path: root/WebKit/mac/Plugins/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebKit/mac/Plugins/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/WebKit/mac/Plugins/ b/WebKit/mac/Plugins/
index 26057fa..1345fc3 100644
--- a/WebKit/mac/Plugins/
+++ b/WebKit/mac/Plugins/
@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@
#import "WebKitLogging.h"
#import "WebKitNSStringExtras.h"
#import "WebKitSystemInterface.h"
+#import "WebPluginContainerCheck.h"
+#import "WebNetscapeContainerCheckContextInfo.h"
#import "WebNSURLExtras.h"
#import "WebNSURLRequestExtras.h"
#import "WebView.h"
#import "WebViewInternal.h"
#import <WebCore/WebCoreObjCExtras.h>
+#import <WebCore/AuthenticationMac.h>
+#import <WebCore/CString.h>
#import <WebCore/Document.h>
#import <WebCore/Element.h>
#import <WebCore/Frame.h>
@@ -87,14 +91,27 @@ using namespace WebCore;
_baseURL.adoptNS([baseURL copy]);
_MIMEType.adoptNS([MIME copy]);
- [self setAttributeKeys:keys andValues:values];
+#if !defined(BUILDING_ON_TIGER) && !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD)
+ // Enable "kiosk mode" when instantiating the QT plug-in inside of Dashboard. See <rdar://problem/6878105>
+ if ([[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@""] &&
+ [[[_pluginPackage.get() bundle] bundleIdentifier] isEqualToString:@" Plugin.plugin"]) {
+ RetainPtr<NSMutableArray> mutableKeys(AdoptNS, [keys mutableCopy]);
+ RetainPtr<NSMutableArray> mutableValues(AdoptNS, [values mutableCopy]);
+ [mutableKeys.get() addObject:@"kioskmode"];
+ [mutableValues.get() addObject:@"true"];
+ [self setAttributeKeys:mutableKeys.get() andValues:mutableValues.get()];
+ } else
+ [self setAttributeKeys:keys andValues:values];
if (loadManually)
_mode = NP_FULL;
_mode = NP_EMBED;
_loadManually = loadManually;
return self;
@@ -123,7 +140,7 @@ using namespace WebCore;
return YES;
-- (NSMutableURLRequest *)requestWithURLCString:(const char *)URLCString
+- (NSURL *)URLWithCString:(const char *)URLCString
if (!URLCString)
return nil;
@@ -137,6 +154,15 @@ using namespace WebCore;
if (!URL)
return nil;
+ return URL;
+- (NSMutableURLRequest *)requestWithURLCString:(const char *)URLCString
+ NSURL *URL = [self URLWithCString:URLCString];
+ if (!URL)
+ return nil;
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];
Frame* frame = core([self webFrame]);
if (!frame)
@@ -193,6 +219,11 @@ using namespace WebCore;
+- (void)sendModifierEventWithKeyCode:(int)keyCode character:(char)character
- (void)removeTrackingRect
if (_trackingTag) {
@@ -327,6 +358,9 @@ using namespace WebCore;
if (_isStarted)
+ if (_triedAndFailedToCreatePlugin)
+ return;
ASSERT([self webView]);
if (![[[self webView] preferences] arePlugInsEnabled])
@@ -348,8 +382,10 @@ using namespace WebCore;
if (!wasDeferring)
- if (!result)
+ if (!result) {
+ _triedAndFailedToCreatePlugin = YES;
+ }
_isStarted = YES;
[[self webView] addPluginInstanceView:self];
@@ -484,14 +520,14 @@ using namespace WebCore;
- (void)windowBecameKey:(NSNotification *)notification
[self sendActivateEvent:YES];
- [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ [self invalidatePluginContentRect:[self bounds]];
[self restartTimers];
- (void)windowResignedKey:(NSNotification *)notification
[self sendActivateEvent:NO];
- [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ [self invalidatePluginContentRect:[self bounds]];
[self restartTimers];
@@ -527,7 +563,7 @@ using namespace WebCore;
} else {
[self stop];
- [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
+ [self invalidatePluginContentRect:[self bounds]];
@@ -596,26 +632,24 @@ using namespace WebCore;
return _element.get();
-// We want to treat these as regular keyboard events.
