path: root/media
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authorRicardo Garcia <>2014-11-20 08:54:51 -0800
committerRicardo Garcia <>2014-12-09 14:13:09 -0800
commit02521e37c0494b83947c35160f3669de8adc9e5b (patch)
treeb1da6be2aaee6e241bae52e10170f2a7b936f03d /media
parent9257000c453c1a6f6bf073ff0bf3ba7ef9baf183 (diff)
Fix for Bundled Effects level compensation
From the bundled effects, only the EQ had some sort of level compensation based on the settings of the effect. This patch takes into account all the status and levels of EQ, BassBoost and Virtualizer bundled effects and makes an informed decision on the overall level compensation. bug: 18213779 Change-Id: I23c7b94fe7da5482f0bbef0cbe715ea464631420
Diffstat (limited to 'media')
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
index 3ddeb4e..6aeb919 100644
--- a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
+++ b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.cpp
@@ -766,6 +766,122 @@ int LvmBundle_process(LVM_INT16 *pIn,
return 0;
} /* end LvmBundle_process */
+// EqualizerUpdateActiveParams()
+// Purpose: Update ActiveParams for Equalizer
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+void EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(EffectContext *pContext) {
+ LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "EqualizerUpdateActiveParams")
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams just Got -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency = EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[i];
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].QFactor = EQNB_5BandPresetsQFactors[i];
+ ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
+ }
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "EqualizerUpdateActiveParams")
+ //ALOGV("\tEqualizerUpdateActiveParams just Set -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+// LvmEffect_limitLevel()
+// Purpose: limit the overall level to a value less than 0 dB preserving
+// the overall EQ band gain and BassBoost relative levels.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+void LvmEffect_limitLevel(EffectContext *pContext) {
+ LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "LvmEffect_limitLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just Got -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ int gainCorrection = 0;
+ //Count the energy contribution per band for EQ and BassBoost only if they are active.
+ float energyContribution = 0;
+ //EQ contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bEqualizerEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
+ float bandEnergy = (pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i] *
+ LimitLevel_bandEnergyContribution[i])/15.0;
+ if (bandEnergy > 0)
+ energyContribution += bandEnergy;
+ }
+ }
+ //BassBoost contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bBassEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ float bandEnergy = (pContext->pBundledContext->BassStrengthSaved *
+ LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyContribution)/1000.0;
+ if (bandEnergy > 0)
+ energyContribution += bandEnergy;
+ }
+ //Virtualizer contribution
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->bVirtualizerEnabled == LVM_TRUE) {
+ energyContribution += LimitLevel_virtualizerContribution;
+ }
+ //roundoff
+ int maxLevelRound = (int)(energyContribution + 0.99);
+ if (maxLevelRound + pContext->pBundledContext->volume > 0) {
+ gainCorrection = maxLevelRound + pContext->pBundledContext->volume;
+ }
+ ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = pContext->pBundledContext->volume - gainCorrection;
+ if (ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel < -96) {
+ ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = -96;
+ }
+ ALOGV("\tVol:%d, GainCorrection: %d, Actual vol: %d", pContext->pBundledContext->volume,
+ gainCorrection, ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "LvmEffect_limitLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just Set -> %d\n",
+ // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
+ //ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_limitLevel just set (-96dB -> 0dB) -> %d\n",ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel );
+ if (pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume == LVM_TRUE){
+ LvmStatus = LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing", "LvmBundle_process")
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_VOLUME: Disabling Smoothing for first volume change to remove spikes/clicks");
+ pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume = LVM_FALSE;
+ }
// LvmEffect_enable()
@@ -814,6 +930,7 @@ int LvmEffect_enable(EffectContext *pContext){
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_enable Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_enable end");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
@@ -864,6 +981,7 @@ int LvmEffect_disable(EffectContext *pContext){
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_disable Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
//ALOGV("\tLvmEffect_disable end");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
@@ -1099,6 +1217,8 @@ void BassSetStrength(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t strength){
LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "BassSetStrength")
//ALOGV("\tBassSetStrength Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
} /* end BassSetStrength */
@@ -1159,13 +1279,14 @@ void VirtualizerSetStrength(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t strength){
/* Virtualizer parameters */
ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel = (int)((strength*32767)/1000);
- //ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0-1000) -> %d\n", strength );
- //ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0- 100) -> %d\n", ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel );
+ ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0-1000) -> %d\n", strength );
+ ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength() (0- 100) -> %d\n", ActiveParams.CS_EffectLevel );
/* Activate the initial settings */
LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "VirtualizerSetStrength")
//ALOGV("\tVirtualizerSetStrength Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n\n");
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
} /* end setStrength */
@@ -1343,104 +1464,6 @@ audio_devices_t VirtualizerGetVirtualizationMode(EffectContext *pContext) {
-// EqualizerLimitBandLevels()
-// Purpose: limit all EQ band gains to a value less than 0 dB while
-// preserving the relative band levels.
-// Inputs:
-// pContext: effect engine context
-// Outputs:
-void EqualizerLimitBandLevels(EffectContext *pContext) {
- LVM_ControlParams_t ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
- LVM_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVM_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
- /* Get the current settings */
- LvmStatus = LVM_GetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetControlParameters", "EqualizerLimitBandLevels")
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just Got -> %d\n",
- // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
- // Apply a volume correction to avoid clipping in the EQ based on 2 factors:
- // - the maximum EQ band gain: the volume correction is such that the total of volume + max
- // band gain is <= 0 dB
- // - the average gain in all bands weighted by their proximity to max gain band.
