path: root/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Reverb/EffectReverb.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Reverb/EffectReverb.cpp')
1 files changed, 2185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Reverb/EffectReverb.cpp b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Reverb/EffectReverb.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9599dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media/libeffects/lvm/wrapper/Reverb/EffectReverb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2185 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2010 NXP Software
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "Reverb"
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof array / sizeof array[0])
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#include <cutils/log.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <new>
+#include "EffectReverb.h"
+// from Reverb/lib
+#include "LVREV.h"
+// effect_handle_t interface implementation for reverb
+extern "C" const struct effect_interface_s gReverbInterface;
+#define LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, callingFunc, calledFunc){\
+ if (LvmStatus == LVREV_NULLADDRESS){\
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR : Parameter error - "\
+ "null pointer returned by %s in %s\n\n\n\n", callingFunc, calledFunc);\
+ }\
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR : Parameter error - "\
+ "bad number of samples returned by %s in %s\n\n\n\n", callingFunc, calledFunc);\
+ }\
+ if (LvmStatus == LVREV_OUTOFRANGE){\
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR : Parameter error - "\
+ "out of range returned by %s in %s\n", callingFunc, calledFunc);\
+ }\
+ }
+// Namespaces
+namespace android {
+namespace {
+/* */
+/* Preset definitions */
+/* */
+const static t_reverb_settings sReverbPresets[] = {
+ // REVERB_PRESET_NONE: values are unused
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ {-400, -600, 1100, 830, -400, 5, 500, 10, 1000, 1000},
+ {-400, -600, 1300, 830, -1000, 20, -200, 20, 1000, 1000},
+ {-400, -600, 1500, 830, -1600, 5, -1000, 40, 1000, 1000},
+ {-400, -600, 1800, 700, -1300, 15, -800, 30, 1000, 1000},
+ {-400, -600, 1800, 700, -2000, 30, -1400, 60, 1000, 1000},
+ {-400, -200, 1300, 900, 0, 2, 0, 10, 1000, 750},
+// NXP SW auxiliary environmental reverb
+const effect_descriptor_t gAuxEnvReverbDescriptor = {
+ { 0xc2e5d5f0, 0x94bd, 0x4763, 0x9cac, { 0x4e, 0x23, 0x4d, 0x06, 0x83, 0x9e } },
+ { 0x4a387fc0, 0x8ab3, 0x11df, 0x8bad, { 0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b } },
+ "Auxiliary Environmental Reverb",
+ "NXP Software Ltd.",
+// NXP SW insert environmental reverb
+static const effect_descriptor_t gInsertEnvReverbDescriptor = {
+ {0xc2e5d5f0, 0x94bd, 0x4763, 0x9cac, {0x4e, 0x23, 0x4d, 0x06, 0x83, 0x9e}},
+ {0xc7a511a0, 0xa3bb, 0x11df, 0x860e, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}},
+ "Insert Environmental Reverb",
+ "NXP Software Ltd.",
+// NXP SW auxiliary preset reverb
+static const effect_descriptor_t gAuxPresetReverbDescriptor = {
+ {0x47382d60, 0xddd8, 0x11db, 0xbf3a, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}},
+ {0xf29a1400, 0xa3bb, 0x11df, 0x8ddc, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}},
+ "Auxiliary Preset Reverb",
+ "NXP Software Ltd.",
+// NXP SW insert preset reverb
+static const effect_descriptor_t gInsertPresetReverbDescriptor = {
+ {0x47382d60, 0xddd8, 0x11db, 0xbf3a, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}},
+ {0x172cdf00, 0xa3bc, 0x11df, 0xa72f, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}},
+ "Insert Preset Reverb",
+ "NXP Software Ltd.",
+// gDescriptors contains pointers to all defined effect descriptor in this library
+static const effect_descriptor_t * const gDescriptors[] = {
+ &gAuxEnvReverbDescriptor,
+ &gInsertEnvReverbDescriptor,
+ &gAuxPresetReverbDescriptor,
+ &gInsertPresetReverbDescriptor
+struct ReverbContext{
+ const struct effect_interface_s *itfe;
+ effect_config_t config;
+ LVREV_Handle_t hInstance;
+ int16_t SavedRoomLevel;
+ int16_t SavedHfLevel;
+ int16_t SavedDecayTime;
+ int16_t SavedDecayHfRatio;
+ int16_t SavedReverbLevel;
+ int16_t SavedDiffusion;
+ int16_t SavedDensity;
+ bool bEnabled;
+ #ifdef LVM_PCM
+ FILE *PcmInPtr;
+ FILE *PcmOutPtr;
+ #endif
+ LVM_Fs_en SampleRate;
+ LVM_INT32 *InFrames32;
+ LVM_INT32 *OutFrames32;
+ bool auxiliary;
+ bool preset;
+ uint16_t curPreset;
+ uint16_t nextPreset;
+ int SamplesToExitCount;
+ LVM_INT16 leftVolume;
+ LVM_INT16 rightVolume;
+ LVM_INT16 prevLeftVolume;
+ LVM_INT16 prevRightVolume;
+ int volumeMode;
+enum {
+#define REVERB_SEND_LEVEL (0x0C00) // 0.75 in 4.12 format
+#define REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME (0x1000) // 1.0 in 4.12 format
+//--- local function prototypes
+int Reverb_init (ReverbContext *pContext);
+void Reverb_free (ReverbContext *pContext);
+int Reverb_setConfig (ReverbContext *pContext, effect_config_t *pConfig);
+void Reverb_getConfig (ReverbContext *pContext, effect_config_t *pConfig);
+int Reverb_setParameter (ReverbContext *pContext, void *pParam, void *pValue);
+int Reverb_getParameter (ReverbContext *pContext,
+ void *pParam,
+ size_t *pValueSize,
+ void *pValue);
+int Reverb_LoadPreset (ReverbContext *pContext);
+/* Effect Library Interface Implementation */
+extern "C" int EffectQueryNumberEffects(uint32_t *pNumEffects){
+ ALOGV("\n\tEffectQueryNumberEffects start");
+ *pNumEffects = sizeof(gDescriptors) / sizeof(const effect_descriptor_t *);
+ ALOGV("\tEffectQueryNumberEffects creating %d effects", *pNumEffects);
+ ALOGV("\tEffectQueryNumberEffects end\n");
+ return 0;
+} /* end EffectQueryNumberEffects */
+extern "C" int EffectQueryEffect(uint32_t index,
+ effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor){
+ ALOGV("\n\tEffectQueryEffect start");
+ ALOGV("\tEffectQueryEffect processing index %d", index);
+ if (pDescriptor == NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectQueryEffect was passed NULL pointer");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (index >= sizeof(gDescriptors) / sizeof(const effect_descriptor_t *)) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectQueryEffect index out of range %d", index);
+ return -ENOENT;
+ }
+ memcpy(pDescriptor, gDescriptors[index], sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
+ ALOGV("\tEffectQueryEffect end\n");
+ return 0;
+} /* end EffectQueryEffect */
+extern "C" int EffectCreate(const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
+ int32_t sessionId,
+ int32_t ioId,
+ effect_handle_t *pHandle){
+ int ret;
+ int i;
+ int length = sizeof(gDescriptors) / sizeof(const effect_descriptor_t *);
+ const effect_descriptor_t *desc;
+ ALOGV("\t\nEffectCreate start");
+ if (pHandle == NULL || uuid == NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectCreate() called with NULL pointer");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ desc = gDescriptors[i];
+ if (memcmp(uuid, &desc->uuid, sizeof(effect_uuid_t))
+ == 0) {
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - UUID matched Reverb type %d, UUID = %x", i, desc->uuid.timeLow);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == length) {
+ return -ENOENT;
+ }
+ ReverbContext *pContext = new ReverbContext;
+ pContext->itfe = &gReverbInterface;
+ pContext->hInstance = NULL;
+ pContext->auxiliary = false;
+ pContext->auxiliary = true;
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - AUX");
+ }else{
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - INS");
+ }
+ pContext->preset = false;
+ if (memcmp(&desc->type, SL_IID_PRESETREVERB, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) {
+ pContext->preset = true;
+ // force reloading preset at first call to process()
+ pContext->curPreset = REVERB_PRESET_LAST + 1;
+ pContext->nextPreset = REVERB_DEFAULT_PRESET;
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - PRESET");
+ }else{
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - ENVIRONMENTAL");
+ }
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate - Calling Reverb_init");
+ ret = Reverb_init(pContext);