- (void)cut:(id)sender
- [self keyDown:[NSApp currentEvent]];
+ [self sendModifierEventWithKeyCode:7 character:'x'];
- (void)copy:(id)sender
- [self keyDown:[NSApp currentEvent]];
+ [self sendModifierEventWithKeyCode:8 character:'c'];
- (void)paste:(id)sender
- [self keyDown:[NSApp currentEvent]];
+ [self sendModifierEventWithKeyCode:9 character:'v'];
- (void)selectAll:(id)sender
- [self keyDown:[NSApp currentEvent]];
+ [self sendModifierEventWithKeyCode:0 character:'a'];
// AppKit doesn't call mouseDown or mouseUp on right-click. Simulate control-click
@@ -630,7 +664,226 @@ using namespace WebCore;
[self mouseUp:theEvent];
+- (BOOL)convertFromX:(double)sourceX andY:(double)sourceY space:(NPCoordinateSpace)sourceSpace
+ toX:(double *)destX andY:(double *)destY space:(NPCoordinateSpace)destSpace
+ // Nothing to do
+ if (sourceSpace == destSpace)
+ return TRUE;
+ NSPoint sourcePoint = NSMakePoint(sourceX, sourceY);
+ NSPoint sourcePointInScreenSpace;
+ // First convert to screen space
+ switch (sourceSpace) {
+ case NPCoordinateSpacePlugin:
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = [self convertPoint:sourcePoint toView:nil];
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = [[self currentWindow] convertBaseToScreen:sourcePointInScreenSpace];
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceWindow:
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = [[self currentWindow] convertBaseToScreen:sourcePoint];
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedWindow:
+ sourcePoint.y = [[self currentWindow] frame].size.height - sourcePoint.y;
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = [[self currentWindow] convertBaseToScreen:sourcePoint];
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceScreen:
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = sourcePoint;
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedScreen:
+ sourcePoint.y = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.height - sourcePoint.y;
+ sourcePointInScreenSpace = sourcePoint;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ NSPoint destPoint;
+ // Then convert back to the destination space
+ switch (destSpace) {
+ case NPCoordinateSpacePlugin:
+ destPoint = [[self currentWindow] convertScreenToBase:sourcePointInScreenSpace];
+ destPoint = [self convertPoint:destPoint fromView:nil];
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceWindow:
+ destPoint = [[self currentWindow] convertScreenToBase:sourcePointInScreenSpace];
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedWindow:
+ destPoint = [[self currentWindow] convertScreenToBase:sourcePointInScreenSpace];
+ destPoint.y = [[self currentWindow] frame].size.height - destPoint.y;
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceScreen:
+ destPoint = sourcePointInScreenSpace;
+ break;
+ case NPCoordinateSpaceFlippedScreen:
+ destPoint = sourcePointInScreenSpace;
+ destPoint.y = [[[NSScreen screens] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.height - destPoint.y;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (destX)
+ *destX = destPoint.x;
+ if (destY)
+ *destY = destPoint.y;
+ return TRUE;
+- (CString)resolvedURLStringForURL:(const char*)url target:(const char*)target;
+ String relativeURLString = String::fromUTF8(url);
+ if (relativeURLString.isNull())
+ return CString();
+ Frame* frame = core([self webFrame]);
+ if (!frame)
+ return CString();
+ Frame* targetFrame = frame->tree()->find(String::fromUTF8(target));
+ if (!targetFrame)
+ return CString();
+ if (!frame->document()->securityOrigin()->canAccess(targetFrame->document()->securityOrigin()))
+ return CString();
+ KURL absoluteURL = targetFrame->loader()->completeURL(relativeURLString);
+ return absoluteURL.string().utf8();
+- (void)invalidatePluginContentRect:(NSRect)rect
+ if (RenderBoxModelObject *renderer = toRenderBoxModelObject(_element->renderer())) {
+ IntRect contentRect(rect);
+ contentRect.move(renderer->borderLeft() + renderer->paddingLeft(), renderer->borderTop() + renderer->paddingTop());
+ renderer->repaintRectangle(contentRect);
+ }
+namespace WebKit {
+#if !defined(BUILDING_ON_TIGER) && !defined(BUILDING_ON_LEOPARD)
+CString proxiesForURL(NSURL *url)
+ RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> systemProxies(AdoptCF, CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings());
+ if (!systemProxies)
+ return "DIRECT";
+ RetainPtr<CFArrayRef> proxiesForURL(AdoptCF, CFNetworkCopyProxiesForURL((CFURLRef)url, systemProxies.get()));
+ CFIndex proxyCount = proxiesForURL ? CFArrayGetCount(proxiesForURL.get()) : 0;
+ if (!proxyCount)
+ return "DIRECT";
+ // proxiesForURL is a CFArray of CFDictionaries. Each dictionary represents a proxy.
