntRect bounds = static_cast<Element*>(
+ skippedControl)->boundsInWindowSpace();
+ selectAt(,;
+ selection->setBaseAndExtent(skippedControl,
+ caretMaxOffset(skippedControl), skippedControl,
+ caretMinOffset(skippedControl), ec);
+ if (ec)
return String();
+ return formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
} else {
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- selection->collapseToStart(ec);
+ selection->setPosition(nextAnchorNode,
+ caretMaxOffset(nextAnchorNode), ec);
if (ec)
- LOGE("Error while collapsing selection. Error code: %d", ec);
+ return String();
- // extend the selection - loop as an insurance it does not get stuck
- currentNode = static_cast<Text*>(selection->focusNode());
- int focusOffset = selection->focusOffset();
- while (true) {
- selection->modify("extend", directionString, axisString);
- if (selection->focusNode() != currentNode || selection->focusOffset() != focusOffset)
- break;
- currentNode = traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(currentNode, body, direction);
- focusOffset = (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ? 0 : currentNode->data().length();
- // setSelection returns false if currentNode is 0 => the loop always terminates
- if (!setSelection(selection, currentNode, direction))
- return String();
+ // If the selection is at the end of a non white space text move
+ // it to the next visible text node with non white space content.
+ // This is a workaround for the selection getting stuck.
+ anchorNode = selection->anchorNode();
+ if (!anchorNode)
+ return String();
+ if (anchorNode->isTextNode()) {
+ if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
+ String suffix = anchorNode->textContent().substring(
+ selection->anchorOffset(), caretMaxOffset(anchorNode));
+ if (suffix.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
+ Node* nextAnchorNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(anchorNode,
+ body, direction);
+ if (!nextAnchorNode)
+ return String();
+ Node* skippedControl = getFirstIntermediaryInputOrButton(
+ anchorNode, nextAnchorNode);
+ if (skippedControl) {
+ IntRect bounds = static_cast<Element*>(
+ skippedControl)->boundsInWindowSpace();
+ selectAt(,;
+ selection->setBaseAndExtent(skippedControl,
+ caretMinOffset(skippedControl), skippedControl,
+ caretMaxOffset(skippedControl), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ return formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
+ } else {
+ selection->setPosition(nextAnchorNode, 0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ String prefix = anchorNode->textContent().substring(0,
+ selection->anchorOffset());
+ if (prefix.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) {
+ Node* nextAnchorNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(anchorNode,
+ body, direction);
+ if (!nextAnchorNode)
+ return String();
+ Node* skippedControl = getFirstIntermediaryInputOrButton(
+ nextAnchorNode, anchorNode);
+ if (skippedControl) {
+ IntRect bounds = static_cast<Element*>(
+ skippedControl)->boundsInWindowSpace();
+ selectAt(,;
+ selection->setBaseAndExtent(skippedControl,
+ caretMaxOffset(skippedControl), skippedControl,
+ caretMinOffset(skippedControl), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ return formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
+ } else {
+ selection->setPosition(nextAnchorNode,
+ caretMaxOffset(nextAnchorNode), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
- // enforce the anchor node is a text node
- if (selection->anchorNode()->isElementNode()) {
- if (!setSelection(selection, selection->focusNode(), selection->focusNode(), 0,
- selection->focusOffset()))
- return String();
- }
- // enforce the focus node is a text node
- if (selection->focusNode()->isElementNode()) {
- int endOffset = static_cast<Text*>(selection->anchorNode())->length(); // cast is safe
- if (!setSelection(selection, selection->anchorNode(), selection->anchorNode(),
- selection->anchorOffset(), endOffset))
+ // extend the selection
+ String directionStr;
+ if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD)
+ directionStr = "forward";
+ else
+ directionStr = "backward";
+ String axisStr;
+ if (axis == AXIS_CHARACTER)
+ axisStr = "character";
+ else if (axis == AXIS_WORD)
+ axisStr = "word";
+ else
+ axisStr = "sentence";
+ selection->modify("extend", directionStr, axisStr);
+ // Make sure the focus node is a text node in order to have the
+ // selection generate symmetric markup because the latter
+ // includes all nodes crossed by the selection.