+ if (ret < 0){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectCreate() init failed");
+ delete pContext;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ *pHandle = (effect_handle_t)pContext;
+ #ifdef LVM_PCM
+ pContext->PcmInPtr = NULL;
+ pContext->PcmOutPtr = NULL;
+ pContext->PcmInPtr = fopen("/data/tmp/reverb_pcm_in.pcm", "w");
+ pContext->PcmOutPtr = fopen("/data/tmp/reverb_pcm_out.pcm", "w");
+ if((pContext->PcmInPtr == NULL)||
+ (pContext->PcmOutPtr == NULL)){
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ #endif
+ // Allocate memory for reverb process (*2 is for STEREO)
+ pContext->InFrames32 = (LVM_INT32 *)malloc(LVREV_MAX_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * 2);
+ pContext->OutFrames32 = (LVM_INT32 *)malloc(LVREV_MAX_FRAME_SIZE * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * 2);
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate %p, size %d", pContext, sizeof(ReverbContext));
+ ALOGV("\tEffectCreate end\n");
+ return 0;
+} /* end EffectCreate */
+extern "C" int EffectRelease(effect_handle_t handle){
+ ReverbContext * pContext = (ReverbContext *)handle;
+ ALOGV("\tEffectRelease %p", handle);
+ if (pContext == NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : EffectRelease called with NULL pointer");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ #ifdef LVM_PCM
+ fclose(pContext->PcmInPtr);
+ fclose(pContext->PcmOutPtr);
+ #endif
+ free(pContext->InFrames32);
+ free(pContext->OutFrames32);
+ Reverb_free(pContext);
+ delete pContext;
+ return 0;
+} /* end EffectRelease */
+extern "C" int EffectGetDescriptor(const effect_uuid_t *uuid,
+ effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor) {
+ int i;
+ int length = sizeof(gDescriptors) / sizeof(const effect_descriptor_t *);
+ if (pDescriptor == NULL || uuid == NULL){
+ ALOGV("EffectGetDescriptor() called with NULL pointer");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (memcmp(uuid, &gDescriptors[i]->uuid, sizeof(effect_uuid_t)) == 0) {
+ memcpy(pDescriptor, gDescriptors[i], sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
+ ALOGV("EffectGetDescriptor - UUID matched Reverb type %d, UUID = %x",
+ i, gDescriptors[i]->uuid.timeLow);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return -EINVAL;
+} /* end EffectGetDescriptor */
+/* local functions */
+#define CHECK_ARG(cond) { \
+ if (!(cond)) { \
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Invalid argument: "#cond); \
+ return -EINVAL; \
+ } \
+// MonoTo2I_32()
+// Purpose:
+// Convert MONO to STEREO
+void MonoTo2I_32( const LVM_INT32 *src,
+ LVM_INT32 *dst,
+ LVM_INT16 n)
+ LVM_INT16 ii;
+ src += (n-1);
+ dst += ((n*2)-1);
+ for (ii = n; ii != 0; ii--)
+ {
+ *dst = *src;
+ dst--;
+ *dst = *src;
+ dst--;
+ src--;
+ }
+ return;
+// From2iToMono_32()
+// Purpose:
+// Convert STEREO to MONO
+void From2iToMono_32( const LVM_INT32 *src,
+ LVM_INT32 *dst,
+ LVM_INT16 n)
+ LVM_INT16 ii;
+ LVM_INT32 Temp;
+ for (ii = n; ii != 0; ii--)
+ {
+ Temp = (*src>>1);
+ src++;
+ Temp +=(*src>>1);
+ src++;
+ *dst = Temp;
+ dst++;
+ }
+ return;
+static inline int16_t clamp16(int32_t sample)
+ if ((sample>>15) ^ (sample>>31))
+ sample = 0x7FFF ^ (sample>>31);
+ return sample;
+// process()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the Reverb
+// Inputs:
+// pIn: pointer to stereo/mono 16 bit input data
+// pOut: pointer to stereo 16 bit output data
+// frameCount: Frames to process
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// strength strength to be applied
+// Outputs:
+// pOut: pointer to updated stereo 16 bit output data
+int process( LVM_INT16 *pIn,
+ LVM_INT16 *pOut,
+ int frameCount,
+ ReverbContext *pContext){
+ LVM_INT16 samplesPerFrame = 1;
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus = LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT16 *OutFrames16;
+ // Check that the input is either mono or stereo
+ if (pContext->config.inputCfg.channels == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO) {
+ samplesPerFrame = 2;
+ } else if (pContext->config.inputCfg.channels != AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR : process invalid PCM format");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ OutFrames16 = (LVM_INT16 *)pContext->OutFrames32;
+ // Check for NULL pointers
+ if((pContext->InFrames32 == NULL)||(pContext->OutFrames32 == NULL)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR : process failed to allocate memory for temporary buffers ");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ #ifdef LVM_PCM
+ fwrite(pIn, frameCount*sizeof(LVM_INT16)*samplesPerFrame, 1, pContext->PcmInPtr);
+ fflush(pContext->PcmInPtr);
+ #endif
+ if (pContext->preset && pContext->nextPreset != pContext->curPreset) {
+ Reverb_LoadPreset(pContext);
+ }
+ // Convert to Input 32 bits
+ if (pContext->auxiliary) {
+ for(int i=0; i<frameCount*samplesPerFrame; i++){
+ pContext->InFrames32[i] = (LVM_INT32)pIn[i]<<8;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // insert reverb input is always stereo
+ for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
+ pContext->InFrames32[2*i] = (pIn[2*i] * REVERB_SEND_LEVEL) >> 4; // <<8 + >>12
+ pContext->InFrames32[2*i+1] = (pIn[2*i+1] * REVERB_SEND_LEVEL) >> 4; // <<8 + >>12
+ }
+ }
+ if (pContext->preset && pContext->curPreset == REVERB_PRESET_NONE) {
+ memset(pContext->OutFrames32, 0, frameCount * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * 2); //always stereo here
+ } else {
+ if(pContext->bEnabled == LVM_FALSE && pContext->SamplesToExitCount > 0) {
+ memset(pContext->InFrames32,0,frameCount * sizeof(LVM_INT32) * samplesPerFrame);
+ ALOGV("\tZeroing %d samples per frame at the end of call", samplesPerFrame);
+ }
+ /* Process the samples, producing a stereo output */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_Process(pContext->hInstance, /* Instance handle */
+ pContext->InFrames32, /* Input buffer */
+ pContext->OutFrames32, /* Output buffer */
+ frameCount); /* Number of samples to read */
+ }
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_Process", "process")
+ if(LvmStatus != LVREV_SUCCESS) return -EINVAL;
+ // Convert to 16 bits
+ if (pContext->auxiliary) {
+ for (int i=0; i < frameCount*2; i++) { //always stereo here
+ OutFrames16[i] = clamp16(pContext->OutFrames32[i]>>8);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i=0; i < frameCount*2; i++) { //always stereo here
+ OutFrames16[i] = clamp16((pContext->OutFrames32[i]>>8) + (LVM_INT32)pIn[i]);
+ }
+ // apply volume with ramp if needed
+ if ((pContext->leftVolume != pContext->prevLeftVolume ||
+ pContext->rightVolume != pContext->prevRightVolume) &&
+ pContext->volumeMode == REVERB_VOLUME_RAMP) {
+ LVM_INT32 vl = (LVM_INT32)pContext->prevLeftVolume << 16;
+ LVM_INT32 incl = (((LVM_INT32)pContext->leftVolume << 16) - vl) / frameCount;
+ LVM_INT32 vr = (LVM_INT32)pContext->prevRightVolume << 16;
+ LVM_INT32 incr = (((LVM_INT32)pContext->rightVolume << 16) - vr) / frameCount;
+ for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
+ OutFrames16[2*i] =
+ clamp16((LVM_INT32)((vl >> 16) * OutFrames16[2*i]) >> 12);
+ OutFrames16[2*i+1] =
+ clamp16((LVM_INT32)((vr >> 16) * OutFrames16[2*i+1]) >> 12);
+ vl += incl;
+ vr += incr;
+ }
+ pContext->prevLeftVolume = pContext->leftVolume;
+ pContext->prevRightVolume = pContext->rightVolume;
+ } else if (pContext->volumeMode != REVERB_VOLUME_OFF) {
+ if (pContext->leftVolume != REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME ||
+ pContext->rightVolume != REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) {
+ OutFrames16[2*i] =
+ clamp16((LVM_INT32)(pContext->leftVolume * OutFrames16[2*i]) >> 12);
+ OutFrames16[2*i+1] =
+ clamp16((LVM_INT32)(pContext->rightVolume * OutFrames16[2*i+1]) >> 12);
+ }
+ }
+ pContext->prevLeftVolume = pContext->leftVolume;
+ pContext->prevRightVolume = pContext->rightVolume;
+ pContext->volumeMode = REVERB_VOLUME_RAMP;
+ }
+ }
+ #ifdef LVM_PCM
+ fwrite(OutFrames16, frameCount*sizeof(LVM_INT16)*2, 1, pContext->PcmOutPtr);
+ fflush(pContext->PcmOutPtr);
+ #endif
+ // Accumulate if required