+ // The format of the result should be:
+ // "PROXY host[:port]" (for HTTP proxy) or
+ // "SOCKS host[:port]" (for SOCKS proxy) or
+ // A combination of the above, separated by semicolon, in the order that they should be tried.
+ String proxies;
+ for (CFIndex i = 0; i < proxyCount; ++i) {
+ CFDictionaryRef proxy = static_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(proxiesForURL.get(), i));
+ if (!proxy)
+ continue;
+ CFStringRef type = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxy, kCFProxyTypeKey));
+ bool isHTTP = type == kCFProxyTypeHTTP || type == kCFProxyTypeHTTPS;
+ bool isSOCKS = type == kCFProxyTypeSOCKS;
+ // We can only report HTTP and SOCKS proxies.
+ if (!isHTTP && !isSOCKS)
+ continue;
+ CFStringRef host = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxy, kCFProxyHostNameKey));
+ CFNumberRef port = static_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxy, kCFProxyPortNumberKey));
+ // If we are inserting multiple entries, add a separator
+ if (!proxies.isEmpty())
+ proxies += ";";
+ if (isHTTP)
+ proxies += "PROXY ";
+ else if (isSOCKS)
+ proxies += "SOCKS ";
+ proxies += host;
+ if (port) {
+ SInt32 intPort;
+ CFNumberGetValue(port, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &intPort);
+ proxies += ":" + String::number(intPort);
+ }
+ }
+ if (proxies.isEmpty())
+ return "DIRECT";
+ return proxies.utf8();
+bool getAuthenticationInfo(const char* protocolStr, const char* hostStr, int32_t port, const char* schemeStr, const char* realmStr,
+ CString& username, CString& password)
+ if (strcasecmp(protocolStr, "http") != 0 &&
+ strcasecmp(protocolStr, "https") != 0)
+ return false;
+ NSString *host = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:hostStr];
+ if (!hostStr)
+ return false;
+ NSString *protocol = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:protocolStr];
+ if (!protocol)
+ return false;
+ NSString *realm = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:realmStr];
+ if (!realm)
+ NSString *authenticationMethod = NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault;
+ if (!strcasecmp(protocolStr, "http")) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(schemeStr, "basic"))
+ authenticationMethod = NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic;
+ else if (!strcasecmp(schemeStr, "digest"))
+ authenticationMethod = NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest;
+ }
+ RetainPtr<NSURLProtectionSpace> protectionSpace(AdoptNS, [[NSURLProtectionSpace alloc] initWithHost:host port:port protocol:protocol realm:realm authenticationMethod:authenticationMethod]);
+ NSURLCredential *credential = WebCoreCredentialStorage::get(protectionSpace.get());
+ if (!credential)
+ credential = [[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage] defaultCredentialForProtectionSpace:protectionSpace.get()];
+ if (!credential)
+ return false;
+ if (![credential hasPassword])
+ return false;
+ username = [[credential user] UTF8String];
+ password = [[credential password] UTF8String];
+ return true;
+} // namespace WebKit