path: root/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
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Diffstat (limited to 'WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 527 deletions
diff --git a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/ b/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
deleted file mode 100644
index fad9b57..0000000
--- a/WebKitTools/Scripts/webkitpy/thirdparty/autoinstalled/mechanize/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
-"""Response classes.
-The seek_wrapper code is not used if you're using UserAgent with
-.set_seekable_responses(False), or if you're using the urllib2-level interface
-without SeekableProcessor or HTTPEquivProcessor. Class closeable_response is
-instantiated by some handlers (AbstractHTTPHandler), but the closeable_response
-interface is only depended upon by Browser-level code. Function
-upgrade_response is only used if you're using Browser or
-Copyright 2006 John J. Lee <>
-This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of the BSD or ZPL 2.1 licenses (see the file COPYING.txt
-included with the distribution).
-import copy, mimetools
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-import urllib2
-def len_of_seekable(file_):
- # this function exists because evaluation of len(file_.getvalue()) on every
- # .read() from seek_wrapper would be O(N**2) in number of .read()s
- pos = file_.tell()
-, 2) # to end
- try:
- return file_.tell()
- finally:
-# XXX Andrew Dalke kindly sent me a similar class in response to my request on
-# comp.lang.python, which I then proceeded to lose. I wrote this class
-# instead, but I think he's released his code publicly since, could pinch the
-# tests from it, at least...
-# For testing seek_wrapper invariant (note that
-# test_urllib2.HandlerTest.test_seekable is expected to fail when this
-# invariant checking is turned on). The invariant checking is done by module
-# ipdc, which is available here:
-## from ipdbc import ContractBase
-## class seek_wrapper(ContractBase):
-class seek_wrapper:
- """Adds a seek method to a file object.
- This is only designed for seeking on readonly file-like objects.
- Wrapped file-like object must have a read method. The readline method is
- only supported if that method is present on the wrapped object. The
- readlines method is always supported. xreadlines and iteration are
- supported only for Python 2.2 and above.
- Public attributes:
- wrapped: the wrapped file object
- is_closed: true iff .close() has been called
- WARNING: All other attributes of the wrapped object (ie. those that are not
- one of wrapped, read, readline, readlines, xreadlines, __iter__ and next)
- are passed through unaltered, which may or may not make sense for your
- particular file object.
- """
- # General strategy is to check that cache is full enough, then delegate to
- # the cache (self.__cache, which is a cStringIO.StringIO instance). A seek
- # position (self.__pos) is maintained independently of the cache, in order
- # that a single cache may be shared between multiple seek_wrapper objects.
- # Copying using module copy shares the cache in this way.
- def __init__(self, wrapped):
- self.wrapped = wrapped
- self.__read_complete_state = [False]
- self.__is_closed_state = [False]
- self.__have_readline = hasattr(self.wrapped, "readline")
- self.__cache = StringIO()
- self.__pos = 0 # seek position
- def invariant(self):
- # The end of the cache is always at the same place as the end of the
- # wrapped file (though the .tell() method is not required to be present
- # on wrapped file).
- return self.wrapped.tell() == len(self.__cache.getvalue())
- def close(self):
- self.wrapped.close()
- self.is_closed = True
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name == "is_closed":
- return self.__is_closed_state[0]
- elif name == "read_complete":
- return self.__read_complete_state[0]
- wrapped = self.__dict__.get("wrapped")
- if wrapped:
- return getattr(wrapped, name)
- return getattr(self.__class__, name)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- if name == "is_closed":
- self.__is_closed_state[0] = bool(value)
- elif name == "read_complete":
- if not self.is_closed:
- self.__read_complete_state[0] = bool(value)
- else:
- self.__dict__[name] = value
- def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
- assert whence in [0,1,2]
- # how much data, if any, do we need to read?
- if whence == 2: # 2: relative to end of *wrapped* file
- if offset < 0: raise ValueError("negative seek offset")
- # since we don't know yet where the end of that file is, we must
- # read everything
- to_read = None
- else:
- if whence == 0: # 0: absolute
- if offset < 0: raise ValueError("negative seek offset")
- dest = offset
- else: # 1: relative to current position
- pos = self.__pos
- if pos < offset:
- raise ValueError("seek to before start of file")
- dest = pos + offset
- end = len_of_seekable(self.__cache)
- to_read = dest - end
- if to_read < 0:
- to_read = 0
- if to_read != 0:
-, 2)
- if to_read is None:
- assert whence == 2
- self.__cache.write(
- self.read_complete = True
- self.__pos = self.__cache.tell() - offset
- else:
- data =
- if not data:
- self.read_complete = True
- else:
- self.__cache.write(data)
- # Don't raise an exception even if we've seek()ed past the end
- # of .wrapped, since fseek() doesn't complain in that case.