+ if (pContext->config.outputCfg.accessMode == EFFECT_BUFFER_ACCESS_ACCUMULATE){
+ //ALOGV("\tBuffer access is ACCUMULATE");
+ for (int i=0; i<frameCount*2; i++){ //always stereo here
+ pOut[i] = clamp16((int32_t)pOut[i] + (int32_t)OutFrames16[i]);
+ }
+ }else{
+ //ALOGV("\tBuffer access is WRITE");
+ memcpy(pOut, OutFrames16, frameCount*sizeof(LVM_INT16)*2);
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* end process */
+// Reverb_free()
+// Purpose: Free all memory associated with the Bundle.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+void Reverb_free(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st params; /* Control Parameters */
+ LVREV_MemoryTable_st MemTab;
+ /* Free the algorithm memory */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetMemoryTable(pContext->hInstance,
+ &MemTab,
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetMemoryTable", "Reverb_free")
+ for (int i=0; i<LVM_NR_MEMORY_REGIONS; i++){
+ if (MemTab.Region[i].Size != 0){
+ if (MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress != NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tfree() - START freeing %ld bytes for region %u at %p\n",
+ MemTab.Region[i].Size, i, MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ free(MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ ALOGV("\tfree() - END freeing %ld bytes for region %u at %p\n",
+ MemTab.Region[i].Size, i, MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ }else{
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : free() - trying to free with NULL pointer %ld bytes "
+ "for region %u at %p ERROR\n",
+ MemTab.Region[i].Size, i, MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} /* end Reverb_free */
+// Reverb_setConfig()
+// Purpose: Set input and output audio configuration.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// pConfig: pointer to effect_config_t structure holding input and output
+// configuration parameters
+// Outputs:
+int Reverb_setConfig(ReverbContext *pContext, effect_config_t *pConfig){
+ LVM_Fs_en SampleRate;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig start");
+ CHECK_ARG(pContext != NULL);
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig != NULL);
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig->inputCfg.samplingRate == pConfig->outputCfg.samplingRate);
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig->inputCfg.format == pConfig->outputCfg.format);
+ CHECK_ARG((pContext->auxiliary && pConfig->inputCfg.channels == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO) ||
+ ((!pContext->auxiliary) && pConfig->inputCfg.channels == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO));
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig->outputCfg.channels == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO);
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig->outputCfg.accessMode == EFFECT_BUFFER_ACCESS_WRITE
+ || pConfig->outputCfg.accessMode == EFFECT_BUFFER_ACCESS_ACCUMULATE);
+ CHECK_ARG(pConfig->inputCfg.format == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT);
+ if(pConfig->inputCfg.samplingRate != 44100){
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig calling memcpy");
+ memcpy(&pContext->config, pConfig, sizeof(effect_config_t));
+ switch (pConfig->inputCfg.samplingRate) {
+ case 8000:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_8000;
+ break;
+ case 16000:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_16000;
+ break;
+ case 22050:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_22050;
+ break;
+ case 32000:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_32000;
+ break;
+ case 44100:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_44100;
+ break;
+ case 48000:
+ SampleRate = LVM_FS_48000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGV("\rReverb_setConfig invalid sampling rate %d", pConfig->inputCfg.samplingRate);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(pContext->SampleRate != SampleRate){
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams;
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus = LVREV_SUCCESS;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig change sampling rate to %d", SampleRate);
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance,
+ &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "Reverb_setConfig")
+ if(LvmStatus != LVREV_SUCCESS) return -EINVAL;
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "Reverb_setConfig")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig Succesfully called LVREV_SetControlParameters\n");
+ }else{
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig keep sampling rate at %d", SampleRate);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setConfig End");
+ return 0;
+} /* end Reverb_setConfig */
+// Reverb_getConfig()
+// Purpose: Get input and output audio configuration.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// pConfig: pointer to effect_config_t structure holding input and output
+// configuration parameters
+// Outputs:
+void Reverb_getConfig(ReverbContext *pContext, effect_config_t *pConfig)
+ memcpy(pConfig, &pContext->config, sizeof(effect_config_t));
+} /* end Reverb_getConfig */
+// Reverb_init()
+// Purpose: Initialize engine with default configuration
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// Outputs:
+int Reverb_init(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ int status;
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init start");
+ CHECK_ARG(pContext != NULL);
+ if (pContext->hInstance != NULL){
+ Reverb_free(pContext);
+ }
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.accessMode = EFFECT_BUFFER_ACCESS_READ;
+ if (pContext->auxiliary) {
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.channels = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO;
+ } else {
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.channels = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
+ }
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.samplingRate = 44100;
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.bufferProvider.getBuffer = NULL;
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.bufferProvider.releaseBuffer = NULL;
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.bufferProvider.cookie = NULL;
+ pContext->config.inputCfg.mask = EFFECT_CONFIG_ALL;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.accessMode = EFFECT_BUFFER_ACCESS_ACCUMULATE;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.channels = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.samplingRate = 44100;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.bufferProvider.getBuffer = NULL;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.bufferProvider.releaseBuffer = NULL;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.bufferProvider.cookie = NULL;
+ pContext->config.outputCfg.mask = EFFECT_CONFIG_ALL;
+ pContext->leftVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->rightVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->prevLeftVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->prevRightVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->volumeMode = REVERB_VOLUME_FLAT;
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st params; /* Control Parameters */
+ LVREV_InstanceParams_st InstParams; /* Instance parameters */
+ LVREV_MemoryTable_st MemTab; /* Memory allocation table */
+ bool bMallocFailure = LVM_FALSE;
+ /* Set the capabilities */
+ InstParams.MaxBlockSize = MAX_CALL_SIZE;
+ InstParams.SourceFormat = LVM_STEREO; // Max format, could be mono during process
+ InstParams.NumDelays = LVREV_DELAYLINES_4;
+ /* Allocate memory, forcing alignment */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetMemoryTable(LVM_NULL,
+ &MemTab,
+ &InstParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetMemoryTable", "Reverb_init")
+ if(LvmStatus != LVREV_SUCCESS) return -EINVAL;
+ ALOGV("\tCreateInstance Succesfully called LVM_GetMemoryTable\n");
+ /* Allocate memory */
+ for (int i=0; i<LVM_NR_MEMORY_REGIONS; i++){
+ if (MemTab.Region[i].Size != 0){
+ MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress = malloc(MemTab.Region[i].Size);
+ if (MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress == LVM_NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVREV_ERROR :Reverb_init CreateInstance Failed to allocate %ld "
+ "bytes for region %u\n", MemTab.Region[i].Size, i );
+ bMallocFailure = LVM_TRUE;
+ }else{
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init CreateInstance allocate %ld bytes for region %u at %p\n",
+ MemTab.Region[i].Size, i, MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If one or more of the memory regions failed to allocate, free the regions that were
+ * succesfully allocated and return with an error
+ */
+ if(bMallocFailure == LVM_TRUE){
+ for (int i=0; i<LVM_NR_MEMORY_REGIONS; i++){
+ if (MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress == LVM_NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR :Reverb_init CreateInstance Failed to allocate %ld bytes "
+ "for region %u - Not freeing\n", MemTab.Region[i].Size, i );
+ }else{
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR :Reverb_init CreateInstance Failed: but allocated %ld bytes "
+ "for region %u at %p- free\n",
+ MemTab.Region[i].Size, i, MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ free(MemTab.Region[i].pBaseAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init CreateInstance Succesfully malloc'd memory\n");
+ /* Initialise */
+ pContext->hInstance = LVM_NULL;
+ /* Init sets the instance handle */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetInstanceHandle(&pContext->hInstance,
+ &MemTab,
+ &InstParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVM_GetInstanceHandle", "Reverb_init")
+ if(LvmStatus != LVREV_SUCCESS) return -EINVAL;
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init CreateInstance Succesfully called LVM_GetInstanceHandle\n");
+ /* Set the initial process parameters */
+ /* General parameters */
+ params.OperatingMode = LVM_MODE_ON;
+ params.SampleRate = LVM_FS_44100;
+ if(pContext->config.inputCfg.channels == AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_MONO){
+ params.SourceFormat = LVM_MONO;
+ } else {
+ params.SourceFormat = LVM_STEREO;
+ }
+ /* Reverb parameters */
+ params.Level = 0;
+ params.LPF = 23999;
+ params.HPF = 50;
+ params.T60 = 1490;
+ params.Density = 100;
+ params.Damping = 21;
+ params.RoomSize = 100;
+ pContext->SamplesToExitCount = (params.T60 * pContext->config.inputCfg.samplingRate)/1000;
+ /* Saved strength is used to return the exact strength that was used in the set to the get
+ * because we map the original strength range of 0:1000 to 1:15, and this will avoid
+ * quantisation like effect when returning
+ */
+ pContext->SavedRoomLevel = -6000;
+ pContext->SavedHfLevel = 0;
+ pContext->bEnabled = LVM_FALSE;
+ pContext->SavedDecayTime = params.T60;
+ pContext->SavedDecayHfRatio = params.Damping*20;
+ pContext->SavedDensity = params.RoomSize*10;
+ pContext->SavedDiffusion = params.Density*10;
+ pContext->SavedReverbLevel = -6000;
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance,
+ &params);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "Reverb_init")
+ if(LvmStatus != LVREV_SUCCESS) return -EINVAL;
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init CreateInstance Succesfully called LVREV_SetControlParameters\n");
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_init End");
+ return 0;
+} /* end Reverb_init */
+// ReverbConvertLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Convert level from OpenSL ES format to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// level level to be applied
+int16_t ReverbConvertLevel(int16_t level){
+ static int16_t LevelArray[101] =
+ {
+ -12000, -4000, -3398, -3046, -2796, -2603, -2444, -2310, -2194, -2092,
+ -2000, -1918, -1842, -1773, -1708, -1648, -1592, -1540, -1490, -1443,
+ -1398, -1356, -1316, -1277, -1240, -1205, -1171, -1138, -1106, -1076,
+ -1046, -1018, -990, -963, -938, -912, -888, -864, -841, -818,
+ -796, -775, -754, -734, -714, -694, -675, -656, -638, -620,
+ -603, -585, -568, -552, -536, -520, -504, -489, -474, -459,
+ -444, -430, -416, -402, -388, -375, -361, -348, -335, -323,
+ -310, -298, -286, -274, -262, -250, -239, -228, -216, -205,
+ -194, -184, -173, -162, -152, -142, -132, -121, -112, -102,
+ -92, -82, -73, -64, -54, -45, -36, -27, -18, -9,
+ 0
+ };
+ int16_t i;
+ for(i = 0; i < 101; i++)
+ {
+ if(level <= LevelArray[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ return i;
+// ReverbConvertHFLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Convert level from OpenSL ES format to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// level level to be applied
+int16_t ReverbConvertHfLevel(int16_t Hflevel){
+ int16_t i;
+ static LPFPair_t LPFArray[97] =
+ { // Limit range to 50 for LVREV parameter range
+ {-10000, 50}, { -5000, 50 }, { -4000, 50}, { -3000, 158}, { -2000, 502},
+ {-1000, 1666},{ -900, 1897}, { -800, 2169}, { -700, 2496}, { -600, 2895},
+ {-500, 3400}, { -400, 4066}, { -300, 5011}, { -200, 6537}, { -100, 9826},
+ {-99, 9881 }, { -98, 9937 }, { -97, 9994 }, { -96, 10052}, { -95, 10111},
+ {-94, 10171}, { -93, 10231}, { -92, 10293}, { -91, 10356}, { -90, 10419},
+ {-89, 10484}, { -88, 10549}, { -87, 10616}, { -86, 10684}, { -85, 10753},
+ {-84, 10823}, { -83, 10895}, { -82, 10968}, { -81, 11042}, { -80, 11117},
+ {-79, 11194}, { -78, 11272}, { -77, 11352}, { -76, 11433}, { -75, 11516},
+ {-74, 11600}, { -73, 11686}, { -72, 11774}, { -71, 11864}, { -70, 11955},
+ {-69, 12049}, { -68, 12144}, { -67, 12242}, { -66, 12341}, { -65, 12443},
+ {-64, 12548}, { -63, 12654}, { -62, 12763}, { -61, 12875}, { -60, 12990},
+ {-59, 13107}, { -58, 13227}, { -57, 13351}, { -56, 13477}, { -55, 13607},
+ {-54, 13741}, { -53, 13878}, { -52, 14019}, { -51, 14164}, { -50, 14313},
+ {-49, 14467}, { -48, 14626}, { -47, 14789}, { -46, 14958}, { -45, 15132},
+ {-44, 15312}, { -43, 15498}, { -42, 15691}, { -41, 15890}, { -40, 16097},
+ {-39, 16311}, { -38, 16534}, { -37, 16766}, { -36, 17007}, { -35, 17259},
+ {-34, 17521}, { -33, 17795}, { -32, 18081}, { -31, 18381}, { -30, 18696},
+ {-29, 19027}, { -28, 19375}, { -27, 19742}, { -26, 20129}, { -25, 20540},
+ {-24, 20976}, { -23, 21439}, { -22, 21934}, { -21, 22463}, { -20, 23031},
+ {-19, 23643}, { -18, 23999}
+ };
+ for(i = 0; i < 96; i++)
+ {
+ if(Hflevel <= LPFArray[i].Room_HF)
+ break;
+ }
+ return LPFArray[i].LPF;
+// ReverbSetRoomHfLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the HF level to the Reverb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// level level to be applied
+void ReverbSetRoomHfLevel(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t level){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomHfLevel start (%d)", level);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetRoomHfLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomHfLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomHfLevel() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.LPF);
+ ActiveParams.LPF = ReverbConvertHfLevel(level);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetRoomHfLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomhfLevel() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.LPF);
+ pContext->SavedHfLevel = level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetHfRoomLevel end.. saving %d", pContext->SavedHfLevel);
+ return;
+// ReverbGetRoomHfLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the level applied to the Revervb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int16_t ReverbGetRoomHfLevel(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ int16_t level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomHfLevel start, saved level is %d", pContext->SavedHfLevel);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetRoomHfLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomHfLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomHfLevel() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.LPF);
+ level = ReverbConvertHfLevel(pContext->SavedHfLevel);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomHfLevel() ActiveParams.LPFL %d, pContext->SavedHfLevel: %d, "
