path: root/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 349 deletions
diff --git a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
index 764f624..41574b4 100644
--- a/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
+++ b/WebKit/chromium/src/js/Tests.js
@@ -1069,25 +1069,6 @@ TestSuite.prototype._checkSourceFrameWhenLoaded = function(expectations, callbac
- * Performs sequence of steps.
- * @param {Array.<Object|Function>} Array [expectations1,action1,expectations2,
- * action2,...,actionN].
- */
-TestSuite.prototype._performSteps = function(actions)
- var test = this;
- var i = 0;
- function doNextAction() {
- if (i > 0)
- actions[i++]();
- if (i < actions.length - 1)
- test._waitForScriptPause(actions[i++], doNextAction);
- }
- doNextAction();
* Waits until all the scripts are parsed and asynchronously executes the code
* in the inspected page.
@@ -1128,131 +1109,6 @@ TestSuite.prototype._waitUntilScriptsAreParsed = function(expectedScripts, callb
- * Waits until all debugger scripts are parsed and executes "a()" in the
- * inspected page.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype._executeFunctionForStepTest = function()
- this._executeCodeWhenScriptsAreParsed("a()", ["debugger_step.html", "debugger_step.js"]);
- * Tests step over in the debugger.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testStepOver = function()
- this.showPanel("scripts");
- var test = this;
- this._executeFunctionForStepTest();
- this._performSteps([
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 3,
- lineText: " debugger;"
- },
- function() {
- document.getElementById("scripts-step-over").click();
- },
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 5,
- lineText: " var y = fact(10);"
- },
- function() {
- document.getElementById("scripts-step-over").click();
- },
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 6,
- lineText: " return y;"
- },
- function() {
- test.releaseControl();
- }
- ]);
- test.takeControl();
- * Tests step out in the debugger.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testStepOut = function()
- this.showPanel("scripts");
- var test = this;
- this._executeFunctionForStepTest();
- this._performSteps([
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 3,
- lineText: " debugger;"
- },
- function() {
- document.getElementById("scripts-step-out").click();
- },
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["a",""],
- lineNumber: 8,
- lineText: " printResult(result);"
- },
- function() {
- test.releaseControl();
- }
- ]);
- test.takeControl();
- * Tests step in in the debugger.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testStepIn = function()
- this.showPanel("scripts");
- var test = this;
- this._executeFunctionForStepTest();
- this._performSteps([
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 3,
- lineText: " debugger;"
- },
- function() {
- document.getElementById("scripts-step-over").click();
- },
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 5,
- lineText: " var y = fact(10);"
- },
- function() {
- document.getElementById("scripts-step-into").click();
- },
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["fact","d","a",""],
- lineNumber: 10,
- lineText: " var r = 1;"
- },
- function() {
- test.releaseControl();
- }
- ]);
- test.takeControl();
* Gets a XPathResult matching given xpath.
* @param {string} xpath
* @param {number} resultType
@@ -1503,116 +1359,6 @@ TestSuite.prototype._hookGetPropertiesCallback = function(hook, code)
- * Tests that all elements in prototype chain of an object have expected
- * intrinic proprties(__proto__, constructor, prototype).
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testDebugIntrinsicProperties = function()
- this.showPanel("scripts");
- var test = this;
- this._executeCodeWhenScriptsAreParsed("handleClick()", ["debugger_intrinsic_properties.html"]);
- this._waitForScriptPause(
- {
- functionsOnStack: ["callDebugger", "handleClick", ""],
- lineNumber: 29,
- lineText: " debugger;"
- },
- expandLocalScope);
- var localScopeSection = null;
- function expandLocalScope() {
- test._expandScopeSections(function(sections, i) {
- if (i === 0) {
- test.assertTrue(sections[i].object.isLocal, "Scope #0 is not Local.");
- localScopeSection = sections[i];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- examineLocalScope);
- }
- function examineLocalScope() {
- var scopeExpectations = [
- "a", "Child", [
- "__proto__", "Child", [
- "__proto__", "Parent", [
- "__proto__", "Object", null,
- "constructor", "function Parent(n) {", [
- "name", '"Parent"', null,
- "prototype", 'Parent', [
- "parentProtoField", "11", null,
- ]
- ],
- "parentProtoField", "11", null,
- ],
- "constructor", "function Child(n) {", null,
- "childProtoField", "21", null,
- ],
- "parentField", "10", null,
- "childField", "20", null,
- ]
- ];
- checkProperty(localScopeSection.propertiesTreeOutline, "<Local Scope>", scopeExpectations);
- }
- var propQueue = [];
- var index = 0;
- var expectedFinalIndex = 5;
- function expandAndCheckNextProperty() {
- if (index === propQueue.length) {
- test.assertEquals(expectedFinalIndex, index, "Unexpected number of expanded objects.");
- test.releaseControl();
- return;
- }
- // Read next property data from the queue.