+ Node* focusNode = selection->focusNode();
+ if (focusNode->isElementNode()) {
+ int focusOffset = rangeCompliantChildOffset(focusNode,
+ selection->focusOffset());
+ if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
+ focusNode =
+ focusNode->childNodes()->item(focusOffset)->lastDescendant();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode = traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, body, DIRECTION_BACKWARD);
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, caretMaxOffset(focusNode), ec);
+ if (ec)
return String();
- }
- } else {
- // enforce the focus node is a text node
- if (selection->focusNode()->isElementNode()) {
- if (!setSelection(selection, selection->anchorNode(), selection->anchorNode(), 0,
- selection->anchorOffset()))
+ } else {
+ focusNode =
+ focusNode->childNodes()->item(focusOffset)->firstDescendant();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode = traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, body, DIRECTION_FORWARD);
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, 0, ec);
+ if (ec)
return String();
- // enforce the anchor node is a text node
- if (selection->anchorNode()->isElementNode()) {
- int endOffset = static_cast<Text*>(selection->focusNode())->length(); // cast is safe
- if (!setSelection(selection, selection->focusNode(), selection->focusNode(),
- selection->focusOffset(), endOffset))
- return String();
+ }
+ // Enforce that the selection does not cross anchor boundaries. This is
+ // a workaround for the asymmetric behavior of WebKit while crossing
+ // anchors.
+ // NOTE: The code is asymmetric since the logic is based off the common
+ // ancestor in both directions - backward and forward.
+ // TODO: Factor out common code repeated below.
+ anchorNode = selection->anchorNode();
+ focusNode = selection->focusNode();
+ if (anchorNode != focusNode
+ && anchorNode->isTextNode()
+ && focusNode->isTextNode()) {
+ Node* commonAncestor = Range::commonAncestorContainer(anchorNode,
+ focusNode);
+ Node* currentNode = 0;
+ bool selectionAdjusted = false;
+ if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
+ // catch if the anchor is in a link but the focus is not
+ if (!commonAncestor->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::aTag)) {
+ currentNode = anchorNode;
+ while (currentNode != commonAncestor) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode) && isInputControl(currentNode)) {
+ focusNode = currentNode->lastDescendant();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, commonAncestor,
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, caretMaxOffset(focusNode),
+ ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ selectionAdjusted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->parentNode();
+ }
+ // catch if there is a link between the anchor and focus
+ if (!selectionAdjusted) {
+ currentNode = anchorNode;
+ while (currentNode != focusNode) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode)
+ && isInputControl(currentNode)) {
+ focusNode = currentNode;
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, commonAncestor,
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode,
+ caretMaxOffset(focusNode), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ break;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // catch if the anchor is in a link but the focus is not
+ // NOTE: There is not such case in forward direction because
+ // it is implicitly covered the second case. Also the
+ // base position used for computing the the common
+ // ancestor which is asymmteric.
+ if (!commonAncestor->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::aTag)) {
+ currentNode = anchorNode;
+ while (currentNode != commonAncestor) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode) && isInputControl(currentNode)) {
+ focusNode = currentNode->firstDescendant();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, commonAncestor,
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, 0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ selectionAdjusted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->parentNode();
+ }
+ // catch if there is a link between the anchor and focus
+ if (!selectionAdjusted) {
+ currentNode = anchorNode;
+ while (currentNode != focusNode) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode)
+ && isInputControl(currentNode)) {
+ focusNode = currentNode->traverseNextSibling();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, commonAncestor,
