path: root/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1057811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+"""Microsoft Internet Explorer cookie loading on Windows.
+Copyright 2002-2003 Johnny Lee <> (MSIE Perl code)
+Copyright 2002-2006 John J Lee <> (The Python port)
+This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the BSD or ZPL 2.1 licenses (see the file
+COPYING.txt included with the distribution).
+# XXX names and comments are not great here
+import os, re, time, struct, logging
+if == "nt":
+ import _winreg
+from _clientcookie import FileCookieJar, CookieJar, Cookie, \
+debug = logging.getLogger("mechanize").debug
+def regload(path, leaf):
+ key = _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path, 0,
+ _winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS)
+ try:
+ value = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, leaf)[0]
+ except WindowsError:
+ value = None
+ return value
+WIN32_EPOCH = 0x019db1ded53e8000L # 1970 Jan 01 00:00:00 in Win32 FILETIME
+def epoch_time_offset_from_win32_filetime(filetime):
+ """Convert from win32 filetime to seconds-since-epoch value.
+ MSIE stores create and expire times as Win32 FILETIME, which is 64
+ bits of 100 nanosecond intervals since Jan 01 1601.
+ mechanize expects time in 32-bit value expressed in seconds since the
+ epoch (Jan 01 1970).
+ """
+ if filetime < WIN32_EPOCH:
+ raise ValueError("filetime (%d) is before epoch (%d)" %
+ (filetime, WIN32_EPOCH))
+ return divmod((filetime - WIN32_EPOCH), 10000000L)[0]
+def binary_to_char(c): return "%02X" % ord(c)
+def binary_to_str(d): return "".join(map(binary_to_char, list(d)))
+class MSIEBase:
+ magic_re = re.compile(r"Client UrlCache MMF Ver \d\.\d.*")
+ padding = "\x0d\xf0\xad\x0b"
+ msie_domain_re = re.compile(r"^([^/]+)(/.*)$")
+ cookie_re = re.compile("Cookie\:.+\@([\x21-\xFF]+).*?"
+ "(.+\@[\x21-\xFF]+\.txt)")
+ # path under HKEY_CURRENT_USER from which to get location of index.dat
+ reg_path = r"software\microsoft\windows" \
+ r"\currentversion\explorer\shell folders"
+ reg_key = "Cookies"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._delayload_domains = {}
+ def _delayload_domain(self, domain):
+ # if necessary, lazily load cookies for this domain
+ delayload_info = self._delayload_domains.get(domain)
+ if delayload_info is not None:
+ cookie_file, ignore_discard, ignore_expires = delayload_info
+ try:
+ self.load_cookie_data(cookie_file,
+ ignore_discard, ignore_expires)
+ except (LoadError, IOError):
+ debug("error reading cookie file, skipping: %s", cookie_file)
+ else:
+ del self._delayload_domains[domain]
+ def _load_cookies_from_file(self, filename):
+ debug("Loading MSIE cookies file: %s", filename)
+ cookies = []
+ cookies_fh = open(filename)
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ key = cookies_fh.readline()
+ if key == "": break
+ rl = cookies_fh.readline
+ def getlong(rl=rl): return long(rl().rstrip())
+ def getstr(rl=rl): return rl().rstrip()
+ key = key.rstrip()
+ value = getstr()
+ domain_path = getstr()
+ flags = getlong() # 0x2000 bit is for secure I think
+ lo_expire = getlong()
+ hi_expire = getlong()
+ lo_create = getlong()
+ hi_create = getlong()
+ sep = getstr()
+ if "" in (key, value, domain_path, flags, hi_expire, lo_expire,
+ hi_create, lo_create, sep) or (sep != "*"):
+ break
+ m =
+ if m:
+ domain =
+ path =
+ cookies.append({"KEY": key, "VALUE": value,
+ "DOMAIN": domain, "PATH": path,
+ "FLAGS": flags, "HIXP": hi_expire,
+ "LOXP": lo_expire, "HICREATE": hi_create,
+ "LOCREATE": lo_create})
+ finally:
+ cookies_fh.close()
+ return cookies
+ def load_cookie_data(self, filename,
+ ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False):
+ """Load cookies from file containing actual cookie data.
