path: root/WebKit/win/WebView.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebKit/win/WebView.cpp')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/WebKit/win/WebView.cpp b/WebKit/win/WebView.cpp
index a1aa5c2..441f0f2 100644
--- a/WebKit/win/WebView.cpp
+++ b/WebKit/win/WebView.cpp
@@ -1188,60 +1188,19 @@ Page* WebView::page()
bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- static const int contextMenuMargin = 1;
// Translate the screen coordinates into window coordinates
POINT coords = { GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) };
if (coords.x == -1 || coords.y == -1) {
- FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame()->view();
- if (!view)
- return false;
+ // The contextMenuController() holds onto the last context menu that was popped up on the
+ // page until a new one is created. We need to clear this menu before propagating the event
+ // through the DOM so that we can detect if we create a new menu for this event, since we
+ // won't create a new menu if the DOM swallows the event and the defaultEventHandler does
+ // not run.
+ m_page->contextMenuController()->clearContextMenu();
- int rightAligned = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT);
- IntPoint location;
- // The context menu event was generated from the keyboard, so show the context menu by the current selection.
- Position start = m_page->mainFrame()->selection()->selection().start();
- Position end = m_page->mainFrame()->selection()->selection().end();
- if (!start.node() || !end.node())
- location = IntPoint(rightAligned ? view->contentsWidth() - contextMenuMargin : contextMenuMargin, contextMenuMargin);
- else {
- RenderObject* renderer = start.node()->renderer();
- if (!renderer)
- return false;
- // Calculate the rect of the first line of the selection (cribbed from -[WebCoreFrameBridge firstRectForDOMRange:],
- // now Frame::firstRectForRange(), which perhaps this should call).
- int extraWidthToEndOfLine = 0;
- InlineBox* startInlineBox;
- int startCaretOffset;
- start.getInlineBoxAndOffset(DOWNSTREAM, startInlineBox, startCaretOffset);
- IntRect startCaretRect = renderer->localCaretRect(startInlineBox, startCaretOffset, &extraWidthToEndOfLine);
- if (startCaretRect != IntRect())
- startCaretRect = renderer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(startCaretRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
- InlineBox* endInlineBox;
- int endCaretOffset;
- end.getInlineBoxAndOffset(UPSTREAM, endInlineBox, endCaretOffset);
- IntRect endCaretRect = renderer->localCaretRect(endInlineBox, endCaretOffset);
- if (endCaretRect != IntRect())
- endCaretRect = renderer->localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatRect(endCaretRect)).enclosingBoundingBox();
- IntRect firstRect;
- if (startCaretRect.y() == endCaretRect.y())
- firstRect = IntRect(min(startCaretRect.x(), endCaretRect.x()), startCaretRect.y(), abs(endCaretRect.x() - startCaretRect.x()), max(startCaretRect.height(), endCaretRect.height()));
- else
- firstRect = IntRect(startCaretRect.x(), startCaretRect.y(), startCaretRect.width() + extraWidthToEndOfLine, startCaretRect.height());
- location = IntPoint(rightAligned ? firstRect.right() : firstRect.x(), firstRect.bottom());
- }
+ Frame* focusedFrame = m_page->focusController()->focusedOrMainFrame();
+ return focusedFrame->eventHandler()->sendContextMenuEventForKey();
- location = view->contentsToWindow(location);
- // FIXME: The IntSize(0, -1) is a hack to get the hit-testing to result in the selected element.
- // Ideally we'd have the position of a context menu event be separate from its target node.
- coords = location + IntSize(0, -1);
} else {
if (!::ScreenToClient(m_viewWindow, &coords))
return false;
@@ -1249,11 +1208,6 @@ bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
lParam = MAKELPARAM(coords.x, coords.y);
- // The contextMenuController() holds onto the last context menu that was popped up on the
- // page until a new one is created. We need to clear this menu before propagating the event
- // through the DOM so that we can detect if we create a new menu for this event, since we
- // won't create a new menu if the DOM swallows the event and the defaultEventHandler does
- // not run.
IntPoint documentPoint(m_page->mainFrame()->view()->windowToContents(coords));
@@ -4792,6 +4746,11 @@ HRESULT WebView::notifyPreferencesChanged(IWebNotification* notification)
#endif // ENABLE(3D_CANVAS)
+ hr = prefsPrivate->isDNSPrefetchingEnabled(&enabled);
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ return hr;
+ settings->setDNSPrefetchingEnabled(enabled);
if (!m_closeWindowTimer)
m_mainFrame->invalidate(); // FIXME