- # Also like fseek(), pretend we have seek()ed past the end,
- # i.e. not:
- #self.__pos = self.__cache.tell()
- # but rather:
- self.__pos = dest
- else:
- self.__pos = dest
- def tell(self):
- return self.__pos
- def __copy__(self):
- cpy = self.__class__(self.wrapped)
- cpy.__cache = self.__cache
- cpy.__read_complete_state = self.__read_complete_state
- cpy.__is_closed_state = self.__is_closed_state
- return cpy
- def get_data(self):
- pos = self.__pos
- try:
- return
- finally:
- self.__pos = pos
- def read(self, size=-1):
- pos = self.__pos
- end = len_of_seekable(self.__cache)
- available = end - pos
- # enough data already cached?
- if size <= available and size != -1:
- self.__pos = pos+size
- return
- # no, so read sufficient data from wrapped file and cache it
-, 2)
- if size == -1:
- self.__cache.write(
- self.read_complete = True
- else:
- to_read = size - available
- assert to_read > 0
- data =
- if not data:
- self.read_complete = True
- else:
- self.__cache.write(data)
- data =
- self.__pos = self.__cache.tell()
- assert self.__pos == pos + len(data)
- return data
- def readline(self, size=-1):
- if not self.__have_readline:
- raise NotImplementedError("no readline method on wrapped object")
- # line we're about to read might not be complete in the cache, so
- # read another line first
- pos = self.__pos
-, 2)
- data = self.wrapped.readline()
- if not data:
- self.read_complete = True
- else:
- self.__cache.write(data)
- data = self.__cache.readline()
- if size != -1:
- r = data[:size]
- self.__pos = pos+size
- else:
- r = data
- self.__pos = pos+len(data)
- return r
- def readlines(self, sizehint=-1):
- pos = self.__pos
-, 2)
- self.__cache.write(
- self.read_complete = True
- data = self.__cache.readlines(sizehint)
- self.__pos = self.__cache.tell()
- return data
- def __iter__(self): return self
- def next(self):
- line = self.readline()
- if line == "": raise StopIteration
- return line
- xreadlines = __iter__
- def __repr__(self):
- return ("<%s at %s whose wrapped object = %r>" %
- (self.__class__.__name__, hex(abs(id(self))), self.wrapped))
-class response_seek_wrapper(seek_wrapper):
- """
- Supports copying response objects and setting response body data.
- """
- def __init__(self, wrapped):
- seek_wrapper.__init__(self, wrapped)
- self._headers =
- def __copy__(self):
- cpy = seek_wrapper.__copy__(self)
- # copy headers from delegate
- cpy._headers = copy.copy(
- return cpy
- # Note that .info() and .geturl() (the only two urllib2 response methods
- # that are not implemented by seek_wrapper) must be here explicitly rather
- # than by seek_wrapper's __getattr__ delegation) so that the nasty
- # dynamically-created HTTPError classes in get_seek_wrapper_class() get the
- # wrapped object's implementation, and not HTTPError's.
- def info(self):
- return self._headers
- def geturl(self):
- return self.wrapped.geturl()
- def set_data(self, data):
- self.close()
- cache = self._seek_wrapper__cache = StringIO()
- cache.write(data)
-class eoffile:
- # file-like object that always claims to be at end-of-file...
- def read(self, size=-1): return ""
- def readline(self, size=-1): return ""
- def __iter__(self): return self
- def next(self): return ""
- def close(self): pass
-class eofresponse(eoffile):
- def __init__(self, url, headers, code, msg):
- self._url = url
- self._headers = headers
- self.code = code
- self.msg = msg
- def geturl(self): return self._url
- def info(self): return self._headers
-class closeable_response:
- """Avoids unnecessarily clobbering urllib.addinfourl methods on .close().
- Only supports responses returned by mechanize.HTTPHandler.
- After .close(), the following methods are supported:
- .read()
- .readline()
- .info()
- .geturl()
- .__iter__()
- .next()
- .close()
- and the following attributes are supported:
- .code
- .msg
- Also supports pickling (but the stdlib currently does something to prevent
- it:
- """
- # presence of this attr indicates is useable after .close()
- closeable_response = None
- def __init__(self, fp, headers, url, code, msg):
- self._set_fp(fp)
- self._headers = headers
- self._url = url
- self.code = code
- self.msg = msg
- def _set_fp(self, fp):
- self.fp = fp
- =
- self.readline = self.fp.readline
- if hasattr(self.fp, "readlines"): self.readlines = self.fp.readlines
- if hasattr(self.fp, "fileno"):
- self.fileno = self.fp.fileno
- else:
- self.fileno = lambda: None
- self.__iter__ = self.fp.__iter__
- =
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s at %s whose fp = %r>' % (
- self.__class__.__name__, hex(abs(id(self))), self.fp)
- def info(self):
- return self._headers
- def geturl(self):
- return self._url
- def close(self):
- wrapped = self.fp
- wrapped.close()
- new_wrapped = eofresponse(
- self._url, self._headers, self.code, self.msg)
- self._set_fp(new_wrapped)
- def __getstate__(self):
- # There are three obvious options here:
- # 1. truncate
- # 2. read to end
- # 3. close socket, pickle state including read position, then open
- # again on unpickle and use Range header
- # XXXX um, 4. refuse to pickle unless .close()d. This is better,
- # actually ("errors should never pass silently"). Pickling doesn't
- # work anyway ATM, because of so fix
- # this later
- # 2 breaks pickle protocol, because one expects the original object
- # to be left unscathed by pickling. 3 is too complicated and
- # surprising (and too much work ;-) to happen in a sane __getstate__.