+ // "converted level: %d\n", ActiveParams.LPF, pContext->SavedHfLevel, level);
+ if(ActiveParams.LPF != level){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : (ignore at start up) ReverbGetRoomHfLevel() has wrong level -> %d %d\n",
+ ActiveParams.Level, level);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomHfLevel end");
+ return pContext->SavedHfLevel;
+// ReverbSetReverbLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the level to the Reverb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// level level to be applied
+void ReverbSetReverbLevel(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t level){
+ //ALOGV("\n\tReverbSetReverbLevel start (%d)", level);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT32 CombinedLevel; // Sum of room and reverb level controls
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetReverbLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ // needs to subtract max levels for both RoomLevel and ReverbLevel
+ CombinedLevel = (level + pContext->SavedRoomLevel)-LVREV_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel() CombinedLevel is %d = %d + %d\n",
+ // CombinedLevel, level, pContext->SavedRoomLevel);
+ ActiveParams.Level = ReverbConvertLevel(CombinedLevel);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel() Trying to set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetReverbLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ pContext->SavedReverbLevel = level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetReverbLevel end pContext->SavedReverbLevel is %d\n\n",
+ // pContext->SavedReverbLevel);
+ return;
+// ReverbGetReverbLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the level applied to the Revervb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int16_t ReverbGetReverbLevel(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ int16_t level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT32 CombinedLevel; // Sum of room and reverb level controls
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetReverbLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ // needs to subtract max levels for both RoomLevel and ReverbLevel
+ CombinedLevel = (pContext->SavedReverbLevel + pContext->SavedRoomLevel)-LVREV_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel() CombinedLevel is %d = %d + %d\n",
+ //CombinedLevel, pContext->SavedReverbLevel, pContext->SavedRoomLevel);
+ level = ReverbConvertLevel(CombinedLevel);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel(): ActiveParams.Level: %d, pContext->SavedReverbLevel: %d, "
+ //"pContext->SavedRoomLevel: %d, CombinedLevel: %d, converted level: %d\n",
+ //ActiveParams.Level, pContext->SavedReverbLevel,pContext->SavedRoomLevel, CombinedLevel,level);
+ if(ActiveParams.Level != level){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : (ignore at start up) ReverbGetReverbLevel() has wrong level -> %d %d\n",
+ ActiveParams.Level, level);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetReverbLevel end\n");
+ return pContext->SavedReverbLevel;
+// ReverbSetRoomLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the level to the Reverb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// level level to be applied
+void ReverbSetRoomLevel(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t level){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomLevel start (%d)", level);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT32 CombinedLevel; // Sum of room and reverb level controls
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetRoomLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomLevel() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ // needs to subtract max levels for both RoomLevel and ReverbLevel
+ CombinedLevel = (level + pContext->SavedReverbLevel)-LVREV_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL;
+ ActiveParams.Level = ReverbConvertLevel(CombinedLevel);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetRoomLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomLevel() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ pContext->SavedRoomLevel = level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetRoomLevel end");
+ return;
+// ReverbGetRoomLevel()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the level applied to the Revervb. Must first be converted to LVM format
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int16_t ReverbGetRoomLevel(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ int16_t level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomLevel start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT32 CombinedLevel; // Sum of room and reverb level controls
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetRoomLevel")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomLevel Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomLevel() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Level);
+ // needs to subtract max levels for both RoomLevel and ReverbLevel
+ CombinedLevel = (pContext->SavedRoomLevel + pContext->SavedReverbLevel-LVREV_MAX_REVERB_LEVEL);
+ level = ReverbConvertLevel(CombinedLevel);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomLevel, Level = %d, pContext->SavedRoomLevel = %d, "
+ // "pContext->SavedReverbLevel = %d, CombinedLevel = %d, level = %d",
+ // ActiveParams.Level, pContext->SavedRoomLevel,
+ // pContext->SavedReverbLevel, CombinedLevel, level);
+ if(ActiveParams.Level != level){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : (ignore at start up) ReverbGetRoomLevel() has wrong level -> %d %d\n",
+ ActiveParams.Level, level);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetRoomLevel end");
+ return pContext->SavedRoomLevel;
+// ReverbSetDecayTime()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the decay time to the Reverb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// time decay to be applied
+void ReverbSetDecayTime(ReverbContext *pContext, uint32_t time){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime start (%d)", time);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDecayTime")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.T60);
+ if (time <= LVREV_MAX_T60) {
+ ActiveParams.T60 = (LVM_UINT16)time;
+ }
+ else {
+ ActiveParams.T60 = LVREV_MAX_T60;
+ }
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDecayTime")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.T60);
+ pContext->SamplesToExitCount = (ActiveParams.T60 * pContext->config.inputCfg.samplingRate)/1000;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime() just Set SamplesToExitCount-> %d\n",pContext->SamplesToExitCount);
+ pContext->SavedDecayTime = (int16_t)time;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayTime end");
+ return;
+// ReverbGetDecayTime()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the decay time applied to the Revervb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+uint32_t ReverbGetDecayTime(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayTime start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetDecayTime")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayTime Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayTime() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.T60);
+ if(ActiveParams.T60 != pContext->SavedDecayTime){
+ // This will fail if the decay time is set to more than 7000
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : ReverbGetDecayTime() has wrong level -> %d %d\n",
+ ActiveParams.T60, pContext->SavedDecayTime);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayTime end");
+ return (uint32_t)ActiveParams.T60;
+// ReverbSetDecayHfRatio()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the HF decay ratio to the Reverb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// ratio ratio to be applied
