path: root/WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/ b/WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e518c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+from webkit.basesteps import ShellCommand, SVN, Test, Compile, UploadCommand
+from buildbot.status.builder import SUCCESS, FAILURE, WARNINGS
+class CheckOutSource(SVN):
+ baseURL = ""
+ mode = "update"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ SVN.__init__(self, baseURL=self.baseURL, defaultBranch="trunk", mode=self.mode, *args, **kwargs)
+class SetConfiguration(ShellCommand):
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/set-webkit-configuration"]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ configuration = kwargs.pop('configuration')
+ self.command = self.command + ['--' + configuration]
+ = "set-configuration-%s" % (configuration, )
+ self.description = ["set configuration %s" % (configuration, )]
+ self.descriptionDone = ["set configuration %s" % (configuration, )]
+ ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+class LayoutTest(Test):
+ name = "layout-test"
+ description = ["layout-tests running"]
+ descriptionDone = ["layout-tests"]
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests", "--no-launch-safari", "--no-new-test-results", "--no-sample-on-timeout", "--results-directory", "layout-test-results"]
+ def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+ Test.commandComplete(self, cmd)
+ logText = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText()
+ incorrectLayoutLines = [line for line in logText.splitlines() if line.find('had incorrect layout') >= 0 or (line.find('test case') >= 0 and (line.find(' crashed') >= 0 or line.find(' timed out') >= 0))]
+ self.incorrectLayoutLines = incorrectLayoutLines
+ def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
+ if self.incorrectLayoutLines or cmd.rc != 0:
+ return FAILURE
+ return SUCCESS
+ def getText(self, cmd, results):
+ return self.getText2(cmd, results)
+ def getText2(self, cmd, results):
+ if results != SUCCESS and self.incorrectLayoutLines:
+ return self.incorrectLayoutLines
+ return []
+class JavaScriptCoreTest(Test):
+ name = "jscore-test"
+ description = ["jscore-tests running"]
+ descriptionDone = ["jscore-tests"]
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/run-javascriptcore-tests"]
+ logfiles = {'results': 'JavaScriptCore/tests/mozilla/actual.html'}
+ def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+ Test.commandComplete(self, cmd)
+ logText = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText()
+ statusLines = [line for line in logText.splitlines() if line.find('regression') >= 0 and line.find(' found.') >= 0]
+ if statusLines and statusLines[0].split()[0] != '0':
+ self.regressionLine = statusLines[0]
+ else:
+ self.regressionLine = None
+ def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
+ if self.regressionLine:
+ return FAILURE
+ if cmd.rc != 0:
+ return FAILURE
+ return SUCCESS
+ def getText(self, cmd, results):
+ return self.getText2(cmd, results)
+ def getText2(self, cmd, results):
+ if results != SUCCESS and self.regressionLine:
+ return [, self.regressionLine]
+ return []
+class PixelLayoutTest(LayoutTest):
+ name = "pixel-layout-test"
+ description = ["pixel-layout-tests running"]
+ descriptionDone = ["pixel-layout-tests"]
+ command = LayoutTest.command + ["--pixel", "--tolerance", "0.1"]
+class LeakTest(LayoutTest):
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests", "--no-launch-safari", "--no-sample-on-timeout", "--leaks", "--results-directory", "layout-test-results"]
+ def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+ LayoutTest.commandComplete(self, cmd)
+ logText = cmd.logs['stdio'].getText()
+ lines = logText.splitlines()
+ leakLines = [line for line in lines if line.find('total leaks found!') >= 0]
+ leakLines += [line for line in lines if line.find('LEAK: ') >= 0]
+ leakLines = [' '.join(x.split()[1:]) for x in leakLines]
+ leakSummary = {}
+ for line in leakLines:
+ count, key = line.split(' ', 1)
+ if key.find('total leaks found!') >= 0:
+ key = 'allocations found by "leaks" tool'
+ leakSummary[key] = leakSummary.get(key, 0) + int(count)
+ leakSummaryLines = []
+ for key in sorted(leakSummary.keys()):
+ leakSummaryLines.append('%s %s' % (leakSummary[key], key))
+ self.incorrectLayoutLines += leakSummaryLines
+class UploadLayoutResults(UploadCommand, ShellCommand):
+ name = "upload-results"
+ description = ["uploading results"]
+ descriptionDone = ["uploaded-results"]
+ command = "echo Disabled for now"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def setBuild(self, build):
+ ShellCommand.setBuild(self, build)
+ self.initializeForUpload()
+ self.command = '''
+ if [[ -d layout-test-results ]]; then \
+ find layout-test-results -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod ug+rx; \