- var treeElement = propQueue[index].treeElement;
- var path = propQueue[index].path;
- var expectations = propQueue[index].expectations;
- index++;
- // Expand the property.
- test._hookGetPropertiesCallback(function() {
- checkProperty(treeElement, path, expectations);
- },
- function() {
- treeElement.expand();
- });
- }
- function checkProperty(treeElement, path, expectations) {
- for (var i = 0; i < expectations.length; i += 3) {
- var name = expectations[i];
- var description = expectations[i+1];
- var value = expectations[i+2];
- var propertyPath = path + "." + name;
- var propertyTreeElement = test._findChildProperty(treeElement, name, path);
- test.assertTrue(propertyTreeElement, 'Property "' + propertyPath + '" not found.');
- test.assertEquals(description,, 'Unexpected "' + propertyPath + '" description.');
- if (value) {
- // Schedule property content check.
- propQueue.push({
- treeElement: propertyTreeElement,
- path: propertyPath,
- expectations: value,
- });
- }
- }
- // Check next property in the queue.
- expandAndCheckNextProperty();
- }
- test.takeControl();
* Tests "Pause" button will pause debugger when a snippet is evaluated.
TestSuite.prototype.testPauseInEval = function()
@@ -1647,101 +1393,6 @@ TestSuite.createKeyEvent = function(keyIdentifier)
- * Tests console eval.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testConsoleEval = function()
- var test = this;
- this.evaluateInConsole_("123",
- function(resultText) {
- test.assertEquals("123", resultText);
- test.releaseControl();
- });
- this.takeControl();
- * Tests console log.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testConsoleLog = function()
- WebInspector.showConsole();
- var messages = WebInspector.console.messages;
- var index = 0;
- var test = this;
- var assertNext = function(line, message, opt_class, opt_count, opt_substr) {
- var elem = messages[index++].toMessageElement();
- var clazz = elem.getAttribute("class");
- var expectation = (opt_count || '') + 'console_test_page.html:' + line + message;
- if (opt_substr)
- test.assertContains(elem.textContent, expectation);
- else
- test.assertEquals(expectation, elem.textContent);
- if (opt_class)
- test.assertContains(clazz, "console-" + opt_class);
- };
- assertNext("5", "log", "log-level");
- assertNext("7", "debug", "log-level");
- assertNext("9", "info", "log-level");
- assertNext("11", "warn", "warning-level");
- assertNext("13", "error", "error-level");
- assertNext("15", "Message format number 1, 2 and 3.5");
- assertNext("17", "Message format for string");
- assertNext("19", "Object Object");
- assertNext("22", "repeated", "log-level", 5);
- assertNext("26", "count: 1");
- assertNext("26", "count: 2");
- assertNext("29", "group", "group-title");
- index++;
- assertNext("33", "timer:", "log-level", "", true);
- assertNext("35", "1 2 3", "log-level");
- assertNext("37", "HTMLDocument", "log-level");
- assertNext("39", "<html>", "log-level", "", true);
- * Tests eval of global objects.
- */
-TestSuite.prototype.testEvalGlobal = function()
- WebInspector.showConsole();
- var inputs = ["foo", "foobar"];
- var expectations = ["foo", "fooValue", "foobar", "ReferenceError: foobar is not defined"];
- // Do not change code below - simply add inputs and expectations above.
- var initEval = function(input) {
- WebInspector.console.prompt.text = input;
- WebInspector.console.promptElement.dispatchEvent( TestSuite.createKeyEvent("Enter"));
- };
- var test = this;
- var messagesCount = 0;
- var inputIndex = 0;
- this.addSniffer(WebInspector.ConsoleView.prototype, "addMessage",
- function(commandResult) {
- messagesCount++;
- if (messagesCount === expectations.length) {
- var messages = WebInspector.console.messages;
- for (var i = 0; i < expectations; ++i) {
- var elem = messages[i++].toMessageElement();
- test.assertEquals(elem.textContent, expectations[i]);
- }
- test.releaseControl();
- } else if (messagesCount % 2 === 0)
- initEval(inputs[inputIndex++]);
- }, true);
- initEval(inputs[inputIndex++]);
- this.takeControl();
* Tests the message loop re-entrancy.
TestSuite.prototype.testMessageLoopReentrant = function()