+ Old cookies are kept unless overwritten by newly loaded ones.
+ You should not call this method if the delayload attribute is set.
+ I think each of these files contain all cookies for one user, domain,
+ and path.
+ filename: file containing cookies -- usually found in a file like
+ C:\WINNT\Profiles\joe\Cookies\joe@blah[1].txt
+ """
+ now = int(time.time())
+ cookie_data = self._load_cookies_from_file(filename)
+ for cookie in cookie_data:
+ flags = cookie["FLAGS"]
+ secure = ((flags & 0x2000) != 0)
+ filetime = (cookie["HIXP"] << 32) + cookie["LOXP"]
+ expires = epoch_time_offset_from_win32_filetime(filetime)
+ if expires < now:
+ discard = True
+ else:
+ discard = False
+ domain = cookie["DOMAIN"]
+ initial_dot = domain.startswith(".")
+ if initial_dot:
+ domain_specified = True
+ else:
+ # MSIE 5 does not record whether the domain cookie-attribute
+ # was specified.
+ # Assuming it wasn't is conservative, because with strict
+ # domain matching this will match less frequently; with regular
+ # Netscape tail-matching, this will match at exactly the same
+ # times that domain_specified = True would. It also means we
+ # don't have to prepend a dot to achieve consistency with our
+ # own & Mozilla's domain-munging scheme.
+ domain_specified = False
+ # assume path_specified is false
+ # XXX is there other stuff in here? -- eg. comment, commentURL?
+ c = Cookie(0,
+ cookie["KEY"], cookie["VALUE"],
+ None, False,
+ domain, domain_specified, initial_dot,
+ cookie["PATH"], False,
+ secure,
+ expires,
+ discard,
+ None,
+ None,
+ {"flags": flags})
+ if not ignore_discard and c.discard:
+ continue
+ if not ignore_expires and c.is_expired(now):
+ continue
+ CookieJar.set_cookie(self, c)
+ def load_from_registry(self, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False,
+ username=None):
+ """
+ username: only required on win9x
+ """
+ cookies_dir = regload(self.reg_path, self.reg_key)
+ filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cookies_dir, "INDEX.DAT"))
+ self.load(filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires, username)
+ def _really_load(self, index, filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires,
+ username):
+ now = int(time.time())
+ if username is None:
+ username = os.environ['USERNAME'].lower()
+ cookie_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
+ data =
+ if len(data) != 256:
+ raise LoadError("%s file is too short" % filename)
+ # Cookies' index.dat file starts with 32 bytes of signature
+ # followed by an offset to the first record, stored as a little-
+ # endian DWORD.
+ sig, size, data = data[:32], data[32:36], data[36:]
+ size = struct.unpack("<L", size)[0]
+ # check that sig is valid
+ if not self.magic_re.match(sig) or size != 0x4000:
+ raise LoadError("%s ['%s' %s] does not seem to contain cookies" %
+ (str(filename), sig, size))
+ # skip to start of first record
+, 0)
+ sector = 128 # size of sector in bytes
+ while 1:
+ data = ""
+ # Cookies are usually in two contiguous sectors, so read in two
+ # sectors and adjust if not a Cookie.
+ to_read = 2 * sector
+ d =
+ if len(d) != to_read:
+ break
+ data = data + d
+ # Each record starts with a 4-byte signature and a count
+ # (little-endian DWORD) of sectors for the record.