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, 0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ selectionAdjusted = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->traversePreviousNode();
+ }
+ }
+ // catch if the focus is in a link but the anchor is not
+ if (!selectionAdjusted) {
+ currentNode = focusNode;
+ while (currentNode != commonAncestor) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode)
+ && isInputControl(currentNode)) {
+ focusNode = currentNode->traverseNextSibling();
+ if (!isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(focusNode)) {
+ focusNode =
+ traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(
+ focusNode, commonAncestor,
+ if (!focusNode)
+ return String();
+ }
+ selection->extend(focusNode, 0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ break;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->parentNode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // make sure the selection is visible
if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD)
- scrollNodeIntoView(m_mainFrame, selection->focusNode());
+ scrollNodeIntoView(m_mainFrame, selection->focusNode());
- scrollNodeIntoView(m_mainFrame, selection->anchorNode());
+ scrollNodeIntoView(m_mainFrame, selection->anchorNode());
- tryFocusInlineSelectionElement(selection);
+ // format markup for the visible content
+ PassRefPtr<Range> range = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return String();
+ IntRect bounds = range->boundingBox();
+ selectAt(,;
String markup = formatMarkup(selection).stripWhiteSpace();
LOGV("Selection markup: %s", markup.utf8().data());
return markup;
-bool WebViewCore::setSelection(DOMSelection* selection, Text* textNode, int direction)
+bool WebViewCore::isInputControl(Node* node)
- if (!textNode)
- return false;
- int offset = (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) ? 0 : textNode->length();
- if (!setSelection(selection, textNode, textNode, offset, offset))
- return false;
- return true;
+ return (node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::aTag)
+ || node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)
+ || node->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::buttonTag));
-bool WebViewCore::setSelection(DOMSelection* selection, Node* startNode, Node* endNode, int startOffset, int endOffset)
+int WebViewCore::rangeCompliantChildOffset(Node* parent, int offset)
- if (!selection || (!startNode && !endNode))
- return false;
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
- if (ec) {
- ec = 0;
- rangeRef = m_mainFrame->document()->createRange();
- }
- if (startNode)
- rangeRef->setStart(PassRefPtr<Node>(startNode), startOffset, ec);
- if (ec)
- return false;
- if (endNode)
- rangeRef->setEnd(PassRefPtr<Node>(endNode), endOffset, ec);
- if (ec)
- return false;
- selection->removeAllRanges();
- selection->addRange(rangeRef.get());
- return true;
+ if (offset < 0)
+ return 0;
+ int lastChildIndex = parent->childNodes()->length() - 1;
+ if (offset > lastChildIndex)
+ return lastChildIndex;
+ return offset;
-Text* WebViewCore::traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(Node* fromNode, Node* toNode, int direction)
+bool WebViewCore::isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(Node* node)
+ if (!node || !node->isTextNode())
+ return false;
+ Text* textNode = static_cast<Text*>(node);
+ return (isVisible(textNode) && textNode->length() > 0
+ && !textNode->containsOnlyWhitespace());
+Text* WebViewCore::traverseVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(Node* fromNode, Node* toNode, int direction)
Node* currentNode = fromNode;
do {
@@ -2314,18 +2518,10 @@ Text* WebViewCore::traverseNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(Node* fromNode, Node* t
currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode(toNode);
currentNode = currentNode->traversePreviousNode(toNode);
- } while (currentNode && (!currentNode->isTextNode()
- || isEmptyOrOnlyWhitespaceTextNode(currentNode)));
+ } while (currentNode && !isVisibleNonEmptyNonWhitespaceTextNode(currentNode));
return static_cast<Text*>(currentNode);
-bool WebViewCore::isEmptyOrOnlyWhitespaceTextNode(Node* node)
- return (node->isTextNode()
- && (static_cast<Text*>(node)->length() == 0
- || static_cast<Text*>(node)->containsOnlyWhitespace()));
String WebViewCore::modifySelectionDomNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, int direction, int axis)
// TODO: Add support of IFrames.