+void ReverbSetDecayHfRatio(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t ratio){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayHfRatioe start (%d)", ratio);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDecayHfRatio")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayHfRatio Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayHfRatio() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Damping);
+ ActiveParams.Damping = (LVM_INT16)(ratio/20);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDecayHfRatio")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayHfRatio() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Damping);
+ pContext->SavedDecayHfRatio = ratio;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDecayHfRatio end");
+ return;
+// ReverbGetDecayHfRatio()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the HF decay ratio applied to the Revervb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int32_t ReverbGetDecayHfRatio(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayHfRatio start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetDecayHfRatio")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayHfRatio Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayHfRatio() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Damping);
+ if(ActiveParams.Damping != (LVM_INT16)(pContext->SavedDecayHfRatio / 20)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : ReverbGetDecayHfRatio() has wrong level -> %d %d\n",
+ ActiveParams.Damping, pContext->SavedDecayHfRatio);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDecayHfRatio end");
+ return pContext->SavedDecayHfRatio;
+// ReverbSetDiffusion()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the diffusion to the Reverb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// level decay to be applied
+void ReverbSetDiffusion(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t level){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDiffusion start (%d)", level);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDiffusion")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDiffusion Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDiffusion() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Density);
+ ActiveParams.Density = (LVM_INT16)(level/10);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDiffusion")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDiffusion() just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Density);
+ pContext->SavedDiffusion = level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDiffusion end");
+ return;
+// ReverbGetDiffusion()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the decay time applied to the Revervb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int32_t ReverbGetDiffusion(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDiffusion start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT16 Temp;
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetDiffusion")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDiffusion Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDiffusion just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.Density);
+ Temp = (LVM_INT16)(pContext->SavedDiffusion/10);
+ if(ActiveParams.Density != Temp){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : ReverbGetDiffusion invalid value %d %d", Temp, ActiveParams.Density);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDiffusion end");
+ return pContext->SavedDiffusion;
+// ReverbSetDensity()
+// Purpose:
+// Apply the density level the Reverb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+// level decay to be applied
+void ReverbSetDensity(ReverbContext *pContext, int16_t level){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDensity start (%d)", level);
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDensity")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDensity Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDensity just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.RoomSize);
+ ActiveParams.RoomSize = (LVM_INT16)(((level * 99) / 1000) + 1);
+ /* Activate the initial settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_SetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_SetControlParameters", "ReverbSetDensity")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDensity just Set -> %d\n", ActiveParams.RoomSize);
+ pContext->SavedDensity = level;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbSetDensity end");
+ return;
+// ReverbGetDensity()
+// Purpose:
+// Get the density level applied to the Revervb.
+// Inputs:
+// pContext: effect engine context
+int32_t ReverbGetDensity(ReverbContext *pContext){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDensity start");
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ LVM_INT16 Temp;
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "ReverbGetDensity")
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDensity Succesfully returned from LVM_GetControlParameters\n");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDensity() just Got -> %d\n", ActiveParams.RoomSize);
+ Temp = (LVM_INT16)(((pContext->SavedDensity * 99) / 1000) + 1);
+ if(Temp != ActiveParams.RoomSize){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : ReverbGetDensity invalid value %d %d", Temp, ActiveParams.RoomSize);
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverbGetDensity end");
+ return pContext->SavedDensity;
+// Reverb_LoadPreset()
+// Purpose:
+// Load a the next preset
+// Inputs:
+// pContext - handle to instance data
+// Outputs:
+// Side Effects:
+int Reverb_LoadPreset(ReverbContext *pContext)
+ //TODO: add reflections delay, level and reverb delay when early reflections are
+ // implemented
+ pContext->curPreset = pContext->nextPreset;
+ if (pContext->curPreset != REVERB_PRESET_NONE) {
+ const t_reverb_settings *preset = &sReverbPresets[pContext->curPreset];
+ ReverbSetRoomLevel(pContext, preset->roomLevel);
+ ReverbSetRoomHfLevel(pContext, preset->roomHFLevel);
+ ReverbSetDecayTime(pContext, preset->decayTime);
+ ReverbSetDecayHfRatio(pContext, preset->decayHFRatio);
+ //reflectionsLevel
+ //reflectionsDelay
+ ReverbSetReverbLevel(pContext, preset->reverbLevel);
+ // reverbDelay
+ ReverbSetDiffusion(pContext, preset->diffusion);
+ ReverbSetDensity(pContext, preset->density);
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Reverb_getParameter()
+// Purpose:
+// Get a Reverb parameter
+// Inputs:
+// pContext - handle to instance data
+// pParam - pointer to parameter
+// pValue - pointer to variable to hold retrieved value
+// pValueSize - pointer to value size: maximum size as input
+// Outputs:
+// *pValue updated with parameter value
+// *pValueSize updated with actual value size
+// Side Effects:
+int Reverb_getParameter(ReverbContext *pContext,
+ void *pParam,
+ size_t *pValueSize,
+ void *pValue){
+ int status = 0;
+ int32_t *pParamTemp = (int32_t *)pParam;
+ int32_t param = *pParamTemp++;
+ char *name;
+ t_reverb_settings *pProperties;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter start");
+ if (pContext->preset) {
+ if (param != REVERB_PARAM_PRESET || *pValueSize < sizeof(uint16_t)) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *(uint16_t *)pValue = pContext->nextPreset;
+ ALOGV("get REVERB_PARAM_PRESET, preset %d", pContext->nextPreset);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (param){
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize1 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize12 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(uint32_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize3 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize4 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize5 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(uint32_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize6 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize7 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(uint32_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize8 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize9 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(int16_t)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize10 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(int16_t);