- # So we do 1.
- state = self.__dict__.copy()
- new_wrapped = eofresponse(
- self._url, self._headers, self.code, self.msg)
- state["wrapped"] = new_wrapped
- return state
-def test_response(data='test data', headers=[],
- url="", code=200, msg="OK"):
- return make_response(data, headers, url, code, msg)
-def test_html_response(data='test data', headers=[],
- url="", code=200, msg="OK"):
- headers += [("Content-type", "text/html")]
- return make_response(data, headers, url, code, msg)
-def make_response(data, headers, url, code, msg):
- """Convenient factory for objects implementing response interface.
- data: string containing response body data
- headers: sequence of (name, value) pairs
- url: URL of response
- code: integer response code (e.g. 200)
- msg: string response code message (e.g. "OK")
- """
- mime_headers = make_headers(headers)
- r = closeable_response(StringIO(data), mime_headers, url, code, msg)
- return response_seek_wrapper(r)
-def make_headers(headers):
- """
- headers: sequence of (name, value) pairs
- """
- hdr_text = []
- for name_value in headers:
- hdr_text.append("%s: %s" % name_value)
- return mimetools.Message(StringIO("\n".join(hdr_text)))
-# Rest of this module is especially horrible, but needed, at least until fork
-# urllib2. Even then, may want to preseve urllib2 compatibility.
-def get_seek_wrapper_class(response):
- # in order to wrap response objects that are also exceptions, we must
- # dynamically subclass the exception :-(((
- if (isinstance(response, urllib2.HTTPError) and
- not hasattr(response, "seek")):
- if response.__class__.__module__ == "__builtin__":
- exc_class_name = response.__class__.__name__
- else:
- exc_class_name = "%s.%s" % (
- response.__class__.__module__, response.__class__.__name__)
- class httperror_seek_wrapper(response_seek_wrapper, response.__class__):
- # this only derives from HTTPError in order to be a subclass --
- # the HTTPError behaviour comes from delegation
- _exc_class_name = exc_class_name
- def __init__(self, wrapped):
- response_seek_wrapper.__init__(self, wrapped)
- # be compatible with undocumented HTTPError attributes :-(
- self.hdrs =
- self.filename = wrapped.geturl()
- def __repr__(self):
- return (
- "<%s (%s instance) at %s "
- "whose wrapped object = %r>" % (
- self.__class__.__name__, self._exc_class_name,
- hex(abs(id(self))), self.wrapped)
- )
- wrapper_class = httperror_seek_wrapper
- else:
- wrapper_class = response_seek_wrapper
- return wrapper_class
-def seek_wrapped_response(response):
- """Return a copy of response that supports seekable response interface.
- Accepts responses from both mechanize and urllib2 handlers.
- Copes with both oridinary response instances and HTTPError instances (which
- can't be simply wrapped due to the requirement of preserving the exception
- base class).
- """
- if not hasattr(response, "seek"):
- wrapper_class = get_seek_wrapper_class(response)
- response = wrapper_class(response)
- assert hasattr(response, "get_data")
- return response
-def upgrade_response(response):
- """Return a copy of response that supports Browser response interface.
- Browser response interface is that of "seekable responses"
- (response_seek_wrapper), plus the requirement that responses must be
- useable after .close() (closeable_response).
- Accepts responses from both mechanize and urllib2 handlers.
- Copes with both ordinary response instances and HTTPError instances (which
- can't be simply wrapped due to the requirement of preserving the exception
- base class).
- """
- wrapper_class = get_seek_wrapper_class(response)
- if hasattr(response, "closeable_response"):
- if not hasattr(response, "seek"):
- response = wrapper_class(response)
- assert hasattr(response, "get_data")
- return copy.copy(response)
- # a urllib2 handler constructed the response, i.e. the response is an
- # urllib.addinfourl or a urllib2.HTTPError, instead of a
- # _Util.closeable_response as returned by e.g. mechanize.HTTPHandler
- try:
- code = response.code
- except AttributeError:
- code = None
- try:
- msg = response.msg
- except AttributeError:
- msg = None
- # may have data from .seek() cache
- data = None
- get_data = getattr(response, "get_data", None)
- if get_data:
- data = get_data()
- response = closeable_response(
- response.fp,, response.geturl(), code, msg)
- response = wrapper_class(response)
- if data:
- response.set_data(data)
- return response