@@ -2334,12 +2530,14 @@ String WebViewCore::modifySelectionDomNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, in
m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = selection->focusNode();
if (m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis->isTextNode())
- m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis->parentNode();
+ m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis =
+ m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis->parentNode();
if (!m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis)
m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = currentFocus();
if (!m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis
- || !CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame, m_mainFrame, m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis))
+ || !CacheBuilder::validNode(m_mainFrame, m_mainFrame,
+ m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis))
m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = body;
Node* currentNode = m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis;
if (axis == AXIS_HEADING) {
@@ -2350,19 +2548,21 @@ String WebViewCore::modifySelectionDomNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, in
currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode(body);
currentNode = currentNode->traversePreviousNode(body);
- } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode() || !isVisible(currentNode)
- || !isHeading(currentNode)));
+ } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode()
+ || !isVisible(currentNode) || !isHeading(currentNode)));
} else if (axis == AXIS_PARENT_FIRST_CHILD) {
if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD) {
currentNode = currentNode->firstChild();
- while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode() || !isVisible(currentNode)))
+ while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode()
+ || !isVisible(currentNode)))
currentNode = currentNode->nextSibling();
} else {
do {
if (currentNode == body)
return String();
currentNode = currentNode->parentNode();
- } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode() || !isVisible(currentNode)));
+ } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode()
+ || !isVisible(currentNode)));
} else if (axis == AXIS_SIBLING) {
do {
@@ -2373,7 +2573,8 @@ String WebViewCore::modifySelectionDomNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, in
return String();
currentNode = currentNode->previousSibling();
- } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode() || !isVisible(currentNode)));
+ } while (currentNode && (currentNode->isTextNode()
+ || !isVisible(currentNode)));
} else if (axis == AXIS_DOCUMENT) {
currentNode = body;
if (direction == DIRECTION_FORWARD)
@@ -2385,8 +2586,6 @@ String WebViewCore::modifySelectionDomNavigationAxis(DOMSelection* selection, in
if (currentNode) {
m_currentNodeDomNavigationAxis = currentNode;
scrollNodeIntoView(m_mainFrame, currentNode);
- focusIfFocusableAndNotTextInput(selection, currentNode);
- // TODO (svetoslavganov): Draw the selected text in the WebView - a-la-Android
String selectionString = createMarkup(currentNode);
LOGV("Selection markup: %s", selectionString.utf8().data());
return selectionString;
@@ -2407,7 +2606,8 @@ bool WebViewCore::isHeading(Node* node)
if (node->isElementNode()) {
Element* element = static_cast<Element*>(node);
- String roleAttribute = element->getAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::roleAttr).string();
+ String roleAttribute =
+ element->getAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::roleAttr).string();
if (equalIgnoringCase(roleAttribute, "heading"))
return true;
@@ -2417,60 +2617,129 @@ bool WebViewCore::isHeading(Node* node)
bool WebViewCore::isVisible(Node* node)
- if (!node->isStyledElement())
- return false;
- RenderStyle* style = node->computedStyle();
- return (style->display() != NONE && style->visibility() != HIDDEN);
+ // TODO: Use DOMWindow#getComputedStyle instead.
+ Node* body = m_mainFrame->document()->body();
+ Node* currentNode = node;
+ while (currentNode && currentNode != body) {
+ RenderStyle* style = currentNode->computedStyle();
+ if (style->display() == NONE || style->visibility() == HIDDEN) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->parentNode();
+ }
+ return true;
String WebViewCore::formatMarkup(DOMSelection* selection)
ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
- if (ec) {
- LOGE("Error accessing the first selection range. Error code: %d", ec);
- return String();
- }
- // TODO: This breaks in certain cases - WebKit bug. Figure out and work around it
- String markup = createMarkup(rangeRef.get());
- int fromIdx = markup.find("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\"");
- while (fromIdx > -1) {
- unsigned toIdx = markup.find(">");
- markup = markup.replace(fromIdx, toIdx - fromIdx + 1, "");
- markup = markup.replace("</span>", "");
- fromIdx = markup.find("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\"");
+ String markup = String();
+ PassRefPtr<Range> wholeRange = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ if (!wholeRange->startContainer() || !wholeRange->startContainer())
+ return markup;
+ // Since formatted markup contains invisible nodes it
+ // is created from the concatenation of the visible fragments.