- int maxGain = 0;
- int avgGain = 0;
- int avgCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; i++) {
- if (pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i] >= maxGain) {
- int tmpMaxGain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
- int tmpAvgGain = 0;
- int tmpAvgCount = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j < FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS; j++) {
- int gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[j];
- // skip current band and gains < 0 dB
- if (j == i || gain < 0)
- continue;
- // no need to continue if one band not processed yet has a higher gain than current
- // max
- if (gain > tmpMaxGain) {
- // force skipping "if (tmpAvgGain >= avgGain)" below as tmpAvgGain is not
- // meaningful in this case
- tmpAvgGain = -1;
- break;
- }
- int weight = 1;
- if (j < (i + 2) && j > (i - 2))
- weight = 4;
- tmpAvgGain += weight * gain;
- tmpAvgCount += weight;
- }
- if (tmpAvgGain >= avgGain) {
- maxGain = tmpMaxGain;
- avgGain = tmpAvgGain;
- avgCount = tmpAvgCount;
- }
- }
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Frequency = EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[i];
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].QFactor = EQNB_5BandPresetsQFactors[i];
- ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[i].Gain = pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[i];
- }
- int gainCorrection = 0;
- if (maxGain + pContext->pBundledContext->volume > 0) {
- gainCorrection = maxGain + pContext->pBundledContext->volume;
- }
- if (avgCount) {
- gainCorrection += avgGain/avgCount;
- }
- ALOGV("EqualizerLimitBandLevels() gainCorrection %d maxGain %d avgGain %d avgCount %d",
- gainCorrection, maxGain, avgGain, avgCount);
- ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = pContext->pBundledContext->volume - gainCorrection;
- if (ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel < -96) {
- ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel = -96;
- }
- /* Activate the initial settings */
- LvmStatus = LVM_SetControlParameters(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetControlParameters", "EqualizerLimitBandLevels")
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just Set -> %d\n",
- // ActiveParams.pEQNB_BandDefinition[band].Gain);
- //ALOGV("\tEqualizerLimitBandLevels just set (-96dB -> 0dB) -> %d\n",ActiveParams.VC_EffectLevel );
- if(pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume == LVM_TRUE){
- LvmStatus = LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing(pContext->pBundledContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
- LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_SetVolumeNoSmoothing", "LvmBundle_process")
- ALOGV("\tLVM_VOLUME: Disabling Smoothing for first volume change to remove spikes/clicks");
- pContext->pBundledContext->firstVolume = LVM_FALSE;
- }
// EqualizerGetBandLevel()
// Purpose: Retrieve the gain currently being used for the band passed in
@@ -1482,7 +1505,8 @@ void EqualizerSetBandLevel(EffectContext *pContext, int band, short Gain){
pContext->pBundledContext->bandGaindB[band] = gainRounded;
pContext->pBundledContext->CurPreset = PRESET_CUSTOM;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
@@ -1617,7 +1641,8 @@ void EqualizerSetPreset(EffectContext *pContext, int preset){
EQNB_5BandSoftPresets[i + preset * FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS];
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ EqualizerUpdateActiveParams(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
//ALOGV("\tEqualizerSetPreset Succesfully called LVM_SetControlParameters\n");
@@ -1672,7 +1697,7 @@ int VolumeSetVolumeLevel(EffectContext *pContext, int16_t level){
pContext->pBundledContext->volume = level / 100;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
} /* end VolumeSetVolumeLevel */
@@ -1721,7 +1746,7 @@ int32_t VolumeSetMute(EffectContext *pContext, uint32_t mute){
pContext->pBundledContext->volume = pContext->pBundledContext->levelSaved;
- EqualizerLimitBandLevels(pContext);
+ LvmEffect_limitLevel(pContext);
return 0;
} /* end setMute */
diff --git a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
index 420f973..b3071f4 100644
--- a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
+++ b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Bundle/EffectBundle.h
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ static const uint32_t bandFreqRange[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS][2] = {
{1800001, 7000000},
{7000001, 1}};
+//Note: If these frequencies change, please update LimitLevel values accordingly.
static const LVM_UINT16 EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies[] = {
60, /* Frequencies in Hz */
@@ -192,6 +193,20 @@ static const PresetConfig gEqualizerPresets[] = {
+/* The following tables have been computed using the actual levels measured by the output of
+ * white noise or pink noise (IEC268-1) for the EQ and BassBoost Effects. These are estimates of
+ * the actual energy that 'could' be present in the given band.
+ * If the frequency values in EQNB_5BandPresetsFrequencies change, these values might need to be
+ * updated.
+ */
+static const float LimitLevel_bandEnergyContribution[FIVEBAND_NUMBANDS] = {
+ 5.0, 6.5, 6.45, 4.8, 1.7 };
+static const float LimitLevel_bassBoostEnergyContribution = 6.7;
+static const float LimitLevel_virtualizerContribution = 1.9;
#if __cplusplus
} // extern "C"