+ break;
+ if (*pValueSize != sizeof(t_reverb_settings)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid pValueSize11 %d", *pValueSize);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *pValueSize = sizeof(t_reverb_settings);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid param %d", param);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ pProperties = (t_reverb_settings *) pValue;
+ switch (param){
+ pProperties->roomLevel = ReverbGetRoomLevel(pContext);
+ pProperties->roomHFLevel = ReverbGetRoomHfLevel(pContext);
+ pProperties->decayTime = ReverbGetDecayTime(pContext);
+ pProperties->decayHFRatio = ReverbGetDecayHfRatio(pContext);
+ pProperties->reflectionsLevel = 0;
+ pProperties->reflectionsDelay = 0;
+ pProperties->reverbDelay = 0;
+ pProperties->reverbLevel = ReverbGetReverbLevel(pContext);
+ pProperties->diffusion = ReverbGetDiffusion(pContext);
+ pProperties->density = ReverbGetDensity(pContext);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is roomLevel %d",
+ pProperties->roomLevel);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is roomHFLevel %d",
+ pProperties->roomHFLevel);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is decayTime %d",
+ pProperties->decayTime);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is decayHFRatio %d",
+ pProperties->decayHFRatio);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is reflectionsLevel %d",
+ pProperties->reflectionsLevel);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is reflectionsDelay %d",
+ pProperties->reflectionsDelay);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is reverbDelay %d",
+ pProperties->reverbDelay);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is reverbLevel %d",
+ pProperties->reverbLevel);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is diffusion %d",
+ pProperties->diffusion);
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES Value is density %d",
+ pProperties->density);
+ break;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetRoomLevel(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_ROOM_LEVEL Value is %d",
+ // *(int16_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetRoomHfLevel(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_ROOM_HF_LEVEL Value is %d",
+ // *(int16_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(uint32_t *)pValue = ReverbGetDecayTime(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_TIME Value is %d",
+ // *(int32_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetDecayHfRatio(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_HF_RATION Value is %d",
+ // *(int16_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetReverbLevel(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_REVERB_LEVEL Value is %d",
+ // *(int16_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetDiffusion(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_DIFFUSION Value is %d",
+ // *(int16_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(uint16_t *)pValue = 0;
+ *(int16_t *)pValue = ReverbGetDensity(pContext);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DENSITY Value is %d",
+ // *(uint32_t *)pValue);
+ break;
+ *(uint16_t *)pValue = 0;
+ *(uint32_t *)pValue = 0;
+ *(uint32_t *)pValue = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_getParameter() invalid param %d", param);
+ status = -EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_getParameter end");
+ return status;
+} /* end Reverb_getParameter */
+// Reverb_setParameter()
+// Purpose:
+// Set a Reverb parameter
+// Inputs:
+// pContext - handle to instance data
+// pParam - pointer to parameter
+// pValue - pointer to value
+// Outputs:
+int Reverb_setParameter (ReverbContext *pContext, void *pParam, void *pValue){
+ int status = 0;
+ int16_t level;
+ int16_t ratio;
+ uint32_t time;
+ t_reverb_settings *pProperties;
+ int32_t *pParamTemp = (int32_t *)pParam;
+ int32_t param = *pParamTemp++;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter start");
+ if (pContext->preset) {
+ if (param != REVERB_PARAM_PRESET) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ uint16_t preset = *(uint16_t *)pValue;
+ ALOGV("set REVERB_PARAM_PRESET, preset %d", preset);
+ if (preset > REVERB_PRESET_LAST) {
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ pContext->nextPreset = preset;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ switch (param){
+ ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_PROPERTIES");
+ pProperties = (t_reverb_settings *) pValue;
+ ReverbSetRoomLevel(pContext, pProperties->roomLevel);
+ ReverbSetRoomHfLevel(pContext, pProperties->roomHFLevel);
+ ReverbSetDecayTime(pContext, pProperties->decayTime);
+ ReverbSetDecayHfRatio(pContext, pProperties->decayHFRatio);
+ ReverbSetReverbLevel(pContext, pProperties->reverbLevel);
+ ReverbSetDiffusion(pContext, pProperties->diffusion);
+ ReverbSetDensity(pContext, pProperties->density);
+ break;
+ level = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_ROOM_LEVEL value is %d", level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetRoomLevel");
+ ReverbSetRoomLevel(pContext, level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetRoomLevel");
+ break;
+ level = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_ROOM_HF_LEVEL value is %d", level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetRoomHfLevel");
+ ReverbSetRoomHfLevel(pContext, level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetRoomHfLevel");
+ break;
+ time = *(uint32_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_TIME value is %d", time);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetDecayTime");
+ ReverbSetDecayTime(pContext, time);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetDecayTime");
+ break;
+ ratio = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_HF_RATIO value is %d", ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetDecayHfRatio");
+ ReverbSetDecayHfRatio(pContext, ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetDecayHfRatio");
+ break;
+ level = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_REVERB_LEVEL value is %d", level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetReverbLevel");
+ ReverbSetReverbLevel(pContext, level);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetReverbLevel");
+ break;
+ ratio = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_DIFFUSION value is %d", ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetDiffusion");
+ ReverbSetDiffusion(pContext, ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetDiffusion");
+ break;
+ ratio = *(int16_t *)pValue;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() REVERB_PARAM_DECAY_DENSITY value is %d", ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Calling ReverbSetDensity");
+ ReverbSetDensity(pContext, ratio);
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter() Called ReverbSetDensity");
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_setParameter() invalid param %d", param);
+ break;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_setParameter end");
+ return status;
+} /* end Reverb_setParameter */
+} // namespace
+} // namespace
+extern "C" {
+/* Effect Control Interface Implementation: Process */
+int Reverb_process(effect_handle_t self,
+ audio_buffer_t *inBuffer,
+ audio_buffer_t *outBuffer){
+ android::ReverbContext * pContext = (android::ReverbContext *) self;
+ int status = 0;
+ if (pContext == NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_process() ERROR pContext == NULL");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (inBuffer == NULL || inBuffer->raw == NULL ||
+ outBuffer == NULL || outBuffer->raw == NULL ||
+ inBuffer->frameCount != outBuffer->frameCount){
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_process() Calling process with %d frames", outBuffer->frameCount);
+ /* Process all the available frames, block processing is handled internalLY by the LVM bundle */
+ status = process( (LVM_INT16 *)inBuffer->raw,
+ (LVM_INT16 *)outBuffer->raw,