+ sig, size, data = data[:4], data[4:8], data[8:]
+ size = struct.unpack("<L", size)[0]
+ to_read = (size - 2) * sector
+## from urllib import quote
+## print "data", quote(data)
+## print "sig", quote(sig)
+## print "size in sectors", size
+## print "size in bytes", size*sector
+## print "size in units of 16 bytes", (size*sector) / 16
+## print "size to read in bytes", to_read
+## print
+ if sig != "URL ":
+ assert sig in ("HASH", "LEAK", \
+ self.padding, "\x00\x00\x00\x00"), \
+ "unrecognized MSIE index.dat record: %s" % \
+ binary_to_str(sig)
+ if sig == "\x00\x00\x00\x00":
+ # assume we've got all the cookies, and stop
+ break
+ if sig == self.padding:
+ continue
+ # skip the rest of this record
+ assert to_read >= 0
+ if size != 2:
+ assert to_read != 0
+, 1)
+ continue
+ # read in rest of record if necessary
+ if size > 2:
+ more_data =
+ if len(more_data) != to_read: break
+ data = data + more_data
+ cookie_re = ("Cookie\:%s\@([\x21-\xFF]+).*?" % username +
+ "(%s\@[\x21-\xFF]+\.txt)" % username)
+ m =, data, re.I)
+ if m:
+ cookie_file = os.path.join(cookie_dir,
+ if not self.delayload:
+ try:
+ self.load_cookie_data(cookie_file,
+ ignore_discard, ignore_expires)
+ except (LoadError, IOError):
+ debug("error reading cookie file, skipping: %s",
+ cookie_file)
+ else:
+ domain =
+ i = domain.find("/")
+ if i != -1:
+ domain = domain[:i]
+ self._delayload_domains[domain] = (
+ cookie_file, ignore_discard, ignore_expires)
+class MSIECookieJar(MSIEBase, FileCookieJar):
+ """FileCookieJar that reads from the Windows MSIE cookies database.
+ MSIECookieJar can read the cookie files of Microsoft Internet Explorer
+ (MSIE) for Windows version 5 on Windows NT and version 6 on Windows XP and
+ Windows 98. Other configurations may also work, but are untested. Saving
+ cookies in MSIE format is NOT supported. If you save cookies, they'll be
+ in the usual Set-Cookie3 format, which you can read back in using an
+ instance of the plain old CookieJar class. Don't save using the same
+ filename that you loaded cookies from, because you may succeed in
+ clobbering your MSIE cookies index file!
+ You should be able to have LWP share Internet Explorer's cookies like
+ this (note you need to supply a username to load_from_registry if you're on
+ Windows 9x or Windows ME):
+ cj = MSIECookieJar(delayload=1)
+ # find cookies index file in registry and load cookies from it
+ cj.load_from_registry()
+ opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
+ response ="")
+ Iterating over a delayloaded MSIECookieJar instance will not cause any
+ cookies to be read from disk. To force reading of all cookies from disk,
+ call read_all_cookies. Note that the following methods iterate over self:
+ clear_temporary_cookies, clear_expired_cookies, __len__, __repr__, __str__
+ and as_string.
+ Additional methods:
+ load_from_registry(ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False,
+ username=None)
+ load_cookie_data(filename, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False)
+ read_all_cookies()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename=None, delayload=False, policy=None):
+ MSIEBase.__init__(self)
+ FileCookieJar.__init__(self, filename, delayload, policy)
+ def set_cookie(self, cookie):
+ if self.delayload:
+ self._delayload_domain(cookie.domain)
+ CookieJar.set_cookie(self, cookie)
+ def _cookies_for_request(self, request):
+ """Return a list of cookies to be returned to server."""
+ domains = self._cookies.copy()
+ domains.update(self._delayload_domains)
+ domains = domains.keys()
+ cookies = []
+ for domain in domains:
+ cookies.extend(self._cookies_for_domain(domain, request))
+ return cookies
+ def _cookies_for_domain(self, domain, request):
+ if not self._policy.domain_return_ok(domain, request):
+ return []
+ debug("Checking %s for cookies to return", domain)
+ if self.delayload:
+ self._delayload_domain(domain)
+ return CookieJar._cookies_for_domain(self, domain, request)
+ def read_all_cookies(self):
+ """Eagerly read in all cookies."""
+ if self.delayload:
+ for domain in self._delayload_domains.keys():
+ self._delayload_domain(domain)
+ def load(self, filename, ignore_discard=False, ignore_expires=False,
+ username=None):
+ """Load cookies from an MSIE 'index.dat' cookies index file.
+ filename: full path to cookie index file
+ username: only required on win9x
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ if self.filename is not None: filename = self.filename
+ else: raise ValueError(MISSING_FILENAME_TEXT)
+ index = open(filename, "rb")
+ try:
+ self._really_load(index, filename, ignore_discard, ignore_expires,
+ username)
+ finally:
+ index.close()