+ Node* firstNode = wholeRange->firstNode();
+ Node* pastLastNode = wholeRange->pastLastNode();
+ Node* currentNode = firstNode;
+ PassRefPtr<Range> currentRange;
+ while (currentNode != pastLastNode) {
+ Node* nextNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode();
+ if (!isVisible(currentNode)) {
+ if (currentRange) {
+ markup = markup + stripAppleSpanFromMarkup(
+ currentRange->toHTML()).utf8().data();
+ currentRange = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!currentRange) {
+ currentRange = selection->frame()->document()->createRange();
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ if (currentNode == firstNode) {
+ currentRange->setStart(wholeRange->startContainer(),
+ wholeRange->startOffset(), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ } else {
+ currentRange->setStart(currentNode->parentNode(),
+ currentNode->nodeIndex(), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nextNode == pastLastNode) {
+ currentRange->setEnd(wholeRange->endContainer(),
+ wholeRange->endOffset(), ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ markup = markup + stripAppleSpanFromMarkup(
+ currentRange->toHTML()).utf8().data();
+ } else {
+ if (currentNode->offsetInCharacters())
+ currentRange->setEnd(currentNode,
+ currentNode->maxCharacterOffset(), ec);
+ else
+ currentRange->setEnd(currentNode->parentNode(),
+ currentNode->nodeIndex() + 1, ec);
+ if (ec)
+ return markup;
+ }
+ }
+ currentNode = nextNode;
return markup;
-void WebViewCore::tryFocusInlineSelectionElement(DOMSelection* selection)
+String WebViewCore::stripAppleSpanFromMarkup(String markup)
- Node* currentNode = selection->anchorNode();
- Node* endNode = selection->focusNode();
- while (currentNode) {
- if (focusIfFocusableAndNotTextInput(selection, currentNode))
- return;
- currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode(endNode);
- }
+ int fromIdx = markup.find("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\"");
+ while (fromIdx > -1) {
+ int toIdx = markup.find(">");
+ markup = markup.replace(fromIdx, toIdx - fromIdx + 1, "");
+ markup = markup.replace("</span>", "");
+ fromIdx = markup.find("<span class=\"Apple-style-span\"");
+ }
+ return markup;
-bool WebViewCore::focusIfFocusableAndNotTextInput(DOMSelection* selection, Node* node)
+void WebViewCore::selectAt(int x, int y)
- // TODO (svetoslavganov): Synchronize Android and WebKit focus
- if (node->isFocusable()) {
- WebCore::RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
- if (!renderer || (!renderer->isTextField() && !renderer->isTextArea())) {
- // restore the selection after focus workaround for
- // the FIXME in Element.cpp#updateFocusAppearance
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- PassRefPtr<Range> rangeRef = selection->getRangeAt(0, ec);
- moveFocus(m_mainFrame, node);
- if (rangeRef)
- selection->addRange(rangeRef.get());
- return true;
+ JNIEnv* env = JSC::Bindings::getJNIEnv();
+ env->CallVoidMethod(m_javaGlue->object(env).get(), m_javaGlue->m_selectAt,
+ x, y);
+ checkException(env);
+Node* WebViewCore::getFirstIntermediaryInputOrButton(Node* fromNode, Node* toNode)
+ // do bidirectional traversal to catch the case in which
+ // the toNode is a descendant of a control but the fromNode
+ // is not and the other way around
+ Node* currentNode = fromNode->traverseNextNode();
+ while (currentNode && currentNode != toNode) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode)
+ && (currentNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)
+ || currentNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::buttonTag))) {
+ return currentNode;
+ currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNode();
- return false;
+ currentNode = fromNode->traverseNextNodePostOrder();
+ while (currentNode && currentNode != toNode) {
+ if (isVisible(currentNode)
+ && (currentNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::inputTag)
+ || currentNode->hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::buttonTag))) {
+ return currentNode;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode->traverseNextNodePostOrder();
+ }
+ return 0;
void WebViewCore::deleteSelection(int start, int end, int textGeneration)
@@ -3659,17 +3928,6 @@ static jstring ModifySelection(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint direction, jint gr
return wtfStringToJstring(env, selectionString);
-static jstring MoveSelection(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint framePtr, jint nodePtr)
- TimeCounterAuto counter(TimeCounter::WebViewCoreTimeCounter);
- WebViewCore* viewImpl = GET_NATIVE_VIEW(env, obj);
- String selectionString = viewImpl->moveSelection((WebCore::Frame*) framePtr,
- (WebCore::Node*) nodePtr);
- return wtfStringToJstring(env, selectionString);
static void ReplaceTextfieldText(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
jint oldStart, jint oldEnd, jstring replace, jint start, jint end,
jint textGeneration)
@@ -4258,8 +4516,6 @@ static JNINativeMethod gJavaWebViewCoreMethods[] = {
(void*) SetSelection } ,
{ "nativeModifySelection", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;",
(void*) ModifySelection },
- { "nativeMoveSelection", "(II)Ljava/lang/String;",
- (void*) MoveSelection },
{ "nativeDeleteSelection", "(III)V",
(void*) DeleteSelection } ,
{ "nativeReplaceTextfieldText", "(IILjava/lang/String;III)V",