+ outBuffer->frameCount,
+ pContext);
+ if (pContext->bEnabled == LVM_FALSE) {
+ if (pContext->SamplesToExitCount > 0) {
+ pContext->SamplesToExitCount -= outBuffer->frameCount;
+ } else {
+ status = -ENODATA;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+} /* end Reverb_process */
+/* Effect Control Interface Implementation: Command */
+int Reverb_command(effect_handle_t self,
+ uint32_t cmdCode,
+ uint32_t cmdSize,
+ void *pCmdData,
+ uint32_t *replySize,
+ void *pReplyData){
+ android::ReverbContext * pContext = (android::ReverbContext *) self;
+ int retsize;
+ LVREV_ControlParams_st ActiveParams; /* Current control Parameters */
+ LVREV_ReturnStatus_en LvmStatus=LVREV_SUCCESS; /* Function call status */
+ if (pContext == NULL){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command ERROR pContext == NULL");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command INPUTS are: command %d cmdSize %d",cmdCode, cmdSize);
+ switch (cmdCode){
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_INIT start");
+ if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *(int *) pReplyData = 0;
+ break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_SET_CONFIG start");
+ if (pCmdData == NULL ||
+ cmdSize != sizeof(effect_config_t) ||
+ pReplyData == NULL ||
+ *replySize != sizeof(int)) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *(int *) pReplyData = android::Reverb_setConfig(pContext,
+ (effect_config_t *) pCmdData);
+ break;
+ if (pReplyData == NULL ||
+ *replySize != sizeof(effect_config_t)) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ android::Reverb_getConfig(pContext, (effect_config_t *)pReplyData);
+ break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_RESET start");
+ Reverb_setConfig(pContext, &pContext->config);
+ break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM start");
+ if (pCmdData == NULL ||
+ cmdSize < (int)(sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t)) ||
+ pReplyData == NULL ||
+ *replySize < (int) (sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t))){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *)pCmdData;
+ memcpy(pReplyData, pCmdData, sizeof(effect_param_t) + p->psize);
+ p = (effect_param_t *)pReplyData;
+ int voffset = ((p->psize - 1) / sizeof(int32_t) + 1) * sizeof(int32_t);
+ p->status = android::Reverb_getParameter(pContext,
+ (void *)p->data,
+ (size_t *)&p->vsize,
+ p->data + voffset);
+ *replySize = sizeof(effect_param_t) + voffset + p->vsize;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM "
+ // "*pCmdData %d, *replySize %d, *pReplyData %d ",
+ // *(int32_t *)((char *)pCmdData + sizeof(effect_param_t)),
+ // *replySize,
+ // *(int16_t *)((char *)pReplyData + sizeof(effect_param_t) + voffset));
+ } break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM start");
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM param %d, *replySize %d, value %d ",
+ // *(int32_t *)((char *)pCmdData + sizeof(effect_param_t)),
+ // *replySize,
+ // *(int16_t *)((char *)pCmdData + sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t)));
+ if (pCmdData == NULL || (cmdSize < (int)(sizeof(effect_param_t) + sizeof(int32_t)))
+ || pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != (int)sizeof(int32_t)) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ effect_param_t *p = (effect_param_t *) pCmdData;
+ if (p->psize != sizeof(int32_t)){
+ ALOGV("\t4LVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ "EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM: ERROR, psize is not sizeof(int32_t)");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tn5Reverb_command cmdSize is %d\n"
+ // "\tsizeof(effect_param_t) is %d\n"
+ // "\tp->psize is %d\n"
+ // "\tp->vsize is %d"
+ // "\n",
+ // cmdSize, sizeof(effect_param_t), p->psize, p->vsize );
+ *(int *)pReplyData = android::Reverb_setParameter(pContext,
+ (void *)p->data,
+ p->data + p->psize);
+ } break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE start");
+ if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(pContext->bEnabled == LVM_TRUE){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE: ERROR-Effect is already enabled");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *(int *)pReplyData = 0;
+ pContext->bEnabled = LVM_TRUE;
+ /* Get the current settings */
+ LvmStatus = LVREV_GetControlParameters(pContext->hInstance, &ActiveParams);
+ LVM_ERROR_CHECK(LvmStatus, "LVREV_GetControlParameters", "EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE")
+ pContext->SamplesToExitCount =
+ (ActiveParams.T60 * pContext->config.inputCfg.samplingRate)/1000;
+ // force no volume ramp for first buffer processed after enabling the effect
+ pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_FLAT;
+ //ALOGV("\tEFFECT_CMD_ENABLE SamplesToExitCount = %d", pContext->SamplesToExitCount);
+ break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ // "EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE start");
+ if (pReplyData == NULL || *replySize != sizeof(int)){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if(pContext->bEnabled == LVM_FALSE){
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ "EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE: ERROR-Effect is not yet enabled");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ *(int *)pReplyData = 0;
+ pContext->bEnabled = LVM_FALSE;
+ break;
+ if (pCmdData == NULL ||
+ cmdSize != 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (pReplyData != NULL) { // we have volume control
+ pContext->leftVolume = (LVM_INT16)((*(uint32_t *)pCmdData + (1 << 11)) >> 12);
+ pContext->rightVolume = (LVM_INT16)((*((uint32_t *)pCmdData + 1) + (1 << 11)) >> 12);
+ *(uint32_t *)pReplyData = (1 << 24);
+ *((uint32_t *)pReplyData + 1) = (1 << 24);
+ if (pContext->volumeMode == android::REVERB_VOLUME_OFF) {
+ // force no volume ramp for first buffer processed after getting volume control
+ pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_FLAT;
+ }
+ } else { // we don't have volume control
+ pContext->leftVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->rightVolume = REVERB_UNIT_VOLUME;
+ pContext->volumeMode = android::REVERB_VOLUME_OFF;
+ }
+ ALOGV("EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME left %d, right %d mode %d",
+ pContext->leftVolume, pContext->rightVolume, pContext->volumeMode);
+ break;
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ break;
+ default:
+ ALOGV("\tLVM_ERROR : Reverb_command cmdCode Case: "
+ "DEFAULT start %d ERROR",cmdCode);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ //ALOGV("\tReverb_command end\n\n");
+ return 0;
+} /* end Reverb_command */
+/* Effect Control Interface Implementation: get_descriptor */
+int Reverb_getDescriptor(effect_handle_t self,
+ effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor)
+ android::ReverbContext * pContext = (android::ReverbContext *)self;
+ const effect_descriptor_t *desc;
+ if (pContext == NULL || pDescriptor == NULL) {
+ ALOGV("Reverb_getDescriptor() invalid param");
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (pContext->auxiliary) {
+ if (pContext->preset) {
+ desc = &android::gAuxPresetReverbDescriptor;
+ } else {
+ desc = &android::gAuxEnvReverbDescriptor;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (pContext->preset) {
+ desc = &android::gInsertPresetReverbDescriptor;
+ } else {
+ desc = &android::gInsertEnvReverbDescriptor;
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(pDescriptor, desc, sizeof(effect_descriptor_t));
+ return 0;
+} /* end Reverb_getDescriptor */
+// effect_handle_t interface implementation for Reverb effect
+const struct effect_interface_s gReverbInterface = {
+ Reverb_process,
+ Reverb_command,
+ Reverb_getDescriptor,
+}; /* end gReverbInterface */
+audio_effect_library_t AUDIO_EFFECT_LIBRARY_INFO_SYM = {
+ name : "Reverb Library",
+ implementor : "NXP Software Ltd.",
+ query_num_effects : android::EffectQueryNumberEffects,
+ query_effect : android::EffectQueryEffect,
+ create_effect : android::EffectCreate,
+ release_effect : android::EffectRelease,
+ get_descriptor : android::EffectGetDescriptor,