+ find layout-test-results -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod ug+r; \
+ rsync -rlvzP --rsync-path=/home/buildresults/bin/rsync layout-test-results/ %s && rm -rf layout-test-results; \
+ fi; \
+ CRASH_LOG=~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/DumpRenderTree*.crash*; \
+ if [[ -f $(ls -1 $CRASH_LOG | head -n 1 ) ]]; then \
+ chmod ug+r $CRASH_LOG; \
+ rsync -rlvzP --rsync-path=/home/buildresults/bin/rsync $CRASH_LOG %s && rm -rf $CRASH_LOG; \
+ fi; ''' % (self.getRemotePath(), self.getRemotePath())
+ self.addFactoryArguments(command=self.command)
+class CompileWebKit(Compile):
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit"]
+ env = {'WEBKITSUPPORTLIBRARIESZIPDIR': 'C:\\cygwin\\home\\buildbot', 'MFLAGS':''}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ configuration = kwargs.pop('configuration')
+ = "compile-" + configuration
+ self.description = ["compiling " + configuration]
+ self.descriptionDone = ["compiled " + configuration]
+ Compile.__init__(self, env=self.env, *args, **kwargs)
+class CleanWebKit(CompileWebKit):
+ command = CompileWebKit.command + ['--clean']
+ description = ['cleaning']
+ descriptionDone = ['cleaned']
+class CompileWebKitNoSVG(CompileWebKit):
+ command = 'rm -rf WebKitBuild && perl ./WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit --no-svg'
+class CompileWebKitGtk(CompileWebKit):
+ command = ['perl', './WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit', '--gtk', '--qmake=qmake-qt4']
+class CleanWebKitGtk(CompileWebKitGtk):
+ command = CompileWebKitGtk.command + ['--clean']
+ description = ['cleaning']
+ descriptionDone = ['cleaned']
+class CompileWebKitWx(CompileWebKit):
+ command = ['perl', './WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit', '--wx']
+class CleanWebKitWx(CompileWebKitWx):
+ command = CompileWebKitWx.command + ['--clean']
+ description = ['cleaning']
+ descriptionDone = ['cleaned']
+class CompileWebKitWindows(UploadCommand, CompileWebKit):
+ def setBuild(self, build):
+ CompileWebKit.setBuild(self, build)
+ self.initializeForUpload()
+ self.command = '''\
+ ./WebKitTools/Scripts/build-webkit; \
+ for log in $(find WebKitBuild/*/*/*/*.htm); do \
+ chmod ug+r $log; \
+ REMOTE_NAME=$(echo $log | sed -e 's|WebKitBuild/obj/||' -e 's|/Release/|-|' -e 's|/Debug/|-|'); \
+ rsync -rlvzP --rsync-path="/home/buildresults/bin/rsync" $log %s/$REMOTE_NAME && rm $log; \
+ done; \
+ exit $RESULT;''' % (self.getRemotePath(), )
+ self.addFactoryArguments(command=self.command)
+class LayoutTestWindows(LayoutTest):
+ env = {'WEBKIT_TESTFONTS': 'C:\\cygwin\\home\\buildbot\\WebKitTestFonts'}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return LayoutTest.__init__(self, env=self.env, *args, **kwargs)
+class JavaScriptCoreTestGtk(JavaScriptCoreTest):
+ command = JavaScriptCoreTest.command + ['--gtk']
+class JavaScriptCoreTestWx(JavaScriptCoreTest):
+ command = JavaScriptCoreTest.command + ['--wx']
+class LayoutTestQt(LayoutTest):
+ command = LayoutTest.command + ['--qt']
+class InstallWin32Dependencies(ShellCommand):
+ description = ["installing Windows dependencies"]
+ descriptionDone = ["installed Windows dependencies"]
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/update-webkit-auxiliary-libs"]
+# class UploadDiskImage(UploadCommand, ShellCommand):
+# description = ["uploading disk image"]
+# descriptionDone = ["uploaded disk image"]
+# name = "upload-disk-image"
+# def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+# UploadCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+# self.command = 'umask 002 && ./WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/build-launcher-app && ./WebKitTools/BuildSlaveSupport/build-launcher-dmg --upload-to-host %s' % (self.getRemotePath(), )
+# ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+class GenerateCoverageData(Compile):
+ command = ["perl", "./WebKitTools/Scripts/generate-coverage-data"]
+ description = ["generating coverage data"]
+ descriptionDone = ["generated coverage data"]
+class UploadCoverageData(UploadCommand, ShellCommand):
+ name = "upload-coverage-data"
+ description = ["uploading coverage data"]
+ descriptionDone = ["uploaded-coverage-data"]
+ command = "echo Disabled for now"
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def setBuild(self, build):
+ ShellCommand.setBuild(self, build)
+ self.initializeForUpload()
+ self.command = '''\
+ if [[ -d WebKitBuild/Coverage/html ]]; then \
+ find WebKitBuild/Coverage/html -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod ug+rx; \
+ find WebKitBuild/Coverage/html -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod ug+r; \
+ rsync -rlvzP --rsync-path="/home/buildresults/bin/rsync" WebKitBuild/Coverage/html/ %s && rm -rf WebKitBuild/Coverage/html; \
+ fi;''' % (self.getRemotePath(), )
+ self.addFactoryArguments(command=self.command)
+ def getURLPath(self):
+ return "/results/code-coverage/"